Just about every party I've ever gone to,
every social event where I interact with other people,
they ask me this question,
what do you do for work?
And maybe it's because we're so wrapped up in our identity
and what we do that I kind of avoid that question
when I talk to people,
I kind of wait until the end of the conversation
before I bring it up,
just to see if they'll bring it up,
and invariably, every single time they do.
There was a deeper question that they asked
during the time of the reformation.
They wanted to know what is Godly work?
What is valuable work?
Can I be a stay-at-home mom and be serving God?
Can I be a lawyer and serve God?
Can I be a police officer and serve God?
Can I milk cows and be serving God?
Or is the only way to really, truly be serving God
is to work directly in the church as a pastor
or a priest or a monk or a nun?
And so, they were battling with this
and they came from that time, a renewed sense of vocation
a renewed sense that is summarized in this
Collassians, chapter three, whatever you do,
whether in word or deed, do it all in the name
of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
the Father through him.
God is saying no matter what you do, you can serve me.
So, the gist of vocation is this,
God has given you specific gifts,
God has given you specific abilities,
and it does not matter if you're a pastor
or a teacher or a farmer
or a factory worker.
You choose the abilities and the calling
that God has given you and the way that you serve God
is by serving other people.
I think one of my favorite understandings of this
is in the movie, Chariots of Fire,
one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite scenes,
Eric Liddell is training to either be a missionary
or he's gonna go to the Olympics
and he's at this kind of position and he doesn't know
what to do, and his sister comes to him
and wanted him really to be a missionary,
but this is what he says,
I believe God made me for a purpose,
but he also made me fast and when I run
I feel His pleasure.
I don't know what God has made you to do,
but I know God made you for a purpose.
He may have made you to be a stay-at-home mom
or a father or a teacher or a doctor or a baker
or someone who drives truck.
It does not matter.
The way you serve God is not dreaming about other jobs.
The way that you serve God is taking the gifts
God has given you, doing the best that you can,
and loving Him by serving the people.
Let's pray.
Heavenly Father, we each have unique gifts,
we each have a unique calling,
and we pray that we are able to find those gifts
and appreciate the gifts you've given us.
We don't want jealous hearts
that seek after other's abilities,
but instead, cultivate the things you've given us
and do our very best through faith in Christ
to serve you every single day of our life,
every single morning and every single night.
That's what we do for work,
we serve other people, Amen.
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Thank you so much for a great week.
God's richest blessings.
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