Saturday, January 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 14 2017

The search Engine Google is showing this Doodle in Canada for Carrie Derick's 155th Birthday.

Carrie Derick was a Canadian botanist and geneticist, the first female professor in

a Canadian university, and the founder of McGill University's Genetics Department

Born 155 years ago today, Derick was a trailblazer who fought for women's rights and helped

pave the way for women in education.

In 1890, Derick graduated at the top of her class from Quebec's McGill University where

she would remain for her MA studies.

She went on to attend the University of Bonn in Germany, where she completed enough research

to earn a Ph.D in 1901.

Unfortunately, she did not receive an official doctorate because the school did not award

Ph.Ds to women at the time.

Derick persevered, continuing in her career as a botanist and geneticist and in 1912,

became Canada's first female professor at her alma mater, McGill University.

She continued to teach there until her retirement in 1929.

For more infomation >> Carrie Derick Google Doodle. Carrie Derick is the first female professor in a Canadian university - Duration: 1:18.


EPIC ODEN TASTE TEST PART 2(Japan's 7-11 Convenience Store Food) - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> EPIC ODEN TASTE TEST PART 2(Japan's 7-11 Convenience Store Food) - Duration: 15:10.


Tour de magie Arabe!!! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Tour de magie Arabe!!! - Duration: 0:42.


Castle On The Hill | Ed Sheeran (Cover) by KadiMusic - Duration: 4:56.

When I was six years old I broke my leg

I was running from my brother and his friends

And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass as I rolled down

I was younger then,

Take me back to when


found my heart and broke it here

Made friends and lost them through the years

And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long,

Oh how i've grown

But I can't wait to go home

I'm on my way

Driving at 90 down those country lanes

Singing to "Tiny Dancer"

And I miss the way

You make me feel,

And it's real

We watched the sunset

Over the castle on the hill

Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes

Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends

Had my first kiss on a Friday night,

I don't reckon that I did it right

But I was younger then

Take me back to when..

We found weekend jobs, when we got paid We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight

Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long,

Oh, how we've grown

But I can't wait to go home

I'm on my way

Driving at 90 down those country lanes

Singing to "Tiny Dancer" And I miss the way

You make me feel,

And it's real

We watched the sunset

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

One friend left to sell clothes

One works down by the coast

One had two kids but lives alone

One's brother overdosed

One's already on his second wife

One's just barely getting by

But these people raised me And I

can't wait to go home

I'm on my way

I still remember these old country lanes

When we did not know the answers And I miss the way

You make me feel

And It's real

We watched the sunset

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

hey guys

if you watching to this point

then you have watched my whole version of

Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran

and your amazing so thankyou so much for listening to it

if you enjoyed it

dont forget to give it a like

comment down below what your favourite part was

let me know how your day is going

and do not forget to subscribe to my channel for more weekly videos

I upload every Saturday

so subscribe and dont miss out

i will see you guys in the next video


you went back to what you knew

so far removed

from all that we went through

For more infomation >> Castle On The Hill | Ed Sheeran (Cover) by KadiMusic - Duration: 4:56.


BROWNIES A LA PATATE DOUCE w/ Jules et cie #LeslieCuisine - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> BROWNIES A LA PATATE DOUCE w/ Jules et cie #LeslieCuisine - Duration: 7:25.


THE PLOT FOR REVENGE! | The Dream Theory Pt.2 (sequel) - Duration: 25:10.

then I'm just that ok i will only die

don't be scared just it's just guess

hello everyone I'm Jayskibean and welcome to

the dream theory part to this is a

sequel to the first game that you watch

the play before you may have watched you

play if you have it then wash it that

it's a good game is I i liked it i

favored a lot because it's unique it's

newish you know it's got that unique

gameplay to mechanics and all that the

apt to be being its new game i like the

music too tense and looked at lodi blit

now that already believe in lodi para

DoD your part yet she's looking behind

me a reason

my son to come home and people use on

the where you could be and they are

heading towards the forest then into the

school very personal issue that I don't

know what I would do with other kids all

the same gap peter anderson you know

when we think about to go and people

found it

this is my only moment the same thing

happened with my generation the last

game you want to be found like that

other to get one

kara danyel scared how

he's scared Daniel I'm Daniel he scared

awaken part 1

well here we go again use the mouse look

around if you see someone press space to

equip your camera when the cameras out

the monsters becomes a visible wait a

few seconds can put yourself he's not

real and then press space again to put

camera down it put your camera down too

fast you might get jump-scare energy


ok let's do this to see the monster

press face

alright I don't see anything yet but the

timer countdown so I'm sure he'll pop up

sewed I'm Cheryl based phone so much the

same monster it probably is no monster

has to be the female figure that like

i'll say last time she was talking I

will not murder you you will murder

yourself that you're trying to get me to

commit suicide

just like in the stories with the kids

committing suicide

so what is a safe time to before you put

your camera back down there is a three

second time ago three seconds so far

three seconds has been good a little bit

I don't want to die do you want to die

no nobody nobody really 23 ok alright

three seconds seems safe for sure

alright it so I'm in the school and

looking for the child dead looking for

dude son who am i anyway like in my did

I miss that this

ok i will only die

don't be scared just death it's just


you need to be scared of just what the

oh yes three and down we go haha ah

that's my brother did as your brudder so

alright so the the female is definitely

the female is definitely the killer

I don't know she's like summoning a

monster like a supernatural when I when

mega summoned those piggies to kill


or if she is in fact the monster I don't

forget it yourself it's not real and you

won't die and make sense right

it's gonna pop up again it didn't okay

and I'm hand and face dream part 1

bring it let's do this is a far walk

around the woods again you play the

first part that should be familiar to


you haven't shame on us 90 face use the

arrow keys to move if you see someone in

front of you stop and don't move a few

seconds it will go away if you move that

things will happen press ENTER to

continue link

alright collect objects same exact thing

like it's the same exact thing and just

scared the proof gotta be too back then

it is the thing popped up and loud

noises happened the exact same thing I

want to fit pops up twice in a row still

like it used to

I know it did before and that used to

scare the poof out of me

ya scared the poop at me cause I'd like

to see about poopin and get the pooping

scared i need two objects to collect hey

I'm like the same exact area do so this

is cool this is cool

it's so cool that mouse out of the way

you guys can see if i can it's very

annoying the mouse was like writing them

so stop I need like i said before i need

a new keyboard the right key just

doesn't doesn't cut it

there's a link give a day

given that object teach me some story

about a few seconds right here right

here right about now the funk soul

brother check it out now guys

hello haha give it one more to go haha

yeah now we go back i like the map on

the top left hand corner now it was on

the bottom left-hand corner before

alrighty well let's head back let's go

back and see if he pops again you don't

want twice now two times she I think

it's a preacher to see a pretty sure the

way it was saying into memory i got the

object now what

where do i go where go with Deb I'm

confused and very confused to the lower

one now stop it stop that with the bells

scary scary

Lynn and Jerry I don't know that means

but it's a big now this way yeah its way

listen to some tapes listen listen to

some tips listen to some Eric alright so

besides school today 75 am a boy was

found locked inside a room of saying

Allison school he was found hanging by a

rope it was highly suspected that the

student had committed suicide local

police and other emergency services are

investigating the school is commanded to

be closed for five straight days by the


that's what happened at the end of the

last game another suicide another

suicide attempt had happened and say

Allison school today 655 another student

was found dead he committed suicide the

exact same way as the other suit that

same way as the other student though the

commandery that does not belong there

local police are investigating again

comma and they said it is highly

possible that the school has to close

after this there is currently a

negotiation and progress between the

police and the headmaster della

scrimshaw already when I called you

because I want to talk to you about the

suicide occurred high school

yeah so it's on another one did the same

way i'm not one hundred percent

convinced it's just not unusual let's

kill ourselves to the area it's

definitely not suicide that's what I


just think about it you cannot just be a

simple coincidence

this is murder whoever did it will I

think he or she has a reason court she

has a theory put it needs more proof 2pm

and female figure was recorded by the

camera two times i'm convinced but how

would convince the police with ok I

think I can trust yourself

I'll tell you remember the boy who was

bullied and committed suicide

all those years ago jonathan collins was

the thing I remember yes and I remember

that you always protected him

she has a longer our student life

potential ladies she told him private

don't worry i will come back

descriptions or going on do you think

the same as me

this message shall be transported to all

teachers of Fame Alice that's cool no

matter the negotiations took place as a

school between us and the police it was

made clear took because there's no way


our school has to because there's no

other choice we thank you for your work

and determination along the way we shall

say goodbye to ml no clothes are doing

eyes forever strong will be the last day

of school

wish you all a happy day happy life good

hope your favorite that is about

scripture out a group shot

I hope this that's what I'm gonna sign

off for how I would sign off as the

principal of the school out

yeah I close down the school to the same

thing ok press space if you see you see

the beef for three seconds

cool stuff will happen if you leave the

camera on for too long

yeah I don't know what happens if you

leave it on for too long I don't even

need a flashlight i can see perfectly

without it oh we good we good we all

good in a good cause we gotta call

principal said peace out

he says out dawg yo diggity dog

don't be afraid so I feel like filling

you can just leave the camera up the

whole time and you won't die can try


honestly if they can I mean they're

different they're different mechanics

every time you play it kinda except now

we still have the freeroll portion where

you're walking through the woods I just

want to leave the camera up that's try

to Syria it doesn't scare marry the

judges scared buried all it really

doesn't it's not scary it's not scary

I won't hurt you i'll just make sure you

die that's basically what the ladies say

so it's the same lady that was singing

the song into the first game and just

kind of scared me a little bit i wish

they would like put like a sharper sound

when you jumped up in your face like her

when she or whatever it is jumps on your

face like that

I wish I put like a sharper sound so

what actually scare you like no harm

will be sending this night

now the developers really young i think

i saw on the page that he's actually 15

years old he's made like three games on

gamejolt so far one of them called an

honest I don't think it's a horror game

though I'm not sure haven't really

looked into it but i really like these i

don't know i don't know why certain

charm to it for you like a young

developer making a new game and it's

cool it's cool it's really cool and

considering i mean even how simple these

mechanics are so this is it's a younger

developer says it's awesome

ok Henry please don't do this please let

me out of here okay

shut up Johnson you'll stay here you

hear me

nobody likes you Jonathan 650 yourself

would he

done dream part 2

well that was interesting you happens

object selected click one object and

bring back to office you got it mr.

Bossypants mr. glossy three and yeah but

yeah I mean I don't like I said there's

a certain charm to a new developer in

the game is actually decent is pretty

or-- it's pretty good i like it i do I

like it I like it I like the idea of it

that's different it's it is it's

different like I just see a lot of bad

reviews on gamejolt for some of some of

these that i don't know i mean they're

they're new i mean in look I want so


I'm so dead I'm so dad I found object

how did I not die i kept moving started

talking about this office

nope talking about the bottom officer

found it already i found it already

everybody everybody was so the but the

ok what time to go down time to go down

to tell ya it's my nose and once more

keep walking bro i found the document

and put it on the table and press the e

key a tragic event struck a local school

named saying Allison school student

named jonathan collins was found dead at

7am and one of the rooms of the school

he committed suicide by hanging himself

later a student confessed that he lost

the boy into a room but he added I was

just joking

I never meant to hurt him I promise his

name was Henry Clayton police didn't do

anything with Clayton is he's only

student it is not confirmed yet if the


we'll have to close ok so Jonathan died

awaken final part

ok so is this where I'm in the room


oh no it's that thing again

ok you will die so that says sometimes

you will die

Oh intense music we bring it on shadow

thing for 56 and open

yes yeah alright we hate on the

mechanics like a bowel look up we go hot

67 and face a rat

one and two and one and two and one and

one and one and two and one and two and

one and two in 221 won't forget my face

mr mrs whatever you are hahaha shuffle

pc top spot for all so the kid dies

that's unfortunate i kind of thought I

covered so totally saw that coming

it cool if I was like trying to run from

the monster something instead this is ok

i guess i'm okay with this i feel like

there should be I don't know there

should be like another mechanic thrown

in here with this one to kind of

reinforce that you don't keep the camera

up for too long like I feel like you can

just keep the camera of the whole time I

don't want to try it doesn't want to

lose our experiment with it later like

off camera or something

that's always just leave the camera off

and they get boring you know that that

would be so boring so much boring or and

nobody likes boring your things also

says that don't bring the camera down

too soon

it doesn't say you can leave it up or

two longer we found that you did it

probably did and probably just forgot

because my memory is dome I have a dog

memory as the Damas memory that dawn

memory person could ever have one two

three and we're down so they're like no

use drugs or anything

tennessee so far unless you have to let

you explore the woods more to get them

ok we're almost done

I can't wait to see what happens in the

end like the music goes it's pretty cool

bring it come on you're not like i said

it was like a sharper sound because the

thing jumping up in my face doesn't

scare me as much as the sounds do i mean

and i would Jack my volume up so it

would actually scare me now probably a

lot better but that the music will be

super loud like not right now obviously

because there is no music and that's it

we made it a day ahead and do i I am

reporting excited for you

please please show them to the world

when i'm gone to different by my dad

now I have a plan

now i will not regret and I i really

think that everyone will remember

something something very cool you're

gonna kill yourself yesterday saying

Allison schools burn to the ground the

cause of the fire is unknown yet but two

people were in the building during the


Henry Clayton who was the headmaster and

Jasmine Collins changes in college at

the bottom the fire started at eight pm

and ended at ten-twenty p.m. police are

still investigating link Parker and 2001

boy named jonathan collins was buried by

three other students Martin Galloway

David Carter Henry Clayton the only

person who protected the boy from the

bullies with his sister but one day

Clayton close the boy in one of the

rooms in the school and said no one

likes to Johnson kill yourself and so

did the boy

oh wow ok this was the first accident

that happened and say Allison schoolboy

sister change school and all those she

knew the exact reason of her brother's

suicide she didn't tell anything she

wanted to take her revenge beginning

2002 the sister Jasmine Collins

kidnapped Martin Galloway one of the

bullies and dragged him to the same room

or Clayton closer brother she closed

Martin into the room there were only two

things in the room roping from above and

a stool more knew what this meant either

suicide or dying slowly in the room

because jasmine won't let them out

Martin Galloway committed suicide

progression police were investigating

hardly but nothing was found only some

footage of jasmine entering and leaving

the school had this time Henry Clayton

made up the story of a shadowy figure

who takes away children in the darkness

the suicides recovered this way 2003

david carter died the same way as Martin

Galloway the children were sure that

this was the Shadow Man but adults and

police knew that it was another suicide

so it could be suggest the headmaster

Dallas Kershaw was forced to shut the

school down critical to welcome into

that 1500 Clinton reopening Allison

school he knew the Jasmine will come

back for him

and you plan to murder her jeans ok yeah

all right the first time she entered the

school he feels her but again only

footage 'as only footage 'as of the

women are found

noona have seen her real-life strange

events starting to happen and peter

anderson was kidnapped but later found

in a forest and is not proven if this is

committed by Jasmine later Jasmine

kidnapped son of henry and killed at the

same way as the bullies Henry fellow

depression about her son's death and

further school down but one thing we

didn't know he committed suicide by

burning the school Jasmine Collins was

in the building planning another murder

she and clayton burn together linked the


ok so the shadowy figure was actually

just a figment of our imagination i

think and it was just a girl trying to

come back to your average making all the

kids killed themselves the ones who

bullied her son or her brother in the

killing himself

ok so it's just a big revenge stories

all those maybe clickteam fusion but

that BB his credits roll

not bad not too bad i liked it i mean it

was nice for such a young developer and

for this developer I i would definitely

be making games this is really cool i

like how you had this unique mechanics

behind everything is awesome into series

ok so this equals just two games anyway

yeah i like how the unique mechanics are

behind all those all the different parts

of the game and there's a story and

everything it's really cool and and keep

going keep going keep making games

because i'll stick with it all up later

better games because it only gets better

from here for developers you know and

its really good ideas from someone keep

saying 15 beyond but sorry but because

its joint mission you slap that like

button underneath the video subscribe to

my page to have it all ready to tell

your friends about me I'll see you guys


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