It's got some nice story stuff down there
For more infomation >> 【Fukase • DAINA】 VIRG0 【GLASS PLANET:CH1】 - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
Why are we traveling without money ? - Duration: 5:57.
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Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC - Duration: 0:49.
Philosophical Foundations of Immigration Law - Duration: 1:37:31.
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[ S Remix Thai Club]
【Fukase • DAINA】 VIRG0 【GLASS PLANET:CH1】 - Duration: 5:20.
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Just Pineapple, no pen! - Duration: 3:26.
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DISCLAIMER Evidence suggests that regular consumption
of certain fruits in the right amounts will be beneficial to your health.
However, the contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not
a substitute provided by a qualified health professional.
There are more than 7500 varieties of apples grown around the world.
There is archeological evidence that humans have been enjoying apples since 6500 BC.
Carbonized apple remains discovered in Switzerland and regions
adjoining the Caucasus Mountains indicate that ancient humans have cut (Crab) apples
in half, dried and stored them for future use.
W. Stukeley's 1752 biography of Newton, entitled
" Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton's Life", tells us that Newton devised his theory of
gravity after witnessing an apple falling from the tree, but there is no evidence
that the apple hit him on the head.
You shouldn't peel an apple! The skin contains an antioxidant called quercetin,
which may help protect from heart disease, allergic reactions, breathing problems
and tissue damage in the brain.
The Judgement of Paris Jacques Clement Wagrez circa 1846
A golden apple inscribed "to the fairest" became the prize of a beauty contest held
between the Olympian Goddesses Aphrodite, Athena and Hera.
The Judgement of Paris Sandro Botticelli circa 1485-88
Paris of Troy awarded the Golden Apple of Discord to Aphrodite and therefore
started a chain of events, which eventually led to the Trojan War.
You can savor apples in yummy, irresistible dishes and desserts like caramel, roasted
and candy apples, apple pie, cobbler, tart, cake, crisp, strudel, crumble, sauce,
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"I did what one does with an apple. I took a bite out of it."
Rob Janoff, Designer of the APPLE logo
Apples contain high levels of boron, which stimulates electrical activity of the brain
and increases mental alertness.
New York City's nickname "The Big Apple", a term bestowing respect on the city,
was originally coined by horse racers of the 1920s and a decade later
jazz musicians popularized the term.
According to recent studies, the best type of apple for weight loss is
the popular apple cultivar Granny Smith.
Agatha Christie's alleged fictional alter ego, the detective novelist Mrs. Ariadne
Oliver shared her creator's fondness for apples.
Mrs. Oliver's addiction to apples became a plot point in Christie's novel
"Hallowe'en Party."
Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil,
which led to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Nowhere in Scripture is the identity of the forbidden fruit given, yet apocryphal
literature and art have associated the apple with the original sin
and the Fall of man.
Apple cider vinegar is an ancient remedy, claimed to treat various health problems
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Apples contain flavonols, bioactive compounds which may reduce the risk of
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The Story Of Alpina | Power & Style - Ep.19 - Duration: 21:30.
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Buvez cette boisson minceur chaque soir avant d'aller au lit ! - Duration: 5:26.
ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 28:27.
Citizen: Is that the last of them ? I hope so.
You've done me a kindness,youngman.
Be assured,i won't forget it.
Rafiq: Altair. It's good to see you. And in one piece.
Altair: You as well, friend.
Rafiq: I'm sorry for your troubles.
Altair: Think nothing of it
Rafiq: A few brothers of yours were here earlier, in fact.
Oof, if you'd heard the things they'd said...I'm certain you'd have slain them where they stood.
Altair: It's quite alright.
Rafiq: Yes, you've never been one for the Creed, have you?
Altair: Is that all?
Rafiq: I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget myself. What business brings you to Damascus?
Altair: A man named Tamir.Al Mualim takes issue with the work he does.
I'm meant to end it.Now tell me where to find him.
Rafiq: Surely you remember how to track an enemy.
Altair: Of course! Learn where he will be and when. But that sort of work is best left for....I understand.
Rafiq: Go and search the city.Determine what he's planning and where he works.
Preparation makes the victor.
Altair: What can you tell me of him?
Rafiq: Tamir makes his living as a black market merchant.
So the Souk district should be your destination.I would suggest you seek out the following places:
A small souk northeast of here, the madrasah to our east.And in the gardens north of this Bureau.
Focus on these places and he should become well known to you.
Altair: I assume you want me to return to you when this is done.
Rafiq: Yes. Come back to me. I'll give you Al Mualim's marker, and you'll give us Tamir's life.
Altair: As you wish.
Rafiq: Remember, Altair, if you find yourself in trouble, and the city turned against you, return to the bureau.
I can shelter you from the storm.
Be warned though: if your enemies are too close, my door will remain closed, until you've lost them.
Do you understand?
Altair: Yes. To bring the enemy inside would compromise the Brotherhood.
Rafiq: Very well. Off you go.
Creatures Of The Magic Water
a monster half man half everything
locked in a giant maze
waiting for his next plate of meat
this is the strange myth of the minotaur
a furious and wild monster of the
nature that endures as a symbol
timeless of the beast that all
men take in
but under this story dates a
impact a real world of
human sacrifice zoophilia war and
remains of a royal maze
this is the myth of the minotaur
and the truth that is hidden after following
the fight of the minotaur gods one
heavy door closes to our
back to us a labyrinth of
hallways sparsely lit the stench
of death that profile
we are trapped in the labyrinth of
minotaur and there is no way out
was a tale of terror among the
ancient greeks the maze in a
death chamber
who remained locked inside
they knew that only one
destiny to be devoured by a beast
horrible voracious
this half man half animal
torn their victims and consumed
the minotaur is the mutant son of a
human mother and father in the
body of a tremendously strong man
and powerful but the head of a bull with
on one side is half animal and this
animal is voracious gianvito kills and they eat
the flesh of its victims and on the other
side the minotaur is half human and
shows some vulnerability for it
because his humanity is trapped
within his condition of beast in the
this myth represents the struggle between
reason and violence between order and
the chaos
the ancient Greeks who ruled this
history prided itself on being
something civilized in what the Greeks
they truly want the
human reason could do many things
but the minotaur was the enemy of the
reason a symbol of instincts
animals that all men wear
the minotaur the monster was the part
indomitable nature that the
Greeks tried to submit was the only
that they could not control
according to the myth this is where the
minotaur on the island of Crete in the
time this story takes place
Crete dominates the Greek world
as the Minotaur dominates the
sale at the end of the Bronze Age
Crete was the most important power in
that part of the Mediterranean I saw cities
like Athens and Sparta that in the period
would become the
reigning powers did not have any
power at all
in fact they had to pay tribute to
creta because it was the most powerful
important of the region
minotaur is created to punish the king
wines for their attempt to
engineering audios every year was custom
that the king minos to sacrifice his bull
more precious as an offering to the god of
but one year his herd produced a
calf so beautiful so perfect that I
we were unable to give it up and
sacrificed a young male in its place
but Poseidon was watching the
Greek mythology when someone tries
to deceive the gods loses poseidon
On hearing this, Marie said so much.
I like that bull because I'll make him
I like your woman and so the woman does not
she was attracted to the bull
the wife of minos pasífae fell in love
of the bull the desire that for his daughter and
feel for the bull symbolizes a species
of animal lust we all consider
very rational creatures but in
we all know that in our
interior and a part of us that
moves by pure animal desire the queen
stretch a complex plan to seduce the
bull is dressed in a cow costume and
can be seen in the meadows where the
more bull is waiting for the
animal approach
this myth is very strange because
passífae basically commits an act of
Zoophilia is in love with this whole
wants to have sex with this bull
finally between the ancient Greeks and
Romans had some concern for
determine the model of
correct sexual behavior and sex
with animals is one of the taboos that
with more profusion is treated in the
in the real world we see these scenes
mythical these famous scenes of
zoophilia of antiquity are put into
practice at the coliseum was
some slaves to mate with bulls
to entertain the public often in
these real-life shows
former represented the encounter
between the Queen Pasiphae and the
bull in history its strategy
the bull soon spends the spy
feels the loving desire and mounts it and
nine months after the minotaur is born
many times the birth of a
monster is associated with sin or some
another type of crime and this of course
is due in both cases to less roads
did not maintain its part of the
passéfae was carried away by a desire
the child is born monstrous and de force '
a half-human half-bull
destined to become one is a
that's how we know it but at the same time
time seems a victim of its destiny
and that's why I have feelings
against the minotaur
I can not really condemn it.
Minotaur has a strange name its
father is not less but the first half
of its name comes from the name minos
second half taurus means bull
so we talked about going all about myself
for the old this hybrid man
bull was a powerful concept and
bulls will be a central element of
the Greek civilization
in fact they were worshiped even as
gods all over the mediterranean
many sacrifices and
rituals related to the worship of
the bull represents the ability and
male strength and that is exactly
what the bull was religiously a
icon representing power
masculine and assertiveness and also
tremendous strength and wisdom
the memory of the bull's power came
until the time Judeo Christian where
we see scenes of the nativity in which
a bull inflates the child Jesus his
life force more
according to the myth the tyrannical rain and not
infuriates when minotaur is born and
decides to use it as a weapon against everything
he who dares to challenge his power
designs a sinister plan to build
the most terrifying prison in the world and
turns his beastly son-in-law into his
guardian of men for
to build it, minos uses its genius of
private engineering
edano is the most famous
Ancient world
it's like thomas edison and frank lloyd
wright all in one that is capable of
build beautiful monuments and even
also builds flying machines
wonders of ancient technology
internal today
Daedalus draws the planes of a
prison without roth cells is just a
huge maze would be so vast
so impossible to navigate that even
he would find it difficult to get out of his work with
life and in the center would be the
minotaur waiting for his prey
is a series of passages and stairs and
inside the labyrinth there is a
kind of mystical or strange effect
which confuses all those who are
in which they are disoriented
immediately dark and disorienting
mortal this mythical labyrinth sevilla
but it is more than just a myth
today on the island of Crete
there is an underground labyrinth that keeps
a spooky resemblance to
labyrinth of the minotaur I can of month
will make is an old quarry
underground that according to tradition
popular could have inspired the micro
a series of passages and moldy
extend over three kilometers
without any special order
in fact the majority of those who
dare to enter they do it with a cable
to make sure you do not miss this
same tactic would be crucial for
victims of the minotaur as told
in the nest
the chisel marks found in the
walls of the tunnels show that
the tests are artificial and that
were excavated with tools
for centuries the visitors who are
they were about to explore these caves
convinced that they had
found the home of the minotaur and
many of them left their mark
today the explorers continue to accept the
challenge to navigate this maze
your goal is to reach this room
central where it is said that in another time
lived the minotaur to change in here
to overcome their fears and if they fulfill their
mission write their names on the wall
and they leave so happy
it would be great if it were the labyrinth
because everyone wants to know
where the idea of the maze came and
albert caves how are you immediately
everyone comes up with the idea of
that this could be the
minotaur an old maze
on the same island where
presumably the
the perfect candidate to be the
maze of the minotaur in all
- in a majority of the experts
believe that the myth is older than
Cave was excavated very late in the
Greco-Roman times and there is evidence that
was visited by many pilgrims
during this period to be the
true myth of the maze and the
Minotaur is very old to see if I
is not the place that inspired the
myth of the maze that is
the search for clues leads us
new to myth
with his terrible finished labyrinth
- the king of crete is focused on another
look for its first victims
it's time to eat for the minotaur
according to an ancient myth the island of Crete
is the home of a half man monster
half bull walking hungry one
dark maze the labyrinth itself is
so confusing that even its builder
he struggled to find the way out
inside the minotaur awaits his
first victims hungry for meat
300 km to the north
to a small town called state
Athletes have arrived
of all the Mediterranean to compete
in a series of sports tests
is an event precursor of the games
between the participants is the
prince androgen son of the king of
Crete wines and half brother
the son of the minor roger won all
a star this and that bothered
many young Athenians who
drunk to provoke a fight and so
they killed
the son of a king and killed in blood
this means war when the
news comes to me we of course
overcome is overwhelming and his life and his thirst
of enormous revenge the king minos decides
to punish the Athenians of the worst
possible way
will feed the minotaur with the
broad Cretan marina in Athens and
surrendered his ultimatum or demanded that
give him seven virgin men
and seven virgins to be
sacrificed to minotaur individuals
virgins will be very highly prized in
the ancient world because it was believed that its
purity brought them closer to the gods.
boarded a ship to take them to
very degrading circumstances to creta and
they dragged them between shouts and great
tears to the labyrinth where the
monster of the dead
until there the micro but what is the
connection with reality
here the story symbolizes a conflict
real historical epic combat between
an aging superpower and a
emerging state at the beginning of the
Greek history Athens and Crete were
enemies in real life but the
impressive armed decrees awarded him
an undoubted advantage both in the myth
as in reality it was david vs
goliath in the minotaur myth
we see clearly an explanation
symbolic of real history
Crete was a very powerful civilization
which dominated more or less all the
cities state of greece continental
john mine in the atrocious request of me
we see a reflection of the domain
Crete in the whole area
Athenians told the story of the
minotaur as political propaganda
the minotaur represented the tyranny
decreed the labyrinth was the power almost
inescapable crete and the victims
symbolized the suffering of athens
the purpose of the myth was to present
Cretans like eyelids and wicked
and works for the Greeks themselves
they saved this story over the
was a very important proof that
they their gods and their thought
rational were superior to the Cretans
and their bulls and their monstrous in the
myth is just forced to send
human sacrifices to the minotaur each
nine years or to face a war
concrete but why not years without
its better for the preserved data
seem to have been aware of the
moon through various
considerations that occurred in a
cycle of about nine years
hence the sacrifices were
celebrated every nine years when the
full moon coincides with the equinox
it will be time to send services
cool to the beast
while the first victims are
locked in the labyrinth
on the other side of the sea a
event that will be crucial in a
small kingdom 80 kilometers from
a girl is born her name is desire
he is one of the first great
heroes of Greek mythology
the prestigious has challenged the minotaur
the birth of desire is great
importance for national identity
the Athenian desire belongs to a class
of ancient heroes are characterized by
his tremendous strength his tremendous courage
and also his great intelligence is desire
son of a beautiful Greek princess and
of not one but two powerful parents
night when his mother was conceived
practiced sex meets or king of athens and
with god goddess of the sea what happens
it is usually that the mother lies down
with the human father and lies down
also more or less at the same time
with the divine father so that
produces fertilization for two
men simultaneously to this double
paternity allows you to inherit the throne
of Aegean and also have access to favors
Poseidon specials
this resource of the two parents was a
usual pattern in ancient myths and
something even claimed some
rulers of real life
perhaps one of the best known is
alejandro magno who claimed to be
partially divided and more
forward in the Roman period the
emperors from august
they claimed to have become god
is certainly something that gives you a
certain authority to say I am a son of
One God
according to the myth when this king is born
aegean on the ground his sandals and a
sword under a huge rock says to the
mother of perseo that when the child is
strong enough to lift that
rock can claim its rightful place
as prince of athens
nine years later,
new shipping seven men and seven
women as a tribute to die in the
Maze of the Minotaur
the king does not need a hero the third
crete demands its tribute desire
He's prepared
is finally strong enough to
raise the rock that hides the sword and
his father's sandals are promised
enter the maze fight against
minotaur and just barely
secret tyranny is the classic
clash between the monster and the
hero and modern tests have revealed
the surprising truth behind
the city of athens cries once more
it's time to send sacrifices
humans to the minotaur victims
innocent people demanded by the king
chaste tyrant to the elect
awaits certain death
but one of them has been promised
challenge destiny
the prince of athens who is
willing to show his courage and
free her queen
the heroes must carry out great
actions to achieve that status
he has to go out and do something big
and in this case it is to prevent
Athenians must continue to be subjected to
me and send your children to
the stage is ready
I wish heroic symbol of the best
qualities of man against
minotaur the wild reflection of the worst
which can provide hunger before
teseo depart for crete his father gives him
important order when you return to
athens if back must white izarra candle
instead of the black
that way when the boat appears in
the horizon the king will know that his son
he is health according to the myth
this was the place he was going to
teseo nosos the capital of king minos and
the Cretans the ancient Greeks
they believed that this was the home of
minotaur and the horrible scenario
crimes against humanity
today its ruins still keep sight
about the reality behind the
in the period of greatest power of Crete
between 1700 and 1450 before Christ in
this city lived 100,000 people in
your center
there was a huge palace with a design
complex made some experts believe
which was the original inspiration for the
the more the world would have
extremely difficult outcome
to orient oneself in that enormous palace
I had like a thousand rooms and five
high floors in some areas
there were many corridors and no room
large corridors and go from one
small room to another room
so there was no straight line
maggi when the Greeks saw this by
first time
I do not think they understood it from there
the idea of the labyrinth
imagine a series of dark corridors
type more you die what violated the
sense of symmetry to the Greeks
they liked the symmetry
excavations carried out in
of the palace have only reinforced
its connection with the myth of the minotaur
the length and width of the site
find signs of the cult of the
Foxes a cool found in the
palace even represents a young man
fighting a forum is a scene
that seems straight out of the book
the representation of the palace of
knossos shows a naked young man
jumping over a long bull
horns that seems angry and point
of embying an old vacuum that
looks like a maze full of objects
related to bulls is easy
imagine how this palace could have
inspired to the myth but the connections do not
they end there
archaeologists have unearthed
evidence suggesting the existence of a
authentic king minos a royal hall with
his perfectly intact throne is the
oldest found in Europe and is
dates back to three thousand 500 years ago
has also been found
registration in an old language
I might even mention the king for his
name in the archives of the temple of
crete alt
they found some tables of stone in
those that are inscribed words that
seem to reproduce the name of the king
minos is a word that minute and one
second word minus rolla and that
could mean minos the king
rolla is the title of royalty these
clues suggest that King Minos could
actually existed but the
more interesting connection with the myth
of the minotaur appears in another table
found in the reservoir describes a
offering to a so-called lady of the
maze written here
there is a direct reference to the maze
of the minotaur is a connection
between the city of Knossos and
the myth
but who will go to this lady of the
labyrinth identity is a mystery
experts believe that she was a
great importance in a palace
high priestess including the
daughter of the king in the myth
the daughter of the king minos that diagnosis and she
plays an important role in the rest of
the history
we do not know who the lady of the
labyrinth but could have been
ariadna since she was entitled to
to be the priestess of the temple because
the eldest king's eldest daughter
from the moment you arrived at
crete to be sacrificed
Princess Diana is attracted to
he and ariadna is fixed in the portalet
cleanliness in its value in its resolute look and
she immediately falls in love with him
overwhelmed by the power of love that
feel for this and decide immediately
to help him because he does not want
die in the labyrinth like the others
but ariadna must act fast goes in
look for maid the designer of
labyrinth and pleads with him to explain
how to get out of it and he delivers something a
club in the english traditions
of this myth the word club
means yarn yarn
this is what I give you and from there
derives the English word present club
what does halo artist mean?
because he does not use his vial of calf until a
end the door and b unrolling it
As you enter the maze
once you have arrived at the center
you will find the way out
simply following the thread in
underwater explorations
we still use yarn balls
Divers a is at the end of the
thread to an opening in a wreck
cave enter explore and exit
follow the thread again
the reason that is what the Greeks
valued above all else is what
resolve the problem
a very simple answer to what
it seems an impossible situation
Ariadne secretly visits Teseo in the
cell in which he remains captive and
offers the ball with a condition
marry her if they survive
When you know Ariadna, she's in.
in oil and will enter a
maze where a minotaur
will devour alive and when she volunteers to
to help you
he has no choice or does what
she asks or she risks and he does not
he wants to risk going
the next morning, 14 victims are
locked in labrit usa
the lambs of the service
with the club the ball of ilo in the hand
wanted to free the march through the labyrinth
and if it is desire to the yoke of ilo
the door and start walking
step through this dark tunnel
wet and unhealthy desire has been offered
as a human sacrifice is a concept
difficult to assimilate today but
evidence suggests that the old
Cretan not only sacrificed
human beings may also be
they would eat
I wish the Prince of Athens guides his
companions of sacrifice towards the
bowels of the maze decided to
face face to face with the minotaur
carry a steer of thread to be able
find the way back
while the beastly grunts of
Minotaur are increasingly heard
desire is decided but your
captive partners begin to
to weaken as the victims
they walked the labyrinth in
We imagine how
we taught in what was meant to enter into
that dark place and walk without seeing
absolutely nothing
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
they knew that somewhere in that
labyrinth was that horrible
creature that devours men
I would eat them
they did not know when
they would find the monster in the
inside of the bird into the minotaur
awakening hear the cries of the
terrified victims walking to their
meeting and is ready for your
next feast of meat
this is the enemy you wanted to
defeat to rid Athens of the
Cretan tyranny
until then the myth but what is the
connection with reality
the tension between Crete and Athens during
the Bronze Age is well documented
but they were really so wild the
Cretans as suggested in the rally in
the palace of knossos the excavations
have provided evidence suggesting that
there could be some truth behind this
inscriptions found in the
reservoirs have been interpreted as
offerings made to the gods
human offerings there are inscriptions in
those offered to herbs and other
in which it is offered to ten men
real people murdered in a
ritual sacrifice just like the
minotaur victims in myth
this suggests that in Crete actually
human sacrifices were practiced but
the evidence extends beyond
inscriptions there are also bones
which show the marks of murders to
cold blood
in 1979 more than 300 were unearthed in
incredible as it may seem all of them
they belonged to children
approximately 25 percent
presented marks of cuts made with
a final sheet like the one that would be used
to separate flesh and bone bones
showed marks of knives had
cuts on the sides
it is difficult to rule out the fact that
produced an exploded view
how else could they be explained
those tests in the same place as the
human bones were also discovered
bones of times had been
sacrificed in the same way
scrapes look a lot like those that
found in slaughtered animals that
have been prepared to collect
this suggests that the ancient Cretans
not only meant humans but
the paths will be this desire of the
minotaur of human flesh
key reference to cannibalism
this is the most repulsive crime and
disgusting we can imagine is the
perfect way to demonize someone
imagine the ancient Greeks
telling this story about his great
enemy that he was not only a
rival people, but they were also
the myth continued the corridors of the
labyrinth are wrapped in the
obscurity perse is impossible
find the way by guiding them
eyes but the howls and howls of
Minotaur are increasingly heard
.... 1 ...
they are your compass your tangles of thread
now she is small
a quarter of what it was when he wanted
entered the labyrinth the beast is
captures the stench of blood in the
walls of the bones of the poor
previous victims of the beast to fold
a corner and a hermit mass and
even the breath of the minotaur
full of fear but this is the
difference between heroes and us
normal people
the hero is afraid obinna and baha for
the exploit is either attacked by surprise me
it catches the average beast and if that desire
the minotaur has been surprised
jumps and attacks in the fight between the
man and the beast the lazio is found
with the sword
the future of Athens and Crete is in
in the hours before dawn the
sound of the fight breaks the silence of
the night inside the labyrinth desire has
saved the remarkable
it strikes it attacks it before the
beast know what has happened to her already
has taken advantage and finished Taurus
fight and die the hero is done with his
the minotaur is this terrible soul
tortured to death
wish son of poseidon and prince of
Athens has destroyed the curse of the
queen reech
let us imagine the beating of her heart
adrenaline pumping is covered in
society and the blood of this beast
dead and other humans to
that this beast devoured throughout
of the years the strength of the
reason embodied by Theseus has conquered
the force of incarnation irrationality
for the minotaur
but there is no time to celebrate
victory is about to dawn desire
you must act fast if you want to escape
the wrath of the king minos although he has killed
minotaur the thing is not over yet
by roads will not be very funny
so you have to get back on your
steps out of the maze and back to your
picking up the thread and the others
young athens out of the labyrinth
and joy should have felt to those
boys to see that their destiny was not
the one who waited but everything had
changed thanks to the feat of a
ariadna the princess of crete has not
rested all night waiting
hear some sign of survival
that he has promised to marry
them and escapes the minotaur with life and
she wants him to keep his word
shortly before dawn he joins him and
your boat will set sail for nash
this is a key moment in the
Greek mythology
how much and when to stop or kill
minotaur your action becomes a
symbolic act and the hero of a dinners
finally releases it from the cherry yoke and now
is a symbol of Greece's luxury
crete of human bravery and wit
these stories inspired the
young people to be faithful to their
country to sacrifice for the glory of
their cities and become
authentic citizens of a city
desire deserts crete has become
hero but his trip back home
he will end in tragedy when he sailed
fight the minotaur desire
promised his earthly father the king
or maybe make a white candle if
he came home alive to seal his
every morning for Aegean months
approaching the same cliff waiting
see some signal from the boat but when
finally appears on the horizon
candle is black
the king finds no comfort believes that his
son has been devoured by the minotaur
prisoner of his Aegean pain seeks death
diving into the sea
still today that sea is still called
efe by the father I wish did not do
to the white candle and in the ancient story
original no explanation given
why it is forgotten but at the end of
myth seems to suggest that a
carelessness of youth
that's the easiest explanation
he was so excited about his victory
that he wanted to go home and simply
forgot the sudden death of geo
arrives at port not only as liberator
athens but as a new king the king who
according to myth it would transform the city
that would go from being a colony to
become a superpower
region in this myth the rise of
Athens is attributed to power without any
I doubt the fact desire the myth seems
have been written in part to
prove this by voting to teseo as
Founding hero of the Athenians
a statement of principles left
clear that the long domination of Crete
was over and now there was
a new boss in the region
athens would hardly become the
most dominant state city in the world
Greek as Crete would crumble and
seville conquered
but long after both kingdoms
have disappeared in history
the myth of teseo and the minotaur lasts
and as any good myth reveals aspects of
human nature that are so
relevant today as they were
a thousand years can be drawn many things
of the minotaur story
imagine the labyrinth as the mind
human being a dark place that we explore
constantly and consciously our
animal nature that we
urges to accept
these myths do not reveal in a powerful way
parts of us that otherwise
they remained hidden and urgent wishes
and hidden means we use to
to face the world the most
of the human experience
Cet homme avait des problèmes d'audition, vous ne devinerez jamais ce qui lui est sorti de l'oreille - Duration: 5:44.
HACK MY ROBLOX ACCOUNT!! *totally not clickbait* - Duration: 1:40.
Ever wonder what to do on a *LONELY* day there's nothing
to do Robloxia hasn't uploaded in a day or two I did my triple upload live stream with a giveaway
But, you can see by the title, "HACK ME!!one111!"
No, I'm not talking about my main account. (X) But, I recommend you...
Hack my alt account, YES! (that's) Right my alternate account which would be my real
Actual account- This is signed up before RobloxiaPlz. So, yeah guys
Try hacking me. The password will be in the description BELOW! I'll probably put it on screen right... (now!)
So there you go guys
we have hacked this account
All for ourselves so if you want this account i don't know if you want it you wanna play some RB World (2) it's free
you got a
center account for people on computer and other stuff i don't know why you would want to
Hack this account, but if you guys do want it the password be on screen right now? (again!)
So yeah guys that's just a quick video, no
I'm not giving away my main count i'm doing a robux giveaway on black friday i wanna make about
4000 profit so guys i'll see you in the next one goodbye
*outro playZ*
hope you enjoyed my 1 hour working of SUBTITLES HAHHAHHHAHHHDH plz comment if u see dis ;c
November 2017 Update #DHSTV with Hank Jongen Department of Human Services - Duration: 3:29.
This month: Child Dental Benefits Schedule, claiming ABSTUDY and travelling overseas.
G'day, I'm Hank Jongen, here to tell you what's happening with the department in November.
As the year is coming to an end I'd like to remind families about the
Child Dental Benefits Schedule. This covers part of or the full costs of
a range of dental services for children aged 2 to 17 years of age. If eligible,
you can get up to $1000 over 2 calendar years. Before booking a
visit to the dentist, you can check your eligibility and the remaining benefit
cap amount for your child by accessing your Medicare online account through
myGov or by calling the Medicare general enquiries line. ABSTUDY helps Indigenous
Australians with the costs of studying or doing an Australian Apprenticeship.
It's important to get claims for next year submitted early. This is especially
important for students moving away from home to study, that's so payments can be
finalised and travel can be organised as early as possible. Claiming before
December will help students get ABSTUDY before school starts. This year, we've
made claiming easier with a verbal declaration. This means when you claim
over the phone, most people won't need to return a Customer Declaration Form
you'll only need to return it if your information isn't correct or you need to
advise of changes. We'll also let you know if you need to provide any
additional supporting documents for your claim. As we're approaching the end of
the year, a lot of people are thinking about holidays. If you're planning to
travel overseas, it's important to check how this may affect your health care,
child support arrangements and Centrelink payments.
You can tell us about your travel using your Centrelink online account through
myGov, and we'll be able to give you tailored information about how your
travel could affect your payment. While overseas, you'll also need to let
the department know about any changes to your circumstances that would normally
affect your payment or concession card, just as you would if you were in
Australia. There are rules covering how travelling outside Australia may affect
your payment or concession card. These depend on the payment or concession card
that you get. You can find out more on the website. Thanks for watching, and as
always, don't forget to like or follow us on social media and subscribe to our
channel to keep up to date. I'll see you next month, goodbye for now.
Is Tourette's a Social Disability? - Duration: 8:14.
Is Tourette's a social disability?
Hey guys! My name is Jaleesa and I'm back for another video (fidget) and there is a lot of nuance
to that answer and to that question that I want to unpack today.
A lot of people in the Tourette's community emphasize the social impact (cats) that a
condition like Tourette's can have (fidget) and some people do experience this.
For example, if you're around friends and coffee and you spill said coffee all over
your friends.....oops, or if you have tics that injure people or insult them directly,
that could affect (ah, fidget) the way that you socially interact with such friends.
Disclaimer: Most people with Tourette's do not have tics like this, so if you meet someone
with Tourette's (fidget) you don't have to worry about them like punching you in the
face or something unless they themselves warn you about it.
Also, assuming someone is dangerous because of their diagnosis makes you a jerk so dooonn't.
However, I think the "social affect" that Tourette's might have is largely overstated
(fidget) because of the way we as a society view disability.
As a society, we have largely relied on the Medical (ha) Model of Disability
to understand disability.
Basically, this just means that whatever problems you face that are related to your disability
are specifically because of that disability.
In this model, if a person who can't walk and is in a wheelchair (ah, fidget) can't
make it up a flight of stairs to their job interview, the problem here
is that they can't walk.
But a lot of disabled activists have been using the Social Model of Disability, which
basically means that the problems that you face related
to your disability are because of the environment.
In this model, we would say that the stairs are the real obstacle and someone in a wheelchair
can't make it to their job interview on the second floor, and providing things such as
an elevator or ramp or simply having (kk-, fuck) the interview on the first floor, would
all solve this problem.
This idea is probably the more unusual model of disability to most people, so I like to
conceptualize it this way.
Imagine a world in which everyone can fly and the world is built for flying people,
but you can't fly, so you can't make it to that job interview that takes place practically
in the clouds because (ah) no one else in your world needs things like stairs or lifts
[apparently I'm British today :p] or ladders.
In the same way, the world we live in today was not built for disabled people in mind
[More information about the Social Model of disability in the description].
I have my own thoughts about both of these models, but all you need to know right now
is that I use them both in different situations and contexts.
(fidget) And I'm explaining all of this to you because I think personally that calling
Tourette's a social disability relies way too much on the medical model.
When we say this, we're basically saying that it's my Tourette's that is affecting my social
life and causing me to be a social outcast in society.
Here's the kicker though (fidget).
When people are curious and understanding and treat me like a person, somehow I make
friends and my Tourette's (fidget) doesn't make those friendships worse.
So, if in some situations, my Tourette's seems to affect my social life and in other situations
it doesn't, maybe my Tourette's (cats) is not the most important variable in this situation.
Maybe it's just people being ableist jerks.
In other words, this is where the social model of disability comes into play because my Tourette's
is not the disabling factor here (ah, fidget).
It's the people around me who happen to be ableist, which is a term that means prejudice
or hatred towards disabled people (nguh).
And if you think that I'm just making up words for things that don't exist, you should spend
a day with me in public.
You'll probably notice the rude stares right away (fidget), but after time goes on, you'll
probably notice other things like people avoiding talking to me (kk-, fuck) or talking to you
instead of me (fidget), people being surprised to find out that I'm actually smart, people
assuming that I can't drive, parents pulling their child away from me and then looking
at me with disgust or fear, people laughing and pointing and just generally making rude
comments or asking invasive questions, etc, etc, etc.
I could go on.
Trust me.
Ableism is a thing.
And this is why I despise the idea that my Tourette's is the reason for this behavior.
My Tourette's might be a catalyst for making these attitudes apparent,
but these attitudes exist regardless.
Even if my Tourette's went away, ableist jerks would not and curing my Tourette's
doesn't make the problem go away.
It's just makes everyone a little bit more comfortable.
That is, until (cats) the next person with Tourette's comes along.
I used to think the way that ableists commonly reacted to me was understandable and sympathetic.
"I mean, I know it's rude to ask about people's medical history and stuff, but maybe this
person who's asking if I've tried this drug or this miracle diet totally unprompted...just..cares
for me a lot and that makes their nosiness totally ok..."
"I know it's rude to stare and we're all taught that, but I mean, I guess (ah, fidget) I do
look pretty weird."
"I mean, I know it's rude to ignore a person when they talk to you, but they probably think
that I'm just doing this for attention."
(ah, fidget) In all of these examples, I was behaving as if my Tourette's made this behavior
understandable while ignoring the many examples (fidget) and experiences that I've had with
people (ah) who don't behave this way when they see me tic.
I kept doing this (fidget) up to the point where my pastor came to my house and asked
me not to come next Sunday (fidget) and I just nodded and agreed because I thought my
disruption warranted my discrimination.
(fidget) And I see the same thought patterns in other disabled people (ah, fidget) when
they're discriminated against . (ah, fidget) We accept unusual, inappropriate and unacceptable
behavior because, quite frankly, we're used to it.
It feels normal to us.
And in my experience and many other disabled people's experiences (squeak, fidget), when
we point out this behavior in others (ah, fidget) , we're often made to feel as if we're
the ones being unreasonable.
I still have trouble convincing my family that the discrimination from my old church
was as bad as it was (kk-, fidget).
They see my former pastor's actions as definitely bad, yes, but also normal and sympathetic.
And that's the problem that I have with the widespread notion that Tourette's is a social
disability as a whole.
It's not the worst thing to say and you're not a horrible person
if you've ever said or believed this.
It usually goes unquestioned in our community and I kind of understand why.
It's a very easy mistake to look at the social isolation that people with Tourette's face
as an inherent problem to having Tourette's because it is so widespread.
I'm not going to hate you or freak out or think you're a terrible person if you say
this and some people actually do have tics (nguh) that affect their social life
in a much more direct way.
However, when we apply this to everyone with Tourette's and say that ticcing in front of
people will inevitably cause social problems because you're ticcing (fidget),
that's indicative of a much larger problem.
So, I hope everyone learned a little bit today (ah, fidget) and if you want to add something
to this conversation or if there's something that I missed or you disagree with the point
that I've made, please leave that in the comments.
I'd love to know all of your guys' thoughts about this issue.
But yeah, I think that's all I've got for you today. Well, actually that's not true.
I'm going to film a video right after this, so if you see me in the same shirt,
I do get dressed (laughs).
But yeah, I guess that's it for this video (fidget).
Like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more of my face (fidget)
and I will see you guys in the next video.
【Fukase • DAINA】 VIRG0 【GLASS PLANET:CH1】 - Duration: 5:20.
It's got some nice story stuff down there
A Closer Look At The First 'Alien' Asteroid "A/2017 U1" Passing Earth - Duration: 3:48.
Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Liverpool John Moores University has detected a passing flying asteroid using the telescope
in the Canary Islands, actually it already passed Earth, the asteroid was first discovered
on October 18th with the PAN-STARRS telescope or the Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii, the
piece of stone swung past our sun and passed us around 26 October at a speed of 91.8 km
/ h or 57 miles per hour.
Where does this come from?
Researchers suspect that the asteroid came from the star Vega, the brightest star in
the constellation of Lyra.
Derived from Lyre, yep, referred to in the 1825 star map at the bottom as a music instrument
(based around the character of Orpheus, a famed musician with such extraordinary talent).
Lyra is visible in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Northern hemisphere the constellation can be seen from April to December.
Southern hemisphere Lyra can be viewed low on the northern horizon in the winter months.
If the asteroid is from Lyra it is not certain because it is extremely difficult to tell
where an asteroid comes from, in this situation.
The official name is A / 2017 U1, and it's not a cliché gray giant stone but, in fact,
NASA astronomer Joseph Masiero says is actually red.
Comets fall into two categories, namely the periodic comets that fly on a regular basis
along the sun (like Halley comet) and comets that do hundreds or thousands of millions
of years around a the sun.
In addition, astronomers look at the eccentricity of the circuit.
That is the extent to which an orbit differs from a circle.
A circular circuit that is exactly circular has an eccentricity of 0.
A circular path with an eccentricity of 1 is a parabola.
Halley has an eccentricity of 0.967 and is thus located between a circle and a parabola.
However, the orbit of C / 2017 U1 has an eccentricity of 1.2, making it a hyperbola.
This means that the object comes from outside the solar system.
For more info about this discover.
Follow the link in the video description or click the label in the top right corner.
To watch more of my video click the videos on the screen.
Thank you for watching.
I'll see in the next video.
I'm Heathcliff, your host, lionsground.com
Interjú Laudon Andi szinkronszínésszel (2017. Ősz) - Duration: 10:12.
[MV & Album Review Español] Sweet Crazy Love + Max & Match - LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Duration: 4:59.
Have Lunch With Me - Fire Noodle Mukbang | 점심 같이 먹어요 불닭볶음면 먹방 (한글자막) - Duration: 10:05.
Choro das 3 - Choro Canção e Los Angeles!!! - Duration: 3:00.
Representing Vectors in Rectangular and Polar Form - Nerdstudy Physics - Duration: 7:36.
In this video, we're going to learn how to represents vectors in the Rectangular and
Polar form.
So, let's get straight to it!
Alright, to start off, I want to remind you of what vectors are: mathematical quantities
that involve both magnitude and direction.
A good example of a vector quantity is something like "the grocery store is one kilometer
east of here".
As we can see, this involves the distance, which is the magnitude, as well as the direction.
If this isn't familiar to you, we encourage you to check out our "Introduction to Vectors"
lesson first before moving on with this one.
Alright, so let's get a little bit more abstract.
Say we draw some arrows like this.
Now couldn't we consider these to be vectors too?
They have magnitudes - represented by their lengths - and they point in certain directions.
So yes, they are in fact vectors!
Actually, arrows are a really good way to represent vectors geometrically.
If we wanted to represent wind speed and direction, for example, we could draw an arrow pointing
in the direction of the wind.
We could draw it longer if the wind is stronger and shorter if the wind is lighter.
But we can get even more abstract than that.
Let's set up some coordinate axes, and draw a random arrow somewhere.
Now let's put the tail of the arrow where the axes intersect, also known as the origin.
See how the tip of the arrow ends at a certain point?
That point can be described by coordinates, right?
So couldn't we represent the arrow itself by the coordinates of that point?
Yes, we can!
In fact, we can represent any vector by listing its coordinates!
It works the other way, too.
For any set of coordinates, say (4,2), we can draw an arrow that ends at that point.
So vectors and coordinates on a plot actually correspond to each other.
When a vector is represented by its coordinates, we call that its rectangular representation
or rectangular form.
By the way, this works in 3 dimensions, too!
On a side note, what about the coordinates (0,0)?
We can't really draw an arrow from a point to itself.
Nonetheless, (0,0) is still considered a vector as well.
It has zero length and an undefined direction.
In mathematics, we call this the zero vector.
Now, in two dimensions, we can represent vectors in another way.
Instead of giving its coordinates, we could specify its magnitude and its angle from a
given axis.
We usually choose the positive 'x' axis and measure angles counterclockwise from it,
like this.
So an arrow with length 3 and angle 30 degrees would look like this.
When we represent a vector with a magnitude and an angle, we call that its polar representation
or Polar Form.
Some people write a vector in polar notation like this, with an angle sign preceding the
But others often write it in a list, which looks very similar to the rectangular representation,
so be careful!
Alright, before we move on, let's test ourselves with an example.
Which one of these arrows corresponds to a vector with a magnitude of 5 and an angle
of 120 degrees?
Well, the answer is 'b'.
And how do we know this?
First of all, 120 degrees puts the vector in the second quadrant, which immediately
eliminates the options 'a' and 'd'.
And secondly, between these two, does 'c' look like it has a magnitude of 5?
Of course not, it looks more like its magnitude is 1.
Therefore, that leaves us 'b' as our final answer!
So let's move right along.
So, you might be wondering, is it possible to convert between a vector's rectangular
and polar representations?
Well certainly!
Let's first look at an example of how to convert a vector from the rectangular form
to the polar form.
Consider the vector (2,2).
We can actually think of this diagram as a right-angled triangle, like so.
In doing so, the magnitude of the vector becomes the length of the hypotenuse of this triangle.
So, we can actually use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate it.
Let's bring up the formula for it, just to refresh our memory.
Plugging in the respectives values gives us the following.
2 squared plus 2 squared equals 8.
And square rooting both sides gives us a final 'c' value or magnitude of square root
of 8 or about 2.83.
As for the angle, we can find that using trigonometry.
Since we know all three sides of this triangle, we can choose any of the trigonometric functions
to solve for the angle.
For instance, the sides opposite to and adjacent to the angle are both 2.
Now, looking at the acronym SOHCAHTOA, we see that tangent is the function that involves
opposite over adjacent!
So the tangent of this angle, which we can just represent as 'theta' for now, is
2 divided by 2, which equals 1.
So, all we need to do is take the inverse of that to give us a final answer of 45 degrees
for this angle.
So now we've found the equivalent of (2,2) in polar form.
The magnitude is root 8, and the angle is 45 degrees.
But what if we want to go the other way around, from the polar representation to the coordinate
Well, that's a matter of simple trigonometry as well.
In fact, for a vector with magnitude 'r' and angle theta, the 'x' coordinate is
'r' times cosine of theta and the 'y' coordinate is 'r' times sin of theta.
So these are the formulas that give us the conversion!
All we would need to do to solve for them is just plug them into our calculators to
give us the coordinate values.
Pretty simple, right?
Alright, so we've reached the end of this lesson!
We looked at how to represent vectors mathematically, in both rectangular form and in polar form,
and learned how to convert between the two.
So make sure to keep practicing and we will see you in the next lesson!
Les fraudeurs vous appellent maintenant depuis votre propre numéro de téléphone ! - Duration: 6:44.
フランス語会話 簡単・自然なフランス語vol.9 Ça m'est égal. どちらでもいいです。 - Duration: 0:32.
Buvez cette boisson minceur chaque soir avant d'aller au lit ! - Duration: 5:26.
Sketchbook Tour, plus thoughts and lessons from Inktober - Duration: 9:55.
Hello Friends!
It's Kat, from MeowMeowKapow.
Let's talk about Inktober!
This challenge is a great opportunity to learn a lot about yourself, your artistic abilities,
and life.
I'd really like to know what you've learned, if you've ever participated in one of these
challenges-or what you're worried about with them if you haven't!
Because this was my first year doing Inktober, I went into it with a lot of expectations
and anxieties.
Pretty much, I expected that it would be hard, that I wouldn't finish it or I would get
really behind, that I would become mentally and physically exhausted, I would eventually
run out of ideas, and that this challenge would overall be impossible.
Hopefully, also, I would grow a little.
I've talked about before how I consider myself to be the SLOWEST artist, and I struggle
even to do one small piece in anything less than a couple of hours.
The most daunting part of this challenge was the idea that I'd have to make a new piece
every single day, and while my Youtube Channel, Etsy, and art festivals are my job, I don't
normally do a full illustration every day.
Most of the time, I do one big piece a week and some small doodles here and there.
However, I went into the challenge nervous, but with an open mind.
My goals were to make a drawing and a video every single day, work on building bigger
environments for characters, work on more natural-feeling movements and poses, and I
also eventually decided to challenge myself with extreme lighting situations.
Probably the first lesson that I learned this inktober was that you have to listen to what
your mind and body are telling you and accept that if you have limitations, you need to
listen to them.
For me, this meant not doing a video every single day.
It also meant that on days where I had a large craft fair to go to and I came home physically
exhausted from everything, I gave myself permission to not produce a piece, rather than force
myself to create something that had no heart behind it.
I ended up doing all 31 drawings, but there were many days that haven't been colored
yet because being kind to yourself is not a crime, and there were actually two days
that I skipped and ended up going back to later on in the month.
Inktober feels like it's a homework assignment that a very strict and scary teacher is holding
you to, but…
The truth is that we are the only ones holding ourselves accountable.
Inktober is NOT mandatory, and I think realizing that the one element that needs to be present
at all times is FUN will help you to allow yourself to loosen up and treat yourself kindly.
Do what you can, NOT what you can't.
Artistically speaking, there were a lot of things that struck me as being important to
play with in a piece and they gradually became elements within my work over this month.
First of all, tone is the most important tool in your arsenal.
Anyone who did all their pieces entirely in one color or ink can immediately tell you
this, and making sure that there is a huge contrast between light and dark really makes
all the difference in a piece.
One of my favorite pieces from this year, the "Wick'd witch" piece, almost didn't
turn out how it looks, now.
As I was painting the background, I started to have doubts about making it so dark, because
some of the details in the shelves would be lost and all the time I had spent on making
the complete environment wouldn't be visible.
In the end, I kept layering on glaze after glaze of Perylyne Violet mixed with Phthalo
Turquoise until it got to a deep, somewhat gloomy tone.
This made all the difference, and was the first real lesson I think got through to me
about making sure that you embrace the darkness.
Without that richness in the background, the light source would not have shined as brightly,
and the character may have been a bit lost in what would have otherwise been a beautiful
but overly samey-samey scene.
One of the things I mentioned I wanted to challenge myself to do was to build more immersive
environments, so that everything wasn't just a character standing in an empty void.
Don't get me wrong, I still did a couple of those and love them to pieces, but building
a world for a character to live in is something that always seems a bit daunting.
Once you start building a scene, it is important to find a way to visually balance the clutter
or the arrangement so that the viewer has a place to start that will catch their eye
and keep it moving around.
This can be accomplished with tone, as well as with the scale of things.
One piece that this didn't work out as well as it could have with is my Royal Witch piece.
This drawing is entirely environment-based and because I have not yet added any tonal
variations to it, it's difficult to find a place for your eyes to start their journey
In contrast, the piece I did for the cook/baker witch, of Kiki flipping pancakes for her and
Jiji, has background details that your eyes eventually find after you first travel from
the large, bright area of the pancake, to the joyous and bright Kiki, to the then darker
but still interesting details of her kitchen table.
Another piece that was just lineart but still keeps your eyes moving is the Little Witch
Academia piece I did for "potion maker witch," to give a more fair comparison.
Essentially, if you are drawing something that is even just a little bit visually complicated,
it's really a good idea to find a central focus of the piece and emphasize it so that
it becomes the visual "hook" of your art.
Right now I think the best way to do that is to make that element the brightest, simplest,
and largest part but…
I want to explore this idea further and see if it can be pushed in different ways.
Maybe make something dark and complicated the central focus and make everything else
being bright and simple.
This challenge also helped me to break a lot of rules that I thought I knew.
For instance, when I was in college we were required to make about a dozen thumbnails
of our ideas before we even started our initial sketch, and then we had to re-draw our sketch
and work on the final piece and blah blah blah blah blah.
It was a long process that encouraged us to never trust our first instincts and to always
assume that the first idea was the worst idea.
With such limited time to make each work of art in this challenge, drawing multiple thumbnails
or sketches would have been absolutely crazy!
I must admit that I absolutely did use a second sketchbook to kind of work out my thoughts,
but if the first idea I had was one I liked, I went with it, no questions asked.
This absolutely taught me to trust my gut, because a lot of the time my guy was spot
The way I worked with my tools may also have been a bit unusual, especially because in
multiple pieces I experimented with mixing ink directly into my watercolor washes.
The effect was always pretty neat, dulling down the colors to give a sort of gray that
happened to be tinted with something, which I actually loved!
Having worked largely with watercolors for the last year and a half, the one thing that
you hear over and over again is that you should never use black or white in your paint mixes
because they are an abomination and no self-respecting watercolor artist would ever sully their beautiful
single-pigment mixes with such heresy!
If I'm honest, this challenge has made me want to experiment with intentionally mixing
those forbidden colors into my paints, especially black!
The lesson here, I suppose, is break rules as you see fit and use the best tool for the
If you need something to be more black, then by gosh, use black for it!
And I'd also say that this attitude helped me to make sure that I was actually using
the best actual tool for the job, rather than only ever using one brush or one pen overall.
Each brush, each pen, has its own strengths and you should use them for those specific
characteristics, not just try to make one tool do the job of many.
It's easy to get into a consolidated way of working so that it's easy to pack up,
but sometimes using a lot of different things and letting yourself loose on them can be
All of the tools I used over the month have been listed in the Doobly-doo of each video,
as well as in the one for this video.
Mixing mediums and mixing tools has helped me to discover new and exciting ways to work,
which never would have happened without this month's challenge.
Overall, Inktober has taught me that I can do anything.
WE can do anything.
This is a challenge, and challenges are never supposed to be easy….
But they are supposed to be rewarding.
If this was any other type of challenge, like…. an eat only kale for a month challenge, there
will be some days where you think it's easy, some days where you think you're going to
give up, some days where you hate it and are ready to burn every kale farm to the ground,
and some days when you kind of look at how far you've come and realized that you are
Every challenge we participate it, much less complete, helps us become better and stronger,
and learn a little bit more about our own capabilities.
In the end, I think doing this 31Witches of inktober challenge was worth it.
Would I do it again?
Yeah, probably…
But I think I might cheat a little.
This year I learned that I -can- do this, but that I need to be a little kind.
First of all, next year I would look at the prompt list ahead of time by a week or two
and use my secondary sketchbook to write down or doodle out any preliminary ideas I might
Most nights, I would hang out with my sketchbook in bed and try to make thumbnails for the
following day's prompts.
I found that any piece that had been planned ahead was often a lot easier to make the next
day, and if I had taken further steps to make a color comp in my idea book, the piece overall
was more likely to be fully completed.
Planning ahead is NOT a bad thing.
There were also a couple of days where I actually sketched out the linework for a few pieces
at a time and then spent one day inking multiple pieces.
This often resulted in numerous non-colored images, but the workflow was much more reasonable
because it meant that I could just get into an inking zone and sort of relax and just
enjoy it.
If I'd done more of them like this, it's possible that I could then spend one day coloring
multiple pieces at a time as well, rather than inking three but coloring one.
Anyway, I hope that you share your thoughts in the comments about this challenge, and
don't forget-if there are any pieces from this month that you really love, tell me so
I can add them to my Etsy.
And please, remember, if you've ever heard a pumpkin scream in the dead of night….
Do like and subscribe.
Until I see you again, I wish you peace, love, and a visit from the pumpkin king.
ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 28:27.
Citizen: Is that the last of them ? I hope so.
You've done me a kindness,youngman.
Be assured,i won't forget it.
Rafiq: Altair. It's good to see you. And in one piece.
Altair: You as well, friend.
Rafiq: I'm sorry for your troubles.
Altair: Think nothing of it
Rafiq: A few brothers of yours were here earlier, in fact.
Oof, if you'd heard the things they'd said...I'm certain you'd have slain them where they stood.
Altair: It's quite alright.
Rafiq: Yes, you've never been one for the Creed, have you?
Altair: Is that all?
Rafiq: I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget myself. What business brings you to Damascus?
Altair: A man named Tamir.Al Mualim takes issue with the work he does.
I'm meant to end it.Now tell me where to find him.
Rafiq: Surely you remember how to track an enemy.
Altair: Of course! Learn where he will be and when. But that sort of work is best left for....I understand.
Rafiq: Go and search the city.Determine what he's planning and where he works.
Preparation makes the victor.
Altair: What can you tell me of him?
Rafiq: Tamir makes his living as a black market merchant.
So the Souk district should be your destination.I would suggest you seek out the following places:
A small souk northeast of here, the madrasah to our east.And in the gardens north of this Bureau.
Focus on these places and he should become well known to you.
Altair: I assume you want me to return to you when this is done.
Rafiq: Yes. Come back to me. I'll give you Al Mualim's marker, and you'll give us Tamir's life.
Altair: As you wish.
Rafiq: Remember, Altair, if you find yourself in trouble, and the city turned against you, return to the bureau.
I can shelter you from the storm.
Be warned though: if your enemies are too close, my door will remain closed, until you've lost them.
Do you understand?
Altair: Yes. To bring the enemy inside would compromise the Brotherhood.
Rafiq: Very well. Off you go.
Boost your RV Cell Signal
Pumpkin-Pecan Pull-Apart Bread | Food Network - Duration: 0:38.
Defense Secretary Mattis Visits DMZ: 'Our Goal Is Not War', Reaffirms 'Ironclad' US Commitment - Duration: 3:13.
...and the Minister of National Defense of Republic of Korea and United States
Secretary of Defense we together will continue to defend peace through strong
will and strong might.
Thank you Minister Song and I'm here today to
reaffirm the United States ironclad commitment to the South Korean people
this visit today to this demilitarized zone portraits a very strong terms the
difference we see between two nations to the south lies a vibrant country a
vibrant economy a free country and it's underpinned by peace-loving members of a
free society, behind me to the north an oppressive regime that shackles its
people denying their freedom, their welfare, and their human dignity
in pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means of delivery in order to threaten others
with catastrophe
North Korean provocations continue to threaten
regional and world peace and despite the unanimous condemnations by the
United Nations Security Council they still proceed as the US Secretary of
State Tillerson has made clear our goal is not war but rather the complete
verifiable and irreversible denuclearization
of the Korean Peninsula
Minister song two days ago at the ASEAN meeting the
Republic of Philippines we made clear our mutual commitment to a diplomatic
solution to address North Korea's reckless outlaw behavior and together we
noted that we are serious about solving this problem
We stand shoulder to shoulder with you with your soldiers and with your people in confronting the
threats posed by the Kim Jong-Un regime and I look forward to our discussion
tomorrow at the security consultative meeting where we will discuss ways to
further strengthen the ROK – US alliance this is an alliance of more than 60
years and one that we both know it's built on trust it is an alliance
designed to ensure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula
and the strongest military defense of our shared democratic values
(AiirSource Military Channel closing theme)
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