Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today?
We are back on the clickbait god account for yet again another video now in today's video
We're gonna mix it up a bit and do some trolling now. Not just any normal trolling
No, no, no that is too easy for the clickbait god
We are going to be doing some giant skeleton throwing so I have the giant skeleton
I have the mirror and I have the clone spell so
essentially I'm gonna hop into a two versus two I'm gonna spam as many giant skeletons down as
Possible and the main goal is to just be a cock and piss the enemies off
I know whenever someone puts a giant skeleton down
I normally get like pissed off because it just kills all my troops so today
We're switching roles
And I'm gonna be the person who annoys everyone and look at our starting hand this is absolutely phenomenal
So but teammate put a hog down, and there's a minion ward incoming
but we have our giant skeleton down right here and
Part of me wants to near it should we get two giant skeletons down right off the bat?
Maybe have one on the left lane and one on the right. I really don't know what's gonna work out
You know let's put another giant skeleton down. What is the enemy gonna do to prevent this now?
We have the clone spell ready unfortunately though
there is a
And there is an inferno dragon so all of our giant skeletons by the looks of it are gonna be going down that one is
actually approaching onto the tower whoa, it's gonna connect and
Let's go so far
we are off to a
Phenomenal start one giant skeleton reached that tower and look how much damage it did like come on
We just absolutely rightt him and that clone, spell it wasn't like super useful
But I would definitely say it helped out a lot
Oh, my god. Are they gonna put a minion war down this time
Nope. They are not if they would have put a minion horde down
I would have laughed because it would he got murked instantly so far though the clickbait God has one tower destroyed
Oh, it's hopeless that oh my god. They just put a goblin barrel on the king tower and at this point
Let's get another push down with giant skeleton. I do know there is a Inferno
No, no infernal dragon. It appears. We made them rage quit with this deck already like I'm not even kidding you
This is the first battle
We've done, and we've already made the enemy like looks stupid they try to do a little bit of a push
But there we go easy easy three crown with this deck
Hopefully the success continues throughout the video, but let's hop into another battle
And I'm actually doing a rematch with that last teammate
I mean we killed it once so I'm hoping we can hop into another and just rack the enemy again
Let's get a Dark Prince down low to help out with that lumberjack. I don't know who is gonna win this matchup, ooh
Unfortunately his lumberjack did when oh my god. We have a lot we have to deal with right here
Let's get a whole bunch of peashooters down look at him go
And now it just has to go and take out the princess
We'll get any hits off on the tower moment of truth
They got one and there was a terrible Goblin barrel full we crap. I do not know what to do
They're welcoming my team II didn't have a SAP spell, but I didn't really have any like certain
That is not looking good for us the clickbait. God is not happy right now
we're giving them some sad faces as far as this goes we can actually turn this into something awesome, so
Skeleton is down right there my teammate has some bad sound so hopefully they can take care of that princess
I'm just going out all these troops. Just kind of chill out. It looks like this my comedian and gonna be heated, okay
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go poisons fell down
I have no elixir my teammate is saving up for a new s those goblins are gonna get smacked
But it looks like we are gonna be losing that lab powers for this battle
It's all up to a very very rough start, but keep in mind
There's still plenty of time left and we can still come back
Let's just hope we can stop that lumberjack and turn this into a pretty good counter push
I am gonna try to get this clone. Spell ready. Let's just see they did use a lot. Oh yeah clone
Spell is not gonna be used there at all and oh my God my peashooter is nearly useless right there
They had a pretty good night that just came in clutch and all of those bats
Just disappeared as well the enemy has some pretty crazy. Level cards like a level 12 mini morgue
Well my comments are like level 9, so we're definitely a bit outmatched right here
It kind of sucks that were against some really good people because higher level cards. Let's be real
It's a bit broken and no one like
Let's get a mega meeting down on that print so my teammate did put some goblins out
I'm not too sure if those were needed and let's get a poison spell down drape there. Oh my god
They have knit for no power
That is not good, and I'm pretty sure oh wait my teammates didn't have his app
But it really wouldn't do too much, so this battle is honestly really stupid a level 9 hog rider
I can't really defend that too well with my current card, so yeah, this matchup really really broken. I apologize for that
Let's move on to the next one
Okay, comparing the card levels here
Why the hell would match us up
against them that
That's not even fair
My rares are level 5 and that dude has a level 9 hog rider and then like a level 8
Rocket how the hell are we supposed to do good there like it's just not possible
So I'm gonna hop into a battle with Carlos
I really don't know who this is I posted my friend link out two videos ago
And he just so happened to accept it so I'm hoping these two people Carlos
And I are against are kind of
Lower on the skill level just so we have a chance as far as what we can do here
I am gonna put a poison spell down. I really wasn't too sure what the best route would be now
Let's just get a dark up and down for some defense and I'm hoping we can clear all those guys out the wizard
Oh yes
The giant skeleton bomb helped out so much and look at the range of the dark op and when I tell you this card truly
Is incredible I honestly mean it so right here. Let's clone the dark Goblin get to a pub. Oh wait
They shouldn't the skeleton army what the heck the dark goblins range is honestly
Just impeccable a Dark Prince if you can go towards the hog rider that would have been cool, but oh well and again
We are against a level 9 rare, so I'm not too sure why it is giving us these crazy matchups
But I'm just trying to go for something even here like I can just find people
Who have the same cards as me that would be awesome, but we're not gonna complain until we lose
Let's get another Dark Prince down though. I probably show way to get the mega mini now instead
Yes ok we distracted that that hog got rekt
The level ain't hog rider really gonna get any damage off, but there was a knight on our right tower
That was just smacking away right here, though. I am gonna put a poison spell down unfortunately though
It looks like all of our troops will be dying. I may try to clone this Knight right here
Yeah We're definitely gonna clone that Knight get some easy damage off and that tower is
Taken care of let's go that was honestly beautiful and as far as this lumberjack goes. Let's get our pea shooter down
Hopefully we can stop that lumberjack in time. Yes, and look at that
We gonna merge the hog rider as well get de inferno tawa come on we can do it we can do it
Oh, we're going forward three cron. It looks like okay since they're Inferno tower is out of cycle
We're gonna build an absolute crazy push on this right side one giant skeleton is down
And I am gonna put another one hopefully my teammate defends that left side because I know I'm not gonna be doing it
Oh boys, that's not good. Okay, so some serious problems are happening on that left our
I may have been kind of a bad teammate, but oh god. Okay. We gotta. We've really gotta defend this right here
Please just stop all this stop all this stop all this get that Inferno tower out of here
Our giant skeletons are going down. Oh my god. Yeah groaning
It is not even a good option right now that belfry was a massive fail
Um you know I wasn't gonna put the pea shooter down, but I feel like the valve might have got a hit off
Okay, let's get a clone spell ready for this goblin barrel
I'm ready for the quote spell on the Goblin bear whoo oh
No, that could have been so sick imagine if that would have worked out you guys would have called me a god right there
They're putting so many spells on that tower. What the heck they just took care of all my troops
We need to get an absolute finger pushing right now if we want to win this come on come on get a poison spell down
I don't even know what's happening right now. Please just get a win. Please just get a win Oh
Man what the hell is up today again
I don't know what it is like the people on the other team have cards that are like two times the level of my cards
So to make this even we're just gonna do a quick match
Hopefully I can find someone who is kind of on my skill level the clickbait. God is just having a rough day today
We just can't seem to catch a break. Oh god. Okay. We got a lot of stuff coming over there luckily
I have the Giants oh my God look at that right side
It looks like the minion Ward's are gonna go in front of my giant skeleton
But imagine if like I had a clone spell or something crazy that could have seriously
Been deadly on that right side now. There is the witch oh and a skeleton army welcome my teammate does have that princess
I honestly didn't even see that Electra wizard right there
I have the Dark Prince on him just so we can avoid some power damage and there goes their log
So let's get that cooling spell ready ro
Nevermind no clones foe there
And let's just get a poison on that minion horde my teammate did use the musketeer which was not needed
But he really didn't know I had the poison spell coming so I guess I can't be too mad at him for that now
Right here absolute massive push going and all I thought the lumberjack was going to connect
But unfortunately he did not so as far as those elite barbs. Go we're gonna smoke them just look at how good the peashooter is
Just absolutely dusting everything. Let's get another one down right there my teammate has the giant skeleton yes
This is a miracle. There is no way we found someone else using the giant skeleton
This is an absolute game changer guys. We can do some serious damage now. I can clone his giant skeleton
I can clone mine. What can't redo at this point teammate going in with the hog rider?
I think these people do have a minion horde. Oh wait. Oh, okay?
I was gonna duplicate the hog, but I decided it'd be wise if we just didn't do that so right here
Let's get another giant skeleton down
I am gonna put a mega minion down right there my teammate Zapp actually took care of that though
And we'll get the giant skeleton guys going to destroy the witch and all those troops
Just the main reason why I love the card so much and as far as this goes
I think we are gonna wait to clone all this okay, nevermind instead
We're gonna get a poison spell down right there, and now let's get ready for whatever crap okay
We got to be smart got to be smart pull everything over pull everything over
Just dust the troops get them out of here, please please please my teammates going in for a push
But we got to defend that right side dude. What are you doing? We are so losing that tower?
That was the worst clones that I've ever seen in my life
I do not know what you were even attempting to accomplish there right here, though
Let's get ourselves that giant skeleton down unfortunately my teammate. Oh wait. We just took care of the Goblin barrel as well
Thankfully that giant skeleton tank for us, but that could have been so much worse
This battle is just a big mess 15 seconds left
There's absolutely nothing we can do so I'm sorry we tried we tried our hardest
But crash just is not our friend today. I don't know if it's the teammates. I don't know if my cards suck
I don't know if I suck
I really don't know what it is, but things just didn't go well it started off so good with the three crown and now
Everything's just downhill so guys. I think we are gonna be wrapping up the video here. My name is eclipse and
For more infomation >> ALL OF THEIR TROOPS GOT DESTROYED! (TROLLING) | Clash Royale - Duration: 11:58.-------------------------------------------
Người Nhện Và Nữ Hoàng Băng Giá Ngăn Cản Phù Thủy Joker Bắn Thú Rừng - Người Nhện Hài Hước Ngoài Đời - Duration: 11:02.
Channel Nine - Lineup (9.2.2014) - Duration: 0:21.
Al Bano ha fatto finalmente pace: "La mia seconda vita con Romina" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:10.
Sikh hymn to One God Hari ( Rehras Sahib ) with English Translation - Duration: 4:39.
In each and every Yuga, He creates His devotees and preserves their honor, The Lord King Rama( Avatar of God Hari ).
The Hari killed the wicked Harnaakhash ( Narmsimha Avatar Of God Hari ), and saved Prahlaad.
He turned his back on the egotists and slanderers, and showed His Face to NamDev
Servant Nanak served that God Hari , He (Hari ) will deliver him (Nanak ) in the end. Shalok, First Mehl:
Suffering is the medicine, and pleasure the disease, because where there is pleasure, there is no desire for God.
You are the Doer ( Maintainer ) Lord, I can do nothing. Even if I try, nothing happens. ||1||
I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power which is pervading everywhere.
Your limits cannot be known. ||1||Pause||
Your Light is in Your creatures ( As Atma ), and Your creatures are in Your Light ( BrahmJyoti ); Your almighty power is pervading everywhere.
You are the True Lord and Master; Your Praise is so beautiful. One who sings it, is carried across.( circle of rebirth )
Nanak speaks the stories of the Doer (Maintainer ) Lord; whatever He is to do, He does. ||2||
So Dar ~ That Door. Raag Aasaa, First Mehl:
One Universal Creator ( God Hari ) , Understood By The Grace Of The True Guru:
How is That Door of Yours (Hari Home) ?, and How is That Home Of Yours ?, in which You sit and take care of all?
( Description Of Hari home Continues )........... , The Sound-current of the Naad vibrates there (In Hari Home) for You, and countless musicians play all sorts of instruments there for You.
There are so many Ragas and musical harmonies to You; so many minstrels sing hymns of You.
Wind, water and fire sing of You. The DharmaRaj sings at Your (The Hari's Home ) Door.
Chitr and Gupt, the angels of the conscious and the subconscious who keep the record of actions, and the Righteous Judge of Dharma who reads this record, sing of You.
Shiva, Brahma and the Devi Laxmi, Ever Loved by You (Hari ), sing of You (Hari).
Indra, seated on His Throne, sings of You, with the Devtas (deities ) at Your Door.
The Siddhas in Samaadhi sing of You; the Saadhus sing of You in contemplation.
The celibates, the fanatics, and the peacefully accepting sing of You; the fearless warriors sing of You.
The Pandits , scholars since the Yugas through the Vedas, sing of You
The Mohinis, the enchanting heavenly beauties who entice hearts in paradise, in this world, and in the underworld of the subconscious, sing of You.
The celestial jewels created by You, and the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, sing of You.
The brave and mighty warriors sing of You. The spiritual heroes and the four sources of creation sing of You.
The Khanda, mandala, Brahmanda (Vedic cosmology ) created and arranged by Your Hand, sing of You.
They alone sing of You, who are pleasing to Your Will. Your devotees are imbued with Your Sublime Essence.
So many others sing of You, they do not come to mind. O Nanak, how can I think of them all?
That True Lord is True, forever True, and True is His Name.
He is, and shall always be. He shall not depart, even when this Creation which He has created departs.
He created the world, with its various colors, species of beings, and the variety of Maya.
Having created the creation, He watches over it Himself, by His Greatness.
He does whatever He pleases. No one can issue any order to Him.
He is the King, the King of kings, the Supreme Lord and Master of kings. Nanak remains subject to His Will. ||1||
Khalsa Belongs to Vaheguru ( Va - Vasudev , Ha - Hari , Go - Govind ) , Being( Jiva ) Who sing This ( Vaheguru mantra ) Is Victorious !
Gf vip: primo viaggio d'amore per Soleil Sorgè e Marco | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:32.
지드래곤 애프터스쿨 주연 열애설? 콰이앱 유출 남태현에 이어|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:06.
비투비 브래지어 스타킹 동영상 논란, 여혐 변태성 아바타 게임?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:12.
선미 김주혁 추모 인스타그램에 "꽃 예쁘네" 정찬우 댓글..인성 논란|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:47.
This is how Potara is allowed in the Tournament Dragon Ball Super Episode 114 Spoilers Anime Fan New - Duration: 2:37.
Thor: Ragnarok
Sikh hymn to One God Hari ( Rehras Sahib ) with English Translation - Duration: 4:39.
In each and every Yuga, He creates His devotees and preserves their honor, The Lord King Rama( Avatar of God Hari ).
The Hari killed the wicked Harnaakhash ( Narmsimha Avatar Of God Hari ), and saved Prahlaad.
He turned his back on the egotists and slanderers, and showed His Face to NamDev
Servant Nanak served that God Hari , He (Hari ) will deliver him (Nanak ) in the end. Shalok, First Mehl:
Suffering is the medicine, and pleasure the disease, because where there is pleasure, there is no desire for God.
You are the Doer ( Maintainer ) Lord, I can do nothing. Even if I try, nothing happens. ||1||
I am a sacrifice to Your almighty creative power which is pervading everywhere.
Your limits cannot be known. ||1||Pause||
Your Light is in Your creatures ( As Atma ), and Your creatures are in Your Light ( BrahmJyoti ); Your almighty power is pervading everywhere.
You are the True Lord and Master; Your Praise is so beautiful. One who sings it, is carried across.( circle of rebirth )
Nanak speaks the stories of the Doer (Maintainer ) Lord; whatever He is to do, He does. ||2||
So Dar ~ That Door. Raag Aasaa, First Mehl:
One Universal Creator ( God Hari ) , Understood By The Grace Of The True Guru:
How is That Door of Yours (Hari Home) ?, and How is That Home Of Yours ?, in which You sit and take care of all?
( Description Of Hari home Continues )........... , The Sound-current of the Naad vibrates there (In Hari Home) for You, and countless musicians play all sorts of instruments there for You.
There are so many Ragas and musical harmonies to You; so many minstrels sing hymns of You.
Wind, water and fire sing of You. The DharmaRaj sings at Your (The Hari's Home ) Door.
Chitr and Gupt, the angels of the conscious and the subconscious who keep the record of actions, and the Righteous Judge of Dharma who reads this record, sing of You.
Shiva, Brahma and the Devi Laxmi, Ever Loved by You (Hari ), sing of You (Hari).
Indra, seated on His Throne, sings of You, with the Devtas (deities ) at Your Door.
The Siddhas in Samaadhi sing of You; the Saadhus sing of You in contemplation.
The celibates, the fanatics, and the peacefully accepting sing of You; the fearless warriors sing of You.
The Pandits , scholars since the Yugas through the Vedas, sing of You
The Mohinis, the enchanting heavenly beauties who entice hearts in paradise, in this world, and in the underworld of the subconscious, sing of You.
The celestial jewels created by You, and the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, sing of You.
The brave and mighty warriors sing of You. The spiritual heroes and the four sources of creation sing of You.
The Khanda, mandala, Brahmanda (Vedic cosmology ) created and arranged by Your Hand, sing of You.
They alone sing of You, who are pleasing to Your Will. Your devotees are imbued with Your Sublime Essence.
So many others sing of You, they do not come to mind. O Nanak, how can I think of them all?
That True Lord is True, forever True, and True is His Name.
He is, and shall always be. He shall not depart, even when this Creation which He has created departs.
He created the world, with its various colors, species of beings, and the variety of Maya.
Having created the creation, He watches over it Himself, by His Greatness.
He does whatever He pleases. No one can issue any order to Him.
He is the King, the King of kings, the Supreme Lord and Master of kings. Nanak remains subject to His Will. ||1||
Khalsa Belongs to Vaheguru ( Va - Vasudev , Ha - Hari , Go - Govind ) , Being( Jiva ) Who sing This ( Vaheguru mantra ) Is Victorious !
Vlog # 49. Egypt: The Cinema in Alexandria. Premiere of the Jigsaw movie (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:27.
Yesterday the premiere of the film Jigsaw Saw 8 part.
And today we go to watch it.
Here, we will try to get a poster too.
We will try to get the poster.
So that's all.
There is already a billboard for "Jigsaw", so the film is in the cinema.
. The poster "Jigsaw" hangs, so the film "Jigsaw" goes.
Let's watch it
Here is the poster "Jigsaw", which we will get.
Where will you sit?
Where will you sit?
All blue places are empty.
Maybe here?
Here he is a ticket to the movie "Jigsaw".
I bought the ticket for the movie "Jigsaw".
I go to the movie "Jigsaw" alone, everyone else goes to another
The only joyous news from this film is
that John Kramer is alive.
Kramer lived, Kramer is alive, Kramer will live!
Something like this
The film is really good.
I liked the movie, interesting story.
Well, and further watch yourself.
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