Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

President Trump's allergy to the truth appears to be spreading among Republicans.

A new poll out Wednesday showed that Republican voters overwhelmingly agree with the false claim that more people attended President Trump's inauguration that did the Women's March on Washington the next day.

According to the latest Morning Consult / Politico poll, 44% of Republican voters said more people attended Trump's inauguration on Friday, while only 20% of Republican respondents said more people attended Saturday's march.

Crowd scientists have widely agreed that the Women's March attendance was approximately three times the size of attendance for the inauguration

Experts told The New York Times and other outlets that they believe about 160,000 people were on hand on the National Mall on Friday for Trump's swearing-in, compared with about 470,000 who were on hand for the march the next day.

Trump, as well as his press secretary, Sean Spicer, have claimed that Friday's inauguration was witnessed by "the largest audience ever" — which has been debunked consistently by crowd scientists.

Crowd control experts have repeatedly said the evidence is overwhelming that many more people attended Barack Obama's 2009 inauguration than did Trump's.

Among all people surveyed in the Morning Consult / Politico poll, however, 39% of respondents agreed that that the Women's March had a larger attendance than the inauguration, while only 26% said the opposite.

82 photos view gallery

Millions attend Women's March around the world after Trump's inauguration

The poll, conducted Jan. 20-22 among 1,992 registered voters, also found that Trump has seen a bounce in favorability ratings since taking office, with 49% of respondents saying they viewed him favorably.

Another 44% said they viewed him unfavorably, the poll showed, marking a 7-point swing since the last poll, taken before the inauguration.

Nearly half of the voters polled said they felt Trump's inaugural speech was "good or excellent," while only 39% said they found it "fair or poor."

And 55% said they thought it was better than they expected it to be.

Nonetheless, voters overwhelming said they wanted their new commander-in-chief to tweet less, with 61% saying he used the microblogging site "too much."

Trump supporters agreed, with 44% of people who said they voted for him agreeing that the new prez tweets too much.

For more infomation >> Forty-four percent of Republican voters agree with false claim about Trump inauguration attendanc... - Duration: 2:02.


17 Shocking and Bizarre Mysteries Of The World That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine| Toplists - Duration: 25:26.

17 Shocking and Bizarre Mysteries Of The World That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine.

please leave your comment after watching this video.

There are certain things/events that are beyond human explanation. Mysteries that have gripped

the public and left everyone dumbfounded for years. The curiosity just elevates inch after

inch as these creepy incidences remain unsolved and beyond rational answers. From, bizarre,

gruesome murders to accidental time travelers, given below is a list of high profile mysteries

that have left the world dumbstruck and confused. Number 1.

The Hinterkaifeck Murders. Call it the gruesome nature of the murders

or the bizarre events that followed, the Hinterkaifeck massacre is one of the most creepy and mysterious

deaths that Germany has ever witnessed. On the evening of March 31st 1922, a family on

a farm near Munich was murdered. A family that consisted of an elderly couple, their

adult daughter with her two small children and a new maid who had arrive only hours before

the murders took place.

The creepy part is that the previous maid had quit six months ago, claiming that the

house was haunted. The events from that day are unclear but it appears that the family

members have somehow been lured into the barn one by one where they were killed with a pickaxe.

Over 100 people were interviewed in the murder, but no one was ever arrested. No motive was

ever established as to explain the murders.

It is believed that the perpetrator(s) remained at the farm for several days – someone had

fed the cattle, and eaten food in the kitchen: the neighbours had also seen smoke from the

chimney during the weekend. As creepy as it sounds, the killer was never found.

Number 2. The SS Ourang Medan Ghost Ship.

You've heard about ships disappearing into the mist without clue. Well, this ghost ship

has a slightly different story to tell. SS Ourang Medan was a ship that sank in Indonesian

waters, but before it sank there had been a horrible and inexplicable incident on board.

In 1947, two American vessels started receiving strange messages in Morse code from the Dutch

merchant ship. The first message being – ""S.O.S. from Ourang Medan * * * we float. All officers,

including the Captain, dead in chartroom and on the bridge. Probably whole crew dead."

There was something unclear following the message but the last two words that came through

were very clear; they were "I die." There were no messages after that.

The ship that received the message approached Ourang Medan in a rescue mission but what

they were about to encounter was beyond their wildest dreams.

As they entered the ship in hopes of finding an answer and possible survivors, they discovered

the whole crew freakishly lying around dead, (including the carcass of a dog) sprawled

on their backs, the frozen faces upturned to the sun with mouths gaping open and eyes

staring and their mouths open. There were no visible injuries on them. Suddenly, a fire

broke out on the ship, forcing the American crew to evacuate it which then suddenly exploded

and sank, thus remaining a mystery forever. Number 3.

The Cooper Family Falling Body. As scary as it looks, this picture has been

shrouded in mystery for years now and it is probably the most peculiar ghosts caught on

camera. The story goes back to the mid 1950's taking place in Texas. The Cooper family had

just moved into an old house that they bought and were really excited about it. So, they

thought of preserving this memory by taking a picture of the whole family in their new

home. But little did they know that there was someone else joining in on their celebration

– a spooky figure hanging upside down from the ceiling. There are perhaps other stories

that state that an actual body did fall off from the ceiling exactly at the time the photograph

was being taken. Why the face of the body remains darkened is another mystery – a

faceless body or a paranormal activity? Who knows which part is true!

Number 4. The Black Knight Satellite.

Legend has it that in orbit around the Earth is a mysterious, dark object which dates back

perhaps 13,000 years. Its origin and purpose are a mystery till date. Dubbed the "Black

Knight", this elusive satellite has allegedly been beaming strange signals towards the Earth

for over 50 years, and its orbit is known to be unlike any other object orbiting the


It is believed that this satellite has been orbiting earth for more than a thousand years,

far longer than any space program, and its origins are not of this world. Astronomers

and scientists have calculated the satellite's weight to be over 10 tons which would be at

that time the Heaviest Artificial Satellite to orbit our Planet. However, it was the Ham

Radio operator who apparently decoded a series of signals received from the UFO Satellite.

According to the decoded message, the Black Knight satellite originated from the Epsilon

Bootes Star System 13.000 years ago. NASA has released official images which apparently

show the Black Knight Satellite in clear picture, orbiting the Earth.

What are the true origins of the satellite and how it got there is still a lurking mystery.

Alien activity? Well, we'll leave that to you to decide.

Number 5. The Villisca Axe Murders.

On the evening of June 9, 1912 in Villisca, Iowa, a family of 6 went to church. They came

back around 10 pm together with two other house guests, two girls. In the morning, their

neighbors became worried when nobody from the house came out to do their usual chores.

They found the door locked, but upon breaking in, they found the whole family and the two

guests bludgeoned to death in their beds.

The killer supposedly hid in the attic and waited for them to go to sleep. Then he started

from the parents, to the kids and finished with the two girls in the guest room. He smashed

each victim's head with an axe.

The father of the family was so butchered that his eyes were missing. A terrifying detail

is that nobody except one of the visiting girls was awake when they got killed. The

12-year-old girl was the only one with signs of defense wounds on her body. Investigators

thought that she was awake and tried to fight back, as she was found lying crosswise on

the bed, and with a defensive wound on her arm. Lena's nightgown was pushed up to her

waist and she was wearing no undergarments, leading to law enforcement speculation that

the killer(s) sexually molested her or attempted to do so.

And another scary thing – all the mirrors in the house were covered with sheets. There

were several suspects, but nobody was ever convicted. Many psychics believe there to

be a presence of spirits dwelling in the home where the family was murdered. Spirits of

the dead family? Who knows….the mystery still remains unsolved till date.

Number 6. The Taos Hum.

The town of Taos, in north-central New Mexico, has been home to an unusual mystery: a resident

hum of unknown origin, also known as the "Taos Hum." Surprisingly, only about 2 percent

of the people living in any given Hum-prone area can hear the sound.

Most of the people who've heard the Hum, describe the sound as similar to a diesel

engine idling nearby. And the Hum has driven virtually every one of them to the point of

despair. Some describe it as a kind of torture that sometimes makes them just want to scream.

It is told to be the worst at night. As bizarre as its nature sounds, the hum seems to have

an odd effect on the sufferers – complain of headaches, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds

and sleep disturbances. The hum has however been heard in several areas across the world

including United Kingdom and the United States.

The hum seems to have first been reported in the early 1990s. Several peculators believe

it to be an extraterrestrial activity, beaming signals to Earth from their spaceships. Others

believe it to be the result of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, audible only to

some people. Whatever be the true cause, up to this day, no one still knows what creates

such a sound and thus the source of this hum remains shrouded in mystery.

Number 7. The Voynich Manuscript.

The Voynich manuscript is a document that is notable for its strange text, that to date

hasn't been deciphered. It was written in a language that men through the centuries

have tried to decode to no avail.

The only idea anyone has of its origin are the drawings found on various pages. The book

has been carbon-dated to the early 15th century (1404–1438) It is a handwritten book of

246 pages containing numerous illustrations and approximately 170,000 characters. The

text is written from left to right, and most of the pages have illustrations or diagrams.

What is special about it? The script employed is utterly unknown and therefore illegible.

The manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912.

Not many historic facts are known about the Voynich manuscript. In particular, it is unclear

who wrote the book, what it contains, and what its purpose was.

Many people have suggested different theories for deciphering the text, while some believe

it's just pure nonsense and might be a hoax. But the lengths to which things have been

illustrated and described through detailed pictures and texts, it seems highly improbable

that someone would have gone through such a pain for a mere joke. Whatever it may be,

the manuscript remains a confusing mystery to this day.

Number 8. The Tamam Shud Case.

In the early hours of December 1, 1948, the body of an unidentified man was found dead

in Somerton Beach, located in Adelaide, Australia, close to a major Atomic Testing ground. Nothing

different about it right? But found in a secret pocket in the man's clothing was a scrap

of paper with the words "Taman Shud" printed on it. The words were translated to "finished"

or "ended" based on excerpts found in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Following a

police appeal, the actual book was handed in – around the time the body was found,

a man found it on the seat of his car. Written in the book was something looking like a secret

code as well as a telephone number of a former nurse who, while serving in World War II,

gave a copy of The Rubaiyat to an army officer. No connections could be found linking the

unknown man to the nurse or the army officer.

There has been speculation over the years that the man was a spy, but none of it has

remotely been proven. Autopsy reports revealed that the man was killed by an unknown poison.Who

was this man? Who wanted him dead? And what was the meaning of his cryptic last message?

Although governments around the world have tried to identify the man, his identity still

remains a mystery. Number 9.

DB Cooper – The Mysterious Hijacker. D. B. Cooper is a media epithet popularly

used to refer to an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the airspace between

Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington, on November 24, 1971, extorted $200,000 in

ransom, and proceeded to jump out of the plane with a parachute.

Despite an extensive manhunt and an ongoing FBI investigation, he was never found, however,

and this remains the only unsolved case in US aviation history..

The man was described as a business-executive type, wearing a dark suit and a black tie.

While in the air, he opened his brief case showing a bomb to the flight attendant and

hijacked the plane. The plane landed in Seattle where he demanded 200K in cash, four parachutes

and food for the crew before releasing all the passengers. With only the pilots and one

flight attendant on board, they took off from Seattle. In the 45 minutes after takeoff,

Cooper sent the flight attendant to the cockpit while donning the parachute, tied the bank

bag full of twenty dollar bills to himself, lowered the rear stairs and somewhere north

of Portland jumped into the night. When the plane landed with the stairs down, they found

the two remaining parachutes and on the seat Cooper was sitting in, a black tie. Who was

he and how he managed to vanish into thin air has been a mystery till date.

Number 10. The Zodiac Killer.

Zodiac killer is the name given to a serial killer who terrorized the San Francisco Bay

Area in the late 1960s and early '70s. The self-proclaimed Zodiac Killer was directly

linked to at least seven murders in Northern California in 1968 and 1969, although he claimed

to be responsible for 37 victims.

The Zodiac usually targeted young couples in secluded areas. He used both guns and knives

as weapons. On at least one occasion he wore an unusual costume. On two occasions he telephoned

the police afterwards to report his murders.

After he taunted the police and press with his mind-boggling letters from 1969 to 1974,

further communication from him abruptly stopped. Although one of the four letters were cracked,

which contained a very disturbing message, the other three have never been deciphered,

till date. Despite an intensive search for the killer and the investigation into numerous

suspects, no one was ever arrested for the crimes and the case remains open..

Number 11. The Dyatlov Pass Incident.

On February 2, 1959, nine ski-hikers were found dead high in the Ural Mountains. This

sounds like nothing unusual considering the severe weather conditions there, but the details

of the incident will make your skin crawl. Nobody knows exactly what happened since there

were no survivors, but the known facts give us a horrific picture of what could have happened

that night.

It all started when the hikers slit open their tent from the inside for unknown reasons and

ran out. They were all experienced hikers so this couldn't have been a mistake. They

had obviously left the tent in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to put on

shoes. The first five that were found had frozen to death near the tent, but the remaining

four bodies were found only two months later.

The second group of hikers were found naked and had severe injuries such as broken ribs

and fractured skulls, and one woman had her eyes and tongues ripped out. Soviet authorities

found no explanation. Theorists suspect paranoia, government experimentation or that even supernatural

creatures may have been involved. However, no external causes were discovered. It is

still a mystery what made them break camp and run into certain death.

Number 12. The Hessdalen Lights.

A series of unusual lights have been reported in the Hessdalen valley, Norway, since 1940s

or earlier. Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until

the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15–20 times per week. Since then, the activity

has decreased and now the lights are observed only 10–20 times per year. The Hessdalen

light most often is a bright, white or yellow light of unknown origin standing or floating

above the ground level. These strange balls has baffled scientists for years and have

even attracted attention from ufologists. They show up, they gleam at around ground

level, and then they disappear, leaving no sign of what they are or where they came from.

Whether they are ghosts sending messages from beyond or some kind of extraterrestrial signal,

remains a mystery. Number 13.

The Solway Firth Astronaut. On a warm day in Cumbria, a man named Jim

Templeton, his wife and his daughter were picnicking on the grass above the Solway Firth.

He was in a marsh taking photos of his young daughter. But little did he know that he was

about to make a shocking and bizarre realization. When the man got his pictures developed, he

got the chilling realization that they were not alone that sunny day. In the middle of

nowhere, appeared to have been a Spaceman in full astronaut gear standing behind Jim's

daughter. Except there wasn't anyone else around while they were there. Even Kodak verified

that it was not tampered with. Though none of the three people had any idea that they

had company. Who is this fourth person? The mystery remains unsolved.

Number 14. Jack The Ripper.

The name Jack the Ripper pertains to the widely popular and talked about serial killer who

thrived in the late 1800's murdering 11 women in London's east end. Most of his

victims were prostitutes, whose bodies were mutilated beyond recognition and their throats

slashed. The crime scenes were a gory tableau; the brutalized bodies were perversions of

the human form.

The killer was never found but it was speculated from his ways of murder that he was a collector

who took organs as trophies. The signature of a letter that arrived during the murders

gave this monster a name: Jack the Ripper. The city was whipped into a froth of suspicion

and fear. Wide dragnets snagged scores of suspects, but the police were unable to catch

the killer. Vigilante committees formed, and mobs routinely chased people through the streets.

And then, suddenly, the murders stopped. Despite three more years of investigation, the police

never uncovered the true identity of Jack the Ripper. The unsolved case was officially

closed in 1892, though interest in the killings has never dwindled.

Number 15. "The Black Dahlia" was a nickname given

to Elizabeth Short, an American woman who was the victim of a much-publicized murder

in 1947. Short was a 22 year old, aspiring actress who acquired the moniker of The Black

Dahlia posthumously from newspapers.

On January 15, 1947, Short was found mutilated, her body sliced in half at the waist, in Leimert

Park, Los Angeles, California. Short's severely mutilated body was completely severed at the

waist and drained entirely of its blood. The body had obviously been washed by the killer.

Her face had been slashed from the corners of her mouth to her ears, creating an effect

called the Glasgow smile. Short also had multiple cuts on her thigh and breasts, where entire

portions of flesh had been sliced away. The corpse had been "posed", with her hands

over her head, her elbows bent at right angles, and her legs spread.

Short's unsolved murder has been the source of widespread speculation, leading to many

suspects, but no one was ever caught. Her murder happens to be one of the oldest unsolved

murder cases in Los Angeles history. However, no one knew of the killer or who actually

did the murder and the much-hyped murder mystery remains unsolved till date.

Number 16. The Bizarre Death of Elisa Lam.

There happen to be so many unsolved mysteries in the world, but the death of Elisa Lam is

one bizarre story. On February 2013, twenty-one year old Elisa Lam who had been staying at

the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, went missing for two weeks.

One day, the hotel guests started complaining about a foul taste in the water. When hotel

authorities investigated into the matter, they found the body of Elisa Lam, naked and

dead inside a covered water tank of the hotel. Autopsy reports stated that she died due to

accidental drowning and that no traces of drugs or alcohol were found in her body. But

the question still remained – how did she die and how did her body end up naked in the

water tank of the hotel?

But that is not the creepiest part of the story. Hotel security camera footage, located

above the elevator, was able to capture Elisa's last moments. But what the camera captured

was beyond bizarre.

The footage shows Elisa engaging in mysterious activities. She first pressed all the buttons

and then proceeded to wait. But strangely, the door of the elevator did not open. Elisa

went out of the elevator and started to look around but suddenly went back inside, peeking

quietly through the elevator door as if she saw something or someone, and she was seen

trying to hide from whoever she saw outside the elevator. She then suddenly started speaking

and moving in fast and in a weird way. It isn't clear in the video what or whom she

was talking to. After that she suddenly proceeded to walk out of the elevator like nothing happened

and then the elevator door closed and started working again. Shortly after the elevator

incident, Elisa happened to walk towards the water tank and drown herself.

The creepy thing was that the hotel guests were able to taste and see the color of the

water in which Elisa's body lay dead. The mystery remains unsolved and creepy till date..

Number 17. The Accidental Time Traveler.

Rudolph Fentz is a known accidental time traveler. Believe it or not, Rudolph lived in New York

City, and disappeared without clue on Sunday, August 27th, 1876. The 29 year old had left

home after dinner to go for an evening stroll only to never return back. A lone drunk at

the time claimed he saw Rudolph disappear as he crossed a street in Times Square known

as Longacre Square at the time. One second he was there, and the next he just vanished

in the blink of an eye. Due to being a known drunk the witness was discounted, and Rudolph's

family reported him missing.

But, in 1950, a man with mutton chop sideburns and Victorian-era duds popped up in Times

Square. Witnesses said he looked startled, and then a minute later, he was hit by a car

and killed. The officials at the morgue searched his body and found the items in his pockets

that were not of that time at all:

A copper token for a beer worth 5 cents, bearing the name of a saloon, which was unknown, even

to older residents of the area, A bill for the care of a horse and the washing of a carriage,

drawn by a livery stable on Lexington Avenue that was not listed in any address book. About

70 dollars in old banknotes, Business cards with the name Rudolph Fentz and an address

on Fifth Avenue. Surprisingly, none of these objects found on the dead man, showed any

signs of aging.

NYPD tried using this information to identify the man. It was found that the address on

Fifth Avenue was part of a business; its current owner did not know Rudolph Fentz. Fentz's

name was not listed in the address book, his fingerprints were not recorded anywhere.

The investigation continued and finally Rudolph Fentz Jr. was found in a telephone book of

1939. Upon contact with the bank, it was told that Fentz Jr. died five years before, but

his widow was still alive but lived in Florida. Upon contacting her, the NYPD learned that

her husband's father had disappeared in 1876 aged 29. He had left the house for an

evening walk but never returned. Accidental time travel or something out of the paranormal?

We'll leave that to you to decide.

For more infomation >> 17 Shocking and Bizarre Mysteries Of The World That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine| Toplists - Duration: 25:26.


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


New Barbie™ Movie

For more infomation >> New Barbie™ Movie


Skin care review: Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant - Duration: 2:38.

Hi everybody!

Welcome back to my channel, THANK YOU for watching!

So, today we're going to do something a little bit different,

something you haven't seen on my channel before!

We are going to be doing a PRODUCT REVIEW!!


So today, we're actually going to be reviewing a product from Dermalogica,

they actually just launched a new Daily Superfoliant!

It is a mouthful but what it is, it protects your skin against pollution!

So pollution like this can happen anywhere whether you're on the street walking,

or whether you're sitting on the sofa in your living room!

There is pollution in the air And so, this is why

I really am very excited to try out the Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant,

so what it does is it protects the skin against pollution

in everyday life, and it actually is anti aging

so you not only get cleaner skin but you also get healthier skin!

That's something that I really like about the

Dermalogica brand is that they put alot of focus on

skin's health!

So lets get to it!

Thank you guys again so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that

you're thinking about trying out the new Dermalogica

Daily Superfoliant!

It's been really working wonders on my skin and I do wear makeup and one thing

that I find is that when you have healthy skin,

makeup does apply apply on your skin looking more natural than if you're skin is

I don't know- dry?

But thank you again so much for watching and I want to gift one of you lucky listeners

a chance to try this product out for yourself!

You want to Subscribe to my channel- SamSitoTV I've got new videos every week so I would

love if you subscribed!

You're going to Like this Video and Comment below and let me know why you

deserve to win the Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant!

And then go on Instagram and follow @dermalogicacdn

and keep an eye out on my Instagram account as well

because I'll be putting out a post for an extra entry for you to win!

Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys again next week!


For more infomation >> Skin care review: Dermalogica Daily Superfoliant - Duration: 2:38.


Artist Zayn Malik Live

For more infomation >> Artist Zayn Malik Live


Check Out Mind Field

For more infomation >> Check Out Mind Field


[FREE] Chance The Rapper ft J. Cole Type Beat | "Find YoSelf" - Prod. By DigitalBeatz - Duration: 4:11.

Free Chance The Rapper Type Beat

ft J. Cole Type Beat

Find YoSelf

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For more infomation >> [FREE] Chance The Rapper ft J. Cole Type Beat | "Find YoSelf" - Prod. By DigitalBeatz - Duration: 4:11.


Ruby Rose syncs "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks | Lip Sync Battle - Duration: 0:36.

♪ I'm a bitch, I'm lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother

♪ I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed

♪ I'm your health, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between

♪ You know you wouldn't want it any other way

- [Announcer] Lip Sync Battle,

new episode Thursday at 10 on Spike.

And download the new Lip Sync Battle app

now on the app store.

For more infomation >> Ruby Rose syncs "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks | Lip Sync Battle - Duration: 0:36.


Assessments of Fatah's 7th Party Congress - Duration: 3:11.

President Mahmoud Abbas: We convene the Seventh Conference of the Fatah movement

in these difficult moments of our revolution and our movement.

Strategic adviser for the President: Hussam Zomlot

We are seeking unity within the Fatah movement

and between Fatah and the other factions, such as Hamas.

There are distinguished guests like representatives from countries and parties from all over the world

and that consolidates the Palestinian struggle for the future.

Political analyst: Mohammad Daraghmeh

President Mahmoud Abbas was able to unify the party

in the face of external pressures in the Seventh Convention of Fatah movement.

But he did not deal with the real problems of the movement and didn't overcome them,

so these problems will reappear after the convention.

Marwan Barghouthi got the highest number of votes in the Central Committee and this qualifies him

to demand his appointment as a deputy chairman of the movement.

There are trends and pressures in the movement

saying that Marwan Barghouthi should to be the deputy chairman of the movement.

And that would help him to be the next president,

particularly as there is no agreement among Fatah leaders

on who comes after president Mahmoud Abbas.

Marwan Barghouthi has been struggling since the era of Yasser Arafat.

He has a moral and political influence on the Palestinians and everyone likes him.

Marwan is a fighter and he gave his life for Palestine

and we must honor him because he deserves more.

The occupation is trying to brand Marwan Barghouthi as a terrorist,

so appointing him in this position will undermine their efforts.

He is a well-known and beloved leader.

For more infomation >> Assessments of Fatah's 7th Party Congress - Duration: 3:11.


Should I delete old posts or censor new posts while going through a divorce? - Duration: 1:40.

well those are two very different questions and they have two very

different answers

Obviously anyone who's going through a divorce is going to want to be careful about

what they post on social media. There are many many many examples where social

media posts have come back to haunt someone in divorce litigation so going

forward they should be very carefully crafted if used at all the reality is

that there's not a lot to be gained by continuing to use social media while one

is tied up in a divorce case. Now one can absolutely not go back and delete old

posts if they are involved in divorce litigation that's called evidence

expoliation, and there can be significant and severe consequences if a party goes

through and sensors or deletes or destroys evidence and in the context of

a divorce case the court has the ability to interpret and construe deleted

evidence against the party that deleted it so it is very very important not to

go back and delete old posts or delete old material from social media accounts.

For more infomation >> Should I delete old posts or censor new posts while going through a divorce? - Duration: 1:40.


Lip Sync Battle Preshow: Ruby Rose vs. Milla Jovovich - Duration: 3:17.

- Welcome back to the PreShow.

- We're super excited to bring you this week's LSBBSL.

- Exactly, what?

- Oh yeah, it's the new name of the show.

I extended it, LSBBSL, see LSBBSL.

- Oh, I think that's just a reflection on the floor.

- No.

- Okay, then what do all of those letters stand for then?

- Lip Sync Battle Basically Starring Lee.

- Okay.

(funky music)

This week on LSB, we have two awesome, butt kicking women.

We have Milla Jovovich and Ruby Rose.

- But before we get to them,

let's check out last week's battle

in a segment we like to call Battle Breakdown.

- What's up, guys?

And welcome to Battle Breakdown.

I'm Matt Steffanina and today we're lookin' back

at Jay Leno and Craig Ferguson's epic battle.

Now, Leno was a formidable opponent,

but in the end Ferguson triumphed

with a rendition of ABBA's Take a Chance on Me.

Ferguson's performance was fun and infectious,

but everyone agreed the unicorn stole the show.

Such a memorable moment,

and I actually just found out

that we had a camera inside the unicorn.

So let's roll that footage now.

- We're on the big show.

- We're on the big show.

We're on the big show.

- Stop, stop, stop, just dance.

Dance, dance.

- Huh, I feel like I've seen those two somewhere.

Lee and Elliott, back to you.

- You know, Lee, speaking of letters,

there is something I've never

quite understood about this show.

- Why it isn't on every network all the time forever?

- That too, but my question has to do with

L.L.'s patented sign off at the end of each episode.

- Knock 'em out the box, L.

Knock 'em out, L.

- I really have no idea what he's saying.

- Why, because L is him?

- Right, exactly.

I mean, actually it kept me up for months,

but then I realized that L is short for Elliot.

- Absolutely not true.

- Well, how do you figure that?

- Because Elliot starts with an E,

and if he's gonna sign off to anyone,

it's gonna be someone who has L in the name.

Maybe someone whose name starts with an L,

like I wonder who that could be.



- Are those marijuana leaves?

Marijuana and pineapple.

Don't (bleep) start me.

Usually it goes pineapples, marijuana, then wieners.

Pineapples and marijuana and weiners.

If you powdered up the carpets in that car and snorted it.

- Oh, you're ready.

- Oh, (bleep) yeah.


That's like badmouthin' Mister (bleep) Rogers.


Hitler, that (bleep) needs beat every time you get a chance.

Take that you anti-Semitic (bleep).

Our time is comin', our time is comin'.

- Wow, I feel so inspired.

- Me too, Lee, me too, yeah.

- Well that's this week's PreShow.

Be sure to check out Lip Sync Battle

for Ruby Rose and Milla Jovovich

as they duke it out.

- And knock it out the box, L.L.

- Knock it out the box, Lee.






For more infomation >> Lip Sync Battle Preshow: Ruby Rose vs. Milla Jovovich - Duration: 3:17.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i-16V Caractère - Duration: 1:13.


J.Arlauckas: „Graužiu save iki šiol, kad nežaidžiau Lietuvos rinktinėje" - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> J.Arlauckas: „Graužiu save iki šiol, kad nežaidžiau Lietuvos rinktinėje" - Duration: 7:22.



For more infomation >> FRANSA'DA EKONOMİ (L'ÉCONOMIE EN FRANCE) - Duration: 3:46.


英雄聯盟 LOL 凱爾的一連串瘋狂補血超痛Q刷刷之路 - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> 英雄聯盟 LOL 凱爾的一連串瘋狂補血超痛Q刷刷之路 - Duration: 14:31.


Jod i płyn Lugola doustnie. Uważaj, by sobie nie zaszkodzić! (opis i literatura pod filmem) - Duration: 17:00.

For more infomation >> Jod i płyn Lugola doustnie. Uważaj, by sobie nie zaszkodzić! (opis i literatura pod filmem) - Duration: 17:00.


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Live Session 25-01-2017 | Sawal Aur Un K Jawab | Important Video | My Help in Health - Duration: 42:16.

For more infomation >> Live Session 25-01-2017 | Sawal Aur Un K Jawab | Important Video | My Help in Health - Duration: 42:16.


Online Book Study! - Duration: 3:11.

Hi everybody! So a lot of you who are

watching this may already know, but

starting on February 1st over on you can join

in on a really cool, innovative, online

book study of my book. It's gonna be great!

Then again some of you may know me as a

YouTuber and didn't even know that I

wrote a book...well I did! It's called

Bridging the Relationship Gap. So what

exactly is this online book study thing?

Well, basically it's an opportunity to

read my book - or listen to it, more on that in a moment -

discuss it with other readers, in online

forums, and even get access to exclusive

content from expert reviewers who are

coming in and providing their commentary on

each chapter.

This promises to be a really engaging and

in-depth discussion of the book from

readers from a variety of different

backgrounds, and I'm really excited to be

a part of it.

What's the book about? So here is a link

to a video I made a while back that

describes a little bit more in detail

what the book is about. But if you're a

student, or an educator, or social worker,

or behavioral health professional, or

a parent, and you're interested in

learning more about the effects of

stress on the developing brain, and what

professionals can do to help build

resilience in young children, then this

book study for you.

Alright! You convinced me. How do I join?

If you visit

you'll get all the info you need on how

to sign up, as well as a 20-percent off

discount coupon to use when you're

ordering the book, through February 4th.

I've also put a link to the

frequently asked questions page in the

description section of this video should

you want to know a little bit more about

what to expect. The book study officially

starts on February 1st, but you can

kind of join anytime, so please share

this opportunity with others you think

might find this to be beneficial! And

special bonus announcement!

...That didn't work very well...So I'm finally

getting to make an audiobook version of

this book and I am so excited that this

is finally going to be a thing!!

Individual chapters of the audiobook are

going to be released to coincide with

the book study throughout February and

March. The first chapter should be up soon

if it's not already, so if you're one of

those people who prefers listening to

reading, we've got you covered!

Just a heads up that I'm the narrator of

the book, so if you can't stand the sound

of my voice...


So you can visit my publisher's website

and search 'Bridging the

Relationship Gap' for details on how to

purchase the audio book. I'll also put a link

to that page in the description section

below. I'll be popping into the

discussion here and there through

February and March to answer readers'

questions, and I might even leave a few

little video goodies here and there. We'll see!

And of course you can always pepper me with

questions over on Twitter. I'm @DrLangworthy.

And for those of you who don't know, I'm a

YouTuber who makes videos on some of the

topics related to the content of the

book, so if you're interested, come on

over to the channel and check it out and

subscribe! I hope that you find the book enjoyable

and useful.

It was a labor of love, and at the end of

the day if just one of you finds it

to be worthwhile, then I've done my

job. Thanks for watching, reading,

listening. I'm looking forward to joining

you in the discussion over the next

couple of months. And as always thanks

for all you do for kids and families.

"What is it about you ask? Bridging the

Relationship Gap is all about fostering

resilience in children who experience early adversity."

For more infomation >> Online Book Study! - Duration: 3:11.


英雄聯盟 LOL 凱爾的一連串瘋狂補血超痛Q刷刷之路 - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> 英雄聯盟 LOL 凱爾的一連串瘋狂補血超痛Q刷刷之路 - Duration: 14:31.


Hair Tips in Urdu | Hair Protein Treatment in Urdu | Balon Ki Hifazat - Duration: 2:45.

Hair Tips in Urdu

Hair Protein Treatment in Urdu

For more infomation >> Hair Tips in Urdu | Hair Protein Treatment in Urdu | Balon Ki Hifazat - Duration: 2:45.


Eats Beat: Cookie dough you can eat, a whisky Cinnamon Toast Crunch cocktail and a new steakhous... - Duration: 2:29.

New to the scene...

* It's dough well spent. Put down the Nestle Toll House roll. Cookie DO NYC brings safe and ready-to-eat gourmet cookie dough to Greenwich Village (550 LaGuardia Place).

The scoop shop slings more than a dozen cookie dough flavors — like chocolate chip, brownie batter or oatmeal M&M — served in a cup or cone.

There's a new scoop shop serving cookie dough sandwiches and sundaes.

(Dina Joanna Coloma/Cookie Do.)

* Come for the steak, stay for the hospitality. At Royal 35 (1 East 35th St.), a sophisticated new chophouse in Midtown, you'll be treated like royalty. The customer service was just as good as the juicy double porterhouse for two dry-aged in-house for 35 days in Himalayan salt.

It's no surprise its operators cut their teeth on hospitality gigs with Mastro's Steakhouse and Jean-Georges.

Preface the meat with a seafood tower piled high with colossal shrimp cocktail, clams, oysters, Maine lobster, tuna tartare and oysters.

Save room for the homemade creme brulee.

The porter hosue steak for two is dry-aged in Himalayan sea salt.

The seafood tower Royal 35 Steakhouse.

(ATSUSHI TOMIOKA/Royal 35 Steakhouse)

Try it...

* At The Eddy , a seasonal American spot in the East Village (342 E. 6th St.), there's no two-hour wait for gimmicky foods flooding social media feeds. This cozy, minimalist space is the epitome of a New York neighborhood spot, filled with patrons wearing all-black and not one person taking photos of their food, even though it's pretty.

It's hard to believe this place has been around since 2014, but chef Brendan McHale's new winter menu is bound to cause some chatter with vibrant dishes like pickled mussels ($13); uni toast with scrambled egg and a shishito mignonette ($12); and a perfectly tender pork steak with polenta and braised kale ($27).

Uni Toast at The Eddy.

(courtesy of The Eddy)

* The Spice is a perfect winter cocktail at Jams at 1 Hotel Central Park (1414 Sixth Ave.). Mixologist Frankie Gabriel shakes up warm flavors like Irish whisky, cinnamon spice herbal tea and whipped cream. It's topped with homemade cinnamon toast crunch ($16).

The Spice is the right winter cocktail at Jams at 1 Hotel Central Park.


* A good, cheap brunch is hard to find, but Clancey (79 Clinton St.), a new, upscale comfort food spot on the Lower East Side, does it right — with a hint of umami. Formerly Yunnan Kitchen, the new spot pays homage to its roots with dishes like Yesterday's Lo Mein, consisting of noodles oozing over your dish with chunks of pork; an oyster omelette with scallions, ponzu and shrimp ketchup; and a gut-busting fried chicken and challah French toast. Bloody Marys are $7 .

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