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Audi A7 Sportback 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S-LINE INTERIEUR + EXTERIEUR - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
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No more mistakes with MODALS! 3 Easy Rules - Duration: 9:57.Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid.
In this lesson you'll learn how to use modal verbs properly, and how to avoid making the
most common mistakes that students sometimes make when using these special helping verbs.
Now, even though modal verbs doesn't sound that exciting, when you see what they are
you'll realize that we use these verbs all the time, and so you need to know how to use
them correctly. Right? Okay.
So, let's look at what modal verbs are.
So, these are words that express different kinds of things.
For example, they might express ability, possibility, permission, obligation. Okay?
And some other things like that.
And they behave differently from regular verbs, and that's why they're sometimes a little
bit confusing.
But let's look at some examples of what modal verbs are.
"Can", "could", "may", "might", "should", "ought to", "must", "have to", "will", "shall",
and "would". Okay?
These are the most common ones.
All right.
So, I'm going to give you now three basic rules that you can follow to avoid most of
the mistakes that are usually made with the modal verbs. Okay?
So, first of all, make sure to use the modal verb as is.
That means don't change it in the present, or the past, or the future.
For example, we can say: "He can swim."
This is a correct sentence.
It would be wrong to say: "He cans swim."
Because, here, the student put an extra "s" there.
All right?
And we don't need to change that modal verb ever.
Okay? All right.
Second, use the base form of the verb after a modal.
Don't use "to".
What do I mean by that?
For example, you should say: "He might join us."
Not: "He might to join us."
This is a really common error, so make sure you don't make this one.
So don't use the full infinitive to join after a word like "might".
Just use the base form of the verb, which is: "join".
"He might join us.", "He could join us.", "He should join us.", "He must join us." and
so on, without "to".
All right? Very good.
Now, the next point is if you need to, say, use the modal verb in the negative form, then
just use "not" after the modal.
All right?
Don't add any extra words most the time; there's one little exception, I'll explain that to
you, but for most of them, don't use words like: "don't", or "doesn't", or "isn't", "aren't",
"wasn't", "won't".
So, with most of these modal verbs just say "not".
For example: "You should not smoke."
Not: "You don't should smoke."
All right?
So, here the student knows and learned all these lovely words: "don't", "doesn't", "isn't",
"aren't", all that and try to use it when using the modal verb, but that's wrong.
So, the only exception is with the verb...
With the modal verb "have to", there if you want to make it negative, you need to say:
"You don't have to do this", okay?
But with the other ones, we just say: "You cannot", "You could not", "You may not", "You
might not", "You should not", "You ought not to", okay?
So there you have to be careful where to place it.
"You must not", this one I told you is an exception.
"You will not", "You shall not", and "You would not".
And the other thing to keep in mind when you're using this word and "not", this is a really
common mistake, so the important thing to remember: This actually becomes one word.
Only in that case.
You don't say...
You say: "cannot", but it's actually one word.
All right?
Most of the time, almost always "not" is a separate word with all of the modal verbs.
But not with "can".
With "can" it actually becomes one word: "I cannot arrive"-okay?-"on time", like that.
So, now that you've got these basic rules and you've understood how it works, let's
do some practice to see how well you've understood.
Okay, so let's get started with our exercises.
Now, the rules are written at the top just in case you didn't remember them exactly.
First one, remember use it as it is, don't change the modal verb.
Second one, use with the base verb.
Don't use the full infinitive "to" something.
And the last one: Use "not" after the modals when it's negative.
All right.
Try to keep those in mind, but most of all let's look at the actual examples and you
tell me what's wrong with them.
There is something wrong with each and every one of these sentences.
Number one: "You must to finish your homework.
You must to finish your homework."
What's wrong there?
What did the person do wrong?
They added "to". All right?
This was our second rule.
You cannot use "to".
Just say: "You must finish your homework."
That's it.
Number two: "I don't can drive. I don't can drive."
That's wrong.
What should it be?
"I cannot drive."
That's what we said here in the third rule.
That just use "not" when it's negative.
All right?
And remember with the word "cannot", it's one word.
All right.
Number three: "You should not to smoke.
You should not to smoke."
What's wrong there?
Okay, again, we want to take out this "to".
The sentence should be: "You should not smoke."
So, again, you don't want to use the "to".
Just use the base form of the verb.
Don't use the full infinitive.
Okay, number four: "We not could call you.
We not could call you", some people say, but it's not right.
What should it be?
"We could not call you."
"not" goes after the modal.
Okay? Not anywhere else.
Next: "He mights go to sleep.
He mights go to sleep."
It's not right.
It should be: "He might go to sleep."
This was our rule number one, here, at the top.
And the rule was that we don't change anything.
We just say: "He might go to sleep."
We never change the modal.
Next, number six: "They can to stay with us."
Somebody says very kindly: "They can to stay with us."
It's a very kind suggestion.
It's not grammatically correct.
Let's make it correct.
What do we need to take out?
This, okay?
It should be just: "They can stay.", "They can go.", "They can leave.", "They can come."
But no "to".
All right?
So this was our rule number two.
All right.
Number seven: "We would not to arrive on time.
We would not to arrive on time."
Again, you want to take out this "to".
And the reason why this keeps happening is because this is the most common mistake.
All right?
So that's why I have more of those here for you to review.
"We would not arrive on time."
And the last one: "She wills return soon.
She wills return soon."
So what's wrong there?
The first rule up here, okay.
The rule says that the modal verb doesn't change, and here it did get changed, so we
have to take out the "s", and then it will become: "She will return soon."
which is correct.
I know there are a few things to keep in mind, but the more you practice, the better you're
going to get at it.
So, please go to our website: www.engvid.com.
There, you can do a quiz on this and you can also watch lots of other wonderful English
lessons on engVid.
And if you enjoyed this lesson, please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can get a regular
dose of English lessons.
Okay? Thanks for watching. Bye for now.
10 règles pour bien manger - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
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변정수, '너무 긴 치마에 휘청' - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Vlog #1: #ThisIsMyEDS Day 1, stairs [CC] - Duration: 19:51.Like, y'know what?
Maybe I'll try vlogging... so I'm at my dispensary and I just like...blew the attendant's mind.
I told her that Peppermint Mochas are available year 'round.
yeah, they're available year 'round.
You can get 'em all the time!
[Intro: Pinhead saying "I AM PAIN"]
Just got home.
So, I'm not gonna, I'm NOT gonna film this but this is what I'm gonna have to climb up
on the other side of this building because we currently live on the other side
of the building
in January we'll be moving to one of these first-floor apartments, but uh, it doesn't
have the little step, there.
there are no steps to it so that's super awesome BUT for the next several minutes this is what
I'm gonna be going up
this is why I need to move
I think what's funny is this idea that I'm gonna vlog, like, maybe daily when I have
no, NO idea what I'm doing I'm using my iPhone right now and that's
just how it's gonna be so
getting up the stairs wasn't to bad.
it really wasn't...compared to how it was.
I used my legs the whole time so that's pretty sweet.
but yeah, I've done a lot of what I need to do today.
I was gonna go to the bank, until I realized you can't just deposit a bunch of change...cuz
that's where I'm at in my financial journey... so, I changed my plans a little bit.
let's see what the cats are doing.
she can't figure it out... this has been a constant issue.
BABY, just go through it...
just push through it!
okay... alright she is like backing out to get out of frame maybe she's scared of YouTube.
oop, is she gonna get it? no.
Meesha's under the bed and under the bed is gross so we're not gonna go there.
um apparently the app store (windows) is tied to whatever language you type in?
cuz I was a Latin teacher and I make some Latin teacher content so you use this keyboard
so you can use certain pronunciation and markings...the more you know.
it's so cute how I tried to make a backdrop, but I can't really...it is what it is.
here I am!
I'm painandcats_ (said: underscore) on twitter. and um, here I am in my The Future Is Accessible
tank top, my bi flag, my unrest stuff.
not my glasses, cuz I don't have glare-free (lenses) so that sucks.
this is basically my first time trying this so it's going to be very choppy. you'll notice
I'm stopping it and starting it and I haven't even tried to edit this...
I don't even know what program I'm gonna try for it.
something easy and freeeee... or something that has some kind of like...free trial.
but I haven't done this before because I always felt that putting too much stuff up in video
form was a little intimidating. also, I was teaching last year so it just, er, not the
best idea. and then, um, now I feel like I need to be able to create something day to
day even though my ability to do a lot has been minimized so continuously, so...
I feel like even if I'm in bed I can at least do a few little shots.
the cats are always doing something, so...
I found something to do, so, I'm gonna do the #ThisIsMyEDS for day 1.
I was invited to do this a few months ago by annieelainey and I felt really bad but
the timing of when that month was kinda coincided with a lot of just...trauma relapses and fears
and all this other stuff so I couldn't make it to putting something up online publicly
especially in video form.
so 'I'm gonna do that right now after I deal with some stuff online.
well let's see how it goes.
I'm 31, I don't have any shame anymore...so if it goes poorly I'm just gonna put it
up anyway.
so, let's see, introduce myself, I'm Laura, my pronouns are she/her.
I'm agender but she/her... my EDS type is presumably EDS 3 or hypermobility because
I've never had a genetic test before.
but I definitely pass the EDS specifications so there's no reason to believe it's wouldn't
be hypermobile eds. but, 'know, I mean, it could be something else.
who knows if I'll ever have a genetic test? or will have access to that?
but I do have a diagnosis of hypermobile eds as well as fibromyalgia and any of the little
friends that go along with those two maladies.
how am I feeling today?
um...tentative? because I feel decent enough, I went up the stairs, I went out to do what
I needed to do, but I'm still really worried because I have to work 6.25 hours tomorrow
so um, I am worried about getting through that.
and if I overdo it today, I wont' be able to.
I'm probably not gonna leave the house again which means not leaving the apartment area
because going up the stairs just takes too much.
that might be the difference between me finishing out my shift tomorrow or not so...I'm not
gonna chance it because I'm poor.
alright, so...can I explain eds medically in a sentence?
um...everyone has glue that holds their body together and mine is...awful.
usually if people aren't too squeamish I'll just bend my elbows (I meant shoulders) backwards
for 'em and that basically tells them what they need to know...and they don't ask me
any questions.
but I'm pretty against doing party tricks on camera without the most ridiculous of,
like, content warnings before, and I'm NOT gonna do it now.
that's what I'd do if I'm really trying to hit it home or if someone's gonna give
me trouble about my parking.
um, buut, basically if you can explain and understand what collagen is, you can understand
what a deficit in it is, and uh, go from there.
what's your favorite analogy for how eds feels/ or what eds is like?
let's see...it feels like you're literally coming apart.
my ex-wife works at Lego and we had Legos everywhere and I should take some from her
the next time I see her but...do I have any?
I went from a house full of Legos to one where I could not find one.
anyway, sometimes eds feels like... you see how his head is a little...not exactly attached
but still not detached...that's how any joint could feel at any time so you just have to
snap it back in or deal with it.
that's how it feels. and that can cause some muscle strain. and not to mention if your
joints are doing that you can only imagine what some of our other body parts are doing
if our collagen is that bad.
pots is a big issue, or dysautonomia in general, so if you stand up too much you just might
be crashing back down.
you might lose consciousness or at least a little bit.
I usually lose some.
but I usually don't actually faint.
what are your symptoms and comorbid illnesses/conditions?
alright I'm just gonna go through the list supplied and I'm gonna link this google
doc as well what am I looking at?
there it is.
so, you can look through this as well.
I have chronic pain to the point where it's pretty severe now.
if I work 8 hours I should not be driving myself home.
I also cannot read past a certain point if I'm in too much pain.
joint pain, muscle pain, hypermobility... lax and fragile joints...
frequent subluxations and dislocations...
easy bruis--YEAH.
I find bruises where I don't even know where they come from. and that's just inconvenient
and I work in a place where I bruise myself all the time ad sometimes it's just a mystery.
I don't have stretchy skin.
I've had some patches of stretchiness but I really don't have that stretchy of skin.
if anything, it's super fragile.
like, I work as a barista at a large national, international coffee place,
and even the tape that comes out sometimes with the orders-- THAT'S cut my skin before
and that's just ridiculous! this is ludicrous! so... it's really fragile and I also have
these little spots all over which really caused me to tattoo over most of them when I had
the money to. and when I was able.
so now I don't see it so it's not really an issue.
so yeah, really not too stretchy on the skin.
just super fragile, SUPER bruisable, super tearable-- like it tears easily... also very
dry, so kinda terrible.
chronic fatigue, like, I don't really know how uh, I don't really know how to quantify
cuz I feel like I've dealt with a certain level of like, uh
always there fatigue, y'know, fatigue always.
like if I'm in more pain I'm in more fatigue.
let's put it that way.
um, I don't have CFS or me or CFS/ME-- I don't have that, so it's not that kind of fatigue.
chronic migraines?
I don't really get migraines that bad, which is pretty awesome.
I do sometimes and they are debilitating.
I don't know if I have a Chiari malformation at all, I haven't had any serious investigative
work done at all to see what's VERY wrong with my back, or anything like that so I don't
I went to the cardiologist on a VERY good day.
lie, I went on the treadmill that day.
it was awesome.
so that day I was doing fantastically and um, I was feeling very mild symptoms so they
told me I didn't have pots. they did say I have dysautonomia, but I bet if I had gone
like three days ago when I could barely stand, I would probably get that pots diagnosis so
who knows.
I don't have any reason to believe I currently have that.
I have no reason to believe I may be headed in that direction, but I don't have any issues
like that right now
Sleep disorders... like, yes?
Pain causes sleep disorders.
I don't have any seizure disorders.
I have anxiety and depression for a long time.
I don't have bipolar depression or uh bipolar disorder.
lower vision?
again that's another thing I don't really know how to quantify cuz I thought I was "normal"
for a long time.
but I don't really have any peripheral vision.
so, I can see...this doesn't...this doesn't...no
uh, I can't really see too far to the sides and my depth perception is hilarious.
a lot of the times when I'm driving I'm just
doing a lot of educated guesses. which is really bad.
I don't drive that often.
just to and from work usually.
I don't think I have any hearing loss, but it's one of those things that um
someone would probably have to tell me if I do have any mild hearing loss.
but I wouldn't know.
pulmonary issues?
not really.
cardiovascular issues?
like, I guess with dysautonomia, so, check? but my cardiologist said I was good enough
to not really go back to him.
cognitive impairments can be pretty severe especially if I'm' in enough pain, so, yes.
sometimes I can't read.
twitter is sometimes the best I can do.
difficulty concentrating is part of that.
irregular body temperature?
yeah, but that's gotten a lot better since we've moved to the desert.
I definitely have a limited ability to walk.
I am pretty far in my ezlite cruiser fundraiser, so that's pretty awesome and thank you to
everybody who's helped or spread the word on that.
so that's really, REEEALLY gonna help things.
it's gonna be awesome.
um I don't know if I have osteoporosis yet.
another thig that I just need to get investigated whenever I get access to that and the money
to do so, so...
I might be 40 by the time I figure that out.
I knew, I know I do a little bit [cough] I know from about 3 years ago that I have degener[stumble]
degenerative disc disease.
and I knew I was showing signs of that.
um. the rheumatologist wasn't very interested in looking into it.
as far as I know I have no SI joint disease.
number 6: how does eds effect your daily life?
I'm not gonna go into this.
um, go to my twitter if you really want to see
I've been having daily breakdowns on how this has been limiting my life.
and how quickly it's been happening.
esp. in the last few months, so...
I don't go to the hospital often because we just don't have the money for it and the last
time we went they did more harm than good and I'm never going back there.
if you live in the Tucson area and want to know which hospitals not to go to, please
contact me on twitter.
so, I've been using high chairs at work to sit and take money from people as well
as braces.
I use braces all the time.
I have a back brace, which isn't the best, it's just whatever I could afford from amazon
and anything else I have from CVS.
I was gonna get some thumb braces but the company I was gonna get it from were moving
on to a different website, so I'm waiting for them to open back up so I can get that.
and oh, also the money, I'll have to wait for that.
I have my cat cane-- everyone who knows me knows that, so...
I'll leave a link to that as well this is my preferred handle.
my use of this is just becoming to hobble from one side of the area to the other.
and I'll be using the ezlite cruiser once I get it.
I have a manual chair, but it's the worst. and I hate it, and taking it in and out of
the car is basically equivalent to the spoons I would use hobbling with this [cane] so half
the time it's not even worth it.
cuz it' like a Tetris like fit to get into it [the car].
I do work, um... that's been part of the issue: I've had to cut down my hours because I
have to be on my feet at least a little bit, so, that intensifies the pain, which has finally
made it so I'm unable to work through it.
I've outlined what my plans are on twitter and I'm not gonna right now.
I'm on bedrest when I'm not working.
if I'm not on bedrest I'm right here.
I'll probably put a video from my phone where I'm spending a lot of my time.
here's the space; here's my cane, my Halloween blanket, but this is the couch. and I usually
don't have this flag up here, but I wanted something nice.
I thought it'd look nicer in the video than it did, but it didn't.
so, there's my table, all the stuff is really like, shoved over
to the side.
There he is!
Xanthias! nope.
it's either here or in bed.
if I'm out here it means I'm having a better day.
I feel like I'm injured any time.
I feel like I'm potentially injured any time that I am putting pressure on my feet.
even when I'm lying down or sitting down.
there's something out in my foot right now for sure which is causing a lot of pain when
I move it a certain way but every bone in my foot is ready and willing to jump out of
alignment the second any kind of pressure is put on it, so a lot of that, moving around,
I've just gotten used to because it's been happening for the last year, so some of that
pain I've become a little more acquainted with and um...just like power through it but
some of it, it's NOT that kind of pain. and I haven't been able to acquaint myself with
it yet, so...that's why I'll be in the chair.
it's not my hips, and it's not my knees, it's my feet.
so yeah preventing injuries?
I need the wheelchair. and I need space so I can use it and also have a job.
or whatever or even live.
luckily the wheelchair apartment we'll be moving to looks a lot better.
and it looks like someone with a wheelchair has lived there before, so hopefully there's
even more accessibility features inside.
who knows?
not me.
I am NOT gonna talk about how this impacts my mental health, or emotionally because uh,
you can see my daily breakdowns on twitter, and I'll link that, but I'm not gonna
talk about that on camera.
so that's it for that
and I'll find more things to weave through this but I'm sure it's getting a little
long as it is, so.
Kelly Key chama atenção do marido por "mão boba": "Cachorrinho Safado" - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Viewers Shocked By Disturbing Thing MSNBC Guest Let Slip About NYC Terrorist On Live TV - Duration: 4:44.There's no arguing that the left is willing to stoop to any low in order to get you on
"their side," and that includes brainwashing, tricking, and even lying.
Unfortunately for them, their little tactic was just exposed as even MSNBC viewers were
left shocked to hear what a guest let slip about the New York City terrorist on live
television – and it's downright disturbing.
Our nation was once again rocked by terrorism when a Muslim man named Sayfullo Saipov, who
was in the country on a "diversity visa," ran over innocent people in New York City.
In all, he was responsible for killing 8 and injuring many others by running them over
with a truck that he rented from Home Depot.
Saipov's bloody, 17-block trail of terror began at 3:05 p.m., when he turned onto the
bike path at West Houston Street in a Home Depot flatbed pickup truck he'd rented in
Passaic, NJ, police sources said.
The maniac, who was carrying a Florida ID, rammed his car into nearly two dozen innocent
cyclists and pedestrians as he sped south on the typically serene path along the Hudson
"The Home Depot truck starting running people over," said witness Nelson Arroyo, 58.
"I heard a boom boom, a crushing noise from the bikes.
People were sitting down crying.
I saw two areas of blood."
Saipov collided with a school bus at Chambers Street, injuring two adults and two children
He then got out with the pellet and paintball guns — sending panicked bystanders fleeing
through the streets, sources said.
[Source: New York Post] Of course, the left doesn't want to offend
Muslims, so they don't want anything getting out about the man's motivation, despite
the fact that witnesses heard him screaming, "Allahu Akbar!"
However, the dirty little notion that a guest on MSNBC let slip during a live segment has
left even their viewers downright shocked.
It all took place during an interview with Chris Matthews as MSNBC contributor Malcolm
Nance was asked for his "expert" analysis.
However, things would go horribly wrong as the man told audience members that the attack
had "nothing to do with Islam," as The Gateway Pundit reports.
Yes, you read and heard that right – MSNBC assured viewers that the guy running over
Americans while screaming praises to Allah had nothing to do with the Muslim religion.
"What you're seeing is not Islam, whatsoever," Nance declared.
"None of that is Islamic.
It's anti-Islamic."
Now, we've heard this time and time again from people like Barack Obama.
Unfortunately for them, that's not the case as everything these people who commit these
attacks are being taught is directly from the Quran.
The left would like you to believe that extremists are just a "select few" and more accurately
can be described as members of a "cult" as Nance explains.
In the end, this is nothing more than an inaccurate depiction of the real problem at hand.
As Ben Shapiro once explained in an in-depth analysis, there are more than 800 million
Muslims who hold more "extreme" beliefs, meaning it's not just a small "cult."
Feel free to watch it below to see where he got his facts:
Sadly, it doesn't take a genius to see that Nance is a moron wearing the façade of a
"terrorism expert."
You don't get to just call 800 million people around the globe a small "cult" and expect
people to actually believe you.
Furthermore, the only authority to determine what is Islamic would be Islam's prophet,
One look at the example he set for his followers, and it becomes clear whether terrorism is
Islamic or not.
All this boils down to is more lies and deception from the leftist media.
You know, seeing how much they hate the well-deserved reputation of being "fake news," they
sure do have a knack for propagating it.
Unfortunately, Saipov is yet another perpetrator of terrorism, and sadly, he surely won't
be the last if we can't identify not only the enemy but their motivation as well.
We, as Americans, have a duty to figure out how to best minimize the death and destruction
being inflicted on our fellow countrymen, and the first place we should look to gain
an understanding of the cause is within the Quran.
We've all seen how well it works when you simply ignore or try to brush off things like
this as to not offend – it only gets worse.
I mean, Obama gave the world ISIS using just that technique.
Maybe its time to look at the real problems here and address them in real terms instead
of trying to wish them away.
We don't live in a land of cupcakes and rainbows, where everyone in the world is willing
to coexist.
It's time the left stop acting like we do while Americans lie dead in the street.
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OPPO F5 màn tràn cạnh như Galaxy S8, đặt hàng trước nhận quà 5 triệu tại Minh Hoàng Mobile - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
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V Butterflies L & D ep.Y - Duration: 2:03.Ronald: 2 days later Queen Tealetta summoned Sir Rubyrt to the throne room.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: You summoned me your Majesty?
Queen Tealetta: Yes I wanted to ask what you found out about King John?
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Awh from my scouts?
Queen Tealetta: Yes I know you were busy with finding my daughter so I'm fine that you didn't kill him yet.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Oh good uhm anyway he actually has gone blind.
Queen Tealetta: Blind from what?
Sir Knight Rubyrt: I'm not sure, but maybe its from when he shot you with his powers?
Queen Tealetta: I see well that explains why we haven't had attacks on us in a while.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Ya it does oh how are your legs doing today?
Queen Tealetta: Their getting better, but I still need help when I go from room to room.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Well I'm happy that their healing my Queen.
Queen Tealetta: Ya thank you uhm also when will you be leaving with Ebony to see my sister?
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Oh in two days.
Queen Tealetta: Oh alright that's fine.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Is there something else my Queen?
Queen Tealetta: Well I wanted to ask if you could kill King John before you leave, but I guess you can't?
Queen Tealetta: Because you're leaving in two days.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Yes I'm sorry my Queen maybe you should ask someone else?
Queen Tealetta: I may, but I'm not sure who I can since 3 of my guards have somehow died?!
Sir Knight Rubyrt: I see well I must go and pack for my trip with your daughter...
Queen Tealetta: Alright safe travels with you both Sir Rubyrt.
Sir Knight Rubyrt: Thank you my Queen.
Queen Tealetta: Your welcome.
Rose: To be continued...
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