Sunday, January 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 22 2017

hey guys welcome back to another axe

family video and before we start our day

keep it cool but before we started our

video today we want to do a shout-out to

another youtube channel that we have

come across them we started commenting

back and forth and become friends with

and their YouTube channel is called

large Valley Farm and that guy named

Brad and his family and they basically

are taking a farm from kind of nothing

and building it up and their beef

hogging crop farmers he says they farm

around a hundred twenty acres and most

of the animals that they raise they sell

the local consumers and he's been

extremely a lot with no-till cover crops

and rotational grazing and just really

cool to see the videos and learn more

about the farm and what they're doing

and they really seem like a great family

and and so we've enjoyed that just

getting to know through YouTube that's

been kinda cool so yeah we put a link to

their channel in the description below

if you just go down there you can

subscribe to their channel and check

them out so hope you guys enjoy this

video today

we're headed off the ranch and we're

headed here family for christmas and

you'll probably be watching the doctor

Christmas we have some other videos that

were planning on posting around

Christmas but we're headed to retailers

family and then we're going to go see my

family and then we'll come back to the


that's a lot of stuff how much stuff you

can just accumulate and you just skip

the morning rush stuff i don't like

stuff rather have less less things and

be more simple i guess my car culture

definitely the American culture is its

consumeristic and it encourages us to

you know keep keep buying more and more

things that we don't need and then when

it a piece of something breaks you just

throw it away instead of fixing in and

stuff like that i don't like that about

our culture

I feel like we're wasting our resources

resources for money you know

as we're driving out of the ranch

there's just one spot that you can see

like almost the whole ranch from and so

last year we got a photo together here

we're going to do it again everybody

hanging out back here

slow down

is it are you

you get yeah yeah

For more infomation >> Far Off The Ranch - Duration: 6:36.


Get more Views and Subscrib...

For more infomation >> Get more Views and Subscrib...


DIY Mickey Felt Pin

For more infomation >> DIY Mickey Felt Pin


Tell Me the Story of Jesus - Duration: 3:55.

Tell me the story of Jesus

Write on my heart every word

Tell me the story most precious

Sweetest that ever was heard

Tell how the angels, in chorus

Sang as they welcomed His birth

Glory to God in the highest

Peace and good tidings to earth

Tell me the story of Jesus

Write on my heart every word

Tell me the story most precious

Sweetest that ever was heard

Fasting alone in the desert

Tell of the days that are past

How for our sins He was tempted

Yet was triumphant at last

Tell of the years of His labor

Tell of the sorrow He bore

He was despised and afflicted

Homeless, rejected, and poor

Tell me the story of Jesus

Write on my heart every word

Tell me the story most precious

Sweetest that ever was heard

Tell of the cross where they nailed Him

Writhing in anguish and pain

Tell of the grave where they laid Him

Tell how He liveth again

Love in that story so tender

Clearer than ever I see

Stay, let me weep while you whisper

Love paid the ransom for me

Tell me the story of Jesus

Write on my heart every word

Tell me the story most precious

Sweetest that ever was heard

For more infomation >> Tell Me the Story of Jesus - Duration: 3:55.


December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 3 - Duration: 11:33.

T: ...okay...

K: nice

K as S76: Snowball Offensive

N as S76: "Snowball Offensive"

J: Alright, guys

J: Don't go through the main doors sometimes because people always wall it

J: Oh K as S76: We're all soldiers now

K: Oh, F me, they walled it J: It's always fun to be-- N: *laughing like a BAN*

N: That was me

T as S76: Nick's a nigger now

J: And they took it. Okay! T: Uhhhhhhh

K: I was trying to wall you (Nick) off

so you get hit

K: But I couldn't T: I didn't even get to

T: SEE anyone and I got killed

T: Alright!

K: Tht-- yeah-- This is--


K: This is a hard game

K: This isn't your nanny's game

K: You know, this is for real men

T: I didn't even get to see anyone!

K: Oh F me, how'd I miss that J: No, people do the

K: Whiffed my shot J: you know, throw it 'cross

J: ...spawn T: You suck ass, Kevin

N: Alright, who whiffed that shot? I saw it

K: I whiffed mine

T: I didn't even get to shoot :\

K: Oh!

T: Melee! J: She's not shooting

J: Hi!

T: Ha

T: Mei-lee

J: Oh they missed. ok

J: Uh, Kevin?

K: (Calmly) Yeah? N: Kevin,

N: Kevin, run! T: Wow, they all whiffed!

K: *laughing* T: Oh my God!

J: *laughing* K: *laughing*

T: Oh my God! N: Run, Kevin, run!

T: They're whiffing so hard! J: Wall, Kevin, wall!

K: Yep!

J: Kevin, you should have picked up that. Oh no!

T: *laughs* K: *laughs* J: *laughs*

J: Get it!

K: If I carry this, this is going to be great!

K: Aw, I missed!

T: Aw, Kevin!

K: I'm sorry

K: I'm so sorry, guys T: God damnit

T: Kevin

T: After all those pro dodges

you die like that

K: I didn't mean to

K: Uh, that was great

T: *sighs*

J: *snickers*

T: Ohhhh

You click with the left button! alright

K: yep

K: Aw, Taylor didn't know how to play

J: Ss

K: It's not his fault, you guys

K: Aright

K: I'm witnessing Joey's action

K: I get to see how jerky his mouse movements are compared to mine

T: дa! Got 'em!

J: Yeah, it's all very laggy

J: That's why

K: Alright

Y-you got this


T: Oh I see 'em

J: Oooooooo T: I see 'em!

K: Joey, wait for him to reload

K: Get that snowpile on the--

Oh my gosh, Joey

Why are you so bad at this game

T: FUCK J: Shut up, baka!

K: I'm backseat gaming hard! See?

K: That's what you should have done J: Aw I would've gotten it

N: I've got 3, I've got 3! J: If Nick didn't. I would've gotten that, though

N: I've got 3! J: Oh, cool

K: I've got 9!

K: You have to be exactly lethal 4 times in a row

T: Well I already whiffed one

T: Shouldn't have been a whiff J: My God! K: Then kill someone.

K: Then 3 after that

T: Well, that's a whiff. Alright.

J: I didn't even-- it's just a bullet

J: Ok, I'm just gonna sit

J: ok

K: Aight, they're flurrying

T: Is that an ult I hear? K: watch out

T: OwO

J: *nuts*

Noo, dude she just sits there, ulting

K: Yeah, the ult is a machine gun, so watch out.

T: How long does it LAST?

J: It's not that long K: Like three seconds?

T: Dude, her last shot is the one that killed me

Are you fucking nuttin' me?

K: Yep

We're nuttin' you


J: Oh, Kevin!

J: Oh, did you see that though? It was a snowman

K: Yes T: I...

T: ...saw that whiff

T: I saw that whiff!

K: Sorry

K: You win some,

K: you whiff 'em all

T: You're bad! J: Wow! Did she just whiff that?

J: Oh my God!

J: Oh! T: Whiffed again

T: Oh my-- Get it! Get it!! Get it!!!

T: Get it!-- Woo hoo hoo J: Better do it-- Yes!

J: Oh ho hoe

K: I'm not gonna whiff anymore J: Dang, Kevin

T: Behind you, Kevin. Behind you!

T: Aw J: No! K: Ugh! TsSs

J: Nick, get the snow pile before she does!

N: Got it! K: *exhales*

N: I got it, boyz J: Use-- Don't use

K: *exhales* Serenity now! J: the ult. Don't use the ult!

T: There's another one behind you

K: This game mode is so fun!

T: Oh!

J: Who? K: Oh, Darek?

T: On the roof

T: Oh!

J: Darek?

N: I got the one 'chievement that you guys couldn't get for a while

N: Or at least Joey couldn't

N: Now I've gotta get the others

J: Man I don't have any time!

J: And I can't do it

J: Because I lag way to HARD

T: They both came around

J: Got 'er! T: the corner at the same time

K: Oh! T: Without losing

T: ...a round

K: Easy

J: Nice

N: Picking up the snow T: Yaaaay!

J: chshhhh T: Lootbox!

K: Oh, look at that. We're all dead

T: Nope J: *laughs*

K: "CatsOnTrains"

J: Oh

J: What d'you think about that, Kevin?


K: I have no strong feelings either way

K: Nice!

K: He did not whiff that one

J: Aw, is that it? K: "Mei of the game"

K: nice

K: Aw, nice J: op. Okay, I'm good with that

J: Aw, weapon accuracy. 42%!

T: Oh shit, I have an uncrustable!

K: nice T: Oh my God

K: You should send that to me

J: Oh

T: No! K: via e-mail

T: "via e-mail"

K: via fax

T: Mei...

K: Snowball Offensive

N: I love the voice, Kevin

K: Aw, thanks

K: It's my uh Soldier voice

T: Look at this nerd doing analysis of chess

K: What?

T: On the computer in here

T: Nerd doing an analysis of chess

T: Did you just jack that man's snow?

K: Yep!

J: (with PTSD) Very common


K: That's how you win this game

K: Joey...

T: I kinda whiffed K: Nick!

N: What?

K: You're dying! N: I'm not here to win anymore

K: o

J: Aw, Kevin T: Oh I heard that, Kevin (OBS didn't pick up Kevin's Russian)

J: I heard that!

T: blyat

K: It's just Russian

J: Op. Oh, Kevin T: 4

T: You gotta kill 4 of them, Kev

J: 1v4 T: You got this


T: You didn't even win a 1v1!

K: Nope!

K: nice

N: Hey, Kevin, nice skin T: Look!

T: Look at the nerd doing chess analysis

K: Where-- where am I looking?

T: Here, over at the computer!

K: Oh, look at that! Nice!

T: Ice wall...

T: ...suck my nut!

J: Everyone's-- alright.

T: Okay, you know what?

T: I don't want to talk about it

J: Mm

T: I don't want to talk about it

K: It's fine. You don't need to.

K: We're all here for you, Taylor

T: I'm going to keep whiffing, alright? It's my lifestyle

J: Alright :\

K: We're counting on you

T: They call me "Whiffen Metz"

N: I'm A...

N: ...MEI-zing!

K: Nice

J: Yeah, someone already made that joke T: You're fucking GAY!

J: Someone already made that joke (Killjoy Joey)

K: Oh, no

Mei: Hey! No fair!

K: That is no fair

J: Hooooh K: I'm good

K: I'm not mad

J: Huuuuuuu T: Pissed

K: Yeah, you're right J: op

K: I'm pretty mad

T: Ha. I'm gold in shots fired and snowballs reloaded

K: me too

T: 'Cause I keep whiffing

K: *coughs*

J: ...using their ults

K: 'scuse me

N: " 'scuse me"

T: sssssss


K: PoШ Б, cукa

K: Alright, here we go

T: Y'all niggas need to reload

K: You guys ready for this?

Mei: Get ready for a flurry!

K: I'm ready for a flurry J: Dude, their using an ult

T: Oh! We saw it coming J: op. And... alright.

T: Saw it coming J: the heck?

K: This kid's not--

K: Oh my gosh!

Did you guys see that?

J: Yeahp. Saw that T: I was watching the other dude

K: I'm cringin

N: Alright, we all have our ults, except for someone who wasted theirs...

J: Someone?

T: Om Om

K: Literally used it to fire one shot

And that was as soon as the ult ended

K: Alright, I'm behind enemy lines

J: op

J: Kevin!

N: ult! Ult!

N: It's the last round if they win

T: Keep firing, Kevin!

K: Sorry!

K: How in the world...

J: Jesus, Kevin

T: Oh, you both whiffed

K: It's fine

N: Get 'em, Kevin

K: ok

K: Oh my gosh! N: Kevin! T: KEVIN!

T: Kevin! K: Ignore that!

K: Oh my gosh T: OH!

K: Kill me now

K: DAddy

J: It's okay, Kevin. We gotcha!

K: Oh! The melee on this! T: *laughs* J: Oh! *laughs*

J: Aw, man! T: Kevin!

K: I'm sorry. Normally I'm not this bad! N: Kevin!

T: God

K: Alright, we don't need to watch this

T: Yes we do. Oh

K: I missed, like, six shots

K: 6 easy shots J: C'mon, Kevin.

J: I need 2 more games till a loot box

K: Alright, one more for me, so...

K: Get rekt


K: Thanks, Soldier

K: Mr. 76

T: "Mr. 76"

T: Don't let me die, daddy

K: Alright, son

K: Alright, Joey, I've got your back

J: K, Kevin

T: Come at me, bitch

J: Oh! I got her!

K: Alright, I'm going to watch the pro CS player

N: Oh, no. Now you've said that... T: Oh I saw that shit

J: Hehe. They're mad

J: "I never knew we only had one." Aw! T: Hey Mei. Hey!

T: Hey!

How ya doin'?

T: Aw, I missed

N: Damnit!

What--? Ah--

N: Fuckin' teammate fwiddled(?) me off right there

N: He was below me

T: Totally not me!

N: Alright, well somebody's getting screwed over T: Oh, God!

T: Daddy, no!

J: Got 'em!

K: Nice!

K: Nice, tech. Alright

drop down on him

like sweet justice--

like sweet, hot justice from above

K: Nice

T: That's what I was looking for

K: Go up there

J: Uh!

N: I've made a friend

J: op alright. I'll whip it out if I have to K: C'mon, it's an easy kill

T: I know. I'm waiting for him to go reload

Don't you dare steal this from me, Joey

T: Get 'em, Joey, he's behind you J: Oh! So close...

J: Aw, hey! What's up?

T: Kill!


T: Do it!

T: Kill!

S76: This is war!

J: Got 'em! Alright, Nick

Nice, you did it!

N: That's the third achievement

I gotta get the 4th now

It's just winning

K: nice

That 4th one was hard, I don't know how Joey got it

J: What one?

K: The sniping

N: Aw, I sniped them from right up here J: Aw, it's really easy

N: To like over there, but that's where I was

K: Alright, that tells me alot

J: OH my God. Alright, then.

Mei: Get ready for a flurry!

K: op, they've got a flurry

I shifted. I should've--

K: Hate this game

K: I hate this game T: Holy fucking

T: shit, daddy

T: Tell ya what, bud J: When you get the flurry

J: You spam!

J: How do people not get this?

K: Joey, not everyone's a genius, like you

J: Oo, that was awesome! N: Yep, all 4 achievements done T: Yay! Achievement

K: You got it?

N: All 4

K: Awwww!

J: nice

N: In what? K: He beat us :(

J: I don't-- I'm not even trying! T: Yay!

K: Yeah, that's what they all say when they're losing, Joey

J: I-- I'm serious. I didn't try


J: Not to mention I lagged for half the games

N: cucked

K: Nice

N: cucked

K: Nice!

1 more?

T: No

K: Aw. J: Aw!

T: The other one went around the corner. I couldn't get him in time

N: You should've just whiffed a shot across the map

K: Alright

N: You gotta let me confirm T: I got a loot box!

T: Yay, purple!

J: One more game! T: What'd I get?


N: yep

K: That was my first one

K: Purple money. Legendary!

K: Mei!

J: What'd you get, Kevin? K: I got Mei!

J: You got Mei? Nice!

For more infomation >> December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 3 - Duration: 11:33.


The Light Between Oceans

For more infomation >> The Light Between Oceans


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


Мадонна: ПОШЛИ ВЫ НАХ*Й///Madonna to march critics: F**k you - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Мадонна: ПОШЛИ ВЫ НАХ*Й///Madonna to march critics: F**k you - Duration: 0:26.


Türkçe altyazılı♡ Hwarang The Beginning Ep 1 Interview Behind the Scenes Part 2 - Duration: 17:49.

For more infomation >> Türkçe altyazılı♡ Hwarang The Beginning Ep 1 Interview Behind the Scenes Part 2 - Duration: 17:49.


December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 3 - Duration: 11:33.

T: ...okay...

K: nice

K as S76: Snowball Offensive

N as S76: "Snowball Offensive"

J: Alright, guys

J: Don't go through the main doors sometimes because people always wall it

J: Oh K as S76: We're all soldiers now

K: Oh, F me, they walled it J: It's always fun to be-- N: *laughing like a BAN*

N: That was me

T as S76: Nick's a nigger now

J: And they took it. Okay! T: Uhhhhhhh

K: I was trying to wall you (Nick) off

so you get hit

K: But I couldn't T: I didn't even get to

T: SEE anyone and I got killed

T: Alright!

K: Tht-- yeah-- This is--


K: This is a hard game

K: This isn't your nanny's game

K: You know, this is for real men

T: I didn't even get to see anyone!

K: Oh F me, how'd I miss that J: No, people do the

K: Whiffed my shot J: you know, throw it 'cross

J: ...spawn T: You suck ass, Kevin

N: Alright, who whiffed that shot? I saw it

K: I whiffed mine

T: I didn't even get to shoot :\

K: Oh!

T: Melee! J: She's not shooting

J: Hi!

T: Ha

T: Mei-lee

J: Oh they missed. ok

J: Uh, Kevin?

K: (Calmly) Yeah? N: Kevin,

N: Kevin, run! T: Wow, they all whiffed!

K: *laughing* T: Oh my God!

J: *laughing* K: *laughing*

T: Oh my God! N: Run, Kevin, run!

T: They're whiffing so hard! J: Wall, Kevin, wall!

K: Yep!

J: Kevin, you should have picked up that. Oh no!

T: *laughs* K: *laughs* J: *laughs*

J: Get it!

K: If I carry this, this is going to be great!

K: Aw, I missed!

T: Aw, Kevin!

K: I'm sorry

K: I'm so sorry, guys T: God damnit

T: Kevin

T: After all those pro dodges

you die like that

K: I didn't mean to

K: Uh, that was great

T: *sighs*

J: *snickers*

T: Ohhhh

You click with the left button! alright

K: yep

K: Aw, Taylor didn't know how to play

J: Ss

K: It's not his fault, you guys

K: Aright

K: I'm witnessing Joey's action

K: I get to see how jerky his mouse movements are compared to mine

T: дa! Got 'em!

J: Yeah, it's all very laggy

J: That's why

K: Alright

Y-you got this


T: Oh I see 'em

J: Oooooooo T: I see 'em!

K: Joey, wait for him to reload

K: Get that snowpile on the--

Oh my gosh, Joey

Why are you so bad at this game

T: FUCK J: Shut up, baka!

K: I'm backseat gaming hard! See?

K: That's what you should have done J: Aw I would've gotten it

N: I've got 3, I've got 3! J: If Nick didn't. I would've gotten that, though

N: I've got 3! J: Oh, cool

K: I've got 9!

K: You have to be exactly lethal 4 times in a row

T: Well I already whiffed one

T: Shouldn't have been a whiff J: My God! K: Then kill someone.

K: Then 3 after that

T: Well, that's a whiff. Alright.

J: I didn't even-- it's just a bullet

J: Ok, I'm just gonna sit

J: ok

K: Aight, they're flurrying

T: Is that an ult I hear? K: watch out

T: OwO

J: *nuts*

Noo, dude she just sits there, ulting

K: Yeah, the ult is a machine gun, so watch out.

T: How long does it LAST?

J: It's not that long K: Like three seconds?

T: Dude, her last shot is the one that killed me

Are you fucking nuttin' me?

K: Yep

We're nuttin' you


J: Oh, Kevin!

J: Oh, did you see that though? It was a snowman

K: Yes T: I...

T: ...saw that whiff

T: I saw that whiff!

K: Sorry

K: You win some,

K: you whiff 'em all

T: You're bad! J: Wow! Did she just whiff that?

J: Oh my God!

J: Oh! T: Whiffed again

T: Oh my-- Get it! Get it!! Get it!!!

T: Get it!-- Woo hoo hoo J: Better do it-- Yes!

J: Oh ho hoe

K: I'm not gonna whiff anymore J: Dang, Kevin

T: Behind you, Kevin. Behind you!

T: Aw J: No! K: Ugh! TsSs

J: Nick, get the snow pile before she does!

N: Got it! K: *exhales*

N: I got it, boyz J: Use-- Don't use

K: *exhales* Serenity now! J: the ult. Don't use the ult!

T: There's another one behind you

K: This game mode is so fun!

T: Oh!

J: Who? K: Oh, Darek?

T: On the roof

T: Oh!

J: Darek?

N: I got the one 'chievement that you guys couldn't get for a while

N: Or at least Joey couldn't

N: Now I've gotta get the others

J: Man I don't have any time!

J: And I can't do it

J: Because I lag way to HARD

T: They both came around

J: Got 'er! T: the corner at the same time

K: Oh! T: Without losing

T: ...a round

K: Easy

J: Nice

N: Picking up the snow T: Yaaaay!

J: chshhhh T: Lootbox!

K: Oh, look at that. We're all dead

T: Nope J: *laughs*

K: "CatsOnTrains"

J: Oh

J: What d'you think about that, Kevin?


K: I have no strong feelings either way

K: Nice!

K: He did not whiff that one

J: Aw, is that it? K: "Mei of the game"

K: nice

K: Aw, nice J: op. Okay, I'm good with that

J: Aw, weapon accuracy. 42%!

T: Oh shit, I have an uncrustable!

K: nice T: Oh my God

K: You should send that to me

J: Oh

T: No! K: via e-mail

T: "via e-mail"

K: via fax

T: Mei...

K: Snowball Offensive

N: I love the voice, Kevin

K: Aw, thanks

K: It's my uh Soldier voice

T: Look at this nerd doing analysis of chess

K: What?

T: On the computer in here

T: Nerd doing an analysis of chess

T: Did you just jack that man's snow?

K: Yep!

J: (with PTSD) Very common


K: That's how you win this game

K: Joey...

T: I kinda whiffed K: Nick!

N: What?

K: You're dying! N: I'm not here to win anymore

K: o

J: Aw, Kevin T: Oh I heard that, Kevin (OBS didn't pick up Kevin's Russian)

J: I heard that!

T: blyat

K: It's just Russian

J: Op. Oh, Kevin T: 4

T: You gotta kill 4 of them, Kev

J: 1v4 T: You got this


T: You didn't even win a 1v1!

K: Nope!

K: nice

N: Hey, Kevin, nice skin T: Look!

T: Look at the nerd doing chess analysis

K: Where-- where am I looking?

T: Here, over at the computer!

K: Oh, look at that! Nice!

T: Ice wall...

T: ...suck my nut!

J: Everyone's-- alright.

T: Okay, you know what?

T: I don't want to talk about it

J: Mm

T: I don't want to talk about it

K: It's fine. You don't need to.

K: We're all here for you, Taylor

T: I'm going to keep whiffing, alright? It's my lifestyle

J: Alright :\

K: We're counting on you

T: They call me "Whiffen Metz"

N: I'm A...

N: ...MEI-zing!

K: Nice

J: Yeah, someone already made that joke T: You're fucking GAY!

J: Someone already made that joke (Killjoy Joey)

K: Oh, no

Mei: Hey! No fair!

K: That is no fair

J: Hooooh K: I'm good

K: I'm not mad

J: Huuuuuuu T: Pissed

K: Yeah, you're right J: op

K: I'm pretty mad

T: Ha. I'm gold in shots fired and snowballs reloaded

K: me too

T: 'Cause I keep whiffing

K: *coughs*

J: ...using their ults

K: 'scuse me

N: " 'scuse me"

T: sssssss


K: PoШ Б, cукa

K: Alright, here we go

T: Y'all niggas need to reload

K: You guys ready for this?

Mei: Get ready for a flurry!

K: I'm ready for a flurry J: Dude, their using an ult

T: Oh! We saw it coming J: op. And... alright.

T: Saw it coming J: the heck?

K: This kid's not--

K: Oh my gosh!

Did you guys see that?

J: Yeahp. Saw that T: I was watching the other dude

K: I'm cringin

N: Alright, we all have our ults, except for someone who wasted theirs...

J: Someone?

T: Om Om

K: Literally used it to fire one shot

And that was as soon as the ult ended

K: Alright, I'm behind enemy lines

J: op

J: Kevin!

N: ult! Ult!

N: It's the last round if they win

T: Keep firing, Kevin!

K: Sorry!

K: How in the world...

J: Jesus, Kevin

T: Oh, you both whiffed

K: It's fine

N: Get 'em, Kevin

K: ok

K: Oh my gosh! N: Kevin! T: KEVIN!

T: Kevin! K: Ignore that!

K: Oh my gosh T: OH!

K: Kill me now

K: DAddy

J: It's okay, Kevin. We gotcha!

K: Oh! The melee on this! T: *laughs* J: Oh! *laughs*

J: Aw, man! T: Kevin!

K: I'm sorry. Normally I'm not this bad! N: Kevin!

T: God

K: Alright, we don't need to watch this

T: Yes we do. Oh

K: I missed, like, six shots

K: 6 easy shots J: C'mon, Kevin.

J: I need 2 more games till a loot box

K: Alright, one more for me, so...

K: Get rekt


K: Thanks, Soldier

K: Mr. 76

T: "Mr. 76"

T: Don't let me die, daddy

K: Alright, son

K: Alright, Joey, I've got your back

J: K, Kevin

T: Come at me, bitch

J: Oh! I got her!

K: Alright, I'm going to watch the pro CS player

N: Oh, no. Now you've said that... T: Oh I saw that shit

J: Hehe. They're mad

J: "I never knew we only had one." Aw! T: Hey Mei. Hey!

T: Hey!

How ya doin'?

T: Aw, I missed

N: Damnit!

What--? Ah--

N: Fuckin' teammate fwiddled(?) me off right there

N: He was below me

T: Totally not me!

N: Alright, well somebody's getting screwed over T: Oh, God!

T: Daddy, no!

J: Got 'em!

K: Nice!

K: Nice, tech. Alright

drop down on him

like sweet justice--

like sweet, hot justice from above

K: Nice

T: That's what I was looking for

K: Go up there

J: Uh!

N: I've made a friend

J: op alright. I'll whip it out if I have to K: C'mon, it's an easy kill

T: I know. I'm waiting for him to go reload

Don't you dare steal this from me, Joey

T: Get 'em, Joey, he's behind you J: Oh! So close...

J: Aw, hey! What's up?

T: Kill!


T: Do it!

T: Kill!

S76: This is war!

J: Got 'em! Alright, Nick

Nice, you did it!

N: That's the third achievement

I gotta get the 4th now

It's just winning

K: nice

That 4th one was hard, I don't know how Joey got it

J: What one?

K: The sniping

N: Aw, I sniped them from right up here J: Aw, it's really easy

N: To like over there, but that's where I was

K: Alright, that tells me alot

J: OH my God. Alright, then.

Mei: Get ready for a flurry!

K: op, they've got a flurry

I shifted. I should've--

K: Hate this game

K: I hate this game T: Holy fucking

T: shit, daddy

T: Tell ya what, bud J: When you get the flurry

J: You spam!

J: How do people not get this?

K: Joey, not everyone's a genius, like you

J: Oo, that was awesome! N: Yep, all 4 achievements done T: Yay! Achievement

K: You got it?

N: All 4

K: Awwww!

J: nice

N: In what? K: He beat us :(

J: I don't-- I'm not even trying! T: Yay!

K: Yeah, that's what they all say when they're losing, Joey

J: I-- I'm serious. I didn't try


J: Not to mention I lagged for half the games

N: cucked

K: Nice

N: cucked

K: Nice!

1 more?

T: No

K: Aw. J: Aw!

T: The other one went around the corner. I couldn't get him in time

N: You should've just whiffed a shot across the map

K: Alright

N: You gotta let me confirm T: I got a loot box!

T: Yay, purple!

J: One more game! T: What'd I get?


N: yep

K: That was my first one

K: Purple money. Legendary!

K: Mei!

J: What'd you get, Kevin? K: I got Mei!

J: You got Mei? Nice!

For more infomation >> December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 3 - Duration: 11:33.


Far Off The Ranch - Duration: 6:36.

hey guys welcome back to another axe

family video and before we start our day

keep it cool but before we started our

video today we want to do a shout-out to

another youtube channel that we have

come across them we started commenting

back and forth and become friends with

and their YouTube channel is called

large Valley Farm and that guy named

Brad and his family and they basically

are taking a farm from kind of nothing

and building it up and their beef

hogging crop farmers he says they farm

around a hundred twenty acres and most

of the animals that they raise they sell

the local consumers and he's been

extremely a lot with no-till cover crops

and rotational grazing and just really

cool to see the videos and learn more

about the farm and what they're doing

and they really seem like a great family

and and so we've enjoyed that just

getting to know through YouTube that's

been kinda cool so yeah we put a link to

their channel in the description below

if you just go down there you can

subscribe to their channel and check

them out so hope you guys enjoy this

video today

we're headed off the ranch and we're

headed here family for christmas and

you'll probably be watching the doctor

Christmas we have some other videos that

were planning on posting around

Christmas but we're headed to retailers

family and then we're going to go see my

family and then we'll come back to the


that's a lot of stuff how much stuff you

can just accumulate and you just skip

the morning rush stuff i don't like

stuff rather have less less things and

be more simple i guess my car culture

definitely the American culture is its

consumeristic and it encourages us to

you know keep keep buying more and more

things that we don't need and then when

it a piece of something breaks you just

throw it away instead of fixing in and

stuff like that i don't like that about

our culture

I feel like we're wasting our resources

resources for money you know

as we're driving out of the ranch

there's just one spot that you can see

like almost the whole ranch from and so

last year we got a photo together here

we're going to do it again everybody

hanging out back here

slow down

is it are you

you get yeah yeah

For more infomation >> Far Off The Ranch - Duration: 6:36.


[Eng sub] B1A4 yang and nam show part 2/2 - Duration: 21:24.

hi B1A4 here

we hope that we can find a new nickname instead of elementary student president..

stop the music!

manly man version

Bruce Lee version



please show us

what was that? / - you sure you're good at it?

you're good at it right?

he probably can't do it anymore..

excuse us please... it is just that it is a lot different from the image that we'd in our heads

( starting off like a butterfly and then "doo doom chit"... )

but... you don't need to dress like that to show this..

I think you should at least show something like this...

but who are you to say?

who are you to say?

who are you to say?

no CNU... who are you to have a say in this?

because I've done a musical called " the three musketeers" as D'artagnan

what moves?

Jinyoung if you can do something like this..

at least do things like this now that you've wear that cloths

there are big cameras in front of us right?

attack here and then there like this

if you can attack like this..

okay then I'll start with attacking this Jimmyjib camera here..

be nervous

oh what was it?

oh that..

oh what..

oh what was that?

camera 2 .. 2.. 2...2

right.. just like that.. no. 2 .. on your left..

why would you spin there...

attack the legs.. (3x)

oh this is funny

attack the legs..

he is attacking his own leg..

why are you attacking your self..

when he asked for leg-attack, he attacks his own leg!

you won the gold medal like this?!

okay now next is Baro

Baro's to show 38 sets of aegyo

this is interesting

how can I do 38 set

okay 38 set of aegyo... start

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 ......... 35 36 37 38 39 40

that was good

he did it (2x)

and like this Baro made something new 40 set aegyo

now three members are remaining... you've to guess yours

is it quick-dol?... quick-dol

it is something like that... (2x)

give some hints I can't think of anything.. what dol is it?

me too give me a hint (3x)

then should I give a hint to each of them?

yeah give them a hint but instead no one can speak yet you've to stay silent till end


I ask for your favour

among my lines in " moonlight drawn by the clouds" " I'm sick of everything.."

that is all for you..

that's it.. I'm done.

and... / - his is so easy

and Sandeul... where did you live?


it'd suit autumn.


now that you are given the hints.. raise your hand while saying your name if you know the answer



why is that?

because he said it suits autumn.. ( fall and chu are written with same Chinese characters)

that's the correct answer


Gongchan...... since you're always really handsome.. show us the charms of an ugly idol ( suggested by Baro and Sandeul)

please turn around..

anyone who want to put these on him?

he has changed already by this

here is a bit weird though

it is good .. good

now look at the camera..(2x)

look at the camera

stop looking towards us (3x)

I want to check first

it is good

now.. play the music

you're doing good(2x)

do it like a model

do model walking in front of the camera.. okay... okay good

while coming back once more

okay fine...

CNU said earlier

why? why in the world.. ?

Sandeul we're just being fair..

you don't need to be like this

we're doing it fairly

CNU was faster / right

okay CNU?


Sandeul.. what is your answer?


CNU won since he had answered first.

now, to change CNU into the lightening-dol..

we've prepared a mission for him

whatever it is .. ( I can do it)

go to the beverages vending machine on sixth floor ...

select 5 drink ...

then on the same floor at the Yang and Nam show editing room ...

find the white tumbler and fill it with ice and then you can come back

I get it.. this is.. I'll do it

start the mission with saying kwang kwang kwang ( he'll pass if he can come back within our staffs record of 3:21)


are you ready?

yeah / if you are ready then go

kwang kwang kwang

he is slow ... he is very slow

where is the elevator?

( 10sec behind )

he'll probably back in 7 min

7 minutes?

I think he'll give up in the middle

the reason I'm saying is that he doesn't know where are the vending machine and the editing room

and because of that he might take longer

and like this Sandeul is the loser unfortunately

it is unfair really

it is a concept CNU and Gongchan has suggested.. / but why why would they suggest such a thing

you've to put a stop to carelessly using your accent

for that.. start from now till end of this corner you'll have to use only standard/formal language / OMG

okay...let's do it once..

(failing already)

"let's do it once "

in the meantime it's passed 3 min

really / yeah as expected...

from what I know he is standing in front of the vending machine wondering what drink to choose

that's for sure

I think ... now he is at 6th floor right?

now CNU is .. / oh I hear him coming..

he is coming .. / really?


sit first.. sit

sit ... take a sit

sit down

he was really quick

this... no one can succeed this

before announcing.. how long do you think you took ?

3 min 15sec


what was most time consuming?

didn't know where the ice was..

didn't know where things was..

so I was like " where is it? where is it? "

did you or did you not hesitate while choosing the drinks?

why would I hesitate?

CNU thinks he it took him 3:15

and the actual time it him to come back is...

and how long did it took for your director assistant?

3 minutes 21 sec

his is ... 3 min ...


you failed it

I really ........ I run like my life was on line..

and like this your transformation to new concept corner has finished

is there anyone that doesn't like their concept and want to do something else?

I didn't like it much

why? why?

I don't really see why would I need to be as fast as lightening..

then would you like to do it once more to see why you need it

no no I don't

do you like it lightening-dol?

yeah I like it

yeah like this Sandeul is the loser and as I told you before there is a punishment for the loser

with a weird face you've to do 38 fencing moves as fast as you can

wow really..

music cue..


do it fast like a lightening

13 14 .... 16

look at his back...

thirty.................. eight

the end... clap please

spin spin .. spinning wheel

spin it.

it is stopping...

the gift is... / it is Cd

( Eric Nam Cd)

it is (same as) nothing

Eric bring it yourself ..

yourself .. bring it yourself

Sunbaenim ! ( senior )

oh thanks

please enjoy listening to it / thanks

it is possible that even for the same fan as they grow older their ideal (idol) image also changes

for instance if they liked a cutie idol before....

if they're in an age that has lots of interest in celebrities , they might want to see more of manly man idols

yeah true

and also I believe having relationship experiences helps a lot while composing a song

sure it helps.. cause you can write about what you have experienced and went through

in that case... those who have had relationships, what type of men are you while dating?

I'm more of a giving-style

ah so want to give everything you can..

OK hold on.. then how much you spent on the most expensive thing you bought?

the most expensive one?

I bought a necklace... / ah necklace.. / ah so it might've cost around 300k won ..

I think it was about 300,000 won

at what age?

when I was at second year of high school

then you've given all you'd then..

if that is the case you're a really giving person then

but after realizing that it is all in vain

I think it is time for me to wake up .. ( sweet man's sad past)

but hearing that you've given such a gift, she must a really incredible person..

he must have loved her.. / it must be so

hold on.. there is an exposure mission


to see if B1A4 are actually qualified for earning women's heart, we've a test for them...

from now on you're to change into your best as a man in order to make one women's hear beat faster

oh a female guest... ?!

each person is given 3 minutes

and you've to use the secret item that two MCs have prepared for each of you..

who'd you rather be the guest?

a model .. / Emma Watson / oh Emma Watson

please come in!

why is it so nerve wracking...

oh Oh My Girl's cutie

even if you're under the same company, there are those who are closer to each other and there are more distant ones...

how is it for you Jihyo?

I don't think we're that close


we're just awkward with each other

what sort of seniors are they to you?

they're seniors that I look really highly upon them and that's why still we're a bit awkward

is it so?

that's true

then among these five who is the most awkward one, if you've to pick one?

the one who has the most awkward relationship with you..

if you really have to pick one..

there is no way it is me..

the most awkward member ..

right, he said that himself that they're not close

but why?

it is just.. / you just dislike me

no, it is not that..

I really haven't seen Baro that often

they're all busy but he is the one I have seen the least..

since you've not been around each other that often you're awkward still...

they'll all try one by one, but who you guess would make your heart beat faster?

since Jinyoung has just finished acting in a drama..

I think he'd do it better than others

that we admit..

but if that's your reasoning then Baro has also been in a drama

do you dislike him that much? / you didn't have any love-line right?

you don't like him that much? / of course I had ( so you haven't seen his drama right? )

no.. but how come you dislike him this much?

I must have been a terrible actor

no.. really.. seriously you did well in acting..

the time will start the moment you sit..

he set on the side on purpose

what is it? / oh she's a crush..

I don't know what to at my turn then

it has reached 122 bpm

oh that.. you sure the device is not broken? / what is going on?

is it real? / it keeps going up..

it can't be real.. / how is it possible without him saying a single word / that's what I'm wondering as well

it's beating faster with out him saying anything


it dropped.. / it suddenly dropped.. / no way..

what is happening?

I'm less nervous now.. / I see

Jiho-ya can you call me oppa



seems like CNU is the one getting heart attack there

why you're the one getting heart attack there..

ah so this is what it is about..

what is the money for?

what is going on? it is beating faster after seeing the money..

yeah that's it

130 pbm

Jiho-ya I've prepared this for you

and this..

yeah time is over..

now the next is flower-boy young master Jinyoung's turn

Jinyoung are you ready?

yeah I'm confident in this

Jinyoung he sure can do it

it is gonna have a drama feel to it

you're gonna do some acting there

Yoonsung is coming.. / right

my lady!

I've been keeping an eye on you for since long time ago ..

I was always fascinated by eyes..

it is going up with that?

your brightness in your eyes are like sun to me

and your lips are like cherry

oh it is going down..

I'm sorry it is just that I don't like cherry..

continue from the cherry part..

that's why I've prepared this ..

I'm confident.. that you'd live together with me for the rest of your life..

ah it's dropped... / what is going on..

it is really... / you've to change it do whatever you can..

apply the lipstick and...

can I have your thumb once?


so that I can apply this..

please stamp here

I can't live the rest of my life with you

that was strong


( Jinyoung's rejection is our happiness)

3 2 1 cut

next is Sandeul's turn..

no way..


today I'd a nightmare* ( * when you have a bad dream and you feel you can't move your body as you wish)

he has to control the atmosphere..

it doesn't have a face but it keeps passing in front of me

since I was really afraid I turned my head like this...

he is gonna make her afraid..

from upside a head was...

I'm done with you.. you're not afraid of this things I see

it was really frightening for me..

next is Baro's turn

before starting... she picked Baro as the most awkward member

if it didn't go up then you've a really awkward relationship for real.

yeah right.. but since I picked manly man earlier I am gonna show that image..

manly man..

you startled me..

okay okay

Hi Jiho..


what did you do today.. after your class ended?

after my class ended..

yeah they're really awkward..

how dare you touch my body!

I was planning to go for a coffee after my class do you want to come with me?

shall I?

what should we eat.. should we go to the coffee shop there? / yes

hold on..

who are you?

who are you?

hey agashi* .. ( *young girl)

hey agashi .. you look pretty..

who are you to say?

agashi... is he your boyfriend oh?

what is he.. stay behind me..

ajeoshi* I asked who you are? ( * older man)

I.. I'm gonna hit you... I'm good at fighting..

what are you..


are you okay? / Jiho-ya.. help me!

he is asking her to save him..

I've to open this here..

I've to open the secret box..

Jiho-ya be quick.. let's take a picture with this man..

what you want to take picture with me?

I'm your fan please take picture with us

what is going on here.. what sort of situation is this?

and lastly it is Gongchan's turn..

you've seen all of your hyungs', have you come up with any idea..


you just need to bring your face close to her / yeah that would do for you

and the secret box..

all this while that I have seeing you.. there is something I couldn't tell you yet

all this while with you.. I was really happy

and was fun

and I liked everything you did..

ah this is heart throbbing..


will you...

what is it?

what am I supposed to do with this?

( in the middle of confessing.. a breakout show)

that's it your time is finished..

(there was a reason for remaining solo.. )

the one that made Jiho's heart beat fastest was... CNU

is there anything you want to say?

it is obvious that I'm thankful..

there is nothing to be said.. I just staid silent and called her name..

and still her hear beat like that..

saying that after you'd heart attack like that yourself..

now that we're done with the corner we've to give the winner's gift..

what gift you want?

since I won the men's seduction art corner.. I'd choose berry extract of course..

here is the berry extract..

and also thank you Jiho for joining us and this five..

please clap for her..

we were with B1A4 this week..

how was it today..

I think it give me a chance to reflect at myself once again...

you really worked hard today..

and we also get energy from you..

you can hold a meeting and decide who has helped you breakout of your prejudices better.. and then all you need to do is to give this to that person

I really liked it.. / both did really good job..

SNSD version

he was dancing like this

get down now..

I have been hearing that for five years

are you okay?

oh did you made it.. I don't seem to remember well

the MC that B1A4 has selected is...

Eric Nam

I think that was really effective... that .. concept dance..

while doing it.. it bring out the sides of us that we didn't know ourselves

I also think it bring out many images of you..

Eric Nam has been well prepared for this..

ah thanks

For more infomation >> [Eng sub] B1A4 yang and nam show part 2/2 - Duration: 21:24.


Unboxing The Rotor 2INPower Powermeter | Win With GCN! - Duration: 7:43.

- GCN unboxing is back

and as per usual we are giving you not only

the opportunity to marvel at some amazing bike tech,

but then also actually try and win what is inside this box.

I know, what's not to like?

So what have I got for you this week?

Well the clue is certainly in the box.

Rotor 2INpower.

(angelic chorus)

Oh my word look at those.

Check it out, the Rotor 2INPower powermeter crankset

as used by Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka

and the Cervelo Bigla Pro teams.

And also me actually, I use this,

just quite a bit slower.

Now, we do say here on GCN

that without a doubt the best investment

that you can make to your training

is buying a powermeter.

That, ultimately, is gonna be

what makes you the fastest cyclist that you could be.

So the fact that you may be able to win this powermeter

is a cracking opportunity.

As always I will tell you

how you can enter this competition at the end of this video,

but for now we're just gonna look at this,

close up.

There are loads of different ways

and places to measure power on a bike.

There's your hub, there are your chainrings,

your chainring spider, your cranks, your crank axle,

your bottom bracket and in fact your pedals as well.

And this Rotor 2INPower actually combines two,

the crank axle and the crank,

and that combines to give

a quite frankly mind-boggling array of data,

should you want it.

It will just give you accurate power measurements

if you don't.

Now, how does it give you those accurate power measurements?

Well there are eight strain gauges on this crankset,

now that is quite a lot

in the world of bicycle powermeters.

Four of them live here inside the crank axle

and they measure the force coming off your left leg.

And then the other four are here on your right hand crank

and funnily enough that measures

the power coming off your right leg.

And the fact that it measures these two legs independently

is really important for actually giving a total

and accurate power measurement.

Now we will get on to

what other things it measures in a little bit,

but for now I wanna talk about aluminium,

because in a world dominated by carbon,

aluminium is still a more than valid choice

and somehow it manages to feel at times even more exclusive.

These ones are machined out of 7055 aluminium

in Spain, just outside of Madrid,

and all of that CNC machining manages, so I'm told,

to get them in at a rather competitive weight.

Shall we see?

(soft upbeat music)

644 grammes.

Now to put it some kind of context,

Shimano Dura Ace cranks weigh, I'm told, 636 grammes.

So that is pretty darn impressive for a power metre.

They're made with 110 millimetre bolt circle diameter

which means that they fit both compact

and also standard chainrings.

And interestingly, the way these measure power means

that they will also give you accurate power measurement

using non-round chainrings,

which is just as well

because Rotor have long been advocates.

In fact, they make these as well, their Q-Rings.

I'm sure you're wondering by now where the battery is.

Well since you asked,

it too is located inside the crank axle

along with those four strain gauges.

It's rechargeable and it lasts, so I'm told,

300 hours of riding.

And you get access to the charging port

just under that little dust cap there.

It also has a charger unlike any that I've ever seen before,

see if I can find it for you.

(soft upbeat music)

Look, look at that.

What even is that?

Well, apart from being your charger

for your Rotor 2INPower powermeter.

Right then, what about all that other data

I was talking about?

Well in addition to those eight strain gauges

there is also an accelerometer in here

that will tell the crank speed of rotation,

and that is the missing part of our equation

to turn force into power.

And this accelerometer will actually allow

the crankset to measure power 500 times per second

and then Rotor can use all of that detail to actually

break down loads of other data using their own software.

So it will tell you your torque effectiveness,

which is basically the ratio of positive torque,

on the downstroke, to negative torque, on your upstroke.

And then it will tell you where abouts on your pedal stroke

you are putting out the maximum amount of power,

and then it will actually tell you

what the ratio between your average power

and your maximum power is per stroke,

so giving you an idea of your pedalling smoothness.

And then they can put all of that data together

and actually tell you which position

that you should put their Q-Rings in.

Now more on Q-Rings in a little minute

because I need to tell you that actually Rotor are in

the final stages of developing an app,

it's currently in beta,

and that will allow you to see all of this data

in real time on your phone,

using the crank's ability to transmit via Bluetooth

as well as usual ANT plus.

Back to the Q-Rings then.

A brand new powermeter is obviously amazing,

but Rotor are going further

and actually giving away a set of their Q-Rings as well.

If you've not used non-round rings before

then this would be a cracking opportunity to do so.

And even if you have, you've gotta admit,

they look absolutely brilliant with that cranks.

Look at that.

Now the idea behind non-round rings is

that they effectively increase the size of your gear

at the points of the pedal stroke

where you're exerting the maximum amount of force,

and then they also reduces the size of the gear

at those points of the pedal stroke

where you're exerting less force.

And the aim of all of that

is to therefore try to make you more efficient on the bike.

I'm sure by now that you are dying to know

about that competition, so I'm gonna tell you.

In the description beneath this video there is a link.

Click on that

and you will be sent straight through to the competition.

There you go, it is as simple as that.

And I'll tell you what,

I really hope you win, I genuinely do,

because a powermeter absolutely revolutionised my training

when I first bought one,

and I hope it can do the same for you.

Make sure that you subscribe to GCN as well,

that could potentially revolutionise your training

and it is completely free so if you don't win this,

it's kind of a consolation prize.

To do that just click on the globe.

And then if you wanna see a little bit more information

about training with power,

well you can click just down there

and you get through to a video.

Or for another chance, a cheeky little shortcut in fact,

to get though to that competition app,

click just down there.

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