Rachel Linsner: What drew me to Syracuse as a graduate student
was the research opportunities in the Human Development and Family Science Department.
My research interests are in military families, family processes, and policies
that apply to families of any kind.
I was able to find a research internship at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, which is outside of D.C.
I became really interested in military families, and when I returned, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families
was just starting to think about hiring students.
I see how doing these research projects, serving these military families and veteran families has an impact
on policy and an impact on the lives of those who have served.
I'm finding it to be incredibly rewarding. It's the path that I'd like to take.
I think that my time in Human Development and Family Science, and my experiences there,
as well as my experiences at the institute, have really helped me figure out what path I want to be on and
where I want to take my career.
I think every student should take a course in human development so they can understand
how we grow, how we learn, how we form relationships. All of those things apply to every person.
For more infomation >> Rachel Linsner G'15 M.S., Ph.D. Candidate, Human Development and Family Science - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
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Question is somebody secretly
collecting DNA samples of the
Russian population. Stay tuned
to this Christian TV station.
We're gonna talk about it now on
welcome to TruNews I'm Rick
Wiles Russian president Vladimir
Made a stunning statement on
Monday he asked an audience if
they were aware. That US
based NGOs are collecting DNA
All the Russian population
including body fluids organs and
If true.
What is the purpose of the
collection of DNA samples? Doc
Burkhart and Edwards Szall Are
here with me.
To talk about this very unusual
statement by the Russian
president gentleman. This has
got to be.
the Strangest statement Vladimir
Putin has made all year yes and
we've had some strange
statements in this one.
As for the books I mean he's
been talking about flesh eating
robots and super soldiers now.
He makes a cryptic remark. About
DNA samples that he said are
being. Actively collected.
Among the America among the
Russian population yes ever.
Where did he make a statement I
made the statement actually
while speaking from the council
for development of
civil society and human rights?
It's a government run
organization when they discuss
issues pertinent to the Russian
And then I understand. Tha this
press secretary Dmitry Peskov.
Follow up. With another
statement the next day bright
yes on Tuesday I said foreign
agents are attempting to collect
DNA samples from Russian people
and they're doing it through non
government organizations.
And starting the data for
analysis and and weaponry.
Now we do have Vladimir Putin I
in a video clip where he's
actually speaking about this we
can sure right now yeah lets
An object of great interest.
By someone outside of the
country Doc is this is a
stunning statement imagine.
President Trump's press
secretary Sarah Huckabee Sander.
Saying that.
Agents were collecting DNA
samples of Texans or how foreign
lands imagine president trump
asking an American audience are
you aware that there are.
Russian agents.
Right now in America collecting
our DNA samples this would be.
There is a reason outcry an
outcry there would be a demand
to. To round up these people and
get them out of the country. You
know does another part to
president Putin statement he
said let them do whatever they
want. And we must do what we
to do. We must do what we have
today as well to president Putin
said let them. Do whatever they
want to do what we will do what
we must do it yes any you have
any. Guess what he's saying
they're going to do I've the way
it sounds to me Rick as they're
prepared to respond likewise.
What are they taking the samples
for in the first place why each got collecting the samples?
That's the good question that
the president of Russia's But now we've discovered that
there's a actual link here in
the U. S. to what's going on in
Russia right now.
Okay what is it Voreqe on June
eighteenth the United States
airforce probe contract on a
website called fezbid.gov guns right and this website on.
Those requests for contractors
They put a request in for
synovial tissue and RNA
I reckon short one that is is.
Bone tissue
narrow tendons and joints.
And with a split half
If they wanted only.
Caucasian Russian samples from
Russia no Ukraine.
Wherever. You're telling me that
the U. S. Air Force.
Posted a request for bids.
And the exact words were a wrec.
Four samples to be collected
from Russia.
Not Russians but from Russia and
must be Caucasian. The
government will not consider
tissue samples from Ukraine.
tissue samples from Ukraine.
So they have to be a hundred
percent Russian. Yes
and and the US government the U.
S. Air Force.
Is seeking.
Contractors to bid.
On going to Russia and
collecting the samples now mind
you this was Russians only got
run twice Caucasian Russians
this was back on July eighteenth
when the. Posted
so maybe contracts ever been
sent out may there are being
fulfilled maybe this is what
president Clinton is talking
about right now.
But they they made references of
president Putin and and.
Dimitri Peskov to NGOs so they
would be non governmental
we will call the non profit
right. Organizations.
But that would be something like
a George Soros's organizations
Where there's money that's
funneled into a non profit they
send people in to a country
supposedly on a Fact finding. A
mission or a scientific or
medical mission but they're
really there to carry out
another purpose.
You know I'm in the same vein
religious organizations are
sometimes also classified if
NGOs when they go to foreign
It's possible I present Putin is also referring to.
Churches possibly even gel calls
maybe even Mormons are coming
into Russia and setting up.
Churches organizations on the
ground but we don't know. We
don't know who these groups are
that are collecting the.
DNA samples but we know is
serious enough that the Russian
president. And his press
secretary commented on it.
Two consecutive days now.
I remember.
From the early days of this
ministry way back in nineteen
ninety eight ninety nine two
There were news articles being
published in Great Britain. And
other places.
That the Israelis.
We're working on ethno specific.
Biological warfare. Agents that
would kill Arabs only.
Yes you're actually referring to
a Sunday times article ninety
tenuous and the. Israeli weapons
facility was called NAS Siona
yes and NAS siona was pretty
as you know bomb.
Typically go after Arab state in
the region think they theorize
they can accomplish this induce
in nineteen ninety eight. Times
twelve is going about this. A
biological weapon is released in
a population center.
And it only kills people with
certain DNA.
So Doc.
You can get the disease.
And die.
And never could be standing
right next to you and never be
infected right. In another
magazine article from nineteen
ninety eight magazine called
foreign report. It confirmed
that the Israelis had acquired.
South African technology in this
area because they were involved
in ethnic cleansing racial
cleanse runs out Africa that's
right and so now there was a
joint there. Neared you jog my
memory now there is the
connection between Israel and
South Africa now let's bring it
to today there's been
accusations here just with in
recent months. Of North Korea
also developing. Weaponry
biological weaponry for ethnic
and racial cleansing.
I interviewed the late
Gordon Thomas a number of times
great reporter from.
Bob from Ireland. And he he
wrote a lot of books I think
about fifty books.
It is one the best my favorite.
Our guest interview over the
One of the books that he wrote
was called Gideon spies yes.
It was about the Israeli Massad
in there. .
Their skills at penetrating.
Top secret institutions in the
United States.
In many countries around the
A lot of people I'm sorry
Christians it on.
You may not want to faces but.
Israel has a highly. Effective
spy agency that is spying on
America and stealing our secrets
you got to deal with that.
Is there anything from home from
Gordon Thomas so we need to talk
about if I could read a quote
here Rick this is from.
Gordon Thomas's book.
In Tel Aviv Assad Santa's
consulted their own network of
researchers at some the world's
leading science institutes.
One recalled how the height of
America's intervention in
Nicaragua the idea of creating
genetic bomb. Had
occupied the CIA. Bit in order
to locate what became known in
the AG agency as the Nicaraguan
And are they actually invested
substantial sums of money the
RCIA in creating Nicaraguan
Bomb and how far back was that
this wasn't a back in nineteen
ninety nine in the nineties
alright now. Let's go back to
Why would the US airforce B.
seeking DNA samples of white
Caucasian Russians?
But specifically no Ukrainians.
While some might say it's for
medical research but. For us
when we're looking at this and
really look into details.
Right what is Ukraine what is
Crimea has a ethnic Russian
population. That the EU and the
west not free happy.
They would love.
Possibly get rid of that group.
From the region.
Possible it's for that you're
you're suggesting that.
Were you taught your talking the
genocide yes to release a
biological agent.
In Crimea to wipe out the
Crimean Russians but we know
that chemical weapons have been
used in Syria by the Saudi
Arabians that British
intelligence and the CIA. Why
wouldn't they do the same kind
of false flag in Ukraine?
Don't I don't know if if you
know I I'm as I'm certain that.
Most Christians watching us
right now them very little
knowledge about Crimea the
importance of Crimea to Russia.
Or it's the birth of
Christianity for Russia as
running place of Christianity
Was delivered.
To Russia from Crimea and the
Russian Christians
consider Crimea to be the
Russian Jerusalem that's right.
And they want a protected all at
all costs especially since the
crime means chose to rejoin
We're looking at the possibilit.
And we don't know but there is
the possibility that a
biological bomb is being create.
To attack Russians only now get
let's go back to. If.
President trump announced this.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders said.
They are the Russians are here
their agents in Texas in Florida
in Michigan Ohio DNA collecting
DNA samples of Americans. And
they they want only the DNA of
white Caucasian Americans they
don't want any blacks they don't
worry Latinos. Only white
Caucasian Americans.
What would be the reaction in
the American news media?
And. And Congress agreed and we
can hardly comprehend. What we
would be hearing about right no?
What we're out of time but I
would encourage our? Our
television audience please.
Listen to TruNews radio every
weekday TruNews dot com. Good
true news dot com. Edwards.
Zach Drew and Doc and I.
Are there every day thank you so
much and up we're gonna take a
break I'll be back in a minute
with more TruNews
Welcome back to TruNews some
Rick Wiles if you're struggling
with a serious financial
hardship. Today's J. factor is
for you.
Fior Hernandez has this
inspiring true story. About a
Christian family in Birmingham
Well thanks for your for that
inspiring J. factor report. For
reviewed a vast trove of news
articles published in English.
Around the world. During the
first fifteen years of this
ministry. I typically looked at
two hundred plus news websites
every night.
English speaking news web sites
in America Canada Great Britain
Europe Japan Hong Kong.
Australia Russia Israel and the
Middle East.
One thing I quickly discovered
back then was. That there is a
huge difference between what the
American people see and hear. In
the news and what the rest of
the world is reading or hearing
in the news.
I've often said that the real
problem with America's news
establishment. Is not its
liberal progressive socialist
bias. In the news that they do
The real problem is the news
they don't report.
If they never reported you don't
know it ever happen.
This is one of the ways the deep
state maintains control of
American society.
A tight restriction on the flow
of information to the American
That's the big battle TruNews
has fought. For nearly two
we need to break through the
news dam. And allow information
to flow freely to the people.
Today's news.
That high level Russian
officials have accused the U. S.
of covertly collecting.
Genetic material from the
Russian people.
Should be the top story. On CNN
fox news on the front pages of
The Washington Post and The New
York Times.
I seriously doubt. It will be
mentioned in the U. S. say. If
it is mentioned by American news
organizations. It will be done
in a sarcastic mocking manner.
Will say that Vladimir Putin is
now wearing a tinfoil hat like
the supporters of President
As you heard during our
discussion today. The accusation
was made by Kremlin press
secretary Dmitry Peskov.
He said Russian special services
meaning Russian intelligence
We'll leave that non
governmental organizations are
purposely and professionally.
Harvesting Russian DNA samples
including body fluids organs and
Pest because remarks came a day
after Russian president Putin
startled an audience by asking
them. If they were aware that
biological material is being
collected across the Russian
federation. He also ask
why are they doing this.
Although Mr Putin did not
identify who is collecting the
DNA samples he did say. Let them
do what they want and we must do
what we must.
Some Russian scientists
speculate. That the Russian DNA
samples are wanted by U. S.
authorities. For research to
develop biological warfare
weapons that target specific
You also heard the TruNews
team today say that.
I have talked since nineteen
ninety eight. About ethno
specific biological warfare
It has been well known that the
Israelis have long been working
on biological weapons that could
kill. Various populations of
Such research and development.
All biological weapons
should be completely banned.
In the entire world.
The release of ethno specific
biological weapons upon any
population. Is an unthinkable
act of genocide.
I shudder to think of the day
when the news bulletin flashes
on TV computer or mobile phone
Alerting us on a biological
warfare agent has been released
in one or more cities.
The panic and fear. Will be on a
scale we cannot imagine.
That day is coming.
In Luke twenty one Jesus
disciples asked him.
About the end of the age
starting in verse seven our Lord
Teacher. When will these things
be and what w ill be the sign
when this is about to
happen and Jesus said Beware
lest you be deceived for many
will come in my name saying I am
He and the time is drawn near.
Therefore do not go after them.
When you hear of wars and
do not be afraid. For these
things must first take place, the end
will not be at hand. Then He to them, Nation will rise
against nation, and kingdom
against kingdom. Great
earthquakes will occur in
various places, and there will And there will be terrors
great signs from heaven.
Jesus said.
In your endurance you will gain
your souls.
A better translation of verse
eleven would say. That there
will be great earthquakes plus
severe food shortages.
And plagues of diseases here
there and everywhere.
Now with all due respect to my
brother in.
Who believe the end time
doctrine concocted? By John
Nelson Darby's Plymouth brethren
heretical sect.
Back in the eighteen hundreds.
And then peddled to the churches
by. That embezeler and con Cyrus Scofield.
I absolutely do not believe
Christians will be taken to
heaven. In a secret rapture
seven years before the second
There is simply no such doctrine
in the Bible.
You must for yourself into
believing it is there.
If the secret rapture crowd is
What are you going to do?
Jesus never said.
But there will be a seven year
great tribulation pre set up by
a secret rapture followed by his
second coming.
And have you can send me a
single Bible verse that says it
all one sentence. All personally
send you one thousand dollars to
Our Lord and Savior did say
however in Matthew twenty four
verse twenty one. For then will
be. Great tribulation
such as has not happened since
the beginning of the world until
now no nor ever shall be.
There will be great tribulation
you can count on it.
Jesus said it will be so
terrible that God will be
compelled to shorten the days of
mankind on earth.
Because no flash would survive.
What happens next?
Verses twenty nine and.
Thirty thirty one tell us the
time line. Immediately after the
tribulation of those days the
sun will be darkened the moon
will not give a slight. The
stars will fall from heaven and
the powers of the heavens will
be shaken.
Then the sign of the Son of Man
will appear in heaven, and then
all the tribes of the earth will
mourn, and they will see the of Man coming on the clouds of
heaven with power and great
glory. And he will send his
angels with a great sound of a
trumpet and they shall gather
His elect from the four winds.
From one end of the heavens to
the other.
What? Must you and I do?
In verse thirteen Jesus tells us
the answer. But he who endures
to the end shall be saved.
I am not trying to frighten you.
It's just the opposite.
I'm trying to prepare you.
If you continue to place your
On a false doctrine of an easy
out rapture. You will be
terrified and your heart will
fail you when you see these
things. Coming upon the earth
such as ethno specific
biological warfare weapons.
That kill specific races of
Now should you become a prepper?
The answer is yes.
Repairing to survive long term
calamities is a good thing.
But. It's not a sure thing.
There is no amount of prepping.
That you can do to get through
the great tribulation that is
coming to mankind.
If you do any kind of
Make sure you stockpile the word
of God in your heart.
Read again Psalm ninety one.
Promises in this wonderful
scripture are only for one group
of people. Verses one and two of
Psalm ninety one says. He that
dwelleth in the secret place.
Of the most high shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty
I will say of the Lord, He is my
And my fortress my God in Him
will I trust.
Who will be protected? From the
pestilence and the arrows of war
Only those people who dwell.
In the secret place of the most
high God.
Verse fourteen says that the man
and woman.
Who set their love upon God will
be delivered at a time of Do you dwell in the secret
place. Are you hidden in Christ?
Do you abide in Jesus Christ?
does his words abide in you? Are
you covered in the precious and
holy blood of Jesus?
If the answer is yes you have no
To fear anything that is coming
to this world before the end of
the age. But if the answer is no
you are in grave danger but you
can fix it now.
You can confess and repent of
your sins.
Call upon the name of Jesus to
save your soul be baptized in
water in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Confessed to others with your
lips that Jesus Christ is your
Lord and savior. I tell you if
you do hese things you shall be
How much time
Do we have until horrific
biological warfare weapons are
unleashed upon human population
Only God knows the answer but
what I know. Is that the clock
is ticking. On mankind's
remaining days on earth. This
crazy world will come to an end
some day. This earth will be
consumed by fire. And a new
earth shall be made by God and
new Jerusalem shall come down
from heaven and God himself will
move His house. To the new earth
to live with his children. I'm
eager to see it. But I also know
that you and I must endure
to the end.
Thank you.
For watching Trunews.
Please visit Trunews dot com
listen to our weekday Trunews
radio news cast.
At Trunews dot com I'll see
you tomorrow
Louie Lopez Stuck on a Wall
Wanna One's Kim Jaehwan - Goose Daddy| 김재환 - 기러기 아빠 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 5:33.
("Goose Daddy" by Kim Jaehwan)
(Kim Jaehwan's "Goose Daddy")
Thank you.
(expresses one's desperate longing.)
Sonya - Tell me, Mountain Yudal | 소냐 - 유달산아 말해다오 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 4:17.
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
(She sings of heartache from saying goodbye)
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
Lee Yejoon - Camellia Lady | 이예준 - 동백 아가씨 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 5:02.
("Camellia Lady" by Lee Yejoon)
(Heartfelt emotions for her grandmother,)
("Camellia Lady" by Lee Yejoon)
Lee Sejoon - One Flower | 이세준 - 꽃 한 송이 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 5:29.
("One Flower" by Lee Sejoon)
(A beautiful sadness, "One Flower" by Lee Sejoon)
Kim Yongjun - Goodbye Seoul | 김용준 - 서울이여 안녕 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 5:16.
("Goodbye Seoul" by Kim Yongjun)
(Longing is always accompanied by memories.)
Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Lee Mija Special Part.2 [ENG/2017.10.21] - Duration: 1:31:12.
(The living legend of our time)
(The return of the queen)
(The voice loved by Korea, Lee Mija)
(She won 35 weeks in a row for the first time.)
(She released the most albums in the 1990s.)
(Her sad voice consoled the people.)
(The best female singer of the 20th century)
(Singer of 58 years, legend Lee Mija)
(Queen of high notes, You Me)
(Her sad voice moves our hearts.)
(She'll console us with her music.)
("Lady" by You Me)
(Lyn versus You Me)
(Baek Ayeon versus You Me)
(Captivating low notes and charming expressions)
("Twilight Blues" by Parc Jaejung)
(Parc Jaejung versus You Me)
(A song for all mothers)
(He's the storyteller of Immortal Songs.)
("Journey" by Min Woohyuk)
(It's a performance for mothers.)
(His song made everyone cry.)
(Parc Jaejung versus Min Woohyuk)
(Hong Kyungmin versus Min Woohyuk)
(Min Woohyuk wins the first episode.)
("One Flower" by Lee Sejoon)
("Goodbye Seoul" by Kim Yongjun)
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
("Camellia Lady" by Lee Yejoon)
("Sambaekri Hanryeosudo" by Park Hyeshin)
("Goose Daddy" by Kim Jaehwan)
(Who will be the final winner?)
(Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend)
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
She has the voice Korea loves the most.
Please give a warm welcome for the second opening.
("My Song and My Love to You" by Lee Mija)
(This song is scheduled for release)
(in her 60th anniversary special album.)
(The song encompasses joys and sorrows)
(she shared with the country.)
(We're happy because of your music.)
(We're happy because of your music.)
Lee Mija's 60th-anniversary song
was revealed for the first time on our show.
Let's give another round of applause
for Lee Mija.
I will now pick our first performer.
(Who will be going against Min Woohyuk?)
This person's stage will be very special.
This person won the final trophy
at the previous Lee Mija special.
Will this person move us again?
It's the amazing vocalist, Sonya.
(Her voice moves us, Sonya)
This means
the winner of the first episode will compete
with the winner of the previous special.
She's the final winner of the first special
and he's the winner of today's first episode.
This person's previous stage was amazing.
Glamorous performance and good stage manner
brought this person the trophy.
he's going on stage alone.
He plans on showing off his singing ability.
He's Wanna One's vocalist, Kim Jaehwan.
(Kim Jaehwan)
- Kim Jaehwan. / - Wow, Kim Jaehwan.
(Wanna One's main vocalist, Kim Jaehwan)
All right.
She'll be shining the first stage today.
I'll just show everyone what I prepared
and then come back.
I tried hard to prepare for my performance.
I'll give my best.
All right, Sonya and Kim Jaehwan!
- Good luck! / - Good luck!
(Let's go Sonya and Kim Jaehwan!)
Hello, I'm Sonya.
It's been a while. Nice to see you.
(She sang "Goose Daddy" in 2014.)
(She became the final winner in 2014.)
Sonya! Take the trophy. Please applaud for her.
(Sonya is charismatic on stage.)
She's a role model for singers my age.
Without any ups and downs, she sang for a long time.
She was always at the top and she worked hard.
Her continued music life
is something we all want to copy.
I want to follow her.
She's the one who leads us all.
Today I prepared "Tell Me, Mountain Yudal".
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" was released in 1967.)
(The mountain is a metaphor)
(for the one she misses.)
(It was covered by many other artists.)
(At the time, the song was banned)
(because it resembled Japanese music.)
Here comes the seventh performer, Sonya!
(The seventh performance by Sonya)
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
(She sings of heartache from saying goodbye)
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
(They're amazed.)
Tell me.
Sonya won the previous Lee Mija special.
"Tell Me, Mountain Yudal".
Mountain Yudal better answer her.
I feel like she was screaming on a mountain.
- On a mountain? / - Yes.
It was as if she went to a mountain to ask.
In the beginning, she sang very emotionally.
Then in the second verse, she got more emotional.
It was as if Mountain Yudal's volcano erupted.
- Hey. / - Excuse me.
Stop talking about the mountain.
Get rid of that thought.
- It erupted. / - Yongjun.
First, it was as if she climbed up a mountain,
then you said it was like a volcano eruption. Next?
The volcano ash covered the audience.
- The ash? / - I think they'll vote.
She didn't forget about Mija's touch.
She has a voice that could amplify it.
(Sonya versus Min Woohyuk)
All right, Im Jinmo.
Sonya sang "Tell Me, Mountain Yudal".
What kind of song is this?
Mija always says
that her best songs were from the 1960s.
"Camellia Lady", "The Island Teacher"
and "Goose Daddy" are the top three.
If this song wasn't banned,
this would have received a lot of love.
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" could have been popular.)
There were a lot of banned songs then.
All three songs I just listed were banned.
The songs were seen to have a Japanese style.
This song was also written by Ko Bongsan.
I realized once again how beautiful it is.
This song was banned.
If it didn't, it might be Lee Mija's
most famous song this day.
Sonya sang it beautifully.
Mija, what did you think of Sonya's performance?
I saw you with a huge smile when she finished.
Actually, most singers cannot sing this song.
This song has very high and very low notes.
Whenever I sing this, I get exhausted as well.
You have to bring it out from your stomach.
She sang it so well.
I want them to both win.
I see.
All right. Min Woohyuk won the first episode
with 420 votes.
Sonya sang beautifully
as the first performer of the second episode.
What will be the result?
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
(The result)
(Immortal Songs' storyteller)
(She's the one that touches our hearts.)
(Sonya versus Min Woohyuk)
It's a fierce competition.
Will the winner of the first episode get his third win?
("Journey" by Min Woohyuk)
("Tell Me, Mountain Yudal" by Sonya)
The previous winner of Lee Mija special
put on a strong stage. Will Sonya win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
(Min Woohyuk)
Min Woohyuk.
(Min Woohyuk)
He won last week. Woohyuk was able
to contain the heat of the stage.
He won three times.
(Min Woohyuk continues his winning streak.)
That's amazing.
Hello, I'm Wanna One's Kim Jaehwan.
("Wanna One's fan club instantly grows in size")
("Summer Story" by DJ DOC)
(They put up a cool performance.)
(He's the main vocalist of Wanna One.)
(Rising star and singer, Kim Jaehwan)
I believe Lee Mija is a singer and artist
that consoled my mother and my grandmother.
I think I could feel a lot of resentment.
I chose a song called "Goose Daddy".
It's been a while since I've seen my parents.
I missed them more as I sang the song.
I'll try to express my sincere feelings.
("Goose Daddy" was the theme song)
(of a TBC radio drama and also a movie.)
(The song was banned because she sang it too sadly.)
(Lee Mija claimed to have suffered)
(hardships during the ban,)
(which made this song become special for her.)
(Composer Park Chunseok won an award in 1971)
(at the Baeksang Arts Awards)
(for the category of film music with the song.)
Here comes the eight performer, Kim Jaehwan!
(The eighth performance by Kim Jaehwan)
(Kim Jaehwan)
Hello, I'm Wanna One's Kim Jaehwan.
My parents are here today.
I'll sing the song with that in mind.
("Goose Daddy" by Kim Jaehwan)
(Kim Jaehwan's "Goose Daddy")
Thank you.
(expresses one's desperate longing.)
(A young man's resentment)
That's amazing.
That was Kim Jaehwan's "Goose Daddy".
He's a good singer.
He wouldn't know much about these songs.
He wasn't around to learn about the time.
However, he understood the song very well.
I really want to applaud him.
You said he'll do well. What did you think?
When he was singing with 100 other boys,
I still thought his voice stood among them.
I thought his voice was easy to spot.
Are you saying the others are bad?
(Are you mocking the other boys?)
I'm sorry.
(I apologize.)
That was a dangerous thing to say.
I must have been crazy.
(Please do not misunderstand me.)
It actually has a good meaning.
2017 is the year of the chicken.
That means it's a year for all the boys.
You're good.
Not only is he good, he has a good tone.
I want to take him to a recording studio.
He'll be even better.
(Kim Jaehwan versus Min Woohyuk)
A lot of songs
were banned for ridiculous reasons
back in the days.
This song was banned
due to its sorrowful singing method.
I thought it was completely ridiculous.
Im Jinmo, please tell us about the song.
There are surprising reasons.
On a superficial level, the government banned
Japanese influences and sorrowful tones.
- Sad songs were banned. / - I see.
"Goose Daddy" was banned for its sorrowful tone.
(The song has incredibly sad lyrics.)
Was it a theme song for a movie?
It was a theme song for a drama in 1969.
The next year, it got made into a movie.
It gained popularity as a theme song of a movie.
It's one of the songs Lee Mija likes the most.
Kim Jaehwan is a 22-year-old man.
A 22-year-old man
sang this song.
He took this stage
after practicing a song he has never heard before.
How did you like his performance?
Firstly, I am proud of him.
- You are proud of him. / - Yes.
(She is proud of him.)
To be honest, my songs
contain the deep sorrow of the troubling times.
- He is too young for it. / - You are right.
However, he expressed it in a modern way
and sang passionately. I am proud of him.
There was a lot of competitions
in choosing the members of Wanna One.
He reached where he is through competitions.
All other members took parts
as trainees of agencies.
He was the only one without an agency.
That could be why
(It was a lonely fight of a young man.)
he accumulated deep sorrow despite his young age.
(Dongyeop has deductive skills.)
Do you think that might be the case?
Throughout the program,
I accumulated deep sorrow.
(The talented vocalist accumulated deep sorrow.)
That's why
I decided to unleash it on the stage.
Thank you.
All right.
Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Let's see the result.
(The result)
(Kim Jaehwan versus Min Woohyuk)
It's a match between the two popular men.
Will Woohyuk take four consecutive wins?
He came a long way.
Will Jaehwan of Wanna One take a win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
(Min Woohyuk)
Please move to the center of the stage.
(Min Woohyuk takes four consecutive wins.)
Thank you.
(Min Woohyuk takes four consecutive wins.)
I will now pick our ninth and tenth performers.
Dongyeop picked third and fourth balls.
I heard this artist practiced very hard.
To have a husky voice and a rough singing style,
Park Hyeshin.
Is it Park Hyeshin?
She practiced until her throat bled.
I heard that she was secretly glad.
The talented vocalist who always pushes herself,
Lee Yejoon.
(Lee Yejoon)
Dongyeop picked the fourth ball.
This artist has a nickname from the fans.
She has a charming voice and beautiful looks.
It must be Hyeshin.
Her fans call her
Lee Hyori of trot.
It's her.
(Lee Hyori of trot)
The next-generation trot queen, Park Hyeshin.
(Park Hyeshin)
- Did your throat bleed? / - Yes.
I have a clear voice.
- That's right. / - No matter how I sang,
I wasn't satisfied.
I overworked my throat on purpose
to have a husky voice.
- I can't believe it. / - I did it on purpose.
Ever since I was little, this happened
when I picked up the phone and said hello.
"Hello, Chiyeul's father."
They thought I was my father.
Hyeshin, this is a meaningful moment.
I am very nervous to give my first performance.
Since Lee Mija picked me,
I want to pay back with a good performance.
All right. Lee Yejoon and Park Hyeshin,
- let's go. / - Let's go.
Lee Yejoon, let's go.
Hello, I am back again. I am Lee Yejoon.
(With a strong performance that captivated everyone,)
(she took two wins in a year and six months.)
(She became the star of Immortal Songs.)
(The talented vocalist, Lee Yejoon)
I thought, "Would I see Lee Mija before I die?"
- What will you sing? / - I will sing
"Camellia Lady".
("Camellia Lady" was a theme song for a movie.)
(Lee Mija is attached to this song)
(for it helped people remember her name.)
(This hit song enjoyed its heyday)
(by placing first for 35 weeks on music programs)
(and making a record in terms of sales.)
(She can't calm her heart easily,)
Here comes the ninth performer, Lee Yejoon.
(The ninth performance by Lee Yejoon)
Hello, I am Lee Yejoon. It's nice to meet you.
The song I will sing today is "Camellia Lady".
Before I sing this song...
My grandmother has Alzheimer's disease.
The only songs she reacts to
are "Arirang" and "Camellia Lady".
She might not react to it,
but I hope she will like my performance.
It's a personal wish.
I will sing "Camellia Lady".
("Camellia Lady" by Lee Yejoon)
(Heartfelt emotions for her grandmother,)
("Camellia Lady" by Lee Yejoon)
(Thinking about her sick grandmother makes her cry.)
My goodness.
That was incredible.
Yejoon sang "Camellia Lady"
with the hope of reaching her grandmother.
That's what made the performance special.
I think Yejoon might win this time.
I know that she was a talented artist.
Being on Immortal Songs
must have made her nervous
because she never showed her full capacity before.
I was at a loss for words. She sang so well today.
I want to vote for Yejoon.
You don't have the right to vote.
Only the audience has the right to vote.
You don't have a button to press.
(Lee Yejoon versus Min Woohyuk)
Please tell us
about the records this song set.
"Camellia Lady" is a theme song for a movie.
It starred Shin Seongil and Um Aingran.
The movie didn't do so well.
It was pulled from the theater.
However, when this song became a hit,
the movie was released again.
"Camellia Lady" marks the beginning
of the record industry in Korea.
That's incredible.
Lee Mija, you sang songs
in your 60th anniversary album
to open the second episode of the special.
Is there a reason why you are preparing so soon?
I began preparing because I don't know
if I will still be able to sing
after two years.
My voice isn't as clear as it was.
I don't know if I will be able to sing
on the 60th anniversary of my debut.
That's why I began to prepare ahead of time.
You will give a concert at Sejong Center,
- right? / - That's right.
In February of 2019,
I will release an album.
In April of 2019,
I will give a concert at Sejong Center
to celebrate the 60th anniversary of my debut.
It occurred to me
that I have an obligation to report to my fans
how I have lived.
For my fans,
I want to give that concert.
Please give her a round of applause.
Yejoon sang passionately
while thinking about her grandmother.
How did it feel to give the performance?
I couldn't stop thinking about my grandmother
once I started.
That's why I cried.
Min Woohyuk took four consecutive wins.
Will he take his fifth win?
Will Lee Yejoon stop his winning streak?
Let's see the result.
(Lee Yejoon versus Min Woohyuk)
He took consecutive wins with his filial love.
Will Woohyuk take five consecutive wins?
Lee Yejoon sang "Camellia Lady"
with her unique sentimentality.
Will Lee Yejoon beat Min Woohyuk?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(A son's love versus a granddaughter's love)
(Who will be the winner?)
My goodness.
(Min Woohyuk)
(Min Woohyuk takes five consecutive wins.)
Thank you.
People say Lee Mija has a beautiful voice
of the century.
Let's talk about the artists' trademarks.
Jaehwan, do you have a trademark?
Yes, I do. The fans made it for me.
What is it?
It's my chubby cheeks.
Chubby cheeks?
- From the back... / - You can see them.
- Show us. / - My cheeks can be seen.
(She already fell for his charm.)
- My goodness. / - That's really cute.
Do you have a nickname?
- My nickname is / - "3D Cheeks".
"Boiled Dumpling".
- Boiled Dumpling! / - They say I look like it.
That's a cute nickname. Boiled Dumpling.
Yongjun, you also have chubby cheeks.
Me? I don't have them.
Yongjun is Fried Dumpling.
(Fried Dumpling)
Fried Dumpling.
He is a bit like Fried Dumpling.
He really is.
(She visited the show with passion.)
I am a singer who works diligently, Park Hyeshin.
It's nice to meet you.
(With her love for traditional songs,)
(she carries on the legacy.)
(She is Lee Hyori of trot.)
(The hot trot singer, Park Hyeshin)
How did it feel to receive an offer
to visit Immortal Songs?
Hold on.
(Thinking about the moment makes her emotional.)
(The nine years of struggles make her tear up.)
It's a much-desired
and precious opportunity.
I was even surprised to hear
that Lee Mija recommended me
for this special.
It's thanks to her I got this opportunity.
I want to unfold my dreams today.
Which song did you choose?
I chose "Sambaekri Hanryeosudo".
I always work hard to resemble Lee Mija
even in a way I breathe.
"The artist I like did well on the stage."
I want to see a smile of a mother.
I would be happy
if I see that smile on her face.
(Composer Park Chunseok)
(and Lee Mija released the song together.)
(It's about spring days in Hanryeosudo)
(when camellia flowers are in full bloom.)
(Lyricist Jeong Doosoo wrote the lyrics)
(thinking about a girl he was smitten by.)
(Her long-time dream has become reality.)
(I will sing with all of my heart.)
Here comes the tenth performer, Park Hyeshin.
(The tenth performance by Park Hyeshin)
(Park Hyeshin)
Hello, I'm Park Hyeshin.
(We're always rooting for our queen, Park Hyeshin.)
On this very stage,
I'll sing with all of my heart
and pour out my soul.
- Don't cry! / - Don't cry!
- Don't cry! / - Don't cry!
- Thank you. / - Don't cry!
I am very nervous,
but I'm grateful to be on this honorable stage.
I'd like to sincerely thank Mija
for allowing me this incredible opportunity.
(I will do my best to show you my gratitude!)
("Sambaekri Hanryeosudo" by Park Hyeshin)
(She paid her homage with utmost sincerity.)
("Sambaekri Hanryeosudo" by Park Hyeshin)
That was incredible.
That was Hyeshin's "Sambaekri Hanryeosudo".
The song itself is very elegant.
It reminded me of Lim Heesook.
- Moon Juran too. / - I think she is
- today's dark horse. / - Totally.
To be honest, her generation
didn't grow up listening to Mija's songs.
- That's right. / - But I could still feel
the sentimentality.
It's very important for female singers
to look like they have stories.
The ability to drive people's curiosity
and captivate their attention.
I've always thought that it's a necessary quality
- and Hyeshin has that. / - She has stories.
I really want to be friends with her.
I totally want to drink soju with her.
- You want to talk to her. / - Yes, exactly.
That is so true.
Jaehwan, what did you think of her performance?
I was mesmerized by her husky voice.
- Can you sing like that? / - In a husky voice.
Shall we ask him to sing "Confession"?
- Yes, let's do that. / - "Confession".
- Can you sing it? / - Can you sing it?
- Pardon? / - "Confession".
- "Confession"? / - Yes.
(Is that his husky voice?)
That reminds me of Boiled Dumplings.
It's too soft. It's way too soft.
- Pour it all out. / - How can it be that soft?
He's going to start.
(He sings as powerfully as he can.)
- He has a soft voice. / - He totally does.
Try this song.
♪ No, that's not right ♪
- That's your song! / - Can you do it?
You guys want to see him singing rough.
(Jaehwan is confused.)
Can you do it?
♪ No, that's not right ♪
- Whose song is it? / - It's...
He doesn't know the song!
Gosh, he doesn't know Kyungmin's song!
(I did this dance thousands of times.)
(The good old memories flash through his mind.)
It's my most famous song.
Jaehwan, Kyungmin's biggest hit
is a song called "Broken Friendship".
- Oh, right. / - It's that song.
(Feeling sorry, he gives another shot.)
- No, that's not it. / - ♪ No, no ♪
- No, that's not it. / - No!
- No. / - That's so not right!
- No, that's not right. / - Do it again.
(Park Hyeshin versus Min Woohyuk)
All right.
This is her very first time on the show.
It must've been a nerve-racking experience.
And today's legend happens to be Lee Mija.
I wonder how Hyeshin felt
while singing in front of Lee Mija.
Gosh, I knew that she's a great singer,
but she was really incredible today,
so I was very impressed.
What did you think of her performance?
As a singer, I have one last goal.
It's making Korean popular music
more elegant and refined.
I'm known as the Queen of Trot
and many people call me as such,
but I don't like the word, "trot",
as it's a loanword.
That's why I always ask the audience to call me
"a singer who sings traditional songs".
I'd like to thank all those who come up
with such elegant arrangements
of my songs.
Hyeshin is very expressive.
It's been a while
since I started noticing her on TV.
- You've seen her on TV. / - Yes.
I thought that she has a good voice.
She sang very well today.
(Hyeshin is moved.)
Our staff told me that you were ecstatic
when you got invited to our show.
- Yes. / - How did you feel?
Like Lee Mija said,
there aren't many shows where singers
who sing traditional songs can perform.
Through this performance,
I was able to show the viewers
that traditional songs can be transformed like this.
Being on this stage is a huge honor in itself.
I'd like to sincerely thank Lee Mija
for giving me this amazing opportunity.
(I'd like to sincerely thank my idol.)
(Mija is happy and proud.)
All right. On the other hand,
Woohyuk has won five times already.
He must be very grateful,
but at the same time, I bet he's like, "Okay."
(What's he really thinking now?)
"If I beat just three more, I'll be..." My gosh.
Please be honest. Doesn't finding yourself
becoming greedy sort of make you hate yourself?
No. That's not what I'm thinking at all.
Every performer has done a phenomenal job.
Every time, I think, "I'll lose this time."
But my light keeps turning on.
I'd like to sincerely thank you all.
He cleverly avoided answering my question
and charmed the audience once again at the end.
He sure is a pro.
All right. Let's see whom the audience has chosen.
Please show us the result.
(The result)
(Park Hyeshin versus Min Woohyuk)
This guy has been dominating the show.
Woohyuk's winning streak has been in full swing.
Will he beat Hyeshin and take his sixth win?
Hyeshin impressed us with her singing.
Will this rising diva be able to take her first win?
- Let's see! / - Let's see!
(Who will be the winner?)
(Will she take her first win?)
(Or will he take his sixth win?)
(The audience chose Min Woohyuk.)
All right. Proceed to the center of the stage.
Please congratulate him.
- My gosh, it's amazing. / - Woohyuk really...
This isn't easy. With the score of 420,
- he takes his sixth win! / - Oh, my.
Gosh, he's won six times.
He may actually end up beating everyone.
By 1990, Mija
had released 2,069 songs,
which got her into Guinness Book of Records.
She has released 2,069 songs.
Is there anything you want to brag about, Yongjun?
SG Wannabe set many records.
- They were a sensation. / - Exactly. Tell us.
During our busiest years,
we won the Grand Prize for three consecutive years
- from 2005 to 2007. / - Oh, my.
- We won it three times. / - Back in the days,
all men sang your songs at karaoke.
(All men tried to sing like SG Wannabe.)
- Yes, totally / - ♪ Goodbye, my love ♪
(Their singing sounds like crying.)
(Chiyeul mimics it to a tee.)
My gosh, you sound exactly like him.
- All guys sang like that. / - It sounded the same.
- I thought Chiyeul... / - SG Wannabe.
Isn't there a song called "La La La"?
(Now, he even sings through his nose.)
That was similar. Goodness.
Back then, SG Wannabe represented
- that style of singing. / - That's right.
I've sung at the most number of weddings
and they sang that song at my wedding.
- SG Wannabe / - They came?
- "La La La"? / - sang it at my wedding.
Is there anything you want to brag about, Jaejung?
- I'm sure there is. / - I bet he has many.
As you know, I debuted through an audition show,
so winning it has been my biggest achievement.
- Right. / - How competitive was it?
I think about 80,000 people participated.
- My goodness. / - That's so competitive.
That was when you were 19. Was it ten years ago?
No, it was four years ago.
Gosh, he's still young.
- That was mean. / - How old is he?
- I'm 23. / - You're 23?
I'll now pick our 11th and 12th performers.
(Lee Sejoon?)
(Kim Yongjun?)
I think the image we put forth is so important.
Because this singer mainly sings ballads,
people assume that he'd be a very serious person,
but he's actually so chipper.
He has a mischievous side too.
The charming balladeer.
It's Kim Yongjun of SG Wannabe.
(Kim Yongjun)
- My gosh. / - He seems very serious,
but he's actually bubbly and chipper.
Yongjun is going next,
which means you're the last performer, Sejoon.
Yongjun, Woohyuk has won six times so far.
You need to put a stop to his winning streak.
I'm always either the first or last.
I was the first performer the last time I was here,
- but today... / - This is better, right?
I'll do my best to show you what I prepared.
I hope you win so that I don't have to feel
so pressured to stop his winning streak.
What is it that you really want?
What's your big picture?
- I hope Yongjun... / - He's worried about the score,
so I hope Yongjun gets 421 votes.
Yes, that's perfect.
- You read my mind. / - Then you'll beat him?
Do you really have to ask?
(Why are you even asking?)
He basically said that the answer is obvious.
All right. Yongjun and Sejoon,
- good luck! / - Best of luck, Yongjun.
- Let's go. / - Good luck, guys!
- You got this! / - Go for it!
(The unembellished sincere voice)
(His sweet voice moves our hearts.)
(The handsome, sentimental singer)
(Kim Yongjun)
Even though I've been a singer for about 14 years,
I've never met her in person.
I think she really is a legend.
I chose Lee Mija's song called "Goodbye Seoul".
I could really relate to the sentiments
conveyed through her voice.
They're very deep and heart-wrenching.
That's what I felt while listening to the song.
When else would I get to meet her in person?
I'm truly honored.
I hope I can impress her with my performance.
("Goodbye Seoul" was used as a theme song)
(for a TV series with the same title in 1968.)
(It was also used in a film with the same title,)
(which made it widely popular.)
(Composer Baek Yeongho worked with Lee Mija)
(to create this major hit.)
(It's about going to Seoul to see a lover)
(only to find out that he no longer loves her.)
(Her sad voice makes our eyes well up with tears.)
Here comes the 11th performer, Kim Yongjun.
(Kim Yongjun)
("Goodbye Seoul" by Kim Yongjun)
(Longing is always accompanied by memories.)
("Goodbye Seoul" by Kim Yongjun)
(He transformed it into a song)
(about a man going through a breakup.)
The lyrics are about
coming to Seoul to see a lover
and returning home with disappointment.
In a way, this song is perfect
- for Chiyeul. / - Yes, totally.
- He comes to Seoul, / - Yes.
but his girlfriend breaks up with him.
- "Goodbye, Seoul!" / - "Goodbye!"
(I never went through anything like that.)
I can't relate to it at all.
I've been living in Seoul forever,
so I can't really relate to the lyrics.
Sonya, what did you think of his performance?
When he was sitting here with us,
I thought he looked like a boy.
- I see. / - The way he looks.
But as soon as he started singing, he turned
- into a real man. / - Yes, he did.
- He looked manly. / - Totally.
- It was very charming. / - A charming performance.
What about you, Jaehwan?
I couldn't take my eyes off of him until the end.
His vibrato is still ringing in my ears.
Who do you think will win, Jaehwan?
- This time, I think / - Who will win this time?
Yongjun will win.
- You think he'll win? / - His light might turn on.
(Kim Yongjun versus Min Woohyuk)
Movie and drama producers back in the days
must have tried so hard
to have Mija sing their soundtracks.
Jinmo, was this song also used in a film or drama?
Yes, it was used for both.
It happened to many of her songs.
This song is definitely
one of Mija's greatest hits.
Mija, what did you think of Yongjun's performance?
Being here today taught me why
this show has been around for such a long time.
Every performer gives his or her all
and that's what makes Immortal Songs so special.
I really felt that today.
And one more thing.
Dongyeop, you're really incredible.
Gosh, I'm flattered.
I can see why people love this show so much.
Please give them a big round of applause.
They certainly deserve it.
- Give them a big hand. / - Gosh, thank you.
Thank you.
Being complimented by the legend of all legends
makes me so happy.
By now, everyone in the waiting room
must be saying, "Woohyuk,"
"we must put a stop to your winning streak."
"You need to stop him."
They probably gave you such a mission.
Yes, they did say things like that,
but his performance was phenomenal,
so I think he'll win today.
You think he'll win.
So, you're saying Sejoon shouldn't even dream.
No, that's not what I meant.
I actually saw Sejoon rehearsing earlier.
I think the last round will be between them.
Oh, I see.
How clever. He changed his words so quickly.
All right. What will the result be?
Please show us whom the audience has chosen.
(Kim Yongjun versus Min Woohyuk)
The winner of Part One,
Woohyuk, aims to win Part Two as well.
Will he beat Yongjun and take his seventh win?
Will the voice of SG Wannabe
and sentimental balladeer, Yongjun,
be able to beat everyone's enemy, Woohyuk?
(Who will be the winner?)
(Who will be the winner?)
(The audience chose Min Woohyuk.)
It's really unbelievable.
Yes, all right.
Woohyuk can't even hide how happy he is.
Thank you!
I can't believe it.
I'm thinking, "Is this really happening?"
This is so crazy. I didn't expect this at all.
(He feels as if he's dreaming.)
- Amazing. / - Woohyuk is impressive.
That's really all I can say at this moment.
He took his seventh win with his score of 420!
(Woohyuk took his seventh win.)
Hello, I'm Lee Sejoon of Yurisangja.
(He knocks on our hearts with his beautiful voice.)
(The winner of Lee Mija Special Part One in 2014)
Lee Sejoon is the winner of Part One!
(Charismatically beautiful voice, Lee Sejoon)
I'll be singing a song called "One Flower".
I think it comes down to the singer's ability.
The song itself is great,
but I was amazed when I was listening to the song,
because I realized that even the same melody
can be transformed when it's sung differently.
I was utterly impressed by Lee Mija.
The winner of Part One if I perform in Part One.
The final winner if I perform in Part Two.
That's my goal. I've won Part One before,
but there were no trophies back then,
so I didn't get any trophy. What a shame.
That's why I really want to win a trophy today.
("One Flower" was released in 1971.)
(It was banned due to its lyrics and melody,)
(but the ban was lifted in 1987.)
(The lyrics that compare the sadness of being)
(abandoned by a lover to a flower suits Mija's)
(sorrowful voice. It was a widely loved song.)
Here comes the 12th performer, Lee Sejoon.
(The last performance by Lee Sejoon)
I'm honored to perform the finale of the show.
I'm truly grateful to stand on this stage
and to sing in front of Lee Mija today.
I'll be singing a song
called "One Flower".
In spite of its pretty title,
the lyrics are actually very sad.
I'll tell you the story through my voice.
(The sad yet beautiful story,)
("One Flower" by Sejoon, begins now.)
("One Flower" by Lee Sejoon)
(A beautiful sadness, "One Flower" by Lee Sejoon)
(Everyone is touched.)
He was amazing.
I think it was a perfect performance.
The way it was arranged,
- his vocal talent, / - The harmony.
his interpretation of the song
and everything was perfect.
I think Sejoon will win.
He always sings heartwarming songs.
I never expected him to sing like this.
It was so interesting.
- He sang "One Flower". / - Yes.
But it was as if he brought 100 flowers.
It is so difficult to set a record.
- It's hard. / - It is.
I almost thought Woohyuk would set a new record.
I didn't expect Sejoon to sing like that.
Do you think Sejoon will win?
Yes, I think so.
(Lee Sejoon versus Min Woohyuk)
Lee Mija.
You look a lot like my mother who passed away.
I thought that since I was young.
During this show,
I keep looking at you more than
the performance on stage.
I'm having such a precious time right now.
You saw 12 different performers sing today.
What did you think?
I was very touched.
I also saw
how my songs could be elevated
to a higher level.
I'm proud of myself now because I feel like
I'm leaving my mark in history.
Every each one of them
sang my song with their body and soul.
I'm very grateful
and I want to praise them
for their amazing talents.
Please give a big hand to Ms. Lee Mija.
Also, I would like to thank
music critic Im Jinmo.
(Thank you for your commentary.)
This is very interesting.
Sejoon is the winner
of the 2014 Lee Mija special.
And Woohyuk is the winner
of the current special at the moment.
He is continuing the winning streak.
He's a strong contender
for the trophy.
Sejoon won the first part of the last special.
You probably want to be the final winner today.
I saw so many fantastic performances.
I would've been greedy before,
but today I'm expecting only this much.
(I do want to win.)
If your light is turned on...
(If Woohyuk wins...)
This would be the first time
someone winning eight times in a row.
Also, you would take trophies
from both Part One and Part Two.
How do you feel?
(He is about to set a new record.)
I guess I'm human.
I am greedy,
but his performance was so powerful.
I'll have to be greedy only this much.
These two men
will be fighting the final battle.
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
The voice loved by Korea, Lee Mija.
We are waiting for the final result.
Right now Woohyuk is on a winning streak
with a score of 420.
Will he be able to win again
and be the final winner?
Or will Sejoon who performed last
miraculously be the final winner?
Let's see whom
the audience has chosen. Let's see the result.
(The Immortal Songs' records)
(The highest score and the most wins, ALi)
(The most wins, Jung Dongha)
(Seven consecutive wins,)
(Im Taekyung and Sung Hoon)
(Will Min Woohyuk set a new record?)
(A sorrowful performance for his mother)
(Winner of 2017 Lee Mija Special Part One)
(Seven wins in a row)
(He is about to be the final winner!)
(My goal is to win!)
(His weapon is a moving performance.)
(A moving performance that gives you the chills)
(Will charismatic Sejoon be the final winner?)
It's the final match.
Will Min Woohyuk set a new record
by winning again?
He is the man of a beautiful voice.
Will Sejoon win
- against Woohyuk? / - Let's see!
(Who will be the final winner?)
(Lim Haryong and his son Lim Youngsik)
(ALi and her brother Jo Yongjun)
(Seo Eunkwang and his mother Hwang Soonok)
(Happy Thanksgiving with Family)
(It's starts now!)
(The actor family is here!)
(An exciting performance by a father and his son)
(Showing off their hidden talents)
(They reveal all their talents.)
My goodness. It's Immortal Songs.
(Do you know how fun Immortal Songs is?)
(In a sweet relationship for eight years)
(A lovely performance by future husband and wife)
(A mellow performance by siblings)
(The first ever duet by a happy mom and her son)
(A touching harmony with her son)
(The name you want to keep calling)
(With celebrity families)
(Immortal Songs, Thanksgiving Special)
(Happy Thanksgiving with family and Immortal Songs)
(See you next week!)
(Lee Sejoon versus Min Woohyuk)
(Lee Sejoon)
A score of 424!
(His charming voice won the audience over!)
Sejoon wins against Woohyuk in the end!
With a score of 424,
Lee Sejoon wins the final trophy
of Lee Mija special!
Please give him
another round of applause!
Thank you.
Thank you.
(The voice loved by Korea, Lee Mija)
Immortal Songs, Singing the Legend.
Each one of the singers
did their best.
Also, the MC, the staff
and everyone put their body and soul.
They worked as if
they were one.
I hope that all the singers
would sing from their hearts
and do their best to show sincerity.
I'd be grateful.
Park Hyeshin - Sambaekri Hanryeosudo | 박혜신 - 삼백 리 한려수도 [Immortal Songs 2 / 2017.10.21] - Duration: 5:07.
("Sambaekri Hanryeosudo" by Park Hyeshin)
(She paid her homage with utmost sincerity.)
("Sambaekri Hanryeosudo" by Park Hyeshin)
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