Thursday, January 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2018


For more infomation >> MAPPING DANCE VIDEO DANCE INDONESIA - Duration: 3:41.


Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI 211pk QUATTRO PRO LINE S [S-Line] Autom, Leer, Xenon, Navi - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI 211pk QUATTRO PRO LINE S [S-Line] Autom, Leer, Xenon, Navi - Duration: 1:00.


Sagan speech clips - Duration: 1:56.

Thank you Judge Spicer

I'm very moved and honored to be invited to join you in the celebration of this

doleful and instructive event. There were 51,000 human beings who were casualties

here, ancestors of some of us but brothers of us all. This was the first

full-fledged example of an industrialized war, machine-made arms

railroad transport of men and materiel. This was the first hint of an age yet to

come, our age, of what technology bent to the purposes of war might be capable of.

It is time now for us to emulate them. NATO and the Warsaw Pact, Israelis and

Palestinians, whites and blacks, Americans and Iranians, the developed and the

underdeveloped worlds, the challenge for us is to do it not after the carnage and

the mass murder but instead of the carnage and the mass murder. It is time

to learn from those who fell here. It is time to act.

Thank you very much

For more infomation >> Sagan speech clips - Duration: 1:56.


Nintendo Switch Online WILL be A LOT better than you think - Duration: 11:30.

I knoooowww how DARE they charge $20 for Nintendo Switch's online multiplayer.






me either…





I'm gonna stream at some point in the next few days so I'd suggest clicking the bell

or the star on YouTube Gaming to know when.

The plan is to play Splatoon 2 with you guys (sponsors get priority so if you're sponsored

be sure you're there if you wanna play!


We have new emotes!

Sponsor for those too.


On to the viiiiideeeoooo

Switch Online has EASILY been the biggest Switch mystery since it was officially revealed

and the service was announced back in January of last year.

Amongst other things, that event wasn't exactly the best info dump in recent memory,

but, the saving grace for those other things is that they have all received SIGNIFICANTLY

clearer explanations since then if not, they've been fully released by now.

Switch Online was SUPPOSED to be out by now, but, Switch is just as an abstract concept

to us as it was then.

When they first announced it, we had no price, no definitive window, and we had a pitch for

the additional PS Plus/Games with Gold like incentives.

Thing is, the only thing that we've learned FOR SURE in VERY clear language is the pricing


Which, I'll get to toward the end.

THAT is actually the most important piece to this puzzle I think.

In fact, I think some of gamers most hated things will be powerful tools in our effort

to drag Nintendo into the 21st century when it comes to online play.

More on that later.

First, let's get into what we know, and, kind of already have.

The Online Lounge.

This is something that we sort of have access to in a limited beta like form where for a

limited time EXCLUSIVELY for Splatoon 2 you can chat, set up matches, buy exclusive gear,

view stats, check upcoming events and stage changes, pick splat test teams,and judge your

friends for their stupid decisions.

This will clearly be expanded on and changed on a game to game basis and I think with the

right approach coming from both 1st and 3rd parties

Nintendo's app description says "The Nintendo Switch Online app is designed to help enhance

your online gameplay experience on Nintendo Switch.

With this app, you can check game-specific services (e.g., SplatNet 2 for Splatoon 2),

invite friends to play with you via social media, and use voice chat while gaming."

Everybody HATES this.

& I can understand why.

I personally don't care because I've always used discord and before voice clients like

Skype to play online games with friends.

Most people though, I imagine have grown accustom to what the other guys do, allow for voice

chat through the system itself.

& that's fair enough, there's no real reason why Nintendo CAN'T do that.

The system has the functionality already built into certain games like Splatoon supporting

it locally.

Hell, Wii U could even use voice chat for certain games.

The only thing I think stopping Nintendo is their desire to police things like that.

My guess is that Nintendo's rationale is they don't want kids to be exposed to the

to random people they may play with unless they have VERY deliberate permission to do

so otherwise.

ESPECIALLY since now you can pretty easily get a link to a match from a streamer or some

other internet personality.

There's of course an argument against that.

Arguments I'm sure I'll see in the comments anyway, so, go for it.

You tell ME why Nintendo's dumb for this part.

Discord, in particular, has thrown their hat in the ring to take the reigns for Nintendo's

voice chat system, & I for one am 1000% on board for that.

As I said, I use discord anyway so to be able to give users that want to use the Switch

as their passthrough for voice chat via a Discord developed API can easily chat with

people like me that prefer using a more dedicated professional setup.

Do I think Nintendo will do this?


Who knows?

There seems to be a shakeup over at Nintendo of sorts.

They're a lot more open to collaboration.

So, maybe?

Also, in the same vain people also seem to want an achievement system.

I'm not the type of player to chase that sort of thing, so, let me know why that matters

in the comments to.

Something I DO have personal investment in is the Classic Game Service they mentioned

and proceeded to confuse us all about.

Initially, the announcement was they'd release NES and potentially SNES games with online

multiplayer functionality.

These games would be taken away at the end of every month.

I can see a usage case for this being that everyone has a limited time to play that would

inflate the online player base for whatever game they released.

Kinda like how Online Betas typically function.

Only, more functional than that.

I would've hoped at least.

FORTUNATELY, Nintendo seems to have changed their tune on this particular feature.

They're now saying these games will go on to live in a dedicated library of games a

kin to a Netflix or more relevant to this industry, PS Now, but, my assumption is that

it'll function more like Xbox's Game Pass.

I can't imagine Nintendo has any interest in streaming games from the cloud like Sony.

It hasn't seemed to have really paid off for anyone yet.

This Classic Game Collection will be games you can download and play for as long as you're

a Switch Online subscriber.

That's an improvement to their online service they ALREADY made after hearing the feedback.

Nintendo Switch Online will run us $4 for a one-month subscription, $8 for a three-month

subscription OR $20 for the year.

This is the biggest point of contention amongst longtime Nintendo fans, lapsed fans, and new

fans alike.

No one wants to pay money for a thing they used to get for free after all.

HOWEVER, THIS is the biggest reason why I'm POSITIVE Switch Online will at the VERY least

be reliable.

The cash incentive will help tremendously.

It always has and it always will.

Up until now… or…

I guess… up until some time this year…

Nintendo has treated online play like that thing they know everyone wants them to get

around to, but, aren't really too eager to do.

They've flirted with online play for some time now, even spanning back to the Famicom

WAAAY back in 1988 with what they called the Famicom Net System or Famicom Modem.

In fact, Nintendo used that experience to incorporate an online service of some sort

for every one of their systems since then.

SNES had Satelliview, N64 had Randnet via 64DD, Gamecube… didn't have a BRANDED

service, but it did support it, & I'm sure we know what they did from there with Wii,

& Wii U.

None of these things were GREAT but, none of these things required an international

subscription model in a world where people have expectations for that market.

Nintendo will not be able to sweep bad performance under the rug for a service people are paying


Just like Sony couldn't when people started paying for Playstation Plus and later had

to pay an increased price.

Xbox Live costed money from the door and as a result has stood heads and shoulders above

all other services for some time now.

I believe this trend will hold true for Nintendo.

Fans can yell about Nintendo's online services all they wanna when they aren't paying for


Nintendo will always brush the bulk of those complaints off due to it being an additive

thing that doesn't add to their core business.

Having paying customers that have superior alternative options will force them to improve.

That's how capitalism works.

If they don't improve, people won't pay.

Wii U proved that.

Not to mention the fact that Nintendo seems to really be putting an emphasis on online

multiplayer already.

Most of their 2017 1st party offering was comprised of online multiplayer games.

This is new thing for them.

Trust me.

I know.

We're no strangers to shaking our fist at Nintendo for not including online play in

their plans.

Click the Mario Party video in the in the cards for proof.

That video is VINTAGE FanatixFour.

Ooooold school.

But yeah, it was a different Nintendo.

We have a renewed Nintendo moving into 2018.

One that even cares about third parties and has a platform that third parties perform

well on.

third parties that very clearly have their eyes locked on online play & games as a service

on EVERY other platform.

Do you REALLY think they'd let Switch be the one platform they DON'T try to utilize

this tactic on?

It's easily the belle of the ball.

Skipping out on it would be a crime and I'm sure publishers know that.

They'll be pressuring Nintendo to step up their services more than anyone.

& Nintendo may not have ALWAYS listened to third parties but that's changed in recent


Even in the days of Wii U 3rd parties were able to convince Nintendo to swap out the

GamePad's circle pads from the original concept in favor of clickable analog sticks.

Granted, they obviously didn't include them as much in the considerations as Sony or Microsoft

usually do when creating their new platforms.

Or even as much as they must have with Switch, but, it was a start.

& I think we can all agree that it wasn't a nonstarter they have been cooperating with

outside parties more and more ever since.

Funnily enough, given recent controversies, I think games as a service will be another

ally in this fight.

Not because NINTENDO wants to utilize those tactics, but, their partners sure do.

With enough pressure from them I am COMPLETELY sure we will eventually see Nintendo make

a concerted effort toward modernizing their approach to online play.

At the end of the day, Playstation was in a similar boat as Nintendo at the tail end

of last generation.

Actually, I'd argue they had it WORSE & my bank would agree.

The hack didn't do their online reputation any favors.

& look at THEM now.

There's even cases where PSN handles certain games better than Xbox Live.

That is entirely because of Sony making online play a priority.

If Sony can do it.

Nintendo can do it.

But those are MY thoughts.

What do YOU think?

Will Switch Online follow this trend of modernization that Nintendo has been on with the Switch

thus far?

Will it take people paying for a while like PSN did?

Or will it be straight garbage forever?

Let me know in the comment if you like this video be sure to click the like button subscribe

and MOST importantly ring that bell next to the subscribe button to GUARANTEE that you

see new videos like THIS every Tuesday and Thursday.

New podcasts every Saturday and if longform content isn't your thing, catch one of the

break out episodes to see if you like it.

Ok, that's it for me.

See you on Saturday.

For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch Online WILL be A LOT better than you think - Duration: 11:30.


I'm Dying Up Here Series Premiere TVMA - Duration: 1:00:25.

[enthusiastic cheers and applause]


[Johnny Carson laughs]

[Johnny Carson] Well, but, we'll find out.

Uh, uh, I'm glad you're in a good mood tonight.

Uh, my next guest is a very funny comic,

making his first Tonight Show appearance.

He's a former Bostonian.

Will you please give a warm welcome to Clay Appuzzo?

[jazzy Tonight Show theme music plays]


♪ David Bowie's "It Ain't Easy" ♪


♪ When you climb to the top of the mountain ♪

♪ Look out over the sea ♪

♪ Think about the places perhaps ♪

♪ Where a young man could be ♪

♪ Then you jump back down to the rooftops ♪

♪ Look out over the town ♪

♪ Think about all of the strange things ♪

♪ Circulating round ♪

♪ It ain't easy ♪

♪ It ain't easy ♪

♪ It ain't easy to get to Heaven ♪

♪ When you're going down ♪


♪ Well all the people have got their problems ♪

♪ That ain't nothing new ♪

♪ With the help of the good Lord ♪

♪ We can all pull on through ♪

♪ We can all pull on through ♪

♪ Get there in the end ♪

♪ Sometimes it'll take you right up ♪

♪ And sometimes down again ♪

♪ It ain't easy ♪

♪ It ain't easy ♪

♪ It ain't easy to get to Heaven ♪

♪ When you're going down ♪


[Bill] Congratulations, ladies.

Congrats, by the way. Big court win.

Abortion is legal.

- [scattered whoos and applause] - Yes.

Clap for that. Clap for that, guys.

- [clapping] - That's a big win for us too.

- [laughter] - That's fantastic, man.

How pissed are back-alley abortionists?

There goes six months of veterinary school

right down the drain.


My mom had six children. I'm one of six.

And according to her, we were all accidents.

Six accidental pregnancies.

We figured it out by now, haven't we?

This whole penis-vagina conundrum, right?

It's not the Manhattan Project.

Not a bunch of scientists standing around a baby

in a room going, well, I-I don't know how this got here.

I'm not quite sure I understand.

Yes, Professor Einstein?

[as Einstein] Um, yeah, I just--I have--

I just have a hunch, if you will.

Maybe, perhaps, the babies are coming from the fucking?

Do you think it's from the fucking?

- [laughter] - That's just my opinion.

♪ The Dramatics' "Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get" ♪

[Bill continues set]


Watch out. I got my eye on you.

♪ But maybe ♪

♪ I'm for real ♪

- [balks] - Yes.

[kisses] Tastes like tens and twenties.

[laughs] Hey, Rob.

Hey, Goldie.

So you killed it at the Store last night.

You know, I-I wanted to be here,

but, you know, the only open spot

wasn't until after one.

Well, a lot of good comics go up after one.

Oh, I agree. I just, you know,

I have to be up at work at seven.

Totally understand.

I just don't give a shit.

♪ Is what you get ♪

Uh, okay, Goldie, well, it's just one fucking night, right?

Caught my ex getting a blow job in our office.

Took a fountain pen and stuck it through his hand.

That was one fucking night too.

♪ I said what you see ♪


[audience laughter]

♪ Is what you get ♪

[Bill performing]


What the--

Rob, uh, he made a mistake.

And although I find the punishment harsh,

I do find it just.

Can I have his five minutes, please?

♪ And you know some people ♪

[audience laughter]

What's up, Carl?

People sitting in my booth's what's up.


Can I sit you somewhere else, please, just for tonight?

You know who I'm bringing here tonight?

- Charlie... - [both] Callas.

Yeah, that's right, smart guy.

You're gonna tell an American treasure

he's gotta sit in the back?

All right.

Yeah, that's been my booth since the joint opened.

Should fuckin' know better.

[Arnie] Prick.


How 'bout some free drinks? Does that sound good?

♪ You know some people ♪

♪ Are made of lies ♪


♪ To bring you down ♪

[audience laughter]

♪ And shame your name ♪


Where the fuck are my onion rings?

They're not drinking if they don't get their salt.


Somebody call me when Clay goes up.

[Bill] Drunk dentist with a pair of fondue forks...

[audience laughter]

♪ All I want to do is love you... ♪

[Cassie] Uh, what else?

Oh, I got myself a pet rock. He's very sweet.

He was a rescue. I rescued him off the street.

- He was a stray. - [audience laughter]

Pet rocks are great.

He's very protective of me.

I was not expecting that. It's funny.

Anytime my boyfriend says something mean,

he just jumps out of my hand and hurls himself at his head.

[audience laughter]

Try to get him to stop, but he won't.

Show us your tits!

You first, sir.

[crowd reacts]

Ladies and gentlemen, chivalry is not dead.

Hey, why don't you suck my dick?

Oh, what a sweet invitation.

I have not been asked out on a date in a long time.

- [Cassie laughs] - [audience laughter]

Oh, there's a bunch of y'all, huh?

So what's the occasion?

It's my bachelor party.

- Whoo! - Yeah.

Well, what are you doing in here?

That hooker in the trunk ain't gonna bury herself.

[audience laughter]

A man comes into my office.

He says, can I use your Dictaphone?

I say, no, you use your finger

like everybody else.

Come on, you bastards, get off your high horses.

Hey, Goldie, sit.

Ah, that's a funny one.

Adam Proteau. What do you think?

I think I got more hair on my lip

than he does on his nuts.

Can you stick him in The Cellar?

Fleischer and Stephenson

open mic'd for over a year.

Trust me, if they'd spent a little more time and sweat

building the Titanic,

the word would still just mean "big."

Hey, Kay,

another Rob Roy, neat

for my friend Carl, huh?

Hey, pal, nice shirt.

Who--who'd you blow, Don Ho, for that shirt?

[Tonight Show music playing on TV]


- [crumbles cash] - There you go.

- Thank you, sir. - Thank you.

[music continues on TV]

[Carson laughs on TV]

Well, we'll--we'll find out.

Uh, I'm glad you're in a good mood tonight.

Uh, my next guest is a very funny comic,

making his first Tonight Show appearance.

Uh, he's a former Bostonian.

Will you please give a warm welcome to Clay Appuzzo?

[applause and music on TV]

Thank you.

Everyone, I--look,

I just want to-- I want to be clear.

I'm not just a Bostonian.

I'm an Italian Bostonian.

We still talk with our hands, but we only use one finger.

[laughter on TV]

So I grew up with a lot of brothers and sisters.

Italians used to have big families before television.

But now they only have kids when there's nothing good on.


But that's what they do, Italian parents.

They send mixed messages.

You mess up in school, Dad gives you the belt.

But then two minutes later, Mom comes in with a bowl of pasta.


So, I mean, that's how Italians love to do it.

They like to follow their violence

with a little something to eat, right?

- So... - [laughter]

[Clay] May I suggest the Alfredo...

- [Cassie laughs] - [Clay] With your beating?

[Clay] The cream sauce really soaks up the tears.

Hey, you do know when Arnie flashes the light,

that means to get the fuck off stage, right?

I get off the stage when they stop fucking laughing.

Uh, laughing, Ralph, is the noise that people make

when they hear something funny.

Shut the fuck up, Sully.

- How's he doing? - He's killing.


[scoffs] "Great"?

That's not your "great" face, Bill.

That's the "why don't Johnny fuckin' love me" face.

How did they not shoot you in 'Nam?

- [Sully laughs] - There's nothing but bamboo

over there; what tree could you

have possibly fuckin' hid behind?

Yeah, are black hippos sacred over there?

- Shh, shh. - First of all, y'all saw

the pictures, I was lean and mean in 'Nam.

Charlie was terrified of me.

Called me "The Black Beast."

Black beast, that's what they call you at McDonald's.

- Black beast. - Fuck you, Sully.

Always talking shit. You know what?

When the revolution come, motherfuckers,

you on your own.

Guys, I'm trying to hear Clay.

Hear what?

His act is practically a sing-along.

Bill, I love you like a raging yeast infection,

but shut the fuck up.

- Gross. - Mm.

Come on over.


Oh, my God!

- [clapping on TV] - [Bill] What?

- Oh, my God. He got the couch. - [Sully] Wow.

Suddenly I don't feel so pretty anymore.

Holy shit! Holy shit!



Yeah, get your bitter ass out of here, Bill.

♪ mellow ragtime music ♪

Got the couch.

That's all she wrote.

I told Frank Johnny'd eat him up.


[applause on TV]

How are you?


He smells good. [Clay laughs]

- [audience laughter] - He always has.

Don't get too close. You'll lose a finger.

[Carson] Very funny stuff.

So you get back to Boston much?

Well, I-I try to make it back for all the major funerals.

Ah, uh-huh.

[Clay] Yeah, you can fly free when someone dies

so I try to plan my vacations around my dying relatives.


Oh, Uncle Sal's not doing so good, aye?

Oh, well, that's--that's sad. That's very sad.

Any chance he'll be, uh, hanging in there

till opening day at Fenway?

- [audience laughter] - [Johnny Carson laughs]


[TV chatter continues]

♪ acoustic folk music ♪


What do you think happens when we die?

[imitating accent] Well, Cass,

I don't really know.

- Shut up. - [laughs]

Don't make fun of my accent. I'm working on it.


Well, I think it was Buddha that said it best.


"You shit yourself.

And then it's anybody's guess."

You know, they say when you come you die a little bit.

Is that why you don't want to come anymore?

You afraid of dying?

Fear of death is, um,

not my issue.

Fear of irrelevancy.

Now, that scares the shit out of me.

So what is it then?

Why don't you want to come with me anymore?



You know who Edmund Hillary is?

Are you fucking the guy who climbed Everest?

[both snicker]


[Clay] He risked everything to reach the summit.

And when he finally stood on top of the world,

you know how long it was for?


Fifteen minutes.


All that excitement,


blood, tears, and excruciating pain...


all of it for a measly 15 minutes.


And on his way down,

he and Tenzing, his trusty Sherpa,

celebrated with soup.


It's the climb, Cass.


It's all about the climb.

I sure hope the soup was good.


♪ rollicking blues rock music ♪



[scattered cheers, applause]

All right, let's hear it for Cora, everybody.

- [clapping] - Huh, isn't she great?

The lovely, sweet, talented Cora.


[Eddie] Very special lady, that Cora.

What, do you got a fuckin' train to catch?

I should be counting my tips right now.

Speaking of tips, uh,

any chance of sliding mine into your mouth for a second?

No. You got two minutes.

By the way, a five-dollar discount on a hand job,

kind of a shitty going-away present.

All right, everybody. Time to go.

- Closing time. - [groans and boos]

Your soul-crushing existences await you.

[Heckler] Fuck you, Jew.

Ah, "Jew." Such a versatile word.

It's both a people and an insult.

Tell me, pal, is there a Mrs. Drunken Shithead at home?

How'd you like a fucking beating, huh?

Aren't you worried if you, uh, get blood on your knuckles

your wife will think you're seeing another woman?


"Cocksucker." Another gem.

Let me guess. Lit major?

Or is this just a game where-- where you and I

blurt out hobbies you think your mother and I share?

You're dead, asshole.

I don't think so, you fucking hard-on.

Hey, Lou, you want to take care of this guy for me?

- Lou? - [Heckler] No fucking Lou.

- Lou? - No Lou.

Fuck me.

I think Z's in trouble.

Would you focus, Carol?

'Cause if I'm being honest,

you're doing kind of a subpar job here.

Okay, it's like I'm jerking off left-handed.

Trust me, pal, you don't want to do this.

- Okay, trust me. - Yeah, why the fuck not, huh?

Full disclosure, I'm asthmatic.

- I have asthma. - Shit, shit, shit.

It's like hitting a guy with fucking glasses, it's cowardly.

Plus, a fucking guy from Southie

beating up a minority,

it's not a lot of points for originality.

- Yeah? - [bottle breaks]

[crowd gasps, laughs]


You're lucky that Carol's got palms like a fucking teamster.

Come on, we gotta be at Logan in two hours.

[person claps]

Thank you. You've been a great crowd.

So, Cass, should we talk about the elephant in the room?

- Not you, Ralphie. - Shut the fuck up.

- That being? - [Sully] Come on.

It didn't singe your sissy a little

seeing your ex-boyfriend get the couch?

Sorry, but I'm not ten.

- Yeah, but you're human. - Exactly.

Thus I can transcend pettiness

and actually be happy for someone

without it reflecting back on me and my career.

Did she just say "thus"?

Did she say "career"?

- Fuck you guys. - [Ralph laughs]

[Bill] You're full of shit. I'm jealous.

I'm practically shitting blood sitting here

thinking about it, and you should be too.

Every other comic's success,

every set he kills,

every Merv, Johnny,

or Dinah-fucking-Shore appearance

another comic makes is one more

that we didn't get.

Every laugh should feel like

a sharp poke in your fucking eye.

If it doesn't, get the fuck out.

'Cause you don't care enough.

There it is.

- [Ralph] You know what? - [Sully] Fantastic.

That's a motherfucking two-thirty in the morning

pancake speech right there.

Fuck you. And fuck you.

[Sully] Oh, man, if you were queer, I would just

suck your dick right now. So beautiful.

You know what? I'll do it.

- Uh-uh, uh-uh. - Let me in there.

I'm going in. - Get that dick.

- Oh! - [laughs]

Can I just enjoy my plate of latkes one night

without you two pretending to blow each other?

- Waitress! - Get the check!

Check! Hurry the fuck up, check!

[Sully] Why you gotta make this ugly?

♪ moody folk music ♪




[horn honks, tires screech]

[onlookers react]

[tires screech]

[brakes hiss]

[distant crowd commotion]

[woman] Call an ambulance.

♪ Kathy Heideman's "Sleep a Million Years" ♪


♪ Please don't frown at me ♪

♪ When you could smile ♪

♪ Our eternity is just a while ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ That later on ♪

♪ We're going to sleep a million years ♪

[song playing over car radio]

Do you think I'll ever play The Main Stage?

Hey, I'm talking to you.

What the fuck, Cass?

Come on.


- I'm just asking. - Well, you see what I'm doing.

No--but-give me a-- give me a minute, okay?

It's my third time through the fucking alphabet down there.

I'm a delicate flower, sorry.

That's 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Yeah, but do you really want 20 minutes of your life back?


I need your opinion.


If the question is, who do you have to blow

to get in the main room,

you're in the wrong fucking car.

I know, it's Goldie.

She keeps telling me I have to do more

"women appropriate" shit. What is that?

What, like jokes about Tupperware

and ring around the collar?

What did you think?

Goldie's just gonna build you a ramp to The Main Stage?

It's a meritocracy; it's not a fucking charity event.

Yeah, it's easy for you to say. You're a guy.

You can say whatever you want.

Goldie doesn't owe you shit, okay?

You're not in the main room because you're not ready, and

don't give me that whole "easy cause you're a guy" cop out.

You're slightly better than that.


Jesus Christ, you gave me a heart attack, Ralph.

[Bill] What's up?

Get out of the car.

[Bill] What?

♪ somber music ♪


A fucking bus.

[Goldie] They act like it's a goddamn freeway out there.

[cracks up]


We should probably do something,

some kind of memorial.


I'm sorry.

I dropped two hits of blotter around three in the morning.

I'm still a little--

still just a tiny bit fucked up.

[Edgar] This is terrible, though.

Let's go on with our memorial arrangements for Clay, please.

[Edgar laughs]

It's noticeable, isn't it?

I'm picking up Clay's parents at the airport in a couple hours.

I can ask them if they're open

to having a ceremony or something.

[Edgar laughs]

Oh, fuck.


Wait out-fucking-side, will you, Ed?

I didn't know Clay was gonna die when I took the shit, obviously.

[Sully] Come on. Come on.

Should be babysitting my nephews now.

- Come on. - We watch H.R. Pufnstuf

on Saturdays--you know what I'm talking about, Sully.

Yeah, man, acid and babysitting.

It's pretty self-explanatory.

[Edgar] [laughs] Fuck yeah.

We can all, maybe say a few words, huh?

[sighs] I'll call Jerry's.

Get us a platter.

Think I should try to book a church?

Fuck no. We're in one.

♪ upbeat jazzy music ♪


[Carl] You know who swam in this pool?

[Adam] Like, bacteria and shit?

[Carl] One Mister Burl Ives.


[Adam] So you still didn't answer my question, Carl.

What did Goldie say?

[Carl] She said yes.

[Adam, mouth full] Well, good, shit, finally!

In the near future.


Well, how fucking near?


I don't know.

Another six months?

She says you're not ready.

Look, I've been doing open mic for over a fucking year now.

Okay, I want fucking Carson, Carl.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and every other

pencil dick with five minutes.

Listen, it's a marathon, kid,

I keep telling you.

You keep telling me a lot of shit.

Okay, you're my manager. Fucking manage me.

And if you can't get me the big room,

at least get me a paid gig.

What pay? Goldie doesn't pay anybody.

It's a showcase.

What about that gig at the church?

Babysitting immigrant kids

is not a gig, Carl.

Okay, I need real money.

All right, I want to get my own pad,

a place where I can take girls

without you wandering through in your boxers,

eating baked beans out of a pan.

It'll come.

It will come.

In the meantime,

just keep entertaining the little beige tots

while you hone your craft at Goldie's

until it's time.

And--and when exactly is--is that?

Goldie will let you know,

in the same way she let Prinze

and Walker and Appuzzo know.


♪ somber music ♪


God willing,

some day this will all be ashes.

Their poor mothers.

You know they hate you, right?



Hey, uh, is there any chance of us passing by Grauman's?


Uh, comics. From Boston.




Come on, let us in on the joke.

At the risk of blowing my dime tip,

I'll tell you.

Ever since Carson moved his outfit from New York to here,

every asshole who think he can tell a joke

has been circling Burbank like a fucking vulture.

Nice to meet you too.

- You asked. - I did.

[church bells tolling]

All right, oh.

[children playing and laughing]

You religious, Adam?

No, I figured I'd find Jesus

after I'm pulled over by some white cops in Bel Air.


A conversion based on fear isn't a conversion.

It's insurance.

That's nice, Father.

If the Catholic Church starts making fortune cookies,

- I think you the man. - [chuckles]

So you talk to the powers that be

about my raise?


It pays what it pays.

Ah, are you sure there's nothing that I can do

to make 'em throw a little extra bread my way?

Carl's cool, but I'm starting to get desperate.


There are other ways of supplementing income.

Here at the church, I mean.

What's the figure?

Two hundred.


It pays a lot, Adam,

because it costs a lot.

♪ somber piano music ♪









Is, uh, Clay here?

Who are you?

[both chuckle]

We're, uh,

we're friends of his from Boston.

We, uh, he said we had a--

we got a place to crash if we came to town, so...

here we are. [chuckles]


[both chuckling]

Hi, I'm, uh, Eddie.

Eddie Zeidel. Nice to meet you.

This is my friend, Ron Shack.

Hey. Very nice to meet you.

I'm sorry, Clay's dead.


Excuse me?

Um, last night there was an accident on Sunset.




He was on Carson, I mean, we--

we talked.

Yeah, he got the fucking couch.

I'm sorry.

Wait--wait, hold on, hold on. Um...

Look, we just kind of

come a really long way.

Uh, so is--is this like a brush-off

or--or a joke or...

Yeah, fucking hilarious, isn't it?

I think it's best you boys made other arrangements.

[bar music playing]

- [crying] - Come on, Kay.


Of course Clay loved you.

It was two months. [sighs]

Hardly a romance for the ages.

Who wouldn't be crazy about you?

You're pretty, you're kind,

and you never mess up my drink order.


- Vodka and tonic. - Yep.

Those acting classes are paying off.



- What is that like? - Well...

it, uh, doesn't burn if that's what you're asking.

I'm serious.

It's like here.

Some nights you kill.

Some nights you bomb.

For some fucked-up reason you...

keep coming back.


We're gonna fuck, aren't we?

Are we?

Change of clothes. Half a pack of cigarettes.

A postcard.

[Richard Thompson's "The Calvary Cross"]

♪ Oh, it's a black cat cross your path ♪


♪ And why don't you follow ♪

What kind of god does something like that?

You work your ass off;

you kill on The Tonight Show;

you get the fucking couch;

that very night, you're hit by a bus?

You're buddy got hit crossing against a green.

That's not God, that's Darwin or Budweiser.

Well, you're a real cunt sometimes.

Hey, I find the word "sometimes" offensive.

Excuse me?

Who do we talk to about stage time?

Uh, amateur night's Tuesday night, guys.

Sign-up sheet's by the register.

No, no, no, no, no, uh...

We--we don't do open mic. We're pros.

Oh, wow! Oh, wow.

Oh, I got, uh, Richard Pryor's

going on Thursday night.

I can, uh, bump him if it means

that I can get some pros on stage.

Look, he didn't mean anything, okay?

We're working comics from Boston

and we came out to stay with a friend

and he was gonna set us up out here,

but unfortunately, he...

he died last night, so...


Clay Appuzzo, yeah.

Anyway, we got nowhere to crash,

and we spent everything just to get out here.

So if you could help us out and give us some stage time?

What, are you guys like a Rowan and Martin?

No, separate acts.


amateur night's the best I can do for you guys.

Can't play the main room without Goldie's blessing

and even open mics are like a three-week wait.

Fuck, fucking suck a duck.

Fuck duck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


He retarded?

Listen, man, um,


if there's anything you could do to help us out?

Well, if you guys need a place to stay

until you make it big,

I can set you up with something.

Hey, Dory, you think you could get that ketchup

that I asked for a long time ago, you know,

before your Social Security kicks in?

The nicest. The nicest.

[indistinct chatter]

"Fa Napoli."

Next time just mail it.

It's a postcard, not a telegram.

I think it's a suicide note from Clay.

How is this a suicide note?

It's part of a Goethe quote. "Fa Napoli."

"See Naples and die."

Clay used to say it all the time.

It meant once you see Naples,

there was nothing left to do but die

because nothing would ever compare to that moment.

It's a postcard, Cass.

That he left on the bedside table at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

Why was he even staying at a hotel

when he lives two blocks away?

I don't know.

Look, you want to play Mod Squad, fine,

but pull this shit with someone else.

Pull what shit?

The shit where you build a fucking shrine to a guy

who wiped his feet on your ass for two years.

I came here as a friend.

I understand.

Clay died. It's a fucking tragedy.

I get it.

It's this fond revisionist bullshit

that makes me want to puke.

It'd make Clay puke too. And you know what?

You just want to sit there and sweep all his dick-ish qualities

under the rug and--and magically turn the silent asshole

at the end of his name into a

"There'll never be another like him,"

then go for it, but you're gonna have to

rewrite history with some other shithead.

Go fuck yourself, Bill.

He dumped you, Cass.

I'm right here. I'm right fucking here!

He makes a good point.

♪ The Isley Brothers' "It's Your Thing" ♪

♪ It's your thing ♪


♪ Do what you want to do... ♪

That is fucking bullshit, Mitch.

♪ I can't tell you ♪

Johnny liked your boy.

- Gave him the fucking couch. - Yeah.

Now this thing with the bus?

Drugs, possibly?

So rumors are the rule of the day now?

He went out to celebrate, got a little drunk,

fell in front of a bus.

It--Carson gave him the couch.

Who wouldn't tie one on?

People there say he saw the bus,

walked right out in front of it.

Police are still investigating.

Wha--so Johnny's fucking punishing me now?

It's the fucking sponsors.

If anyone's being punished, it's us.

Okay, look, Johnny feels bad.

But I just think we need to book some

more established comics for a little while,

see how it all shakes out.


What are you gonna dry-clean Red Skeleton,

send him out there? Good fucking luck!

How long we talking?

We're thinking four, five months.

Then I'll bring the kids right back in.

You want retreads? Be my guest.

Merv, Midnight Special,

they can have first shot at my kids.

I got agents and producers packing this place

every night, because if you're waiting

for them to act stable,

you got a long fuckin' wait.

I mean, they got mommy issues; they got daddy issues;

they're about as stable as a Middle East cease-fire.

That volatility, that pain,

that willingness to walk out in front of a bus

an hour after killing it on Johnny Carson--

- if that's what he did-- - That's exactly what he--

Well, that's the price of fucking brilliance, isn't it?

That's what makes millions of your viewers

stay up till the ass crack of dawn,

waiting to see them.

These are tortured fucking souls, Mitch.

I j...

And here I thought we were talking about comics.


You want genius?

You come here.

You want Catskill

or some green kid shitting walnuts

on national television, zay gezunt.

Goldie, the kingmaker.

[Goldie] Damn straight.

And you know what they get from me,

these kids, they don't get anywhere else?

These babies, huh?


I nurse these fuckin' kids.

They latch on and don't let go

till I tell them when.

So, when they go on your show,

they knock it out of the fucking park!


It's called trust, Mitch.

They trust that when I know they're ready,

that's when they're ready.

And that's when I call you fuck-tards.

Okay, look, we both know those other shows

don't mean shit to these kids.

- It's Johnny or nothing. - [scoffs]

So why don't we just let the sponsors

have a little time to let their pants dry

and then I'll see what I can do.

Yeah, we can all hold hands

and buy the world a fucking Coke, too.

[soft chuckle]

Not for nothing, nice tits.

Fuckin' took you long enough.


What do you think of the place?

I think we're standing in the middle of a fucking closet.

I mean, you can't put a bed in here, much less two.

Yeah, but you can fit two sleeping bags right here,

plus you got access to a full kitchen, shower,

toilet, all semi-functional.

[sighs] We'll take it.

Are you fuckin' serious?

We need a place to crash.

- [sighs] - All right.

Need the rent up front. Sixty bucks cash.

I'm not gonna, uh, I'm not gonna--

What do you got? Just say it.

- I got--I got 11--11 bucks. - Just say what you have.

Just give me the ten.

- You sure? - Yeah.

All right. Rules.

You live with three other people now, okay?

So you got to put your name on your food.

If you don't have your name on your food,

then it's up for grabs.

- Okay. - Labels.

Also, don't touch my snake, and don't think

you're doing me any favors by feeding him, okay?

Where--where's the snake? The snake's in here?

And listen, this is the closet to my room, out here, so

- if I'm in there with Maggie-- - Who's Maggie?

She's my girl. By the way, hands off, okay?

If I'm out here with Maggie, screwing,

you gotta wait till we're done.

[scoffs] And what exactly does that cocktail of degradation

and self-loathing sound like when it's finished?

Sobbing? A single gunshot? [laughs]

Probably just a groggy "where am I?"

after the ether wears off.


[scoffs] God, do you guys just

come up with this out of the thin air?

It's amazing.

Enjoy your closet.

- [both] Oh. - Fuck me.

Is that a fucking cat box?


- [oxygen tank hisses] - [knocking]

♪ solemn music ♪


Well, uh...

guess I should just...

uh, all right.

Everybody stand back.


Okay, well, you gotta take that down.

I'm fuckin' serious.

Language, Adam, please.

"Language"? Really?


So anybody here from-- from out of town?

[slight chuckle]

[audience laughter]

Are you having a good time, ma'am?

Really? All right, tell your face.


I am Mexican. That's right.

I look like, uh, Tony Orlando

had a baby

with Tony Orlando.

[audience laughter]

What is it about Mexicans--

eh--I wish this didn't happen, but it's true.

Mexican, right,

is a dirty word still.

You say "Mexican" before anything, it sounds bad.

Like, for example, uh, I got some reefer.

- Got some Mexican reefer. - [audience laughter]

- No, thank you. - [audience laughter]

Took my kids to the circus,

the Mexican circus.

[audience laughter]

What the fuck was that about?

Took him to see a clown,

- the Mexican clown. - [audience laughter]

Hey, kids, look, it's Puto the Clown.

[audience laughter]

I gotta take a piss.

[Edgar] Want me to make a balloon animal with my wiener?

Hey, hey.

I gotta talk to Goldie about Clay's memorial.

Look, I fucked up, okay?

I'm an antisocial asshole, a narcissistic douche bag.

Let me know when you get to an apology.


Excuse me. Excuse me.

Oh, hey, Clay's friend.

- Yeah, Eddie. - Cassie.

Look, I-I just--I wanted to apologize for earlier.

No, I'm sorry about that--

No, no-no-no-no, please, don't.

I mean, a couple of bums show up,

trying to crash on your boyfriend's couch--

No, he wasn't my boyfriend.

He was my boyfriend.

We were together for two years,

but it's been over for a while.

- And... - Oh.

...I'm just trying to take care of his parents and get...

No, that sounds-- that sounds really nice of you.

We found a place.

Oh, good.

Yeah, yeah. Arnie's.

Oh, that's not good.

It's great, actually, it's, uh,

it's a closet, is what it is.

It's got a wonderful view, though.

Looks on to some kind of performance space

where, uh, bums take craps in between parked cars.

- [laughs] - Yeah.

I don't want to oversell it for you,

but what it lacks in dignity it makes up for

in horrifying spectacle.

[laughs] Okay.

This guy's doing fucking dick jokes over here,

I'm trying, I'm trying my best.

Oh, thank you for making me laugh.

- All right. - I'll talk to you later.

- Yeah, I'll see you. - Okay, take care.

Hey, is Kay here?

Is Kay here? Kay, Kay the waitress.

- Clay's Kay? - How the fuck do I know?


She gave me crabs.

Aw, what'd you get her?

I'm fucking serious, man.

Just go get some Quell--

I slept with Betty last night.

It's nice knowing you.

Yeah, and she's already hormonal 'cause she's six-months pregnant

so great, she's gonna kill me now

because I fucking turned her panties into a fucking aquarium.

You shown it to anyone else?


Anyone who cares? His parents?

No, but I'm going to.

They deserve the truth.

No one deserves the truth, sweetie.

It's not a reward.

You wouldn't want to know if it was your son?

My grandmother gave me this

on my 21st birthday.

Talk about your "to be's or not to be's."

Poor fucker.


Eight months before she was liberated.

She said there was a Star of David

hung above the entrance to the gas chamber.

Written, in Hebrew, on a purple curtain

were the words, "This is the gateway to God.

Righteous men will pass through."

They even lined the gas chamber entrance with flowers.

The train ramp to Treblinka

was disguised to look like a regular railway station

with timetables, signs, even a clock

painted on the wall.

What does this have to do with Clay?

My grandmother knew the truth.

She knew where she was going.

And when she got there, where she was,

what that acrid smell in the air was.

But the truth wasn't gonna let her sleep at night.

It seldom does.

His parents should know.

[cigarette case shuts]

Say you're right.

They're Catholic.

So you're pretty much damning their son to Hell.

You tell them the truth, and they will never have

another decent night's sleep again.

So what, so I...

so I just shouldn't say anything?

The flowers at Treblinka?

Bubbe said they were the most beautiful she'd ever seen.

♪ whimsical whistling music ♪




I'm so itchy.

What is it?

I don't know. Is there something on me?


I'm so sorry.

For what?

My dead son's accident

or his giving his mother crabs?

Mister Appuzzo.

Clay left this at the hotel the night of his accident.

"Napoli." See Naples.

Why are you showing me this?


I think that Clay might have...


♪ somber music ♪

It was an accident.

He was drinking. He had an accident.

You understand? He had an accident.

- No, Mister... - He was drinking and...

He left this at the hotel.

...he fell in front of a bus

in this God forsaken hell hole.

Here, here.

Here's your memorial. Here's your ashes.


Scatter them all over this...

Gomorrah that killed him!


[bacon sizzling]

Good morning, roomie.


Do you like bacon?

Or are you the other kind of Jew?


Morning, buddy.

Hey, Mags, any more bacon?

Yeah, there's one here.

[Ron] Thank you.

It's a memorial service.

Nobody's gonna say boo.

Man, Arnie's not even gonna

let me in the building without you.

That guy's got his head so far up Goldie's ass

he can taste her last meal.

Look, I'm being serious, Carl.

My hands are tied. Charlie's got the brunch.

Lookit, if you say the words

"Charlie" or "Callas" one more time,

I swear to Christ that I'm going to take this five-dollar tie

that you so generously let me borrow

and I'ma hang your ass with it.

Oh, you want Carson? Go get Carson.

You got to get in there with the big boys.

Let 'em see you.

This business is all about relationships.

You got--you gotta mingle for Chrissake.

Mingle at a memorial service?

Hey, I got my first break on The Colgate Comedy Hour

by chatting up Eddie Cantor at a urinal.

You do what you gotta do.

Wow, you are, like,

the worst fucking manager ever, you know that, right?

Maybe. But I believe in you.

And you know that.

We got pork chops tonight.

If you're late and they're dry, don't blame me.

♪ Shuggie Otis' "Strawberry Letter 23" ♪


♪ Hello my love ♪

♪ I heard a kiss from you ♪

♪ Red magic satin playing near.. ♪

Guy, please?

♪ All through the morning rain I gaze ♪

♪ The sun doesn't shine ♪

♪ Rainbows and waterfalls ♪

♪ Run through my mind ♪

♪ In the garden I see... ♪

Uh, 'scuse me, brother.

Think The Jackson 5's at The Rainbow.

Hey, Arnie, I'm just here to pay my respects.

Oh, yeah? Really?

You were friends with Clay?

Yeah, he--he, uh,

bought me a slice of pizza after one of my sets.

Oh, so you got the pizza connection?

Wow, congrats. That's really cool.

[snaps] Screw, kid.

Oh, my God! There you are.

You look fabulous. How do I look? [giggles]

This kid doesn't know Clay. He's just here hustling.

Neither do you if you think Clay would give a shit.

He's my guest. Come on.

You look like Flip Wilson went to Sears.

- Hey, thanks, man. - Man, forget it.

There's only one rule in this business, and so far

nobody's figured out what it is yet.

Welcome to the wild, wild west.

Hey, enjoy the egg salad.

[indistinct chatter]


- Hey, hey. - Smart, college educated.

- Hey. - Hi.

Uh, where's Betty? I heard she's bringing seafood.

[laughs] Shut the fuck up.

She's meeting her mother to pick out a new crib.

She's gonna come by a little later, thank you.

What about all the little piranhas in her panties?

I, uh, told her I got them at the Y.


Well, I mean, technically, you did.

[snickers] Man, you should have heard me.

I'm blasting them on the phone this morning.

I'm like, "You guys, my wife is pregnant;

and she probably has them; and I'm gonna take

the Young Man's Christian Association to court!"

I used the full name to intimidate them.

It really worked well.

And she bought all that?

Yeah. Hook, line, and sinker.

- Ugh. - I even canceled my membership,

which sucks, 'cause I loved working out there.

It's inexpensive and, truth be told,

it's very, very clean.

[audience laughter]

[Ralph] I mean, these girls were bad, you know, so...

But Clay, he introduces us.

And the--and the girls ask how we know each other.

Clay looks at them with a straight face and says,

"We're cousins through rape."

[audience laughter]

And then--and then,

and then he goes on to tell a story,

a history lesson about how the Moors were black

and they invaded, raped, and pillaged Sicily.

But we are all one, big happy family now,

it's all in the past.

[light audience laughter]

Man, neither one of us got laid that night.

[audience laughter]

Clay was my man, I tell you that.

He was my man.

♪ somber music ♪

Thank you.


Hello, um,

I know, uh, none of you know us,

me and my friend Ron. Um.

But, uh, I knew Clay from

back in Boston when his first name was still Calogero.

We were kids making pizzas at Romero's,

which was an authentic Italian restaurant

that was owned by my Jewish uncle.

[audience chuckling]

Later, Clay got a job at, uh, Combat Zone,

doing comedy at a strip club.

And I'd drive into Boston and watch, and, uh...

...I mean, I was probably the one guy there

not to watch the strippers but to watch Clay perform.

And he'd be up there telling these jokes about,

about his family and growing up in a small town,

but, you know, they-- they weren't--

they weren't jokes, they were these...

...I don't know, these secrets about himself.

And, uh, one night after closing,

we, uh, went to the bar for a beer.

And, uh, I asked him how does he

get up in front of all these drunks

and, uh, make them laugh

at the most

embarrassing, shameful,

painful moments of his life.

And, uh...


...he said it was easier for him

to confess the truth about himself

to a room full of drunken strangers

than it was to the people he really loved.


He was beautiful.



- Oh, Guy. - We're leaving.

You have to stay in here. The stories about Calogero...

We're leaving.


[Goldie] Mr. Appuzzo, please,

won't you join us, just a little while?

Have--have a seat, please.


My son is dead.

He was a child.

He was always a child.

You are children.

You think you can joke your way out of everything,

pain, heartache,


Go ahead. Then what?

It's all still there waiting for you,

waiting to be dealt with.

You're children with your eyes closed,

thinking nobody can see you.

I see you.

I see right through all of you.

♪ Iggy & The Stooges' "Gimme Danger" ♪


[Sully] Oh, shit!

Honey, what are you doing? The doctor said

no destruction of property until after the baby!

It's the receipt from your crab lotion.

If you found out about it this morning, then

why is the receipt from two days ago, you son of a bitch?

[Sully] No, not on my car!

Bess, come here, give me that--

Can we--no-no-no-no, please, come here, come-here,

come here, stop, come on!

Thought I got rid of those.

Told you to keep your dick in your skirt, didn't I?

Mind if I grab a beer?

I'll join you.

Hey, hey, Goldie. How you doing?

I'm, uh, I'm Adam. Adam Proteau.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Um, yeah, I know now is a bad time, but I was--

I said I know who you are.

Why don't you quit while you're ahead, huh?

♪ If you can't be my master ♪

♪ I will do anything ♪


♪ There's nothing left alive ♪

♪ But a pair of glassy eyes ♪

♪ Raise my feelings one more time ♪


Come in.

Oh, sweetie. Hey, you look tired.

You need a bump?

I want to go up tonight.

The Cellar's yours. Name the time.

Not The Cellar.

The main room.

[laughs softly]

What are you?

Excuse me?

I have no idea what the fuck you are.

I'm a comedian.

What are you?

You're funny, I give you that.

Phyllis Diller, I know what she is.

Joan Rivers, I get, but you?

No clue.

You're all over the map.

No point of view.

You're sexy, which is not a plus.

They don't hear half your jokes 'cause

they're so busy staring at your tits.

So you go a little blue.

And when you don't, you're all

"aw, shucks and cow shit." [scoffs]

I have no idea what your female perspective is.

There is no one female perspective,

just like there is no one guy perspective.

We're not them, honey.

You wanna go on The Tonight Show?


Let me help you, hmm?

Find a voice that women can relate to.

I have a voice women-- that women relate to--

That sheds light on our mutual experiences, huh?

Then I'll put you on The Main Stage,

front and center,

my right hand to Carson.

- Is Kaufman like Carlin? - Ugh.

Is Klein like Pryor?

You're missing my point.

Yet they're all up there on your stage.

Why is it any different for women?

There is room for me too, I just need your stage to prove it.

When you're ready.

[lighter flicks]

Word has is The Tonight Show's gonna be

laying off young comics for a while.

That the...

rumors surrounding Clay's death

has them rethinking things.

Your point?

The LA Times is doing an interview

with me tomorrow.

They want me to set the record straight

about Clay, about his death...

The truth.

And what is the truth?

You tell me.


At least now I know what you are.

♪ lounge piano music ♪

[Sully] Guys, Vietnam's coming to an end.

That means what?

Yes, the draft is coming to an end.

It's so nice. Comedians are coming home

from Canada, 'cause they're pussies, right?

Ugh, they are not known for their bravery, man.

They're known for what? Say it with me.

Big penises. Nobody said it, that's weird.

That's a "no" in the back? Is that--yeah, that's my wife.

How are you--oh, wait, that's not her.

I'm just kidding. She didn't make it

through surgery, she's dead. How are you?

Ugh, I just--gonna-- I'ma need you to hold this.

Just put it between your breasts, that's fine, um.

I'll come get it later. Great, so...

Man, we hate to fight.

We'll make a white flag out of anything, right?

We'll make a white flag out of a fuckin' black flag.

[Clay] Where are you in all this, Cass?

♪ tender piano music ♪

All those jokes about being a single gal from Wink, Texas.


[Clay] Fuck, the bartender can tell jokes.


Real laughter...


It's cathartic.

It's the current that moves through an audience

when some truth about who you are,

about who they are, is revealed.


Come on, Cass, you gotta go out there and put those arms

around that messy part of yourself and just...


[distant laughter]

Get your ass on that stage.

Figure out what it is that you have to say,

open a vein, and...

fuckin' say it.

[Sully] That's it, I'm Sully Patterson, thank you guys!

[cheers and applause]

Yeah, give it up for Sully Paterson, a...

genuine war hero right there, man.

Coming to the stage next right now is a real treat.

It's her first time on the main room stage,

and quite frankly it's about motherfucking time.

Easy on the eyes, and funny as hell,

give it up for Cassie Feder!

[cheers and applause]

Hey, y'all.

- [warm audience response] - [cheers and whistles]

Yes, I am from Texas.

We do say "y'all."

Y'all's actually Texas shorthand for

"We will shoot you, all of you."

[audience laughter]

You know what's great about being a single gal

in Texas?

Is making out in pickup trucks.

Girls, you have not lived until you find yourself

in a lip lock with a farm boy

who spent his afternoon

watching his daddy's cows hump.

[light audience laughter]

You ever have life pull a trick on you

that you just did not see coming?

You're just walking along,

all happy and stupid, and wham.

Without you even realizing it, life just

bends you over and tucks it straight up your ass?

I lost a friend recently.

An ex-boyfriend, actually.

♪ faint ambient music ♪

Man... [exhales deeply]

Did I ever love him.

He was Italian and swarthy.

And he had these, um,

these big blue eyes.

And not that he couldn't be a dick too, 'cause he could.

Get her the fuck off the stag--

What? For what?

[Cassie] Here I was,

this Jew from Wink, Texas.

Let me just put that in perspective for you.

There's more Jews at a Walt Disney dinner party

than there are in all of Wink.

[audience chuckling]

And I met my ex, and, man,

I was just overmatched right from the start.

You know you are overmatched when you end up

blowing a guy on the first date.

That's it. The end.

You know what I'm talking about.

I can see you've done that a few times,

haven't you, young lady?

I mean, I don't even know what happened, really.

I was at dinner. I was smiling.

I was nodding.

I was so interested in everything he was saying.

One second, "Oh, my gosh, lasagna Thanksgiving

instead of turkey? No."

And then the next second, I'm in the front seat of his Valiant

blowing him, wondering what our kids are gonna look like.

[audience laughter]

[mouth full] If it's a boy,

let's name 'em 'Arry a--

[audience laughter]

And if it's a girl,

I'll name her Candace.

[audience laughter and applause]

I was so happy to be there

that I said thank you to him afterwards.

[audience laughter]

I don't know what happened.

I didn't blow guys in Wink.

And then I'm in L.A. for one month,

and I'm really thinking

about getting my tonsils taken out

for performance purposes.

If my uncle knew what was going on,

I could just see him.

[as Uncle] I can't believe you're sucking Italian dick.

That's disgusting.

You got perfectly good cousin dick

right ch'ere in Wink!

[audience laughter and applause]

[cheers and applause]

♪ uplifting music ♪


[muffled lovemaking]

[muffled springs squeaking]

Oh, great.

I gotta take a piss.

When's this prick gonna shoot his wad?

[Maggie moaning]

[Arnie] Ooh, yeah. Oh, my God, yeah, oh!

[Eddie] You know Lenny Bruce's first paying gig

was for 12 dollars and a free plate of spaghetti?

I would kill for some spaghetti right now.

Fucking starving.

[muffled lovemaking intensifies]



Where the fuck are we?

[Arnie's groans climax]

[Maggie moaning]

Hollywood, brotha.

[both laugh]

♪ Ringo Starr's "It Don't Come Easy" ♪


♪ It don't come easy ♪

Thank you.

♪ You know it don't come easy ♪

♪ It don't come easy ♪

♪ You know it don't come easy ♪


♪ Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues ♪

♪ And you know it don't come easy ♪

♪ You don't have to shout or leap about ♪

♪ You can even play them easy ♪

♪ Forget about the past and all your sorrows ♪


♪ The future won't last ♪

♪ It will soon be over tomorrow ♪

♪ I don't ask for much I only want your trust ♪

♪ And you know it don't come easy ♪

♪ And this love of mine keeps growing all the time ♪

♪ And you know it just ain't easy ♪

♪ Open up your heart let's come together ♪


♪ Use a little love ♪

♪ And we will ♪

♪ Make it work out better ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues ♪

♪ And you know it don't come easy ♪

♪ You don't have to shout or leap about ♪

♪ You can even play them easy ♪

♪ Peace, remember peace is how we make it ♪

For more infomation >> I'm Dying Up Here Series Premiere TVMA - Duration: 1:00:25.


MINI Countryman Cooper S - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> MINI Countryman Cooper S - Duration: 0:51.


Breast Cancer Patient Surprised With Trip to Super Bowl LII - Ochsner Update: January 25th, 2017 - Duration: 2:26.

To be absolutely honest, I'm a boy mom and a Saints fan, so with those two

it brings me joy to see the excitement in my family to be here.

Yeah, we we didn't know what to expect.

I thought it'd just be a pretty simple tour, maybe we'd see a couple of players...

The reason this is all happening is because Dr. Corsetti and I, we just felt like

you of all people embodied what a survivor is and you're an amazing family

and you deserve anything you can accomplish.

So, on behalf of the New Orleans Saints and the NFL, we'd like to present you with...

Tickets to the Super Bowl.

Holy cow.

Is this the actual...

And then we just got...the Super Bowl tickets!

And we were speechless.

I know! I don't know, what do we say!

I'm just so thankful to the Saints, to the NFL, to Ochsner, just to everyone who's making this possible for us

and giving us this opportunity.

So this is just a little highlight to our journey as a family.

I lost a grandmother 52 and a mom at 50.

And for me to go "Gosh I'm want to like live, I could possibly live past that and really enjoy life?"

Like I've never imagined being able to do that.

She's incredible.

She really just tries hard to love people well.

That's sort of empowering to know we can do that too and be able to be strong like her.

It just gives like more of a relation and trust with our mom.

I feel like I'm still learning, it's certainly not over.

I'm learning that no matter what my circumstances are that I can be of value to others around me.

For more infomation >> Breast Cancer Patient Surprised With Trip to Super Bowl LII - Ochsner Update: January 25th, 2017 - Duration: 2:26.


i've changed - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> i've changed - Duration: 3:32.


7 relaxants musculaires que nous offre la nature - Random888 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> 7 relaxants musculaires que nous offre la nature - Random888 - Duration: 8:49.


7 boissons naturelles pour lutter contre les problèmes de sommeil - Random888 - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 7 boissons naturelles pour lutter contre les problèmes de sommeil - Random888 - Duration: 8:09.


Alexis Corbière - Meeting de soutien à Anaïs Beltran - Territoire de Belfort - FI90 - Duration: 2:02:39.

For more infomation >> Alexis Corbière - Meeting de soutien à Anaïs Beltran - Territoire de Belfort - FI90 - Duration: 2:02:39.


Recette Coréenne RAMYEON comme des coréens|한국 라면 레시피? - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Recette Coréenne RAMYEON comme des coréens|한국 라면 레시피? - Duration: 4:06.


Une candi­date de Miss Italie harce­lée pour avoir défilé avec son bébé - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Une candi­date de Miss Italie harce­lée pour avoir défilé avec son bébé - Duration: 2:19.


'자기야 백년손님' 한현민, 아내 최엄지 딸 소영 가영 공개 "첫만남 결혼" 고백|2MTV - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> '자기야 백년손님' 한현민, 아내 최엄지 딸 소영 가영 공개 "첫만남 결혼" 고백|2MTV - Duration: 3:56.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-01-25 14:15:57 US-421, Indianapolis, IN 46226, USA - Duration: 21:18.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-01-25 14:15:57 US-421, Indianapolis, IN 46226, USA - Duration: 21:18.


Academy of Art University - W...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University - W...


Showing my N64 game collection :D - Duration: 19:25.

Here we are with a new vlog!

I'm gonna tell you something about my N64 collection today :D

I really love this console!

I've played it a lot with my brothers in the old days

So i'm gonna try and see what i remember of some games

Some i bought when i got older

Some i sold, but regreat it, so i bought them again :'D

We start with this zelda game

bought it in an second hand electronica store for 7,50 euro

couldn't leave it for that price ;)

And ofcourse there this sticker mess on the game

You have that some times...

If i'm honest, i didn't really played the game yet

I did the start, but got stuck right away no idea what i had to do!

So i just stoped playing

So i kinda need to play it some time again

i hope i can do it soon!

Since i've orderd a converter from HDMI to scart

Since we don't have an old TV to play it on

We only have lots of HDMI screens at home

So i hope i can play soon!

Next game

Let's see: bomberman!

I've enjoyed this game quite a lot with my brothers

It's just pretty funny to play with lots of people

and kill eachother with bombs and stuff

Another game i really really really like!

Pokemon snap!

I already enjoy taking pictures

And what's more fun then photographing pokemon <3

In a game... wich i really like to do too!

playing video games!


a game wich i wasnt happy with

I really wanted this game becouse kirby is cute!

So i started a trade with the girlfriend of my brother...

And i trade it with a game i also liked

I think it was south park, but i'm not sure anymore

but i had so much regret that i traded it!

But last year i started checking out the game prices

I saw this game over 100 euro!!

So if i'm still sorry i traded it?

I think i'm happy with it now!

I only played it a little while

But i disliked it very much

I should give it a second change some day


I played it pretty much

It was fun but... mweh...

Same maps over and over again

A lot of driving the same road

And you had shortcuts in the game

And we tought that was really cool

Pokemon puzzle league!

Ofcourse another pokemon game, fun!

I've rent it a lot at the video rental store

And when you get older, you can buy this shit yourself

So i did!

Let's see how this one is called

charlie blast's territory

I don't know if a lot of people know this

But it was a gift from my mom

I have amused myself with it quite a while

It's some kinda puzzle game

I think you put like TNT bombs on the ground

and you will make some kinda path and destroy it

Or something

super smash bros

This is also a very good game, played it a lot

You could throw pokeballs in this game

so we made a game mode with only pokeballs on

So you only threw pokeballs

And see who survived

Yes, had lots of fun with this

Beautiful gold!

Pokemon stadium Nr 2!

I still know the time this game was released

I really wanted this game so i went to my mom "i want it pretty please!!"

My mom took me to the bank and took my money from my savings account

I think it was like 150 gulden (100 euro?)

That sounds very painfull when you are just a kid

I was like 10 or 12 ?

Or when did this came out?


I really suck in math so it's like 11 years ago?

I'm now 26.....

So i was 15 or something?

I don't know, why am i even trying this math shit

Iggy's Reckin' Balls

I was so good in this game!

And so nobody liked to play this with me

Cause i would always win...

But yeah, it's a race game

I kinda want to play it again with some friends

And i would probally win everything again

Yoshi story!

I have rent this a lot when i was younger, so i had to buy it

I don't remember a lot anymore of this game, it was kinda like mario

I liked it, cause yoshis are cool

Super cool game!

I think i say that with every game...

I've used to play this a lot with my childhood friend, Dwayne

That was my real game buddy!

Everyday we were at eachothers homes,

we both had a N64

But diffrent games

So we used to play at our houses a lot

But later i didn't wanted to play so much games anymore

So i kinda ruined that (game) friendship


But fun game!

Yeah i've played this a few times over and over


I liked to watch the anime... or cartoon, however you want to call it

This i've rent one time at the video rental too

cause in the old days you could rent games

And i've bought this last year

Cause i liked it when i was younger

I don't remember what to do, i tought escaping as baby or something

So i really wanted it again

I hope to play it soon again!


I remember i've rent this too 1 time

But i have no clue what the game was abouth

As i can see, it's walking on a ball

And more i don't know, but ill find out soon!

Banjo tooie!

I've played it soooo many times

Cause this really was one of my favorites

Yeah what was it about, collecting puzzle pieces?

It's just great

Part 1 i have too ofcourse, but it's somewhere in here

I didn't sort it before the video, i just took it out of the drawer and put it here

So i don't know what's next, they are faced down most of the time

Let's see whats this

Fishing game!!!

Weird enough i realy enjoyed this too

I like fishing a bit in real life too

But i don't really do it anymore

My family kinda dumped me on the fishing part

Cause i don't want to touch the maggots

And it's nasty and stuff

So i'm just a pain in the ass

But i liked to do it

But i still have my game:D

catching fishies


Another zelda!

I've played this A LOT

I remember i was at the end boss

Having no clue how to defeat him

And there was no internet yet

So how the hell does this works

So in the end i've never defeated him

And a few years back

I visit an old school friend

And he told me how to do it!

You need to smash his attack back like a tennis game!

And i tought:

I'm gonna try this out right away!! So i started my game


And so you learn something every day

Let's see, this is killed instinct

I have never played this, since i bought it with an nintendo 64 with controllers

And i only cared abouth the controllers, but the whole set together was cheaper

And this game was with the set

And i think it's a

Smash eachother in the head game?

i don't know!

So yeah, idunno, i just don't know what to do with this game

But i have it anyways

hmmm if you can make me happy with something, it's mario party!

I've played pretty much everything

Except the very new ones

Since i kinda stoped with the new nintendo consoles

Cause i don't think it's worth my money

That's my opinion! Don't feel butthurt :D

Mario party 2 i've played the least

My best friend had part 1, we played that way too much

2 nobody ever had

and i had 3!

So 3 i played a lot to, but this one not

But it's good!

Lego racer, i played it a lot with my brother

You could build your own lego cart

And you had some boosters and stuff

And those secret short cuts

We just had a lot of fun with it

But as a child you like everything i guess

I've played it a while ago with my boyfriend

He was like "why do we play this, why i have to do thisss"

but he doesn't like all this old shit

He's younger then me

So maybe he skipped this generation

What we have here?

i don't know what this is!

I've bought this game last year together with the Glover game

cause it was like, X-games for an X-price

So i just took some things...

I will try it when i can

It looks like you are a weird guy trying to kill tomatoes

Probally something like that

Nintendo games are pretty simple

Not like, simple in gameplay.. nevermind

There it is! Mario party !!

And there is a name on it: Glenn.

Since i bought it later from someone

It was cheaper because of the name

Cause i don't really care how it looks from the outside

As long as it works i'm fine with it!

I don't need a fancy box around it

Doesn't have a value for me

You don't buy a vacuum cleaner or whatever and leave it in the box

cause it will be worth more nehhhh

007 golden eye

Played it a lot with the childhood friend

It was fun to kill eachother and stuff

have fun shooting

here it is, Banjo kazooie

One of the favorite games!

i have to much favorite games

but thats why i love the n64!

It's so much funnn

But i don't have so much friend who wants to play with me

just like F-zero X! Also fun

You will race against eachother in space

much fun

i like everything

You guys want to play with me?:c

pokemon stadium!

It had mini games! so much fun!

i say fun to much....

But also with this game, i was way too good in the mini games

So nobody wanted to play with me anymore after a while

This is another game that i bought with the other 2 weird one, i don't know what it is


Is it a kinda tetris?

think so?


I think i've rent this before and it was fun i guess

I don't really remember anything about it

I just bought it because it was cheap and i wanted to expand my game collection

mario party 3

I really like to play it but nobody wants to because im too good!

i think everyone played this game

this is my youth

i played it over and over and over again

I don't think i ever got the MAX stars

I don't even know about the end boss, have i been there?

I only know i've played it too much, together with my brother

And i think i still know most maps from beginning to end

Perfect dark, i found it soooo cool

it had a gun were you could see through wall

so that was sooo cool

And you had a rocket launcher

And you could move the bullet were you wanted

It was really awesome, but so unrealistic

south park!

I know i've rent it sometime

For more infomation >> Showing my N64 game collection :D - Duration: 19:25.


Johnny Hally­day enterré à St Barth : l'émo­tion d'un couple de fans sur la tombe du rockeur - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day enterré à St Barth : l'émo­tion d'un couple de fans sur la tombe du rockeur - Duration: 4:13.


4 choses incroyables qui vous arrivent quand vous buvez 3 litres d'eau par jour - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> 4 choses incroyables qui vous arrivent quand vous buvez 3 litres d'eau par jour - Duration: 6:57.


Mort d'Ar­naud Giova­ni­netti (Section de recherches, Candice Renoir) à 50 ans - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Mort d'Ar­naud Giova­ni­netti (Section de recherches, Candice Renoir) à 50 ans - Duration: 2:12.


Le Petit Train de l'Yonne (Massangis) - Duration: 17:25.

For more infomation >> Le Petit Train de l'Yonne (Massangis) - Duration: 17:25.


Recette Coréenne RAMYEON comme des coréens|한국 라면 레시피? - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Recette Coréenne RAMYEON comme des coréens|한국 라면 레시피? - Duration: 4:06.


Bridge Sword Fight! Montage! - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Bridge Sword Fight! Montage! - Duration: 4:54.


Le régime paléo : Avantages et inconvénients - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Le régime paléo : Avantages et inconvénients - Duration: 3:31.


Alexis Corbière - Meeting de soutien à Anaïs Beltran - Territoire de Belfort - FI90 - Duration: 2:02:39.

For more infomation >> Alexis Corbière - Meeting de soutien à Anaïs Beltran - Territoire de Belfort - FI90 - Duration: 2:02:39.


Une candi­date de Miss Italie harce­lée pour avoir défilé avec son bébé - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Une candi­date de Miss Italie harce­lée pour avoir défilé avec son bébé - Duration: 2:19.


Michel Fugain très remonté contre « celle qui a partagé sa vie pendant 34 ans » - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Michel Fugain très remonté contre « celle qui a partagé sa vie pendant 34 ans » - Duration: 2:08.


Meraviglie - patrimonio mondiale dell'ignoranza - parodia Alberto Angela - puntata del 24/01/2018 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Meraviglie - patrimonio mondiale dell'ignoranza - parodia Alberto Angela - puntata del 24/01/2018 - Duration: 3:13.


What is ePacket? (DROPSHIPPING Ecommerce) - Duration: 2:12.

[What is ePacket]

Alright, so if you've been thinking about dropshipping from China, ePacket delivery

has no doubt crossed your radar.

And while it may sound like something that's really complex or intimidating, it's actually

pretty straightforward.

Hey, what's up world it's Tommy Walker with Oberlo, and today, we're going to talk

all about ePacket delivery, how it all works, and how it will help you to ship products

more products more profitably from China

If you have any questions, or want to share your experiences, drop them in the comments

below, and I'll be sure to get back to you

ePacket is an agreement that the Chinese and Hong Kong governments have with the US postal

service and a ton of other countries including Canada and Australia to ship

light ecommerce packages from China, relatively cheaply and within 7-20 days and often much


ePacket provides merchants and customers end to end tracking to monitor and locate their

package on official websites such as and the United States Postal Service website

For dropshippers, ePacket has been massive and essential to the long-term success of

their business.

For years, dropshippers were plagued for with long, unreliable, and expensive shipping times

and little visibility into the fulfillment process.

As you can imagine, that was a nightmare for customer service, and establishing long-term

trust between buyers and dropshipping companies.

ePacket has totally revolutionized shipping small packets from China to Europe, Australia

& North America.

The length, height, and thickness of the package shouldn't exceed 36" (90cm).

And the weight shouldn't exceed 4 and a half pounds, and the price can't have a

value higher than $400 USD.

Lastly, the package must be shipped from China

or Hong Kong to eligible countries, which you can find an up-to-date list in the description


If you want to track your packages using Oberlo,

click on "my orders" and you'll see the tracking code directly next to your fulfilled


The majority of the products in the Oberlo Marketplace are eligible for ePacket delivery,

making it easy to select qualified products

If, however, you're not using Oberlo, you can easily track your orders on services like

Customers may have to pay taxes and customs fees for their products, and it's different

for every product, so it's a good practice to make that known on an F.A.Q page, and throughout

the buying process so it's not a complete surprise for your customer.

And that's it!

See, I told you it was pretty simple.

And what about you?

If you're already dropshipping, how has ePacket impacted your business?

Hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to know when new videos on running a dropshipping

are released, and be sure to share this video with anyone you know who's looking to start

a dropshipping store using products from China.

Thanks so much for watching, and until next time

Learn Often, Market Better, Sell More

For more infomation >> What is ePacket? (DROPSHIPPING Ecommerce) - Duration: 2:12.


David Hallyday : pour surmonter la mort de son père Johnny, il a pris une décision - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday : pour surmonter la mort de son père Johnny, il a pris une décision - Duration: 2:02.


7 relaxants musculaires que nous offre la nature - Random888 - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> 7 relaxants musculaires que nous offre la nature - Random888 - Duration: 8:49.


7 boissons naturelles pour lutter contre les problèmes de sommeil - Random888 - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 7 boissons naturelles pour lutter contre les problèmes de sommeil - Random888 - Duration: 8:09.


Free Piano Lesson (24), Bach Musette in D Major, Michelle Lin Piano Studio - Duration: 4:35.

Lesson 24, Musette in D Major BWV Anh. 126

Hi, everyone, this is Michelle.

In next few lessons we are to talk about Bach's music and music from Anna Magdalena Bach's


This notebook was a birthday gift from Bach to his wife Anna Magdalena in 1725.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 died in 1750.

He was the culminating figure of Baroque music, his death marked the end

of Baroque Era.

In the original score, there are no tempos, dynamics, phrasings, fingerings and articulations.

These all have been added by the editor.

The tempo I played is about quarter note=112.

The title "Musette" was to imitate the sound of the instrument which was a part of

bagpipe family.

The melody resembles tune of the bagpipe while the basses have a droning effect.

It is suggested to play the basses in detached octaves.

The music is in D major with F# and C#.

The time signature is in 2/4, quarter note receives one count, there are 2 counts per


Although it is written in 2 parts but the music is in 3-part form, the A (bar 1 to bar

8) B (bar 9 to bar 20) A (bar 21 to bar 28), ternary form.

In bar 13-14, 15-16, there are 2 syncopations in D, play them with a bit stress.

The leaps may cause accuracy problem; therefore, practice it more carefully.

When ends a section such as in bar 8, 20, and 28, make sure to play those quarter notes to its value.

For more infomation >> Free Piano Lesson (24), Bach Musette in D Major, Michelle Lin Piano Studio - Duration: 4:35.


Brigitte Bardot : ses rapports doulou­reux avec son fils se sont apai­sés - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Bardot : ses rapports doulou­reux avec son fils se sont apai­sés - Duration: 7:58.


3 Other options for Migraines - Duration: 7:58.

Hey you! It's Evie :)

alright you guys, Im going to try and make this video real quick.

Im waiting for Zander to get home (off bus)

Before we get started in this video I just have to say

That a migraine is NOTHING like a headache

I don't care who you are

They are not the same

I can not tell you how agervating it is

For more infomation >> 3 Other options for Migraines - Duration: 7:58.


Michel Sardou fait ses adieux sur un succès : l'éter­nel rival de Johnny Hally­day ... - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Michel Sardou fait ses adieux sur un succès : l'éter­nel rival de Johnny Hally­day ... - Duration: 2:14.


LEGO® Ninjago® Master of S...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago® Master of S...


Nas Performs "One Love" at the Kennedy Center - Duration: 1:41.

[Instrumental Music]

NAS (rapping): What up, kid?

You know **** is rough after you slid When the cops came you shoulda slid to my

crib **** it, black, no time for lookin' back,

it's done Plus, congratulations, you know you got a

son I heard he looks like ya, why don't your lady

write ya?

Told her she should visit, that's when she got hyper

Flippin', talkin' about he acts too rough He didn't listen, he be riffin' while I'm

tellin' him stuff I was like, "Yeah," your girl don't care,

she a snake too messin' with them ****s from that fake crew

that hate you But yo, guess who got shot in the dome-piece?

Jerome's niece, on her way home from Jones Beach

It's bugged, plus little Rob is sellin' drugs on the dime

Hangin' out with young thugs that all carry nines

And night time is more trife than ever What up with Cormega?

Did you see him?

Are y'all together?

If so, then hold the fort down, represent to the fullest

Say what's up to Herb, Ice and Bullet I left a half a hundred in your commissary

You was my dog when push came to shove (One what?)

One love!

One love, one love, one love, one love

NAS: We used to write letters to each other!

Now they email you from jail, right?


One love, one love, one love, one love


One love, one love, one love, one love

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