Thursday, January 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2018

I Need Healing





For more infomation >> Maining Genji From Bronze To GrandMaster! - Duration: 2:29.


Melanomen vorbeugen und sie rechtzeitig erkennen 2 - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Melanomen vorbeugen und sie rechtzeitig erkennen 2 - Duration: 6:01.


Wissenswertes über die Bauchspeicheldrüse und ihre Pflege 2 - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Wissenswertes über die Bauchspeicheldrüse und ihre Pflege 2 - Duration: 4:02.


Herzinfarkt: atypische Symptome bei Frauen - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Herzinfarkt: atypische Symptome bei Frauen - Duration: 6:50.


Sind grüne oder reife Bananen gesünder? - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Sind grüne oder reife Bananen gesünder? - Duration: 6:14.


더 뉴 K5에서 사라진 고성능 'GT'..2.0 터보가 삭제된 이유는? - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 더 뉴 K5에서 사라진 고성능 'GT'..2.0 터보가 삭제된 이유는? - Duration: 4:12.


'운전자 손동작도 감지' BMW7 시리즈 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> '운전자 손동작도 감지' BMW7 시리즈 - Duration: 4:08.


[폴크스바겐 사태] 5900만원짜리 연구서 시작된 의혹…실제 도로 2000km 달려 입증 - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> [폴크스바겐 사태] 5900만원짜리 연구서 시작된 의혹…실제 도로 2000km 달려 입증 - Duration: 4:15.


기아차, 카니발 하이리무진 누적 판매 1만대 돌파 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 기아차, 카니발 하이리무진 누적 판매 1만대 돌파 - Duration: 0:58.


렉서스 올 뉴 ES, 과감한 디자인에 반한다 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 렉서스 올 뉴 ES, 과감한 디자인에 반한다 - Duration: 4:08.


현대·기아차, 中 고객만족도 조사서 8개 차종 1위 올라 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 현대·기아차, 中 고객만족도 조사서 8개 차종 1위 올라 - Duration: 2:43.


[폴크스바겐 사태] 차대번호로 배기가스 조작여부 확인하는 인터넷 사이트 나온다 - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> [폴크스바겐 사태] 차대번호로 배기가스 조작여부 확인하는 인터넷 사이트 나온다 - Duration: 1:32.


My Drawing Setup - What do i have? - Duration: 5:21.

welcome back the channel going to show you guys what I have today I was asked

what my drawing supplies are and what I use so I'm gonna show you that so

there's my cutting board I use this a lot for my index card stock paper and

I've got a couple thousands of sheet to cut just line it up on there get the

measurement and then I have another cutting board underneath it then over

here I have my little heater keeps me warm and I'm drawing my hands get really

cold when I'm drawing and then I can't feel anything then my

hands go numb then I have pencil sharpener come over here some paintings

and drawings I have set up now this is just a board I have this attached to

this is metal piece and that runs up the wall on that there I'm able to raise and

lower this because I have my light on it so that with a bigger drawing I can raise it up

and get more light on the subject when I'm drawing and then I have over here my

drawing table a little storage areas for pens and everything and then this is a

clip-on lamp and I put on some of this like wax paper I have tape on there to

diffuse the light so it's not so strong and just one spot and I brought the

light at Walmart it was like 10 dollars and then this is the c922 - webcam i

bought that off of amazon for about $80 and then these are some drawings I'm

working on we'll come over here

screw I can adjust and move it and that wire runs up and along

plugs into my computer that I have this Neweer 700 microphone that's about

under 20 dollars on Amazon and those in the back there are some boards I have no idea really what im going to do with them

probably some art related stuff and over

here is my computer and Xbox and then my surround sound my headphones mp3 player

then batteries for my camera that i got in yesterday and

then I have up here my computer I built and there's my subwoofer speaker and

then my light um and I have there's my keyboard mouse and see ya that's my

setup um I don't use that table for drawing I

just use this one it's kind of a backup one if I ever need to use it in case no

that one breaks and this is just one I have I set stuff on the my tripod or I

that extra supplies and you just sit on there or you know my camera stuff I

usually sit on it and oh I have over there's some of my camera stuff as you

can see but um so yeah that's my drawing setup

and this is where I do all of my join and they also have another location that

I use for drawing that I use is just this the light from the window so I use

less electricity it's a better light than just using the ball because it's

more diffused this is free so I have over here is the other table that John

and as I move over big canvas I have my easel I do painting on I had a friend

that gave that to me a few months ago and it does it was okay me it's not like

really expensive one but it does the job it was good I had a little painting I

was doing on there on there but uh I was very dissatisfied by it so I I took it off I

have it in the closet right now but it was just a little acrylic painting I'm

more used to doing watercolor that I am with doing a critical will to have a

whole lot of experience with it but yeah that's my drawing setup and tell me what

you think thanks have a good day

For more infomation >> My Drawing Setup - What do i have? - Duration: 5:21.


Florida's Finest Criminals #1 of 2018 - Duration: 16:24.

Hey guys, it's me, Maggie J, finally back to making videos, and my goodness there are

so many things I have to tell you.

December and January have been full of people just dying to be featured on Florida's Finest.

I will let you know, I probably have about 45 stories here,

but because I like you, I'm not gonna make you sit through all that.

I'm gonna divide up the videos, and here is part 1 of Florida's Finest #1 for 2018

A highlight of the kind of behavior we expect out of our fellow Floridian's.

Florida Man Rigs Door To Electrocute Wife

The father of a Palm Coast woman contacted

authorities after his son-in-law made some strange statements and then apparently skipped town.

Michael Scott Wilson warned his father-in-law to keep the children away from his front door,

which is a very specific request, so the father-in-law contacted the Flagler County Sheriff.

When they arrived, they noted burn marks on the door Wilson had warned about, and when a Deputy

kicked it open, they saw a large spark.

Inside they found jumper cables hooked to the handle and the deadbolt, so anyone who

touched the metal, or completed the circuit, would be electrocuted.

Upon further investigation, Deputies discovered Wilson had stolen a gun from the father-in-law's

home and fled to Tennessee, sometime after the warning about the door.

The story is a little vague about when he actually disappeared.

But he was definitely arrested in Knoxville and admitted to setting the trap for his estranged wife.

He is being charged with two counts of attempted aggravated battery on a pregnant person and

one count of grand theft of a firearm.

He will be extradited to Flagler County and is probably there by now.

I hope they're going to keep him behind bars while waiting to go to trial.

He's just stupid enough to hurt someone.

Florida Man Calls 9-1-1 Because His Clams Were Too Small

The Stuart Police Department received two emergency phone calls from Nelson Agosto of

Port Saint Lucie, who was at Crabby's Seafood Shack, and very upset about the size of the

clams he'd been served.

A deputy was dispatched, not to investigate the size of the clams, but to cite Agosto

for misuse of the emergency system.

Agosto claims he "didn't know the rules of 9-1-1"

If you've got a problem with the size of someone's clams, you take it up with them directly, sir.

Who raised you?

Some sort of whiny tattletale?

You only paid twelve dollars for a whole plate of clams, what were you expecting!

*Side note: I have no clue how much clams should cost, but for a seafood dinner to cost

$12.00, I assume you're going to have to put up with some sort of cost-cutting maneuver.

Next time, order clams that cost more so you can claim the merchant robbed you when you

call the police.

Florida Man Punches ATM, Then Tattles On Himself

Michael John Oleksik was reportedly in a hurry to get to work,

and when he requested money out of the ATM machine, he must've pushed

the wrong dollar amount button, because he claims the machine gave him too much money.

Unsure of what to do about it, and still needing to get to work, Oleksik punched the ATM's

touch screen and headed on about his day.

Later, he phoned the bank and admitted what he'd done, so Wells Fargo pressed charges

because he did $5,000 in damages!

The bank was kind enough to mention, had Oleksik not phoned, they probably wouldn't have known

who the ATM vandal was.

Way to go bro!

Florida Man Reports Himself As A Drunk Driver

A Winter Haven 9-1-1 operator got more than

she expected when she answered a call from Michael Lester on New Year's Eve.

Apparently, Lester had been driving around Winter Haven all night, "trying to get pulled over."

Must be why he called 9-1-1.

Anyway, he couldn't tell the operator where he was, but said he was pulling over to get

something to eat and "they can catch up with me."

Sounds like a man with a plan to me.

Polk County Sheriff's did not disclose where they found Lester, but when they did he admitted

he'd had two beers, but later changed it to four.

He claims he had also slept for only four hours in the last four days, and had eaten some meth.

Boy this guy was a big ol' mess, I'm glad he called the cops on himself, who knows how

long it would've taken them to find him, driving drunkely all across Winter Haven and all.

But, all's well that ends well.

This drunk is in jail and the police get the easiest collar of the year.

Good job everybody!

Florida Woman Claims She Was Unaware Her Car Was Full Of Drugs

Lot of clueless criminals we've got this week!

Sharymar Judith Santana of Green Acres was stopped on the Florida Turnpike for a tint

violation, and inside the vehicle police found what no woman with two children in the back

seat should ever be caught with.

A whole bunch of drugs!

Troopers reported they smelled a strong odor of marijuana inside the car, and when asked,

the driver did not object to a search of her car.

She said her husband is also a driver of the car, and a friend named "Smoke" helped her

to pack up the car that day.

In the trunk they found 11 pounds of marijuana, 4.5 pounds of hash powder, and more than a

pound of cocaine, along with some hash oil and mushrooms.

This woman was about to throw the greatest party in Florida history!

Now, there's no way in hell this woman could have denied knowing about the marijuana, her

car reeked of it, and that aroma is very hard to mistake, but the rest of the drugs, perhaps

she didn't know about it.

Maybe Smoke put all that stuff in her trunk.

Maybe her husband didn't remember leaving thousands of dollars worth of various drugs

in the family car.

Maybe he didn't care enough to protect his family from possible search and seizure.

Either way, this woman is definitely in trouble and is facing charges of felony possession

of cocaine and marijuana, cocaine trafficking, and possession of a hallucinogen.

Good luck Santana.

Guys, you gotta stop putting that dark ass tint on your car if you're going to be up to illegal activities.

Are you really the kind of criminal who wants to go down for their tint being too dark?

Come on now!

Here's another shoulda-known-better story, starring yet another Florida Woman

Taylor Bennett of Bradenton failed to obey the state's "Move Over" law, requiring drivers

to move over one lane when an emergency vehicle has their lights flashing, so she was pulled

over for the violation.

Deputies noted her car smelled of air freshener and that the backseat was folded down, exposing

the inside of ther trunk.

Bennett handed over an Indiana learner's permit along with the car's registration, and when

deputies returned to her car, they noticed the backseat was no longer laying down.

Bennett allowed a search of her vehicle and inside the trunk was a backpack , a scale,

a jar with more than 7 ounces of marijuana inside, a box of sandwich baggies, and $1,747

in cash.

She is being charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell, and was cited for violating

her learner's permit and failing to move over.

FYI January is "Move Over" Month in Florida and the push is on to get people to comply.

So be extra careful out there on the roads, don't carry all your weed and cocaine stash with you,

don't tint your windows too dark, don't forget to move over for emergency signals,

aand use your ******* turn signals.

I can't stress that enough!

This is a PSA for us all.

Florida Man Carrying Much More Than Stolen Ribs In His Pants

Maeli Alvarez-Aguilar was suspected of stuffing a rack of ribs into his pants and walking

out of the Rines Market IGA store in Martin County.

When stopped by a deputy, Alvarez-Aguilar removed a rack of ribs from his pants, but

a further search uncovered an entire picnic hiding in those pants.

Nine pieces of fried chicken, two packs of hamburger buns and a container of mashed potatoes

were also recovered and Aguilar-Alvarez was charged with petty merchant theft.

Those must have been some magical pants.

I hope he wasn't heading to a party and everyone was waiting for him to arrive.

I'd be so pissed if I showed up expecting some ribs, and there was no food....

Never invite me over if there's not going to be food.

That's just rude.

Florida Man Jumped Off A Bridge To Escape Drunk Florida Woman

An unidentified man in Jupiter was traveling in a car with his girlfriend, and she must've

been on a hell of a bitch fest.

At some point, she started hitting the man while he was driving, and yanked the steering wheel.

The car swerved into a concrete bridge barrier and stopped.

The man then exited the vehicle, drunk woman follwing behind, and the man took a route

he hoped she wouldn't follow.

Over the side of the bridge.

He swam to a nearby park, and as the article specificed, ESCAPED!

Good on ya, bro!!!

I don't know if I would've went over a bridge to get away, but I understand.

The drunk woman, also unidentified, was taken to jail, but it's not specified for what.

Sometimes I get only pieces of very good stories and they're just too good not to share.

Florida Woman Not Enthused By Dancing

Nancy Wolfeich of Cocoa was not pleased when she saw another woman

"dancing on top of her fiancee and spreading her legs" on December 31st.

So she allegedly punched the other woman in the face.

Nancy claims she did not punch the other woman, but was later quoted saying

"Next time I see that bitch I'm going to beat her ass again"

So I think we all know for a fact, Nancy kept her hands to herself all night long.

She headed to jail on battery charges anyway.

Good job Nance.

Might I point out that you left your man behind, with the dancing woman, and now you'll never

know what happened after you left.

I bet that'll drive you crazy you insecure bitch.

Florida Man Goes To The Bank For A Burrito

We don't know exactly what Douglas Francisco

was up to before heading out for a burrito, but it left him significantly impaired.

When he got to the Taco Stand, aka, the Bank of America, he went through the drive-through

lanes, and passed the hell out.

The bank manager went outside to bang on this guy's window for a bit, and when Francisco

finally woke up, was very disappointed to learn there were no burritos.

When police arrived, he agreed to participate in field sobriety exercises, and succeeded

in failing every single one of them.

Hernando County Deputies escorted Francisco to the jail, charging him with driving while

under the influence.

Due to the oxycodone and xanax he had on him at the time, deputies assume the prescribed

pills were to blame for the impairment.

Ooh this is a good one!

Florida Writer Calls 9-1-1 About Spider-Wife

Friggin Spider-wife yall!

On January 17th, William Rutger of Tarpon Springs contacted 9-1-1 to ask that his wife

be given a mental health evaluation, against her will, because she had become a spider.

Operators took him for a joke and sent no responders, until almost 2 hours later, when

Rutger called back, insisting that his wife was still a black widow spider.

Pinellas County Deputies were sent to the home and found Rutger, smelling strongly of

alcohol and behaving like he was impaired.

You can tell by his eyes he'd had a lot, and maybe that's why he saw his wife as a spider.

Or maybe his wife is a spider and if you're drunk enough, you can see through the spell

she's put on herself.

On a side note, William Rutger is a published writer, his book from 2009 is titled "The

Alcoholic's Guide To Adventure" and is touted as "a lighthearted jaunt into the sublime

world of drunken decadence."

I'm hoping we get a new novel out of this adventure, maybe he'll call it,

"My Wife Turned Into A Spider and I'm The One Going To Jail".

Florida Woman Employs Her Child To Hold A Box Of Drugs

Mersades McFaulds of Summerfield was pulled over with her husband and three children,

and says she knew her license was suspended.

During the traffic stop, they found out her husband's license was also suspended, so McFaulds

was arrested and her family sent home on foot.

While walking away, an officer noticed one of the children carrying a wooden box with

a padlock on it, and when asked what was inside, the kid said "Notes."

Now, I'm not sure on the legalities of what happened next, but a key was found inside

the vehicle and they used it to open the lock on the box.

Inside they found a credit card with McFaulds' name, a bag of pills that tested positive

for methamphetamine, two bags of heroin, an amount of marijuana, several needles, a spoon,

a scale, and plastic baggies.

Of course.

McFaulds, on top of driving with a suspended license with knowlege, is also being charged

with causing a child to committ and act of delinquency and possession of the illegal

items in the box.

I can only hope DCF was at the house when the family arrived home on foot.

Good luck with those parents, kids.

Florida Woman Pulls Officer Into Her Vehicle, Discharges His Weapon

And not in the dirty way!

Danielle Trudell was passed out in her SUV in a parking lot on Markham Woods Road in

Seminole County.

When a Sheriff's deputy approached, Trudell woke up and tried to drive away, but the officer

reached inside the vehicle, presumably to turn it off.

Trudell grabbed the officer and pulled him partially through the window, then reached

for his weapon and managed to fire it, while it was still inside the holster.

The officer was able to overpower Trudell and got her out of the vehicle and into cuffs.

His gun was rendered inoperable, since the holster prevented the bullet from exiting

the barrel.

Inside the vehicle were bags of white powder that tested positive for fentanyl, and various

unspecificed paraphernalia.

Trudell is being charged with aggravated assault with a weapon, resisting an officer with violence,

and drug charges for the fentanyl.

Lucky this wasn't one of those zombie drug addicts, the kind you can't take down with

a truck full of tasers.

I'm relieved the officer wasn't hurt during the struggle.

People are just so unpredictable, and that is why I can never sign up to be a cop.

Florida Cop Unexpectedly Picks Up Hooker

Rebecca McLoon of Lake Wales approached a car at a red light in Polk County.

She motioned the driver to roll the window down, then got into the passenger seat, and

asked the driver if he wanted to smoke.

The guy asked her to get out of his vehicle, so she asked if he was a cop,

to which he said yes.

Then she laughed, andwhipped a crack pipe out of her waistband, and said she knew a place

they could get something to smoke.

At that point, the driver, who is an actual detective, drove into a parking lot and tried

to cuff the woman in the passenger seat.

She put up a fight, tossing the crack pipe, but the Detective handled her quickly and

recovered the evidence.

When other, on-duty officers arrived, they asked McLoon if she was turning tricks, which

is slang for prostituting, and she replied "Yeah, I wanted a trick, but I sure didn't

get a treat."

McLoon is being charged with trespassing in an occupied conveyance, resisting an officer

without violence, possession of drug paraphernalia, possesion of cocaine, and tampering with evidence.

Man this lady know how to party.

And she's kind of got the best last name in Polk County, McLoon!

"Sand Flea Jesus" Has Been Caught!

Melbourne Police have had a number of stolen animal crimes lately, and they are blaming

a man who they call "Sand Flea Jesus" due to his Jesus-y appearance and tendency to

live among the sea grapes.

His real name is Nicholas Alvoy, and he is suspected of being a pet-nabbing nuisance

for months, making off with a ball python that he released into a nursery, a cat from

the Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital, and even someone's identity.

He is being charged with petty theft, criminal mischief, and wildlife violations for setting

free a non-native animal.

You can rest easier, pet-enthusiasts of Melbourne.

We got him.

Holy cow guys, I hope you made it all the way to the end and you were just as awed as

always at the awesomeness that is our Florida's Finest.

Soon I will have part 2 of this video done, all the stories that made me very angry.

I'm gonna swear a lot, you don't wanna miss it so subscribe, leave me a comment, and share

with your momma.

Stay safe and don't forget to be awesome.

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