- Hey there badasses.
Coach Jennie here with your #CatharticShove of the week.
Now this week I wanna ask you a question
to really test your commitment
and see how committed you actually are
to the things that you say you want.
I have a very specific coaching question
I wanna ask you that I ask in my coaching programs
and it might hit you in the feels.
Grab a sheet of paper and you're gonna write down something
at the very top and here is your shove of the week.
If you were all in, completely committed, 100% all in
for the thing that you're telling me you wanna do,
what would you do differently?
So at the top of that piece of paper I had you pull out
I want you to write if I were all in, I would dot, dot, dot.
And then fill out the rest of that paper with a list.
Now, you get to stay in the hypothetical for a moment,
which is not normally how I role.
I'm usually a little more forceful than that.
But there is power in staying in the hypothetical.
Hypothetically speaking if I were all in
with my commitment to whatever,
here are the things I would do.
Now by having that hypothetical,
what's so interesting is you now can have
some emotional distance from it
and some objectivity, if you will.
And you can see oh my gosh,
here's the obvious things I would do
if I were completely committed to this goal.
I would obviously do this, I would obviously do that.
If I were all in with my commitment to dominate
on YouTube in 2018,
well I would get the best camera equipment I could afford.
Make sure my lighting is good.
I would test out my audio all the time.
I would find a bunch of people to be a power cluster with
and help me mastermind and make it the best thing ever.
I would shoot videos consistently.
I would get better and better and better at it.
I would leave perfectionism at the door.
I would hit publish all the time.
Get my drift?
If you were all in, what would you do differently?
Go ahead and do that brain dump
and then take a moment.
Looking at that list, what is the next thing you need to do?
That is your #shove of the week from me.
If you haven't yet please subscribe to this channel.
I don't want you to miss any videos that I put out.
And I will talk to you soon.
For more infomation >> How Committed Are You to Your Goals? | Your Cathartic Shove of the Week - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
《 Над водой 》 Стихи Зинаиды Миркиной. Поэзия Зинаида Миркина. - Duration: 3:18.
MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .APK v1.2.10.1 - Duration: 4:44.
Prova Ducati Panigale V4 S [ENG-Sub] - Duration: 5:37.
My very first impressions on the Ducati Panigale V4
from the Valencia Ciruit after 70 minutes riding
4 stints of 15 minutes each, one with the
race version
with 226 hp, equipped with Akrapovic exhaust. My feeling is
positive. I was expecting a lot from this Ducati project which was amazing even to look at.
Unveiled at EICMA 2017 it gained a remarkable success.
I had no dubts about engine performance. Ducati engines are always a warranty.
But above all, I was really excited to find out its ridability.
This is because Ducati promised a super agile bike.
Ducati bikes have always been dedicated to "real" riders. Kind of bikes which perform at their best when you push the limit
With this 1.103 cc v4 bike
(Ducati chose a higher displacement to gain a superior agility)
Ducati aimed to make these performance available
to a wider audience. In doing so Ducati offers the opportunity to have fun not only when you
look for your best lap but also when you ride on track just for pleasure.
This was the goal Ducati wanted to achieve. This is what, according to me, they really got.
The Panigale v4 is a very intuitive bike as from the first turns;
and this amazing feeling helps you to drive easier and faster and at the same time without much effort
both phisical and mental, nevertheless its astonishing
Furthermore the Ducati Panigale V4 can enter faster in the turns, keep the line
and close the turn as very few superbikes can do.
I think this is also a result of the counter-rotating crankshaft.
This bike can be considered as a great mechanic pack
on which Ducati applied a top level ecu.
As you open the throttle
You can drive this bike
in a very easy way, but
without loosing the typical Ducati feeling: this bike reveals
its real DNA when you allow it to express herself,
and look for your best time lap.
this bike need to be ridden by expert riders.
The engine is one of the winning point of the bike,
not to mention frame and tyres.
Each element works in great harmony.
The V4 engine sets however a new standard,
performing as a twin-cylinder at low revs.
In the first laps you shift gear at 11.000 but then you understand that you can even count on 3.000 more revs
It starts at 7.500 rpm and at 10.500 there is a significant change of attitude.
at 14.700 RPM even if the perfect gear shift is around 13.8/14.000 RPM
The new Ducati has a lot of power but is its huge torque which helps you
to come out of turns very well.
As you open the throttle you can feel every single reaction of the rear wheel,
and feel its spin and slide.
I think nowadays it gets very difficult to make big changes
in the superbike segment because the competitors level is so high.
But I want to say that Ducati brings something really new in the market and that this time competitors
must keep up with it.
What about comfort? The Panigale V4 offers a high standard level of comfort if compared
to the Panigale 1299. The riding position is the same but you can feel very few vibrations and
move a lot more on the saddle.
The result? At the end of the day you had a lot of fun and you can still count on you bones.
And this is what riders ask for: ride
fast during the entire race without fighting necessarily with the bike. Ducati can surely meet this need.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-01-24 16:16:41 410 S Weber Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446, USA - Duration: 2:23.
Audi A3 Limousine € 4.171,- voordeel. Sport S line Edition 1.5 TFSI 110 kW/150 pk CoD S-tronic (vs - Duration: 0:43.
Viser la lune, ça nous fait pas peur - Le meilleur d'une semaine d'humour - Duration: 3:05.
MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .APK v1.2.10.1 - Duration: 4:44.
Apprendre les Animaux en français - Partie 3 Apprendre les animaux du ZOO avec Baby dance - Duration: 6:32.
BOMBSHELL: SECRET SEALED PIC Of Obama Just LEAKED… He WOULD HAVE LOST If People Saw It!!! - Duration: 3:18.
10 SADDEST Sitcom Moments That Made Us Cry - Duration: 9:20.
If TV Comedy has taught us anything, it's that no matter how boring, awkward or downright
bizarre a situation is, you can make it 10 times better by approaching it with humor.
But sometimes situational comedies take an unexpected walk on the dark side, and just
like in real life, our beloved characters get more than they can handle.
Those are the moments that bring us to tears and hit us with those unexpected emotions.
I'm Kyle with Wicked Binge and today, get ready for a bittersweet journey as we countdown
10 of the Saddest Sitcom Moments That Made Us Cry.
But before we do, this video is brought to you by our Sponsor: DeepDiscount.com.
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The Office - Michael Leaves Steve Carell's character Michel Scott is every
corporate guy's dream boss.
The guy goes over his head to make everyone happy and boost employee's moral, often at
the expense of making a complete fool out of himself and pissing off his superiors.
After six years of being everyone's favorite boss, Steve Carell decided to leave the show.
Safe to say this was a heartrending off set and on set goodbye.
Michael tells everyone that he's leaving tomorrow when in reality he planned to leave that night.
Jim discovers the plan and confronts him.
This was the last scene Steve filmed on the show and left both actors in genuine tears.
You're The Worst - Twenty-Two Some would argue that comedy isn't truly enjoyable
until its mixed with a healthy dose of drama.
And that's what makes You're the Worst so good.
Well, that and dealing with serious issues like depression, narcissism and PTSD in a
sharp, funny manner and looking into relationships from a fresh, realistic angle.
In episode 'Twenty-Two'' we take a peek into veteran Edgar's everyday life and how he struggles
with PTSD and suicidal thoughts.
We see him fight with a VA officer about his medication, which he says aren't working.
He eventually meets a fellow veteran who tells him about coping mechanisms for PTSD.
Friends - Leaving The Apartment Empty After hanging out with them for 10 years in
apartment 20, watching how they strengthen their bond, learn from their mistakes and
develop beautiful relationships, it was time to say goodbye to Friends.
Our pain was fairly eased up by a one-hour finale and Rachel and Ross's long waited happy
ending, but seeing them move on with their lives and move away from each other was enough
to make us reach for the tissues.
In the final scene, they all leave their keys and take a one last look at the apartment
where they shared so many amazing memories.
How I Met Your Mother - Marshal's Dad Dies How I Met Your Mother protagonists had their
fair share of heartaches, but things got a dramatic turn when Marshal losses his father
in season 6.
Marshal hears the bad news from Lilly in the most unexpected moment: the moment he just
found out he was to be a father himself.
Overwhelmed with pain and confusion, he hugs Lilly and tells her he wasn't ready for this.
Actor Jason Segel wasn't told about the plot twist, so the reaction was as genuine as it
could be and the scene was entirely improvised.
This was a gut-punching moment in an otherwise funny series.
The Last Man On Earth - Falling Slowly For a guy who was destined to be ''the last
man on earth'', Phil Miller had it pretty good eventually; he found love, he found a
group of friends who were immune to the plague just like him, who generally speaking, tolerate
When Phil is reunited with his brother Mike, his life seems complete, but his happiness
is short lived by the news Mike has the plague.
Mike decides not to put Erica's baby in danger of contracting the plague and leaves.
They have plenty of 'goodbye'' moments that make us misty-eyed, but watching the two of
them sing the Once Song over and over again was incredibly touching.
Scrubs - Doctor Cox breaks down If we're talking'' heartbreaking'', let's
not forget the time Dr Cox loses 3 patients due to a wrong diagnosis and goes into a major
Cox missed the signs of rabies in the first patient, and since she was an organ donor,
her organs end up killing two other patients.
As tragic as it all sounds, watching the otherwise sarcastic and unattached Dr Cox leaving the
hospital in the final scene of the episode, overwhelmed with guilt and despair and determined
not to operate again, is what gets us every time.
Family Guy - The Life Of Brian After 10 seasons of surreal wacky comedy,
Seth MacFarlane decides to give the Griffins a reality check by killing Brian and the result
was no short of tear jerking.
Brian gets hit by a car during a game of street hokey.
He's transported to the hospital, but the doctor says he's not gonna make it.
He then proceeds in saying goodbye to everyone in private and tells them how much they mean
to him before taking his last breath.
The griffins are devastated, but luckily they only go without him for a month when Stewie
goes back in time to save his best friend.
Mash - Henry Blake's death Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake was not really
army material, but he did the best he could in a seemingly impossible job, often dealing
with supply shortages, cranky doctors and, of course, death . He kept the 4077'th at
97% survival rate and earned the love and respect of his peers.
Radar O'Reilly announcing Henry's Blake death is arguably one of the most iconic scenes
in the history of television.
scene is as shocking as it is groundbreaking because it made MASH the first TV show that
had a major character die.
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air � Will�s Dad Leaves Again
For a show as usually fun and light-hearted as The Fresh Prince was, it sure could pack
a punch when it came to the more emotional scenes.
The episode that takes the cake, in our opinion, involves Will�s deadbeat father returning
after a 14 year absence.
The Banks, especially Uncle Phil, see through Lou�s lies, but Will doesn�t.
Desperate to reconcile with his father, one final betrayal stabs Will, and the audience,
especially deep.
But when Will breaks down before hugging his Uncle Phil, we all realized that this sitcom
could give us more than just laughs.
Futurama-Jurassic Bark Futurama is not only a sharp, hilarious show,
but the world it embodies is both rich in details and visually stunning.
But the sad truth is, Fry unintentionally leaves his loved ones behind when he ends
up frozen.
When Fry tries to clone his old dog, Seymour, who has been fossilized, he discovers that
Seymour lived for 12 more years after he got frozen, so he decides that he lived a full
life and there's no point in cloning him.
What comes next is the most heartbreaking montage imaginable, with the cute little doggie
waiting for fry at the pizza place where he told him to wait, as the years go by and everything
changes around him, until he finally rests his head and closes his eye.
Who else was crushed by that sight?
What do you think?
Did we leave out any scenes that made you bawl like a baby?
Let us know in the comment section below.
Remember to like this video, subscribe and hit that notification bell, so you get notifications,
whenever we upload.
But most importantly, stay wicked.
EUROCOL | INSTRUCTIONS | LiquidDesign - Duration: 4:17.
Kotor Apartment Tour in Montenegro - Duration: 8:36.
Okay guys so it is our very last morning here in Kotor and that means one thing.
We still need to show you our apartment so we figured since we're staying in the Old
Town we would walk out to the gates which are quite impressive.
This is the South Gate over here and we're going to give you a little tour.
We'll walk through the old town and take you to our little pad for the week.
So let's go.
So we have now made it to this grand staircase which leads us all the way to the apartment.
This is also where a lot of stray cats hung out.
And we've befriended quite a few of them.
We can hear them meowing.
And that is where we fed them as well.
I think we bought, we ended up buying 4 boxes of cat food.
No, five boxes.
It was five boxes.
Oh my gosh.
In one week.
They were only 1 Euro each so I feel good about that.
So let's go say hi to the cats and then the apartment tour.
It is sausage cat.
Is our best friend.
I'm a sausage cat.
He likes pets.
And we call him sausage cat because he has the shortest little legs.
And a long body with tiny legs.
Like a hotdog.
He's a low rider.
And he's we've probably fed him more than anyone else.
He's a sweet sweet kitty.
Oh, a little frisky too.
And a little frisky.
He wants to play.
He's been fed so now he wants to play.
Well, shall we go inside?
Yes, time for the apartment tour.
So in we go.
In we go.
Only one door opens of the two.
So come on in to our crib in the old town of Kotor (Котор).
Let's make sure the cats don't come in.
Because they are getting a little bold.
They're getting a little bolder.
Yeah, by the day.
So this is the entrance and I guess the first thing we can show you is the bedroom since
you're standing right there.
So lead us in.
So tada.
This is the bedroom double bed.
It was a really good mattress.
I slept really well at night.
Um, we have a big window here.
Yeah, we did have a big window.
So yeah and we also had a drawer over here.
Yeah, except we never really unpacked our clothes anymore.
No we didn't.
We just live out of a suitcase so it was like piles of clothes over there.
That is very true.
Also we had I should just point out quickly we had a laundry rack.
Which we did use.
We did use that.
We did use that.
We did laundry.
We did laundry once.
So if you follow me I guess the next place we can do is the bathroom.
Nearly fell over there.
Um and the bathroom is wet.
It is very small.
It is wet so I'm going to send you in.
Oh lucky me.
Good luck.
I get to get my socks wet potentially.
Alright, I will go in and give a tour and then I will be out in a second.
So yeah, this is just basically your standard bathroom.
There is a small little toilet.
Here is the water heater.
And this is the section where we get really wet.
Like we actually had a towel that got soaked.
And the shower here uh I would say the shower is pretty good.
It had decent water pressure but it did run out of hot water if both of us showered kind
of back to back so that was slightly annoying.
But you know what?
I think that is because I have really long showers.
I know.
I always go first and it is like sucks for you.
It does.
It really does suck for me.
Okay, well this is the room that I really like.
The living area and my favorite thing come closer don't run away would be this like stone
I think this is just so cool.
It looks really rustic with like the wooden roof, ceiling, yes.
There is the wooden roof.
I think I mean ceiling.
Yeah, ceiling.
We both got that wrong.
And yeah just a nice big couch.
We did a lot of work here, watched Netflix and you can actually turn this into another
bed if you wanted to.
That is true.
People staying here.
That is very very true.
Um so yeah we also had a TV but we just never watch tv.
Um, so yeah that is the living area.
You need to turn on the light to the kitchen.
Next yep.
The chicken.
The kitchen.
The kitchen.
Oh and the we also worked here but the only thing that was a little bit annoying about
this was just how high the table was.
Like for example show us.
Not great for the shoulders.
I mean I guess it is really good if you don't want to spill your food right but for working
you're kind of like this.
Um, but I mean yeah it was spacious enough for the two of us.
I did quite a bit of cooking here.
You did.
We compared to other places we ate a lot.
We ate a lot in at home.
We ate at home a lot I should say.
And what do you call these?
I think it is basically it is basically a range.
Yeah, it is kind of an electric stove.
That is where we'd cook our pasta.
It was pretty good.
Um, washing machine.
It was a small kitchen but it had everything we needed.
Um, so it was good.
And the location of this apartment right in the Old Town.
I mean we're just like a few blocks from the south gate.
Yeah, so that was really cool.
Um, so yeah that was the apartment.
It was small.
It was cozy but it was perfect for two people.
So next let's go to the couch and you can tell us the price.
Alright, let's talk about the mula.
How much was this place?
So this place for one week with a discount was $27 US dollars a night.
And I thought that was a steal.
I'm like right now it is November 20th so we stayed from the 13th until the 20th.
Uh huh.
And I'm guessing in the summer this place might run for double or even triple.
I mean the location is unbelievable.
Unbelievable in the Old Town.
Right in the Old Town just like this it has so much charm.
Just incredible value traveling in the off-season this time.
Um, in terms of our opinion of Kotor (Котор) we really liked it.
We thought it was a really cool destination.
We enjoyed being here.
Wonderful to walk through the Old Town.
And to hike to the fortress.
That was amazing.
Hanging out around the harbor was cool.
Yeah, the hike up to the fortress I think was the highlight for both of us.
Um, in terms of like what we didn't love as much.
It was not the best food city.
In fact, I would say for our entire trip in the Balkans this has probably are least favorite
city for food.
We tried eating out a few times and we had kind of okay to average some meals were good
yeah but just like we didn't really click with us.
We didn't find like amazing restaurants that we wanted to return to again.
So that was a bit of the downside.
Also the I should let you know that the city changes completely when a cruise ship pulls
Yeah and that happens a few times a week.
It becomes bananas but then the rest of the time it was so quiet.
I mean it is in the off-season but uh yeah it was incredible how it changed just from
the cruise ship pulling in for a few hours in the afternoon.
But anyways yeah we really liked it here we'd highly recommend you come and yeah do if you
can get a good place in the Old Town definitely do that.
It just makes your stay so much more convenient.
And what is next where are we going today?
What is next.
We have got a long journey of 30 minutes.
We're heading to our last stop in Montenegro.
We're going to Budva and we've got six days booked there so stay tuned.
We'll have travel and food video content from there.
Die Groko als Glücksspiel | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:29.
Die SCHLECHTESTEN Spieler der Welt! 😂 #2 (so schlecht dass man lachen muss) - Duration: 6:02.
Kavaynye little girls, a cover for the remote, a "mother" for smart and a memory for the camera. - Duration: 17:16.
Yesterday my feet were dusting along the roads of Minsk, and today the city was covered with snow.
In the middle of January, winter came to Minsk.
The central avenue of Minsk is Independence Avenue.
Square of Yakub Kolos.
The State Philharmonic, where they play serious symphonic music.
And me there, in the direction of the microdistrict, as we are called, Golden Hill.
I'm hurrying for new parcels.
Hoo, well, I'm home. And in this video I will unpack 1, 2, 3, 4 parcels. Have driven!
And I'll start with this package. In this video, I will continue trying to restore my smartphone
"Samsung Galaxy Note 2", model N7100, in which in 5 years
the flash memory failed. I received another parcel with a motherboard
for him. Who does not know, there will be a link
to the video, where I have already tried to repair this smartphone. Currently,
it has a previous motherboard with AliExpress,
with 3 gems of the module identified, basically, so I use it only
as a tablet. This time I bought this motherboard is already cheaper,
more accurately with the delivery of the price it came out $ 22.87.
This one was $ 25. And a new store, the link to which I will place under the video.
Now I will assess the quality of the "motherboard", if everything is fine, I will install it in a smartphone
and believe its performance. But I already have some complaints about
this store. The first negative is a long delivery from Tallinn to Minsk
for 43 days, while the track number was tracked. And it will be minus the first star in the karma
of the Shaolin monk. Minus the second star is that the manager of this store estimated
the parcel to the real cost of this payment $ 22.87, which led to the fact
that I had to pay a customs fee. But yes, some guilt and mine are,
which I did not warn in advance. Well, the third minus is, of course, that's such an unattractive package,
just some pompous envelope. May God grant that the motherboard
remains alive. So, I'm opening it.
So, the package is pimply, even wrapped in a "papyrku", but it is not necessary to do this of course.
Previous packaging I liked more, there was still
in the box. Here on the package the model N7100 is indicated, this is the model of the smartphone.
So here is the motherboard itself. As a result, the motherboard turned out to be a working motherboard,
but it has in my opinion such 4 - 5 non-critical shortcomings. The first is that the firmware
installed here, the version of Android 4.4.2, the firmware version,
the original Chinese. It even refreshed "by air" the first time it was turned on.
I'll show you the latest update on January 20, 2018.
However, Russian is here.
There is a great choice, including Russian. But to use Cyrillic,
you will need to download and install the package with the Russian keyboard layout.
The second point. Go to the "Display" tab. There is no highlighting of two touch keys
on the smartphone's panel, even during installation, here is "Always on",
there are 4 points. The last one selects "Always on" and the backlight does not work.
The third point is that the microphone does not work in hands-free mode.
If we press the "Speaker". Most likely this mode uses the second microphone.
Here he is installed from above. Not basic. But the main one is turned off.
And this second microphone does not work, and the subscriber does not hear me.
Well, I do not use handsfree. By the way, a wired, bluetooth headset works perfectly,
including a microphone, so you can use it to communicate with them.
At the same time, the sound on the headphones is output in good quality.
In general, all other modules of the motherboard are serviceable. Installed "Navitel".
The travelers are easily identified, but now it's not very indoors,
but 3 satellites found it all the same. Also Wi-Fi, Internet,
bluetooth-module. Communication is stable and qualitative. In addition,
the charge controller works as expected, so I can recommend this motherboard
for repairing Samsung Galaxy Note 2 smartphones, but consider
the above features. The second bag also arrived from AliExpress.
Here is a silicone case, and it is written "remote control cover", for the remote control.
Here for such a remote of the company "LG". Especially I stress for my Russian-speaking audience,
it is for the console, which indicate to me
the wrong pronunciation. In short, in order to somehow protect the remote control
from external influences, or rather from the incising teeth
of a small rodent of the female, which is all dragged into the mouth, such a cover was purchased.
With delivery from China to Belarus he cost me $ 1.67.
We estimated the package at $ 0.79, well, underestimated. This store has 5 stars in karma,
as the package is delivered in 3 weeks, and the track number even was and was tracked well.
The shop with the bee name "Zhu Zhu", the link by the way to it will also be under video, offers 4 sizes:
it's S, M, L, XL. I purchased a L size cover.
So sealed, a "zip-bag" sachet.
Well, the dimensions should be, now we'll check with the claimed ... So, it's silicone,
so it's very poorly extracted. Looks like a condom.
But enough silicone is dense. So, its dimensions, this is the size of L,
should be 185 - it is. Width - 50 - well, somewhere around 50. And a thickness of 20 millimeters
taking into account ... There are such "pimples" for emphasis when it lies on the table.
Here are the notches under the fingers. So, under the infrared LED there is a cutout.
And under the battery compartment there is also a notch, that is, the path is inserted here.
The console has dimensions: 170 mm, a width of 46 mm and a maximum thickness
of about a millimeter 20 will be given the height of the buttons. So, I'll try to wear it.
It seems that even the remote control is smaller.
Yes, it will be a little less, but the customer chose it, and he keeps free.
Of course, it's not exactly in size. Of course, it will protect against moisture and dust,
even slightly soften the impact when falling, but for me it's better to be careful and careful
about the technique, including the remote control. To the remote? To the remote.
I ordered this product for my friend, he chose the size. In principle, he needs him. Something like this.
And go to the next bag, here's to such a black garbage bag.
Here it is written "Toys". Dolls. In this parcel, delivered from China
to Belarus, also for 3 weeks, the track number was tracked, there should be 6 dolls,
dolls-charms with a total cost of 3.08 $. We estimated the package at $ 1.
These dolls are also called in the slang fans of the Japanese anime
"kavaynye", that is, cute, adorable. Each dolls cost $ 0.29,
but with delivery was $ 3.08.
Oh! So every one in a separate bag. Well, and so here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dolls.
I do not know why I stink of rubber. Is it from the boot, or is it already dolls?
So, let's take a look, see what it is. Ah, these are dolls, and they even spin their heads.
The height of each doll, as stated, is 8 cm,
but there are 6 colors on the store's website. In my case it's 3 colors,
there are 3 pairs, there are not any ... Yellow is definitely missing and some shades
of purple, pink, in my opinion, no. Well, that's how it came. It is what it is.
By the way here is garbage. Yes, it really stinks dolls.
Very smelly, smell of rubber. Yes. But I think that this smell will erode.
So what do they have? The head rotates, and the shoes are removed.
Well, that's how they are sewn. There is such a loop somewhere to hang on the bag.
The dolls are all the same. Their eyes are drawn. Physiognomy are the same.
What do they have under their skirts? Well such here. It can be seen right away that these are women.
And under the hat? Oh! Bald women. And they have a cap nailed.
This is also a purchase under the order of my friend. And let's move on to the last parcel.
Here we have a "memory card". So, here "Samsung EVO +",
it is a plus, for $ 23.89. I bought it on the AllExpress on December 31,
but it also came in 3 weeks, the track number was tracked. We estimated at 3.5 $.
Although I asked the seller
to understate the estimate to $ 10, because he already "got" to the customs duty.
Came in such an envelope. A very popular memory card
"Samsung EVO +". Now some discounts on them have gone. There should be a capacity of 64 GB.
And like they are praised. The declared reading speed is 100 megabytes per second,
the writing speed is 60 megabytes per second. Class 10.
U3, 4K. That's how it looks on the reverse side. Manufactured on September 8, 2017.
There is a barcode, but the truth is all in Chinese, that is, for the Chinese market.
We will open, install, test. There is an option to purchase more with an adapter
for SD-format. But it is more expensive accordingly. In the same store.
I'll leave the link. You can buy. This is how the memory card looks closer.
And the downside. And judging by the inscriptions on the reverse side,
it is made in the Philippines. And having scanned the barcode, go to the samsung website, to the page
with this product. EVO Plus microSD Card at 64 GB. Well, if you erase a strip,
here on this sticker there are some number that you probably need
to use on the site to register this product.
I will test the memory card. For this, I use a standard SD adapter.
I install into the slot. When installing a memory card in the computer's slot, the system
detects the E drive, the exFAT file system.
Determines the disk capacity of 59.6 GB.
I will test using CrystalDiskMark version 3.0.3. The program determines the volume of 60 GB.
The volume of files written down will be 1 GB. I launch testing.
So the results of testing the microSD card "Samsung EVO Plus"
class U3 on 64 GB represent in comparison with a similar memory card
"Netac Pro" 64 GB, also class U3. And as we see the results of speed testing
are basically similar. A little bit literally ahead of the memory card "Samsung".
At the same time, I gave $ 22.89 for the Samsung EVO Plus memory card on AliExpress.
For the "Netac Pro" memory card - $ 16.25 for GearBest. I'll move on to the next test.
Using the htestw application. This will test for real capacity
and for errors.
I choose a memory card - Storage device - Disk E.
It offers to test the volume of 61 GB. "Reading-verification."
As a result, the data on the memory card was recorded for 56 minutes and 45 seconds
at a speed of 17.9 MB / s.
Verification, verification of data was carried out at a speed of 20.8 MB / s.
Testing passed without errors. The writing speed is 17.9,
the reading speed is 20.8, and the amount of recorded data is 62.5 GB.
Well, as a result, the high-speed
characteristics of this memory card correspond to its 10 class,
the volume also corresponds to the declared capacity of a 64 GB memory card.
As for the price, for $ 23 in my city I can only buy a
similar 32GB memory card, that is, the volume is much higher,
and the price is very attractive, so I recommend the memory card. I will continue
to exploit it with my camera.
And the last. Never attached importance to the number of subscribers. For me, the main growth
of views, because it is for viewing
ads placed in monetized video, the author pays money. However, Yutube
contradicts himself. He notified the channel's authors about the disconnection of February 20
this year from monetization of those channels
that will not fulfill certain conditions by the number of subscribers and the number of views
during the previous year. On the views I have no questions, but with the subscribers the matter is rubbish.
Therefore, we need to somehow accelerate this process.
If you want to draw some kind of prize drawing, please suggest
some goods for this. I'll consider it and play it out, but for now,
I will ask viewers to actively subscribe to my channel in order
to get 2000 subscribers by the set deadline. The finance that I receive from the monetization of my channel
is spent entirely on purchasing goods for reviews. I deduce these funds only
on screen wallets without cashing,
so I thank you in advance for your understanding and subscription. But we'll see you soon in new videos.
Have a nice day! Till!
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Celebrity Accents You Didn't Expect - Duration: 4:53.
In addition to changing their looks, actors often have to change the way they speak to
play certain roles.
That's not as easy as you'd think, but when you're at the top of the game like these celebs,
you can pull off an accent so well that audiences may have no idea it's not your native tongue.
Margot Robbie
After sporting a Brooklyn... kinda.. accent in Suicide Squad and a pretty good regional
accent in I, Tonya...
"I don't have a wholesome American family."
...you probably wouldn't guess actress Margot Robbie is an Australian who got her start
on the Aussie soap opera Neighbours.
"It's so rewarding I'm sure you find as well but it's also so hard."
And let's not forget how well she nailed a Brooklyn accent in her breakout role in The
Wolf of Wall Street.
"Daddy doesn't even get to touch mommy for a very very very long time."
With that kind of talent, it's no wonder she's well on her way to dominating Hollywood.
Christian Bale
After his critically-acclaimed portrayal of Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy, Christian
Bale was a household name.
"I knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight but this is different.
They've crossed a line."
He also had notable roles in Terminator Salvation, Public Enemies, and The Fighter, which all
involved American characters.
"Mickey has a chance to do somethin' I never did.
That in my time I never had."
What many moviegoers don't realize is: Bale is actually British — but it seems he rarely
chooses roles that require his native accent.
"I've never particularly been asked to do transformations you know you just get it in
your head and you go 'I need to.'"
Tom Holland
After making his debut in Captain America: Civil War, then blowing away the competition
with Spider-Man: Homecoming, it's safe to say that Tom Holland's version of the wall
crawler will be sticking around for a while.
"It was a great party, yeah, really great house, a lotta windows."
While Holland has brought a youthful spunk and renewed energy to the Queens-based superhero,
moviegoers may not realize this Spidey is all kinds of British.
"Once I had the accent down, I could then relax, I didn't have to think about speaking
In fact, CinemaBlend reported that an entire scene had to be reshot after Holland forgot
to use an American accent while filming Spider-Man: Homecoming.
"They had to cut it so you don't like see my face when I say hello… because I'm like
'ello gov!
Ah on me!"
Charlie Hunnam
Thanks to his role as Jax Teller on the FX series Sons of Anarchy, Charlie Hunnam rose
to fame — and Hollywood hunk status.
"I talked to Lowen last night… that's the truth about what happened with Tara."
He also appeared in sci-fi-blockbuster Pacific Rim where, again, you'd just assume the dude
was American.
"Remember… it's about compatibility, it's a dialog not a fight.
But I'm not gonna dial down my moves."
However, Hunnam is British and grew up in the town of Newcastle.
"Charlie Hunnam, boom…King Arthur.
. Here we go, you can only f--- it up from here on out"
His accent isn't as prominent as it used to be, and according to Hollywood.com, he actually
had to hire a dialect coach to help him lose his American accent while playing King Arthur.
Idris Elba
Actor Idris Elba is probably best known for his breakthrough role on HBO's critically-acclaimed
series The Wire.
"We do worse...and we get paid more."
The actor's accent blends right in with his fellow castmates, so fans may be shocked to
learn that Elba is actually British.
East London.
I'm a Hackney boy."
His convincing run in The Wire is even more impressive considering he wasn't always quite
so good at the accent.
Back in the '90s, producers dubbed over his voice in a film because his American accent
was so bad.
"Hot delivery, anywhere on Altar guaranteed."
Hugh Jackman
If you only know Hugh Jackman from his seventeen years of playing Wolverine in the X-Men movies...
You gonna try to sound tough standing there in your red underwear?"
...then you'd probably never guess he's Australian.
"I'm pretty good at it, but I feel like I'm an Ozzy here in America I feel like really
nail this."
Don't feel too bad if that caught you off guard; Jackman actually got so good at playing
Wolverine that he had to practice his native Australian accent for the movie Chappie.
"K, that's a lot worse than just failing at work."
Andrew Lincoln
The Walking Dead has been a pop-culture juggernaut for AMC. Andrew Lincoln's leading character
speaks with a distinct Southern drawl…
"After that, maybe you should just run."
...but the actor is actually British.
"I would say it's a work in progress but it's a work in progress, apparently."
His real name is actually Andrew Clutterbuck — but that didn't fly with his agent.
"He insisted that I change my name."
"Yeah, he said, I sounded like a hobbit."
You don't get much more British than that.
Thanks for watching!
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Ubisoft, what is the structure and where does the Lab belongs ?
So basically, wa have two macro-components in Ubisoft.
The first, the Headquarter, La première, le Siège, who will integrate all that is function that allow to
running a business, like human resources ...
And after, all the production
which will be divided into studios, so video game production studios,
where there really are the different brands that are implanted.
In production, we do not have a studio by mark, since we have a lot of collaborations
How is the encounter between developer profiles, gamers, programmers,
game designers, artists and more scientific profiles like yours ?
How is it usually? It's not like "it's Chinese, I do not understand anything"
and you think they're big geeks.
How is the clash of cultures going? Maybe that's what you're looking for?
That's it, in fact we, what we seek is to inspire them on new things.
Teams can call on us to work on something, and then we
we can offer tips to the teams when the stage of production seems relevant
compared to what is proposed to them on their project, so then we work with them.
We are there to bring them either knowledge on a subject, or contacts, experts,
external companies linked to that topic.
You have a concrete example, can you prove?
For example, there is a mechanism in neuroscience, it's called amygdala hijack.
So, in fact, there is the amygdala, it's a structure that belongs to the limbic system.
The limbic system which is the memory and emotions center.
What will happen for example when you are about to cross a street and
all of a sudden, a car arrives, and you'll jump.
Even if, at first, you were safe on the pavement.
There you have what is called the amygdala hijack, from the moment the limbic system
identifies a danger, the amygdala hijack will promote the transfer of energy to the
lower body, that's what makes you jump.
In fact you will operate all your "motor" systems at the expense of cognitive superior functions
superior as logic, planning
This is also what will do that, for example if you're in the cinema, and all of a sudden,
a dinosaur breaks the screen, you jump.
As you jump, it's your limbic system that takes over and that transfers
energy in the rest of your body.
Your neocortex which is there for you to give you all your higher functions and to treat
information, for a moment it does not have all the energy it needs, it is not active.
And as it goes, it "reconnects" with all the information to reassure you
telling you: okay, it's a cinema so it's a screen, and all that is virtual.
These aspects are very interesting already for you, when we are angry we are
maybe not necessarily be logical, it's also very important about the
way to manage these behaviors and get to know oneself.
And then in terms of immersion too, it's interesting.
Know what can promote immersion, what can undo it.
All theis is very exciting.
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