hi friends what if it's Ashley and vocal or welcome back to my channel if you're
new here when you miss Ashley and thank you so much for clicking on this video
and if you enjoy it I would love if you would go ahead and hit the subscribe
button down below so you'll be notified every single time that I upload a new
video today I'm going to be doing a tried-and-true classic video I what's in
my purse video because I just got a new purse and I am super super excited about
it it's a bag that I applauded and debating on buying myself for a very
long time now and I'm actually very grateful that I received this as a
graduation gift from my aunt she was super kind and she knew that I really
wanted this bag so she got it for me as a little graduation going-away present
and I'm super super excited I say purse and quotation marks because a lot of
ladies do use this as a purse and I do see myself using this as a purse but it
can be used as other things as well I think I'm Way too over explaining this
you guys get the idea let's just go ahead and get started this is my purse
it is a long shelf life Leo's bag the large in navy and I absolutely love it
oh it just has this little button flat as well as a zippered otherwise it's
just one big huge open pocket and then it just has one very very tiny little
compartment right over here in the very little tiny pocket over here you can't
fit much and it doesn't zipper close so there's not too many things in there but
it's the things that I find myself reaching for the most often when I go in
my bag besides for like my wallet or my keys boil absorbing sheets these are
from clean and clear they're my favorite and super super oily skin so I use at
least one two three of these a day I also have just my go-to lip products so
I have my chapstick I love the Carmack's chapstick I also have the Smiths rosebud
cell and then I also have whatever lip color I am wearing that day if I
I'm wearing one and in here I just have the bare minerals marvelous Moxie
lipgloss in the color birthday babe I absolutely love this lip gloss now let's
get into the big huge compartment everything's just kind of thrown in
there as you guys can imagine first I just want to say though things that are
usually in there that aren't in there right now are like my phone and also I
usually have a water bottle with me at all time look and this is the book that
I'm currently reading I absolutely love to read I'm always reading those little
times in the day where you kind of just like sit on your phone and like play
around because killing time I like to read I have this little bag in here I
have these eye drops which just really wet your contact lenses because I do
wear contacts will have some band-aids these are actually inside out themed
pendants because my band-aids always have some type of Disney theme but you
never know when you or someone around you it needs a band-aid obviously how my
wallets mine is just from Kate Spade it's kind of old now so if you guys have
seen like other West my purses from me may have seen this before
but it's in like amazing condition for the fact that I think that this is
probably at least a year but I think maybe almost two years old also in my
bag I have my keys next in here I have some here Purell hand sanitizing wipes
you can use these on your hands or you could use these on like objects or areas
I do have a thing for germs so I also have some gum in here Extra gum is my
favorite if you were wondering I also have some tissues have a Mara in here
it's this cute little cheetah pattern my grandma actually got this for me I have
some hand sanitizer because of course I said like I said I have a thing for germ
this is from Bath and Body Works I always get their hand sanitizers because
they are the best and they don't dry out my skin too much Purell really really
dries out my skin and this one's just in vanilla bean oh well then the last thing
in my bag is this hand lotion it's hand food from soap & Glory and it's the mini
one I believe I've always known as the mayor
hop into mom bag to all of my friends whenever they need something they always
come to me to check to see if I have it because chances are I usually do that
was everything that it was in my bag and thank you guys so much for watching I
hope that you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next one bye
For more infomation >> WHAT'S IN MY PURSE | longchamp le pliage large tote - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
SHOPKINS Rolled ICE CREAM w/ FROYO Yo Chi [+ Shopkins Candy]| Roman and Auroras Childhood Adventures - Duration: 11:06.
Okay Yochi, I think this is ready.
It sure looks ready to me.
Yeah, so now we are going to
Mix! roll it up.
Yay, it's froyo.
- [Roman] Join us for Roman's & Aurora's
- [Both] Childhood Adventures.
Hi everyone.
What are we gonna do today, Aurora?
We gonna make ice cream rolls!
We are going to make rolled ice cream.
Uh-huh, and we also have somebody joining us!
And we have a guest here,
this is Yochi, and she's gonna help us
make the ice cream
and also, we're gonna make ice cream
with Shopkins candy,
and we have, here, a candy dispenser.
Uh-huh and look what this can do!
'Kay, this is what candy dispensers do.
Yeah, it gives us the candy,
and then we're gonna have Wonder Balls.
That's pink!
And these have a surprise inside,
it's a Shopkins candy surprise,
and then we also have this.
Which is pop candy.
And, we're gonna use...
We are gonna use, iceRoll!
It's an ice roll pan to make
the rolled ice cream.
- [Roman] Yay!
- [Mom] Yay, are you guys ready?
- [Roman] Yeah!
Okay, let's do it.
To make rolled ice cream, you need,
one fourth cup of heavy cream,
a couple of drops of vanilla extract,
one tablespoon of sugar,
three tablespoons of whole milk,
and, if you wanna add some fruit
we added strawberries and raspberries
and don't forget a pinch of salt.
Make sure you dissolve the milk,
the cream, the sugar, and the salt
by heating it up.
And you can add various types of yummy sprinkles.
And we're using Wonder Balls, Shopkins surprise candy,
Shopkins candy dispenser, Shopkins bonbons
to go with that dispenser,
and Shopkins pop candy.
Alright, we have everything here,
to make the ice cream.
Yeah! So we have, yeah,
we have the ice roll pan
and this is...
This has been in the freezer for two days,
so it's really, really cold.
Who wants to start? Cold!
You wanna start, okay.
Oo, nice.
I'm goin' to add...
This and this.
- [Mom] Okay, go ahead.
- [Aurora] Because I like them.
- [Mom] Okay, let's add some sprinkles.
- [Mom] Oo, that looks nice.
- [Roman] There's sprinkles.
Okay, ah okay.
- [Aurora] Mix it.
- [Roman] Mix it!
- [Mom] Oh, very nice.
- [Aurora] And that's it,
I wanna put these over here.
Yeah, let's mix it a little bit.
(kids shout over each other)
yeah, okay.
Are you ready to open up a surprise?
A Shopkins ball,
you wanna open up yourself, too Roman?
Dig it up.
It should sugar, Roman, it's perfectly fine.
So, don't worry, 'cause it's all mine.
Okay, open it up.
What do you think, Yochi, about this?
Are we doing the right recipe, I don't know.
Mm, it looks super yummy!
Yes, it does.
You like it, you wanna eat some chocolate?
Mm, okay let me get a taste!
Om nom nom nom.
It taste like chocolate!
Wow, what's in there Aurora?
Pop corn!
Pop corn candy.
Chocolate candy.
Wow, oh!
- [Yochi] Roman can't wait,
that looks delicious!
- [Aurora] (mumbles)
Let's put some candy in there.
Get some chocolate too!
Okay, lets put some candy in there.
You wanna put some candy in there?
Okay, a little bit of chocolate.
Okay, Yochi, I think this is ready.
It sure looks ready to me!
Yeah, so now we are going to roll it up.
Yochi, here you go Yochi,
I'm your friend, we are Shopkins!
Oh, hello!
Hey, you did it!
Okay, I have to
roll it up like this.
(upbeat music)
You couldn't.
Okay. Are you tryin' to fold it.
This is not going out good, kids.
It's okay, it's still gonna taste delicious.
It's still crumbly.
It's crumbly, it's not...
I don't know why it's not rolling.
It's um...
A little bit different than we envisioned, but
is it still good?
It's super good.
Can you put that in there?
Look at my hand.
Okay, look at this.
This is what we have.
In a big piece.
That is a big piece.
That's the biggest piece I ever could fit in my mouth.
I can't fit any of this in my mouth.
I can fit this but I can't.
I can eat something in there.
Try it.
Is it good?
Try it.
Bite it.
Mm, crunchy ice cream wafers.
That's really yummy.
Here you go.
Oh, that spill on the floor.
Yum, yum, yum.
I like that, thank you Aurora.
You're welcome.
Did you wanna piece?
Hi, well, we're back again
and now we are,
we have the correct recipe.
We forgot the salt.
And we put too much...
Too many sprinkles.
Uh-huh, that was my fault, sorry kids.
It's alright, but the important thing
is that you keep trying,
and you don't give up
and just keep trying.
So we're gonna try again
and now we're gonna pour...
And we'll only put some sprinkles in.
We're gonna pour some of this,
we have the cream mixed already
We are gonna add the sprinkles.
And you guys can add the sprinkles.
Move it around so that.
'Kay, that's enough of these.
Okay good.
Good job, it looks really good.
Now we have to wait a little bit
and hopefully, cross your fingers,
it will roll nicely.
So, Yochi, do yo think this is the right recipe?
Looks yummy and delicious to me!
I hope so, I hope it does roll this time.
I'm sure it's gonna roll this time.
Maybe we should have tried frozen yogurt, Yochi,
what do you think?
Mm, well the recipe calls for ice cream,
so I'm okay.
Yochi, would you like one?
Yochi is frozen yogurt,
but she says ice cream should be okay,
so we'll try.
Yochi, is your favorite color pink,
because I have a surprise for you.
I got...
Oh, yes, my favorite color is pink.
You know, I got a lot of pink in me.
Oh, I see you have pink here, pink here, pink here.
And pink eyes.
And pink here
and pink here in your eyes.
Yes they're very pinky.
And black!
There's black in those eyes!
Black in my eyes.
And black in your eyeball too.
And white in his eyeballs!
White in the eyeballs.
Like this.
And Yochi is a frozen yogurt Shopkins,
so she has blueberries and strawberries
and raspberries too.
We're gonna try to roll the first half.
It's starting to roll.
Oops, it's okay.
It broke a little bit, but it's okay.
We're gonna make more
and I wanna make a lot.
Okay, guys, we're starting to roll the ice cream.
It's a little bit challenging,
but we're trying to do it.
- [Roman] What's that?
That bowl is sticky.
- [Mom] Yeah.
- [Aurora] Well it's time to mess up.
- [Mom] Well we're trying to do the roll.
- [Aurora] It's kinda broken but it's okay.
- [Mom] It's okay,
it's gonna go in our tummy anyways.
- [Aurora] Uh-huh.
Alright, well thank you for joining
and as you can see,
Roman and Aurora are already enjoying the ice cream.
The rolled ice cream.
And Yochi, did you have a good time?
Yes, wonderful time!
Do you have a surprise for us?
Oh yeah, I do!
Let me see what it is.
Whoa, what is that?
That's Yochi!
That's Yochi.
(gasps) That's Yochi?
A small Yochi?
A small Yochi Shopkins?
Yeah, that's my baby.
Oh, thank you, let's show it.
This is Yochi.
I know what to do!
- [Man Off-Screen] Whoa!
I'll be back!
(spaceship noises)
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220 CDI AVANTGARDE *AUTOMAAT* / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / PDC - Duration: 1:00.
Mike Wazowski and James Sullivan - Duration: 1:35.
You were right...
They weren't scared of me
I did everything right
I wanted it more than anyone
And I thought...
I thought if I wanted it enough
I could show everybody that...
that Mike Wazowski is something special
and I'm just...
I know how you feel
Don't do that
Please don't do that
You do not know how I feel
Mike, calm down
Monsters like you have everything
You don't have to be good
You can mess up over and over again...
and the whole world loves you
You'll never know what it's like to fail...
because you were born as Sullivan
Yeah I'm a Sullivan...
I'm the Sullivan who flunked every test
the one who got kicked out of the program
the one who was so afraid to let everyone down that I cheated
and I lied
Mike I'll never know how you feel...
but you're not the only failure here
I act scary Mike
but most of the time..
I'm terrified
[REVIEW SÁCH KINH DOANH] - Công Thức Tuyệt Mật Của CoCa CoLa - Frederick Allen - Hoàng Ngọc Sơn - Duration: 22:20.
Classic Wrestling On Demand
Second day for N. Korea's inspection team in S. Korea - Duration: 1:52.
A team from North Korea continues checking out the Olympic facilities in the nation.
Today they visited the venues for cross-country and alpine skiing.
Here's Day 2 of their inspections courtesy of our Ji Myung-kil.
After spending their first day of a three-day visit in South Korea inspecting facilities
in Gangneung, the 8-member North Korean delegation is in Pyeongchang on Friday.
In the morning... they visited the International Broadcast Center and the accommodation facilities.
In the early afternoon they visited the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium where the opening and closing
ceremonies of the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics will take place.
They also looked around the Alpensia Ski Resort, venue for the cross-country skiing events.
Three North Korean athletes will compete in the cross-country skiing.
The inspection team also checked out the Yongpyong Alpine Center... located in the PyeongChang
mountain cluster, as three North Korean athletes will compete in alpine skiing.
A total of 22 North Korean athletes will compete in 5 disciplines, making this the largest
North Korean delegation in Winter Olympic history.
On Saturday... the inspection team plans to check out accommodation facilities in Seoul
for the 30-member taekwondo demonstration team that Pyongyang agreed to send for the
games, as well as the concert hall of a local broadcasting station.
They will head back to North Korea on Saturday afternoon.
With the North Korean women's ice hockey team already in the South,... other North Korean
athletes are expected to arrive in South Korea on February 1st, while the art troupe will
arrive on February 6th.
Cheerleaders, members of the taekwondo demonstration team and journalists are scheduled to arrive
on February 7th.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
Stĺpec spolu s bez DPH - Duration: 0:38.
Audi A7 Sportback 3.0 TDI || S Line || Automaat || Nieuwe banden || Leder interieur || Sterke diesel - Duration: 0:59.
Autonomous feeding of dairy cows - the "Reine Mathilde" programme in Normandy - Duration: 2:19.
Audi A3 Cabriolet €3.600,- voordeel. 1.5 TFSI 110kW/150pk CoD S-line Edition 7 versn. S-tronic (vs - Duration: 0:54.
28 Fotek, které vás silně zneklidní - Duration: 2:30.
Deus ex machina (for large orchestra) - Official presentation - Duration: 2:49.
Hello, I'm Ferran Cruixent, composer
After many years living in Germany
and having many opportunities to premiere symphonic works in different countries,
now I will have a new World Premiere of a symphonic work in Barcelona, my home town.
5 signes que votre partenaire ne vous aime plus. Ne les acceptez jamais ! - Duration: 5:40.
In an RV in the USA // Episode 12. - Lake Powell - Duration: 8:49.
Good morning
Our plans changed a little bit
Neither of us has energy to go on the guided tours to the canyon
so that idea was rejected
It should be a nice place
But we'll head somewhere to relax instead
There should be a beach campsite
So we're going to visit there
Hopefully we could spend a day there
And the night
A view for the day
Now we're at this kind of a beach
It looks like this
There's someone else here too
It's 14 dollars a night to stay here
Entrance fee was 30 dollars
We have a season pass from the national park entrance though
It should include this kind of things
like national recreation areas
There wasn't any guard either
We still entered here
I don't know yet if we stay overnight or not
There's loud music coming from the beach
You can do all sorts of stuff here
So it's probably not the most peaceful area
Looks nice though
This cools you down nicely
Oh, my shoe broke
Got stuck
Did it break properly?
I can't tell if the water is cold
There's huge contrast from walking from the heat to the water
Feels cold, but I don't know
No safety margins between the cars
You can see quad bike tracks everywhere
There's few nice spots left at the beach
We're bringing our car there
Now we have a new spot for the car
This is the view from the window
We don't have any of those fancy boats
or jet skis, or quad bikes Everyone else has though
Everyone here has everything
Well maybe not everyone
But most people have a huge amount of stuff with them
Big RVs
Big boats... well, everything
In Finland if you have an RV
Then you don't have summerhouse or a boat
And if you have a boat
Then you dont have an RV
So you just have one of them You know what it might be based on?
We might have only three hot days during the summer
So you wouldn't have time to use everything
Cooking some steak now
They're frozen
Our equipment isn't great, no teflon pan and no proper cooking oil
We had a plastic spatula but it burned
It probably wasn't that high quality
So I'm using this
Time to continue our journey and empty the grey water tank
There's a place to do that nearby
Then we continue driving
There's good phone reception
So we stopped to browse the internet and to figure out our next destination
Only a week gone of the trip
So we have to have a think where to drive next
We don't want to end up to where we started
Then we'd have to kill some time there
So we have to find the optimal direction from here
It looks like it might get cloudy
It could rain too
There's been some forest fires
There was a smell of smoke
So we came to buy some coffee and ice cream
And we found this campsite nearby so we don't have to stay in the wild
So we thought that we'll stay here
We're too tired to drive any more
So the place is called Kanab
So we'll go for a little walk to the city centre
Maybe they have something worth seeing
So we don't regret anything when leaving here
It's 8 PM so we'll do a brisk walk
The swimming pool is open until 9 so we're hoping to make it back before
so we can have a swim before sleep
It's really hot here
The place looks nice
There's Zion national park and Bryce canyon too
If you pronounce it like that..
It's 30 miles to Zion
And 77 miles to Bryce Canyon
So I don't know if there's something related to them here
Or maybe the place has something of its own
There's that kind of placards everywhere
Maybe something movie related history
They've filmed westerns here
If Internet was right, there's some nice canyons at the mountains
Narrow ones, they'd be nice for a walk
But I don't know
Just saw a few photos online
Heading back at the campsite
So goodnight now
Our adventure continues tomorrow
We'll see what we come up with
FROZEN Elsa McDonalds + The Floor is Lava + Pool Party - Come Play FROZEN Toddler Dolls Compilation - Duration: 26:49.
I dont want to relax, I wanna eat now I'm starving
Oh girls you're being so good and after we're
done shopping we're going to go eat
It will be yummy
you can relax now Anna, they're
I don't want to relax, I want to
eat now I'm starving
oh don't be such a grumpy boots Anna. the shopping won't take
I wanna eat now
you got off the wrong side of the bed
let me find something to distract you
Bah humbug I don't want something to
distract me I want to eat
oh this magazine will work I'm coming on no Johnny please behave
oh there's no now you go read your magazine when I talk to her wanna read
I want to eat I'm still hungry
I'm coming Anna
on no
Johnny Johny yes Elsa, eating McDonalds no Elsa, Telling Lies No Elsa, pen your mouth Hahaha
Lets get our Trolley Clara, were done.
oh no we're in so much trouble
Quick Anna, get back to the trolley seat now freeze quickly freeze
girls we're back from shopping
my goodness how did all these Happy meals get here?
Look at all this food and ...a half eaten burger
and this Frozen Elsa Magazine
How did that get here?
Kids I'm so confused you have to tell me how did these McDonalds happy meals get here?
and kids you have to tell me where did this frozen magazine come from?
I'm so bored Elsa it only two days into the summer holidays
and we have nothing to do
am... we can play hide and seek.
nah it's boring
we could paint our nails
I've always make a mess
We could play with our fidget spinners
no I'm not in the mood to play with fidget spinners
Hi guys
Hi Olaf
Hi Olaf
you don't need to be bored
I have the best game ever.
Tell us Olaf
it's called the Floor is Lava challenge.
The floor is lavas what?
let me tell you how you play when I say the floor is
lava you need to make sure by that time I count to 5 your legs are not touching
the floor.
I never played that game before
me neither
sounds like fun
let's play
the floor is lava
where can I go?
that was so exciting
now let's go play in the kitchen the
floor is lava..one two
Where to go where to go I
well I hope on around a good place maybe the next one just in time that was close
uh-oh I think I'm stuck Elsa Elsa I'm stuck in the drawer help
me Oh Oh Anna only you would get stuck in a drawer
the 4-1 floors laughing lunch there oh that was close wanna jump in the dryer
and they're happy inside a dryer before it's really big
echoing Giovanna we look funny in here
one where'd it go where'd you go got
that was easy for a change oh right you okay
you know you're still playing I don't see how you get a bigger story
the fourth one we're tight now and I'm getting a little bit hungry and must be
close to lunchtime I've got an idea
Austin time this game is really fun Oh weird heart this time I know my favorite
place the curtains
now I wonder where eyes Donna Donna where are you wanna let me go find her
are you here mm no are you here no
what's that sound sounds like chewing it's coming from in here
good I have to eat something like some yummy tree being outside me to
wanna the fresh air so what do you wanna do I know where to go I'm not very good
at climbing trees but I'll try you better hurry up time is nearly up
got it I slipped hurt are you okay Anna I'm okay Elsa let's go Dave and
winning I'm beginning to think that game is not such a good game after all always
faster than me and not a breath
Oh dad hurt your honor ah not again I don't want to play
anymore don't be a spoilsport Anna it's just a game after all come on
let's play one more round no Elsa I'm going inside suit yourself
aleene's great fun but I'm getting cold now I'm gonna go inside
day is the day girls it's party time look what we set up for you you're gonna
make a big splash in that you'll have a nice cool shower and we even set you up
you're gonna have so much fun an elfin onna there's a relaxing area
for you while your toddler's play girls your friends just called they want you
to go to a pool party totally cut me okay girls you got to come now they want
us to come over right away girls we'll have you got a few hours we promise
after we come back we'll take you in the pool right away we're coming mom are
they gone yet I heard their car drive away now we have
the whole place to ourselves are you thinking what I'm thinking Elsa we can
have our own pool party what do you think osya The Mummy I would
love a pool party can our friends come to play that's a great idea let's invite
all of our friends then I DLC yeah we always have so much fun in the pool with
our friends I wait I'm going to start calling
everybody now girls get ready hi Barbie hi Chelsea welcome to our pool party
it's great that you could come hi Elsa we would've missed this pool
party for the world it's so cool you got the place yourselves go play with them
in the pool we brought our floaties Barbie can you put the floaties under
the Jeep please sure Elsie anomie are gonna love them that's Barbies but look
at this cool purple one it's mine that was real I would so take a bite out of
it it's so good let's hit the pool bar we can bring our floaties later great
idea Chelsea chasing Chelsea what's going on
toriana does Chelsea's talk I'll just go get her Oh
too late taffies already in the pool
he's having a great time please could you stay in the pool okay then I'll go
relax okay let's get you out of the pool and I'll take a look you guys are only
in the pool two minutes and there's drama all right Anja it's just a little
scratch the good news is you can go back in its
race to the end of the pool girls one two three go
I know we've been dying to get in a pool all summer one body and chills you're
already here we brought some cool pool floaties you girls think of everything
as a1 and that pineapple one perfect for the summer there are two LTI mommy are
gonna love that Wow girls look at those swimsuits
outside have you ever seen anything like their amazing how are you doing in the
pool is it fun it's so fun refreshing you guys need to come in
that's a great idea we can't wait see you in a few minutes we gotta go diving
Oh this water is so refreshing and all you mean now is that cool drink
coming up girls some cool drinks for some good ladies I know how to throw a
pool party on don't you what we Cinderella watch me and what you can see
and I bet there's gonna be a big splash fun
I'm gonna go up the diving board this is kind of high one the Russian wasn't
expecting to fall into the pool get this hammock out of here top is having a
great pool party aren't you toffee I
love the water sprinkler let me move the slides and then we'll be all set just
move it over here oh no the old stock belt okay then pick
it up move over the waters under it
I'm gonna go up there climb up climb up are you sure Jessie oh it's cool I feel
like I'm the queen of the water Chelsea oh um oh dear Chelsea
that's bit too high no it's not safe please come down oh no it's really fun
up here Chelsea please listen to us a comment
down oh those hoes right is a bit high oh
come on be brave Chelsea you can jump you can do it Chelsea be careful coming
down your mic scrape your foot like me
oh you should never went up there let me take a look
oh it's just a little graze it's not that bad it's okay okay Barbie stay in
the pool yes Chelsea you can stay in the pool it's alright I know how to get the
fun back in this party
let's play dressing game and you have to get it heavy
pink was heavy
everyone freeze
where did these come from hit the like button if you want to see more of these
videos don't forget to subscribe it's free here's some more fun videos
Michael Andersen om Hartmanns Academy - Duration: 2:11.
manzai - Duration: 8:23.
today we are going to perform Japanese comedy
we call it Manzai it's a comic dialogue between two comedians
so we are not partners but comedy partners
....for now
everyday, always.
we are not native English speakers
no so I guess you guys sometimes can't hear what we are saying clearly because
of a bad pronunciation
because our bad pronunia..□🙅♀️※🐙♂......
in this case please just laugh okay
or I'll let you know when you should lugh
this is a sign
nice artificial smile!
okay let's begin we'll be studying English over 20 years
yes over 20 years
but we're struggling with English
it's very hard
can you English speakers guess why it is
so hard for us?
can you guess English speakers why it..□🙅♀️※🐙♂......
See? it's still so hard because in our junior high schools we used stupid English textbooks
yes very stupid
our textbooks are something like this
lesson one
repeat after me
this is a pen
this is a pen
this is a pen
this is a pen
is this a pen?
Is this a pen?
is this a pen?
is this a pen?
no it's a dog
no it's a dog
How can we possibly confuse a pen with a dog
shit happens
lesson two
is this a pen?
is this a pen?
is this a pen?
is this a pen?
no she's Angela
no she's Angela
is she nice?
is she nice?
yes she is
yes she is
is she pretty?
is she pretty?
yes she is
yes she is
is she single?
is she single?
yes she is
yes she is...
is she hot?
is she hot?
why are you so excited
are you lesbian or something?
can you introduce her to me?
i...i can't introduce her to you
why can't you introduce her to me?
I can't induce her to you
I love her
do you?
yes I do
lesson three
this is not a pen
this is not a pen
this is not a pen but Angela
this is not a pen but Angela
she lives in the next house
she lives in the next house
I love her
I love her
but I can't marry her
but I can't marry her
Because her dad told me she's my sister
because her dad told me she is my sister
it's against the law
it's against the law
it's against the moral too
it's against the moral too
lesson four
she sells seashells by the seashore
she sells seashells by the seashore
she sells seashells by the seashore
she sells seashells by the seashore
she sells herself by the seashore
she sells herself by the seashore
Angela sells herself by the seashore
it's against the law
it's against the law
our textbooks are totally shit
damn it
hey do know other reason English is just so hard for us?
because there are too many exhibitions to remember
especially swear words
like you mother f ..
shut the f...
what...what are you doing?
it's beep noise for your swear words! It's Youtube!!
what a polite lady!
who watches our videos?
on the contrary we don't have such strong expressions
we only have
Ketsuno anakara te tsukkonnde okuba gata gata iwashitaroka
that's rare!
that means I'll put my hand in to your ass and the make your back teeth say "GATAGATA"
very gentle expression!
no! that's way scary
I'll show you
what are you doing?
it's an experiment!
who wants!?
you want me to wash my hand right?
no no no not right.
you mean left!!
say gatagata, say gatagata!
calm down!
what do you think you are doing!?
what do you want to do!?
I wanna be....
let's call it a day!
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Arnaud Giovaninetti (Candice Renoir) est décédé brutalement, il avait 50 ans - Duration: 3:18.
20歲變性,12年換7次臉,37歲嫁給小鮮肉,她的一生比金星還傳奇! - Duration: 8:44.
Amici 17, Valentina piange per le belle parole di Goodson ma la Celentano la "spegne" (video) - Duration: 3:08.
"Mégalomane, narcissique" : Emmanuel Macron épinglé par l'ancien ministre Luc Ferry - Duration: 3:06.
O figli.. Ah, la paterna mano... Pubblicato il 26 01 2018 - Duration: 3:32.
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LEGO® Ninjago® Season 8 ...
L'gosseux d'bois Ep 159 - Un autre Rack a serres - Duration: 9:13.
Hi, on the Woodpecker this week, I'm making another clamp rack.
I'm sure you remember my first episode, when I built a clamp rack for my old basement workshop.
I liked it so much that I've moved it inside my new shop.
But not it's at full capacity; I have no more space in it.
I'm at the same place I was more than five years ago, when clamps were lying all over the place.
I need to do something about this.
I use the Bessey clamps way more than the rest of my clamps.
So, to solve my problem, I think I'll make another clamp rack and move the non Bessey clamps onto it.
And this wall is the ideal place to have a long clamp rack.
I begin by going onto my loft
and get some left over construction lumber.
A two by eight is way too wide; I rip it in half.
Then I joint it. But to be honest, I think this is overkill.
But I make sure both pieces have the same width, before wasting my time passing the two boards inside the thickness planer.
Mais à la fin, j'ai quand même deux beaux morceaux de bois bien propre.
On my original rack, I have a lot of small dowels which hold the clamps in place.
I also need some for my new rack;
so I mark the placement where I want them on both pieces.
Next, using my drilling angle jig set at five degrees, I drill a hole on each mark.
At one point I had to be creative to hold the piece in place.
OK now all the small holes are done; I need to switch for a bigger drill bit and drill the rest of them.
I want my clamps at this height, but the only place I'm sure I have something to drill into, is here and at the top.
So, to be able to screw the rack there, I cut small pieces of wood and cut mortises to hold them to the rest of the rack.
When it's done, I glue everything together
and leave this alone while the glue dries.
So, now is the perfect time to start working on the dowels.
I begin by cutting square strips in any scrap wood I can find lying around.
Then, using a quarter round bit, I turn those square blocks into long dowels.
When I have enough, I cut them to length.
Then I need to make one of their ends round.
I begin by drilling a hole, the same size as my dowels, into a scrap piece.
Next, I raise the router bit to the height of the bottom of the hole.
After pushing the jig onto the spinning bit, I clamp this in place.
After pushing the jig onto the spinning bit, I clamp this in place.
After a little while, I have enough; but the other side, which will be inserted in the holes I made,
is too sharp to my liking.
To chamfer the other end, I lower the bit and sharpen the other side.
This will be much easier to assemble now.
OK, I have all the small dowels, but I need bigger ones too.
OK, I have all the small dowels, but I need bigger ones too.
Now the glue is dry; so I can round over all the sharp corners.
And sand them smooth.
I'm finally ready to glue all the dowels in place.
Here, they are drying.
I just need to wait a little while and then I can spray the first coat of finish.
I spray two coats. And just before going to work, I make sure they're in a safe place;
far away from the rain.
The next day, we can install the rack in place.
I begin by drilling a pilot hole and I use a long screw.
I manage to find some studs and put a couple of screws there also.
I manage to find some studs and put a couple of screws there also.
Since I'm a nice guy, I give her a small space for the garden tools and our shovel collection.
Then, I can put some clamps in place.
I go inside the shop and get the clamps I want to move onto my new rack.
I'm very happy; I don't have clamps lying all over the place anymore.
Renée is also happy because the shovel collection is out of her sight.
But I have one small problem; the rack inside the shop looks half empty now;
well, I'll need to fill it up...
You might be able to see more clamps appearing here and there in future episodes of The Woodpecker.
WIPSportsRadio Host Gets Egg'd After Betting Eagles Would Lose To Vikings - Duration: 2:31.
Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 250 d 4MATIC AMG Night / Pano / LED / Tr.haak - Duration: 1:01.
BMW 4 Serie Gran Coupé 420D 420 D HIGH EXECUTIVE NED.AUTO, 1STE EIGENAAR, OPEN DAK, M-PAKKET, ZEER - Duration: 1:00.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Estate Ambition Line Exclusive Automaat - Duration: 1:00.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI PLUS PACK Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:02.
Mort d'Arnaud Giovaninetti (Section de recherches, Candice Renoir) à 50 ans - Duration: 2:27.
Après David Hallyday, c'est au tour de Laura Smet d'annoncer son nouveau projet - Duration: 2:59.
Astronaut Moments: Scott Tingle: Guitarist - Duration: 2:43.
Autonomous feeding of dairy cows - the "Reine Mathilde" programme in Normandy - Duration: 2:19.
#95 Photographiez ! - Duration: 3:22.
One year of keto | My 62-pound transformation! - Duration: 11:38.
So guess what? Today, January 26th, 2018, marks one year since I started Keto! I'm
gonna look back on this past year, I'm gonna look forward to kind of what my
goals are for the future, and I'm gonna start right now! Hey guys! Welcome to A.D. Keto. My
name is Aaron. This is the channel where I talk about the ketogenic diet. I do
some keto food vlogs, I do some keto product reviews, and I do some keto
recipes. If this is your first time here, please consider subscribing, and do click
the bell icon if you do. That way you'll get a notification whenever I upload new
content. So guys, it's been a year since I started keto. It seems hard to believe. It
seems like just yesterday that I started. But I wanted to talk a little bit about
the year that's been, and then I want to talk a little bit about what my plans
are for this coming year. I started keto in January of 2017, after years and years
and years of struggling with my weight, and sort of yo-yoing. You know, I I think
like a lot of people, I was in really good shape in high school. I kind of
was an athlete, I played basketball. When I went to college, man did stuff fall
apart. People always talk about the Freshman 15. I think my first semester at
college, I gained 30 pounds. I came home 30 pounds heavier than when I left. And then
that's when my yo-yoing started. I would go through phases where I'd be heavy, and
then hit a point where I said, "This is enough, I've got to turn it around and get going in
the right direction." It's just been a pendulum, for like, the last... you know, 25
years of my life. Until this January, when I discovered keto. You know, I had seen
keto -- I had I would often look at places like r/loseit on reddit for
inspiration -- to see like progress pictures and transformation pictures, and I
thought, "maybe that I could that could be me. Maybe I could do this."
So I'd seen Keto -- the word "keto" in passing. I never really investigated it.
But in January of this year, I really dug in and did some research for a couple
days, and then dove in headfirst to this way of eating.
I was roughly 274... 274 pounds. This was me back then. Kind of miserable. Not
comfortable in my own skin. Bereft of energy most of the time.
Just not feeling good. And a friend of mine at work turned me on to keto, and I
knew within the first three days that it was for me. After a very, very slight bout
of keto flu, the third day of me taking on this way of eating, I woke up feeling
amazing. I woke up with a clear head, I woke up not hungry, I woke up with energy.
I woke up well-rested, and that has just continued. And it's the main reason I've...
the weight loss has been great, but those those benefits are just why why I'm
staying with it. The big thing with the diet was was in the beginning, doing what
I'd heard and keeping my macros to 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. And I
was really strict with that for the first five or six months I was eating
this way. Kept my carbs really low, tracked every single morsel of food that
went into my mouth, and by November of 2017, I hit my goal. I started 2017 with
the goal of going from 275 to about 215, which is what I weighed when I was you
know 18, 19 years old. And so I hit that goal in November, early November, and I
was really proud of myself. This is the first sort of diet, quote-unquote "diet" I
had ever done that I stuck with long enough to hit the goal that I'd set. And
what I found was that along the way, I set some new goals. I thought that I
wanted to try to get down to One-derland. I thought that I wanted to try to get
down to under 200 pounds. But being a tall guy, when I got to around 215,
I felt really comfortable, and I felt like, you know? I I don't know that I need
to get to One-derland. It's just an arbitrary number. I feel fantastic. This
is the best I've felt in my entire life, basically. I've been in maintenance for a
couple of months now, keeping around somewhere...anywhere between like 212
and 217. I don't weigh myself daily anymore. I weigh myself maybe once every
couple weeks, and I've been in this area. You know, I feel like I did make some
mistakes along the way. I feel like I've learned from those. If I had to do it all
over again, there are some definitely some things I would do differently, the
first of which is: I wish that I had found the Keto Instagram community
earlier on in my weight loss journey. I cannot begin to tell you guys how
amazing and supportive the Keto Instagram community is. It's unbelievable.
I've made some really good friends there. People who are have the same mindset,
people who are going through the same thing.
It's really something. It's amazing. And you know, in the beginning, I was using
reddit a lot for research. I still do use reddit for... you know, doing some research.
They had... Reddit has an amazing FAQ. But I found Instagram to be invaluable, just
for the support, and for the camaraderie, and for the fun. There are people on
Instagram, some of whom you've seen on this channel already, like... there are
people who have been on this channel that I met through Instagram, there are
people that you'll be seeing in the coming weeks that I've met on Instagram,
who are some of my favorite people in the world. They're just fantastic. So
that's the first thing I would suggest, is if you're starting out this journey,
find the support that you need. Whether it's in your real life, or whether it's
people on the internet. There are people out there who are doing the same thing
you're doing, and going through the same things you're
going through, and have the same questions, and have some answers. So if
you're new to keto, seek out... seek out your people. Find... find some people who
are going through what you're doing, and I highly recommend Instagram. If you're
over there, you can find me. And it's... it's a great place to be. So that's the first
thing I would advise... would have advised myself back in January:
Find your peeps. The second thing that I would tell January 2017 Aaron -- that guy,
this guy right here -- is that fat is not a target. You don't need to eat fat
because you want your pie chart to look a certain way -- you know, the classic keto
macro pie chart: 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. What I really needed to focus
on was getting my protein. As long as I got my protein, as long as I had enough
protein in my diet to maintain my muscles, and I kept my carbs low, fat
could be anything. Fat is not a target that I had to hit, because I have enough
fat on my body (especially back in January 2017). I had enough fat on my body
to use for energy, and I didn't necessarily need to eat it. There were days when I
was stuffed to the gills, and peeling an avocado, because I needed to hit my fat
target. Not necessary. Eat when you're hungry, but don't feel like you have to
hit some fat target, because that's not a target. You're gonna have good days,
you're gonna have bad days. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Like
Luke Skywalker, brush it off and start again the next day.
You'll be fine. The third thing that I would tell myself if I were just
starting keto is to take pictures, and take measurements. I have only a handful
of pictures from when I... from around the time that I started keto. I didn't like
pictures being taken to me, because I was not feeling comfortable with myself. Like
this one on the day I started. Watch out, there's some major dad-bod coming up . This
is me on the day that I started keto, and I blurred out my face. Didn't
want to even have anyone know that this was me. But that's me back in January, and
here is me from just a couple weeks ago. Major difference. That's 60 pounds down.
So take those pictures, because you're gonna want to look back at them and look
at how far you've come, and measurements! I never took measurements of myself
when I started. I wish that I had. I'm... The only real measurement I have is my
waistband on my jeans. I was between a 40 and a 42 back in January,
and I'm wearing 34s now. So that's the only real measurement that I have from
back then. So 2017 was all about losing my weight, getting down to where I was
comfortable in my own skin, which I've done. So for 2018, going forward, I have
some definite plans for this year. The first is maintenance. There are three
M's, basically. The first one is maintenance. I'm gonna stay in this zone
between 205 and 215. I'm very comfortable here. That's maintenance. That's where I'm
gonna be. The second one, the second M is muscle. I'm going to try to add some
muscle this year. I've been doing a hundred push-ups a day. I have a video
coming up on this hundred push-up a day challenge that I've given myself, so I've
been doing that. And then the third M is marathon. I am going to run, for the
second time, the Mohawk Hudson marathon here in New York's Capital District. I
ran it back in 2012, finished... I finished it, but felt really, really bad. I felt like my
body was exploding the entire time. I hit the wall at about mile 22, because I was
on the Standard American Diet. I ran out of fuel. I'm excited to do it this year,
because I'm fat-adapted, and I've been running half marathons on the weekend
without really batting an eye. It's... it's... running fat adapted is something else. So
I'm very excited to train for that, and to give it another go in October. So
that's been my first year of keto. I really appreciate you guys sticking
around let me...listen to be kind of talk about what it's been like for this last
year. If you're considering this way of eating, I highly recommend it. Do
some research, and just dive in. It is amazing. Let me know where you guys are
in your journey. Have you just started? are you thinking about starting? Have you been
doing it for a while? What are your goals? And I'd love to hear from you. So I hope
you dug this video. Have a fantastic day, and I will see you next time.
Hey guys, welcome to A.D. Keto. Uhh. For the second time, run the muds.. The Mudson Howhawk.
Mudson Hohawk.
Is Autism Really on the Rise? - Duration: 4:15.
Frédéric Beigbeder suscite la polémique après une chronique sur Woody Allen sur France Inter - Duration: 2:55.
Pourquoi se cogner le coude est-il si douloureux ? - Duration: 3:42.
鄉土劇男星陳冠霖傳爛醉「褲子竟...」曖昧女星! - Duration: 4:31.
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Mélanie Dédigama et Benjamin Samat secrètement en couple dans LPDLA5 ? Mathieu se confie - Duration: 2:10.
"Mégalomane, narcissique" : Emmanuel Macron épinglé par l'ancien ministre Luc Ferry - Duration: 3:06.
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Zebrainy ABC Wonderlands - Learn A to B alphabet letters - Education Game App for Kid
Sigma Full Frame 24-35mm T2.2 - Duration: 3:13.
In an RV in the USA // Episode 12. - Lake Powell - Duration: 8:49.
Good morning
Our plans changed a little bit
Neither of us has energy to go on the guided tours to the canyon
so that idea was rejected
It should be a nice place
But we'll head somewhere to relax instead
There should be a beach campsite
So we're going to visit there
Hopefully we could spend a day there
And the night
A view for the day
Now we're at this kind of a beach
It looks like this
There's someone else here too
It's 14 dollars a night to stay here
Entrance fee was 30 dollars
We have a season pass from the national park entrance though
It should include this kind of things
like national recreation areas
There wasn't any guard either
We still entered here
I don't know yet if we stay overnight or not
There's loud music coming from the beach
You can do all sorts of stuff here
So it's probably not the most peaceful area
Looks nice though
This cools you down nicely
Oh, my shoe broke
Got stuck
Did it break properly?
I can't tell if the water is cold
There's huge contrast from walking from the heat to the water
Feels cold, but I don't know
No safety margins between the cars
You can see quad bike tracks everywhere
There's few nice spots left at the beach
We're bringing our car there
Now we have a new spot for the car
This is the view from the window
We don't have any of those fancy boats
or jet skis, or quad bikes Everyone else has though
Everyone here has everything
Well maybe not everyone
But most people have a huge amount of stuff with them
Big RVs
Big boats... well, everything
In Finland if you have an RV
Then you don't have summerhouse or a boat
And if you have a boat
Then you dont have an RV
So you just have one of them You know what it might be based on?
We might have only three hot days during the summer
So you wouldn't have time to use everything
Cooking some steak now
They're frozen
Our equipment isn't great, no teflon pan and no proper cooking oil
We had a plastic spatula but it burned
It probably wasn't that high quality
So I'm using this
Time to continue our journey and empty the grey water tank
There's a place to do that nearby
Then we continue driving
There's good phone reception
So we stopped to browse the internet and to figure out our next destination
Only a week gone of the trip
So we have to have a think where to drive next
We don't want to end up to where we started
Then we'd have to kill some time there
So we have to find the optimal direction from here
It looks like it might get cloudy
It could rain too
There's been some forest fires
There was a smell of smoke
So we came to buy some coffee and ice cream
And we found this campsite nearby so we don't have to stay in the wild
So we thought that we'll stay here
We're too tired to drive any more
So the place is called Kanab
So we'll go for a little walk to the city centre
Maybe they have something worth seeing
So we don't regret anything when leaving here
It's 8 PM so we'll do a brisk walk
The swimming pool is open until 9 so we're hoping to make it back before
so we can have a swim before sleep
It's really hot here
The place looks nice
There's Zion national park and Bryce canyon too
If you pronounce it like that..
It's 30 miles to Zion
And 77 miles to Bryce Canyon
So I don't know if there's something related to them here
Or maybe the place has something of its own
There's that kind of placards everywhere
Maybe something movie related history
They've filmed westerns here
If Internet was right, there's some nice canyons at the mountains
Narrow ones, they'd be nice for a walk
But I don't know
Just saw a few photos online
Heading back at the campsite
So goodnight now
Our adventure continues tomorrow
We'll see what we come up with
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