Friday, January 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2017

Welcome back to my channel TheCandyGuy

where i talk about treats for the sweet tooth

Today I'm going to talk about Bounty

Bounty was introduced in the 1950s in

the UK by the Mars company possibly 1951

"The quilted quicker picker-upper Bounty"

Wait that's a paper towel slogan

in the US

that's just what popped in my head when I first heard about the

Bounty bar

the bar is chocolate coated

around coconut and there's two pieces in

the wrapper

Hang on. For you Americans does this sound kind of familiar?

the Almond Joy bar has two pieces in it

it's coconut coated with milk chocolate

the only difference is there's almonds on it

and look at the wrapper, the wrapper's been changed

for the Almond Joy, but a previous wrapper had

palm trees and coconuts on it

Peter Paul company came up with the Almond Joy in 1946

this one was 1951

someone's copying someone, I'm just saying

Before I dive into this bar

i want to give a huge shout out to my

friend Karla for introducing me to this bar

If the name sounds familiar, she also

introduced me to the Take 5 bar and to

Chukar Cherries

I'll have her link in the description

to her channel and also at the end of the video

I'll have a link to her channel

Thanks Karla

So this is one of the pieces of the Bounty bar

it has three distinct little, like triangles

Side note, I'm not a big fan of coconut so

I'm not going to enjoy this bar that much

I almost didn't notice that the Bounty bar has it's name

and palm trees at the bottom of the bar

that's pretty cool

the coconut is slightly moist and kind

of crumbles in your mouth

the milk chocolate is really good

like, i really like the milk chocolate on this bar

despite the fact that i don't care for coconut

you'd imagine that that flavor would be taking over

most of my taste buds

but the chocolate kind of really

pushes its way through

There's a close up of the Almond Joy

and you know I have to compare

them to see if there's a

slight difference or major difference

which there probably will be a major difference

So I didn't eat the almonds so I wouldn't

taste anything different


the Almond Joy you don't taste as much as of

chocolate as you do the Bounty bar

and there is a difference between the coconuts

I just can't tell what the difference is

because I don't care for either of them

so I can't really tell you

which one has better flavor

Thank you for watching this week's video of TheCandyGuy

Links for the Penny Candy Store and myself will be in the description of this video

I post videos every Friday so I shall see you all next Friday

Have a sweet day. Bye!

Please remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe to my videos

and also share if you'd like

and click some of the links and check out Karla's channel

I don't know where I'm putting it. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Bounty // TheCandyGuy - Duration: 3:41.


value of me mo ry. - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> value of me mo ry. - Duration: 1:23.


We're Bad People - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> We're Bad People - Duration: 43:04.


The Early Days of Kirby - Proving Pink Power. - Duration: 9:40.

When people see Kirby, they see a small pink ball, adorable and innocent.

A gaming character created for young children.

A lightweight, no one needs to fear, no one except enemies, who steal his food.

But sometimes our senses fail us.

And we are not able to see the truth.

Because Kirby isn ́t innocent and adorable, in fact he is merciless

and unpredictable.

Kirby isn't just simply a small pink ball, he is one of the most dangerous fighting machines

in gaming history.

And he is clearly no lightweight, no, Kirby is the pink Chuck Norris.

But it took Kirby a long time to evolve from a simple ball to one of the most famous action


During this time Kirby trained his body and his mind.

He fought against enemies and he fought against his own terrible past.

This is the story of how Kirby got the strength to win all the difficult fights in his life:

The story of Kirby.

So are you ready?

Let ́s do this!

Our story of Kirby starts in Kirby's room on an ordinary day in spring 1992.

At this time Kirby was a nobody, an average pink ball and the only thing that distinguished

him from millions of other pink balls was his strong will.

Because every morning, immediately after he got up, Kirby started to train: He went to

his dumbbells and sucked them in.

He went to his pull up bar and sucked it in.

He even swallowed his entire cross trainer.

Kirby knew how important training was for his dream: his dream of becoming a famous

action hero.

In 1992 he often imagined that one day he would master special skills like hammer attacks,

stone attacks, final cutters or the ultra sword move.

Kirby was sure, that when this day had come, every gaming company would want to publish

a fighting game starring him.

But in 1992 Kirbys only skill was to suck enemies in and spit them out.

So the only offer that Kirby got, was an offer from HAL Laboratory

to play the main role in a Game Boy adventure for young children called Kirbys Dream Land.

This two dimensional platformer was far away from being a fighting game – in fact it

was a game about a villain named King Dedede, who stole all the food of Dream Land ­ but

Kirby decided to take the role anyway.

And he didn't regret his decision, because Kirbys Dream Land sold over 5 million copies

and made him famous overnight.

So famous, that only one year later Hal Laboratory made a sequel with Kirby for the NES named

Kirbys Adventure.

But even though this game was intended for young children again, it gave Kirby more space

to show his fighting skills.

In Kirby's Adventure Kirby inspired the audience with his new copy ability, an ability that

allowed him to copy superpowers from his enemies by inhaling them.

For the first time Kirby was able to transform into a rock, a tornado and he was also able

to burn or freeze his enemies.

But Kirby's most impressing copy abilities were the ones he got from swallowing the mini-bosses.

Yes, Kirby acquired a lot of great fighting skills in his second game.

And with Kirbys Pinball Land our pink ball went another little step

in the right direction, because in this game Kirby could show the audience his unpredictability

and wildness.

And Kirby enjoyed the feeling of being a fast ball so much, that he gladly accepted a role

in a golf game for the Super­NES soon afterwards: Kirbys Dream Course.

But then – in the middle of the nineties ­ Kirby got a little impatient: Why didn

't he get any offers for a fighting game?

Why were gaming companies still not convinced?

Had he not been terrifying enough?

So Kirby played the main role in Kirbys Dream Land 2 once again and showed gaming companies

how his fighting skills had improved since his debut and he also did Kirbys Block Ball,

a Breakout clone, in which he used the title screen to present his strong, muscular body.

But all of that didn't help, Kirby still got no interesting offers: So five years after

his first appearance, Kirby hadn ́t come a single step

closer to his dream and at this time Kirby realized what his problem was: It was his


During the nineties gaming companies searched for tough looking fighting characters like

Ken Masters: an alpha male with a giant ego.

Or Zangief, a patriotic russian fighter with a very

impressing body.

They gave attractive young women a chance like chun li or cammy.

They even hired a sumo ringer.

But no company at this time was interested in a tiny fluffy ball, especially, when this

ball was pink.

So Kirby had to admit: He was simply not the kind of guy, companies wanted to see in their

fighting game.

And that wasn't even his fault, Kirby had exceeded even his own wildest dreams, but

society was still not ready for a pink fighter.

So Kirby had to admit to himself as well, that his dreams would probably never come


This truth hurt badly.

But Kirby did what every fighting character in his position would do: He

decided to suppress the pain.

He told himself, that his dream didn't matter ­ and then he started to work like an animal:

First he did Kirbys Toy Box, a collection of eight minigames.

Then he did Kirby Super Star, a game that once again included eight games in one – in

this classic game Kirby fought against a giant bird, raced against King Dedede, destroyed

a battleship, travelled across nine planets and did Kirbys Dream Land again.

But when he finished it, Kirby didn't rest, no he made a puzzle game named Kirbys Star

Stacker and the third part of Kirbys Dream Land for the Super­NES.

Only then Kirby realized, that he might have a problem: Not only, did he work far too much

at that time, no Kirby also worried that he suffered from an eating disorder.

In fact Kirby was pretty sure, that his excessive eating behaviour had something to do with

his broken dream.

For a long time Kirby refused to visit a psychiatrist , but after having swallowed

nearly all inhabitants of Dream Land for the third time Kirby had to admit that he needed

professional help.

Luckily Kirby knew a psychiatrist, who specialized in mental disorders of gaming characters.

A psychiatrist, who had already treated King

DeDeDe ́s kleptomania and the deep depression of whispy woods.

This man was Dr. Ceavemund.

During their first session Dr. Ceavemund hypnotized Kirby, so that the pink ball was able to

remember long forgotten childhood memories.

The first thing Kirby remembered was that his

creator Masahiro Sakurai hadn't believed in him at first, he hadn't even wanted him to

become a real game character.

Sakurai had created Kirby just as a simple placeholder for other characters.

Then Kirby remembered another painful memory: the long­standing conflict between the two

most important people of his childhood – his creator Sakurai and Nintendo developer Shigeru


Miyamoto wanted Kirby to be yellow, but Sakurai insisted on the color pink.

And because of this continuing conflict Kirby had no idea to which colour he truly belonged

during his early childhood .

So no wonder poor Kirby felt a strong desire to fight during his whole life.

But did that mean, that his dream of becoming an action hero was just a compensation for

his terrible childhood?

To figure this out Dr. Ceavemund showed Kirby a series of inkblots.

Kirby looked at them carefully.

He paid attention to every detail ­ and the more inkblots he saw, the stronger Kirby was

convinced, that becoming a fighting character was no strategy of compensation, it was his

ultimate goal in life.

So after the therapy Kirby knew exactly, what he had to do: He had to stand up and fight,

fight for his rights.

So Kirby told Hal Laboratory, that until he got a role in a fighting game he would do

no other games for them ­ then he went into a hunger strike.

First Hal Laboratory didn ́t take him seriously, they thought Kirby couldn't live a day without

swallowing Waddle Dees.

But after Kirby had kept up his strike for nearly two years, Hal Laboratory gave up and

offered him a role in Super Smash Brothers: Kirbys first fighting game.

It was a historical moment, when Kirby entered a fighting arena as the first pink ball ever

in history.

A moment, that gave millions of small gaming­characters all over the world hope.

Kirby proved: Everything is possible in the gaming universe ­ you just have to work hard,

believe in your dreams and fight – fight harder than you have ever fought before.

With his first appearance in smash brothers kirby's life changed for the better.

He was finally able to punch, roll and hit everything like he always wanted to.

Kirby even managed to make peace with HAL-Laboratory and accepted to play roles in more child-like

games in the future, as long as they ensured him that he would stay part of the super smash

brothers cast.

For more infomation >> The Early Days of Kirby - Proving Pink Power. - Duration: 9:40.


Musique Thérapeutique Pour Se Détendre Et Meditation - Yoga - Relax - Duration: 1:05:43.

For more infomation >> Musique Thérapeutique Pour Se Détendre Et Meditation - Yoga - Relax - Duration: 1:05:43.


10 year impossible PUZZLE 10年以上知恵の輪謎 - Duration: 14:23.

Our next letter is from Akihara Toshiko-san 73 from Osaka

A brief letter to all the excellent detectives

Every time you are always dealing with so many various viewers problems

There is always so much discussion and bravery until each one is settled

But for my request this time, I think it could possibly be the most difficult one in Knight Scoop history...

I am certainly an old man of 73 years but...

Close to where I live is my family doctor

I have been going there for 10 years, and that's where the problem lies...

In the waiting room there is a puzzle ring, and no matter what, I cannot solve it!

I've been going there 10 years and have never solved it!

-10 years!

10 years is a long time!

The doctor gave me permission to take the puzzle home

I have shown it to a lot of people, but none have been successful

I asked the nurse if it's ever been done by a patient, and she said it hadn't

I planned to enquire with the manufacture, but there is no logo

The doctor also didn't know where it was acquired from either...

I had carried this trouble with me for 10 years when I thought...

Tantei Knight Scoop!

Director Nishida please hear my request, can you please do something, anything!

Can you please send a detective that is much, much smarter than what I am!


Hello, but...


He asked for a smart one...

-Are you going to be ok? It's fine!

-He doesn't have any smarts at all!

That's not his character!

He's the opposite of smart!

He has been going to the doctors for 10 years now and cannot do it whatsoever!

The ring puzzles you think of are the small metal ones like this

Clanking in your hands

This is completely different

On it you have a red and green ball

On a platform with a pole and hole, with a piece of rope connected from one end to the other

With a ring through the rope at one end

You understand the explanation right

-How could we! -Impossible!

The client is 73 years old right?

-It's a hard concept

The man has been challenging this for 10 years of his life

And has wanted closure this whole time

It it cursed?

Shall we find out?

Then please enjoy the video

We're here with Akihara-san, pleased to meet you

We got your letter, and this is the problem?

That's right -The ring puzzle

You have to... Move this ring from the green side to the red side?

That's right -Without removing anything

Where are you stuck?

You can't take the ring over this part

-It's stops there


You can't take the string out either

<i>The cord is affixed to the base!</i>

Here too, you can't pull it out <i>The cord is affixed to the base!</i>

<i>The cord is affixed to the base!</i>

You can't take it over the ball

<i>Can't pass the ring over this!</i>

You cannot stretch the rope over the base either

It's not long enough

And bring this here...

Quite the puzzle

Well, this is why we're here...

You requested a smart detective and I'm here -Right, I asked for the smartest one

I think all of us would be able...

-Kanpei-san wouldn't be no good...

Wait wait wait!

Why is Kanpei-san no good!

It doesn't come off the wooden ring huh...

It can't be done!

It simply cannot be done!

Can it be solved in your lifetime?

It seems impossible at this rate...

How old are you now?

73 years old

We don't have much time!!

This is the lab

Thank you for always assisting us at Knight Scoop!

This is our first time meeting

<i>Knight Scoop physics teacher Yamada-Sensei This is our first time meeting</i>

<i>Knight Scoop physics teacher Yamada-Sensei</i>

The reason we have come to see you this time Yamada-Sensei... <i>Knight Scoop physics teacher Yamada-Sensei</i>

The reason we have come to see you this time Yamada-Sensei...

We want you to solve something

This is it

This is a ring puzzle

Can you do it?

Just by looking, it seems solvable


At some point this was manufactured

That means it was possible when it was assembled

That's why it can be done! It can definitely be done!

He sure is... -The man has courage!

Like this...

Ah, it returned to the start...

This is... Just getting tangled up

You can't pull this out? -That's cheating

Can I take my jacket off?

You have the rope like that

And the balls at either end, with the ring here

This is a rough diagram

The rope is twisted here

The sentiment is, and the solution...

Like this

I want to move the ring

Sensei, it's okay if you can't do it

Perhaps I'm not feeling well...

We came here with confidence in him!

Then who can solve this?!


An animal...

Might succeed because of their different instinct

<i>Animal instinct then?</i>

She's holding it

<i>Tangled it...</i>


<i>Gave up...</i>

<i>How about a magician?</i>

Let's go and see a magic specialist


Hello, nice to meet you

Zenji Pekin <i>(Popular 90's magician)</i>

Can you solve this?

It's an old ring puzzle huh...

-You have solved many

I got it.

First this ring...

Has to come off

Come off?

When the ring has been removed, the ring then goes back on the rope on the other side

This is the pattern of this ring puzzle, get it?

I'll do it -Please

This will be detached

And re-attached here

As I said, it's been removed

He did it

This is the method for this ring puzzle

Please remove the cloth -Sure?


This is the method for solving the ring puzzle


I just have a strong suspicion...


Open your hand please

My hand?

My hand is...

What are you doing!


You had me totally tricked then!

You were just hiding it in your hand?!

I was hiding the gap here and this hand was concealing the other

Ya fool!

It can't be done

There's a guy that has solved them all, he's a real expert

I think he can help you

<i>A ring puzzle expert?</i>

We can't solve it, but there is actually a group dedicated to this

We found them, it's the Japan puzzle ring association 日本知恵の輪協会

Oh hello

Is this the Japan puzzle ring association?


We have a puzzle ring we are really struggling with...

Hello! Yamamoto-san right?

-Nice to meet you

I am Yamamoto of the Japan puzzle ring association

The objective is to get the ring from the green ball

And somehow move it across to the red ball

The top loop won't move but the rope through it...

That is what stops the ring

This is the riddle to solving it

First, you need to pull the rope through itself


Pull the rope through like so

And join them at the top here


Take the ring like so

Through the loop to the top

At this point

This loop

Needs to come through the wooden hole

Like so


Pass it through the 2 rope loops

Return the rope that you pulled through previously

Now we are back at the original rope position

Finally, take the ring through here...

I'm embarrassed I couldn't work it out!

<i>Solving the 10 year riddle with his own hand</i> I'm embarrassed I couldn't work it out!

<i>Solving the 10 year riddle with his own hand</i>

I've been waiting 10 years for this


Thank you so much


I can die in peace now

It's like Yamada-Sensei said

It was indeed possible

That is actually a very old design

It's from the Edo period

Expert Yamamoto told us that sometimes they incorporate more than one design

You have to solve multiple puzzles within each other

That's the key to them but...

The old boy that was our client today was just obsessed with Zenji-san's magic

He wouldn't shut up about it

For more infomation >> 10 year impossible PUZZLE 10年以上知恵の輪謎 - Duration: 14:23.


John Wick: Chapter 2

For more infomation >> John Wick: Chapter 2


The Space Between Us

For more infomation >> The Space Between Us


BMW X5 3.5D EXECUTIVE Navigatie Panoramadak Leer M-Pakket - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.5D EXECUTIVE Navigatie Panoramadak Leer M-Pakket - Duration: 1:31.


SCRS 101 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> SCRS 101 - Duration: 2:01.


Vuelvo a la 2.0 y SECUESTRAN a BISCUIT! (Geometry Dash 2.1) [Fan-Made] - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Vuelvo a la 2.0 y SECUESTRAN a BISCUIT! (Geometry Dash 2.1) [Fan-Made] - Duration: 1:51.


Anderson - Real Story - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Anderson - Real Story - Duration: 3:52.


hado i philinn - Duration: 0:10.

Their armour is weak at the neck... and beneath the arm.

Release arrows!

[Roblox death sounds]

For more infomation >> hado i philinn - Duration: 0:10.


NEW Shimano Dura Ace 9170 Groupset: Electronic Shifting, Hydraulic Disc Brakes – GCN's First Ride - Duration: 7:39.

(bike speeds by)

(ambient electronic music)

- This bike is equipped with the brand new

Shimano Dura Ace 9170 groupset.

That means it's got Di2 electronic gears,

and also hydraulic disc brakes.

And I have been dying to ride this groupset

for a long time.

So if you excuse me,

it's time to go for a spin.

Actually more than that.

It's time to go for a burnout.

(ambient electronic music)

We have, of course had, a Di2 compatible shifter

with hydraulic brakes for a few years now,

but this is the first time

we've got a dedicated Dura Ace level hydraulic brake.

And it definitely marks changing times,

because Dura Ace has always been the racer's group set.

Now you'll remember that it was unveiled

back in June 2016, I'm sure.

But just in case you can't recall some of the finer points,

let me run through them quickly.

The brakes are significantly different

to what's come before on Shimano.

The disc brake rotors,

well they look like something that

Batman might have in his armoury.

But even cooler than that,

those black fins actually increase the coiling of the rotor.

Shimano says by up to 30 degrees,

although they haven't said under what conditions.

But, unequivocally,

the weight of the rotor has been reduced,

and that is definitely a good thing.

And then the actual brake calliper has changed as well.

So you have more pad clearance.

Which should mean setting disc brakes up

becomes even more straightforward,

with much more room for user error.

Or going back to those races,

could mean that you can potentially

get a wheel change mid-race,

and not have any kind of brake rub.

So that should allay any kind of racer's fears.

And then while the shifting has also changed,

perhaps most notably,

Shimano added in a function called Synchro Shift,

which is basically semi-automatic gears.

We'll come onto that in a moment.

For now, though, I imagine that you might wanna know

how this feels to ride.

Well the first thing,

and still the bit that gets me the most excited,

which is a bit weird, I know,

is the lever hoods.

Shimano have managed to make

hydraulic brake levers

feel exactly the same as rim brake versions.

It is a masterpiece

in engineering and I don't know,

packing, like flat pack or packing the boot of your car.

But whatever, it makes the levers look and feel racy.

Which may not matter to you,

but it definitely matters to me.

Now I've calmed down a little bit from that,

I could also tell you that Shimano

have responded to feedback from pros and consumers alike,

and added a little bit more click to the shifters.

So when you change, it's ever so slightly more positive.

And then more about that Synchro Shift

I was talking about then.

Well, that has been the biggest revelation for me.

In that I was slightly cynical,

but actually in use,

it's surprisingly intuitive.

Or at least the way you can programme it,

is that it'll mimic your own shifting habits.

So I like spending as much time as possible

in the big chainring.

And so, here I am,

configuring three down at the back.

If I shift up one more,

I stay in the big ring,

which is good cause I like that gear.

Then I shift up one more,

instead of cross chaining,

it shifts me into the little ring,

then compensates by going two down on the cassette.

And then, when I start shifting into harder gears,

it keeps me in the little ring,

until I get somewhere down the block.

(ambient electronic music)

So what about braking performance then?

Well, what can be said about hydraulic disc brakes

that hasn't already been said?

Probably nothing.

I think people will always be sceptical

until they've ridden them.

At that point they generally become converted.

Now if you haven't been lucky enough yet

to try a bike with hydraulic disc brakes,

I will try and explain.

Basically, the braking performance

is on a par with rim brakes.

The best rim brakes you've ever used,

with brand new cables,

on aluminium rims in the dry.

And then the more conditions deteriorate,

whether that be the road surface or the weather,

then the better the braking performance

of your disc brakes become.

And before you say,

well the more power you've got,

the more your wheels will skid,

it's not quite like that.

What it is, is consistent braking performance.

So whereas you might pull on a rim brake

in wet conditions and not know exactly

what kind of braking force it's gonna exert,

with a disc brake,

you know what kind of braking force it's gonna exert.

And that means that you will not skid,

whereas with a rim brake, you do have that capacity.

So yeah you could lock a wheel up at a moment's notice,

but because you know how strong they are,

you're not likely to.

Now definitely worth mentioning,

is that this morning, we learned that Tom Boonen

has just won the first ever race

aboard a disc brake bike.

And that is something of a watershed moment.

And it's slightly ironic perhaps,

that poor old Tom doesn't have

the new Dura Ace Di2 hydraulic groupset.

I think we've got it instead.

Sorry, Tom.

Shimano's 9170 groupset,

with electronic shifting and hydraulic brakes.

It's fair to say, I think,

everything that you would expect from a Dura Ace.

There is one question still in my mind, anyway,

and that is for the racers out there.

And it's not if, but when,

is this groupset gonna win

a monument, a classic, or a grand tour?

Now I haven't actually made up my mind yet.

It's either this year or next,

but it will definitely happen.

And then for the non-racers out there,

there is, I'm afraid, a downside.

And that is that the worse the riding conditions,

the more this groupset is likely to excel.

And that just seems quite cruel

putting a bike as beautiful as this

through that kind of punishment.

Although, I suspect,

it probably would actually enjoy it.

Now, whilst your pondering that thought,

make sure that you've subscribed to GCN.

To do that just click on the globe,

it's completely free,

and it means that you will always be in the right place

for the next GCN video.

And then if you want some more content right now,

and in fact you're interested in this Shimano Dura Ace,

then why not click just up there,

and we've got a video from the launch of this very product,

or indeed our first look where we go into

a little bit more details, into the tech behind it.

That is just down there.

For more infomation >> NEW Shimano Dura Ace 9170 Groupset: Electronic Shifting, Hydraulic Disc Brakes – GCN's First Ride - Duration: 7:39.


The Digitized Adventurer - Duration: 5:33.

<b>>> ROBIN: This thrill</b> <b>this desire to go outside</b>

<b>it was really because my parents</b> <b>used to bring me out camping</b>

<b>as a kid. We went</b> <b>everywhere. We did most of</b>

<b>of eastern Canada</b>

<b>My parents brought me out in</b> <b>this little camper trailer.</b>

<b>I just remembered it today.</b> <b>It was an incredible experience</b>

<b>to be able to, as a child, just</b> <b>travel through eastern Canada</b>

<b>and visit all these great</b> <b>communities and I think</b>

<b>that that's what lead me</b> <b>into doing more</b>

<b>and keep doing that. And I've</b> <b>always wanted to visit all</b>

<b>of Canada before I would ever,</b> <b>you know cross an ocean or visit</b>

<b>another country.</b> <b>That was really</b>

<b>important to me.</b>

<b>Five years ago I moved</b> <b>to Vancouver and it's been such</b>

<b>a great experience here</b> <b>and I don't think</b>

<b>I will ever leave.</b>

<b>I used to do solo hikes</b> <b>and solo camping.</b>

<b>I took photos along the</b> <b>way and I posted them on</b>

<b>social media platforms.</b>

<b>That's when I met Ben,</b> <b>Shane and Nathaniel.</b>

<b>And now we have a collective</b> <b>together working for companies</b>

<b>that have an environmental</b> <b>stewardship program or some kind</b>

<b>of green initiative.</b> <b>And without social media I don't</b>

<b>think we would have ever met.</b>

<b>>> NATHANIEL: You can throw out</b> <b>a message on your Instagram and</b>

<b>the next thing you know you're</b> <b>meeting with people you're</b>

<b>hiking with people and you're</b> <b>kind of like actually having</b>

<b>a real social interaction which,</b> <b>I think, is probably the most</b>

<b>beautiful and special part</b> <b>of communities like that.</b>

<b>>> ROBIN: When I was traveling</b> <b>through Jasper I saw</b>

<b>this vintage Airstream trailer</b> <b>and I knew right away that this</b>

<b>would become our mobile studio</b> <b>something that we could carry</b>

<b>around with us as we traveled</b> <b>around the country telling</b>

<b>and sharing these</b> <b>meaningful stories.</b>

<b>Took the shell off of it and we</b> <b>had to redo the frame.</b>

<b>We installed sar panel</b> <b>2000 watt inverter.</b>

<b>We no longer have to go back to</b> <b>the studio every day to edit our</b>

<b>photos or process the film,</b> <b>it's just all done here</b>

<b>and that's what's been really</b> <b>great with this build.</b>

<b>>> NATHANIEL: You can shoot out</b> <b>in the field for days at</b>

<b>a time now. Whereas before</b> <b>you know that would mean hauling</b>

<b>a bunch of gear or just having</b> <b>to be very conservative</b>

<b>with what you shot.</b>

<b>>> NATHANIAL: On long</b> <b>expeditions trying to charge our</b>

<b>batteries or import footage we</b> <b>no longer have to worry about</b>

<b>the gear side of things and we</b> <b>can focus more on creating</b>

<b>and getting our work done.</b> <b>It's cool to see technology kind</b>

<b>of advance along</b> <b>with that from solar chargers</b>

<b>to external batteries and some</b> <b>of the other things</b>

<b>that technology can provide</b> <b>are going to enhance you</b>

<b>experience but also going</b> <b>to keep you a lot more safe.</b>

<b>>> ROBIN: Social media has been</b> <b>a really good medium for us</b>

<b>to communicate our ideas</b> <b>in our stories.</b>

<b>It's also proved to be a very</b> <b>effective way to inspire people</b>

<b>to get outside and to see what's</b> <b>in their own backyard</b>

<b>and really rediscover Canada.</b>

<b>>> NATHANIEL: But I think we're</b> <b>seeing that in like huge numbers</b>

<b>right now. In a lot of ways</b> <b>it can be scary because</b>

<b>of the impact you can have</b> <b>on these places </b>

<b>in the greater scope of things.</b> <b>We're not losing anything</b>

<b>by sharing these spaces</b> <b>with other people.</b>

<b>And I think it's going to do</b> <b>really good things for</b>

<b>all of these conservation</b> <b>initiatives that people are</b>

<b>becoming really</b> <b>passionate about.</b>

<b>If we can't allow other people</b> <b>to experience them, then how can</b>

<b>we ask them to get on board?</b> <b>So I think technology</b>

<b>is maybe in some ways</b> <b>ironically bringing about a lot</b>

<b>of change that way.</b>

<b>Thats exciting to me.</b>

<b>>> ROBIN: It's been such a great</b> <b>experience to be able to share</b>

<b>these beautiful locations</b> <b>that we find and invite other</b>

<b>people to discover their own.</b> <b>Everything changes so quickly</b>

<b>and I can't wait to see</b> <b>what the future</b>

<b>has in store for us.</b>

For more infomation >> The Digitized Adventurer - Duration: 5:33.


Love Trial 恋愛裁判 Ren'ai Saiban Dance Cover HOSHii - Duration: 4:40.


What ??!!

Uwa I'm Sorry~


Where is that from

For more infomation >> Love Trial 恋愛裁判 Ren'ai Saiban Dance Cover HOSHii - Duration: 4:40.


Musique Thérapeutique Pour Se Détendre Et Meditation - Yoga - Relax - Duration: 1:05:43.

For more infomation >> Musique Thérapeutique Pour Se Détendre Et Meditation - Yoga - Relax - Duration: 1:05:43.


Legal Documents - Nancy Lottridge Anderson - Fee Only Financial Advisor - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Legal Documents - Nancy Lottridge Anderson - Fee Only Financial Advisor - Duration: 6:07.


Follow Me Around My London Hotel! | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 10:46.

Hi folks! As you can maybe see, this is a bit of a different scenery to usual.

I'm in London today.

Now if you're a regular to my travel videos, you may be thinking

"Wait a minute, don't you usually tell us where you're going

and show us the journey before you show us the hotel room?"

Unfortunately I had a little bit of an issue with my memory card earlier.

It wasn't working at all, I tried to fix it, it just wasn't having any of it

so I've had to buy a new memory card and I'm going to have to start the travel vlog here.

So I've just checked into my hotel and it's absolutely beautiful,

so I thought it was time to give you a room tour, so here we go.

Okay so when we first come in, this is the door. Obviously.

Hotel doors don't really tend to be that different.

This is the wardrobe.

It's very nice inside.

That's my coat, I put that there.

(Sings) Lights!

And I have a bathrobe.

When does that ever happen anywhere to me?

And I see a free pair of slippers down there too which is gorgeous.

The hotel safe which is very important, I love having one of them in my room.

There's nothing in this drawer.

I've got a hairdryer,

a shoe mitt? I'm not fancy enough to know what that is unfortunately.

And then this is a little sewing kit.

And there's a selection of different types of hangers

and some spare bedding. Anyways, that's not what we came here to see.

This is the door to the bathroom

and I was really impressed by that

and then I saw what the bathroom looked like and I was really amazed.

Okay, so in we are

that's the mirror and the sink.

Some glasses, some towels,


This shower I'm absolutely loving.

That's the main shower at the top there,

I have no idea how to use this thing, it looks like...

I used to play this game as a kid where you couldn't touch the wire

with a sort of thing that looked like that.

If you know the game, you'll know which one I mean.

But, like, it buzzed if you touched it.

I think that's a handheld shower.

but I don't know how to use it.

I think these shower products are from the same brand

that were in the Villa Florence when I was in San Francisco.

If they're the same ones, they're very nice

and it's nice to see them here again.

Some flannels, some soap,

fancy tap!

Let's see how this works, you go like that or that

depending on which... which heat you want.

Anyways we're into the main part of the room now,

if I can just close that door.

Full length mirror here, or just about full length.

And now this is my room for the next two days.

So here's the bed, it looks bigger than a double bed but I'm not really too sure.

And there's this little...

cushiony thing at the front, I don't really know what they're called.

I know what this is, this is a chaise longue.

and it's got some wee cushions there.

This is the window with a view of the street

and over here there's a phone,

a notepad, some information

and some things to charge various things.

This is the Hotel Pullman which is at London St Pancras

and it's really really pretty.

Um yeah, I absolutely love it.

So the reason I'm in London today

is I'm coming down for a meeting that I'm going to tomorrow.

I'm not sure if I can tell you any of the details of that

so if you don't hear me mention it again,

that's because I have to be really vague.

If I am allowed to tell you stuff then you'll

hear me talk about it more as this video goes on.

The thing that I'm particularly excited for in this room

is this desk over here.

I have a video that I want to film

and I need a desk for it and that looks like it would do the job.

I actually brought my tripod down with me to London

so that I could film a particular video idea that I have

I'm very excited to try it out, hopefully it will work well

and hopefully you enjoy that video when it comes out.

Okay so you're seeing this part of the video,

that means I've been allowed to tell you

a little bit more information on what's going on and why I'm in London.

And it's basically to do with YouTube Heroes.

We're kind of having...a kind of feedback session type thing tomorrow

it's a bit like a meeting, it's a bit...

you know it's like all day sessions just to give some feedback

and hear more about the program because it's still quite a new thing.

If you've never heard of YouTube Heroes and you want to hear more,

I'll put some details in the description

if this sounds like a foreign language.

For those of you who've maybe seen my San Francisco

videos or have maybe heard things around YouTube

it's maybe not going to be so interesting to listen to

so yeah, you don't have to listen to that

you can just skip all the information in the description and keep watching.

Okay folks I'm going to go on a wander now so come and join me.

Right! Let's see where we end up, this is the hallway...


Okay, we're out into the kind of lift area here.

Who's that a picture of? David Bowie.

There seems to be a David Bowie theme going on whenever I go to these YouTube things.

Here's the lifts,

lovely seating areas...

So we're down in the hallway now

and this is the kind of business center they have going on here.

This is very funky!

And I see free magazines, I'll be back for this later.

This is really cool.

Isn't that funky?

I'm not sure if I actually need anything right now, but I am really loving the funkiness of this

and I'm definitely gonna go and get a magazine.

So let's get this one I think, let's go for 'Look'.

These are the lifts

There we are. I would've shown you this on the way down...

I would've shown you this on the way down

but there was somebody in the lift with me which was a little bit awkward.

Yeah, so here we go. Back up to the room.

Elevator: Second floor, doors opening.

There we go.

So there we are, that was a bit of a hotel tour.

Not as interesting as I hoped it would be because I got slight nervous there!

I find when I get to like places where people don't really know what I'm doing

I can get a bit self-conscious, so some of the hotel staff

were looking as if to say,

"Why are you filming our foyer?" and "Why are you filming our bar?"

So I didn't actually really go for anything because

there wasn't any food menus or anything laid out.

But as you saw, I got some magazines.

So they'll keep me going.

And I should (cough).

And I should probably wash my hair or something tonight as well.

I don't know if you heard there or if you've maybe heard during the vlog,

my voice has been awful

for the last week or so.

And what happened a week or so ago was I went to a Taylor Swift tribute concert

that we were having in Glasgow. Not Glasgow, Edinburgh, the first one was in Glasgow.

And I just sang all night at the top of my voice

and it wasn't really very good for it.

So since then I've not really been able to sing,

sometimes when I talk I go awfully croaky

and I'm just trying to keep it easy really at the moment and just let it heal as such.

So hopefully it will do that very soon

because I'm getting kind of sick of sounding like a frog.

So my plan for the rest of the evening

is to make use of that lovely bathroom.

I could really do with washing my hair and

and then I'll probably just sit in bed and read the magazines until I go to bed

because it's an early morning tomorrow and

it's a full day of sessions.

So I'm gonna be kept busy and I should really

make use of an early night I think.

So thanks very much for watching everybody and goodnight.

I think I'm lost already.

Maybe I should've went the other way.

Yes, I definitely think I should've went the other way!

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