So guess what? Today, January 26th, 2018, marks one year since I started Keto! I'm
gonna look back on this past year, I'm gonna look forward to kind of what my
goals are for the future, and I'm gonna start right now! Hey guys! Welcome to A.D. Keto. My
name is Aaron. This is the channel where I talk about the ketogenic diet. I do
some keto food vlogs, I do some keto product reviews, and I do some keto
recipes. If this is your first time here, please consider subscribing, and do click
the bell icon if you do. That way you'll get a notification whenever I upload new
content. So guys, it's been a year since I started keto. It seems hard to believe. It
seems like just yesterday that I started. But I wanted to talk a little bit about
the year that's been, and then I want to talk a little bit about what my plans
are for this coming year. I started keto in January of 2017, after years and years
and years of struggling with my weight, and sort of yo-yoing. You know, I I think
like a lot of people, I was in really good shape in high school. I kind of
was an athlete, I played basketball. When I went to college, man did stuff fall
apart. People always talk about the Freshman 15. I think my first semester at
college, I gained 30 pounds. I came home 30 pounds heavier than when I left. And then
that's when my yo-yoing started. I would go through phases where I'd be heavy, and
then hit a point where I said, "This is enough, I've got to turn it around and get going in
the right direction." It's just been a pendulum, for like, the last... you know, 25
years of my life. Until this January, when I discovered keto. You know, I had seen
keto -- I had I would often look at places like r/loseit on reddit for
inspiration -- to see like progress pictures and transformation pictures, and I
thought, "maybe that I could that could be me. Maybe I could do this."
So I'd seen Keto -- the word "keto" in passing. I never really investigated it.
But in January of this year, I really dug in and did some research for a couple
days, and then dove in headfirst to this way of eating.
I was roughly 274... 274 pounds. This was me back then. Kind of miserable. Not
comfortable in my own skin. Bereft of energy most of the time.
Just not feeling good. And a friend of mine at work turned me on to keto, and I
knew within the first three days that it was for me. After a very, very slight bout
of keto flu, the third day of me taking on this way of eating, I woke up feeling
amazing. I woke up with a clear head, I woke up not hungry, I woke up with energy.
I woke up well-rested, and that has just continued. And it's the main reason I've...
the weight loss has been great, but those those benefits are just why why I'm
staying with it. The big thing with the diet was was in the beginning, doing what
I'd heard and keeping my macros to 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. And I
was really strict with that for the first five or six months I was eating
this way. Kept my carbs really low, tracked every single morsel of food that
went into my mouth, and by November of 2017, I hit my goal. I started 2017 with
the goal of going from 275 to about 215, which is what I weighed when I was you
know 18, 19 years old. And so I hit that goal in November, early November, and I
was really proud of myself. This is the first sort of diet, quote-unquote "diet" I
had ever done that I stuck with long enough to hit the goal that I'd set. And
what I found was that along the way, I set some new goals. I thought that I
wanted to try to get down to One-derland. I thought that I wanted to try to get
down to under 200 pounds. But being a tall guy, when I got to around 215,
I felt really comfortable, and I felt like, you know? I I don't know that I need
to get to One-derland. It's just an arbitrary number. I feel fantastic. This
is the best I've felt in my entire life, basically. I've been in maintenance for a
couple of months now, keeping around somewhere...anywhere between like 212
and 217. I don't weigh myself daily anymore. I weigh myself maybe once every
couple weeks, and I've been in this area. You know, I feel like I did make some
mistakes along the way. I feel like I've learned from those. If I had to do it all
over again, there are some definitely some things I would do differently, the
first of which is: I wish that I had found the Keto Instagram community
earlier on in my weight loss journey. I cannot begin to tell you guys how
amazing and supportive the Keto Instagram community is. It's unbelievable.
I've made some really good friends there. People who are have the same mindset,
people who are going through the same thing.
It's really something. It's amazing. And you know, in the beginning, I was using
reddit a lot for research. I still do use reddit for... you know, doing some research.
They had... Reddit has an amazing FAQ. But I found Instagram to be invaluable, just
for the support, and for the camaraderie, and for the fun. There are people on
Instagram, some of whom you've seen on this channel already, like... there are
people who have been on this channel that I met through Instagram, there are
people that you'll be seeing in the coming weeks that I've met on Instagram,
who are some of my favorite people in the world. They're just fantastic. So
that's the first thing I would suggest, is if you're starting out this journey,
find the support that you need. Whether it's in your real life, or whether it's
people on the internet. There are people out there who are doing the same thing
you're doing, and going through the same things you're
going through, and have the same questions, and have some answers. So if
you're new to keto, seek out... seek out your people. Find... find some people who
are going through what you're doing, and I highly recommend Instagram. If you're
over there, you can find me. And it's... it's a great place to be. So that's the first
thing I would advise... would have advised myself back in January:
Find your peeps. The second thing that I would tell January 2017 Aaron -- that guy,
this guy right here -- is that fat is not a target. You don't need to eat fat
because you want your pie chart to look a certain way -- you know, the classic keto
macro pie chart: 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. What I really needed to focus
on was getting my protein. As long as I got my protein, as long as I had enough
protein in my diet to maintain my muscles, and I kept my carbs low, fat
could be anything. Fat is not a target that I had to hit, because I have enough
fat on my body (especially back in January 2017). I had enough fat on my body
to use for energy, and I didn't necessarily need to eat it. There were days when I
was stuffed to the gills, and peeling an avocado, because I needed to hit my fat
target. Not necessary. Eat when you're hungry, but don't feel like you have to
hit some fat target, because that's not a target. You're gonna have good days,
you're gonna have bad days. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Like
Luke Skywalker, brush it off and start again the next day.
You'll be fine. The third thing that I would tell myself if I were just
starting keto is to take pictures, and take measurements. I have only a handful
of pictures from when I... from around the time that I started keto. I didn't like
pictures being taken to me, because I was not feeling comfortable with myself. Like
this one on the day I started. Watch out, there's some major dad-bod coming up . This
is me on the day that I started keto, and I blurred out my face. Didn't
want to even have anyone know that this was me. But that's me back in January, and
here is me from just a couple weeks ago. Major difference. That's 60 pounds down.
So take those pictures, because you're gonna want to look back at them and look
at how far you've come, and measurements! I never took measurements of myself
when I started. I wish that I had. I'm... The only real measurement I have is my
waistband on my jeans. I was between a 40 and a 42 back in January,
and I'm wearing 34s now. So that's the only real measurement that I have from
back then. So 2017 was all about losing my weight, getting down to where I was
comfortable in my own skin, which I've done. So for 2018, going forward, I have
some definite plans for this year. The first is maintenance. There are three
M's, basically. The first one is maintenance. I'm gonna stay in this zone
between 205 and 215. I'm very comfortable here. That's maintenance. That's where I'm
gonna be. The second one, the second M is muscle. I'm going to try to add some
muscle this year. I've been doing a hundred push-ups a day. I have a video
coming up on this hundred push-up a day challenge that I've given myself, so I've
been doing that. And then the third M is marathon. I am going to run, for the
second time, the Mohawk Hudson marathon here in New York's Capital District. I
ran it back in 2012, finished... I finished it, but felt really, really bad. I felt like my
body was exploding the entire time. I hit the wall at about mile 22, because I was
on the Standard American Diet. I ran out of fuel. I'm excited to do it this year,
because I'm fat-adapted, and I've been running half marathons on the weekend
without really batting an eye. It's... it's... running fat adapted is something else. So
I'm very excited to train for that, and to give it another go in October. So
that's been my first year of keto. I really appreciate you guys sticking
around let me...listen to be kind of talk about what it's been like for this last
year. If you're considering this way of eating, I highly recommend it. Do
some research, and just dive in. It is amazing. Let me know where you guys are
in your journey. Have you just started? are you thinking about starting? Have you been
doing it for a while? What are your goals? And I'd love to hear from you. So I hope
you dug this video. Have a fantastic day, and I will see you next time.
Hey guys, welcome to A.D. Keto. Uhh. For the second time, run the muds.. The Mudson Howhawk.
Mudson Hohawk.
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