Thursday, January 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2018

(Demi Lovato's riffs and runs playing)

For more infomation >> Mariah Carey - Lead The Way - Riffs and Runs (Hard) - Duration: 1:42.


Sign in the sky 2017 - Medjugorje - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Sign in the sky 2017 - Medjugorje - Duration: 3:00.


PET FEEDER SUREFEED / This is the best way for two cats with two different diets. - Duration: 2:02.

TWO CATS & TWO CATFOODS - A good option, the microchip pet feeder

The lid opens when a registered pet approaches

pet unregistered = pet feeder stays closed (even the cat is cute)

and determinated...

Placing against a wall (he takes advantage of the situation)

He understood where was his food

But Magnum is Magnum... He's not going to let go of this matter

We can eat with his paws

That makes him comfortable

no sponsored

For more infomation >> PET FEEDER SUREFEED / This is the best way for two cats with two different diets. - Duration: 2:02.


323 Sq. Ft. Modern Houseboat with Rooftop Deck by No1 Living | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.

323 Sq. Ft. Modern Houseboat with Rooftop Deck by No1 Living

For more infomation >> 323 Sq. Ft. Modern Houseboat with Rooftop Deck by No1 Living | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:33.


蓝正龙当年"不肯娶大S"狠断4年情!事隔多年他松口:"大S太黏人又… - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> 蓝正龙当年"不肯娶大S"狠断4年情!事隔多年他松口:"大S太黏人又… - Duration: 7:34.


「小S」連生三胎女兒卻生不出兒子的「真相」終於曝光!原來她竟然被這樣對待...連「蕭敬騰」都說出實話!原來內幕居然是... - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> 「小S」連生三胎女兒卻生不出兒子的「真相」終於曝光!原來她竟然被這樣對待...連「蕭敬騰」都說出實話!原來內幕居然是... - Duration: 11:45.


The little blond boy with a white sheep - Duration: 8:31.

"The little blond boy with a white sheep"

Adapted from the book of Pierre Richard and Gwendal Le Bec

Music by Fred Pallem

Directed by Eloi Henriod

Can I play with you?



Can I play with you?




Can I play with you?



"Writting test: tell us about your holidays."

Go to work!

Do you want to play with me?

Do you want to play with me?

My little boy!

Come in.

Pierre the doorbell has rung, please open the door.

Careful! It's hot.

Do you want to play with me?

Do you want to...

Do you want to play with me?

For more infomation >> The little blond boy with a white sheep - Duration: 8:31.


David J. Kent - Tesla, Genius, který zkrotil elektřinu - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> David J. Kent - Tesla, Genius, který zkrotil elektřinu - Duration: 1:01.


Tip na knihu: Tesla - Génius, který zkrotil elektřinu - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Tip na knihu: Tesla - Génius, který zkrotil elektřinu - Duration: 0:59.


LEGO® Ninjago® Master of S...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago® Master of S...


Les 10 symptômes clés de la thrombose veineuse profonde: souffrez-vous d'une TVP sans le savoir? - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Les 10 symptômes clés de la thrombose veineuse profonde: souffrez-vous d'une TVP sans le savoir? - Duration: 5:40.


Kia cee'd 1.6 CRDi 128PK Super Pack Premium - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 CRDi 128PK Super Pack Premium - Duration: 0:59.


Kia cee'd 1.6 X-ECUTIVE Automaat - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 X-ECUTIVE Automaat - Duration: 0:49.


Mushroom ceviche - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:07.

Hi everybody I am Andy! And today we are going to learn how to make

mushroom ceviche

The first thing we have to do is

wash well our mushrooms, because they always has some dirt on them

so with water

we are going to take that dirt off

For this recipe we have to chop the mushrooms in little cubes

When we have all the mushrooms chopped

We are going to take a red bell pepper

We are going to take out the seeds and the white parts

we are going to wash it

and then cut it in little cubes

After that we are going to take two green onions

take out the first layer and cut the leaves that are bad

After that, we wash them well

And cut them diagonally

We are making a ceviche, obviously it has to have

lemon juice. In this opportunity i use 4 lemons

i tried to get the more lemon juice possible

and with this all the mushrooms are going to be


We add some salt

Mix it well

And its ready

I wish that you like this recipe, and have a great day!

For more infomation >> Mushroom ceviche - #CocinaConFlandy - Duration: 3:07.


PET FEEDER SUREFEED / This is the best way for two cats with two different diets. - Duration: 2:02.

TWO CATS & TWO CATFOODS - A good option, the microchip pet feeder

The lid opens when a registered pet approaches

pet unregistered = pet feeder stays closed (even the cat is cute)

and determinated...

Placing against a wall (he takes advantage of the situation)

He understood where was his food

But Magnum is Magnum... He's not going to let go of this matter

We can eat with his paws

That makes him comfortable

no sponsored

For more infomation >> PET FEEDER SUREFEED / This is the best way for two cats with two different diets. - Duration: 2:02.


Maryse ve The Miz Hastaneye gidiyor! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Maryse ve The Miz Hastaneye gidiyor! - Duration: 1:11.


AskProfWolff: Are there sources of value that a capitalist can exploit that don't rely on labor? - Duration: 2:30.

This question comes to us from Dustin James. He submitted this to us on the

Ask Prof Wolff section of, and here's his question: are there any

sources of value that a capitalist can exploit that don't rely on labor? This is

really interesting because it's a question about Marxist theory that's

very fundamental, and that has been widely misunderstood. Many people think

that Marx's Theory of Value, what makes something valuable in his system, has to

do with the same thing that we call the price of something, in other words, in

english, simple English, the words value and price are often pretty much the same,

the value of something is the price you have to pay. This is not the case in

Marx's view. He wants the theory of value to be something completely different

from the theory of price, and if you try to make value equal price, or price to be

in some form of value, you're misunderstanding what Marx did. Here's

the point: Marx wanted us to understand that everything that gets produced in

any community, a country, a neighborhood, a region, has to be produced by using up a

portion of whatever the labor is that's available in that community. In other

words, in that community, if you add up all the hours that all the able-bodied

people have to give to work, that's your total supply of labor, and that limits

how much you can produce. If you produce more potatoes, than there's less labor

left to produce shirts, and vice-versa. The value of something in Marx is the

amount of labor, out of the total available, that it took to produce that

particular thing. Value is another way of saying it took a certain portion of the

labor of the community. Price, what you actually get in the market, is shaped by

a million variables about that market, at that time, it's a completely different

matter. It is a mistake to imagine that because price and value are the same in

conventional economics, they are the same also in Marx. They aren't, they never were,

and you will avoid a lot of misunderstanding if you keep that in

your mind.

For more infomation >> AskProfWolff: Are there sources of value that a capitalist can exploit that don't rely on labor? - Duration: 2:30.


Triste anni­ver­saire de mariage pour Mela­nia Trump, invi­sible depuis des semaines - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Triste anni­ver­saire de mariage pour Mela­nia Trump, invi­sible depuis des semaines - Duration: 2:32.


Gilles Verdez flingue Bruno Guillon « Il n'y a pas pire que lui » - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Gilles Verdez flingue Bruno Guillon « Il n'y a pas pire que lui » - Duration: 1:41.


Yves Rénier fracasse les pleureuses aux obsèques de Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Yves Rénier fracasse les pleureuses aux obsèques de Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 1:27.


Mussomeli, Italia - Segnaletica orizzontale in termoplastico preformato PREFORM TCG - Duration: 0:56.

We are upgrading the road markings with

these new innovative products, that are non-slippery

and have retro-reflective properties.

These type of material – Preform TCG

is designed to have a longer durability

than the classical products.

We are convinced that the application

will be successful. We will extend

the road marking works

in other parts of the city.

We are sure that our collaboration

will be great.

For more infomation >> Mussomeli, Italia - Segnaletica orizzontale in termoplastico preformato PREFORM TCG - Duration: 0:56.


51歲「於美人」當年哭著報警鬧離婚!沒想到婚變3年後傳出「前夫另結新歡」,她才坦言……! - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 51歲「於美人」當年哭著報警鬧離婚!沒想到婚變3年後傳出「前夫另結新歡」,她才坦言……! - Duration: 3:33.


Directions to the theaters in UW Meany Hall || 最容易迷路的表演場地 - Duration: 4:03.

Hi friend, it's Danzien

Today's video is going to be in English

Meany the building is where I took all my dance classes and performed in

And there are three possible spaces for performances

1. the Meany Theater 2. the Meany Studio Theater

3. Studio 267

I was lucky to be able to perform in all three spaces

At the same time, I've learnt that every time when I invite friends to come over

to watch my performances They might get lost

So, that's why I make this video to show the way to the different theater

Let's go!

This building is Meany On the map, it's right here

And I am walking on the bridge right by the Henry Art Gallery,

towards the Statue of George Washington When you walk past it, you will find the entrance

of the Meany theater on your right.

If you are coming from the Red Square, you should walk down the stairs towards the

Statue of Goerge Washington.

And you will find the entrance on your left.

We call this the BIG MEANY, because this is the largest theater among

all three.

And I am super thankful for the opportunities to perform and work on this stage in the past

few years.

From the Red Square, beside the food trucks there is a sign to the Meany Studio Theater.

And you have to walk down these stairs to find this theater.

That's why it's kind of hard to find but once you find these stairs

you are walking towards the right place

A lot of our dance concerts happen in this theater.

This theater is smaller than the Meany Theater but the distance between audiences and performers

is closer.

It's right here!

This is the place where I start to believe I am a performer.

Start from Red Square again, walk by the food trucks.

This is the way towards all the dance studios in Meany.

And I have a vlog in December that shows a better idea of

how the studio 267 become a theater.

This space mostly for student-run productions.

This is where I start to believe I can choreograph.

If your friend invite you to their dance performance, Please GO!

They are also college students, they also have tons of homework and midterms coming

You are just spending maybe 2hours of this week to watch it but they spent more than

40hours to prepare for this show.

I struggle with who to give my comp tickets because my parents are not around and

there are always friends keep telling me

"next time".

Well, I don't even know when is the next time.

How about this time?

Get your ticket and support your friends.

I hope this video is helpful

"MERDE" to all the dancers to the upcoming concert.


For more infomation >> Directions to the theaters in UW Meany Hall || 最容易迷路的表演場地 - Duration: 4:03.


Saviez-vous que le chocolat peut jouer un rôle important dans votre cerveau ? - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Saviez-vous que le chocolat peut jouer un rôle important dans votre cerveau ? - Duration: 6:48.


En France à Soignies – Jeux de plein air pour enfants - matériau thermocollant préfabriqué - Duration: 1:27.

Without any doubt, Playform games have

an educational role. For sure,

kids will enjoy these new games.

Playform games will help us solve conflicts

between kids in the courtyard.

We will be able to easily manage

difficult situations on the recreational breaks.

Moreover, kids will play and learn

new things in the same time.

These are wonderful games,

colourful and properly designed for kids.

For more infomation >> En France à Soignies – Jeux de plein air pour enfants - matériau thermocollant préfabriqué - Duration: 1:27.


Un proche de Benoît Hamon pendant la campagne prési­den­tielle en garde à vue pour viol - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Un proche de Benoît Hamon pendant la campagne prési­den­tielle en garde à vue pour viol - Duration: 2:37.





The little blond boy with a white sheep - Duration: 8:31.

"The little blond boy with a white sheep"

Adapted from the book of Pierre Richard and Gwendal Le Bec

Music by Fred Pallem

Directed by Eloi Henriod

Can I play with you?



Can I play with you?




Can I play with you?



"Writting test: tell us about your holidays."

Go to work!

Do you want to play with me?

Do you want to play with me?

My little boy!

Come in.

Pierre the doorbell has rung, please open the door.

Careful! It's hot.

Do you want to play with me?

Do you want to...

Do you want to play with me?

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