Saturday, January 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2018

Karen Anvil managed to grab a candid shot of the four royals on Christmas Day

The 39-year-old 'screamed like a fan girl' to get their attention and got the snap

It appeared on front pages across the globe and has changed her family's life

A single mother who took the perfect picture of of four smiling royals on Christmas Day says the photo has changed her and daughter's lives forever.

Karen Anvil, 39, was one of hundreds who braved the cold to get a glimpse of the royal family as they walked to St Mary Magdalene Church, on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk on December 25.

But she never expected to get such a candid shot of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

After 'screaming like a fan-girl' to get their attention, she managed to take a close-up that ended up on front pages around the world

The hospital worker, of Watlington, Norfolk, told the BBC: 'My phone will ring at work and I have to say to my colleagues, 'oh it's just my agent'.

'Obviously they think it's hilarious, but I feel so silly.'

The picture Ms Anvil took ended up on the front of nearly every British newspaper and she says over 50 publications from around the world have since contacted her asking to use the photograph after she posted it on social media.

The requests have come as far as Japan, the US, Canada, Spain and Italy.

It was also used in Hello Magazine in the UK.

Ms Anvil says she is using the royalties she gets from the image to pay for her 17-year-old daughter Rachel's university fees.

She wants to study nursing, which will cost them £27,000 in tuition, plus maintenance

The mother-of-one told the Eastern Daily Press at the time: 'Rachel wants to go to work for the NHS in some capacity

'I want to save money for my daughter for uni and if I can get that opportunity that's amazing.

'I'm just someone who takes photos on their iPhone, I'm not a photographer by any means.

'I don't know how much I'm expecting to get

It's all going to go to my daughter and her education

She does me proud and that's what as mum does isn't it.'

The pair are also celebrating Rachel's 18th birthday with a US holiday later this year.

The 39-year-old's own picture has also appeared alongside her iconic snap in some places.

She added: 'There's a picture of me and Rachel in Hello too - that's the one I was happiest about

It couldn't get any better than that.

'I've had some offers to do work but they're just too cringe, to be honest

Some friends have told me I should do Gogglebox.

'It's not really for me though'

For more infomation >> Karen Anvil managed to grab a Single mother who took that Royal picture says its changed her life - Duration: 4:13.


New Volleyball Match | New Volleyball Tournament Mohibpur Khushab Punjab Pakistan Part 3/4 - Duration: 19:01.

For more infomation >> New Volleyball Match | New Volleyball Tournament Mohibpur Khushab Punjab Pakistan Part 3/4 - Duration: 19:01.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


Vitamin D best supplement | 6 Benefits of Taking Vitamin D - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Vitamin D best supplement | 6 Benefits of Taking Vitamin D - Duration: 3:34.


BMW 3 Serie 2.0 D 320 Business - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 2.0 D 320 Business - Duration: 1:01.


DO NOT Destroy My GIANT Cardboard SWORD vs SHARER FAM in REAL LIFE Challenge! - Duration: 10:09.

it is the world's largest cardboard ninja weapon challenge Carter I

challenge you to a duel oh yeah let's do ten paces and let's get

it on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Chad you're going down me and Vy versus

the Sharer Fam! We have got five minutes to build our own weapon

you guys are gonna vote down below who builds the better weapon oh yeah this is

the fire cardboard sword this thing is gonna be awesome

I just thought of something where is Steven oh he was just here a second ago

there he is

time is almost up guys, three, two, one, stop! the scariest part is the shiny tip is super sharp whoa oh

it will destroy anything it touches Oh we'll see about that oh yeah all right be

let's show them what we made we'll start down here here's their handle

oh very sharp how long is this it is up to you to vote down below right now for

round one type one Sharer if you love this sword if you like this sword type

one CWC but right now we're gonna go to round two and we're gonna shoot

water bottle rockets into the air and slice them with our swords this might be

a little bit difficult to get out of the building Oh figured out a way to do it

this is the the easy part yeah

oh yeah whoa check this out

Round 2 is ready we are gonna shoot these rockets into the air who is gonna

be the winner you don't have to say whoever hits it

just whoever has the best style. Style points!

Round 2 Liz is pumping oh yeah I got the sword I'm

ready to swat it out in the air all right this is gonna be awesome. Let's see if you can do this guys!

Ready? Oh yeah! Pump Pump Pump!


oh yeah Liz you pumped that thing so high in the air you get some really awesome

style points for that you guys because that was so high oh yeah

all right Vy should I pop or do you want a pump okay this is a round see with

Chad and Vy and they're super long for this long are you ready I'm ready okay

let's get pumping okay here it goes this pump it

thankfully it got stuck in the tree a little bit

he gave me it gave me a couple more seconds to run over so long I would have

never been able to reach it oh the lathe came into play now we need

your guys's help to vote on round 2 down below type in to sharer or 2 CWC for who

you think won round 2 now we are entering round 3 where we are going to

be using the slime shooter I will shoot slime at you Vy and you have to swing the

sword and hit the slime maybe like that

I've got three slime shots I hope he hits all three of them Oh why I'm number

two Are you aiming for me? I'll go a little slower

Alright here we go! Oh so close! That was super close!

these bullets but it was long enough to poke the rocket out of the sky but yours

is a little better suited for swinging isn't it yeah I think we'll better swing

this one a little bit better Liz you think you can swing it are you gonna be hitting

the slime where you gonna be hittin Carter all right I got the slime here we

go let's do it Liz are you ready here comes the first five eight three two one

Oh everybody missed the first one we're about to get this one check this out

here we go in three two one

I told you where I hid it and we got one boy we go wait a second your guys's

sword was so big all you had to do a shooting at the sword yeah all about the

design very good design for baseball practice Go vote below who won round three

type in three Sharer for three CWC oh I think we all know who

won round three we should do a fourth round what do you say I think we should

do a flight to the breath of a sword whichever sword breaks first is the

loser I'll use my sword and I'll use my sword

Chad versus Carter both all right now who do you think is gonna win round four

Carter or Chad whoo Carter I challenge you to a duel

oh yeah let's do ten paces and let's get it on let's go one two three oh five six

in ten Chad you're going down Carter you're about to get slayed

you're going down

it's a helicopter sword check it out he broke it you know what he transforms

into an axe

Oh no a transforming sword!

Oh it just hit me in the balls! Oh no Chad!

I'm still good though. I'm all good. It's only cardboard!

Oh no! Not the sword!

oh I'm so tired I'm so out of breath guys Oh no Carter is down!

Carter wake up! Wake up! CPR! CPR! Oh no, no CPR!

ew! Ew! CPR! OK, No, I'm fine! I'm OK!

Great battle Carter! Whew! That was awesome! That was so fun!

Guys, vote down below who you

thought had the better battle CWC or Carter oh yeah or LIz's CPR was

pretty impressive too OH yeah my CPR saved Carter! You got him right up on his feet!

Huge shoutout to all you ninjas,

we're putting your comments down here thanks for getting here during the first

hour huge shout out to Liz and Carter yeah go check out the video we did on

their channel we did awesome ninja weapons versus Nerf darts it was so cool

subscribe to them as well right here subscribe to CWC you right here if

you want some of this sweet merch you gotta click right here on Carter's

face. Click it! Click my beautiful face!

For more infomation >> DO NOT Destroy My GIANT Cardboard SWORD vs SHARER FAM in REAL LIFE Challenge! - Duration: 10:09.


DBD : Découverte survivant et tueur spécial Saw! - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> DBD : Découverte survivant et tueur spécial Saw! - Duration: 4:20.


La Villa des Cœurs Brisés 3: Florent Ré s'excuse après avoir trompé Stéphanie avec Tressia, - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> La Villa des Cœurs Brisés 3: Florent Ré s'excuse après avoir trompé Stéphanie avec Tressia, - Duration: 3:25.


Best nicknames of an alcoholic drink? - Duration: 3:09.

As you can tell from the title, this video has alcohol but also drunk people in it so if you're below 18 years old, pause the video and get an adult to watch this video with you.

Also that way I get an extra viewer

The drink I'm going to talk about is the Hungarian Pálinka, which is strong

and since it's a really old drink, throughout the years it got many funny nicknames

my favourite nickname is the fenceripper That's used for the strongest one

And you might be wondering: why would anyone name a drink a fenceripper?

Well... the only explaination I found is that the guy gets so drunk after drinking it in the pub

so he gets home but he can't open the door so he starts ripping the fence

And he also falls over it.

So.. RIP fence.

I'M joking about the last part but the rest is true.

The next one is the squatter

no not that kinda squat

It's the really bad quality version of Pálinka that's called the squatter

And you know why?

because you gotta squat under the window where they make it, so they don't see you and they don't offer you one for free

Because it's garbage.

The next is the horsefartener or horsefarter.

I don't know, considering it's an old drink, maybe the guy gets so drunk he starts brawling with a horse or something?

There's also the "don'tpullme".


But wait did you notice something? It kinda makes a story

Again concidering it's an old drink, let's say it was way back then.

The guy drinks Pálinka at the pub and he gets really drunk after several shots because it's strong but

~mmm tasty~

~Hey pretty lady, can you pass me another one of thoose fruit drinks?~


So he gets pulled out of the pub

He's so drunk he can barely walk home also very uncautious but he squats under the window where they make squatters

Then he gets home but he sees a horse parking in front of the gate

Wait they didn't have parking zones back then? Then where did they park their cars?



So he starts a fight match with a horse

Except he falls asleep

After a few minutes he wakes up and he can't find the lock so he starts ripping the fence

And also falls over it.

And then he can sleep.

Actually don't drink alcohol but especially don't get drunk, instead spend that money on gym tickets

There are other nicknames I didn't talk about yet, but maybe I should make a sequel sometime? let me know

Now as I finally got the key back, I can open this! Let's see what it does...

oh by the way I made some art while I was making this video, I post theese on my twitter page, shoutout to Ramo Tries to draw, I was in his Animation Rewind which became really good

I loved working on it and you can check it out right here if you're interested! Thanks for watching and see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Best nicknames of an alcoholic drink? - Duration: 3:09.


Interview with s1mple and press conference of Na'Vi - Major 2018 - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Interview with s1mple and press conference of Na'Vi - Major 2018 - Duration: 7:02.


1res fois (Véro) 2 - Duration: 43:13.

For more infomation >> 1res fois (Véro) 2 - Duration: 43:13.


DIY CLOTHING DESIGN CHALLENGE || 2018 - Duration: 6:38.

what's up guys and welcome back yeah I know I haven't posted in quite a while

um it's kind of hard to think of DIY videos but today I have my beautiful

cousin Fatima and today we are finally doing a DIY video so this video is a

challenge where we have to design item of clothing for our model

my cousin Gafsah but she's currently the shower so she won't be out so she's

super thin so it means we use less fabric we have a sippy cup with seven

colors in and the person who receives the gray only is only allowed three

colors and the person who obviously doesn't receive the grey get four colors

it's do this no okay so she has the gray

--great for her can we please swap okay so if she's feeling kind we can swap it

looks like an apron or some people so this is the colors I am can you please

so what can you do

so now that we have our fabric we are gonna start sketching and then we all

get back we gonna sketch okay so we have this cider then instead of just

sketching a few things and then choose which one you like best

we are gonna you're gonna pick out between a top and that's good


a model this is a model observe okay okay so I got I got up so let's get

designing okay someone's back just search the blog mode

there's my life in you guys by the way Padma is eating and in cup size having

from the food as well oh hi oh hi Newton okay so this is what

the fuck my hand is on so far okay everybody my top what a guy what I

designed one thing when this is my stop and yeah so you'll see you and we start

making okay so I've cut those measured a few pieces

and five you might have started sewing her skirt but and how far are you you

further than okay you have more working

so right now um I've changed the design of it as I say if I said so if I didn't

say so I can't say design since I messed up at the top over here so I would cut

it off because I've had a douche like I broke I cut it off if accidental

birthday okay so now I'm just doing this through the holes that I've punched with

the hole punch and then we will see how this turns out in fátima I don't know

where she is she's missing and this is the moment okay so I'm busy

the top it is coming out okay but the holder punch are stretchy and they are

gonna break soon so I'm gonna put this on and she will show you and you guys

will just have to see how that goes

turn around trailing the top that I made okay so obviously as I could close it in

a way with Criss crosses and this is my final look back my soul has an agreeable

return and let me know what you guys think about this though so two days

later I finally decides to finish the skirt for FAFSA our model and she

changed our design because a little bit terrible so division is literally maybe

two hours later a model just finished

okay but more you Daniel oh okay so tufsa is believe finishing the outer

some black tiles

okay so let's just our final output you guys talk made by me pans made by Fatima

this is our final look guys so much watching this video if you like even big

thumbs up let me know down below who won this challenge was me or was it Fatima

did you like the top bitter oldest got better and my social media will be

linked below as well as our model hafsa and my challenged person fatima see you

guys next time

For more infomation >> DIY CLOTHING DESIGN CHALLENGE || 2018 - Duration: 6:38.


2PM's Junho reveals what makes him ask a girl out(News) - Duration: 1:13.

2PM's Junho reveals what makes him ask a girl out

2PMs Junho reveals what makes him ask a girl out.

  2PMs Junho shared some of his relationship quirks!   In a recent interview, Junho shared that he usually changes his own personality depending on the partner he dates. If that person is the quiet type, then I get quiet.

If that person talks a lot, then I get chatty, too, says Junho.He says his ideal type is someone with a good vibe, but that it is hard to find that someone.

So, if he runs into a person (or dates) more than three times, he will ask them out officially.

Its fate if you happen to spend time with someone like that three times! he shared. Junho recently starred in the drama Just Between Lovers and is now on a solo tour in Japan.

For more infomation >> 2PM's Junho reveals what makes him ask a girl out(News) - Duration: 1:13.


La verità di Loredana Lecciso su Albano e Romina Power: l'annuncio della D'Urso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> La verità di Loredana Lecciso su Albano e Romina Power: l'annuncio della D'Urso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:42.


男子半路遇上一條「藍色的蛇」張開大嘴要攻擊他! - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> 男子半路遇上一條「藍色的蛇」張開大嘴要攻擊他! - Duration: 4:37.


Isola, Francesco Monte: scandalo al'orizzonte; il messaggio spinto del naufrago |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Isola, Francesco Monte: scandalo al'orizzonte; il messaggio spinto del naufrago |Hot News 24h - Duration: 3:59.


離婚六年,張柏芝終於揭穿和謝霆鋒離婚真相,這下王菲心虛了! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> 離婚六年,張柏芝終於揭穿和謝霆鋒離婚真相,這下王菲心虛了! - Duration: 9:17.


59歲美如18歲,但一拿下帽子就露出原形…! - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> 59歲美如18歲,但一拿下帽子就露出原形…! - Duration: 9:39.


她被謝賢白睡12年青春不再,如今被一腳踢開,卻活出了自己的樣子! - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 她被謝賢白睡12年青春不再,如今被一腳踢開,卻活出了自己的樣子! - Duration: 3:19.


BLKMRKT: Le sud de la France à Moto, quand la magie opère ! [A l'assaut des Balkans: Episode 08] - Duration: 18:36.

Somewhere in Cote d'Azur, France

August, 15TH 2017

it's about 8:00AM here, we start our day by chillin a bit !

We decide to swim and take a breakfast outside

it's our last real day of this road trip

it could be stupid if we don't take time to relax a bit, here

Today, we have to go to Grenoble, by taking awesome roads

i hope this is going better than Tuscany

we need it

we chill a bit more, and we take the road !

Bikes are ready, sunshine is here.. let's go !

WE are arriving to the good roads, but first, we need to refule the bikes

We're searching a gas station, we refuel the bikes, and here we go !

the dude in front of me, tells me to go in front

i would like dude, but i can't ! i'm pushing the africa but i can't get more speed !

this is our (balou and me) problem with these bikes

we can ride harder, but with these engines, and type of roads .. we have to kick these bike to have more speed !

Bro ! That's what i'm talking about ! This is riding bikes !

Better than is tuscany, we're pushing it again !

Put you knee outside ! you do this, and you need to do THIS !

Yo ! Can we talk a bit about all these crazy roads or what ?

All the gears i'm like this on the bike !

i laugh when you bit me at the ignition !

I was in the curve, and i had a little compression

I went straight and a truck was arriving ...

and on the border of the road there was a dirty curve

i took it,

i took it and i was back on the road ! I didn't stop

I was relax, i wasn't affraid

i knew it's going to be okay

when it started i was like "wow .. okay it's going to be all right"

but i think on the video it's going to be impressive, i guess

Yo, with all these curves, we are hungry now !

Let's go to the restaurant

We're going to eat, sleep, relax, chill a bit, and we back again on it !

Balou doesn't like when i film some lifestyle like this .. but i love when he is angry, so i continue !

Back at it again, we're going to ride "la petite crue" and '" la grande crue"

i wanted to ride it and film it with my drone since a long time .. we're going to make it !

We were riding it very good !

but this section is too tiny for us and cars we calm down a bit

we don't want to crash during our last days of the trip, not so far from home ..

I lost the signal of my drone 2 times here,

I guess the rock is too magnetic, so it cuts the signal beetween the drone and the controller

The rock is so beautiful here ! This red ... reminds me Utah in USA

Your ID !

Antoine lost his ID, we go back, take it, and take the road again !

By passing one curve, all the scenery is changing ! it's amazing

We lost balou

But no worries, the 2roads are arriving at the same place, so we're going to meet him again after

do you remember "la grande et la petite clue" ? Everything was red

Now we're going to ride the Cayolle pass

Just check this out

By checking the time, i guess we're not arriving to Grenoble tonight

Let's ride this pass, and we will find somewhere to sleep for tonight

If i had to explain to someone why i do thousands of kilometers each years, i will just show this to him

Be here, in the right place, at the perfect time

no noise, just calm

connected to the nature

I could be here all night long, camp here, and appreciate what i see

I guess, there is nothing better than this..

This is something a bit complicated to explain

but trust me, if one day you take the road like this, you'll understand what i'm talking about

This is the kind of things you must live in your live

Let's go, we take the direction of "Barcelonette"

We're going to find a place to sleep tonight, and of course a place to eat

a good lunch after this cazy day, it's going to be so good for us

We're actually riding our last mountain of this trip, and the last curves too

maybe in a sense, subconsciously

We didn't gone to Grenoble, because we won't that the trip stop today...

maybe somewhere,

we're still trying to save some curves for tomorrow, just to tell ourself that the trip isn't over yet for this summer...

We try to enjoy it every seconds, before all this arrive at the end

but there is something right,

We have this beautiful pass to ride, and the view is just amazing

Just enjoy it together, one last time ...

so awesome .. i loved the way we rode it dude !

i loved it

no pressure, no trap nothing... and all these curves at the end ...

awesome !

For more infomation >> BLKMRKT: Le sud de la France à Moto, quand la magie opère ! [A l'assaut des Balkans: Episode 08] - Duration: 18:36.


Silvia Toffanin in crisi con Pier Silvio? La confessione a Verissimo - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Silvia Toffanin in crisi con Pier Silvio? La confessione a Verissimo - Duration: 3:06.


Drumroll, Please... - Duration: 0:41.

Hi guys!

My name is Megan Hansen

I'm the Development and Volunteer Coordinator

here at Art Access


Today I want to introduce All Access to you

What that is

It's a way for you to find out more about the art that we have here in our gallery

If you have any questions about particular pieces of art, please let us know.


For more infomation >> Drumroll, Please... - Duration: 0:41.


Magento 2.2.0 Turnkey on A...

For more infomation >> Magento 2.2.0 Turnkey on A...


stein hosts a fire drill - Duration: 4:12.

Last week, I gave a fire safety talk...

...and nobody paid any attention.

It's my own fault for using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is boring.

People learn in lots of different ways.

But experience... is the best teacher.

Today, smoking is gonna save lives.

Stein: Does anyone smell anything smoky?

Patty: Did you bring your jerky in again?

*clears throat*

Maka: Oh my God! Uh, oh my God!

Sid: FIRE!

Stein: Oh, fire? Oh my goodness, what's the procedure? What do we do, people?

Maka: The phones are dead!

Stein: Oh, how did that happen?

Black Star: It's out in the hall!

Stein: No, we don't know that, the smoke could be coming through an air duct.


Okay, this is happening, everybody stay calm...

Stein: What's the procedure everyone, what's the procedure?

Spirit: STAY [bleep]ING CALM!


Stein: No, no [Spirit], no!

Touch the handle, if it's hot, there could be a fire in the hallway.

Spirit: What does warm mean?

Maka(?): Oh my gosh, try a different door.

Stein: Mmm, not a viable option, what next?

Spirit: DON'T RUN!

Stein: Oh, here's a door, check that one out! How's the handle?

Liz: I-it's warm.

Stein: Well, another option, another oh, okay, JEEZ! Settle down, everyone.

Tsubaki: I forgot my purse!

Sid: Leave it, woman!

Spirit: Get out of the way, go go go!

Stein: Things can be replaced, [Tsubaki]. People, human lives, however, can...

Soul: Ow, my hand! That's hot!

Liz: This one's hot too!

Spirit: Okay, we're trapped, everyone for himself!


Stein: Okay, okay, oookay...

Have you ever seen a burn victim?

Procedure, procedure! Extra options...

Crona: *shushing noises* It's okay, it's okay...

Stein: Use a what to cover the mouth? A rag! A damp rag, perhaps?

Let's remember those procedures!

What are the options?

That's the wrong way, we've already tried that!

Remember your exit points, exit points...

Crona: [Soul]. [SOUL]!

Soul: Stay alive, I'm getting help!

Crona: Pull me up!

Soul: You're too heavy!


*Blair meows*

Crona: Save [Blair]!


Stein: How about 911? Anyone? 911...

Maka: What do we do?


Kid: Okay, I am NOT dying here, come on!

*coughing and firecrackers*

Tsubaki: Oh, what is that? What is that?


Tsubaki: What in the name of God is going on? *coughs*

*alarm starts*



Sid: Oh my GOD!


*air horn* Stein: ATTENTION!

[Students of Class Crescent Moon]!

This has been a test of our emergency preparedness.

There is no fire, it was only a simulation.

Kid: WHAT?

Stein: Fire, not real. This was merely a training exercise.

So, what have we learned?

Oh, come on, it's not real, [Sid]. Don't have a heart attack.

Spirit: Oh no no NO NO NO you will not die!

Spirit: [Sid]? [SID], YOU WILL NOT DIE!

[Sid]! [SID]! Barack is president!

You are black, [Sid]!

I'm gonna give him mouth-to-mouth.

Kid: No no no, don't give him mouth-to-mouth for this.

Spirit: *unintelligible?*

Open your mouth! DON'T SWALLOW IT!

Various others: [Spirit]! [Spirit], stop it!

Spirit: I'm fine, leave me alone!

*unintelligible chaos*

For more infomation >> stein hosts a fire drill - Duration: 4:12.


Emre Bol dan Trabzonspor Fenerbahçe Maç Analizleri Fenerbahçe Trabzon'a Geldi - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Emre Bol dan Trabzonspor Fenerbahçe Maç Analizleri Fenerbahçe Trabzon'a Geldi - Duration: 5:14.


Trump Discovers an Easy Way to Send Corrupt Hillary To Prison FOR LIFE – You Will Cheer! - Duration: 15:54.

Trump Discovers an Easy Way to Send Corrupt Hillary To Prison FOR LIFE – You Will Cheer!

President Trump appeared on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle, one of the network's newest

show hosted by radio personality Laura Ingraham.

If you follow along closely, Trump lays out a plan to send Hillary Clinton to prison.

It's not that difficult.

She's corrupt.

She deserves to serve time.

Here's the transcript, per Real Clear Politics:

INGRAHAM: Hillary Clinton said last night that paying for the dossier – she defended

it, basically.

She said it's different from meeting with Russians; like meeting with Russians.

She's trying to make a comparison to say – she totally defended it.

TRUMP: Well, she talked about oppo research is wonderful; oppo research – but not when

it comes to us; okay?

Oppo research for us, of course, is no good; no.

That dossier which is totally fake and made up – it's like a novel – but that dossier

is a disgrace and it should not have been allowed to be used.

And then I hear the kind of money they spent.

INGRAHAM: $9 million.

TRUMP: I mean, it's inconceivable.

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