Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump
it finally happened... - Duration: 6:05.it finally happened...
What's going on guys my name's eclipse and today is officially the start of the brand new year
So you know what I figured I would post a boring video
Just what my plans are for 2018 and all that fun stuff so if you're bored and you want to waste your time
Continue watching today's good old video now
I want to split this video up into like two portions part number one is gonna
Be like goals for YouTube and goals for my channels and stuff like that and then the second half of the video
That's just gonna be like more of personal goals. Hopefully that makes sense so
2017 was an awesome year we hit 1 million subs did our face reveal and things were going pretty
Good my channel hit an all-time high, and it also hit an all-time low both in the same year, but right now
We're at a good spot
We're chilling, and I'm happy I got my momentum back
And we're starting the year off strong as far as this channel eclipse goes
I want to post 7 videos a week so have videos up every single day
I don't want to miss an upload like that's my goal. That's not miss an upload for all of
2018 if I can somehow commit to that I will just feel so
Accomplished like that right. There is one of my main goals as far as the content goes
I still want to be clash royale bays
I don't think clash Royale will be going anywhere throughout this next year
But I also kind of want to expand a bit like just yesterday
I posted a fortnight video
And I actually have another fortnight video going up a few days from now so if that performs
Well, then who knows you may see more fortnight on this channel
I don't think I'll ever fully convert to another game
but I'm just kind of testing the waters right now seeing what works seeing what doesn't and
Along with that. I also want to bring some more IRL content
I did a school vlog and besides that that was like the only
IRL thing I've ever done one of the youtubers I watch actually just posted a video like eating the world's hottest chocolate bar
So I may actually try that out for a video personally
I think it would be really entertaining and if I got some of my real-life friends involved
And I feel like that can be super entertaining and again if real life videos perform
Well, then I would probably post more of those in the future so pretty much in 2018
I want to figure out where we necessarily fit in on YouTube throughout the last few years
I've only really posted clash of clans in clash, Royale, but who knows if I fit in another community
Then why not try to expand to that community, so yeah
That's pretty much what I'm trying to do for this channel as far as my second channel Eclipse extra goes
I want to post four to seven videos a week on there as well
I haven't posted a video on there in months pretty much. I'm gonna be kicking it into overdrive with uploads
I want to get both channels active both channels popping and overall
I just want to fully expand YouTube into something bigger than it already is so starting January 9th
I would like to be posting on my main channel and
Second channel daily like that is what I want things to get like real
Serious as far as the content on my second channel goes though. It's just gonna be a variety of games
Eventually I would like to find like three to four games that you guys
Absolutely love and then I would just like to prioritize those few games
But of course the second channel is just gonna be like way more broad as far as gaming goes
I'm gonna post a whole bunch of stuff over there. Maybe a few stories
Maybe a few streams who really knows what I'm gonna be doing on that channel, but there is gonna be content
And I'm super excited to finally give both of my channels in full action. No excuses here
We're coming into 2018 with absolute bangers and now moving over to more personal goals for those of you
Who are unaware last semester was actually my first semester of college?
So pretty much. I finished high school started college, but now I'm taking a break from school
And I'm only gonna be focusing on YouTube so since I'm gonna have so much extra time throughout my day
This is how I'm gonna be managing all my time
It's pretty much gonna be gym YouTube main channel uploads second channel uploads, and I'm just gonna be on my grind
I want to have content for you guys
Good content want to step up my editing put more time into my videos and without school
That's how all of this is going to be
Possible now if I had to make a list of all of my goals for this year the first one upload on my main channel
In my second channel almost like every single day
I just want to have content always coming out
But I don't want it to get repetitive or stale so that is goal number one goal number two is something
I have really talk about in this video yet, but I want to expand both of my social medias currently on Twitter. I have almost
90,000 followers my goal for 2017 was a hundred K. So in 2018 I would like to hit a hundred K
Paul where since we're pretty close to that I'm pretty sure we can crush that as well as far as Instagram goes
I'm at around sixty thousand followers, so I can get a hundred K on Instagram before 2018 ends as well again
I'm gonna be super excited so if I keep posting on Instagram
I'm pretty sure we can also crush that goal and my final goal is like a pretty simple one and that is to just have
A six-pack not too much to ask for I've been on my gym
Grind my diet has been pretty damn well
So I'm thinking honestly in a month or two I'm hoping I can crush that out three months max, but again
I'm hoping in two months
I can knock that one out also
And I understand a lot of these goals may not seem super big like it's not gonna
Take me the whole year to complete these
But this is just what my mindset is and if I finish one of these goals and of course
I'll always have new stuff to work towards so in reality
My goals are never going to end they're gonna keep on getting higher and higher and higher
But for now this is what I'm aiming for so guys. That's everything
I had to say for today's video if you have any like goals or New Year's
Resolutions feel free to leave those down in my comment section below, but guys this has been eclipse
Thank you all for watching and peace out
Farming Simulator 17 Solid Fertilizer Spreading - Duration: 10:33.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two new Mods The CASE IH TITAN 4540 Solid Fertilizer SpreaderAnd The CLAAS TORION 1511 Wheeled Loader.
CLAAS TORION 1511 Wheeled Loader Reskined Liebherr L 538 2 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 40Km/h Top Speed
I will use the loader to fill the Spreader with Fertilizer From Digestate Separator.
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
Πώς να ξεχωρίζετε τη δισκοκήλη από τον κοινό ... - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
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김정은 핵 단추가 내 사무실 책상 위에 항상 놓여있다 Tistory Blog - Duration: 2:42.게시됨:
김정은 북한 노동당 위원장이 오늘 오전 9시 30분, 조선중앙TV를
통해 신년사를 발표했다.
김 위원장은 '지난해 국가 핵무력 완성으로 공화국은 되돌릴
수 없는 전쟁 억제력을 보유하게 됐다'며 '핵 단추가 내 사무실
책상 위에 항상 놓여있다는 것은 위협이 아닌 현실임을 똑바로
알아야 한다'고 이야기했다.
그는 이어 '미국 본토 전역이 우리의 핵 타격 사정권 안에
있다'면서 '미국은 결코 나와 우리 국가를 상대로 전쟁을 걸어오지
못한다'고 덧붙였다.
김 위원장은 또 '로켓부분에서는 위력과 신뢰성이 담보된 핵탄두들과
탄도로켓을 대량생산하고 실전배치에 박차를 가해 핵전쟁에 대한
책동·반격 태세를 유지하도록 해야 할 것'이라고 말했다.
연합뉴스 에 따르면 신년사에서 제시된 과업은 북한에선 반드시
집행해야 하는 절대적인 지침으로 여겨진다.
곧 열리는 평창 올림픽에 대한 참가를 시사하기도 했다.
김정은은 '남조선에서 겨울 올림픽 열리는데 북남관계를 개선해야
할 필요가 있다'며 '올림픽에 대표단 파견하고 당국자 만남
취할 용의가 있다'고 이야기했다.
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