Using round-nosed pliers take out the brake pad wear sensor
Use a socket №13 and an open-end wrench №17
Use a socket №18
Use an end bit №T30
Treat the brake disc seat with a special copper grease
Using a special tool press in the brake caliper piston
For more infomation >> Hvordan bytte foran bremseskiver og bremseklosser på MERCEDES-BENZ A W169 BRUKSANVISNING | AUTODOC - Duration: 8:11.-------------------------------------------
october wrap-up + november tbr - Duration: 11:28.
It is the first day of November and so today someone will die hello
Everybody my name is Sheila or slreads and welcome to my October Wrap-Up and November TBR in October
I read six books, and I started another one, but I haven't finished it, so I'll include that and whatever wrap-up
it is when I actually do end up finishing it. This was a great reading month for me
it's been one of my best of the year probably at least for the past few months
I had like a giant reading slump, so now
I'm kind of getting back into everything. So the first book that I finished in the month of October
was An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson. You may have noticed
I included this in my September Wrap-Up, but I didn't actually finish it in September
I was really hoping that I would and then I just didn't. I finished this really early on in October
But I feel like in my September wrap-up, although I did talk about this,
I didn't give my full thoughts on it, and I'm hoping to post a review on Goodreads
Which I'll link down below
This book involves the fae lots of people compare it to ACOTAR
but I feel like it's very different, and something
I really enjoyed about this book is that while there are like
trials and everything and there's just like all this stuff that people have to go through just because they're the main characters of the book
and because they're like guess the chosen ones for this story,
they don't have it easy like they still have to go through shit
and they're still in danger and the thing that I really enjoyed is that instead of just giving them an easy way out:
they actually had to fight their way out of things that were difficult--out of these
obstacles and these awful things that were happening to them, but I really liked this book
I feel like this book showed the fame or in a way that I see them which is more like they're scary stay away from
them than like ACOTAR didn't. I really love the romance in this it was more
realistic than other ones and the characters are just great and very fleshed out.
And I just I really enjoyed it. If you watched my readathon video a few weeks ago,
then you know I finished a few books during that and one of them was The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo.
Unfortunately, I really did not like this book at all.
This was one of my most anticipated reads ever since I found out about it.
I love Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows duology.
I was not a really big fan of the Grisha trilogy,
but I thought that this would be great because I mean, Six of Crows was
fantastic and these are the stories and people in that world would have grown up hearing. I felt that these stories were very
very unoriginal. I thought,
for some reason, that they would be something that I'd never heard before but a lot of this was just splicing together fairy tales that
I had already heard before like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, the
Minotaur--things like that. One of them is about a nutcracker and it was literally the Nutcracker, but with like
PTSD and like drama involved and I was like I
feel like you could have done a little better making up your own fairy tales.
I definitely expected more of Leigh Bardugo,
and I was pretty disappointed in this. I heard a very thorough review on Goodreads for this;
I separated it by every single story
I think there are five or six in here
and I talked about it what I liked about them, what I didn't, what their
similarities were to stories that I'd already heard. So if you want to check that out
I will also link that down below. The other book that I finished for the ReadathonbyZoe was Ms. Marvel:
No Normal. This is, I think, Volume 1 of the Ms. Marvel comics. I really liked this.
I haven't read a comic book in a long time, and I feel like I'm always just reading regular books
and I just never think to pick one up.
But my school is doing a campus-wide book club about this
And so I went to a book club meeting for it, and got to discuss it, and it was really fun.
I really enjoy the cultural aspects of this because Captain Marvel
was a white blond woman and our protagonist Kamala Khan in this is Pakistani
And I feel like a lot of well-known superheroes are just white men and women having a more diverse character is definitely good for representation.
During my book club meeting. There are lots of girls there who talked about identifying what this character, and I thought that was amazing.
It's definitely something that we really need. These amazing characters, because really she's such a great superhero
and she's learning how to be herself she doesn't really know what's going on, but she's kind of just going with it.
She lives in Jersey and so there is all these superheroes that are protecting New York City
But New Jersey isn't really being protected so she knows that if she doesn't do it
Then nobody else is really going to and she wants to protect her home. One thing that I really hope from this in the future
Comics--which hopefully I will get to reading--is
That she will tell her parents and the people that she trusts that she is the superhero and that's what's going on because she does
She has a really strong connection with her parents and with her family
I feel like she can definitely
Incorporate that into her life and figure out how to work with this and tell her parents. The series that I really wanted to finish
In October was The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. This is one of my favorite book series of all times
I read it a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it. It is definitely a very strong community for this book series on tumblr which I am a big part of and I
Feel like I've spent so much time looking at the fan content
But I was kind of getting away from the reason that I fell in love with this story. While
I love all the fan content,
It's such a different experience to read these books themselves. These books are absolutely breathtaking. It is such an experience to read them.
I love all these characters. I love the way that Maggie Stiefvater writes. She
writes very dynamic characters that deal with things that are definitely prominent in real life.
And I hope to be doing a full series review of this at some point
We shall see how that goes
I'm not really the best at review videos
but I definitely think that this is a series that everybody should read; it is something that I love so much. It is such a
grand adventure with great characters , great friendships, and family
aspects, and it is just
I just love the series so much.
I'm halfway through Blue Lily Lily Blue in my reread right now, and so I'm going to finish it pinkie promise
by the time November comes. It's been a little difficult
rereading this series while I'm in school because when I get to class early I take my book out and I start reading it and
Then I don't want to put it down when class starts.
I mean I have to but it's also like you just fall into this world and I fall into this place and it has such
a homey feeling in my heart.
The book club meeting that I went to for Ms. Marvel was in my residence
hall library, and so after the book club meeting I decided to go peruse the shelves and I ended up walking away with
Four books and then I went back the next day and got another one so
That is a big proportion of the books that I want to read this month because I want to read them before to give
Them back to the library so we're gonna see how that goes.
So these are all the books that I hope to read in the month of November
This is a little daunting, but I feel like I could do it
So obviously seeing as I just talked about the three books that I read from this series
I will be finishing the Raven cycle series with the Raven king by Maggie Steve otter
I read this book like before it even came out somehow
I found a copy at the book store
like the week before it was supposed to be released and I read it that entire night who was all at once it was a
very emotional experience
and this is one of the main reasons that I wanted to reread this series before I went to go see Maggie Steve otter and
Just in general because I feel like that was a bit of a rush to read it like
Straight through and I feel like I just want to reread this one and see what things I missed
One of the books that I picked up at the library that I was waiting to get until it came out in paperback because it
As a final book in a trilogy, and I have the other ones in paperback
I want to match and look all beautiful, but that book is a conjuring of light by ve Schwab
This is the third book in the shades of magic trilogy. I really enjoy this series
I feel like there are some things about it that I'm not the biggest fan of but I've definitely been looking forward to this for
A while it's a lot thicker than I was expecting it
I the other ones aren't this thick and it's not just because it's a hardcover. It's just like
It's like this is like one and a half of the other books. Which is a little scary
It's a pretty hefty book right here, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading it
This is a magical series that involves four different London's. That's the London of our world which is in the past I think Victorian London
Sometime around there that is called grey London the main character is Kell
He is an Atari which means he can work blood magic and travel between the different London's he is from Red London
Which is the one filled with magic? It is beautiful
You definitely saw a lot of it in the second book more than you saw in the first one the unlit there is white London
Which is pretty scary because he really seemed like the price of magic they had
Brutal rulers, and now they have a new also very scary ruler the fourth London is black London
where people depended on magic too much and it destroyed them and
The antara who are the only ones who can go between these different London's in these different worlds
Cannot go to black London. It is like band. This is kind of like don't go there. It's dangerous. You're gonna get yourself killed
So this is the conclusion I remember the last book ended a bit of a cliffhanger, and it was very stressful for me
I hope this book is good because this came out way early this year, so I really hope it's worth it
I hope it's a good end to the series another book that I got from the library is Tokyo style guide by jane lawson really
It was the cover of this book that captivated me and made me want to read it
I wanted to be a fashion designer for a while and so I never I see style I'm like ooh
I kinda want to pick that up
I have lots of fashion books and so that's originally what I thought this was the top. It's a eat sleep shop
I feel like it's just gonna be a guide to the beautiful things that Tokyo has to offer I have never been to Tokyo but
I've heard so many amazing things about this
I love guidebooks and just travelling in general and so I really hope to read this and one day put it to good use
The next book that I want to read in November is a book that was originally on my October TBR
But I didn't get around to it because I was reading The Raven cycle, and it took me a lot longer than I was expecting
That is Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
This movie is coming out in November
So I actually have to finish this book before the movie comes out so that I can go see it
This is obviously a murder mystery
I don't really read mysteries besides Nancy Drew, and I've never really read a murder mystery
And so I'm really excited about this because a graffiti is a really well-known author and I've always wanted to pick up something by her
and so
Glad that I finally have the chance to the next book which is probably going to be the first book that I read in November
Is the books that I read a quote from at the beginning of this video that is the Scorpio races by Maggie Steve otter?
Part of me wanted to reread this obviously for the reason
I'm rereading the Raven cycle because I'm seeing Maggie Steve otter as you heard from that quote
This book takes place in November November 1st is when the Scorpio races begin Scorpio races are horse races
I adore horses so much
They're my favorite animal, and I just love them so much
But the horses in this book are very different from the horses that everybody knows and loves. They are man eating horses
They're very dangerous. They come from the sea
I can't pronounce the name of them
But in fantastic beasts and where to find them like the way original version
They were called kelpies so it's essentially that their water demons they eat people very dangerous
But this horse race involves capturing and writing them
It is a very dangerous competition
Our main characters are puck Connally who's an orphan on the island of Thisby where the race does take place
She decided to enter the races so that she does not lose her house because her family is very poor especially since her parents were
Eaten by horses just puts a little damper on everything if you ask me our main character is Sean Kendrick
He works as a trainer on this island, and he trains the horses for this race so that everybody can ride them
It's very dangerous
but it's very ingrained in the culture of the island it definitely reminds me a lot of Ireland which is where I'm from and I've
Been there and so that's definitely the vibe I got from this it is hands-down one of my favourite stand-alones
So you may have noticed when I held up all of my books that there were three very small books in my TBR
Pile those three books are the goddaughter
The got daughters revenge and the artful goddaughter by melody Campbell obviously found these books in the library
I saw them a few weeks ago when I was in there studying
They were look definitely these smallest books not particular shelf if not in the entire library
They're called rapid reads, so I feel like they're gonna be really easy for me to read this month
This book series follows, Jaina gallo. She is the daughter which seems to be like a godfather like character
She's part of a crime family like the Mafia's involved
I don't really know that much about it besides this I'd like to go and do it not really knowing that much just because it's
Such a short book and I feel like if you read a big summary
It's just gonna tell you everything so I've been trying to stay away from that
I'm very interested in the Mafia and crime families in general
Those are the kind of books that I want to write at some point. They look pretty cool
I like the concept of the goddaughter versus the Godfather and so I hope to get to this very soon
So that is all for my October wrap up and November TBR. I hope you enjoyed this video
like and subscribe if you did I put out new videos every single week and let me know in the comments down below if you've
Read any of these books if you have any recommendations
Or what books you want to read this month?
I would love to know and I'd love to start a conversation with any and all of you
So thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you next time bye
দিলদার অভিনীত একমাত্র ছবি 'আব্দুল্লাহ' এর গান - কি করে বলব তোমায় | আশা করি ভালো লাগবে - Duration: 5:18.
দিলদার অভিনীত একমাত্র ছবি 'আব্দুল্লাহ' এর গান - কি করে বলব তোমায় | আশা করি ভালো লাগবে
「グラビア界の至宝」忍野さら、Gカップボディの"エッチな女子大生"が過去最高のセクシーグラビア -JAPAN NEWS - Duration: 5:37.
Thor: Ragnarok
Triple H lifestyle 2017 ★ Net Worth ★ Biography ★ House ★ Car ★ Income ★ Wife ★ Family - Duration: 3:18.
Triple H Lifestyle 2017
Triple H Lifestyle
Triple H
Triple H Income
Triple H Father
Triple H Mother
Triple H Wife
Triple H family
Triple H Son
Triple H Cars Collection 2017
Larry's Lotus
Triple H Cars Collection
Triple H Cars
Triple H Cars 2017
Triple H Party
Triple H With Friends
Triple H Net worth 2017
Triple H Net worth
Body Position │ How to Ellbow drag / knee drag │ Tutorial - Duration: 6:51.
Hello guys we are located at Part Europe today
in Germany and today we are showing you how to ellbow drag.
First of all, ellbow dragging will not increase your times on track
but you'll look nicer on the pictures.
This methode is what we showed a lot of people in order to be able to ellbowdrag.
This is the fastest way to learn how to ellbowdrag.
I'll be sitting on the bike
to demonstrate how you should do it.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them
in the commentsection below
If you know how to drag your knee
it will be easier for you to drag the ellbow.
Best thing to do
is to be on a racetrack, pick one corner (where you feel best)
do not try to do this in every corner for the beginning!
Now if you have a corner in which you feel good, just take it slowly, round after round. Remember do not rush it.
Now another point is that everything has to have its right place.
The levers have to be adjusted to your needs, in order to feel comfortable on your bike.
Your forearm has to be in one line with your hand and the lever.
the less you have to move your hand to get to the brake or clutch the better it is.
Same counts for the clutchlever
Don't twist your wrist to much, you will get pain or tired.
and you won't be able to drive fast.
forwSame also on the pegs, the brake has to be easily reachable
just in case you need it.
Now let's see the HangOff
first you need improve the space between the tank
and your balls ;)
Normally 10cm or width of your fist.
this improves your agility on the bike
and you feel more comfortable/ a natural position
now your feet, turn in the heels like this
and you'll have the perfect starting position for a good Hangoff
I demonstrate once more, first improve the space, slide to the corner entry
make sure that your knee grips to the tank
turn in the heels and done...
this should now already help some people
which have problems with knee dragging. If you still have an original footrest/pegs
you'll be likely to drag them too, due to the leaning
now make sure to repositon your foot
just like this, so your boots don't drag.
same position, even a bit more stable
We don't wanna see you guys do the so-called ass-off.
this happens when there is not enough room between you and the tank, sliding along the bike in order to knee drag, not good!
won't be good for the bike neither for you. You'll be slower and have a higher leaning angle
the best method is as I said before
by doing so you'll be able to get a lot of weight in the corner
and the bike will have less leaning, meaning, more acceleration
Meaning you'll be faster.
The upperbody is very important to ellbow drag.
It is important to work
with your sight direction, this determinates where you wanna go.
just get your upper body down, remember be chilled / loose
the torso has to be next to the tank and your wrist has to be losse on the handlebar
do not hold tight on the handlebar, it's there to stear or get informations, nothing else! Don't hold them tight! Be calm ;)
Otherwise you won't feel anything, like loosing traction...
now watch where you wanna go
watch the corner entry
or exit depending on where you are located
now your wrist does like this to make sure you can place you ellbow
quite loose on the throttle and now the ellbow will find a natural position
aim for the Asphalt or your knee
Remember... don't rush it, you'll get there in time...
You'll only achieve this when you are chilled enough, forcing yourself doesn't help
it is an achievable target someone the goal is it works is
It is an achievable goal, most people get it in less than 2 days.
Practice will bring you there no matter what. While getting faster on the track, you'll
drag your ellbow more and more. Like the MotoGP or SBK guys
they don't to this consciously, it's just a consequence of fast riding and leanng the bike enough
yes yes yes yes #geffem
Electric bike Airwheel R8 / Review - Duration: 1:48.
friends, Hello! my name is Alexander and
today we have a review of the bike from
airwheel for such big guys like us
from Russia. the model is called
airwheel r8. here 26-inch wheels
model weighs about 19.5 kg,
the maximum speed of the Airwheel R8 -
20 km/h.
the approach angle on electric
up to 15 degrees
estimated retail price for
the Russian market is about
800 dollars at the exchange rate on the date of purchase. I
liked in this bike is
the size of that! as we know, the company Airwheel
manages to do as little
bikes for skinny Europeans
so pleases us that such models
for strong Russian guys like me. e-bike Airwheel R8
has a removable battery, it can take a. here
full kit provided.
still shifting.
unfortunately, I don't know much about Cycling theme
so in the video you can do
to identify the model. I
liked: bike
really full-sized, rear
comfortable handle to carry,
headlight included in the standard lighting,
but I didn't like slippery
plastic handles. also, there are not configured
brakes. I think you can set them up and they
will fire much stronger.
overall, the bike has a removable battery
this plus, light enough for
this type of bike, and it is relatively
inexpensive, so expect it to
the Russian market. it was the company Ecodrift,
thanks for the review, bye!
YouTube TV Now Available
Tayah - Suis Moi feat. Sosthene Dan - Duration: 3:19.
Le délire des plaques persos - Parlons-en Ep.1 - Duration: 8:02.
Hey ! Didn't you always dream of having YOUR name on YOUR number plate?
Hey everyone, alexsmolik here!
In this new series "Let's talk about it"
I'll talk about a certain topic, a particular subject In more depth
With a bit more of "personal opinions"
And today I'd like to start off the series with a subject that I care about a lot (more than I should probably lol)
And, I hope, you'll like it too We can say it's my "National Geographic"
So the subject of the day is : " Vanity plates "
if you're watching this, I suppose you like cars one way or the other
to a certain extent, and for various reasons
But what you need to know to understand what's about to follow
Is that for a large majority of car nuts
A car is not a mere machine that takes you from A to B
Cars are MUCH MORE than that
It's emotion, it's passion - it's sometimes a reflection of your inner person, too !
And now we're talking: a car plate is part of the car
BTW - they have this tendency to ruin the lines of supercars
and to make them quite ugly
Give me a LIKE if you agree!
When we speak of car plates Our first reflex is to think about the government
It is THE method to identify and track people through their car
From a car plate, derives a bunch of joyful things
like the massive amount of fines our Traffic laws have in store for us
the parking fines, vehicle registration, etc
But a car plate is not ONLY that
Its function and utility go beyond social conventions
For most, it helps built the identity of the car and of its owner
But not everywhere, and not in the same way
Next to the classic "car plate" system where the government hands you a plate
A lot of countries in the world have opted for the wonderful system
of "custom plates" / "vanity plates"
The basic idea is quite simple
In exchange of a certain amount of money, which may vary depending on the plate
The citizen is allowed to chose what his or her car plate will be
Wether it's a bunch of letters, a bunch of numbers, of a combination of both
I saw you coming miles away, jokers!
There are obviously rules and totally understandable limits to this
Indeed, the administration delivering the plates verifies they're
neither racist, nor sexist, nor diffamatory nor simply "vulgar"
But trust me, there's a bunch of tricks to get cool plates
- within a certain limit, again - You just need to use your brains a bit
Among the countries who have adopted the "custom plates" system
There are the USA, the UK, Belgium a lot of GCC countries
As for us, in France ... ... wellllll ...
Sadly, we don't. And I think it's a shame
It's free money for the Government ! (when did they ever turn that down??)
The system is functionnal! Considering it works elsewhere
It's not an obligatoin, if you don't want one, don't take one and get on with your life !
And if you do, well, you're happy to pay for it!
contrary to taxes
A win-win situation
Which also adds a hint of fantasy
in dark cities filled with black and silver cars
So I don't know why we don't have it here
if you have an idea on why, though, hit me up!
OK - now, how does it work ?
You're no idiots. So you know it depends on the country delivering the plate
But the idea remains the same: You chose what's on your plate
If you were able to make it work? Deal done, case closed!
However, if you're limited by formalities
Now you start to use your mind
One of the most-used techniques is called "1337 speech" /elite speech
It's a language born at the birth of the internet, back when 56k modems were a big thing
There you go, I've lost all the teens
So in this famous "leet speech", certain letters have a numerical equivalent
For example, O = zero L or i = 1
Z or R = 2 E = 3
A = 4
I hope you're starting to catch my drift
Through the physical ressemblance between letters and numbers, an assimilation is made
To understand better
It's like that thing you all did when you were in 3rd grade with your calculator
and for some of you, until senior year of high school
Make seemingly random numbers appear, and, when turned, they gave you a word
Like 5318008
When you turn it you get ...
* fake exagerated laughter *
But you also have the less silly version, with 713705 which gives you "SOLEIL" (SUN)
What motivates a person to pick "HIS" personal plate ?
Frankly, I see a lot of reasons
First of all, a plate is a messag to everyone you cross path with on the road
Like the "baby on board" sticker you can find on every family car ever
a vanity plate shows to the world who you are, your tastes, your opinions
Few examples This "WINNING" plate
Understand: I'm winning at life
on Team Salamone's Lamborghini
Not only is it a funny reference to Donald Trump's famous quotation
But it's also a message showing the epic success of the man
american style !
"DROPOUT" Meaning: you stopped school at one point
Again, MURICA style !
This time it's fun to see this on an Aventador
It show you just how college and school isn't the only way to success
But ...herr...stay in school ok?!! STAY IN SCHOOL !
Another example "McPOG" For the McLaren 675 LT
or "POGTADOR" for POG's Lamborghini Aventador
Those are personal ways to give little names to your car
Well, in this case, to his cars
Second: they allow to express creativity
Like a plate to show support for your football team " PSG 1 "
a cultural reference, like these pair of plates
"2B" and "NOT 2B" Shakespear reference, of course
or, a company
At this game, no one beats the Tesla american owners
Look at this one: "NIKOLA", like the inventor Nikola Tesla
"NO GAS" - it's funny because it's an electric car
Blattantly mocking the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEP in french)
Wether it's a game, a play of words like "GAME OVR" on this VIPER
Also, for car nuts like you and I We can go even further
and THIS is the real deal
a custom plate can litterally be linked to the car
And no joke, this is epic
I just noticed by screen has been turned off Yay ...
"250 GTO" on a Ferrari 250 GTO
"ENZ 288" on a Ferrari 288 GTO
"EB 164", belgium plate on a Bugatti Veyron 16.4, the first ones
"V12 SVV" on a Lamborghini LP670 SV
V12 referencing to the engine, and SV... Well, to the model
Let's finish with style
Custom plates can be used as an element of social status
Just like a nice watch, nice clothes
Or a nice car can be symbols of success
Stop pretending you don't judge people by their looks
However, this tendency is more developped in the Middle-East, from what I know
Reasoning behind the idea is simple: the shorter your plate is, the less characters there are on it,
the more expensive it is and people KNOW that !
Certain 1-digit or 2-digit vanity plates
are sometimes more expensive than the cars themselves
reaching a couple million euros !
You've all heard of the "F1" plate in the UK
Apparently one of the most expensive in the kingdom
Even if there isn't always a particular meaning with plates
You have to admit: the less characters there are, the more "elitist" it feels
Gives you the feeling of being face to face with someone important. Silly, but that's how it works!
And for the economy's greatest pleasure
a whole market is built around vanity plates
There are even auctions for certain plates That go from hand to hand
They get exchanged, they get sold, they get bought
And it's an endless story, too !
Considering there are always new models, new persons, new owners
and new jokes to be made!
Some owners are lucky enough to own a few cars
and if they want to, they can make sure their cars are easily recognizable
as being theirs
Often by using similar plates
or plates responding to certain configurations
Like all of James STUNT's cars, which all have similar plates
One could think they all have the same plate But they don't
Or the YouTuber MRJWW Most of his car plates have "JWW" in them
like "F12 JWW", "2 JWW" ... and more!
As for the Middle-East, everything is in the numbers!
As long as your plate is a cool combo that is not a coincidence
Like "333", "555", "777" ...
And when you see such plates, you instantly understand
that it's not just your random "John Smith"
Also, most of the times, vanity plates are often seen on supercars
I told you, it's all a social status thing!
That's a wrap ! This "vanity plates" episode is done
I hope you liked it, you didn't find this too long, too boring
or too scholar
If that's the case, do tell me We'll see what can be done
But I thought it was a nice serious way to talk of a subject in more depth
Like, share !
But don't forget to give me your comments!
On this note, I bid you farewell !
See ya !
Joe Brook Talkin' MOB
Kalispell Cancer Support Community awarded grant worth over $20K - Duration: 2:03.
A Bad Family | 나쁜 가족들 [KBS Drama Special / 2017.11.01] - Duration: 1:01:58.
Then Minguk isn't a soldier anymore?
Nana, listen carefully.
Your brother is
going through some tough time right now.
So our family has to get together
and overcome this, okay?
Are you two getting a divorce?
Why not?
Because we love each other.
Why do you love each other?
Because we married each other. We are a couple.
Why did you marry each other?
To raise you and your older brother well.
Why do you have to raise us well?
Because we are parents.
Why do parents have to do that?
That's enough.
Stop it, Nana.
Mom's tired.
Nana, the thing is...
Watch your head.
Minguk, does it hurt?
You'll get better soon.
Minguk, you shouldn't get sick or hurt.
Mom, that's enough.
I can't even say what I want to my own grandson?
After your father's death, you know
how hard it was for me to keep the family together.
My dear puppy...
Is this the right way?
Yes. We came this way earlier.
I said I'm right.
(A Bad Family)
(6 years later)
(Korean literature, Kim Nana)
Have you heard of this?
People in 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks will order chickens.
Those in the next three ranks will fry chickens
and those in the last three ranks will deliver chickens.
I made it but it's a really wise saying.
Kim Nana.
Who should you become out of those three?
I don't like chicken.
If you were my daughter,
I would've beaten you up to
knock some sense into you.
Don't you feel sorry for your parents?
I don't.
Goodness, Nana...
You are a senior. All of a sudden, why are you...
If you drop out now,
you'll be a middle school graduate.
I know.
You know but...
It's bad only for you to not go to college.
You need to go to college to get a job
and you need a job to make a living.
I see...
You are too young.
Okay, that's why you don't understand.
Well, if you don't have money
you can't do what you want to do
and you can't eat what you want.
So you can't be happy.
Your parents will be very upset
if they find out about this. Don't you think?
He already said yes.
My dad.
What does your father do?
It must be tough, sir.
Isn't your daughter a senior in high school?
Is she? Already?
Time really does fly...
I heard she's really smart.
You should hang in there as the head
of your family until she graduates from university.
You shouldn't be doing this.
Then let me ask you a question.
Just because I joined the trade union
how could you send an office clerk
to do laundry?
If you go on strike and go against the company
you will never be able to come back.
You should be thankful that you didn't get fired.
Think of you family.
If your family is a country
you're the president, you punk.
I'm saying this because I'm really worried
about your family as a father.
Hey, let go of me!
I'm here as an employee of a company
not as a head of a family.
Don't talk about family and go off topic.
Don't dirty my family's name!
- Let go! / - Corruptive management should step down!
Step down!
Hello, is this Nana's father?
- Hey, let go! / - I'm...
I'm Nana's homeroom teacher!
What? What did you say?
I'm Nana's...
Yes, hello.
Well, the thing is...
- Nana wants to drop out... / - Drip?
Drip? No...
Drop out...
Drop out?
Yes, you didn't know about it, right?
Why would you talk to me about that?
You should talk to her.
Stay still, you brat.
- Wait, sir... / - Sorry, I'm busy.
- Hey! / - Hello?
Wait! Your daughter wants to drop out...
Corruptive management should step down!
Okay, then your mother...
She should know.
She's your mom.
(Try now!)
(Good-bye, urinary incontinence)
Park Myeonghwa applied for Busan branch
sub-manager position.
She must be crazy. What about her husband and kids?
You sent it to me.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Your brother goes to SNU Law?
I see. That's why you got such good grades.
Then your brother must've
graduated and is working by now.
He dropped out.
He did?
Some things happened in the army.
Oh, how old are your parents?
46, 40...
Your brother is 26 years old.
This must be a typo.
It's correct.
They had a shotgun wedding.
I see...
(Definitely need to consult her parents)
Okay, then you should get...
Your parents' signatures...
Get their signatures...
She's odd.
Very odd.
God, I don't want to do this.
Just come.
Let's have a drink at a nice place.
Don't tell me yet.
Let me guess.
38 years old?
Oh, 37?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Chicken's here.
I told you to come through the back door.
It's $20.
What's your name?
Park Myeonghwa.
Don't dirty my family!
But you did hesitate a little, right?
In fact, you are the head of your family.
The head...
Do you have to be the head?
His wife doesn't know.
What if she knows?
You think I can't do this?
Well, he does have a backup.
His son goes to Seoul National University.
- He goes to law school. / - Wow.
Law school!
Hey, hey. Let's get back to the topic.
Let's hang in there until the day of our strike!
- Let's fight! / - Fight!
Stop playing with the motorcycle.
Chicken delivery!
You'll get kicked out of your house.
That's what I want.
You have nice parents. What's wrong with you?
Do you think I'm acting this way
because I wasn't loved by my parents?
Do you think I like you to rebel against my parents?
Isn't that it?
I don't care about my family.
I'm just...
Following my heart.
Me liking you isn't a deviation.
It isn't bad.
Isn't it so funny?
He kept asking me to have another drink.
It was so hard to leave him behind.
Oh, my.
Are you crazy?
What? It's not like I'm really going to have an affair.
You shouldn't be drinking with a man at this hour.
You're a mom.
Do you know how it feels to marry a person
you slept with for the first time?
Hey, what are you saying?
Crazy woman...
I want to sleep with another man just once in my life.
When should we do it?
Arouse me
with just a sentence.
It's the end if you fail.
Gosh, you shocked me.
Did you drink again?
Kim Nana!
You aren't going to eat, right?
Hey, what were you doing until now?
Why haven't you eaten?
If I don't eat, you'll be eating alone.
I'm your favorite food.
What are you going to do?
Eat up.
You aren't going to eat, right?
Have you seen me eat anything at this hour?
I will hold myself back
and when I really want to eat it...
Oh, what brings you here all of a sudden?
All of a sudden?
I came to spend some nice time with my family.
Oh, my.
Kim Nana!
Gosh, she's here again.
Was my visit too abrupt?
- Please excuse me... / - Yes.
It's almost Chuseok but we have very sad news.
A senior in 80s who was living alone
was found dead by his neighbor,
a month after his death.
Oh, my goodness.
What were his children doing?
He might not have children.
It's very sad as he had been living in solitude
for a long time without any children.
It would've been nice if he had a child.
Many people die like that even if they have children.
Kim Nana.
Nana, you are truly blessed.
Your parents aren't divorced.
Your diligent father gets monthly salary.
I never asked them to give birth to me.
You see,
I wasn't born because I wanted to.
Why do I have to be thankful and listen to them?
Let's pray, everyone.
Dear Father,
please help our family
to be happy just as we are now
and thank you so much that I was able to have
my 70th birthday party at a hotel thanks to my son.
My dear Nana.
Please help her get into a mid-upper level college
in Seoul.
And please help the price of our house
to not fall, and rise incredibly
during this government .
Grandma, when are you going home?
Can I move in here?
- It will be tough for you... / - You don't need to...
Mom, look at this.
Nana wants to drop out of school.
Hey, Minguk!
Are you crazy? What are you doing?
Give my money back.
Kim Nana, what is this?
(You don't need to know)
That's why you were beaten up in the army.
Hey, hey!
Oh, no.
That brat.
Are you okay, Myeonghwa?
Kim Nana!
Hey, stop right there!
Get on!
How dare you!
Let go!
Let go!
You can't go!
- Get off! / Let go!
- Hey! / - Where are you going?
Let go of me!
Hey, are you insane?
Drop out of school?
Let go of my hair!
- Hey, let go! / - You let go!
- Let go of me! / - You brat.
Let go!
Are you okay?
Hey, Kim Nana!
Help him up.
Kim Nana.
Stop right there.
What's wrong?
I'm her mom.
We will take care of it.
Just go...
What's going on?
How embarrassing.
What? Domestic violence? There was no problem.
She did hit her child.
You are the weird one.
You should, when she doesn't listen to you.
Hey, where did you get the money?
It's my pocket money,
money for textbooks and academy.
And from Eunsu's part-time job.
Your residence is unclear.
Where are you parents?
I don't know.
What were you two trying to do with that money?
I want to leave the house.
I saved that up to live on my own.
Happy now?
With him?
You didn't...
Sleep together?
Calm down.
I'm sorry.
What should we do for you?
What do you want?
Let us get back our money back.
It's our money.
In our point of view,
she did what she was supposed to do as a parent.
So you can't do that?
It's our money.
Be precise. It's my money.
All of your money comes from my wallet!
How could you hang out with a guy like that
who doesn't even have parents?
No, what I meant was...
You don't have parents either!
Is that why...
You are cheating on dad?
You were texting each other.
Some vulgar and rude texts.
Hey, Kim Nana!
How could make such a lie?
(Delete this message?)
Yes, you must've been mistaken.
Oh, that must be her school teacher.
I'm Nana's dad.
We talked on the phone earlier today.
Oh, then are you...
Married to that woman?
I will keep my mouth shut.
For the sake of you two.
- Nana... / - No.
Forget her.
Give the money to me.
Is that why you are seeing Nana?
Then what other reason must I have?
Isn't she your first love or something?
Just give me the money.
I need to get to work.
I will see you at school tomorrow.
Nana's mother.
Yes, Nana's teacher.
No cell phone, no pocket money.
And no freedom for a while.
Give Eunsu's money back to him.
Do you know...
Forget him.
- Let go! / I'm Nana's homeroom teacher.
Geez, that punk.
With his student's parent...
Is your teacher married?
He's so unprofessional.
Why isn't he married yet?
He looked fine.
Does he have a weird taste?
I'm so tired.
As far as I can remember...
You didn't come,
not even once, after she became a senior.
Yes. I'm very busy with work.
Well, as her mother...
I think you should play more part for Nana.
Then Nana will be able to
return to her place soon.
Life and ethics...
It's totally the opposite of your life.
It's nothing.
What's wrong with you?
He didn't do anything wrong.
I explained it to you.
I know I'm being rude...
But are you really Nana's birth mother?
I'm sorry.
It's quite often these days.
You could be remarried
and she could be adopted.
Did I seem that strange,
that I didn't seem like her real mom?
You are strange even in my eyes.
I am.
I am her birth mother.
Just quit school.
You should take care of your own life.
You go home first.
She's smart but she's just a child.
You can't just let her be.
I think it's child abuse to
control your children's lives.
I'm so sick of it from my mom.
You don't know because you didn't experience it
but I don't want my children to suffer the same thing
I suffered.
Will you not regret it
if her life gets ruined?
Park Myeonghwa.
Why are you acting like her mom all of a sudden?
Well, you should act like her dad.
Pay attention to our kids as much as you do
to the trade union!
How did you know? No, no.
What does that have to do with this?
It's your fault that Minguk became like that.
Why is that my fault? It's your fault!
You just let my mom be obsessed with Minguk
and spoil him. Why?
Because it was comfortable for you!
What about you?
You didn't stop your mother from doing that!
You lived the way you wanted!
It's my fault and mistake to marry you
and have kids with you.
Then should we get a divorce?
A divorce?
Fine. Let's go get divorced.
My son!
You must be hungry!
I will make you a nice dinner.
I got some delicious stuff.
Have some mandarins before.
What are you doing, my dear Nana?
What do you want to eat?
Anything that you want to eat.
No, tell me what you want to eat.
Then, shall we cook together?
What's wrong with them? I'm getting goose bumps.
Dad told me to get a cake.
He said today is a special day.
Oh, right.
Let's celebrate it among ourselves.
That day...
Mom, mom...
Mom, happy birthday.
(Happy wedding anniversary)
Thanks, honey.
I should thank you.
Thank you for marrying me. I love you.
Me too, honey.
Let's take a picture.
Kiss mom or something.
Hey, your grandma's here.
It's alright. I'm not so square.
- Kiss her. / - Kiss her.
- Kiss her. / - Stop.
- Kiss her. / - Stop it.
Oh, Minguk.
I'm looking for your job position.
Let's have the cake.
Oh, gosh!
What are you doing?
We decided to try our best.
Trying won't work.
Let's not do this. We are family.
Yeah, this is wrong.
Kim Jeongguk.
Stop pretending you're asleep and listen carefully.
To be honest, I'm scared.
That Nana's acting like that because of me.
She was born because of me.
I can't just let her take the wrong path.
Let's just get her to graduate.
You are taking a leave of absence?
You will get a position in Busan soon.
That's a shame.
It's okay.
I didn't want to take that position anyway.
Good thinking.
Your family is most important.
A person like you is asking me for a favor...
Corruption really is something, isn't it?
Should I get you your position...
- Back or not? Back or not? / - Thanks...
Hello, this is the Empire Hotel.
Please check the banner for the party.
Let's save up some money again.
Get me a high-paying part-time job.
My parents became even stranger.
I think I'm going to go crazy if I stay there any longer.
Please cooperate.
Minguk, are you working properly?
Dad, do I have to do this?
The seniors are scary.
It feels like I'm in the army again.
Don't you feel sorry to mooch off
your parents?
It's been like that forever.
You just need to lay another spoon on the table.
Can't I just stay home? Please?
Hey, Kim Minguk!
When will you grow up?
Dad, what's wrong with you?
Why did you suddenly change your voice?
Hey, SNU dropout.
Are you peeing?
That strike is making things chaotic.
The person who just left...
Wasn't he the union leader?
He was sent to do laundry
but he quit the union and got his position back.
People talk trash about him because of that.
When will it end?
(Trade union chat room)
Let's have a toast for Manager Kim!
- Cheers! / - Cheers!
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
Yes, director. Manager Kim is right here.
Where are you going?
Where do you think? We are going home!
If you need money, you should've told me!
Where are you going? I can give you more money.
Hey, what's your parent's phone number?
I have my reasons that I can't tell
but can you let me go just this once?
You played with a girl who's
young enough to be your daughter. How shameless.
It's not that...
Just stay put.
- Hello? / - Hello, sir?
Yes, you must be having a tough day. Over here...
I'm her father.
I see you very often.
People from the Office of Child and Youth Protection
will be here soon to investigate.
What? Why?
All of you need to be consulted
and investigated.
Just take him.
We didn't do anything wrong.
Kim Jeongguk, you!
No, the thing is...
I was there to do well in the company!
It wasn't for myself!
Dad, please get a grip.
You are the one who should get a grip!
This is all your fault!
Do you know why
your mom and I'm still living together?
It's because of you.
No one will take in a brat like you!
How could you say that to me?
Don't even call me dad.
Call me father from now on.
I won't be soft on you.
I will beat you if I have to, if that makes you grow up.
I warned you!
Kim Nana!
This is all your fault.
Don't you feel anything?
What did I do?
If you didn't touch that money,
this wouldn't have happened.
Do you think you make any sense?
I'm an adult next year.
What's wrong with living with him?
You got married when you were 18.
Is it that difficult to just go to school
and go to college?
All the other kids do that.
Why is it so hard for you guys?
Do you regret having us?
You do.
Yes, if it weren't for you,
my life would've been so much better.
Leave us now then.
You don't love us anyway.
You've been that way all this time
and why are you suddenly being so nosy?
Eunsu took money from me,
promising that he won't see you anymore.
I know.
You know?
If you want to be loved,
be a person who's worth to be loved.
The only people who will love a brat
like you, are only the likes of you.
Got that?
They say those who aren't loved
tend to be more promiscuous.
That's why you had Minguk.
Am I wrong?
Let's change seats.
You shouldn't have driven in the first place!
I only had a half glass. But just in case. Hurry.
Don't just stick your head out!
Go this way!
Go back!
One person should go front!
They are moving!
Hurry up.
Go front, so I can go this way!
Wait, my leg!
Gosh, hurry.
He saw us already.
Don't come back!
Just stay still.
He won't know.
What are you doing, sir?
Oh, the seat was too cold so...
Sir, get off the car.
Do I have to? Okay.
Get off.
I'll be back.
- Please blow into this. / - You must be tired.
- Please blow. / - Yes.
Try again.
Blow for 5 seconds.
- Park Myeonghwa! / - Sir.
- Park Myeonghwa! / - What's wrong with you, sir?
Park Myeonghwa!
That wench.
What are you doing here?
You called me.
I have...
I have no right to be a mom.
Yes, I have no right to be a teacher
but I go to school every day and teach them.
At least you get money out of it.
Being a mom...
Doesn't give you anything.
I was 18 when I gave birth to Minguk.
I was younger than Nana.
I wasn't confident enough to be a good mom.
There were many things I wanted to do.
Why did my life end up like this?
Park Myeonghwa as a mom
and Park Myeonghwa as myself are both gone!
- How did this... / - It's alright.
You can do better from now on.
I don't need anything.
I need nothing.
Do you want to sleep with me?
How could you sleep with me just because I said so?
You should've got a hold of yourself!
What's wrong with it?
Nana is graduating soon.
We won't get caught.
That'd be unfortunate.
You must be insane.
You said that to me yesterday.
Don't worry.
I'm not crazy. I want to keep my job.
I will pay for the laundry...
It's fine.
That's why I told you to go home!
Why are we here?
You took me here.
I want to check out.
Step down!
Let go! Ma'am.
Hold on, ma'am.
Let go!
Please hurry up.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I don't like fighting.
Park Myeonghwa!
Why are you...
(Kang Yeongsun's birthday party)
Were you waiting here?
- How thoughtful... / - Teacher.
You're checking out, right?
You can do it now, Ms. Park Myeonghwa.
Hello, sir.
Where should we go?
You should show us the way.
My guests are standing here, waiting.
What a nice hotel.
Your son goes to such a nice company.
Why did your mom come here
out of all places?
Did you get her the room?
Did you?
You must look after your mom. You're so handsome.
Corruptive management should step down!
Stop destroying the union!
Corruptive management should step down!
Stop destroying the union!
Corruptive management should step down!
Stop destroying the union!
Corruptive management should step down!
Stop destroying the union!
Get him!
Stop destroying the union!
Dad, we are ruined anyway.
Do what you want!
We are ruined anyway!
Do what you want, dad!
Hey, Jeongguk.
Can't you take care of your own son?
Your wife and kids are going crazy
because you aren't a good family head!
What are you going to do with that brat?
Manager Park.
Do you even know what going crazy means?
Don't dirty my family's name!
Corruptive management should step down!
Let's protect our union!
Corruptive management should step down!
Let's protect our union!
Corruptive management should step down!
Corruptive management should step down!
Aren't you getting a divorce?
Why not?
Because you love each other?
We are so sorry to you guys.
I'm sorry that we are like this.
But being a parent
doesn't mean that you are an adult.
I never imagined that I would
get married to your mom.
And even kids...
Not just one, but two.
Well, Minguk, I understand.
But Nana...
You are a real mystery.
I don't remember when, how and why...
You were made...
It's the day of our wedding anniversary.
We were crazy.
We didn't do it that day.
We did.
Do you have to talk about that in front of us?
Anyway, somehow we came this far.
I thought I would change
after getting married and having children.
But that wasn't it.
People don't change that easily.
We had no choice.
You were already there and born.
I couldn't put you back into my belly.
Yes. There's no turning back in life.
So I just tried my best.
But I keep making mistakes.
I'm sorry.
I should've used protection.
Don't say that!
You don't have to be sorry.
- What? / - What?
You don't have to be sorry.
Let's go.
Let's just go home.
Will you be okay without me? I'm so worried.
Don't lie.
Are you happy to live alone in Busan?
Not at all.
Are you happy to go on strike?
Wait for me.
Perfect timing.
What's this?
Are you proud to be a dropout?
Well, I can't lie.
That's true.
What's going on?
Why are you still here?
Wow, look at your bag.
Nana, you have to call me at least once a day.
Okay. You said it so many times.
Nana, what's the purpose of your trip?
Just wandering?
Well, come to Busan one day.
I will see.
Wait for me.
- Bye. / - Bye.
(Lee Junhyeok, Shin Eungyeong)
(Hong Seoyoung, Song Jiho, Baek Suryeon)
(Park Sunghun)
(Jang Dongju)
(A Bad Family)
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