Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

Hi - this is Kate from MinuteEarth.

In the United States alone, 22 people die every day waiting for a kidney, liver, heart,

or lung transplant.

There simply aren't enough donated human organs to go around, and we can't just go

around stealing them out of random healthy people.

But pigs' organs have roughly the same structure and proportions as human organs – and we

already kill half a billion of the creatures every year for food – so why can't we

just use their organs?

Here's the thing - our immune systems are really, really good at seeking out and destroying

anything foreign to our bodies, so even human-to-human organ transplants sometimes get rejected.

And pig organs are much foreign-er: they have a super-conspicuous sugar molecule on the

surface of their cells that's basically a "fight me" sign for humans' organ-rejecting


But we've actually been able to engineer pigs whose organs don't carry those sugars, so

assuming we could take care of pig organs' other "fight me" signs in similar ways,

we might one day be able to transplant pig organs into humans.

But there's a far more radical idea for pork-based organ farming: grow customized human organs

in pigs.

Actually, it's not just an idea – it's an ongoing experiment in real life.

First, we engineer a pig embryo that doesn't grow its own kidneys.

Then, we inject it with stem cells from the person needing a transplant.

Then, as the modified pig embryo develops, those human cells grow inside the oinkubator

into healthy kidneys made from the patient's own cells.

At least, that's the plan.

So far, we've only seen this experiment all the way through when the modified pig

embryos were injected with stem cells from other pigs.

We don't know whether it'll actually work with human kidneys, because we've halted

all experiments with the pig-human embryos after just four weeks of development, because...some

of those human stem cells could develop into other human organs elsewhere in the pig's

body - which raises a lot of ethical questions, like what to do with them.

Even if the cells don't migrate and these hybrid pigs end up producing lots of live-saving

organs, what rights do we give to a part-human pig, even if the part is just a kidney?

What if it's two kidneys?

Two kidneys, a liver, and a set of lungs?

In principle, we could use the same technology to grow human hearts, human spinal cords,

and even human brains - all inside of a pig.

And when we do, how will we know if that pig is still a pig?

This episode of MinuteEarth is supported in part by Tab for a Cause.

If you're like me, you open a lot of tabs in your browser.

Tab for a Cause is a browser extension that donates to charity with each new tab you open,

which means lots of money for nonprofits like Conservation International and Human Rights

Watch - without costing you a thing.

The last time we featured Tab for a Cause, MinuteEarthings like you raised more than

$10,000 - click the link in the description to help us do even better this time.

And while you're down there, will you find the notification bell next to the subscribe

button, and click on it?

YouTube has changed the way it notifies subscribers, and this is the best way to make sure you

find out when we post a new video.

You can do the same thing on your phone or tablet.

If you don't see the bell, make sure you're subscribed in the first place.

Thanks, and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Should We Grow Human Organs In Pigs? - Duration: 3:19.


TAP: So many bloopers... - Duration: 10:12.


Yeah that's perfect!

Bard is my favourite.



This is starting to look very much like a joint.

That's what they do in the kitchen.

They smoke joints.

And talk shit about the Young Master.


I mean...

I forget but yeah.

Did you discover new lands?

I didn't.

I broke it.

Just have to...

Remember everything..

Anger anger brrbrrbrrbrrbrr???

When we were kids


brother and I


Bard's getting high.


These kids and their crazy imaginations right?

I ain't never havin' kids.

Not ever, no way.

This is apple ju- water!

This is apple water.

Good night.

Did you just spit in my warm milk?

I thought about it.


Take my milk, I don't need it.

That's what I hear when you talk to me...



You're the only butler of the Phantomhive household.

You know, as the head of the Phantomhive manor...


I am not that!

I'm killing this banana.


Whoa!!! Banana's dead!

I don't remember if I said hello before?

Guys! It's a leaf blower!


Hello Grell speaking.


Hello Grell.

I don't want to hear about...

your Butt-chan.

No no no don't record, dummy.

I don't know if this is untucked.

It's the motorcycles.



Stop driving!

Ride a bike!


Did it suck your eyeball?



A cat just walked by the window.

Oh hey Corporal...

I didn't see you there.

Oh my god, a Pikachu!

That's not how Marco died.

That's definitely not how Marco died.

In fact, this is probably where you'll-


In fact, this is probably wher'll-


you will eat, for now on.

Wanna word-

word of advice

Some word of advice.

I good sir, am Sebastian's

long lung love



love interest.

Oh god. Ahhhh!

I'll never taste, that delicious soul.

We'll never...

be without him.

What happened to your messy room?

I woke up...

got dressed...


Ohh.. god.

Fancy seeing you here.

Is it? Cause you just kicked the camera.

That wouldn't happen. Ever.

I understand. You want children.


I just.. dislike you.

If you didn't have your hands full with the little brat...

we could go on a date!





Alois is a magical girl.

Yooo. 100%

You like filming me while I fix my face?


Why are you doing this?

Oh my god.


Screw humans, they're pesthe..


They're spaghetti.

Screw humans, screw Boc-chan.

Y'all bitches.

Whoa, I'm sorry there was a scary bug!

I'm so scared to drop it.


One more, this is, this is it. This is the one.

This is the one.

One more time, one more time.

Make sure they're perfectly clear...

b-b- and...


And I'll, I'll..

wash the shovels afterwards and make sure they're..

polished clean and...


and like...






I know when I'll kill you! Ahh!

Oh my god.

Claude! Get over here!

You said Claude.

We don't know our lines.

Did you get taller?



I'm under the bed too much.



And then Sebastian's like..

who's been asking for my kitten?

And then I scream like a little girl.

So we'll scream..

Why are you dressed like me?

Why are you in my clothes?

I..I don't think I stopped it.

But I'm not playing around Boc-chan..

I woke like thi-

I woke up like this.

I'll have to do it.



Yup. Yup you will.

Does no one ever love me?

Or even.

F**k. Okay. Ready?

I open it, and I put my hand in...

And I see, if it's warm enough..

because I like my tea to be boiled hot.

Yes, put your hand in..

burn your hand.

Very smart.

So there's not already water in the kettle?

We'll you'd have to... fill it up with the..

with the..

water from the well..

but yes.

From the well?


We have electricity

but we don't have running water???

It's weird..

We're working on it.

Tuxy <3

I think that's how they do it in Britain.

Over there?

Over there in Britain.

Go away! Go away!

Your Majesty!

Go away!


It's a very uh...

Well, it is a hard life. become a..



When I smile it comes off.


Christmas present.



Why are you laughing?

Am I so funny to youuuuu?

This is not..

gonna happen..

Okay hide that.

Very saaaad..

but not bad for business.

Tiny coffins.

I can't..

I can't look at you.


Tiny coffins.

More coffins!

More tiny coffins!

How small is Finnian?

Bardroy and Tiny Fin!


Your tiny servants.

I'm laughing so much..

I'm sweating!

No no no..

It's hard to see.

I forget.

Small and sad.


For more infomation >> TAP: So many bloopers... - Duration: 10:12.


Trump adviser and tech billionaire Peter Thiel revealed to be New Zealand citizen as super-rich p... - Duration: 2:53.

It seems President Donald Trump's biggest supporter out of Silicon Valley has a back-up plan should American civilization crumble.

On the heels of a New Yorker piece profiling New Zealand as a place where wealthy Americans look to as refuge from a hypothetical doomsday, it was revealed controversial internet billionaire and PayPal founder Peter Thiel has citizenship there and recently purchased a lakefront property in Glendu Bay, The New Zealand Herald reported.

According to property records cited by the newspaper, Theil's New Zealand-registered company, Second Star quietly acquired the 477-acre estate in 2015. While the documents did not disclose the price, the property had a "rateable value" of $7.8 million and during its most recent sale in 2002 netted $10.1 million.

The 49-year-old libertarian, who earned the ire of the tech community after publicly endorsing Trump, became a citizen of the small country in 2011, though he does still retain his American citizenship as well, the newspaper reported.

Peter Thiel sparked backlash from the tech community after publicly supporter Donald Trump for president.

(Evan Vucci/AP)

But word that New Zealand's richest citizen is actually a German-born American prompted backlash among residents of the island country, many of them wondering whether wealth earned Thiel special treatment in his quest for citizenship.

Their anger is rooted in the fact that if one does want New Zealand citizenship, they have to live there for the majority of five years before it can be granted.

Local politician Iain Lees-Galloway, the Labour spokesperson for immigration told Forbes he's hoping to dig into how exactly the Facebook investor was able to become a citizen.

So many questions about Peter Thiel's NZ citizenship. There may be nothing in it. If so, the Government should provide some answers. #nzpol

— Iain Lees-Galloway (@IainLG) January 25, 2017

"I can't imagine someone of Thiel's stature and wealth not being noticed for five years," he said. "It just doen't seem very likely."

In the New Yorker article titled "Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich," some of technology's biggest names — from Silicon Valley in California all the way to New York — described how they were buying New Zealand properties in case "there is a civil war or a giant earthquake that cleaves off part of California."

The magazine article makes the property purchase especially ironic for Thiel, who skyrocketed to fame after Trump's victory in the 2016 election.

Many of the super-rich in Silicon Valley have purchased properties in New Zealand just in case American civilization ends.

(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

He's since emerged as a key adviser for the Republican President and has been reported as a possible Supreme Court justice, potential candidate for governor of California and most recently Trump's potential ambassador to Germany, according to the New York Times. If his political affiliation is any indication, it seems less than likely Thiel would be expecting a doomsday any time soon.

And Thiel's lakefront estate isn't the only presence he has in New Zealand. He previously called the small country "Utopia" and has invested in a number of technology companies in the area in addition to owning several other lavish properties there.

His citizenship came to light after an investigative reporter from the Herald started digging into the owners of substantial property in the Wanaka area.

For more infomation >> Trump adviser and tech billionaire Peter Thiel revealed to be New Zealand citizen as super-rich p... - Duration: 2:53.


Ford Focus Wagon 1.8 LIMITED 125 pk | Navi | Clima | P.Hulp - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus Wagon 1.8 LIMITED 125 pk | Navi | Clima | P.Hulp - Duration: 1:30.


Secret Service agent says she 'wouldn't take a bullet for Donald Trump' - Duration: 3:37.

Outrage at woman Secret Service agent and Clinton supporter who said she would NOT risk her life to protect President Trump

A senior U.S. Secret Service agent said she wouldn't want to take a bullet for President Trump.

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, was a vocal opponent of the Donald during his campaign.

She has made several posts on social media in the past year criticizing Trump, saying he would be a 'disaster' for the country - particularly for women and minorities.

And in October, she posted that she would rather go to jail than 'take a bullet' for Trump - although she avoided referring to him by name.

PHOTO: Kerry O'Grady ,the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, was a vocal opponent of the Donald during his campaign

'As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act,' she wrote, referring to the act that bars executive branch staff from engaging in certain political activities.

'So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides.'

She continued: 'But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.'

Secret Service employees are covered by the act which bars people from posting partisan messages on social media, or sharing and disturbing partisan material, according to the Washington Examiner.

In operational security training, agents are warned against the use of social media because it can expose their personal information and their movements, sources say

That post triggered at least one complaint to the Secret Service, those sources added.

The Secret Service confirmed that they are aware of O'Grady's tweets and are 'looking into the matter.'

PHOTO: 'As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act,' she wrote, referring to the act that bars executive branch staff from engaging in certain political activities

O'Grady told the Examiner she took down the post just a couple of days after it was posted.

She explained that she wrote the post shortly after learning that Trump was being accused of sexually abusing a number of women. It was just days after the notorious video of Trump telling Access Hollywood' host Billy Bush he could grab women 'by the p***y.'

As a survivor of alleged sexual abuse, O'Grady said she had written the message while overcome with emotion by the news.

But she took down the post after realizing 'it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission.'

'My government is the most important thing to me,' she said. 'I serve at the pleasure of the president, but I still have the First Amendment right to say things.' However, that was not the only anti-Trump post O'Grady made.

Over the past few months, she has made multiple political comments showing her support for Democrat Hillary Clinton and criticizing Trump.

O'Grady previously shared a Huffington Post story with the headline: 'Scott Baio Defends Trump's Sexism with More Sexism', with her comment; 'One word: douche. How do you like them apples?!'

A month after her 'bullet' post, she shared a Vox post, headlined 'Donald Trump nominates Jeff Sessions to serve as attorney general' on which Vox commented 'Just a few years ago, this would have been unimaginable.'

O'Grady wrote: 'We are moving our civil rights into a period of bigotry, misogyny and racism that this country has not tolerated for decades. Dark ages. I am horrified and dismayed beyond words.' Even after Trump's election, the agent continued to post.

During the Women's March, she posted the logo for the movement as her Facebook cover. She later posted: 'All of these women represent me! Proud to say it! #nasty,' referring to the phrase Clinton supporters referred to themselves by after Trump labelled Hillary a 'nasty woman.'

PHOTO: O'Grady, who removed the post a couple of days later, said she wrote it after being overcome with emotion following Trump's 'grab them by the p***y' video

On Inauguration Day, she updated her profile picture to a picture of Princess Leia with the words, 'A woman's place is in the resistance' - a reference to the rebel alliance in Star Wars, or those opposing Trump's presidency.

All political posts have since been removed. O'Grady said this week that she is devoted to her mission to serve her country and that nothing would stop her from doing her job.

'I hope you understand that's an emphatic no,' she said when asked if he political stance would affect her job, 'and I need to make sure that's resoundingly clear and just reinforces that this job needs to done well.'

For more infomation >> Secret Service agent says she 'wouldn't take a bullet for Donald Trump' - Duration: 3:37.


6 Mỹ Nam đẹp trai và nổi tiếng nhất Thái Lan hiện nay - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 6 Mỹ Nam đẹp trai và nổi tiếng nhất Thái Lan hiện nay - Duration: 5:00.


6 Mỹ Nam đẹp trai và nổi tiếng nhất Thái Lan hiện nay - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 6 Mỹ Nam đẹp trai và nổi tiếng nhất Thái Lan hiện nay - Duration: 5:00.


The LEGO Batman Trailer

For more infomation >> The LEGO Batman Trailer


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Z & S Dust Control - Duration: 0:31.

Hi I'm Allen Sarver.

Z&S Dust Control. We've been in business here over 25 years.

We first started with Pioneer Bank & Trust. It was

the only bank that would listen to us. I was scared to death because I

didn't have anything at all. And the yard was totally

bare. Pioneer Bank just took a look at the

operations and says stop down tomorrow and we'll go forward

with your note.

We just kept growing from there. They don't have

offices in New York City or Chicago they're right

here. We don't need to wait to take to get what we

needed done and then right here to stand

by our side to help us the whole time.

Pioneer Bank & Trust is local.

For more infomation >> Z & S Dust Control - Duration: 0:31.


Audi A6 Avant 2.0 170PK TFSI Pro S-Line Automaat Navigatie - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.0 170PK TFSI Pro S-Line Automaat Navigatie - Duration: 1:46.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI 150PK AMBITION PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI 150PK AMBITION PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:53.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Aut7 S-EDITION S-Line Navi Xen - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Aut7 S-EDITION S-Line Navi Xen - Duration: 1:14.


Should We Grow Human Organs In Pigs? - Duration: 3:19.

Hi - this is Kate from MinuteEarth.

In the United States alone, 22 people die every day waiting for a kidney, liver, heart,

or lung transplant.

There simply aren't enough donated human organs to go around, and we can't just go

around stealing them out of random healthy people.

But pigs' organs have roughly the same structure and proportions as human organs – and we

already kill half a billion of the creatures every year for food – so why can't we

just use their organs?

Here's the thing - our immune systems are really, really good at seeking out and destroying

anything foreign to our bodies, so even human-to-human organ transplants sometimes get rejected.

And pig organs are much foreign-er: they have a super-conspicuous sugar molecule on the

surface of their cells that's basically a "fight me" sign for humans' organ-rejecting


But we've actually been able to engineer pigs whose organs don't carry those sugars, so

assuming we could take care of pig organs' other "fight me" signs in similar ways,

we might one day be able to transplant pig organs into humans.

But there's a far more radical idea for pork-based organ farming: grow customized human organs

in pigs.

Actually, it's not just an idea – it's an ongoing experiment in real life.

First, we engineer a pig embryo that doesn't grow its own kidneys.

Then, we inject it with stem cells from the person needing a transplant.

Then, as the modified pig embryo develops, those human cells grow inside the oinkubator

into healthy kidneys made from the patient's own cells.

At least, that's the plan.

So far, we've only seen this experiment all the way through when the modified pig

embryos were injected with stem cells from other pigs.

We don't know whether it'll actually work with human kidneys, because we've halted

all experiments with the pig-human embryos after just four weeks of development, because...some

of those human stem cells could develop into other human organs elsewhere in the pig's

body - which raises a lot of ethical questions, like what to do with them.

Even if the cells don't migrate and these hybrid pigs end up producing lots of live-saving

organs, what rights do we give to a part-human pig, even if the part is just a kidney?

What if it's two kidneys?

Two kidneys, a liver, and a set of lungs?

In principle, we could use the same technology to grow human hearts, human spinal cords,

and even human brains - all inside of a pig.

And when we do, how will we know if that pig is still a pig?

This episode of MinuteEarth is supported in part by Tab for a Cause.

If you're like me, you open a lot of tabs in your browser.

Tab for a Cause is a browser extension that donates to charity with each new tab you open,

which means lots of money for nonprofits like Conservation International and Human Rights

Watch - without costing you a thing.

The last time we featured Tab for a Cause, MinuteEarthings like you raised more than

$10,000 - click the link in the description to help us do even better this time.

And while you're down there, will you find the notification bell next to the subscribe

button, and click on it?

YouTube has changed the way it notifies subscribers, and this is the best way to make sure you

find out when we post a new video.

You can do the same thing on your phone or tablet.

If you don't see the bell, make sure you're subscribed in the first place.

Thanks, and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Should We Grow Human Organs In Pigs? - Duration: 3:19.


10 Things About Me - Duration: 2:07.

So I thought I'd do a little 10 things about me video.

Mainly because there's new people here,

and I'm tired and I've never done

an about me video that wasn't about #SpinaBifida.


So let's do it.

1) I'm 24 years old.

2) I live in Los Angeles, California.

3) I don't think there's a word in

the English language to describe how much

I love manatees.

They are my favorite animal.

4) I put ketchup on my mac and cheese.

I don't care what you say, it's the only way to eat them.

5) I can't really handle spicy foods,

But I try and eat them anyway.

6) I know English, Spanish, American Sign Language,

and I'm still learning Japanese.

7) I have a big family.

I'm talking, 5 older sisters.

I'm the 6th.

And I have 15 nieces and nephews.

8) By now, I'm sure all of you know

that I am Cuban and Puerto Rican.

WEPA! [Somba Music plays]

9) I use coconut for everything.

I use it for cooking, for my skincare, for my haircare.

10) We're going to end this on a short note.

I'm 5'0 (laughs)

Well that's it, that's 10 things about me.

I feel like you and I, we're a little bit closer now.

So that's cool.

But I wanted to ask you, what other "Whatever Wednesday" videos

do you want to see?

Do you want some sit down stuff like this.

Do you want...

fun every day things.

My friend James mentioned when I'm going to start doing like

fashion, make-up videos.

Which I don't really do that

but every now and then would be cool.

I don't know.

You let me know now that we're friends.

Alright, I'm going to go.

So I'll see all of you later.


Thank you for watching.

If you liked this video and want to help support "Whatever Wednesdays"

please consider pledging to my Patreon.

For as little as $1/mo you'll receive great rewards

all while supporting this channel.

The link for that will be in the description below.

(lighthearted music)

For more infomation >> 10 Things About Me - Duration: 2:07.


Top Ten 2017 Best Electric Cars in the world | 2017 Best Electric Cars you can buy - Duration: 1:29.

welcome to my channel green energy

top ten electric cars 2017

For more infomation >> Top Ten 2017 Best Electric Cars in the world | 2017 Best Electric Cars you can buy - Duration: 1:29.


Comment choisir la gamelle de votre chien - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Comment choisir la gamelle de votre chien - Duration: 6:20.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


Toyota Verso 2.2 D-4D 177PK LUNA NL-Auto+N.A.P! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 2.2 D-4D 177PK LUNA NL-Auto+N.A.P! - Duration: 1:17.


Soluzioni d'inizio anno per facilitare l'accesso al credito della tua PMI (Parte 2) - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Soluzioni d'inizio anno per facilitare l'accesso al credito della tua PMI (Parte 2) - Duration: 4:12.


Der BADEMANTELMERCH kommt! YoutubeKacke #1 - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Der BADEMANTELMERCH kommt! YoutubeKacke #1 - Duration: 2:22.


Elderly woman lifted out of home in bathtub during tornado - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Elderly woman lifted out of home in bathtub during tornado - Duration: 2:55.


4. How to service the Elcometer 3045 Persoz & König Pendulum Hardness Tester - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 4. How to service the Elcometer 3045 Persoz & König Pendulum Hardness Tester - Duration: 5:26.


How To Make Money Online Without Spending Any Part 2 - Duration: 22:52.

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online Without Spending Any Part 2 - Duration: 22:52.


Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc #19/FIN - FINAL BOSS & ENDING ! - Duration: 29:28.

For more infomation >> Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc #19/FIN - FINAL BOSS & ENDING ! - Duration: 29:28.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBERS SECUESTRAN UN HOMBRE. INCREIBLE VÍDEO... - Duration: 1:54.


Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 5-D NAV - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 5-D NAV - Duration: 1:17.


(NAPISY PL) Misha - CZECH HEARTHSTONE SONG!!! - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> (NAPISY PL) Misha - CZECH HEARTHSTONE SONG!!! - Duration: 1:15.


Comment choisir la gamelle de votre chien - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Comment choisir la gamelle de votre chien - Duration: 6:20.


Patrique 1 - 0 rain, Meeting Unesco world heritage Ragusa - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Patrique 1 - 0 rain, Meeting Unesco world heritage Ragusa - Duration: 10:08.


BETTER BUT STILL NOT BEST: 2017 Nissan Pathfinder Platinum 4WD Review - Duration: 4:03.

we can't all be winners the lucky among

us learned this lesson early after coach

pitch strikeouts run scored but

obviously one-sided soccer game others

the mildly gifted or the carefully

insulated come to the realization later

in life when it hurts more

it takes only one track and field me to

realize that there's a lot of running

this goes on after the Cape is broken

but little glory is needed out for the

beaks broken ones who crossed the line

with the victors already on the food

nissan doesn't have a winner in the past

finder but it's the mid pack contender

in the stack feel the Pathfinders 284

horsepower heat extension underwent a

thorough revamped in 40,000 17 back

wishes a little further toward the front

of the pack direct injection is new to

the three-dot five major power plant as

a redesigned system a higher compression

ratio and variable and take valve timing

together the revisions produce an

additional 24 horsepower and 19 pounds

to sort of torque than were available in

the 2016 pathfinder we'd hoped for a

bigger power bump but let's not look a

gift horse power in the mount the

revised engine was good 47 dot 4 2nd run

from 0 to 60 miles per hour that's just

0.1 second quicker than our test of the

2016 pathfinder and not quite the hero

got to the second improvement nissan

predicted when we got our first drive of

the new

it'll in August the programming of the

Pathfinders continuously variable

automatic transmission CVT which true or

iron the aforementioned review of the

free refresh modest has improved its

still lingers near five thousand

revolutions per minute under moderate to

heavy acceleration but does so by

imitating a traditional automatic

shifting from the six thousand

revolutions per minute back down to

4,500 then repeating the cycle until the

pedaling lifted this avoids the inherent

drawing that letter cv keep costs while

still making use of the Pathfinders

hines torque pvt suppose of the improved

fuel efficiency over traditional

automatic transmissions but the

pathfinder failed spectacularly on that

tour during our two weeks test recording

just 16 miles per gallon

despite an EPA combined rating at 21

miles per gallon in fairness to the

pathfinder about half of those miles or

under unusually hard driving conditions

but with highway cruising and errands

around town mixed in the result is still

surprisingly low exterior revisions to

the pathfinder are less obvious

although nissan claims that are

reshaping of its nose had made the

crossover look more masculine on the

inside the pathfinder for at least the

platinum version we tested has the same

high level of feature content that

impressed us last year our senses car

came standard with heated and cooled

front heated second-row seat a heated

steering wheel and a panoramic sundar

but even though the dashboard and door

panel fitting at first glance closer

inspection revealed them to be mostly

cleverly molded heart touch plastics

with dashes and unconvincing so

brazilwood there's better to begin in

this segment and at this price look at

the mazda cx-9 to see the height

mainstream brand crossovers can reach

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