Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2017

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Wig comes with 3 clips. 2 @ front/ 1 in the back

Gel doesn't work for me

Heat resistent!

Tip: Pin or sponge rod to curl

Check below for hair info

For more infomation >> FLAWLESS Bobbi Boss Shannon MLF113 - Duration: 7:09.


The LEGO Batman Movie

For more infomation >> The LEGO Batman Movie


"La La Land" Trailer

For more infomation >> "La La Land" Trailer


Il mio primo video - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Il mio primo video - Duration: 2:50.


【淘寶開箱】+【淘寶分享】#2∣背景又變美了?∣CHAEHOYO - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 【淘寶開箱】+【淘寶分享】#2∣背景又變美了?∣CHAEHOYO - Duration: 4:21.


Bath and sauna, relaxing or kill - Duration: 4:35.



Topic of this issue us in the comments below

Video suggested planting St. Petersburg, for which a special thank you to him.

In all its 2 sides of the coin.

In all there are positive and negative sides.

Today we have about the dangers of Pohorje and the use of sauna and bath with

trainee's point of view athlete.

Let's start with the positive side.

Sauna perfectly removes fatigue, activates the body,

improves microcirculation blood, metabolism and redox

processes, reduces muscle tone, allowing the muscles

completely relax.

It copes with the strengthening immunity and provides remarkable

prevention for colds diseases.

When visiting the sauna or bath you get withdrawal

mental strain.

Your body begins mass to produce endorphins,

that allows you to receive physical pleasure

from the session.

Sauna and steam bath perfect output accumulated lactic

acid from the muscle.

The most optimal is visit interval 6-7

days, not extending in a day training.

In this case, the potential risks are reduced, and a favorable

effects on the body maximum.

This visit baths and sauna - is stressful for


And in this case, the body It reacts to this as well,

as with any other type of stress begins namely

to increase production catabolic hormones

which tend to destroy muscle tissue,

therefore it has no meaning access to the sauna, or

bath immediately after exercise.

Moreover, at the time of visit sauna or bath cardiovascular

the system is experiencing great load, which also eliminates the

beneficial effects from visiting immediately after


By a similar conclusion was reached by Scientists from the US

Institute of Physiology and sports that spending

independent study found that having a sauna

negative influence on the synthesis of Glycogen, which considerably

decreases at temperatures above 30 degrees.

For high temperatures the same negative attitude


In case of overheating of the testicles Activity sperm falls almost

to zero, just waiting for you a temporary reduction in production

natural testosterone, yes and libido immediately after

how well you get warm, will leave to be desired.

We'll have to disappoint all those who hope to use

bath or sauna for to burn the hated


Indeed, after a visit saunas person loses

0.5 to 1.5 kg body weight, but much of this occurs

due to loss of fluid, which leaches salt

vitamins and trace elements.

The blood then becomes more viscous, making it difficult to

the heart, reducing the appetite and reducing the quality of sleep.

Saunas are many species in which the temperature

It varies from air 60 to 120 degrees Celsius,

and the air humidity 5 to 100%.

If, in talking about the bath wherein the air humidity

close to 100%, then the time her visit due to increased

moisture perspiration difficult, resulting

an additional overheating organism.

By the way the effect of the so-called cleansing the body of toxins

and toxins was not confirmed during experiments.

To visit the saunas and baths There are beads contraindications.

These include the presence of colds,

accompanied by increased fever, cancer

disease, migraine and Other autonomic disease,

fatigue, inflammation middle ear.

As well as a variety of skin diseases, complications

in the respiratory, digestive, excretory, Cardiovascular

and nervous systems.

To this list for girls added a ban on visits

during menstruation.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes apparent that

bath or sauna is better to visit a day of rest in the first half

days and not more than once in Week.

Since this topic is extremely extensive, write in the comments,

if we do something not told as part of this plot.

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For more infomation >> Bath and sauna, relaxing or kill - Duration: 4:35.


Fist Fight Movie

For more infomation >> Fist Fight Movie


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI Plus Pack Navigatie, Xenon, Cl - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI Plus Pack Navigatie, Xenon, Cl - Duration: 1:24.


Portal 2 #10 | BOUNCE FOR SCIENCE! - Duration: 21:13.

Hey there Bots, my name is Boss-Tron Bot, and today I am going to be playing more Portal 2!

For more infomation >> Portal 2 #10 | BOUNCE FOR SCIENCE! - Duration: 21:13.


"Black Skeleton Entity" and 5 more TRUE scary stories! #WeirdDarkness - Duration: 23:03.

We were sitting down to Sunday dinner.

Something grabbed me by my shoulders and pinned me to my chair.

I felt a horrible burning sensation along my lower back and I started screaming in pain.

My mom jumped up and yelled for my dad to help me.

My mom pulled up my shirt and deeply scratched into my back were three letters.



I'm Darren Marlar… and this is Weird Darkness.

Welcome to "Weird Darkness" and My Haunted Life Toosday.

Here you will find ghost stories, unsolved mysteries, and other stories of the strange

and bizarre.

I'm always looking for new stories – share your terrifying experiences at WeirdDarkness.com,

I might use them in a future episode!

Music in this episode is provided by Shadow's Symphony: You can find them online at Facebook.com/ShadowsSymphony.

In this episode…

An angry, ghostly old man terrorizes a young girl in the middle of the night to the point

of screaming.

(The Ghost In a Wheelchair Who Terrorized Us)

A woman sees her dead brother while remodeling her kitchen.

(Did I See My Brother's Ghost?)

A ghostly entity paralyzes a boy.

(The Black Skeleton Entity In My House)

How do you respond when a ghost asks you, "Why are you in my house?"

(Why Are You In My House?)

Yelp is a great place to find reviews of many businesses… but who knew it was also a place

to find the paranormal?

(Shadows and Ghosts on Yelp)

Now.. sit back, turn down the lights, and come with me into the Weird Darkness!

*** Back in 1990 or so, my husband and I were

preparing to replace my mother's kitchen flooring.

The kitchen door opened on to a high outside deck with its railng top about 6 feet above

the ground.

We had the kitchen door open in order to take out the old linoleum, and I proceeded to bring

in the shop vac.

As I sat it down, it suddenly roared on with its loud motor-then shut off-then roared on

again and off.

My husband stopped pulling the refrigerator out from the wall and asked,

"Did that just turn on without being plugged in?"

Incredulously it had!

I glanced out the open doorway and saw my brother's ghost float by the railing.

He was transparent but had color.

He was in a walking stance but did not have motion-just floated by.

My brother had died on the property a few years before this happened.

*** This happened in December, 1984.

My family had just moved into a farm house in Arizona.

I had a chair next to my bed that I usually just used for storage.

I woke up one night around 3am. because I felt like someone was staring at me.

I thought it was one of my parents at first.

When I rolled over, I saw a teenage boy sitting in the chair on the left side of my office.

All I could hear was a voice in my head screaming.

I sat with a start and the boy stood up.

In my head I could hear his voice.

He wanted to know why I was in his house.

I tried to tell him that it was our house and that we had lived in the house for several


He glared at me and faded away.

A few months later my mom told me that back in the 1920's a boy had been killed in my

bedroom when he got shot by his brother by accident.

Apparently, the brothers saw a wolf in the yard and were afraid that it would kill the


The only bullet they could find was too big for the gun, and being young boys they decided

to use a hammer and beat the bullet into place.

The older brother braced the gun against his chest and the younger boy hit the bullet a

few times with the hammer.

The bullet fired into his chest and he died instantly.

Did I see, and interact, with the ghost of a boy killed in the 1920's?

*** This episode of Weird Darkness is brought

to you by the audiobook "The Black-Eyed Kids" by G. Michael Vasey, narrated by Darren Marlar.

There is a knock at the door late at night.

You answer it to find two small children standing there.

You are suddenly filled with an inexplicable fear.

"Let us in", they say.

"We need to use the phone".

It is at that point that the fear turns to utter dread as you see that these kids have

completely black eyes.

The Black Eyed Kids is an exploration of this terrifying phenomenon using true stories of

encounters with Black Eyed kids (BEK) submitted to the My Haunted Life Too website.

G. Michael Vasey examines the evidence and investigates the terrifying BEK phenomenon,

coming to some startling and shocking conclusions.

Are they demonic soul eaters responsible for the disappearance of some of the 90,000 Americans

missing at any point in time?

Or, is this just another urban legend - another bogeyman designed to keep you awake at nights?

Listen to the book and find out!

"The Black-Eyed Kids" by G. Michael Vasey, narrated by Weird Darkness host Darren Marlar.

To hear a FREE sample from this book or to add it to your collection, visit the audiobooks

page at WeirdDarkness.com.

*** In September, 1988, when I was a kid, I experienced

a black entity formed like a skeleton that haunted my house.

The first incident took place one night when I had gone to bed early after watching TV

with my parents.

Late that night, around 3am, I was awake on my bed when the bedroom door opened and I

heard a whistling sound, but I knew the TV was turned off and everyone was sleeping.

I thought nothing more about it.

Over the next few nights I kept hearing that sound all the time.

I knew it was impossible to hear it, but it was real.

I stood up on my bed to see outside the door, but it was too dark and I could not see anything.

I knew that something was there.

I tried to ignore it and lay back down on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

Suddenly, I became paralyzed and could not move while I could hear that strange whistling


Like a high-pitched airplane engine and I could see a pathway image in my head, as if

I was moving at a very high speed.

It was terrifying, or perhaps this entity had the power to control my emotions.

I was frightened to the point that I could get control of my hands, so I rubbed my eyes

very fast to get the image away.

But then I became paralyzed again.

However, the image and sound were gone and a new image appeared that showed a tree and

a grassland with two people who were talking about something.

I was not frightened anymore, so I smiled to show the ghost that I was not afraid, so

the image disappeared and I could open my eyes and move again.

It seemed that the ghost, or entity, had a power over me when I was afraid, but when

I was not afraid of it, then the ghost could not do much.

*** Recently we had a few creepy stories that

we found on TripAdvisor.

It appears we've found another one!

The Rosen Inn International, Orlando, looks like a normal large hotel.

Located conveniently close to Universal Studios, it must do very well.

However, apparently, one room has a permanent guest…

Do not stay in room 1170.

I booked a room at a great price.

Our keys did not work the 1st time.

Went to front desk to get the keys to work.

They did not work.

We had security help us to get in.

Once we were in all this things started to happen.

Knocks on the wall when no one was staying on either side of us.

A dark shadow in the corner.

Foot steps sounds in the room.

A big bang during the day inside.

At one point, one pillow looked like something was poking in it.

A great room if your a ghost hunter!!

Stayed May 2009, traveled as a couple So, if you are planning a trip to Universal

Studios, this might be a place to avoid or try depending on your interest in the paranormal.

*** TripAdvisor isn't the only place online

to find creepy reviews.

MyHauntedLifeToo.com recently scoured the pages of YELP!

Check these out... a full discussion of shadow people, the Old Crone, and other weird experiences….

Chas S. starts a post as follows….

I believe in ghosts.

Always have.

But never had a personal experience to back up my belief.

Until last night…and now I'm beyond freaking out.

I got up to go to bathroom at about 2am last night, sort of half asleep, but definitely

NOT dreaming or sleepwalking.

I did my business, came out of the bathroom, and there was something standing in the corner

of the living room, sort of crammed in between the wall and TV.

I honestly thought it was B. leaning over the TV to check the cables in the back, but

it didn't move at all.

It just stood there.

I wasn't really afraid at first, since it didn't really have a face or anything – just

a long shadowy thing that I couldn't figure out what it was.

But then it sort of shrunk into itself.

Literally, it just sucked itself into thin air…and was gone.

I didn't really freak out until the cats came flying off the couch with their fur all

puffed out.

I got the hell out of the hallway and back into the bedroom and I locked the door.

I was close to crying, I was so afraid.

I didn't wake up B. since he was fast asleep and probably wouldn't understand what I

was saying.

But I didn't get any sleep the entire night, and now I'm terrified to sleep here tonight.

All I can think about is seeing that thing in the corner of our bedroom and slowly tuning

into some demon or something.

Did anyone else see a ghost in their place?

Did they have to move because they were so afraid?

I don't know what to do…

Here is a reply from Rosie V.

For a while, we lived in the basement of this big rambling ranch house in some unincorporated

part of Chicago Heights.

Nothing but woods and quarries and one 90-year old lady for a neighbor.

Anyhow, I'm laying on the couch downstairs listening to music and I'm dozing off.

Then I start to feel like something is pressing down on my chest.

I'm in limbo sleep and I'm thinking it's my cat or the dog that the family upstairs


No big deal.

Then it starts pressing down harder and harder until I snapped out of half-sleep gasping

for air.

I run upstairs all freaked out and get a neighbor to check the house with me.

We're the only ones home and we can hear the stairs that lead downstairs creaking,

real slow, like someone is trying to sneak up.

We almost lost it.

We stand in the kitchen freaking out, listening to creaking stairs.

We get the hell out of there and refuse to go home until the old man gets home from work.

And then Kevin T, chimes in…

I use to stay in the finished basement where my Uncle and Aunt lived in for a total of

3-months before she moved out.

The unit went unoccupied and untouched for a total of a year and a half.

I remember falling asleep while studying in the living room.

I awoke and decided to move myself to the bedroom.

I awoke from a horrible nightmare that night paralyzed.

After opening my eyes to complete darkness and finally jerking out of my paralysis, I

felt cold sweat beads on my head and decided to try to go back to bed or wait for the morning

to come.

The nightmare revisited me and I again awoke with the same type of paralysis….. this

time, instead of seeing complete darkness, there was a shadow of a profile shot of a

head with something that resembled horns on its head.

How i survived the night without eventually being institutionalized is a surprise to me.

…goosebumps covered my body as I re-told this story and I didn't even speak of the

nightmare that I had that night.

And Rocky B reminisces…

In one of our last apartments we had a ghost.

For awhile there after R. would leave for work and I would still be sleeping I would

hear the shower run in our apartment.

Then I would feel the foot of the bed sink down like someone was sitting on it.

It didn't scare me for some reason.

It just irritated me that I was losing precious moments of sleep by some ghost that was getting

ready for the day.

One time I said something to it like "Can you please sit somewhere else!"

After that…no more ghosty.

Sniff….kind of miss that guy.

And finally Caroline chimes in with one of her own…

A good friend of mine has an old ski house in Vermont.

The house is very old and used to be a carriage house.

The last time I was there, my then boyfriend and I were getting ready to go to bed.

We looked out of the window and saw a foggy figure outside.

I assumed it was just condensation and forgot about it.

My boyfriend taps my shoulder a few seconds later and says it is coming closer and getting


All of a sudden, the window blinds comes down (which was ok.

It happens), but then it went back up!!

At this point, I cover my head with the blanket because I'm spooked, and my boyfriend is

tapping my shoulder to look.

The room is freezing cold and I feel some weight at my feet.

I finally take my head out and see right in front of me, the white outline of an old man's


My boyfriend and I then shut our eyes and put our heads under the blanket hoping it

would just go away.

The next day, we told our friend (who owns the house) that we saw a ghost.

His reply was… "oh, you saw the old man."

He always comes and goes.

I think he's angry that we're remodeling the house."

Now, why do we not get discussion like that on this site?

After all, it is YOUR experiences we are after..

*** When I was eight, my father retired from the


We moved to North Carolina to be closer to my mothers family.

My mom found a 3 bedroom home just 1/4 mile from my grandparents.

My two sisters and I shared a room.

It was huge!

Enough room for our fullsize bed, a twin size bed, 4 dressers with a space in between you

could have put two more full size beds and still had room.

The first night there, I woke up in the middle if the night.

I could feel someone staring at me.

And it definitely wasn't in a nice way.

I rolled over towards the door and saw an old man in a wheelchair.

He looked furious.

He was pointing at me and mouthing something but I didnt hear anything.

I couldnt move or make a sound.

Then he was gone.

No fading.

Just gone.

I screamed bloody murder then.

My parents weren't to happy being woke up in the dead of night, and I got in trouble

for screaming like that over a " nightmare".

Over the next few weeks, more things happened and not to just me.

My mom, brother, and other sisters also saw the old man.

The stove would turn off by itself every time my mom tried to cook dinner.

She had to stay in the kitchen the whole time to turn the burners back on.

Doors would slam shut and lock you out of the house or out of your room.

Clothes would be pulled off hangers in the closets or thrown on the floor out of dressers.

Several times we thought someone had broken in and ransacked the house while we were out.

The last straw was one Sunday while we were sitting down to Sunday dinner.

Something grabbed me by my shoulders and pinned me to my chair.

I felt a horrible burning sensation along my lower back and I started screaming in pain.

My mom jumped up and yelled for my dad to help me.

Once they touched me, it suddenly let me go.

My mom pulled up my shirt and deeply scratched into my back were three letters.


Talking to the old couple who were renting to us, my parents found out they had purchased

the home from a son and daughter.

It had been their fathers home.

He had been sick the last few years of his life and ended up in a wheelchair the last

year or so before he passed away.

His name?


We moved out a week later.

That whole last week my mom kept us all together at night in one room.

I was so glad to get out of there.

*** Watch the YouTube version of Weird Darkness

at WeirdDarkness.com.

While there you can also find my Facebook page, Twitter profile, join the Marlar House

Facebook group to hang out with fellow weirdos, get my free mobile app and more!

Become an official "Weirdo" by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button!

And be sure to click that little bell next to the subscribe button so you'll be notified

when I post new videos!

If you like what you just heard, please share this episode with others on your own social

media to help spread the Weird Darkness!

Do you have a story you'd like to share for a future episode?

If you have a paranormal story that happened to you or a loved one that you'd like to

share, or perhaps you found a link to something darkly creepy and true on the web that you

think would be good for the show, you can let me know about it WeirdDarkness.com!

This episode of Weird Darkness is brought to you by the audiobook "The Black-Eyed Kids"

by G. Michael Vasey, narrated by Darren Marlar.

To hear a FREE sample from this book or to add it to your collection, visit the audiobooks

page at WeirdDarkness.com

Stories from MyHauntedLifeToo.com featured in this episode...

"Did I See My Brother's Ghost?"

submitted by Mary Rodriguez

"The Black Skeleton Entity In My House" submitted by Ron Oxley

"Why Are You In My House" submitted by Stephen Kerney

"Shadows And Ghosts On Yelp" researched by G. Michael Vasey

"Ghosts In Room 1170" researched by G. Michael Vasey

"The Ghost In a Wheelchair Who Terrorized Us"

submitted by Christina D. Jones

Find links to this episode's stories in the show's description.

Copyright Marlar House Productions, 2017.

Rebroadcast or duplication without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

Music provided by Shadow's Symphony.

I'm your creator/host, Darren Marlar.

Thanks for joining me… in the Weird Darkness.

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