Happy New Year
For more infomation >> Adah Sharma crazy hot New Year Instagram video - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Veja o que os fundadores da Imppéria Imóveis falam neste vídeo. - Duration: 0:45.
Dirty Money by Dayo
Word of Truth - End Times
Välkommen till Infoteket - Duration: 2:14.
Quand j'te vois, j'ai le cœur qui fait vroum ! - Relooking - Publicité Sixt - Le génie de la voiture - Duration: 0:30.
Hey pretty lady!
What are we doing today?
Shampoo ?
Cut ?
Blow-dry ?
Let's wash it out !
When I see you,
my heart goes vroom
Rent at Sixt makes you feel good.
here are your shades
Nice cars at budget prices it's got to be from Sixt.
Looking for a McSquican - DDD 2A entry - Duration: 0:52.
Pojďme Hrát Dungeon Siege 1 (VYMÓDOVÁNO, 100%) - 50 - Tajný Aztécký Poklad {CZ} - Duration: 18:54.
BEST FRIEND TAG ft. ARA - Duration: 6:43.
Guys it's Angge! and I'm with my bestfriend..
And today we're gonna do the Best Friend Tag :)
4 hihi
We meet in grade 4, is it 2012?
I don't know
And uhm 2nd or 3rd semester, my friend was absent and her friend introduced her to me
Few days later we got close
so yeah
They were Out of Place
Friendship Over :-:
My first impression of her is that she is shy and kind.
I really don't know
She's fair skinned and looks korean but nah but also looks spanish or something that comes from America.
I know that!
She has a rubber band [BRACES]
*window wiper*
Because uhm she's the one who changes her rubber bands
Her dentist is in the Philippines that changes her dental shinanigans
So I tried
to remove her rubber band and put a new one
And then when I removed it.. the bracket was also removed
*window wiper*
We're hungry at that time so we try to cook
but over there
Your kitchen! We can't open THE STOVE!
*claps like London Tipton*
For me she is Fabulous :)
Spain? Is it Spain?
*measures our feet*
Ah I know that,
her old NOKIA phone
3 things!
Ballpen what else?
I.D. , Abaya
And uhm a BAG lol
We don't have an inside joke.
It's also peperoni
We're just the same as if we're twins
with rice
Your fave is ADOBO
We're the same
NOPE :))
What? I'm sure of it. I remember my mom's ADOBO.
My favorite dish is SINIGANG!
I thought it was ADOBO ;-;
Dog: WTF
Dog: Bish I'm out
*evil laugh*
Yours is
The same?
Cookies and Cream?
AMMAH give one cause it's all kpop.
Dahyun from TWICE
Me too me too
So many! Too many to mention
But my recently watched movie is Autopsy Of Jane Doe
Me too!
Is it you?
How many hours
uhm dislikes..
shrimp paste
Shrimp paste taste good you know
NOO! It smells disgusting!
I don't like it
ME hihi
Dislikes? Do you have dislikes?
I don't know hehe
She doesn't know
AH! When you open the stove (w/lighter)
But now it's fine because we have this gun thingy
She's the best in Public Speaking
Its just luck
You're affected
She's overly attached to other people
You're good at singing, dancing, and arts.
*turkey laugh*
She doesn't like COMMITMENT
Trypophobia is satisfying
But before she doesn't like horror. Now she likes it thanks to me.
You're scared of
You are scared of falling in deep deep..
Our nicknames keeps on changing
we invent a nickname and-
Infotekets Visningstorg - Duration: 1:54.
Distributionscenter for stormagasiner og e-handel med lagerlogistik af højeste klasse - Duration: 5:13.
Adyashanti - Jak být opravdu klidný (tichý) - Duration: 7:44.
LED Radio im Autodesign - Duration: 2:06.
Faites l'amour, pas la gueule ! - Love coach - Publicité Sixt - Le génie de la voiture - Duration: 0:30.
Hey dudes !
What's up with the long face ?
It's the weekend, how about a smoosh !
Here we go
Make love not the long face !
Have a …
Rent at Sixt makes you feel good.
Have a great weekend !
Nice cars at budget prices it's got to be from Sixt.
'La La Land' Trailer
Love FouseyTube?
Toyota Avensis Touring Sports 1.6 D-4D-F Lease Pro EINDEJAARSACTI - Duration: 1:52.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Ambition Line Exclusive Automaat - Duration: 1:40.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 220 d Estate Ambition Avantgarde Automaat, Trekh - Duration: 1:32.
Looking for a McSquican - DDD 2A entry - Duration: 0:52.
Sniper Elite 4 Story Trailer #2 : Karl Fairburne (VOSTFR) - Duration: 1:18.
Animal Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Godzilla Tiger Lion King Elephant Cartoon Fights For Toddlers - Duration: 10:04.
Animal Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Godzilla Tiger Lion King Elephant Cartoon Fights For Toddlers
Faites l'amour, pas la gueule ! - Love coach - Publicité Sixt - Le génie de la voiture - Duration: 0:30.
Hey dudes !
What's up with the long face ?
It's the weekend, how about a smoosh !
Here we go
Make love not the long face !
Have a …
Rent at Sixt makes you feel good.
Have a great weekend !
Nice cars at budget prices it's got to be from Sixt.
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match - Duration: 11:03.
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match
WWE The Great Khali vs Big Show Killing Handicap Match - Great Khali Injured in Death Warrant Match
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Shark Action Scenes Spiderman Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Full Fight Dinosaurs Fight - Duration: 12:29.
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Shark Action Scenes Spiderman Dinosaurs Vs Dinosaurs Full Fight Dinosaurs Fight
친구들과 파리 시내 돌아다니기! | Angela 물결 - Duration: 7:07.
It's been so long since I went to the center of Paris
I've been stuck in school everyday so.
After going to school this Friday it's vacation so
I have been very busy
La chaise long shop is just here
Not here but not far haha
This is Rue de Rivoli
How do you say it?
( friend says Sephora in an accent )
I think this palette is pretty
She's trying to buy this
so she's trying it right now
Tony Moly came into french sephoras
But this is the only Tony Moly thing here lol
She's keep saying that she wants a mascara..
But honestly I don't get why people put on mascara
What does that mean?
I don't understand why people put on mascara
This is cute
This is cute too
It's a clock
What's this?
It's a vacuum
Should we go upstairs?
Little Marsh..
Oh I thought that this was Marshall
She already bought it for you?
You're lucky
I'm so happy
I waited for so long ..
Ok let's go upstairs
I need a tote bag
The quality is not that good
But really France as so much strange stuff
These cards are like super big
This one's big too
The size of my palm
She wants to buy a diary
It's a sample so we can write on it
( we're trying to meet another friend )
Where do we change in Monparnasse station?
line 4
Woahh I love this thing
Now we're gonna go to Lush
Lush is open again!
I really thought that it was closed but no!
Oh it was closed?
Normally it was
Lush is famous for their bathbombs
What this is when you put it into a bathtub, it literally explodes,
good scents and good stuff for your body comes out from this thing
Yeah so Lush is famous for this
Bought it!
I think she's going to like it
because she chose it LOL
These are all stores until over there
We're trying to meet another friend but she's not coming
Dude we already have so much stuff
Oh yeah?
We bought full of presents
I bought a present for Aymone
I bought this
I already bought her present
Oh it's a massage bar
she's showing her presents
We're at L'occitane
It smells so good
L'occitane has its own sour+fresh smell and it's really good
My friend's name is Viviane and
it's here haha
That's gross
(she was talking about the posters above Mac)
Oh thaaaat
It's like a mermaid
We're at Bershka
This is me..
My shoulder hurts
We're at forever21
We separated for shopping
That's Paris Hilton (but it was just her sister T.T)
Now we're at starbucks
Marika do you want to try mine?
It's..good lol
Can I taste it too?
Can I try this too?
Is it hot? Yes it's very hot
Can I taste?
Uh huh yeah yeah!
Wait thumbnail
Quand j'te vois, j'ai le cœur qui fait vroum ! - Relooking - Publicité Sixt - Le génie de la voiture - Duration: 0:30.
Hey pretty lady!
What are we doing today?
Shampoo ?
Cut ?
Blow-dry ?
Let's wash it out !
When I see you,
my heart goes vroom
Rent at Sixt makes you feel good.
here are your shades
Nice cars at budget prices it's got to be from Sixt.
В этом мире / Ici-bas / Here Below (Жан-Пьер Дени / Jean-Pierre Denis) [2011, Франция, драма] - Duration: 1:35:25.
This film is inspired by events
in occupied France in 1944.
Many scenes are fictitious
and based on imagination.
Mom's calling you. That's my spinning top!
Give it back to me.
I want it!
- Be careful, child. - Father!
- I know what you want. - An image.
Here, choose one.
Saint Luce.
- Do you like it? - Yes.
I have good news from the front.
General Philippe Pétain
has saved France.
May God bring your father home quickly.
The terrorists attacked us from the rear.
The Reds are down.
My men have priority. Take care of them immediately.
We'll do so.
We'll make them pay.
Call the personnel.
Clean him and bring him to me.
Sister Luce, make sure we're not short of blood.
Call Francheville. I'll be in the OR.
Sister, take over.
Do you have the text?
I gave it to Your Eminence.
- Flowers on the altar? - I'll do them.
The Prefecture, the Germans, the Milice,
the guests of honor... We need 3 more rows.
Hurry up.
Very good. Thank you.
I'm so glad.
- How are you? - I'm fine.
- Any news? - There's a lot going on.
They're in Italy.
So we might be able to go home now.
We've been hiding here for 3 years.
Will you stay with us?
No, I can't.
I have had enough of you two.
It's too late to be sorry.
Father will confess you.
Later, I'll announce my decision.
- Hello, Mother. - Hello.
Sister Luce, you can go.
Sister Camille will join you in the hospital.
After you, Father.
The Krauts are coming!
The Bost is burning! They're insane!
They attacked the FTPs in Borie.
Where are Pedro and Martial?
We lost sight of them.
Shit! They'll get surrounded.
Gilbert, come with me.
We'll meet up at Brousses.
The others, follow Roger.
Sister, please, do you have any German soldiers?
Francheville, maybe.
I can talk to professor Charbonnier.
Very well, do it.
We need you. There are more wounded up there.
Jeanne is leaving the convent.
You don't condemn us, do you, Luce?
Do not desist of our Lord.
I will pray for her and I will pray for you.
Come on, we have work to do.
Come on.
- I'll be right there. - Thank you, doctor.
Have you seen Sister Luce?
Yes, she was with the wounded.
Sister, I need your help and require your discretion.
Can you get out of your tasks in town?
Sister. Martial Lemonier was shot here.
We couldn't take him back to Brousses.
I've sent word to the the bishop.
- Hi, Marcel. - Hello.
Pedro didn't make it.
There's no hemorrhage.
He has a weak pulse. Prepare some morphine.
Clean the wound.
We need water.
It's serious. We'll wait and see.
We need to move him. There are more wounded.
He can not be moved like that.
The bishop.
He's unconscious.
Monsignor Kern, surgeon Belle.
Your Eminence, he should recover.
May God hear you.
We must keep him here tonight. I'll place two men.
No, sister. Keep on working.
Thank you for taking care of him.
- Has he regained consciousness? - Not yet.
I'll take care of the other wounded.
Keep on nursing him.
If necessary, someone will take you to the camp.
Who are you?
I'm Sister Luce.
Be reassured.
The Lord is with you.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your...
Stop praying.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed...
I felt so close to you.
My Lord, forgive me if I have sinned.
When you're done, come to the community room.
Yes, Mother.
We like the peace in this garden.
It's very comforting.
- Did it happen again? - Yes, Mother.
Sometimes, a vision imposes itself upon me.
Do you mean you saw in one of your injured men
the face of Pain?
Maybe the shadow of Death?
Not only that, Mother.
A holy figure appeared in that look.
Like some sort of divine light.
Maybe it came from saintly images?
Sister, you're a victim of your imagination.
It's a very bad tendency that you should get rid of.
Your faith must be stronger.
We will work on it together.
Beware of those images.
And beware of your emotions. They are deceptive.
Come along, sister.
Silence, please.
Now, let's hear the words of Marshall Pétain.
Fellow citizens, I need your faith.
Your heart's faith, your reason's faith.
I need your good sense and your patience.
You will have them
with the discipline I impose on you.
- Look. - Yes.
It was Jeanne's.
She left her notes and her belongings.
She hid them here.
I can't get rid of this.
We're going to be late.
Your apron.
I'm sorry.
- Come on, let's slide. - No.
- Yes. - No.
Well, I'll do it.
Wait, let me help you.
- Let's go! - Be careful!
Here are the guns for the Bost. Go see Paul.
We'll finally change these old guns.
When you're done shaving, go get the wood.
We were lucky last night.
- You'll lose the stick tomorrow? - I'll try.
- Are there no other newspapers? - I have this.
Take it easy, Martial.
I'll be fine.
It could be worse.
Pedro was not as lucky as you. That's all.
- Put yourself first. - I'm trying.
Gilbert will take you down.
He will take you to the bishop's.
While you're recovering, you'll be useful there.
They have announced the arrival of STOs.
And it won't stop.
Save a hood for the big hut.
The container, to the farm.
I'll reinforce the guard.
- Heard from Fred? - He's starving but...
According to him, there are worse camps.
Tell him we will all make it.
Jacquou, come with me.
My husband isn't doing well.
Elder, Paulo, we'll hide the guns in the cave.
The surgeon told me you were here today.
I'm healing. I'm doing better.
Thank you.
Thanks to the help from God.
Not necessarily.
Be careful. It's an ugly wound.
I'm staying near the hospital.
I'm replacing a curate in the cathedral.
May the Lord be with you.
I'm glad to see you're doing better.
- You'll be fine here. - Thank you.
You will be able to help in the cathedral.
Don't expect too much from me.
As you sure?
This is my life now.
I gave up on many things after the exodus.
How could I still believe with all this chaos?
Precisely, faith is the only weapon we have
to fight men's insanity.
I think one can act without betraying oneself
or losing faith.
Not me. I can't do it anymore.
I'd like you to read it.
"The Silence of the Sea".
I'd like you to read something, too.
Come with me.
It's a tiny library, not like the one in Strasbourg.
It's a sad time for writers and publishers.
Except for a few of them.
You have always been ahead of your time.
A more committed Church, the end of celibacy for priests.
And many other taboos.
Nothing has changed.
Do you know Bernanos?
Despite our weak world, he can't help but love him.
When I left, I promised I would take care of you.
It says: "It's terrible to fall into God's hands".
Before quitting,
think about your mission among our fellow men.
Surviving destruction like they did?
Come on, hurry up! The lights!
We'll cut the straps. Go up there!
- We need the parachute. - Adrienne, do it.
Hurry up. They will see us.
Jacquou, André, Michaux.
Turn off the lights. Quickly!
Come on! Come on!
- You're back already. - Till tomorrow.
I don't like being there.
We need to tell the Bost we got the goods.
Rouquin will wait for you at 3 pm.
- Better wear your cassock. - OK.
Hurry up! Come on!
We were at Sarlat hospital.
- Clodhoppers. - A roadblock.
They're looking for résistants.
Don't be scared.
They took hostages yesterday at Razac.
Everybody out!
Open the bags.
To the gate!
To the fountain!
We must block the back entrance!
The park is surrounded.
Be careful. They're on the look-out.
Get out of here.
Close off the park! Nobody gets out!
Thank you, sister. Goodbye.
Hello, sister.
They told me in the hospital I could find you here.
You disappeared.
We had to go back.
I understand. Can I talk to you?
- I couldn't have managed alone. - It was God's desire.
I'll stay in the cathedral for a few weeks.
I might see you around, sister.
God, help me.
Unrest is overwhelming me.
This is why we meet on Thursdays.
Speak freely, sister.
Is it still about your visions?
I know Sister Jeanne's leaving affected you.
Mother, we nuns devote ourselves body and soul to the Lord.
- Don't we? - Yes.
Mother, is it a sin
surrendering to it?
Which temptation are you talking about?
A desire... I experience it, and it upsets me.
Get rid of those emotions.
The Lord wants your soul to be pure and eternal.
Who better than you, a nurse,
can know how the body is a poor, mortal envelope?
Take your things. We'll tell you where you're sleeping.
You, in the barn.
- What's your name? - Etienne.
Right, well...
You're going to stay here. It's not far from the camp.
You'll receive military training and you'll go the maquis.
First of all...
get rid of the stuff in here.
We'll need this room.
- How many in there? - 3 or 4.
Is my family at risk? I refused the STO.
The officers will show up. That's all.
The work in Germany is no longer a success.
- Tersner? - Here.
That's over.
As of today, you'll drop your real name.
We'll give you new names tonight.
We have some things to teach you.
You see this Sten?
If you forget the safety, you kill your friends.
Our contact in the prefecture sent it.
Lefort, Parade. Almost everybody from east Bergerac.
Friedman, Rubens.
They'll take the Jews, too.
We have no time to lose.
Bastard was the Accordionist.
You must go to Bergerac. We need to neutralize him.
Your job is to ensure the contacts there.
There's no other choice. Stay in the presbytery.
You won't take care of the musician.
We have to defend ourselves. Our fellows are going down.
They're intercepting too many letters from Bastard.
- I'll take you. - No.
I can walk. I'll go this way.
It was easier working for you.
Look at me.
I have news of Jeanne, from a sister in Evreux.
I can't forget about her.
I pray, but I can't concentrate.
I copied a text.
I have read it many times. I know it by heart.
"I am in every one of you,
"like every one of you is in me.
"You'll see my eyes in those of your beloved.
"And in the love you give them,
"you will find the love I have for you.
"Love is one.
"Love is pure and knows no filth.
"From the darkest cave,
"its light shines up to heaven".
My Lord, I leave it up to you!
I can't handle this powerful force!
Guide me.
I'm here to see Father Martial.
Father Martial is doing a replacement in Bergerac.
What is it about?
Nothing important.
What's the matter?
Are you alright?
Let's take a seat.
Breathe. Are you feeling better?
- What happened to her? - She wasn't feeling right.
You scared us, sister. And it's such a beautiful day!
I'm feeling better.
I don't want to lose you.
I'm so happy here.
We have great need of contemplation.
This retreat will help us cement your faith in Church.
You'll tell me how to organize the confessions.
Of course.
It's the sister I told you about.
Come in, sister.
Come closer.
Your devotion has made you expend yourself without reserve,
between the convent and the hospital.
You need to rest.
I thought a break would be beneficial.
Your mother is worried about you
and I agree with her.
I've decided to grant you a three-day permission.
You will visit your sister and your mother.
You will give them my regards.
You'll go to Bergerac tomorrow.
Thank you, God. Thank you.
I knew you would show me the way.
- Hello. - Hello.
I'd like to see Father Martial.
Father Martial is not here.
I have a message for him.
You will have to come back.
Come back later.
Have a good day, sister.
I'm sorry... When will he come back?
I told you, I don't know. He's not here.
Come in. I'll see what I can do. Is it urgent?
Come on, over here. We will take a photo now.
There's the Accordionist.
We're at home here, at Barnabé's. We'll stay till tomorrow.
They will dance. The Jerries are in town, they won't stay long.
I'm alone, I need you to stand guard.
How come?
My colleagues are stuck in Bordeaux.
So what do we do with the Accordionist?
Take him to the local chief. They'll question him.
Hello. Yes.
Yes, I know her.
So it's important?
No, I can't talk to her on the phone.
Alright... Wait!
Find her a suitable outfit.
I'm sorry for the clothing. It's necessary.
What's the matter?
Come with me.
I needed to see you.
I beg your pardon.
I had no other choice.
I struggled, I prayed.
I want to know the truth about my feelings.
The war has upset you. You're losing your way.
I don't think so.
You are misjudging me.
Besides, it's a bad time.
Give me some time.
I will know then.
I'll get you a room and take you back to Bergerac tomorrow.
Have you eaten?
A present for the newlyweds!
It feels strange, doesn't it?
It suits you.
Where are we heading?
I'm confident.
My steps have never betrayed me.
If they did, it would be the Lord's will.
I would be the one to blame.
- Long live the newlyweds! - Long live the newlyweds!
It shouldn't be long.
You will stake out.
I'll approach him.
We have some questions to ask.
You'll have to come with us.
Who are you? What do you want?
You will see.
Leave me alone.
Don't be a fool.
Come help me!
Hurry up! What are you doing?
We're out.
I would like to pray.
God sees our love.
Our love? What love?
I have it in me.
- Love knows no filth. - Please.
Do you understand? Religion is over for me.
I'm ashamed of what I stole from you.
I gave it to you.
I will help you.
I ask you nothing. Nothing.
You can't help me. Nobody can.
You are wrong.
Haven't I been by your side already?
That's true.
I know this place.
This is what I wanted you to see.
God chose me here.
Our source!
It's still alive.
Taste it.
Nobody can lose their love for the Lord.
They can, when man interferes.
This war will end someday.
My sister was good with the top.
It was paradise here.
I give it to you.
Have trust, Martial.
Holy is his name
His mercy extends from generation to generation
To those who fear him
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm
He has scattered those who are proud
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
But has lifted up the humble
He has filled the hungry with good things
But has sent the rich away empty
Show some ardor, sister. Show some ardor.
Remembering to be merciful
Just as he promised our ancestors
To Abraham and his descendants
My Lord, you have been with me in every step towards him.
Why is he silent?
Listen to me.
You used to answer every one of my prayers.
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
I confess to God and to you, Father,
that I have sinned in thought,
word, action and omission.
Through my fault, my fault, through my grievous fault.
I arrived late to a service because of my fault.
For lack of vigilance.
I lost my temper with Sister Marie-Véronique.
I ask her for forgiveness.
I heard you have some problems
and you've talked to your mother.
The Lord has helped me overcome those doubts, Father.
Are you sure of that, sister?
Is everything back to normal?
Yes, Father.
Open your heart to the Lord.
I know God sees me and rules over me.
There will be 2 guys at rue Ragot.
Here, there will be 2 undercover FTPs.
We'll go for a staggered counterattack.
One, two, three shooters.
Let the Jerries think we're stronger. Then we leave.
Etienne, you'll continue with Gilbert if the 1st group stops.
Martial, we'll need you in the cathedral.
No, I can't.
It'll get ugly in Périgueux.
You won't take any risks. Adrienne and Gilbert will.
Then, things will heat up.
We'll disappear and move the camp.
You'll join the bishop of Bayonne.
The funds transfer goes through them.
Then, the Spanish smugglers will take charge.
We really need you.
You did very well in Bergerac.
There's nothing to be proud of.
I heard Malraux, the writer, from the Spanish war,
is in the maquis. When he talks about communists
he calls them "the priests".
This is from the cathedral.
Nothing for you.
I'll be on my way.
- Take the tobacco. - Thanks.
Are you alright?
- I'm leaving now. - Sleep well.
Are you cold?
I hope I won't screw up.
It's a good plan. You'll be OK.
Damn war!
I'm scared to death, Martial.
I got your letter. I can't stay long.
I've been thinking about you for days.
Everything reminds me of us.
I haven't stopped waiting.
- Don't expect anything. - I know.
I can't resist this force any longer.
I have to go.
I will wait for you.
I keep this great trust God has given me.
Answer me!
Don't leave me!
Have mercy!
I will find you, my Lord,
like the first day.
Our community will receive, on Saturday afternoon,
Father Joseph at the chapterhouse,
a Dominican from Bordeaux
to talk about the importance of Gospel...
We escaped a massacre.
People from Toulouse helped the Spanish.
Gentlemen, they're out of danger.
But their wounds could get infected.
Your Eminence.
We're doing everything we can but we have some serious cases.
Gun wounds with risk of hemorrhage.
Be brave, son. I'll pray for your healing.
Open elbow fracture with risk of gangrene.
Do not lose hope.
God bless you.
- Bravo. - We just do our job.
Your Eminence.
- Everything's good, sister? - Yes.
Your Eminence.
Is Father Martial still in the cathedral?
No, sister. He's preparing to leave.
But... He will come back, won't he?
He's my confessor.
You'll have to find another one
because he's leaving for good.
They grouped the hostages to kill them.
We must expect the worst.
Alright. In reprisal, we'll take tit for tat.
We can't stay here. You'll go to Bayonne.
Empty this place.
Leave your things. Don't take any personal belongings.
- We've emptied Brousses. - Sure?
- Yes. - Make sure nothing's left.
- What now? - Take everything to the camp.
Roger, take them to the mill.
Guys, take as much as possible. We'll see when we get to the mill.
Stop charging. Victor, it's full.
We'll finish later.
We'll finish tomorrow. You staying?
Be careful.
What are you doing, Luce?
I'm leaving.
But why? You're abandoning us?
You can talk to me.
You'll understand.
Luce! You used to be devoted to our Lord!
- He knows. - You're wrong. You'll come back.
Your place is here, with us.
I don't belong among you.
Stay away!
Why this?
You didn't want to listen.
You betrayed our love.
Stop! You hear no one but yourself.
Don't tell me the Lord brought you here.
I came because he let go of my hand.
I'm sorry.
You don't deserve this.
You're worrying for nothing.
She can't understand.
What do you know?
What happened could tear her down.
Anything can happen.
I'm going to the bishop's.
What about the curfew?
Go ahead.
I don't need your judgment or your prayers.
I won't pray for you. I'll pray for our sister's salvation.
How could you get so lost?
I have reasons to hate myself, but this is not about me.
I must leave the region.
Can you look after her?
I will.
Wherever you go, ask for the Lord's repentance.
You owe us the truth.
What did you expect to find beyond these walls?
What revelation?
You're not a novice.
You should be grateful we accepted you back out of pity.
Do you understand?
It's me, Camille.
Answer me.
Just say something.
This is serious.
Such a breach of the rules should be severely punished.
How has she reacted?
She refuses to talk, Your Eminence.
She hasn't eaten for 5 days.
We can't let her die.
Let's wait. She'll return to the right track.
God has mercy.
Instead of blaming that child, lead her to redemption.
Your Eminence.
My child,
we surely have our share of guilt in your torment.
I didn't imagine your visions would take you to such limits.
I authorized a visit.
Someone you love.
Come in.
I'll leave you.
Thank you, Mother.
My child.
I wouldn't be able to lift you up.
Have trust.
You have overcome many ordeals.
I know what you're going through.
when the Lord welcomed you,
when your father died.
You must listen to me.
Me too, I almost...
One day, just like you...
I went through that ordeal.
I thought God had abandoned me.
Leave me alone.
My child.
You have to believe me.
One day, the Lord will speak to you again.
God will come to you.
Sister Luce,
the bell has rung.
Let's go to the refectory.
You have to eat.
We'll go to the orphanage this afternoon.
We'll see the children.
It's alright, sister. I'll do it.
Here you are.
You will feel better.
Like every week on Radio-Paris,
here is Georges Apal's report.
You have been abandoned, lied to.
You have been betrayed.
Betrayal by bad French people,
those who multiply their crimes in their mother country.
Bands of criminals, demonic creatures
whose only desire is to kill.
Beware of bad French people.
They will deceive you.
The traitors are among us.
They murder while wrapped up in the folds of our flag.
French citizens, you have not been sold, betrayed or abandoned.
Come to us with trust.
Look at the evil images.
They were behind your visions.
The Lord wants me to guide you
to the path you need to find.
He'll only save you if you have faith.
The forces of evil are here, all around us.
You need to fight.
You'll overcome this ordeal by joining the forces of good.
The Lord saves his worst ordeals for his best servants.
Luce, calm down.
- No! Stop! - Luce.
It's me.
You are with your sisters.
You're with us.
He betrayed me.
- They're all traitors. - Stop!
Not hate!
It's an attack by the Franco-German committee.
No "Jews" or "freemasons". It's not them.
They are well informed.
Go to Brousses. I want names.
Come with me.
Vincent will let the others know.
Jojo, Fernand, Belleuil.
The guys from Toulon, too.
Warn them in Bost as well. Get going.
We must find who's behind this.
It was posted yesterday.
Another letter could've escaped the sorting.
Gather round!
Just a second, children.
Sister Luce?
I'm glad to see you.
We have missed you.
When are you coming back?
Excuse her.
She's going through rough times.
Come on now.
Let's go.
My child!
Chase that torment away.
I want our Sister Luce back.
What's the matter?
We have all been denounced. You too.
It continues.
Another one.
I know this writing.
We're all in danger.
We have to inform the bishop.
Martial must come back from Bayonne.
We can give you shelter.
No. I have to keep on treating my patients.
I'll take care of the rest.
You must tell them what Luce told you. It's your duty.
You can still save her.
Your Eminence.
You didn't have to come.
What an ordeal!
We had a runaway, now we have an abduction.
We think we know our sisters but they remain a mystery.
The children were...
Whatever dangers threaten us,
only our Holy Church is important.
Yes, of course.
I heard a car, and when I...
When I turned around, I saw Luce being pushed in.
It was a black vehicle.
There were two men inside.
We know it's you. We have proof.
Calm down.
Did you write those letters?
- Are there any more? - No.
Why did you do it?
Are you aware of the gravity of your actions?
Yes. I was the one who wrote them.
That's my secret.
- The Milice! - There too!
- To the back! - The Sten!
Jesus Christ!
Over there!
Take the field!
Blast away!
They got us.
We took the field.
Calm down, calm down.
What did you see?
They were waiting for us.
Roger fell down.
Adrienne, Martial.
Bring her.
You lied to us. You sent other comrades to death.
Your friends the Krauts! You skank!
Will you answer?
Do as you please.
We will judge her.
Bring her back.
Acting out of spite is not an excuse.
I know.
What you say about other possible letters is overwhelming.
She betrayed the Church. She'll answer in front of God.
But man's justice exists too.
Judging her means killing her.
The Church has its own prisons.
Tell her to join a monastery in Spain.
I'll do my best so she stays.
If she agrees, it will be a relief.
You'd have tried everything.
God save us all.
No, I won't go.
Why, sister? You're forcing us to judge you.
Do you know what awaits you?
Wait, stop. It's nothing.
Go. They must be close.
Find the sawmill in Beauronne.
The mill is down there.
Just stay here.
You will be fine.
You were offered a life dedicated to praying.
I don't understand.
Sister, I'll pray for you.
So you want to die.
I will decide that.
It's my choice.
We will draw straws.
After the events in this film,
the mill was besieged by the Milice
and German soldiers in February '44.
34 résistants were executed.
On February 26, 1944, P. Henriot
denounced "communists who had massacred the Saint".
"Stop" by R00K - Duration: 0:41.
Why do I do what I do
Maybe I'd stop if only I knew
Why do I do what I do
Maybe I'd stop if only I knew
Why do I do what I do
Maybe I'd stop if only I knew
Why do I do what I do
Maybe I'd stop if only I knew
"Come Home" by R00K - Duration: 0:57.
Lover why'd you go away
Thought that you had come to stay
Please forgive the things I say
Yeah come around + save my day
Come home, baby please come home
Come home, baby please come home
Said come home, baby please come home
Come home, baby please come home
Come home, home
Come home, home
【Overwatch】 手残系列 #2 夺命女 ( Widowmaker ) - Duration: 6:04.
Hello guys I'm Eric
I'm not able to talk due to mic problem
Sorry about that
Accidentally pressed V
I forgot how many times I missed..
Enemy should be very happy if met this kind of sniper in war X'D
Thanks for watching
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I'll see you in the next one
Bye Bye!!!
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