Hello, bootyfull folks!
After all that Spooky shit in the previous video
nothing better than playing some TF2 as a different class that is not Scout.
Oh, and I got to tell you, while the second Gmod video about the origins of SomeCleanTrash is on hold,
I'm just progressing with other and maybe some recent TF2 videos. With the footages I recorded.
Welp, it's better than not posting anything, right?
By the way, this video is dedicated to a friend of mine, CAPSLoCK
who got mentioned in my new years special video.
He gave me this Genuine Specialized Killstreak Machina
and despite that I suck as sniper, I'm keeping it with me.
Also, I got a Strange Cleaner's Carbine from a bootyfull folk, called iKiroZz
and a Strange Spooktacles from Marxsman.
Still, I suck at sniper, but it's worth to give a try with those. (I think)
Let's just start it!
What the f♥ck?
Alright, we went to a rematch at this map.
That wasn't my fault!
Even if I'm in another game, Samara's still haunting me!
Holy f♥ck! He is almost dead! Time to use my SMG!
Okay, that wasn't my fault at this time.
I forgot to tie my shoes.
Yeah, I play with shoes to give me luck. But they gives me bad luck when I don't tie them.
*Not amused. Also, I wonder if you pause the videos to read the subtitles sometimes. If you're reading this, then that already answers me and I'm glad that you pay attention to all those subtitles. :D ... Alright, you can unpause it now.*
Even this heavy is better than me using Brass Beast.
I'm trying something I have tried once, but I never tried with this shit.
It works.
Holy f♥cking shit!
That was close!
I don't care if that was a bodyshot.
He took a headshot from me, I took like 270 HP points from him,
and I'm NOT letting him kill me.
So we meet up again, Pyro?
What the f♥ck is this?
I wonder how they managed to impale this weapon right there.
Goddammit, guy!
This is a moment of concentration, stop it!
Marxsman is that you?
*R.I.P Fake Marxsman 19??-2016
I caught the heavy!
I feel sorry aobut you, mister clone of Marxsman.
Come on, come on, come on!
Almost there, and...
Boom Shakalaka!
*Dead Ringer*
Oh hey, what's up?
*Looks like the spy was pissed off because the heavy and seemed to aim that amputated d♥ck in shape of knife after his ass*
Holy f♥ck! The guys are starting to get more rough at us!
But seems like I'm starting to get a bit better at this!
*Yes, a bit*
Looks like we finally got rid of the spawncamp
Oh f♥ck! They are coming back again!
Oops, I'm sorry!
And once again, we got rid of them!
"ALERT!" (Your Intelligence has been taken)
Oh f♥ck! Not this bullshit again!
Oh, cool, we killed them.
I hate you.
So, I guess those guys became unforgivable...
so I'm going to take an alternative way of getting rid of that spawncamp.
... without this machina.
But I'm going to try something way more humillating
Because I'm sick of those f♥ckers.
*What the bloody hell is that song, mate?*
"Stab, stab, f♥cking stab!"
Holy f♥cking shit! That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in this game!
Now that I'm feeling happy, I guess I should return with the Machina.
Or... I could just keep using the huntsman for awhile.
Well, let's see if it's better than sniper rifle.
*Was the heavy's "corpse" twitching on the floor?"
*Ultimate Rage*
So, my team is about to win!
If anything ever happen, they just needs to cap and nothing bad-
What the f♥ck?
I guess I thought way too much.
"Your luck runs out."
And for some reason, I became the MVP of this game.
That was awesome. Sniper is a really good job.
Well, I'm gonna end this right here, so...
See ya and I hope you have a good day, Bootyfull Folks!
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