Friday, November 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 3 2017

Just about every party I've ever gone to,

every social event where I interact with other people,

they ask me this question,

what do you do for work?

And maybe it's because we're so wrapped up in our identity

and what we do that I kind of avoid that question

when I talk to people,

I kind of wait until the end of the conversation

before I bring it up,

just to see if they'll bring it up,

and invariably, every single time they do.

There was a deeper question that they asked

during the time of the reformation.

They wanted to know what is Godly work?

What is valuable work?

Can I be a stay-at-home mom and be serving God?

Can I be a lawyer and serve God?

Can I be a police officer and serve God?

Can I milk cows and be serving God?

Or is the only way to really, truly be serving God

is to work directly in the church as a pastor

or a priest or a monk or a nun?

And so, they were battling with this

and they came from that time, a renewed sense of vocation

a renewed sense that is summarized in this

Collassians, chapter three, whatever you do,

whether in word or deed, do it all in the name

of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God

the Father through him.

God is saying no matter what you do, you can serve me.

So, the gist of vocation is this,

God has given you specific gifts,

God has given you specific abilities,

and it does not matter if you're a pastor

or a teacher or a farmer

or a factory worker.

You choose the abilities and the calling

that God has given you and the way that you serve God

is by serving other people.

I think one of my favorite understandings of this

is in the movie, Chariots of Fire,

one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite scenes,

Eric Liddell is training to either be a missionary

or he's gonna go to the Olympics

and he's at this kind of position and he doesn't know

what to do, and his sister comes to him

and wanted him really to be a missionary,

but this is what he says,

I believe God made me for a purpose,

but he also made me fast and when I run

I feel His pleasure.

I don't know what God has made you to do,

but I know God made you for a purpose.

He may have made you to be a stay-at-home mom

or a father or a teacher or a doctor or a baker

or someone who drives truck.

It does not matter.

The way you serve God is not dreaming about other jobs.

The way that you serve God is taking the gifts

God has given you, doing the best that you can,

and loving Him by serving the people.

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, we each have unique gifts,

we each have a unique calling,

and we pray that we are able to find those gifts

and appreciate the gifts you've given us.

We don't want jealous hearts

that seek after other's abilities,

but instead, cultivate the things you've given us

and do our very best through faith in Christ

to serve you every single day of our life,

every single morning and every single night.

That's what we do for work,

we serve other people, Amen.

Today is the last day that you can have your gift

doubled through a very generous donation

of up to $25,000 dollar for dollar match.

If you've already given, thank you so much for doing that.

If you'd like to do this or you're considering it

and you haven't done before or you wanna give again,

remember there's still time,

but just til midnight tonight.

If you'd like to have your gift go even further,

just click on the link in this post.

Thank you so much for a great week.

God's richest blessings.

For more infomation >> Reformation: Why Should I Care? Serving God - Duration: 3:31.


#97韓国の絶品チュクミ!釜山西面で大人の飲み会。 - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> #97韓国の絶品チュクミ!釜山西面で大人の飲み会。 - Duration: 6:10.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE ECC CR.Control Pano Radio/CD/BT 17"LMV - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 EXCLUSIVE ECC CR.Control Pano Radio/CD/BT 17"LMV - Duration: 0:54.


How is Halloween near my place? 1/2 - Duration: 3:06.

Hi, I'm chili Lucas today, we're near my home, and we are recording how the houses are decorated for Halloween

So even though they are not as well decorated as in the US

It's still fun because kids will go out and ask for candy and today actually they come from school so is good for them to relax

Tomorrow is going to be a holiday so no one has to go to work and kids don't have to go to school


There's a well decorated house here. It has some graves

It has a dead body hanging you can see a big spider

Let's see some houses!

So this one is very original they put some blood on the window so is really scary, is really spooky, and there's a zombie down there

Just found a really cool house, they even added some epic music and it's really cool. I just want to show you this


And some ghosts... wow!

It scared me!

That's so cool

Amazing that's great so they have a smoke machine, too. I found a very creepy house that uses dolls

as people and it looks really creepy let me show you

Here is the house, as you just saw

And I recommend Chilli Lucas because is a great channel

Nice! Thank you!

Kids are getting ready

-Hi Chilli Lucas -Hi Chilli Lucas, the best

Night time (time for candies)

Now that's the bell and there's kids asking for candy

Dad (Playing a 'horn')

-Hi, How are you? -Hi, fine

Hope you enjoyed the video I've always loved Halloween so much, so I wanted to show you how it was near my home

I went with a group of kids asking for candy around and I made a video about it, and if you enjoyed this video

Please remember to like it share it and subscribe to my channel

It really helps. I'll see you next time

Good bye


For more infomation >> How is Halloween near my place? 1/2 - Duration: 3:06.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 36:00.

I'm telling you, It's rats !

No, it's children, i hear them laughing !

Rats or children, either way it's bad for business...All that noise !

Someone need to get up on those beams, and clear them out.

I wonder how they're getting up there.

Must be through the central courtyard.

Then we should ask the guard to have a look.

Aaah! They're all much too busy polishing the backside of their master !

Rafiq: Altair! Welcome, welcome!

Altair: I've done what you asked. Now give me the marker.

Rafiq: First things first. Tell me what you know.

Altair: Tamir rules over the Souk Al-Silaah.

He makes his fortune selling arms and armor, and is supported by many in this endeavor.

Blacksmiths,traders, financiers.He's the largest death-dealer in the land.

Rafiq: And have you devised a way to rid us of this blight?

Altair: A meeting is being arranged at Souk Al-Silaah to discuss an important sale.

They say it's the largest deal Tamir has ever made.He'll be distracted with his work.

That's when I'll strike.

Rafiq: Your plan seems solid enough.I give you leave to go.

Rafiq: Let Al Mualim's will be done. You may rest here until you are ready.

Tamir: Your men have failed to fill the order, which means I have failed my client!

Merchant: We need more time!

Tamir: This is the excuse of a lazy or incompetent man. Which are you?

Merchant: Neither.

Tamir: What I see says otherwise.Now, tell me, what to do intend to do to solve this problem of ours ?

These weapons are needed now!

Merchant: I see no solution!

The men work day and night, but your..."client" requires so much, and the destination--it is a difficult route.

Tamir: Were it that you could produce weapons with the same skill you produce excuses!

Merchant: I've done all I can.

Tamir: It is not enough.

Merchant: Then perhaps you ask too much.

Tamir: Too much? I gave you everything! Without me, you would still be charming serpents for coin!

All I ask in return was you fill the orders I bring you! And you say I ask too much? You dare disrespect me?

Merchant: Please, Tamir. I meant no insult!

Tamir: Then you should have kept your mouth shut!

Merchant: No! Stop!

Tamir: Stop? I'm just getting started!

Tamir: You came into MY souk! Stood before MY men! And dare to insult ME?

Tamir: No. Leave the body.Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.

Think twice before you tell me something cannot be done. Now get back to work.

Altair: Be at peace.

Tamir: You'll pay for this. You, and all your kind.

Altair: It seems you're the one who pays now, my friend.You'll not profit from suffering any longer.

Tamir: You think me a petty death-dealer, suckling at the breast of war?

A strange target, don't you think? Why me, when so many others do the same?

Altair: You believe yourself different, then?

Tamir: Oh, but I am! For I serve a far nobler cause than mere profit.Just like my brothers.

Altair: Brothers?

Tamir: Ah, but he thinks I act alone.I am but a piece.A man with a part to play.

You'll come to know the others soon enough.They won't take kindly to what you've done.

Altair: Good. I look forward to ending their lives as well.

Tamir: Such pride. It will destroy you, child.

Rafiq: Word has reached me of your victory, Altair. You have my gratitude, and my respect.

Altair: Thank you.

Rafiq: It is a shame that the other Assassins continue to hold you in such poor regard.

Altair: Rafiq, I do not care what the others think of me.

Rafiq: As you wish, Altair. You should bring news of your victory to Al Mualim.

I'm sure he has more work for you to do.

For more infomation >> ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 36:00.


Creatures Of The Magic Water

For more infomation >> Creatures Of The Magic Water


Cette maman semble heureuse d'accompagner son enfant à l'école, regardez de plus près, ... - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Cette maman semble heureuse d'accompagner son enfant à l'école, regardez de plus près, ... - Duration: 8:27.


Boy's Club - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> Boy's Club - Duration: 43:05.


Commander's Log 3303-11-3 - Duration: 2:21.


Commander's Log 3303 - 11 - 3

I have made it to my first stop on my way to Colonia

I am stopping at Hillary Depot for rest and repair

Especially some repair after I landed a bit too hard

earlier while I was looking for materials

down on a planet surface

This is a great milestone for me

and hopefully the first of many

I took the long route to reach my destination

and while extremely scenic

I found the journey a bit tiresome

I will be using neutron stars from here on out

to cut down on the travel time

I hope to make my next destination waypoint in one day


For more infomation >> Commander's Log 3303-11-3 - Duration: 2:21.


Śpiewające Brzdące - Nieznajomy (Nowy Teledysk) - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Śpiewające Brzdące - Nieznajomy (Nowy Teledysk) - Duration: 1:36.


Whatever Happened to Maggie Rennie - Duration: 42:52.

For more infomation >> Whatever Happened to Maggie Rennie - Duration: 42:52.


Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies By Farmees - Duration: 1:25.

Miss polly had a dolly

For more infomation >> Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies By Farmees - Duration: 1:25.


Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA - Duration: 1:06.

Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Line Inspection Yorba Linda CA - Duration: 1:06.


Vamos a nadar | Canciones infantiles | KiiYii - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Vamos a nadar | Canciones infantiles | KiiYii - Duration: 1:52.


Little Red Car | Happy Halloween | Songs Collection For Kids | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:07:29.

Happy Halloween to you...

For more infomation >> Little Red Car | Happy Halloween | Songs Collection For Kids | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:07:29.


Inés Arrimadas da un golpe mortal al procés con una astuta jugada de última hora - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Inés Arrimadas da un golpe mortal al procés con una astuta jugada de última hora - Duration: 3:26.


Zombies - Dead End: part 1 (Minecraft Animation) [Hypixel] - Duration: 4:56.

Closed Captions for ZOMBIES when there really doesn't need to be one


Hypixel tells the four people about their mission

They four idiots embark to the town of Dead End


They arrive at the land of Dead End

Power Zombie

Panning in on the map

Why bombies got salt

For more infomation >> Zombies - Dead End: part 1 (Minecraft Animation) [Hypixel] - Duration: 4:56.


Learning Street With Bob The Train | AT Words | Word Play | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:28.

HI kids!

Guess who's here..

Yes its me bob.,

Join me for learning street with bob..

For more infomation >> Learning Street With Bob The Train | AT Words | Word Play | Videos For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:28.


Derek - Duration: 21:35.

For more infomation >> Derek - Duration: 21:35.


'Saxy Hip Hop Sessions' Saxophone - "Chillin' @ Starbucks" - Duration: 4:45.

Sit back


and as the title says...


For more infomation >> 'Saxy Hip Hop Sessions' Saxophone - "Chillin' @ Starbucks" - Duration: 4:45.


Ten Little Indian Boys | Children Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:42.

Ten little indian boys..

For more infomation >> Ten Little Indian Boys | Children Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Songs For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:42.


Si vous avez ces 5 symptômes, vous avez besoin de voir un gynécologue d'urgence ! - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Si vous avez ces 5 symptômes, vous avez besoin de voir un gynécologue d'urgence ! - Duration: 6:16.


Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi part 1 - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi part 1 - Duration: 2:30.


원인 김보연 남편 전노민 이혼이유 - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> 원인 김보연 남편 전노민 이혼이유 - Duration: 8:02.


"Lamborghini & Design" Concours d'Élégance 日本人のランボルギーニ ミウラSVが初代ベスト・オブ・ショーに!-魅力的な車 - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> "Lamborghini & Design" Concours d'Élégance 日本人のランボルギーニ ミウラSVが初代ベスト・オブ・ショーに!-魅力的な車 - Duration: 9:32.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 36:00.

I'm telling you, It's rats !

No, it's children, i hear them laughing !

Rats or children, either way it's bad for business...All that noise !

Someone need to get up on those beams, and clear them out.

I wonder how they're getting up there.

Must be through the central courtyard.

Then we should ask the guard to have a look.

Aaah! They're all much too busy polishing the backside of their master !

Rafiq: Altair! Welcome, welcome!

Altair: I've done what you asked. Now give me the marker.

Rafiq: First things first. Tell me what you know.

Altair: Tamir rules over the Souk Al-Silaah.

He makes his fortune selling arms and armor, and is supported by many in this endeavor.

Blacksmiths,traders, financiers.He's the largest death-dealer in the land.

Rafiq: And have you devised a way to rid us of this blight?

Altair: A meeting is being arranged at Souk Al-Silaah to discuss an important sale.

They say it's the largest deal Tamir has ever made.He'll be distracted with his work.

That's when I'll strike.

Rafiq: Your plan seems solid enough.I give you leave to go.

Rafiq: Let Al Mualim's will be done. You may rest here until you are ready.

Tamir: Your men have failed to fill the order, which means I have failed my client!

Merchant: We need more time!

Tamir: This is the excuse of a lazy or incompetent man. Which are you?

Merchant: Neither.

Tamir: What I see says otherwise.Now, tell me, what to do intend to do to solve this problem of ours ?

These weapons are needed now!

Merchant: I see no solution!

The men work day and night, but your..."client" requires so much, and the destination--it is a difficult route.

Tamir: Were it that you could produce weapons with the same skill you produce excuses!

Merchant: I've done all I can.

Tamir: It is not enough.

Merchant: Then perhaps you ask too much.

Tamir: Too much? I gave you everything! Without me, you would still be charming serpents for coin!

All I ask in return was you fill the orders I bring you! And you say I ask too much? You dare disrespect me?

Merchant: Please, Tamir. I meant no insult!

Tamir: Then you should have kept your mouth shut!

Merchant: No! Stop!

Tamir: Stop? I'm just getting started!

Tamir: You came into MY souk! Stood before MY men! And dare to insult ME?

Tamir: No. Leave the body.Let this be a lesson to the rest of you.

Think twice before you tell me something cannot be done. Now get back to work.

Altair: Be at peace.

Tamir: You'll pay for this. You, and all your kind.

Altair: It seems you're the one who pays now, my friend.You'll not profit from suffering any longer.

Tamir: You think me a petty death-dealer, suckling at the breast of war?

A strange target, don't you think? Why me, when so many others do the same?

Altair: You believe yourself different, then?

Tamir: Oh, but I am! For I serve a far nobler cause than mere profit.Just like my brothers.

Altair: Brothers?

Tamir: Ah, but he thinks I act alone.I am but a piece.A man with a part to play.

You'll come to know the others soon enough.They won't take kindly to what you've done.

Altair: Good. I look forward to ending their lives as well.

Tamir: Such pride. It will destroy you, child.

Rafiq: Word has reached me of your victory, Altair. You have my gratitude, and my respect.

Altair: Thank you.

Rafiq: It is a shame that the other Assassins continue to hold you in such poor regard.

Altair: Rafiq, I do not care what the others think of me.

Rafiq: As you wish, Altair. You should bring news of your victory to Al Mualim.

I'm sure he has more work for you to do.

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