Thursday, January 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2018

how is this still a thing how is this still a thing

name any other country I challenge you in the comments down below right any

other country that has an actual democratic system that functions this

way how is it even possible a government shutdown it's it's completely ridiculous

the way it works is they have essential and non-essential elements the essential

stuff is stuff like military FBI social securities you know important stuff and

the non-essential stuff is stuff like museums national parks IPOs like initial

public offerings if you have a company you can't go public during this period

because the government is shut down it's completely insane that this is the

system itself and the government loses a billion a day when it's not active like

this it's it's it's ridiculous and then there's not even a plan all of the

individual departments can do whatever they want they can kind of create their

own way of running things take the passport industry for instance when you

land in this country now it's gonna be ok for a couple of days because of all

the fees that people pay when they come through customs they can't live without

government funding for a couple of days but after that it's gonna be a tight

ship like just expect to be waiting for a very very very long time it's

completely ridiculous to have a country that runs this way it just it just

doesn't seem plausible but this is not even what we really wanted to talk about

today I just I just had to put it in here cuz it's it baffles me how is this

not changed what I really want to talk about today though is this look folks

before we go too far I've got something to tell you

excuse me but I've got something to tell you first thank you for ruining my life


everybody's always blaming me for everything the Federal Reserve will have

the biggest fiscal stimulus we have ever seen we are in the midst of a serious

financial crisis this is the story of the greatest financial crisis of our

time the one that is on its way they spent hundreds of billions of dollars to

show that they were doing something but not properly designed and not as

effective as it should have been when they start losing money hey we gotta get

back in the game hey let's create another bubble well the

problem is they never actually cure the crisis right they just give alcohol to a

drunk it just you know sets them up for you know a bigger hangover and that's

all we've done and that's all we're trying to do and so I know at some point

you killed a patient I haven't seen anything like this probably since just

before the last crisis 2006 2007 everybody was optimistic on the market

then now they're on again singing the same old song but it's the same problems

now that they ignored back then only much much bigger the difference being

it's not going to end with just another financial crisis it is going to end with

the dollar crisis you are a world-renowned forecaster people watch

what you say you've been doing it since 1980 and you are the publisher and

editor of the trends journals but Jared I'd like to start off today with the

issue of the economy are we in a very very rosy economy right now with no

worries like Wall Street would have us believe and some of the reports well

Wall Street isn't the economy it's it's the very separate part of what this real

economy is you have three people in the United States Warren Buffett Jeff Bezos

and Bill Gates that have more money than 60% of us combined then

look at the equity markets 90% of the equity markets are owned by 10% of the

population the rest at 10% owned by you know the the so-called middle class so

when you look at the equity markets and look at the real economy it's two very

different worlds median household income is below 1999 levels people complain and

you keep hearing it this is a failure of capitalism

this isn't capitalism in capitalism there's no such thing as too big to fail

that's called fascism the mergers state and corporate powers and that's what we

have right now so people keep asking me is a stock market a bubble well of

course it is but they keep inflating the bubble and the bubble is going back

again they're letting them repatriate the multinationals all this overseas

money and now what are they going to do with it well go back to when George Bush

did that back in 2004 ninety-six percent of the money went into stock buybacks

and that's what you're seeing now you didn't have to lower the tax rates of

corporations from 35 to 21 percent because look at the equity markets and

look at the corporate income levels they're very high they're doing very

well we didn't need to boost them because they're not putting that money

into capital expenditures they're not putting it into research development and

growth they're putting it into stock buybacks that's why the markets keep

going up look at the wage levels if you what are you looking at 2.5% increase a

year that doesn't even keep up with inflation so know that for the average

person life is getting more difficult look at the debt level of credit cards

it's at an all-time high the Fed can to a degree control the interest rates for

a long time but what happens when people overseas won't buy our dollar or they

reject the dollar isn't there a time where interest rates that may become

overwhelming we're just the Fed saying well we have to have low interest rates

where they actually lose it and they can't keep the interest rates low yes

it's going to happen at some point but again when you look at how much they've

raised interest rates even if they raise them another three or four

times this year now some people are saying four times

accounting for inflation you know you're still at very very low historic interest

rates so yes this is the beginning of the end but there's a stretch in it it's

so we don't see it collapsing right now at best were we should say we see about

a 10% market correction because it's gone up so quick Tony Robbins welcome

back to continue guys I guess worried you know we have our money in the market

yeah what happens you know like right now I mean the markets doing really well

yes do we take our money out now that's why I wrote this book I wrote this book

as I wanted to protect people because there are crashes coming now whether

it's six months from now twelve months 36 months no one knows you know Warren

Buffett said if you listen to market forecasters their only purpose is to

make you know people that tell fortunes look good here's a couple things you

should know number one there's a new high on average every month most people

have no clue see you're all broke records broke records we're in a

situation right now that's very artificial it's a situation where the

feds around the world have been printing money so nobody knows what's gonna

happen there's this tremendous fear that's in the marketplace so what I

wanted to show people was look when the crash comes first of all correction

comes every year the average one is two months long and any cost you 14% if you

sell but if you don't sell you're fine there's a bear market about every five

years we've gone eight years without one that's why I wrote this book because I

want to show you how to protect yourself when that bear comes but more

importantly how to take advantage of it because it is the greatest opportunity

in your life what you need to know is that every bear market that's ever come

they average a year they usually cost 33% but if you don't sell they don't

cost you anything and in two centuries of American history please hear me if

you're listening at home in two centuries every single bear market was

followed by a bull market it remembers 2008 oh my god the market dropped 35 40

50 percent at Pete's trough it went up 69% the next 12 months and here's one

more thing you think about timing like right now you're saying should I get out

of market yeah right so let me answer that Charles Schwab and JP Morgan did a

20-year study these in the last 20 years the S&P 500 the market the index it's

gone up 8.2 percent per year which means you're doubling your money you know like

every nine years doing pretty damn well but here's the challenge if in 20 years

were out of the market on the 10 best trading days in 20 years then you mark

your value went from 8 percent to 4.5 cut it now if you missed the top 30 days

in 20 years one and a half days you lose money so keep here you're the most

dangerous thing is not to be in the market right and it isn't just the

market right you need a series of investments that diversify nobody should

put all their money in the market we're all Schwab did a study they found what

if you bought on the perfect day of the year when the market crashed and you

bought that day the lowest level or what if you were on the worst day the peak of

the market and it crashes the next day or you go on cash which is what so many

people are doing does their friend who lost cash by 50% that 50% less money

cash is going nowhere who won yeah the person who was there on

the ideal day but the person got on the worst day after 15 years was only behind

$10,000 as interest rates rise and the steroids wear off will it be the Chinese

economy overheating or will it be a collapse of confidence in the u.s.

dollar if we lose the confidence of our foreign lenders then there will be a

dramatic decline in the dollar a dramatic increase in interest rates

significant fuelling of inflation a very very deep recession and possibly

depression that would be felt around the world we must not allow that to happen

when the next bubble bursts you cannot use the same emergency measures you

can't lower interest rates that are already at rock bottom

you can't stimulate the economy with borrowed money if an excessive national

debt is the cause of the crisis the government's could save the banks but

who can save the government's ultimately there is gonna be a price all around the

world to be paid for this and the longer it continues the bigger that price is

gonna be you know this really is a moral question when we tell people that

there's going to be a bailout bubble and they see the world equity markets up 50

60 % they don't want to believe it it's another bubble they want to step right

up back to that table and throw their Dyson try to win their hand at the wheel

of fortune that Wall Street's spinning so people still don't want to believe

that the worst is yet to come

it really doesn't look good that's it will there be a crisis in 2018 some

people actually say there will it baffled me when I first heard of it and

it's really scary but if you think about the numbers the amount of money being

pumped out and the interest rates being so low I mean people are talking about

negative interest rates that's how serious the situation is

it really scares me and just this is way too late like this is like the ending of

the video but talk crazy in the comments I really want to hear you guys this

opinion on this if you have a lot of money in housing then try and consider

that and remember that you're biased because we all are biased in some sense

away but we still need to talk about this it's huge

we don't know what's gonna happen no one does but if there's a crisis in 2018 is

it an opportunity is it terrible is it our own fault I leave that question up

to you guys let me know in the comments down below I really hope you like this

little country I've put a lot of work into it I have a great one coming out

next week as well about artificial intelligence so we were at Stanford

right now our first class starts here I'm gonna try and talk to the teacher

afterwards and I just wanted to hear your

respect can you think that's fun pasta well the main thing is is getting the

nightlight I really think you're gonna like so if you're new subscribe to the

channel I do put so much work into these you have no idea how long does it take

to make but as you're making them and I'm definitely gonna keep doing it so

subscribe if you knew all of my social media gonna show up and yeah you know

where to find me now see you guys next week

take care

I have to do it again

For more infomation >> FINANCIAL CRISIS in 2018 | Gerald Celente, Peter P. Schiff, Ron Paul & Warren Buffet - Duration: 12:45.


Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 INFORM CLEARTEC p.sensor! 17'' LMV trekhaak! NIEUW STAAT! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 INFORM CLEARTEC p.sensor! 17'' LMV trekhaak! NIEUW STAAT! - Duration: 1:02.


SOLTA MEU NAMORADO! MEME (c/ Tom e DgAnimations) - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> SOLTA MEU NAMORADO! MEME (c/ Tom e DgAnimations) - Duration: 0:37.


Exploring Muscogee Culture Through Shell Carving - Duration: 5:55.


>>Chris Thompson: This is a medicine cup.

This has Grandmother Weaver on it.

She brought the fire across the water.

>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: This is a lightning whelk.

Its scientific name is Busycon contrarium.

While other snail shells spiral to the right, the lightning whelk spirals to the contrary

direction- to the left.


>>Chris Thompson: When my mentor was talking to me about carving, I was like "How do

you never move the Dremel?"

And he goes, "Well, we always move to the left."

So, I'll always be turning the shell to the left and keeping the Dremel pretty much

straight in my hand.

This came off an old piece of Muscogee pottery, and it's basically our dance patterns.

Everything goes to the left.

We dance to the left.

I do carvings to the left.

The reason we do that type of thing is, we think it helps keep this middle world in balance.

If people see me doing this without this on, they'll…


>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Chris Thompson is a Muscogee shell carver.

>>Chris Thompson: Basically when you're doping this stuff, you're walking in two


You have to be part of the world outside, but then I have to come back to my native


>>Misty Penton: A lot of people don't have any understanding that there are still native

Americans who live in this area.

I think the perception is, all of them got removed to Oklahoma

And that perception is not a surprise given the, you know, 1853 law that natives weren't

allowed to be in Florida, period.

And then, given the Jim Crow laws.

>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: At the Fred George Greenway and Park Museum, Tallahassee residents

have the opportunity to get to know their native neighbors, and learn about their culture.

>>Misty Penton: The Greenway is 170 acres.

And Wildwood Preservation Society, it's open once a month for free lectures.

It's very interesting for a lot of people to see, and have an opportunity to meet, some

of their native neighbors that they actually have.

I'm 48 years old.

And my dad is in his 70s, his early 70s.

He is a ceremonial leader, and for about the last 20 years, he's been trying to gently

move us into- "We can't keep all these things secret anymore."

Because we're losing the young people.

We have this opportunity, we have this place here.

Things like Chris's shell carving.

We have shell carvers.

They used to not be available.

That was something you would not be able to talk to them about, because it's basically

a sacred chore, sacred task.

>>Chris Thompson: There's not too many people in the Southeast that are still shell carving.

We have probably about three artists that are doing it right now.

A lot of people, they don't use medicine cups like these anymore.

They actually use regular shells, or little tin cups.

And I started wanting to bring that back, also, where we can carry on the traditions

of our ancestors.


>>Chris Thompson: What you see a lot in our shells, there'll be a representation of

the upper world, the middle world, and the lower world.

And this one right here tells the story of, after we die.

We play the ball game for the creator.

With the ball pole, and the fish at the top.

After we pass, we believe our spirit goes up that ball pole into the Milky Way.

It's just an example of our ancestors riding a canoe across the Milky Way and then spiraling


But that's- I did that one just because I never saw it done so I wanted to do it.

(Laughs) It's not in any books, it's not in anything

like that, it's what I believe it would look like.


>>Misty Penton: A lot of people think that natives are very connected to nature, and

certainly we are, the Muscogee people are.

And our ceremonial cycles are based on that.

In the springtime, we have the pollinators; we have the butterfly there.

And basically, they can do two things.

They can spread love, spread pollen.

And also, carry souls.

So again, everything in nature has its duality, if you will, in the Muscogee world.

>>Chris Thompson: So every time before I get ready to carve, um, we do a fast.

It's almost like part of me is gong into that shell.

I have to feel that carving that I'm doing.

There's a lot of times I won't even carve, like if I'm upset.

Because when I'm carving a piece for a person, I don't want to put that energy into the


There's been a month that I went without carving because I had to get myself straight

before I could even start working on pieces.

>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: For Misty and Chris, Muscogee medicine cups are no longer just

ceremonial tools.

They're a way to connect with people about their culture.

>>Misty Penton: It's one of those things where you can't imagine how someone else

thinks until you've had an opportunity to talk to them about these things.

And it's new for them.

For us, it's just the way we do.


>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: For WFSU, I'm Rob Diaz de Villegas.

MAP- Mississippians to more modern groups (would love on shell BG—need to get larger

shell for texture).

Search photo drive for snail shell pics- preferably from above.

It must be obvious they spiral to the right.

Multiple species.


For more infomation >> Exploring Muscogee Culture Through Shell Carving - Duration: 5:55.


What is WIzards - Duration: 2:33.

Hello guys

first I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Jimmy,

Jimmy Woods

What I am doing here?

Well, I am trying to

live my dream.

And yes, I know

that this might sound just like another cliche

but let me try to explain it.

Are you still listening?


This is about video games.

Nothing more,

nothing less.

So one day,

while browsing through Youtube

I asked myself

if the medium video games is represented

solely by consumer-hungry teens

who are having wet dreams while watching the umpteenth Call-of-Duty Trailer

or by pre-teens

who are garbaging Youtube

with yet another Minecraft Let's Play?

I no longer felt represented

in this society

and if I am not completely wrong,

I am not alone with this impression.

And that's how the idea of Wizards

and my dream were born.

The idea was to create a space for everyone

who no longer feels represented

in the video game landscape.

Yes, I am talking about you, the speed runners

lore junkies and highscore hunters

So if you are looking for funny Let's plays,

you have found the wrong channel.

However, if you, just like me,

have lost your heart to video games

and know exactly what I have just talked about

when you wish to be part of a community that

represents exactly this

then I gladly welcome you to this

channel and wish you lots of fun

with Wizards.

My name is Jimmy Woods.

Until next time.

For more infomation >> What is WIzards - Duration: 2:33.


Tchétchénie : Appel à libérer Oyub Titiyev - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Tchétchénie : Appel à libérer Oyub Titiyev - Duration: 1:46.


Matt Lauer and Annette Roque Begin Divorce Process - Duration: 11:12.

Matt Lauer and Annette Roque Begin Divorce Process

For almost 20 years, Matt Lauer was married to Annette Roque.

Clearly, among Lauers many widely reported failings was his failure as a husband.

Its long been suspected that Annette Roque is planning to divorce Matt Lauer, but her approach to this has seemed calm and careful.

And quiet.

Now, reportedly, the divorce process has finally begun.

One of the biggest stories during these months of #MeToo was Matt Lauer being revealed and accused of being a serial harasser.

The shocking details of Matt Lauer giving sexual gifts and dropping his pants to demand sex acts from coworkers and underlings at NBC were enough.

But it didnt stop at creepy stories about a button on his desk to remotely lock his office door, or at his alleged fondness for using NBC trips as a hunting ground, looking for young, pretty, ambitious staffers to invite -- or lure -- to his hotel room.

And then, of course, Matt Lauer was accused of rape.

According to the allegations, he locked a woman in his office, bent her over, and only stopped his sexual assault after she lost consciousness.

Some divorces are started by mere cheating, not an international media scandal that leaves a once-beloved TV personality in disgrace.

Us Weekly reports that, after nearly two months of ... whatever Annette Roque has been up to ... she's finally divorcing Matt Lauer.

They've started the divorce process.

For a while, many feared that Annette Roque was refusing to divorce Matt Lauer.

Since then, however, shes kicked Matt Lauer out of their family home in the Hamptons.

Clearly, something has changed.

Do you know what the weirdest part of this is, though?.

It sounds like Matt Lauer is totally detached from reality.

At least, from what we hope reality is.

Per their source:.

He thinks he can start fresh.

In both his personal and professional life..

Were sure that he can date and even remarry.

Sadly, hes rich and famous, and some people dont mind dating an accused rapist.

But ... he really believes that he can salvage his career?

He thinks he'll be back on TV at some point.

Maybe he's right. After all, Johnny Depp is still somehow starring in movies even though we all know exactly what sort of man he is.

And Woody Allen is still making movies.

As we said, Matt Lauer and Annette Roque were married for nearly 20 years.

Divorce can be hell, and theres a decent chance that whats currently a quiet divorce will grow contentious over time.

The couple has three children together: Jack, 16, Romy, 14, and Thijs, 11.

Shortly after the Lauer story first broke, Annette Roque pretty much fled the country, and she brought Romy and Thijs with her.

Jack remained behind.

we dont know what to read into that other than that hes 16.

This divorce will impact the children no matter what, but theyre at least old enough that they (particularly Jack and Romy) can probably have some sort of say when it comes to custody.

Its difficult to tell how this divorce will go.

On the one hand, if we were for some reason advising Matt Lauer, wed suggest giving his wife everything she asks for, quietly and politely.

Surely he owes her that much, if not more.

On the other, the description that Us Weeklys source provides of Matt Lauer hardly meshes with the broken, ashamed description of him that we were so pleased to hear a while back.

if he really thinks that his life can somehow go on as before, that people can still see him as a public figure and not as a sex monster who abused the trust of coworkers but also of the public, then he might fight to enforce the couples prenup.

We can hope that he makes the choice of a decent human being.

But, given his alleged behavior in recent decades, we wont hold our breath.

For more infomation >> Matt Lauer and Annette Roque Begin Divorce Process - Duration: 11:12.


Le futur RAV4 de Toyota prend l'air - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Le futur RAV4 de Toyota prend l'air - Duration: 2:52.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION I LEDER - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION I LEDER - Duration: 0:59.


Jaguar XE 2.0D 163pk R-Sport Aut./ Half leer/ Camera/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon/ Led dagrij/ Rijbaan detec - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XE 2.0D 163pk R-Sport Aut./ Half leer/ Camera/ Sportstoelen/ Xenon/ Led dagrij/ Rijbaan detec - Duration: 1:01.


Mazda 6 2.2D 150pk Skylease GT Sedan 19-inch Lmv - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.2D 150pk Skylease GT Sedan 19-inch Lmv - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D AUT. *!*GRIJS-KENTEKEN !! MARGE *!* - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D AUT. *!*GRIJS-KENTEKEN !! MARGE *!* - Duration: 0:56.


【当時乗った中谷明彦も注目】ヨコハマが復刻するアドバンHF Type Dってどんなタイヤ? - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 【当時乗った中谷明彦も注目】ヨコハマが復刻するアドバンHF Type Dってどんなタイヤ? - Duration: 8:47.


Tchétchénie : Appel à libérer Oyub Titiyev - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Tchétchénie : Appel à libérer Oyub Titiyev - Duration: 1:46.


Le futur RAV4 de Toyota prend l'air - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Le futur RAV4 de Toyota prend l'air - Duration: 2:52.


Najjače auto na svijetu- Das ist das schnellste Auto der Welt (2018) - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Najjače auto na svijetu- Das ist das schnellste Auto der Welt (2018) - Duration: 5:39.


LEGO® Ninjago® Season 8 ...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago® Season 8 ...


レクサス 新型 CT200h / F SPORT マイナーチェンジ 予防安全パッケージ Lexus Safety System +採用 全車標準装備 2017年8月24日発売 - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> レクサス 新型 CT200h / F SPORT マイナーチェンジ 予防安全パッケージ Lexus Safety System +採用 全車標準装備 2017年8月24日発売 - Duration: 12:11.


The Missing Text Messages Between Two FBI Officials Have Been Located. - Duration: 5:39.

The Missing Text Messages Between Two FBI Officials Have Been Located

The tables have turned on the FBI as they have now found themselves on the other side

of the investigation as they have come under intense scrutiny after President Donald Trump

fired his Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Two top officials in the agency serving on Mueller's team became involved in a romantic

relationship and as such shared damning text messages with each other about the president

during an especially critical five-month time period.

With the investigation, they tried to hide what they said and thought they had successfully

done so by deleting the texts in question.

Unfortunately for them, just because they were erased, it doesn't mean they're gone

forever, and now the messages between the Trump-hating FBI officials, Peter Strzok and

Lisa Page.

Fox News broke the shocking update moments ago:

Text messages from a critical five-month period between Trump-bashing FBI officials Peter

Strzok and Lisa Page, who both served on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, have been

located, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has told Sen. Charles Grassley,

R-Iowa, and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

This comes after the Department of Justice launched an investigation into Strzok and

page who had a total of 384 pages of text messages between the two lovers that contained

damning remarks and plans against the president.

According to the Washington Examiner:

The Justice Department has begun to retrieve some of the texts exchanged between FBI officials

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that were said to be unpreserved, according to a new report.

Earlier this month, the Justice Department produced 384 pages of text messages that were

sent between the two, but the FBI said that text messages sent between Dec. 14, 2016,

and May 17, 2017, were lost due to "misconfiguration issues."

Trump was breaking ground on immigration, then it all went to "shit"

But sources within the Department of Justice told Fox News that some of the texts exchanged

from that five-month period are starting to be recovered.

Strzok was a top FBI counterintelligence agent who was part of special counsel Robert Mueller's

Russia inquiry team prior to being demoted after it was revealed that he and Page exchanged

text messages that were critical of Trump.

He was then moved to a human resources position.

Page also was previously a member of the special counsel team.

Strzok was also a lead investigator in the investigation into former Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton's unauthorized private email server.

The five-month period the Department of Justice previously had not been preserved includes

the presidential transition period up to when Mueller was chosen to be special counsel.

The Gateway Pundit explains why this it's so important to expose what these two lovers


They very well could hold all the answers to the Mueller investigation:

Social media was set ablaze after these new Strzok-Page text messages were released to

the public.

What is even scarier to think about is the new explosive text messages are a separate

batch from the 6 months worth of 'missing' text messages.

The timeline of the 'missing' text messages is highly suspicious.

They begin on December 14, 2016 and go through May 17, 2017 which is the same day Robert

Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel.

Imagine what the 'missing' text messages say about the Trump transition period, Russia

dossier, "secret society" and moments leading up to Mueller's appointment.

The most shocking thing we have found out in the new batch of text messages is there

was a "secret society" of folks within the DOJ and FBI working against Trump.

The fact is that these messages were never really "missing" as has been said, it's

clear that this was a coverup.

USA Today reports:

While weighing the prospect of joining special counsel Robert Mueller's team last year,

a top FBI counter-intelligence official described the investigation into Russia's interference

in the 2016 election as a case destined for "the history books.


Peter Strzok, subsequently removed from Mueller's staff last summer for disparaging President

Trump in text messages, referred to the inquiry as "maybe the most important case of our

lives," according to a new release of his communications with FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

The latest batch of texts, released Tuesday by Senate Homeland Security and Governmental

Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, suggest Strzok expressed some skepticism

about the inquiry just two days after Mueller's appointment as special counsel.

"I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern (that) there's no big there

there," Strzok said in the May 19 message, before he joined Mueller's staff.

The release of two pages of text messages exchanged between the two officials comes

a day after Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledged that the FBI's information

system failed to preserve five months of text messages between the two officials, both of

whom had worked on Mueller's staff.

Strzok, who also helped run the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private

email server, was removed after the Justice Department's inspector general first discovered

texts in which Strzok and Page were harshly critical of Trump—in one message referring

to him as an "idiot."

Trump is doing as he promised and is draining the swamp!

Everyone will be held accountable in due time.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> The Missing Text Messages Between Two FBI Officials Have Been Located. - Duration: 5:39.


Home Depot Just Announced Trump Tax Cut Bonuses to Their Employees. - Duration: 5:13.

Home Depot Just Announced Trump Tax Cut Bonuses to Their Employees.

Democrats usually want a bigger government and higher taxes.

Republicans want smaller government and lower taxes.

For the most part, the American worker goes along with whatever their preferred political

candidate tells them would be best for them.

Businesses are a little different.

A lot of big corporations have made political stands over the past few years because they're

ultimately looking out for their bottom line.

You can't always trust that someone running for office is giving you the straight facts,

but you can depend on a business to do what's best for their financial health.

Some of the most liberal companies have fallen into begrudgingly praising the President's

tax cuts.

This is because it was structured in such a way that it's better for them to pass

a more substantial portion of earnings to their hard-working employees.

The number of companies that are giving out unexpected bonuses just keeps growing.

Home Depot is the most recent corporate giant to produce an unexpected gift for their employees.

This is something the workers will appreciate very much, and it's great to see a corporation

treating employees as an investment in their business.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

"Home Depot is the latest US corporation to announce Trump tax cut bonuses to their



Over 2 million US employees will receive bonuses or raises this year thanks to the Trump tax


Home Depot sent out this announcement on Thursday morning.

'Today, as a result of the recent tax reform bill and in appreciation for continued excellent

customer service, we are pleased to announce that all U.S. hourly associates will receive

a one-time bonus of up to $1,000 based on tenure.

This bonus will be paid during the first full week of February and is in addition to the

company's normal Success Sharing bonuses.

Please join me in thanking hourly associates across the company for their hard work and

dedication to taking care of our customers and making us the #1 home improvement retailer

in the world.'

The Disney Corporation announced Tuesday it is offering $1,000 bonus checks to 125,000

employees and contribute to an education program for employees."

It's hard to see significant gains for the middle class working American as anything

other than a win for the debated GOP tax plan.

Every person having a more profitable year because of the new tax plan will hopefully

remember what the left told them.

The stark comparison between that and the reality of more money in their pockets will

come to fruition.

According to Fox Business, Home Depot is just one of 241 companies who have now announced

similar tax cut bonuses to their employees.

AT&T even went so far as to give credit to the Trump Administration:

"Starbucks (SBUX) became the latest company to increase wages and enact other perks for

more than 150,000 U.S. employees as a direct result of recent tax reform, joining other

corporations in rewarding workers.

The Seattle-based coffee chain said on Wednesday it will give all of its U.S.-based hourly

and salaried workers an unspecified raise in April, in addition to a wage increase already

dispersed earlier in the Starbucks' fiscal year, which began last October.

Starbucks says it is investing roughly $120 million in the wage increases.

Starbucks is also awarding workers stock grants worth a total of more than $100 million to

those employed by the chain as of Jan. 1, 2018.

Retail employees will receive at least a $500 grant, while store managers will receive grants

of $2,000, the chain said.

The $1.5 trillion tax bill reduces the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and changes the way

the U.S. government taxes companies that also operate internationally.

The telecom giant said in late December that more than 200,000 of its employees, including

union-represented and non-management workers, will be eligible for a $1,000 bonus.

The checks will be in the mail in time for the holidays if Trump finalizes the tax bill

with his signature before Christmas.

AT&T (T) also said it will invest $1 billion more than expected in the U.S. in 2018, once

the cuts are final.

'Congress, working closely with the President, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid

by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world,' AT&T Chairman

and CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement.

'This tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs."

Both political sides have an agenda they wish to push.

That will dictate how they frame a narrative when they bring it to voters.

If the currently affected business owners say that a political tax play is good for

the economy, then that's good enough to take it to the bank.

If you work for one of the companies giving out a nice bonus, then you'll be going to

the bank anyway!

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