Today, we're gonna be talking about how to be a better vlogger, how to vlog for
beginners, and how to just be better at YouTube, if you are a more advanced
vlogger, or a more advanced youtuber, and you're still looking for some tips. For
those of you who are just joining us, my name is Caty, my husband Blake is in the
Air Force, but he's actually getting out of the Air Force this year, and we still
don't know what the next step in life is going to be. So because of this huge
transformative year that we're going to be having here, I'm trying to think about
all these different ways that we can improve our lives in general, including
on YouTube. So a little over a week ago, I sent out a survey to you guys, viewers of
this channel, essentially asking you, what do we do really well on this channel, and
then what do we do really badly on this channel. We got over 300 responses from
you guys about just how to improve our vlogs, and as I was reading those
responses, it became super apparent how pretty much all of these things
could benefit pretty much every single channel on YouTube. So I wanted to throw
this video together to not only go over the survey results with regular viewers,
but also possibly give a little bit of advice for those of you who are just
starting out vlogging, who want to know how to vlog for beginners, how to be a
better vlogger, if you've been vlogging for a while and just how to be better at
the whole YouTube game. So we're just gonna jump right! The survey was just
done on Google Forms, which is a totally free thing available to you if you have
a gmail account, or a Google Drive account, and I'm just going to be looking
at some of the responses on my phone, so if you see me looking down, that's what
I'm looking at. The first question is "how did you originally find our channel?" This
response didn't surprise me so much. Most people found us from another YouTube
channel. That accounted for over half of responses there, so I'm not really
surprised about that. Another cool metric was that over 33% of
viewers found us from YouTube search results. Over the course of 2018, one of
our goals on this channel is to probably grow that metric a little bit more,
specifically showing up in YouTube search results a little bit better, which
essentially means being a lot better at titling videos, having enticing
thumbnails that make you want to click on it, and also metadata things that are
in YouTube tags, and also the description bar of videos. So, tip for fellow
youtubers and/or vloggers who are wanting to improve your search results:
make sure you were doing descriptive titles and tags, as well as descriptions, in all of your videos.
The more descriptive info that YouTube has to
play around with, the more likely you're going to be showing up in search
results, especially if the video topic is about something that's a really targeted
subject. Definitely check out the links I have in the description bar below to
other YouTube channels that are dedicated to this subject there are
literally entire channels dedicated to helping youtubers do better on YouTube
there are three extensions slash services that are really good for
helping you do this they are called vid IQ tube buddy and morning fame I will
link all of them in the description bar below if you want to check them out and
I might maybe do a video on those services a little bit later but for now
we're just gonna continue on with the survey results in your opinion which cup
fiction vlog stands out as being the best and/or the most memorable and there
are three types of videos that really stood out everybody really seems to like
it when we travel so travel vlogs when we go up to Montana when we go to Canada
when we went camping travel s clogs people seem to really enjoy another type
of vlog that seems to stand out for a lot of people is when Blake comes home
from his deployment deployment homecomings are definitely a very
emotionally high kind of video that we really enjoy to put out when those
things happen and another type of video that seems to really stand out in
people's minds are actually the more artistic ye kind of ones ones where I
was making bread that was a big one that was mentioned a couple times when I
talked about the word epitome that was a big one for a couple a couple people so
those are three types of videos that stood out as being the best according to
our viewers and then follow-up question why does this video stand out to you
most people said it gave me a strong emotional reaction whether that be
sadness or happiness or laughter or just a really strong emotion emotional videos
seem to be more enjoyable for more people so asking your viewers which
videos and/or vlogs stand out as being either the most memorable or the best in
their opinion how does this benefit you as a vlogger or youtuber generally
speaking these videos struck a chord with your audience in some form or
another maybe the content was really interesting
maybe it was about an emotional subject that really struck a chord with them
regardless of what these videos are for your channel one way to find that
information is to go into your analytics and check and see which videos have the
most engagement on them not necessarily views but we're talking like thumbs up
we're talking comments and then one thing you can do as a vlogger or
youtuber with this information is to make more content like that as long as
those videos are videos that you actually want to do if you like them and
your audience likes them why not do more of those videos this kind of goes into
the next question as well the next question was in your opinion what do we
do really well on this channel what is something we do really well I'll
be throwing up a couple responses if you want to pause and read them a lot of
really good responses here lots of people really like the drone when we
take the drone up your own footage is good and most people say in some form or
another that we are relatable that we're personable that you feel like we're just
talking to friends which we pretty much are that is definitely probably priority
number one when it comes to filming videos for this channel we we never want
to feel like we're putting up some kind of front we never really want to feel
like we're not being ourselves and I think that is like key for any channel
on YouTube be that youtuber who's actually making videos that they want to
make part of YouTube is about having fun creating a conversation making cool
content that you really enjoy but above all doing what you want to do
make the content that you want to make because if you start making content that
you don't even like a your audience is gonna know that you don't enjoy what
you're doing but also be it's not sustainable if you're making content
that you don't even like in the first place you're gonna quit because nobody
wants to spend their time doing something they don't like especially on
their time off the next question was in your opinion what specifically sets us
apart from other channels that you watch in a positive way what is something that
we just do better compared to other channels especially for the people that
watch a lot of on YouTube or a lot of different
channels there are some things I think that start to stand out about different
channels in either a positive or negative way and we're just trying to
learn more about what those things might be for us if that makes sense so a lot
of people said that we're really good at connecting with viewers which is
definitely another huge priority for us we try to respond to pretty much every
comment we've gotten a little backlogged lately but we always try to do that
that's definitely a huge piece of it for us so another tip for youtubers or
vloggers is to absolutely connect with your audience I think one of the best
things we ever did on this channel was to introduce the question of the day
more recently we've been doing a question of the day kind of within the
video instead of at the very end but the premise is the same talk to your
audience because your audience is talking to you so you should talk back
create a conversation at the root of it YouTube is a social platform if there
was no social aspect to YouTube nobody would do it it would be the most boring
echo chamber in the entire world and the best part is is that your audience can
challenge your own views this is great not only for growing as a youtuber or
vlogger but it's also great for growing as a
human getting out of your comfort zone learning new things and interacting with
people that have a different life experience as you that's how you can
grow as a person so talk with your audience the next two questions are
about what we do really badly and this is not a surprise in your opinion what
is something we do really badly on our Channel everybody said consistency we
don't upload enough you don't upload on a schedule you don't upload as often
consistently as other vloggers i watch you've become inconsistent sticking to a
schedule consistency has been a challenge you guys this is not a
surprise thank you so much for letting us know though because that means that
it's obvious not only to us but it's obvious to you guys that we haven't been
sticking to a schedule and that seems to be a big thing for a lot of people is
just consistently sticking to a schedule making sure we upload around the same
times or the same amount of videos per week and
knowing that it's obvious to you guys as well that we're not sticking to a
schedule that's something we can definitely change and I can I can commit
to that I can definitely agree that we need to do that more and 2018 is the
year to make that happen for this tip I'm pretty sure I don't have to dive too
far into this but be consistent with your videos because if this survey has
taught me anything it's that your audience notices when you're not
consistent the next question was in your opinion what specifically sets us apart
from other channels you watch in a negative way what is something we do
worse um most people said consistency again like the last question
I wish you'd show more daily type routines cooking cleaning going out for
errands so that's something we can do if that's important to you guys this is a
good one sometimes it seems like a Katy blog featuring Blake I would like to see
him open up more I think that's a really good comment and I think it's pretty
obvious that I kind of do everything when it comes to the YouTube stuff it's
definitely a huge passion of mine and Blake is so busy with work most of the
time that he can only literally be in it for a little piece of the day most of
the time but this is definitely something we can improve over the course
of the next year for sure it'll be interesting when Blake deploys to
because you guys know that Blake is just about to deploy again a third time but
he's going somewhere amazing it's actually going to become really obvious
where he's going when he's there I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a surprise for
everybody so I'm not gonna say like where he's going but he's going
somewhere where I'm hoping he can get lots of amazing footage because it's an
incredible place but above all most of this is again consistency and putting
out more videos um a lot of people are saying that they would love it if we did
daily vlogs a while ago I would have agreed with you I would have totally
wanted to do daily vlogs as well but me and Blake both work full-time jobs right
now and if we daily vlog every day you guys it would be so boring it would
actually be so boring maybe in the future we can do maybe five times a week
but that's stretching it a little bit so I think we should try our three times a
week first and see how it goes because again consistency
is key here what videos do you wish we did more of most people said nothing I
like strictly vlog channels um and I guess I can kind of agree with this when
I'm watching a vlog Channel um I like to see what's going on in people's lives
I'm not I'm not super into like deviating from that too much a lot of
people also said sit down videos as well so like when we're sitting down and
having a conversation with you guys kind of like this video but I'm actually
standing right now but you you know what I mean nothing keep it with the vlogs
and this type of video that I'm doing right now I think that's a really
healthy balance and I think that's kind of what we're going to probably be doing
a lot more of in the future regular vlogs and sit-down vlogs then we
got into some interesting topics let's talk merch if we had merch you
could buy would you and we were all over the map with this question this was a
very even split among a lot of people so that was very interesting to see how do
you feel about outside fan funding sites such as patreon to support your favorite
creators most people said they weren't sure I'm not sure about how I feel about
it which makes sense patreon is kind of new and I think for a lot of people it
might depend on the Creator as a viewer myself to a lot of different people I
think there's some people I'd support on patreon over others just kind of
depending a huge chunk of the pie also said that they're completely for it they
totally get the patreon thing so that's really interesting to know a smaller
piece of the pie said completely against it and then an even smaller piece said
it depends there has to be exclusive content available to me on patreon for
me to consider it so that was an interesting one I thought I thought more
people would be completely against it to be completely honest on the subject of
merch and/or patreon a tip for bloggers or youtubers who are kind of exploring
this route whatever you end up doing if this is something you want to do make
sure it integrates well with your channel this also goes for brand deals
and pretty much any other way that a youtuber can monetize their videos
outside of Adsense your viewers and people in general know when they're
being sold too but there's absolutely a product a time and a place when it's
appropriate there's also a very specific audience that would be more so
of one monetary channel than another if monetization is important to you as a
creator make sure you kind of explore those routes before you just jump in and
start selling to people you probably don't want to be the internet version of
those annoying mall kiosks that are just trying to like pump little bits of
lotion into your hand as you're walking by and try to get you to buy a little
tiny thing of lotion for like way too much money nobody likes that and it
could be a big turn-off so definitely experiment if this is
important to you but also make sure you're listening to your audience to see
what is working more than another thing I have no doubt that if you have a
supportive audience they'll let you know if you're doing something wrong and then
my favorite piece of the survey is there anything else you'd like to include
advice constructive criticism ideas responses to previous questions etc that
would help make our channel even better in the upcoming year
again I'm gonna put lots of responses up so you can pause and read them if you
want with regards to merchandise I would love to get it but I live in South
Africa and then the postal system is ridiculous it takes over six months for
anything to get here if it ever does and it cost about $25 so it depends on the
price totally understand more Q&A sessions I can do that as far as patreon
goes it depends on the content creator makes sense and if you guys see things
on the screen that you agree with definitely comment on this video and let
us know the more responses we get to surveys like this and your comments in
the comment section and when you reach out to us on other social media the
better it helps us be better vloggers but it also kind of helps us be better
people too because let's be honest were human and sometimes we mess up on stuff
sometimes we say things that come across wrong sometimes we do things that maybe
people don't agree with but when we all share those opinions and those
discussions in the comments that's what that's what YouTube is that's like what
YouTube is supposed to be you know what I mean YouTube is a place where we're
all kind of invested in a very similar thing when you think about it we're
watching videos for a reason and when we can share those reasons and our own
opinions and our own viewpoints that's how we be better people not just people
on the internet but people in general I'm really
excited to be implementing more of these changes in the upcoming year and I
really hope that if you are a vlogger or a youtuber maybe some of this was
helpful do the videos that you want to do and whatever you do be consistent
about it because it's very obvious when you're not consistent read the comments
listed below and maybe there will be some other tips as well and I almost
forgot the winner of the prize from this survey is sweet I'll be emailing you to
make sure you're a real person before I email you your prize so definitely keep
your eye out on spam folders and other folders that emails like to fall into I
hope this was informative and kind of enlightening for you guys and I hope you
guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure you give it a big thumbs up and
subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you next time bye
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