Yes, in the circulatory respirtory and other vitals functions are terminated, this subjects are techniquely deceased
Zombie attack in Alexandria, specifically we're talking around the Van Dorn Street area
The police Departement is strongly advicing people to stay in their home, lock their door and the police forces can contain the situation
People dying in the street by a thousand
For more infomation >> I Am Legend - Post-apocalyptic Short Film - Duration: 7:56.-------------------------------------------
"Indian - 2" in TAIWAN | Kamal Haasan | Shankar | Tamil Film | kalakkalcinema | ARRahman | Kollywood - Duration: 0:58.
FASHION FRIENDS 9 - Rikki Part 3/4: Market Gap, Wool Benefits, the meaning of Ikki: Small But Brave - Duration: 5:42.
Hi I'm Emily Keller and this is my friend Rikki. She's the founder of Ikki,
'Small But Brave' which is a baby clothes line based here in Shanghai. Over the
years you know I saw that there was a niche for mums because I had a lot of
friends who were having kids and they couldn't find good certified product
here and so I sort of put two and two together because I knew wool is really
beneficial for babies and I wasn't finding really beautiful soft product.
Wool product for one and secondly a product that was certified and could
reach all the, meet all the local standards because actually China's local
standards for baby products are higher than international standards. They're
super strict yeah but the enforcement is very low so that was the issue and so
then I sort of put 2 and 2 together and said okay I can develop this product and so I
worked one year with the factory and you know worked on a jersey wool fabric that
I felt had a hand feel that no one had felt before and yeah and to this day I
still think that the hand feel even after traveling and going and seeing all
my competitors that's one thing that I really really feel like we got right is
the hand feel and that's how I could get a consumer to understand or to even
try using wool and getting the benefits from it because the first thing was the
hand feel. If the hand feel wasn't right no one would buy it right yeah so that
was really important to me in the first year of development yeah and I mean
that's my other thing right I mean the passion that I have for the fiber and
to teach people about how amazing it is and the benefits for babies.
It's a proven fact that babies that sleep with wool sleep better than any
other fiber. The world should know that you know and people are just not aware
and people don't know these things. Even cashmere everyone thinks
cashmere so luxurious and I love cashmere as well it's beautiful fiber
but it's very insulative and it's actually not the best option for babies
so when people think luxury for babies they think cashmere. But actually it's not
very breathable so you know all those issues of overheating come up and so we
do try to educate about wool and the benefits of wool. What was really
important was the hand feel so that people would feel it and feel it's so
soft and okay I can imagine my child wearing this and then that as a basis to
say yes and not only can they wear it they're really gonna sleep better. It's
gonna create a microclimate around the body. Your child's not gonna overheat. It
can absorb 30% of its weight in moisture before it feels wet. These endless qualities
that no other fiber can do and that's just it naturally you know that's
with no finishing so that's really amazing. Is this specifically merino
wool? All wools have those characteristics so when people say wool
is scratchy unfortunately that just means that coarse wool has been put in an
area that is not meant for coarse wool so it doesn't actually mean that it's
bad wool it just means that it's too coarse for apparel. So you know I
mean of course wool goes up to 23 microns so 23 microns that those are
like the crossbred wools that are used for carpets and very tough you know like
furnishings which is also great because it's fire resistant and it's
it's a great option for interiors as well. But for babies merino wool is the
best option because it's the finer micron. It goes from about 12 micron to -
I think the maximum around 21 microns so what we're using is very fine merino
wool and if it's finished well and processed well then you get a really
great hand feel but this concept also of thinking that all you need is fine wool
to have a good product is also a misconception. The whole chain has to be
correct so that means putting the right raw material, having the right
manufacturing, environment, and machine settings and then finishing the wool
well, then knitting or weaving the wool with the right amount of tension with
the right weave for that fineness and then finishing the wool well when you're
doing the washing and then also sewing and in the right way for that type
of fabric that also has a big impact on the quality and the hand feel and
then finally finishing it again before wearing so quality is the whole
production because that's not and that's why we really we really choose IKKI is
all about the supply chain so we choose the raw material and do everything so
the special thing about the brand of the fabric not the design. The designs are very
basic and very classical. I'm not a fashion brand and I don't want to be a
fashion brand it's really about having the next-to-skin product so that you
can benefit from it. So a IKKI is my nickname as a
child an. What's your whole first name? Ulrike is my first name. It's German.
But no one could ever say that in South Africa so I've always been called Rikki
Riks, Rikster. When I went to university in Germany some people
started calling me Ulrike and I didn't used to respond because I wasn't used to it.
Yeah that's funny. I do have some friends who do so who do call me Ulrike.
But most people call me Rikki, so Ikki is a nickname and then the four dots are for
Soft, Safe, Sustainably-Focused, Super Fiber and then 'Small But Brave' basically
makes a reference to babies when they come into the world are small and yet
they overcome so much they can't really do anything and they somehow
overcome and grow up and so that's the reference to brave and then it also
refers to all of us you know you we all feel like we're just one little person
and we can't make much difference and we'll never make an impact but if you're
brave you can actually achieve a lot and we have to believe that otherwise you
would just sit at home and do nothing. You have to believe that you
can make a difference and I and I believe that you can.
ランドローバー、レンジローバーイヴォークの特別モデルを100台限定で受注開始 - Duration: 2:14.
Natural Insulin For Cure Diabetes | 100% Natural Cures 😍👌❤ - Duration: 5:48.
Natural Insulin For Cure Diabetes | 100% Natural Cures 😍👌❤
"భరణి" నక్షత్రం 1వ పాదం "సింహరాశి" నవాంశలో పుట్టినవారు.? మేష రాశి!! భరణి నక్షత్ర స్వభావం!!Mesha Rasi - Duration: 8:14.
대한민국 최고의 드라이브 코스 6곳[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 7:45.
자동과 수동의 진정한 짬뽕, 토요타 'GR HV 스포츠'[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:59.
지구에서 가장 험난한 오프로드 코스, 루비콘 트레일[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 9:49.
PIECZONE PLACKI ZIEMNIACZANE 🍠 | DG & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 5:26.
[비교 시승]BMW X1 vs. 미니 컨트리맨 Final Decisio[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 11:41.
what Knetz're doing causes depression in K-pop idols like Jonghyun and Taeyeon? - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:03.
I'm honestly really tired of people making incorrect assumptions regarding Jonghyun's death.
I'm not going to address Taeyeon's depression here because I think the circumstances are pretty different and that Knetz did have a much larger part in her struggles.
Look, Knetz are by no means innocent of a lot of judgemental and cruel shit they've spewed on the internet in regards to idols and other public figures over the years.
However, depression is a mental illness.
Mental illness is much more complex than what people comment on the internet.
There are many more factors and causes to mental illness.
[beyondblue} I think this comment summarizes it pretty well.
The point is, you can have twenty million people telling you how perfect you are or how terrible you are, but if your voice is the only voice that you can hear inside your head, none of it ends up mattering.
I do hope that this entire situation will open up more discussion about the stigma of mental illness in South Korea and how it can be improved, as well as how toxic all internet netizens can be, but I think this understanding that Jonghyun's death lies in the hands of internet criticism and fan culture is misguided and misdirected.
Just my take on it, from personal experience.
Isola, Francesco Monte finisce in lacrime per Chechu | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.
Mercedes-AMG x car2go: A Day at the ADAC Training Ground Pt.2 - Duration: 0:38.
Al Bano Carrisi spiazza tutti: 'Sono stato molestato', ecco da chi e il motivo | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:01.
How to replace rear anti roll bar link NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 2:55.
Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №16
24 시간 뉴스 l 여성들이 의외로 '몰카' 많이 찍히는 '소름甲' 장소 7 - Duration: 4:59.
L'Isola dei famosi, malore per una concorrente: lascerà il programma? La verità | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.
Shadow of the Colossus - Behind the Scenes: Remaking a Masterpiece [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 4:37.
Il film consigliato di oggi, venerdì 26 gennaio: Veloce come il vento - Duration: 6:54.
Where Do We Go
"Indian - 2" in TAIWAN | Kamal Haasan | Shankar | Tamil Film | kalakkalcinema | ARRahman | Kollywood - Duration: 0:58.
inside the HL.BB 1vs1 Workout - Duration: 2:07.
JACOB do THE BOYZ - Pops In Seoul [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 1:36.
MUZLU MAGNOLİA - HOW TO MAKE BANANA MAGNOLIA - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:58.
2.5 cups milk Half package baby biscuit Half a cup of granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 1 pack of powdered cream 1 packet of vanilla 1 tablespoons flour 1.5 tablespoons starch 1 banana
2.5 cups milk Half package baby biscuit Half a cup of granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 1 pack of powdered cream 1 packet of vanilla 1 tablespoons flour 1.5 tablespoons starch 1 banana
2.5 cups milk Half package baby biscuit Half a cup of granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 1 pack of powdered cream 1 packet of vanilla 1 tablespoons flour 1.5 tablespoons starch 1 banana
2.5 cups milk Half package baby biscuit Half a cup of granulated sugar 1 egg yolk 1 pack of powdered cream 1 packet of vanilla 1 tablespoons flour 1.5 tablespoons starch 1 banana
2,5 cups milk
2,5 cups milk
Half a cup of granulated sugar
Half a cup of granulated sugar
1 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoons flour
1.5 tablespoons starch
1.5 tablespoons starch
1 packet of vanilla
1 packet of vanilla
1 egg yolk
1 egg yolk
1 egg yolk
1 egg yolk
1 egg yolk
1 egg yolk
1 pack of powdered cream
1 pack of powdered cream
1 pack of powdered cream
Pas à pas : Fabrication d'un Happy Mail ! - Duration: 4:27.
Taye Diggs & Erika Jayne Go Beyond the Battle | Lip Sync Battle - Duration: 1:16.
(crowd cheers loudly)
- Once again!
It is
Taye Diggs!
- I had the best time today.
I haven't had this much fun in a long time.
Congratulations, champ! Undefeated. Undefeated.
- I'm watching you do that split in the
beginning of the Genie number. (Erika laughs)
- Why, thank you!
- (laughs) That was awesome! Yes.
- I mean I've had a great day all day but, I mean,
watching this entire production come together,
and dancers in costumes and then like, you know,
I really enjoyed your number.
I thought it was great. I thought you had, you know,
you were out there with a lot slug and a lot of confidence
in these hot shorts, and just like killin' it.
I mean, yeah! That's why you're the champ.
- I can't believe I'm in front of you in this.
- It's amazing by the way.
It's so good! It's so good! - I can't believe it!
- My kids really dig stuff like this,
so I'll probably put in their room.
So I'm proud to get it. - That's awesome!
- You know what I mean.
(crowd cheers)
JACOB do THE BOYZ - Pops In Seoul [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 1:36.
《蜀山战纪2》要开播,18岁新人取代赵丽颖能被大家认可吗 - Duration: 4:10.
今年要霸屏的小花旦,李沁可能要超越赵丽颖成收视女王 - Duration: 3:11.
如果当初是女神刘亦菲来出演《甄嬛传》,估计第一集就大结局了 - Duration: 4:05.
鹿晗叫关晓彤为"小怂",关晓彤的回应太有爱了 - Duration: 3:23.
看到宋茜的演技,大家终于觉得欧阳娜娜也是不错啊 - Duration: 4:05.
《枕上书》要开拍鞠婧祎来挑战白凤九,而东华的选角更失败 - Duration: 3:59.
有种尴尬叫赵丽颖的身高,每次拍戏可苦了剧组的每一个人 - Duration: 3:51.
Can The Trustee Cancel My Meeting If I Don't Produce Documents? - Duration: 2:13.
I couldn't get my paystubs to my lawyer until the day before my meeting with the trustee.
Now the trustee doesn't want to hold the meeting. Can he do that? My name is Ron Drescher. I'm
an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania
and Virginia and yeah, you're supposed to get your last 60‑days paystubs and your
last 2‑years tax returns to the trustee 7 or more days before the meeting with the
trustee is scheduled to occur. That's going to give the trustee an opportunity to review
some of your basic financial information in a format that's perhaps more verifiable and
perhaps more reliable than just the bankruptcy papers that you filled out under penalty of
perjury and if you don't get those documents to the trustee before those 7 days, the trustee
does have the right to say "no, I'm not going to conduct this meeting. You're going to have
to come back later." That could be a real drag if you've taken time off from work or
you've arranged to get the time off of work and then the trustee doesn't want to hold
the meeting, so the answer is make sure that you get your documents to your lawyer as soon
as possible. Preferably before you file your bankruptcy case and you know what, calendar
that 7 or 8 days before the meeting. Call you lawyer's office. Make sure they've sent
those documents over to the trustee. Because if you can help your lawyer make your case
better, everyone's going to be better off for it. My name is Ron Drescher. I'm an attorney
practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights and if you have a question about what needs
to happen before your meeting with the trustee in bankruptcy, please pick up the phone can
call me. I would love to hear from you.
面对外界质疑整容, 当红女星的回答被网友吐槽太离谱 - Duration: 3:48.
Shadow of the Colossus - Behind the Scenes: Remaking a Masterpiece [PS4, deutsche Untertitel] - Duration: 4:37.
姚笛低调复出拍戏,近照被曝光这变化也是也太大了吧 - Duration: 3:20.
女神迪丽热巴难得如此性感,却被网友各种吐槽身材 - Duration: 4:09.
10 SADDEST Sitcom Moments That Made Us Cry - Duration: 9:20.
If TV Comedy has taught us anything, it's that no matter how boring, awkward or downright
bizarre a situation is, you can make it 10 times better by approaching it with humor.
But sometimes situational comedies take an unexpected walk on the dark side, and just
like in real life, our beloved characters get more than they can handle.
Those are the moments that bring us to tears and hit us with those unexpected emotions.
I'm Kyle with Wicked Binge and today, get ready for a bittersweet journey as we countdown
10 of the Saddest Sitcom Moments That Made Us Cry.
But before we do, this video is brought to you by our Sponsor:
DeepDiscount is dedicated to providing heavily discounted prices on all types of media, ranging
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The Office - Michael Leaves Steve Carell's character Michel Scott is every
corporate guy's dream boss.
The guy goes over his head to make everyone happy and boost employee's moral, often at
the expense of making a complete fool out of himself and pissing off his superiors.
After six years of being everyone's favorite boss, Steve Carell decided to leave the show.
Safe to say this was a heartrending off set and on set goodbye.
Michael tells everyone that he's leaving tomorrow when in reality he planned to leave that night.
Jim discovers the plan and confronts him.
This was the last scene Steve filmed on the show and left both actors in genuine tears.
You're The Worst - Twenty-Two Some would argue that comedy isn't truly enjoyable
until its mixed with a healthy dose of drama.
And that's what makes You're the Worst so good.
Well, that and dealing with serious issues like depression, narcissism and PTSD in a
sharp, funny manner and looking into relationships from a fresh, realistic angle.
In episode 'Twenty-Two'' we take a peek into veteran Edgar's everyday life and how he struggles
with PTSD and suicidal thoughts.
We see him fight with a VA officer about his medication, which he says aren't working.
He eventually meets a fellow veteran who tells him about coping mechanisms for PTSD.
Friends - Leaving The Apartment Empty After hanging out with them for 10 years in
apartment 20, watching how they strengthen their bond, learn from their mistakes and
develop beautiful relationships, it was time to say goodbye to Friends.
Our pain was fairly eased up by a one-hour finale and Rachel and Ross's long waited happy
ending, but seeing them move on with their lives and move away from each other was enough
to make us reach for the tissues.
In the final scene, they all leave their keys and take a one last look at the apartment
where they shared so many amazing memories.
How I Met Your Mother - Marshal's Dad Dies How I Met Your Mother protagonists had their
fair share of heartaches, but things got a dramatic turn when Marshal losses his father
in season 6.
Marshal hears the bad news from Lilly in the most unexpected moment: the moment he just
found out he was to be a father himself.
Overwhelmed with pain and confusion, he hugs Lilly and tells her he wasn't ready for this.
Actor Jason Segel wasn't told about the plot twist, so the reaction was as genuine as it
could be and the scene was entirely improvised.
This was a gut-punching moment in an otherwise funny series.
The Last Man On Earth - Falling Slowly For a guy who was destined to be ''the last
man on earth'', Phil Miller had it pretty good eventually; he found love, he found a
group of friends who were immune to the plague just like him, who generally speaking, tolerate
When Phil is reunited with his brother Mike, his life seems complete, but his happiness
is short lived by the news Mike has the plague.
Mike decides not to put Erica's baby in danger of contracting the plague and leaves.
They have plenty of 'goodbye'' moments that make us misty-eyed, but watching the two of
them sing the Once Song over and over again was incredibly touching.
Scrubs - Doctor Cox breaks down If we're talking'' heartbreaking'', let's
not forget the time Dr Cox loses 3 patients due to a wrong diagnosis and goes into a major
Cox missed the signs of rabies in the first patient, and since she was an organ donor,
her organs end up killing two other patients.
As tragic as it all sounds, watching the otherwise sarcastic and unattached Dr Cox leaving the
hospital in the final scene of the episode, overwhelmed with guilt and despair and determined
not to operate again, is what gets us every time.
Family Guy - The Life Of Brian After 10 seasons of surreal wacky comedy,
Seth MacFarlane decides to give the Griffins a reality check by killing Brian and the result
was no short of tear jerking.
Brian gets hit by a car during a game of street hokey.
He's transported to the hospital, but the doctor says he's not gonna make it.
He then proceeds in saying goodbye to everyone in private and tells them how much they mean
to him before taking his last breath.
The griffins are devastated, but luckily they only go without him for a month when Stewie
goes back in time to save his best friend.
Mash - Henry Blake's death Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake was not really
army material, but he did the best he could in a seemingly impossible job, often dealing
with supply shortages, cranky doctors and, of course, death . He kept the 4077'th at
97% survival rate and earned the love and respect of his peers.
Radar O'Reilly announcing Henry's Blake death is arguably one of the most iconic scenes
in the history of television.
scene is as shocking as it is groundbreaking because it made MASH the first TV show that
had a major character die.
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air � Will�s Dad Leaves Again
For a show as usually fun and light-hearted as The Fresh Prince was, it sure could pack
a punch when it came to the more emotional scenes.
The episode that takes the cake, in our opinion, involves Will�s deadbeat father returning
after a 14 year absence.
The Banks, especially Uncle Phil, see through Lou�s lies, but Will doesn�t.
Desperate to reconcile with his father, one final betrayal stabs Will, and the audience,
especially deep.
But when Will breaks down before hugging his Uncle Phil, we all realized that this sitcom
could give us more than just laughs.
Futurama-Jurassic Bark Futurama is not only a sharp, hilarious show,
but the world it embodies is both rich in details and visually stunning.
But the sad truth is, Fry unintentionally leaves his loved ones behind when he ends
up frozen.
When Fry tries to clone his old dog, Seymour, who has been fossilized, he discovers that
Seymour lived for 12 more years after he got frozen, so he decides that he lived a full
life and there's no point in cloning him.
What comes next is the most heartbreaking montage imaginable, with the cute little doggie
waiting for fry at the pizza place where he told him to wait, as the years go by and everything
changes around him, until he finally rests his head and closes his eye.
Who else was crushed by that sight?
What do you think?
Did we leave out any scenes that made you bawl like a baby?
Let us know in the comment section below.
Remember to like this video, subscribe and hit that notification bell, so you get notifications,
whenever we upload.
But most importantly, stay wicked.
The Secret of How To (and How Not To) Invoke Your Rights to Silence and Counsel - Duration: 8:53.
In one of my previous videos I talked about various police interrogation techniques.
People commented with their helpful advice -- lawyer up; stay silent; say nothing!
Indeed, one has the right to remain silent and the right to legal counsel.
Today I'd like to talk about how to invoke those rights.
Because you know what?
The invocation of legal rights may be a little trickier than one might have initially thought.
So, in this short video, let me tell you the story, and please bear with me until the end.
Research has shown again and again people attempt to invoke their rights but fail to
do so in a legally valid manner.
And this is because the invocations of legal rights need to be shaped in a particular form
of language that can hold up in court.
The reason that the courts, state and federal, are quite strict about the language used for
invocations of rights, is that such utterances, or the saying of such sentences, have important
legal consequences.
And that is why a lot of the legal talk that we can think of all sounds very scripted,
standard, and similar.
They are almost always the same.
Think about it -- by the power vested in me by the State of New York, I pronounce you
husband and wife.
Or, we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant guilty as charged.
Or, You are under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…
These sayings sound so standard and scripted because they need to be.
Legal speeches have consequences.
The mere utterance of these words will bring about specific legal outcomes that are intended
and specifically designed to occur when these words are said out loud.
So, of course, legal talks sound quite a bit different from other types of talks.
Now the problem with this is that because most people are not trained legal speakers,
we might be unaware that what we are trying to say when attempting to invoke our rights
may not be legally efficacious.
For instance, if I try to invoke my right to legal counsel by saying -- may I speak
with a lawyer?
Because I phrased it as a question, a reviewing court may not recognize this as a valid invocation.
Because instead of invoking my right in a clear manner, I merely asked a question about
potentially invoking my right, and a police officer is certainly not obligated to answer
this question of mine.
So, it is not advisable to try to invoke one's right in the form of a question, or using
softened and confusing and indirect language.
But those types of language is exactly what one tends to use when dealing with the police.
Social psychological and sociolinguistic studies have repeatedly shown that in situations of
power asymmetry or power imbalance, the less powerful party tends to express themselves
using hedged and indirect language.
A police interrogation is certainly such a situation where power is quite unbalanced.
Just look at my previous video, you will see that the interrogation is typically set up
to give the police officer as much power and control as possible.
In such a situation, it becomes even more natural for ordinary people like you and me
to speak in an uncertain, indirect, and softened manner.
Thereby making it more difficult for us to correctly and validly invoke our rights.
Let's take a look at some actual examples, some actual quotes, of failed invocation attempts.
Here are a few examples of people trying to invoke the right to legal counsel, one said
Could I call my lawyer?
(Dormire v. Wilkinson, 2001) Could I get a lawyer?
(U.S. v. Wesela, 2000) Can I speak to an attorney before I answer
the question to find out what he would have to tell me?
(Taylor v. Carey, 2007)
The reviewing courts ruled that these invocation attempts were legally invalid because these
were mere questions about the theoretical possibility of legal counsel, rather than
clear, unambiguous, unequivocal invocations of the right to legal counsel.
A few more examples:
I think I would like to talk to a lawyer.
(Clark v. Murphy, 2003) It seems like what I need is a lawyer.
(Oliver v. Runnels, 2006) Actually, you know what?
I'm gonna call my lawyer.
(People v. McMahon, 2005)
These also did not hold up as legally efficacious invocations because the speakers used softening
language with qualifying clauses.
We should avoid that.
We should also avoid asking the police for logistical help when invoking the right to
legal counsel.
For example, maybe I lost my attorney's phone number, perhaps I cannot find his business
card at this moment.
Surely I could just ask the police officer to contact my attorney for me, right?
Well, in U.S. v. Tran 2006, the arrestee asked the police to help him retrieve his lawyer's
business card, believing that he was invoking his right to legal counsel by asking so.
The court subsequently ruled that it was not a legally valid invocation.
Another case -- Jackson v. Commonwealth 2006, a suspect who was in a hospital asked the
police "Could I get a phone in here so I can talk to a lawyer?"
This request was also ruled as legally invalid because it was ambiguous, and again, it was
merely a question.
So, these examples above illustrate how one may fail to invoke their right to legal counsel
if they did not shape their language properly.
What about the right to remain silent?
Let's look at a few failed invocation attempts.
I don't got nothing to say.
(U.S. v. Bank, 1996) I don't wanna talk no more.
(U.S. v. Stephenson, 2005) An arrestee responding to an officer's request
to make a statement with "Nope."
(James v. Marshall, 2003)
All these were considered too ambiguous or equivocal to count as legally valid invocations.
What about saying nothing?
Staying completely silent?
Maintaining an absolute silence may also be considered as an invalid invocation attempt.
Obviously, there can be differences among different geographical locations.
But in general, as a matter of law, one needs to explicitly express oneself in order to
invoke and claim one's right to remain silent.
This may sound strange, but to invoke the right to remain silent, one needs to express
the invocation in a clear, unambiguous, and unequivocal manner in order to trigger constitutional
So, just staying completely silent may not cut it.
And finally, there were also cases where the combination between the refusal to answer
questions and the request for a lawyer, so putting the two together, was considered insufficient
invocation of rights.
Examples: I don't even want to talk unless I have me
a lawyer and go through this shit.
(Harper v. State, 2001) I'll be honest with you.
I'm scared to say anything without talking to a lawyer.
(Midkiff v. Commonwealth, 1995) Responding to police questioning "Fuck you,
talk to my lawyer."
(People v. Varnum, 2004)
All these were ruled as legally invalid.
So now I think we can all agree that to invoke one's rights can be trickier than we thought.
Many legally naïve citizens might not even know that we have these rights.
And even if they know about these rights, they might not know how to properly invoke
them in a legally efficacious manner.
Their attempt might be too soft -- by asking: is it possible that I call a lawyer?
Or they might get too fancy by saying -- I take the fifth, which is too ambiguous.
So, to properly invoke one's rights, state the following in a calm, clear, assertive,
and respectful manner:
I invoke my right to remain silent.
I respectfully decline to answer any questions.
I invoke my right to legal counsel.
Please give me a lawyer immediately.
Thank you officer.
After these invocations, the police officer should cease questioning you.
but if for whatever reason they continue to question you, you may simply repeat your invocation
It has also been reported that after you have invoked your rights, the officers would not
talk to you anymore, what they do instead is they talk to each other ABOUT you.
saying things like -- I guess we have no choice but to put this guy in the jailhouse tonight;
or: he's gonna spend a few days down at the station with some really scary dudes; or whatever.
Obviously, by saying those things, the officers are still trying to get you to waive your
So, be careful with that.
Before I end the video, let me also say this -- it is important during police citizen encounters
that we treat police officers with respect.
The absolute majority of police officers are decent, good, kind people doing a tough and
potentially dangerous job.
We should definitely respect that.
But at the same time, we should also know our rights and protect ourselves.
The examples I cited in this video are from this article:
You have the right to remain silent, but only if you ask for it just so: the role of linguistic
ideology in American police interrogation law.
Published in the international journal of speech, language, and the law.
Thanks for watching this RR video, please like and sub, see you next time.
Apprendre la guitare : 8 bienfaits qui vont vous inspirer ! - Duration: 13:28.
Tatran - Eyes (Official)
Malte K Khushk Chilke Se Desi Bleach Bnaen | Rangat 15 Ment Men Gori Gori || By Ashraf Health Care | - Duration: 3:40.
what Knetz're doing causes depression in K-pop idols like Jonghyun and Taeyeon? - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:03.
I'm honestly really tired of people making incorrect assumptions regarding Jonghyun's death.
I'm not going to address Taeyeon's depression here because I think the circumstances are pretty different and that Knetz did have a much larger part in her struggles.
Look, Knetz are by no means innocent of a lot of judgemental and cruel shit they've spewed on the internet in regards to idols and other public figures over the years.
However, depression is a mental illness.
Mental illness is much more complex than what people comment on the internet.
There are many more factors and causes to mental illness.
[beyondblue} I think this comment summarizes it pretty well.
The point is, you can have twenty million people telling you how perfect you are or how terrible you are, but if your voice is the only voice that you can hear inside your head, none of it ends up mattering.
I do hope that this entire situation will open up more discussion about the stigma of mental illness in South Korea and how it can be improved, as well as how toxic all internet netizens can be, but I think this understanding that Jonghyun's death lies in the hands of internet criticism and fan culture is misguided and misdirected.
Just my take on it, from personal experience.
JACOB do THE BOYZ - Pops In Seoul [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 1:36.
First Lineup Announced For K-Pop World Festa - Duration: 1:56.
First Lineup Announced For K-Pop World Festa
K-Pop World Festa has revealed a star-studded lineup for the first date of their show!.
The first lineup includes , Red Velvet, SEVENTEEN, BTOB, iKON, EXID, , JBJ, The Boyz, Oh My Girl, Cosmic Girls, NRG, Chungha, gugudan, N.
Flying, MXM, RAINZ, and .
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
These artists will be performing on February 10 at Gangneung-Wonju National University.
The other dates for K-Pop World Festa are February 17 and February 24, but the lineups for these two dates will be announced later this month.
Stay tuned for more updates!. Source ().
Thanks to Amethyst for the tip!.
종현과 태연과 같은 K-POP 우상에서 우울증을 일으키는 것은 무엇입니까? - KPOP NEWS - Duration: 3:19.
楽天、2018年スローガンは「日本一の東北へ」 嶋「リーグV、日本一」誓う - Duration: 1:31.
폴크스바겐코리아, 개소세 인하로 최대 118만원 할인[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 1:49.
KR STARS| '맛있는 녀석들' 김준현 아내 "김준현, 30분마다 먹방 결재..그만 먹어도 되잖아" - Duration: 2:22.
KR STARS| [스브수다]방시혁-방탄소년단, 나란히 수상 '무서울 것 없는 合心' - Duration: 5:18.
KR STARS| '런닝맨' 이광수, 전소민에 감빵 프러포즈 "너랑 결혼하면 되겠다" - Duration: 2:26.
김연자 남편 김호식 야쿠자 송대관 정리|K-News - Duration: 3:50.
Honorata Skarbek: Pomysły piosenkarki martwią jej bliskich - Duration: 2:07.
유덕화 주리첸 딸, 주리첸 집안 사진 유덕화 부인 딸 사진|K-News - Duration: 3:59.
Kazuki Coin - What And Why - Duration: 1:31.
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শেষ কৃত্য । LAST RITES (Short Film) - Duration: 8:16.
Yes, tilt the face a bit.
Upright. Upright. Upright.
Towards me.
Yeah alright.
He just arrived.
Yes i gave him the copies, he is filling up the online form.
Yes yes
No no
It should be double E. Not D-I.
But the Voter card has 'I' in it.
The Voter Card has a printing mistake.
It should be 'D' double 'E'.
You will have to stick to the Voter Card.
Or you will get stuck.
The voter card's spelling must be used here.
No no. The deed is already in my name.
Yes yes
Don't worry We wouldn't need father's documents anymore.
What do I do?
'I' ofcourse.
You are an expert.
How can I not listen to you?
Man singing.
Fast food in the mourning period?
Are you mad?
Yeah fine, but..
Please don't get meat inside the home.
We will eat outside.
One photograph.
Passport size photograph. One.
I will scan it.
He is asking for father's photograph.
Yes, passport size.
Yes checking, wait.
Looking for it
No, it's not in the packet.
Rajat- Brother Irfan
I'm saying
Do you really need the photo?
Have you ever seen an Aadhaar Card without a photo?
You should be thankful
that retina scans are not mandatory anymore
Actually it's Kartick Da who has saved you
Or else
How could you get a dead body's Aadhar card done?
It is only Didi's government that still looks after people like you.
You agree right?
Photo is needed.
Rajat- He says it is mandatory.
Everything else is done
Only this photo is holding everything up.
Look fast.
And listen look inside the trunk.
Just make it fast
Call me as soon as you get it.
Irfan- One more thing.
Don't worry. That's the last thing we need.
Take it.
I am leaving Sir.
I am not paid to touch the body
There is a limit to everything.
Why are you getting angry?
Please don't be angry.
You have such expensive machines
I just don't want to damage them
Alright give me, give me
I will do it. Give it to me.
I mean there is a limit
What nonsense are you doing at such an early hour!
Have you got no sense?
Have you seen the clock?
If we can't release the body within an hour,
they will charge for a full day.
Where should I've admitted him?
In PG?
If I had put him in a government hospital
Your family would have mocked me to death
Man singing in the adjacent cubicle.
Even the God of Death needs an Aadhaar Card.
The bastards have pulled us down to this.
Brother Irfan
Make my mother-in-law's Aadhaar Card by Sunday
The old woman can drop dead anytime.
Yeah, got it Maloti?
Why don't you look properly?
Search search, it has to be there somewhere.
No, no, I mean, No
Yes I meant
No no
No I did not mean that at all
Everything is done, only this..
Listen listen Maloti
Don't be angry
You're not getting it honey
Maloti listen listen listen
Hello hello
Can't you do anything?
Can't you manage with some extra money?
The old man is in such a miserable condition since 3am
Are you a retard man?
Why would I deny if it is possible?
I have cleared everything about my payments
I don't shy away in matters of money
It is absolutely impossible
You go home
Calm yourself down and search for it
Call me as soon as you have it
I will be here in no time
Don't worry okay?
So I'm leaving now. Fine?
Man singing in the adjacent cubicle.
Hey, hey, wait a minute
What are you doing?
You are going to party off your deeds
I will be fucked hard
Who will save me?
Do you know how big a risk this is?
Don't force me to do such scams
I am warning you
Don't you dare..
What the f..
Tilt the face a bit.
Upright. Upright. Upright.
Towards me.
Last Rites
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