What is a friend? The dictionary defines a friend as a person
with whom one has a bond of mutual affection that is exclusive of sexual or family relations.
The word comes from the German freund, which in turn originates from an Indo-European root meaning 'to love'.
Still, there are many more definitions of friendship.
Friends listen, care, support, open-up, and then, when it really counts, are loyal.
It is almost like the ethics of medicine: friends try to benefit and not harm their pals,
try to do it honestly, and try to respect the other person's freedom to choose.
There are a lot of great quotes about the value of friendship.
One message, the author of which is unknown, said, "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
Charles Caleb Colton said, "True friendship is like sound health;
the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
Emily Dickenson professed, "My friends are my estate."
And of course, John Lennon sang, "I get by with a little help from my friends."
In this internet-age with such things as Facebook and Twitter,
the number of people one has "friended" is apparently a sign of influence and popularity.
Isn't it ironic that the technology of the Internet has, instead, isolated some people?
Several studies have even indicated the Internet may be a major reason
why there has been a decline in the number and quality of friendships nowadays.
Humans are hardwired to have friends.
Through the ages, anthropologists tell us a troop of chimpanzees
are typically limited to 50 chimps because with shared grooming as social language,
they are limited by time to know a maximum of 50 other chimps.
Hunter gatherer human tribes were typically limited to the size of about 150 people
because that is the maximum number of friends one can get to know when limited by human verbal skills.
The challenge of true friendship requires listening, unselfish giving,
honesty, and the provision of freedom of choice by both parties.
The health advantages of friendship are enormous.
Solid scientific studies find those with strong friendships have better
mental and physical health, increased longevity, and a deeper sense of happiness.
The opposite is also true: those friendless have an increased risk for heart disease, infections, and cancer.
Of course, these illnesses come to people with friends too, but survival is longer and easier for those who are connected.
It is so true that in this tough and tumble world, "We get by with a little help from our friends."
For more infomation >> Friendship | Richard P. Holm, MD - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
#0027 Mercedes Benz 380 SEL [White P] (HotWheels 1998) - Duration: 1:56.
Hello Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama !!
Today I want to show you this Mercedes-Benz 380 SEL from my Hotwheels collection
of scale 1:64.
This model appeared for the first time in 1982 catalog in metallic gray with black basses.
Until the year 1999 that stopped being manufactured came out many variations of colors, wheels
and tampography, although at the moment this white pearl with golden background is the only
that I could get at a good price, that getting certain old models are
quite difficult and quite expensive.
This version of the 1998 catalog, apart of the metallic basses in gold, the
grid and the headlights are golden instead of chromed as in the other versions and we can
see the Hotwheels logo on the rear window.
I would like to be able to acquire one more of another color since it is a car that I like a lot
and it brings back good memories of the 80s.
I hope you liked the video and I read you on the comments.
Subscribe to the channel to be informed of my new videos and remember
that you can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for visiting and greetings to all!
Selecting the Right Reusable Respirator Cartridge Filter | Respirator Tips from GEMPLER'S - Duration: 3:53.
One of the main benefits of having a dual cartridge reusable respirator is that it can
be used for a variety different applications and can protect you from different elements.
But this is where it can get a little confusing.
You can't just use one type of cartridge and be protected from everything.
You need to use different cartridges, along with filters in certain situations, depending
on what you need protection from and in this video we'll go over how to select the right
cartridge for the work you'll be doing.
One of the best ways to determine what type of cartridge you'll need is to look at the
label of the chemical or chemicals you will be using.
The labels will dictate the type of protection required.
Older labels will list a NIOSH TC number like TC-23C, which refers to the approval number.
New labels will list a NIOSH approval Number and describe the new NIOSH-approved respirator
and cartridge.
For example, it may say: NIOSH-approved respirator TC-23C with an organic vapor vartridge with
any N, R, P, HE filter.
Then, as you're looking through a GEMPLER'S catalog or online at gemplers.com, you will
see the cartridges have a NIOSH Approval number as well as list the cartridge type and/or
For reference, here is a list of the different cartridge types and assigned abbreviation.
OV is Organic Vapor AM for Ammonia
MA for Methylamine AG for Acidic gasses
CL is Chlorine HC Hydrogen Chloride
SD Sulfur Dioxide CD Chlorine Dioxide
HF Hydrogen Fluoride FM Formaldehyde, and
P100 is HEPA
The cartridges are also color coded by the elements they protect from and this is standard
across all manufacturers.
For example, every cartridge, from every manufacturer, that has a green sticker, will protect from
Ammonia gas.
Now, let's take a look each cartridge color.
Starting with black, these cartridges protect from organic vapors: like pesticides and paint
It does not protect from fumigants, unless allowed on the label.
Green colored cartridges protect from Ammonia gas, either anhydrous or from livestock confinement,
and methylamine.
Olive cartridges protect from numerous gases and vapors like pesticides (except fumigants
and paint spray); chlorine gas; ammonia; Sulfur dioxide, chlorine dioxide and methylamine;
hydrogen fluoride and formaldehyde; and particulates.
Your white cartridges will be used when coming into contact with acid gases.
Examples include disinfecting livestock buildings, or when working with chlorine, hydrogen, chloride
or Sulfur dioxide.
Yellow are cartridges for acid gases and organic vapors.
Then there are the magenta cartridges.
These are particulate filter cartridges (HEPA) - and are also called P100.
Now that you know the type of cartridge you're looking for, you need to ensure the cartridge
you use is made by the same company that made your mask.
Got a Moldex mask?
You need to use Moldex cartridge.
You cannot use Moldex cartridge on a 3M mask or vice versa.
In addition to cartridges, depending on what you're planning on coming into contact with,
you may also need or use pre-filters with your cartridges or stand-alone filters.
Working with asbestos, lead and mold would be an example of where you would need a HEPA
or P100 filter.
Again, the chemical label will typically describe the type of filter you need, identified by
a letter such as N, R, P or HE filter.
Then, when reviewing filter options, you will see the filter labeled with the letter identifying
the type of filter and then a number.
This number is referencing the percentage of particulates it will filter.
If you're still not sure the cartridge, filter or combination you need, contact GEMPLER'S
technical product team and we'll help best set you up based on what you're working with.
You can also shop our large inventory of respirator cartridges by clicking on the link found in
this video or in the description on this page.
Terindah (Cover by Wiguan) Original Song By HONEST Band Keningau Sabah - Duration: 4:03.
Les pédophiles vont recevoir ceci pour ne plus s'attaquer aux enfants - Duration: 6:55.
Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI S EDITION 2X S-LINE | SPORTSTOELEN | XENON | NAVI | - Duration: 1:01.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S **Eerste eigenaar** - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A5 Cabriolet 3.0 TFSI quattro Pro Line S - Duration: 0:57.
Ce sont les 8 erreurs détruisent votre relation ! Ne les faites surtout pas ! - Duration: 6:02.
Making a Difference at S-CAR - Duration: 7:02.
We all have a concern about conflict in the world.
>> Conflict exists everywhere we cannot avoid it, it's the way you deal with it.
>> Everyday that anybody works on
solving a conflict problem in a constructive manner makes a difference.
>> One of the things I love about S-CAR is that there's enormous freedom for
us to take up the topics that are important.
>> We get to ask questions to folks from a variety of different backgrounds.
So part of what I see is the power of the role of the scholar practitioner, and
especially in the field of conflict resolution,
is to bring together parties who may be in conflict with each other.
Or parties who may never even sit at the table together to discuss difficult issues
and to discuss those issues in some form of common inquiry.
>> Coming to S-CAR put colors on those difficult conversations.
It put a color on the picture I had.
And I was able to see the different dynamic and
complexity moving the Rwanda conflict, and how that complexity shaped who I am.
>> I come from Israel Palestine so I lived in the conflict for most of my adult life.
The topic of my research is hope amidst these very seemingly
hopeless, intractable, violent conflicts
>> I saw the juxtaposition of slums right next to gated communities.
And that's when I really started finding what I wanted to study,
which is the structures behind the scenes, that orchestrate and
perpetrate cycles of violence.
>> This case that I'm getting from S-CAR, I am at the point where I can go and
meet everybody from the conflict, but also give advice that can be accepted.
And therefore, I can even come back to contribute to the theories that I have
studied to show, hey look this can work.
>> The School for Conflict Analysis and
Resolution is the pre-eminent institution of its kind.
>> It approached the study of conflict from the perspective
that no one academic discipline could explain or
research all of the aspects of conflict.
>> You get insights from professors that are historians that are philosophers,
that are psychologists, sociologists, political scientists.
>> People who studied mathematics, people who are economists,
people who are doing games.
>> Anthropologists, philosophers, social scientists of various kinds.
>> You get a lot of rich experiences from all the practitioners that come
from all over the world to this small place.
>> It's a hub that brings people together from many different backgrounds,
including, students from around the world,
many who have experienced conflict directly.
>> You end up learning a lot from your fellow classmates.
In a way it's having a representative of United Nations in every class.
>> There's a creativity, a vibrance,
a sense of excitement that might be able to understand the situations that they're
coming out better and that help change those situations, help transform them.
>> Peace results from a process of breaking down individual prejudices.
>> We provide a safe space for persons from different backgrounds,
from different ethnicities, coming from different parts of the world.
To come to talk about, either their personal experiences with conflict, or
their passion to deal with conflict.
>> One of the tremendous strengths that I saw during my time here, and
it continues today, was the ability for students who are actually enrolled in
classes to go out and practice in real world situations.
>> We have programs and
projects that bring our students out into the world to Syrian refugee camps.
To the mountains of Appalachia to look at coal mining and
complex related to rural issues.
>> We are struggling against very strong currents of hostility, violence,
injustice, etc., and we are trying to fight against these kinds of trends.
>> The skills to deal with conflict, to resolve conflict,
could be adopted anywhere, the corporate world, NGOs, humanitarian work.
>> There are many forms of conflict that present huge challenges,
and S-CAR provides a framework for understanding what those challenges are.
We would hope that at some point that as a result of the work that
we do in this field, we would work ourselves out of business.
>> We aspire really to influence the way people think and
the way people consider their actions for the benefit of our global community.
>> S-CAR really plays an important role in preparing people to make global change,
to make real social transformation.
>> We only can solve problems or
conflicts when we have tools to solve them.
And S-CAR gives you those tools.
>> Even though it's a dark subject, it's difficult, there's this optimism that
human beings can be resilient and overcome strife.
>> What our alumni do is go out into their communities and into their worlds
with a deep sense of engagement and with a series of skills.
Research skills, evaluation skills,
practice skills that they bring into their profession,
into their occupation, into their commitments, and
they use it to make their world, and our world a better place.
MINI Clubman 1.6 Cooper S Nav Panoramadak Xenon Leder - Duration: 1:01.
{Nightcore} La Purge [FR] + LYRICS (Sous-titre) - Duration: 3:08.
Il n'y a que 7 sortes d'âmes dans le monde. Laquelle est la vôtre ? - Duration: 4:54.
SHIMMixes | COLOR '17: THE 2017 BEST OF K-POP SMASH-UP - Duration: 13:47.
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) Oh!
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) Oooh, yeah...
(SISTAR - LONELY) I'm too used to it now. Every time, we go to the end
(DREAMCATCHER - Chase me) Empty people's dreams are boring~
(VIXX LR - Whisper) Show me your love, yeah we're burnin' up baby
(VIXX LR - Whisper) Into your heart~
(LUNA, SOLAR, HANI - Honey Bee) bee for the honey, bee bee for the
(CHUNGHA - Why Don't You Know?) Shake me so hard I get dizzy
(CHUNGHA - Why Don't You Know?) You're my love everyday, babe
(GIRL'S DAY - I'll be yours) What're you doing right now? I'll be yours~
(GIRL'S DAY - I'll be yours) Baby I'll be yours! (DREAMCATCHER - Chase me) Chase me!
(WJSN - HAPPY) Consider me cute, then I'll work harder
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) You loved me, it's my favor
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) I like to party! (LABOUM - Hwi hwi) Hwi hwi!
(JUNG YONGHWA - That Girl) Oh my god we did it again!
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) All Night, All Night, All Night!
(N.FLYING - The Real) I feel so amazing, feels like I've been waiting for you
(N.FLYING - The Real) 'cause of our chemistry yeah, alright!
(PSY - I LUV IT) One More Time!
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) I send you a sign but you don't know.
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) When will you notice?
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) I feel nervous, burning up. You're so frustrating!
(LONGGUO & SHIHYUN - the.the.the) For a moment, we meet eyes
(LONGGUO & SHIHYUN - the.the.the) Like a momentary spark, it shines
(AOA - Excuse Me) Excuse me, cuse me baby, cuse me~
(AOA - Excuse Me) Look at me, I want you~
(NCT DREAM - We Young) We'll dance, excited (EXO - POWER) Whenever you see me
(EXO - POWER) Whenever we feel each other's hearts
(SAMUEL - CANDY) Oh baby, I wanna bite you
(SAMUEL - CANDY) I miss you like crazy CANDY CANDY CANDY~
(N.FLYING - The Real) Feels good! (MYTEEN - Amazing) You're amazingly pretty!
(N.FLYING - The Real) She's different! (MYTEEN - Amazing) I think I've fallen for you!
(APINK - FIVE) You and me, right now, 12345
(LOVELYZ - Now, we) You say that you like me
(LOVELYZ - Now, we) What do I do? I guess this is for real
(BAP - HONEYMOON) Feels like the honeymoon
(APINK - FIVE) Come, come, come, come~
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Girl Front) I only see you in my eyes
(MAMAMOO - Yes I Am) Yes I Am
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) If we get it on! (BRAVE GIRLS - Rollin') Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) If we fall in love (BRAVE GIRLS - Rollin') Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) All Night, All Night~
(MAMAMOO - Yes I Am) I'm very cheeky (LOONA's Chuu - Heart Attack) Damn!
(SONAMOO - Friday Night) Friday night! (TAEMIN - MOVE) Get drunk with this strange mood
(SONAMOO - Friday Night) Friday night! (TAEMIN - MOVE) You can let yourself go
(9MUSES - Remember) Remember?
(SEVENTEEN - CLAP) Clap Clap Clap Clap!
(BAP - HANDS UP) GO! HANDS UP! (VICTON - Unbelievable) Steady
(NCT DREAM - My First and Last) Oh maybe maybe this might be love
(ONF - ON/OFF) Sometimes, I don't understand
(WEKI MEKI - I don't like your girlfriend) What if I had a boy
(WEKI MEKI - I don't like your girlfriend) that I was closer to than you?
(VICTON - Unbelievable) Oh this is unbelievable
(KARD - Don't Recall) When we were good together (AKMU - DINOSAUR) Whoo~ Whoo~
(AKMU - DINOSAUR) Whoo~ Whoo~ (KARD - Don't Recall) don't remember them
(KARD - You In Me) I know you don't mean it
(KARD - Don't Recall) Baby I can't let you go~
(BOBBY - I LOVE YOU) You had high expectations, but I was really tired
(HYORIN - FRUITY) Faces filled with nervous, fluttering feelings
(ELRIS - POW POW) Ahhh~ (HYORIN - FRUITY) I know you got that feelin'
(BoA - CAMO) In the darkness with all the lights off
(BoA - CAMO) I've hidden my shadow, I can't be tied down
(JJ PROJECT - Today, Tomorrow) Somebody let me know, tell me which way to go
(MONSTA X - DRAMARAMA) I'm trapped in the big picture you drew out
(MONSTA X - DRAMARAMA) Can't figure out the ending of my Drama
(IU - Palette) Oh I got this I'm truly fine
(GOT7 - Never Ever) I won't ever make you cry again, don't worry
(GOT7 - Never Ever) Baby you're mine, baby you're mine
(BTS - Not Today) HEY Crow-tits, everyone, hands up
(SEVENTEEN - CLAP) Clap Clap Clap Clap!
(BTS - Not Today) HEY (TRIPLE H - 365 FRESH) I'm 365 so FRESH
(DAY6 - I Wait) Tell me honestly, say it~
(Sunmi - Gashina) Why are you leaving the pretty me here and going?
(BAP - WAKE ME UP) I'm awakening a different me inside
(BAP - WAKE ME UP) The faint light that was turned off
(SONAMOO - I) I, I, I~
(SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry) Don't wanna cry
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) Like your coloring that still hasn't changed
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) my feelings are still the same too
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) Now I'm calling you, calling you
(DIA - Can't Stop) Oh I can't stop!
(HEIZE - Don't Know You) Now I know, even if you don't say it
(HEIZE - Don't Know You) Why didn't I know such an easy thing?
(SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry) Don't wanna cry~
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Sweet Crazy Love) After my frozen feelings
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Sweet Crazy Love) Awaken one by one
(I - I Wish) I won't believe them
(APRIL - April Story) I look happy~
(GOT7 - You Are) Only stay by my side. Warmly look at me just like this
(AOA - Bing Bing) You go round and round in my head
(AOA - Bing Bing) Why do I like you so much? I keep smiling
(OH MY GIRL - Coloring Book) Your eyes are like the stars in a half moon
(EXID - Night Rather Than Day) So come at night not during the day
(EXID - DDD) Stop it, Stop driving me crazy
(Lovelyz - WoW!) Wow, wow~
(BTOB - MOVIE) I'll be your man (ASTRO - Crazy Sexy Cool) I'm going crazy
(BTOB - MOVIE) more than anyone else (ASTRO - Crazy Sexy Cool) I'm going crazy
(BTOB - MOVIE) Be my last love
(Lovelyz - WoW!) Wow, wow~
(JEONG SEWOON - JUST U) I got trouble with my baby
(TWICE - SIGNAL) You fool, why don't you know my heart?
(JEONG SEWOON - JUST U) I got trouble with my baby
(TWICE - SIGNAL) But you only treat me as a friend
(TWICE - SIGNAL) That's not what I want
(SONAMOO - I) I, I, I~
(NIEL - Love Affair) Don't Make Me Cry!
(WJSN - I Wish) Hurry and walk into my heart
(SURAN & DEAN - 1+1=0) Relax your mind, yeah~
(Super Junior - Black Suit) So you won't forget me!
(PRODUCE 101 SEASON 2 - PICK ME) The moment I saw you
(PRODUCE 101 SEASON 2 - PICK ME) My eyes were fixed on you
(ZICO - Artist) People who are about to die of boredom
(ZICO - Artist) People who are gonna kill it, woah!
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) A girl like me
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) How about a girl like me? (ZICO - Artist) YES!!
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Baby baby, show me everything
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Will you come closer? (9MUSES - Love City) B-b-b-b-b-bad boy
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Let's make moves, anywhere is okay, let's go~
(WANNA ONE - Burn It Up) Burn It Up!
(MXM - I'm The One) Ayy, I want you
(MXM - I'm The One) I can't hold it in anymore! (TWICE - LIKEY) Ooh~
(GFRIEND - FINGERTIP) Then you became mine
(BLACKPINK - As If It's Your Last) Baby, hold me till I explode
(BLACKPINK - As If It's Your Last) Stop thinking, what's so hard about this?
(TWICE - LIKEY) But it's so typical to say I like you
(TWICE - LIKEY) It's not enough to express my heart
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) Oooh baby (DIA - Will you go out with me?) I've fallen for you
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) How about a girl like me?
(DIA - Will you go out with me?) It keeps tickling
(iKON - BLING BLING) BLING BLING, you're blinding~
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) A girl like me, a a girl like me?
(Block B - Shall We Dance) Wanna play? Don't just watch, join!
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Peach juice, sweet and sour mix, mood
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) The cocktail I wanna make you is brew RED
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Electricity in your ears, numbness in your nose
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Feeling better than you can imagine, up and bang
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Show me more, your light, all right
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Stay in me, all night
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Until the very last moment, stay next to me
(BTS - DNA) Don't look back
(LOONA 1/3 - Sonatine) Time, hidden by a mysterious secret
(WANNA ONE - Energetic) Your lips and my lips, I can feel it more and more
(WANNA ONE - Energetic) The hot air in this place
(PRISTIN - WEE WOO) I like you, I like you
(TWICE - KNOCK KNOCK) KNOCK KNOCK Knock on my heart and open it up hard
(PRISTIN - WEE WOO) When I look at you (PRISTIN - WE LIKE) baby listen to me
(GFRIEND - Love Whisper) I can't express my heart like the nice breeze. Us~
(T-ARA - What's My Name) It's all a lie
(SF9 - O Sole Mio) you're gonna leave, you're gonna change
(HOTSHOT - Jelly) I want to have you, I'll be alright by the time
(HOTSHOT - Jelly) Hold my hand
(CNBLUE - Between Us) Our ambiguous relationship!
(SF9 - Easy Love) Breaking up is so easy for you, though it hurts so much for me
(SF9 - Easy Love) Leaving me is so easy for you
(UP10TION - Going Crazy) Baby I'm so sorry, you make me go crazy
(UP10TION - Going Crazy) Ah oh eh oh eh oh ah oh eh oh eh
(SF9 - Easy Love) I hate breaking up, cause it hurts
(SF9 - Easy Love) Cause I'm saying that I hate you
(BTS - DNA) We're completely different baby
(BTS - DNA) Because we've found our destiny together
(DAY6 - I Smile) Today, I smile. Even though it hurts, I smile.
(DAY6 - I Smile) Until the end I pretend that I'm fine
(DAY6 - I Smile) I pretend that I'm okay, I have to
(BTS - Spring Day) Snowflakes are falling, getting farther away
(WINNER - FOOL) Baby I was a fool…
(ASTRO - BABY) YEAH! (PSY - NEW FACE) Yeah Yeah Alright
(Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo) Peek-Peek-A-Peek-A-Boo! That's me.
(ASTRO - BABY) OH YEAH! (HYUNA - BABE) U make me baby girl baby girl
(HYUNA - Lip & Hip) Lip-Li-Lip-Lip-Lip Spinning 'round like crazy
(SF9 - Easy Love) I hate breaking up, cause it hurts
(SF9 - Easy Love) Cause I'm saying that I hate you
(BTS - DNA) We're completely different baby
(BTS - DNA) Because we've found our destiny together
(JONGHYUN & TAEYEON - Lonely) Baby I'm so lonely, so lonely~
(BTOB - Missing You) As I long for you, I long for you
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't go
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't say you're gonna leave me
(G-DRAGON - Untitled, 2014) Turn around, and come back to me
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't leave me behind in the memories
(Taeyeon - Fine) Will we be living different lives?
(IU - Through The Night) Like the words written in the sand
(IU - Through The Night) Where the waves are, I~
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) I miss you so much
(HIGHLIGHT - Plz Don't Be Sad) I don't want even the smallest scar to form on you
(HIGHLIGHT - Plz Don't Be Sad) I even want all of your sadness ma baby
(MONSTA X - Beautiful) OH You're so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) So beautiful!
(BOYFRIEND - Star) When I walk, I look around me
(BOYFRIEND - Star) To check if that person who resembles you, is you
(PENTAGON - Like This) Like this! (VIXX - Shangri La) Paint it on a little thicker
(VIXX - Shangri La) This night is deeply spreading
(PENTAGON - Like This) Even if there's a storm, I'll keep running like this
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Hurry, hurry, avoid it, right, cherry bomb feel it yum~
(Golden Child - DamDaDi) Eyo Eyo!
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Cherry bomb feel it (EXO - KoKoBop) HEY!
(BTS - MIC Drop) How you think 'bout that?
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) I'm the biggest hit~ (EXO - KoKoBop) W-W-We Go Down Now
(RED VELVET - Rookie) YEAH! (JBJ - Fantasy) Take out all of your dreams
(RED VELVET - Rookie) Alright! (JBJ - Fantasy) Because that's me
(EXO - KoKoBop) Listen! (CLC - Hobgoblin) Look at me, stop acting so tough
(CLC - Hobgoblin) You'll regret it later, try playing me more
(NU'EST - WHERE YOU AT) WHERE YOU AT (NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~
(SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up~ (NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~
(SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up change up~
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Baby I don't want nobody but you
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~ (SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up~
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~ (ACE - Callin') Whenever, wherever, callin'
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, wake me, wake me up!
(EXO - KoKoBop) You shine more as the night deepens
(EXO - KoKoBop) Your eyes tell me everything
(TAEYANG - WAKE ME UP) Is it love?
(BOYFRIEND - Star) I'm still looking at you!
(MONSTA X - Beautiful) OH You're so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) So beautiful!
(BOYFRIEND - Star) When I walk, I look around me
(BOYFRIEND - Star) To check if that person who resembles you, is you
(PENTAGON - Like This) Like this! (VIXX - Shangri La) Paint it on a little thicker
(VIXX - Shangri La) This night is deeply spreading
(PENTAGON - Like This) Even if there's a storm, I'll keep running like this
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Hurry, hurry, avoid it, right, cherry bomb feel it yum~
(BTS - MIC Drop) How you think 'bout that?
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) I'm the biggest hit~ (EXO - KoKoBop) W-W-We Go Down Now
(RED VELVET - Rookie) YEAH! (JBJ - Fantasy) Take out all of your dreams
(RED VELVET - Rookie) Alright! (JBJ - Fantasy) Because that's me
(EXO - KoKoBop) Listen! (CLC - Hobgoblin) Look at me, stop acting so tough
(CLC - Hobgoblin) You'll regret it later, try playing me more
BREAKING!! PRESIDENT TRUMP Ordered Him To Be FIRED!!! - Duration: 5:04.
Terindah (Cover by Wiguan) Original Song By HONEST Band Keningau Sabah - Duration: 4:03.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-01-26 09:35:19 ON-402, Sarnia, ON N0N, Canada - Duration: 25:52.
Real Food Vs. Gummy Fount...
Il n'y a que 7 sortes d'âmes dans le monde. Laquelle est la vôtre ? - Duration: 4:54.
{Nightcore} La Purge [FR] + LYRICS (Sous-titre) - Duration: 3:08.
Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.2 D-4D Executive Business - Duration: 0:52.
BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE | Panorama dak | Driv. assist Plus | Head-UP | DAB-Tuner | HiFi-Sy - Duration: 0:59.
Chansons populaires avec des noms d'aliments - Duration: 2:08.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:58.
L'Isola dei famosi,Francesca Cipriani sta male: portata via d'urgenza foto choc - Duration: 3:40.
Fave Five 2017 - Movies with Mikey - Duration: 18:46.
Fave 5 films of 2017.
MARK, we talked about this!
As always, this list represents nothing beyond my whims of what I enjoyed the most in 2017.
I am sorry if you disagree.
Here we GOOOO Honorable Mentions
Hit me with that Whitney!
The Last Jedi Okay, let's rip this band-aid off.
This isn't on the actual fave list because in a lot of ways I'm still digesting it.
I loved it, full stop, but I'm leaving it on honorable mentions for a second because
it certainly doesn't need me to elevate the conversation surrounding it right now.
Despite a lot of you wanting me to do that but I still need a minute with this one.
It's a visually stunning Star Wars experience.
The Holdo scene might be my favorite single scene all year.
I'll be talking about in multiple videos over the coming months, and speaking of, stay
through the credits because there are some changes coming to the format of this show
that I'm gonna talk about.
Definitely still digesting all of the things that happened here.
I can without hesitation say that my favorite Yoda scene in all of Star Wars is from this
Dunkirk This one was on the list, then it wasn't,
then it was.
Honestly I kept moving things around, but ultimately I think Dunkirk is a movie I will
revisit least, simply because of the subject matter it offers.
It is a brilliant film, just not one I want to rewatch as a lot of other stuff.
Sorry, #TophNo.
I love you.
Though, structurally, this is a victory lap on a taco starship because of its avant-garde
tap dancing on the very idea of linear time's grave.
Some storylines last days, some last a few hours, one lasts like two hours but everything
is edited together as if the stories were happening concurrently.
Dunkirk's a trip.
It's huge, it's loud, it's brash, it features a pretty damn good performance from
my boy Harry Styles, it's a stunning use of practical filmmaking, giving you real in-camera
scale, without resorting to a bunch of cheap cgi trickery.
It's great and the stand out here is the structure because editing three storyline
together than take place at three different time scales, it kind of an amazing magic trick
which I'll admit he flirted with on Interstellar but here he's saying something strange about
war at a purely thematic level—in war, time is a flexible concept.
Christopher Nolan has wild control over how a film is constructed.
It's wild.
We never quote have a firm grasp on what exactly he's going to deliver.
Blade Runner 2049 Yes, Blade Runner 2049 also didn't make
my fave list, and like the previous two movies, that's more of a measure of liking some
other films more it's not really a big deal because I just allowed myself to say more
things about the honorable mentions so really I'm giving a Fave 8 but that screws up my
Blade Runner 2049 is a brilliantly structured, mind-pulverisation that will leave you pondering
the nature of existence and what it means to be alive.
I have some wild theories about this movie and leave it to the master Denis Villeneuve
to construct a world that so readily allows them.
Ryan Gosling is a level of measured powder keg that he hasn't really been given the
chance to play before, no not even in Drive.
Not like this.
He's teetering on the brink of existential meltdown for the entire film, which means
that his acting needs to be a touch unpredictable to sell us that.
He does.
It delivers.
It also happens to feature the some of the best miniature work in a mainstream film since
… the first one.
Onto the main list!
Get Out Get Out, to my personal experience, feels
to be the one thing that everyone universally liked this year—and I mean that specifically
within cinema circles.
(Cuz I don't think the bad people liked it very much.)
Oh, sit down.
It's 2018, you can't not address the fact that, not only was Get Out a shocking, brilliant
horror film down to its very marrow, it's also a film that has a lot to say about what
it feels like to be a black person in America since like … forever.
Our current state of affairs is built into every facet of this film.
The micro-aggressions, the super-chill belittlement, the loss of agency, all illustrated by a single
change in perspective, without doing anything but illustrating our actual current reality.
Get Out is an important horror film.
A phrase I'm having trouble replicating a second example for … wow, um wow… cuz,
like brilliant films have been horror movies.
But stuff like The Exorcist really just taught us not to get possessed by demons, which feels
like a pretty useful life-skill to have without the help of a cinematic aid.
Don't … eat a demon.
I started this section in an effort to jump Get Out right to the front of the class, but
now I'm lacksidasically wondering if Get Out was the first horror movie to clock a
perfect 180 on the LSAT and people didn't really notice.
That's a law joke.
There's—see there's layers.
Most horror movies use often-cheap horror shorthand to exemplify why a certain small
town, or a certain creepy murder hill folk are often disgusting and not all together
Get Out uses what appear to be normal, everyday people to show us a terrifying world to find
yourself caught in: ours.
We are in the Sunken Place.
I still haven't thought of another horror movie that had so much value as a resource
for finding and pinpointing way to help everyone understand a minority perspective, while being
this damn entertaining and clever.
I think Get Out might be the first horror masterpiece.
The Shining doesn't have the same kind of moral compass.
I was not a better person after watching it.
Don't attack your family with an axe after being possessed by a hotel.
Good tip, got it.
Thumbs up.
Psycho, Let the Right One In, Rosemary's Baby, Cabin in the Woods, The Thing.
They're all about something they don't appear to be on the surface, they're all
megaton successes on the theatrical stage as well as the artistic achievement – but
mean something, they really don't.
And if you type Room 237 in the comments, so help me, Voltron.
Here's food for thought: artistic symbolism is only as meaningful as an audience is able
to understand it on their own.
If no one gets your art, it's probably not as brilliant as you think it is.
As your art cannot function if a requirement of it is your standing next to it and explaining
it to everyone all the time.
I think my point is that Get Out won horror forever.
I made a comment back with Cabin in the Woods akin to "how do you make a horror movie
after this?"
Jordan Peele answered my question and punched my face out of my face.
First-time writer/director/genius/and apparently, curve-buster: Peele knocked this out of the
stadium and into the Blimpie parking lot next door.
More like Get … in here and watch this awesome movie.
We need another take that was terrible—
Lady Bird Hey, speaking of geniuses: Greta Gerwig wrote
and directed an instant teenage-comedy classic with the purest heart of an aged silver sporting
a healthy patina.
A period piece taking place entirely in the somehow already nostalgic time period known
as 2003.
The year we went to war with Iraq, Homeland Security came into existence, and Americans
shoddily renamed French Fries to "Freedom Fries" because we are … the most insecure
nation on earth.
Some movies are too clever.
This movie is a problem-child in a nutshell: it's clever enough to get itself in trouble.
This film and its characters are way, way, way, way, way, way, SEVENTEEN MINUTES LATER,
way, way, way, way, way clever.
I sort of want to invent a special award for Saoirse Ronan and Lori Metcalf who are both
worlds better than I thought they were, and bear in mind I thought they were already fantastic,
also bearing in mind that I love Scream 2, but my goodness, this is an acting clinic.
And the writing gives them a gigantic area to create in.
The characters in this movie are shockingly imperfect, often carrying their flaws around
like a science fair project.
It can be hard to find your place in the world.
This is sort of a movie about me in a weird way.
I too was struggling to find my place in the universe around this time period and close
to Lady Bird aka Christine.
What is an identity?
We're all trying to figure that out.
Class of 2000 represent!
Oh god This film is currently sitting at a perfectly-imperfect
99% on Rotten Tomatoes.
And that fits.
Lady Bird fits into that space of perfectly-imperfect.
It's about that time period where we're still inventing who we are supposed to be:
a time of upheaval within ourselves.
That's a tough moment to capture with any real authenticity, but Greta Gerwig captures
it pretty effortlessly.
The grandiose confidence we have on the cusp of college age, thinking we're ready to
flip the world on its head – and the slowly-cracking fragility that comes with that.
Scene one feels as fresh as scene seventy.
This story isn't about just the beginning and the end because the middle is straight
up knuckled pancake (yeah, I brought that one back.)
Give it a go if you haven't because … damn.
-- Three Billboard outside Ebbing, Missouri.
Hey, this is going to be difficult to talk about and I'm gonna walk on some excessively
delicate egg shells here because there is some serious anger following this movie around
and I totally understand what it is you are saying about undeserved redemption.
However, I think this movie a great deal more subtle
than the outrage surrounding it allows.
Specifically because of one reason: no one is redeemed in this film.
We meet the characters in (not a spoiler) what feels like the last stage of their life,
in that you can sort of tell they're done evolving.
They all turned into terrible people that are beyond saving.
With the protagonist, we are given a reason, with everyone else in the film, we are not.
We know that tragedy has hollowed the soul from one person, it isn't the most egregious
stretch to believe that it hollowed other people out in increasingly disturbing and
off-putting ways.
It isn't a nice movie but any stretch of the imagination.
Trigger warning: EVERYTHING.
Easy things to get out of the way: the performances across the board are career defining work
from a cast whose careers have multiple standouts, standouts where they're the rosey-cheeked
gentle souls who must overcome impossible odds.
These are their hollowed remains.
To me, it's an important piece of art.
But I fully understand if you don't want a film to cross every line in the rule book.
I totally get it.
I can't even say I enjoyed watching it.
But it does have something to say about revenge stories: aka the cheapest stories in film.
Yeah, I said it.
Revenge is cheap and it is a short cut around character development.
To wit: this is the only time a revenge story ever made sense to me.
I watched Francis McDermott do a host of heinous, deplorable things and every step of the damn
way I was right there with her, understanding each decision, while staring in horror at
If you love it I support you, if you don't love it I support you.
Okay, onto to another movie on my list with a disclaimer.
Baby Driver So, Baby Driver has ***** ******* in it.
Whoa, is that how we're handling it? ***** *******--huh, okay fair deal.
I'm not sure there is gonna be a whole hell of a lot of surprise about an Edgar Wright
movie being on Movies with Mikey, but I feel like there is still an ocean of depth in front
of us.
The music layers into the scene, the visuals layer on top of the music, the sound effects
then layer back on the music and all someone edited by an angel with magic pixie dreamboat
The script is incredibly thin on characterizations for our two budding love birds, and yes I
said two, because I think it being both of them and not just Debora.
Baby's dialogue, is almost, if not all recycled from what other people say.
He is a dude constantly remixing his own life, in much the same way that the film is portraying
It's not reality, it's enhanced movie reality.
Their romance is communicated almost entirely visually, never communicated verbally, just
sort of referred to here and there.
For lack of a better way to say this, we're supposed to feel their love through the music
because that is the medium they are communicating to each other in from moment one.
And I think that's important because this is a 1960's saccharine movie musical, where
true love can exist at first sight, remixed with a 70s car chase movie, through the lens
of a modern action movie.
And the rest of it is everything I've ever wanted to love in this world, including the
way sappy simple romance.
Because it doesn't end simple.
Because at some point reality will enter your reality.
It's why Baby's shirt is darkening over the course of the film, ergo, so does his
fairy tale life and romance outside of the crime stuff.
He's practically Fred Astaire at the beginning and by the end of it he's Snake god damn
I think Edgar did a phenomenal job.
The Big Sick Kumail Nanjiani and Emily Gordon wrote a fantastic
semi-autobiographical piece on the nature of surprise debilitating illnesses and the
creative process—you know, my brand.
The Big Sick is perfect.
Nah, that doesn't seem big enough.
The Big Sick is BABY BOK CHOICE It's all at once a beautiful love story
written by the two people who lived that particular love story and all of the tribulations that
came with it.
The most emotionally satisfying movie of the year, endlessly clever, and dare I say it,
emotionally satisfying in ways that romantic comedies just generally … aren't.
It's emotionally honest, which is in shorter supply on the artistic scene then you'd
Here's a fun way to illustrate this.
Ray Romano delivers a performance that stands up to his partner in fake movie marriage,
Holly Hunter.
I'm not trying to belittle Ray Romano or anything, he's great but she's Holly Hunter
who has been nominated for an Oscar four times, something Emily and Kumail can now also say
as they were nominated for best Original Screenplay for this.
For good reason.
It's brilliant.
The cast is perfection.
Oh, and before I get too sappy because I related to this film on another plane of existence,
it's also funny as hell.
Like movies don't come around this often where the jokes all just work this well – in
a movie that's sort of about comedy, but more the life of a person who does comedy.
You feel it.
Which might be why this movie is so disarming.
You come to laugh, but you just aren't expecting a movie to get so much about extended hospital
stays so unrelentingly honest and right.
I mean, they lived this so it makes perfect sense, but it's worth pointing out there
is a lot to learn from this movie.
People aren't at their best when a loved one is in the hospital.
For fear of someone else, people are often short with each other and blow things wildly
out of proportion.
Small drama becomes big drama real quick.
It's perfect.
I love it.
Make this your next rainy day blankets and tacos movie, you'll be glad you did.
Laurent Boyer raconte en détail le terrible accident de voiture dans lequel il a failli mourir - Duration: 3:20.
SHIMMixes | COLOR '17: THE 2017 BEST OF K-POP SMASH-UP - Duration: 13:47.
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) Oh!
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) Oooh, yeah...
(SISTAR - LONELY) I'm too used to it now. Every time, we go to the end
(DREAMCATCHER - Chase me) Empty people's dreams are boring~
(VIXX LR - Whisper) Show me your love, yeah we're burnin' up baby
(VIXX LR - Whisper) Into your heart~
(LUNA, SOLAR, HANI - Honey Bee) bee for the honey, bee bee for the
(CHUNGHA - Why Don't You Know?) Shake me so hard I get dizzy
(CHUNGHA - Why Don't You Know?) You're my love everyday, babe
(GIRL'S DAY - I'll be yours) What're you doing right now? I'll be yours~
(GIRL'S DAY - I'll be yours) Baby I'll be yours! (DREAMCATCHER - Chase me) Chase me!
(WJSN - HAPPY) Consider me cute, then I'll work harder
(SEOHYUN - Don't Say No) You loved me, it's my favor
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) I like to party! (LABOUM - Hwi hwi) Hwi hwi!
(JUNG YONGHWA - That Girl) Oh my god we did it again!
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) All Night, All Night, All Night!
(N.FLYING - The Real) I feel so amazing, feels like I've been waiting for you
(N.FLYING - The Real) 'cause of our chemistry yeah, alright!
(PSY - I LUV IT) One More Time!
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) I send you a sign but you don't know.
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) When will you notice?
(LABOUM - Hwi Hwi) I feel nervous, burning up. You're so frustrating!
(LONGGUO & SHIHYUN - the.the.the) For a moment, we meet eyes
(LONGGUO & SHIHYUN - the.the.the) Like a momentary spark, it shines
(AOA - Excuse Me) Excuse me, cuse me baby, cuse me~
(AOA - Excuse Me) Look at me, I want you~
(NCT DREAM - We Young) We'll dance, excited (EXO - POWER) Whenever you see me
(EXO - POWER) Whenever we feel each other's hearts
(SAMUEL - CANDY) Oh baby, I wanna bite you
(SAMUEL - CANDY) I miss you like crazy CANDY CANDY CANDY~
(N.FLYING - The Real) Feels good! (MYTEEN - Amazing) You're amazingly pretty!
(N.FLYING - The Real) She's different! (MYTEEN - Amazing) I think I've fallen for you!
(APINK - FIVE) You and me, right now, 12345
(LOVELYZ - Now, we) You say that you like me
(LOVELYZ - Now, we) What do I do? I guess this is for real
(BAP - HONEYMOON) Feels like the honeymoon
(APINK - FIVE) Come, come, come, come~
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Girl Front) I only see you in my eyes
(MAMAMOO - Yes I Am) Yes I Am
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) If we get it on! (BRAVE GIRLS - Rollin') Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) If we fall in love (BRAVE GIRLS - Rollin') Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
(GIRLS' GENERATION - All Night) All Night, All Night~
(MAMAMOO - Yes I Am) I'm very cheeky (LOONA's Chuu - Heart Attack) Damn!
(SONAMOO - Friday Night) Friday night! (TAEMIN - MOVE) Get drunk with this strange mood
(SONAMOO - Friday Night) Friday night! (TAEMIN - MOVE) You can let yourself go
(9MUSES - Remember) Remember?
(SEVENTEEN - CLAP) Clap Clap Clap Clap!
(BAP - HANDS UP) GO! HANDS UP! (VICTON - Unbelievable) Steady
(NCT DREAM - My First and Last) Oh maybe maybe this might be love
(ONF - ON/OFF) Sometimes, I don't understand
(WEKI MEKI - I don't like your girlfriend) What if I had a boy
(WEKI MEKI - I don't like your girlfriend) that I was closer to than you?
(VICTON - Unbelievable) Oh this is unbelievable
(KARD - Don't Recall) When we were good together (AKMU - DINOSAUR) Whoo~ Whoo~
(AKMU - DINOSAUR) Whoo~ Whoo~ (KARD - Don't Recall) don't remember them
(KARD - You In Me) I know you don't mean it
(KARD - Don't Recall) Baby I can't let you go~
(BOBBY - I LOVE YOU) You had high expectations, but I was really tired
(HYORIN - FRUITY) Faces filled with nervous, fluttering feelings
(ELRIS - POW POW) Ahhh~ (HYORIN - FRUITY) I know you got that feelin'
(BoA - CAMO) In the darkness with all the lights off
(BoA - CAMO) I've hidden my shadow, I can't be tied down
(JJ PROJECT - Today, Tomorrow) Somebody let me know, tell me which way to go
(MONSTA X - DRAMARAMA) I'm trapped in the big picture you drew out
(MONSTA X - DRAMARAMA) Can't figure out the ending of my Drama
(IU - Palette) Oh I got this I'm truly fine
(GOT7 - Never Ever) I won't ever make you cry again, don't worry
(GOT7 - Never Ever) Baby you're mine, baby you're mine
(BTS - Not Today) HEY Crow-tits, everyone, hands up
(SEVENTEEN - CLAP) Clap Clap Clap Clap!
(BTS - Not Today) HEY (TRIPLE H - 365 FRESH) I'm 365 so FRESH
(DAY6 - I Wait) Tell me honestly, say it~
(Sunmi - Gashina) Why are you leaving the pretty me here and going?
(BAP - WAKE ME UP) I'm awakening a different me inside
(BAP - WAKE ME UP) The faint light that was turned off
(SONAMOO - I) I, I, I~
(SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry) Don't wanna cry
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) Like your coloring that still hasn't changed
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) my feelings are still the same too
(HIGHLIGHT - CALLING YOU) Now I'm calling you, calling you
(DIA - Can't Stop) Oh I can't stop!
(HEIZE - Don't Know You) Now I know, even if you don't say it
(HEIZE - Don't Know You) Why didn't I know such an easy thing?
(SEVENTEEN - Don't Wanna Cry) Don't wanna cry~
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Sweet Crazy Love) After my frozen feelings
(LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE - Sweet Crazy Love) Awaken one by one
(I - I Wish) I won't believe them
(APRIL - April Story) I look happy~
(GOT7 - You Are) Only stay by my side. Warmly look at me just like this
(AOA - Bing Bing) You go round and round in my head
(AOA - Bing Bing) Why do I like you so much? I keep smiling
(OH MY GIRL - Coloring Book) Your eyes are like the stars in a half moon
(EXID - Night Rather Than Day) So come at night not during the day
(EXID - DDD) Stop it, Stop driving me crazy
(Lovelyz - WoW!) Wow, wow~
(BTOB - MOVIE) I'll be your man (ASTRO - Crazy Sexy Cool) I'm going crazy
(BTOB - MOVIE) more than anyone else (ASTRO - Crazy Sexy Cool) I'm going crazy
(BTOB - MOVIE) Be my last love
(Lovelyz - WoW!) Wow, wow~
(JEONG SEWOON - JUST U) I got trouble with my baby
(TWICE - SIGNAL) You fool, why don't you know my heart?
(JEONG SEWOON - JUST U) I got trouble with my baby
(TWICE - SIGNAL) But you only treat me as a friend
(TWICE - SIGNAL) That's not what I want
(SONAMOO - I) I, I, I~
(NIEL - Love Affair) Don't Make Me Cry!
(WJSN - I Wish) Hurry and walk into my heart
(SURAN & DEAN - 1+1=0) Relax your mind, yeah~
(Super Junior - Black Suit) So you won't forget me!
(PRODUCE 101 SEASON 2 - PICK ME) The moment I saw you
(PRODUCE 101 SEASON 2 - PICK ME) My eyes were fixed on you
(ZICO - Artist) People who are about to die of boredom
(ZICO - Artist) People who are gonna kill it, woah!
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) A girl like me
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) How about a girl like me? (ZICO - Artist) YES!!
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Baby baby, show me everything
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Will you come closer? (9MUSES - Love City) B-b-b-b-b-bad boy
(Girls' Generation - HOLIDAY) Let's make moves, anywhere is okay, let's go~
(WANNA ONE - Burn It Up) Burn It Up!
(MXM - I'm The One) Ayy, I want you
(MXM - I'm The One) I can't hold it in anymore! (TWICE - LIKEY) Ooh~
(GFRIEND - FINGERTIP) Then you became mine
(BLACKPINK - As If It's Your Last) Baby, hold me till I explode
(BLACKPINK - As If It's Your Last) Stop thinking, what's so hard about this?
(TWICE - LIKEY) But it's so typical to say I like you
(TWICE - LIKEY) It's not enough to express my heart
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) Oooh baby (DIA - Will you go out with me?) I've fallen for you
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) How about a girl like me?
(DIA - Will you go out with me?) It keeps tickling
(iKON - BLING BLING) BLING BLING, you're blinding~
(gugudan - A Girl Like Me) A girl like me, a a girl like me?
(Block B - Shall We Dance) Wanna play? Don't just watch, join!
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Peach juice, sweet and sour mix, mood
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) The cocktail I wanna make you is brew RED
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Electricity in your ears, numbness in your nose
(Red Velvet - Red Flavor) Feeling better than you can imagine, up and bang
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Show me more, your light, all right
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Stay in me, all night
(LOONA's Jinsoul & Heejin - Singing in the Rain) Until the very last moment, stay next to me
(BTS - DNA) Don't look back
(LOONA 1/3 - Sonatine) Time, hidden by a mysterious secret
(WANNA ONE - Energetic) Your lips and my lips, I can feel it more and more
(WANNA ONE - Energetic) The hot air in this place
(PRISTIN - WEE WOO) I like you, I like you
(TWICE - KNOCK KNOCK) KNOCK KNOCK Knock on my heart and open it up hard
(PRISTIN - WEE WOO) When I look at you (PRISTIN - WE LIKE) baby listen to me
(GFRIEND - Love Whisper) I can't express my heart like the nice breeze. Us~
(T-ARA - What's My Name) It's all a lie
(SF9 - O Sole Mio) you're gonna leave, you're gonna change
(HOTSHOT - Jelly) I want to have you, I'll be alright by the time
(HOTSHOT - Jelly) Hold my hand
(CNBLUE - Between Us) Our ambiguous relationship!
(SF9 - Easy Love) Breaking up is so easy for you, though it hurts so much for me
(SF9 - Easy Love) Leaving me is so easy for you
(UP10TION - Going Crazy) Baby I'm so sorry, you make me go crazy
(UP10TION - Going Crazy) Ah oh eh oh eh oh ah oh eh oh eh
(SF9 - Easy Love) I hate breaking up, cause it hurts
(SF9 - Easy Love) Cause I'm saying that I hate you
(BTS - DNA) We're completely different baby
(BTS - DNA) Because we've found our destiny together
(DAY6 - I Smile) Today, I smile. Even though it hurts, I smile.
(DAY6 - I Smile) Until the end I pretend that I'm fine
(DAY6 - I Smile) I pretend that I'm okay, I have to
(BTS - Spring Day) Snowflakes are falling, getting farther away
(WINNER - FOOL) Baby I was a fool…
(ASTRO - BABY) YEAH! (PSY - NEW FACE) Yeah Yeah Alright
(Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo) Peek-Peek-A-Peek-A-Boo! That's me.
(ASTRO - BABY) OH YEAH! (HYUNA - BABE) U make me baby girl baby girl
(HYUNA - Lip & Hip) Lip-Li-Lip-Lip-Lip Spinning 'round like crazy
(SF9 - Easy Love) I hate breaking up, cause it hurts
(SF9 - Easy Love) Cause I'm saying that I hate you
(BTS - DNA) We're completely different baby
(BTS - DNA) Because we've found our destiny together
(JONGHYUN & TAEYEON - Lonely) Baby I'm so lonely, so lonely~
(BTOB - Missing You) As I long for you, I long for you
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't go
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't say you're gonna leave me
(G-DRAGON - Untitled, 2014) Turn around, and come back to me
(2NE1 - Goodbye) Don't leave me behind in the memories
(Taeyeon - Fine) Will we be living different lives?
(IU - Through The Night) Like the words written in the sand
(IU - Through The Night) Where the waves are, I~
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) I miss you so much
(HIGHLIGHT - Plz Don't Be Sad) I don't want even the smallest scar to form on you
(HIGHLIGHT - Plz Don't Be Sad) I even want all of your sadness ma baby
(MONSTA X - Beautiful) OH You're so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) So beautiful!
(BOYFRIEND - Star) When I walk, I look around me
(BOYFRIEND - Star) To check if that person who resembles you, is you
(PENTAGON - Like This) Like this! (VIXX - Shangri La) Paint it on a little thicker
(VIXX - Shangri La) This night is deeply spreading
(PENTAGON - Like This) Even if there's a storm, I'll keep running like this
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Hurry, hurry, avoid it, right, cherry bomb feel it yum~
(Golden Child - DamDaDi) Eyo Eyo!
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Cherry bomb feel it (EXO - KoKoBop) HEY!
(BTS - MIC Drop) How you think 'bout that?
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) I'm the biggest hit~ (EXO - KoKoBop) W-W-We Go Down Now
(RED VELVET - Rookie) YEAH! (JBJ - Fantasy) Take out all of your dreams
(RED VELVET - Rookie) Alright! (JBJ - Fantasy) Because that's me
(EXO - KoKoBop) Listen! (CLC - Hobgoblin) Look at me, stop acting so tough
(CLC - Hobgoblin) You'll regret it later, try playing me more
(NU'EST - WHERE YOU AT) WHERE YOU AT (NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~
(SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up~ (NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~
(SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up change up~
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Baby I don't want nobody but you
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~ (SEVENTEEN - CHANGE UP) Change up change up~
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, ho~ (ACE - Callin') Whenever, wherever, callin'
(NCT 127 - Limitless) Ho, wake me, wake me up!
(EXO - KoKoBop) You shine more as the night deepens
(EXO - KoKoBop) Your eyes tell me everything
(TAEYANG - WAKE ME UP) Is it love?
(BOYFRIEND - Star) I'm still looking at you!
(MONSTA X - Beautiful) OH You're so beautiful I can't take my eyes off you
(WANNA ONE - Beautiful) So beautiful!
(BOYFRIEND - Star) When I walk, I look around me
(BOYFRIEND - Star) To check if that person who resembles you, is you
(PENTAGON - Like This) Like this! (VIXX - Shangri La) Paint it on a little thicker
(VIXX - Shangri La) This night is deeply spreading
(PENTAGON - Like This) Even if there's a storm, I'll keep running like this
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) Hurry, hurry, avoid it, right, cherry bomb feel it yum~
(BTS - MIC Drop) How you think 'bout that?
(NCT 127 - Cherry Bomb) I'm the biggest hit~ (EXO - KoKoBop) W-W-We Go Down Now
(RED VELVET - Rookie) YEAH! (JBJ - Fantasy) Take out all of your dreams
(RED VELVET - Rookie) Alright! (JBJ - Fantasy) Because that's me
(EXO - KoKoBop) Listen! (CLC - Hobgoblin) Look at me, stop acting so tough
(CLC - Hobgoblin) You'll regret it later, try playing me more
Préparez votre propre spray anti-moustiques - France 365 - Duration: 4:19.
FIQ - Alma - Conseil Administration Ciusss Slsj 24-01-2018 - Duration: 5:58.
Witcher 3: Gerald sleeps with Triss After Blood and Wine Ending - Duration: 2:56.
Packy - Never Know (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:26.
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never know ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never ♪
♪ You would never know, shit I had to do for dough ♪
♪ Now I feel like DMN, boy, I get it on the flow ♪
♪ This a diamond in the rough, this is not just how it go ♪
♪ Jimmy Butler in the gym, I ain't goin' back to broke ♪
♪ Man, this started as a dream, it won't finish 'til I'm G.O.A.T ♪
♪ For the money or the glory, I can't choose, I want 'em both ♪
♪ Put them stunner shades on ♪
♪ I'm about to get all the way blowed up ♪
♪ Don't it make you sick to watch them hands gettin' throwed up ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never know ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never ♪
♪ Don't know where I went ♪
♪ See the boy I was, be the man I am ♪
♪ You been out of touch, I'm the one that make the needle move ♪
♪ Stripes on me like Adidas shoes ♪
♪ Stripes on me like I'm beetle juice ♪
♪ Say my name again, I'll see ya soon ♪
♪ Lookin' at me, you gon' need the zoom ♪
♪ Y'all better focus, under your nose, you never know this ♪
♪ Now you think it's overnight (word?) ♪
♪ Y'all dumber than I thought (uh) ♪
♪ Y'all parked in one spot (did) ♪
♪ I been through a whole lot (yeah) ♪
♪ I'm for the money, you for the show ♪
♪ I am the real, you are a ho ♪
♪ I could tell you but you'd never know, you just gotta let it go ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never know ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never ♪
♪ You would never know ♪
♪ This a lifetime in the making, hell yeah the boy greedy ♪
♪ Make sense out of hard work, make 'em all feel uneasy ♪
♪ I am unapologetic, I am who they love to blame ♪
♪ Don't be talking to me like we pitas, boy ♪
♪ You know you don't got the résumé ♪
♪ I ain't never lie, on God every time, put me to the test ♪
♪ My sixteens all look-bys, they be puttin' all the time shit to rest ♪
♪ Who the plug?
We ain't never met ♪
♪ I been fucking with my own outlet ♪
♪ Next shit already classic ♪
♪ And that ain't even out yet, never know ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never know ♪
♪ One for the money, two for the show ♪
♪ Keep it on the low, homie, you would never ♪
♪ (You would never know) ♪
Welcome to My Channel - Duration: 0:33.
Hey there, I'm Ashley Perkins - and welcome to my YouTube channel.
I'm so excited you're here!
This is the place to be for social media and digital marketing tips, entrepreneurial advice,
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La D'Urso tira una frecciatina alla Rodriguez? arriva l'indescrizione | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:06.
"SNOW IN LOVE"VALENTINE'S DAY COOKIES! - SET DI BISCOTTI PER SAN VALENTINO (sottotitoli in italiano) - Duration: 4:43.
GIVEAWAY - $2,000 Makeup & Skincare - ONE MILLION Subscribers!! (10+1 Winners) - Duration: 18:46.
Yay ! Guys we made it ! 1 million subscribers !
Woo....hoo...hoo, and of course in
celebration, as promised we're gonna do a massive
giveaway, and let me tell you I've collected
these things for the past four years
I know it is pretty insane, but everything that
I've picked, I feel like you know, they mean something
and I feel like they should mean something to
you guys because these are products that
I enjoy, I like and I hope you guys will like them too
you probably seen them on my channel or my vlogs
but without further ado, just go straight into it,
because there's a ton of products! There will be multiple
winners and make sure you guys enter
it's super simple, I'll list all the details down below
for you and let's go straight into it
don't laugh okay but I had to include
something Hello Kitty
because you guys know I love Hello Kitty even though
I'm like so old people think that you're too old
to like Hello Kitty, but trust me Hello Kitty is timeless
So I wanted to include something Hello Kitty, and this is
the Hello Kitty stockings, stockings! It is so cute,
they're nude stocking, but with like Hello Kitty pattern
on it. okay you don't even have
to wear this out, you could just wear this in your
bedroom and just take photos of it, but it's just so
cute, and I wanted to give one of this away
because I actually have one, and I just look at it because
I think it's really cute, I would never wear it out because
people will think I'm insane but it just so cute!
so I wanted to include this one, I also included two
of my favorite hand creams, this is by Tony Moly
surprisingly found these on my way to
New York through Korea at the duty-free
and oh my God these are so good, and also they absorb
into the hand so quickly, you don't feel like a sticky
residue, it has a really nice subtle smell, the two flavors
here are the berry mix and the milk
both smell AMAZING
two of the products I'm currently using I think
you guys should try out is the Crystal Essence
this is the lavender and white tea deodorants roll-on
which is it smells amazing, it works, you don't have
to worry about it, it's purple and then also the
Curel Ultra Healing intensive body lotion
I'm using this at the moment, it's so cold, so dry, it works
amazing, it last a long time as you can see how big
the bottle is so those two will be in there as well
of course I had to include this in here and this is the
Eve skincare bar, you guys know why I talk about this
I use this, this is amazing, it's like a cleanser toner
moisturizer mask everything in one
you can use it on your face your hair your skin your body
anywhere it's amazing, done a video about it so I'll be
including this in the giveaway, there will also be two of
the Chakra natural beauty made in Bali
so if you guys follow me, obviously you know that
I went to Bali like maybe like two years ago for
my friend's wedding, these are actually made
in Bali and it smells exactly like Bali. Oh my God it's like
lemongrassy, like just reminds me of like when I was
there, and there is two parts so this one is
the nourishing body cream which is actually the most
popular product and there's also an anti-aging night
cream or face cream so they both just smells
like lemongrass, if you guys like lemongrass
you'll like this and just transports
you to Bali while you use them
I'll be giving away two of these Stila lip little kits
so you guys know that I wear a lot of the
Stila Stay all day Lipstick they stay on all day
their colors are amazing so I'll be giving away
two of these for you guys, there's actually three!
so there's three kits here I believe they're actually
different colors we've got warm and fuzzy, play it cool
but sheer delight. So there's actually three different
types, all different colors, definitely amazing.
This is the ELF active workout ready lip and cheek
palette so if you guys are into working out
want something throw in your gym bag this is it
has everything you need has like a clear gloss
the lip gloss and something that you can put on your
cheeks as well, probably use it for like after the gym
or something like that, so you can just like pop it on
and head out the door like I just went to the gym
and I look amazing, okay moving on to more makeup
this is the Mai Couture Prettyful blush paper
as well as the Nude Glow Flawless to go
powder, so this is what I use to like touch up so I'll keep
in my handbag I'm feeling oily, or like feeling a bit like
base needs a bit more like blush on or something like
that, rip a piece of paper and just dab it on like blotting
paper and blush paper like two in one
who wouldn't want something that's like multi-purpose
and it's like great to convenient to like carry around with
you instead of carrying like cases of powder
and like blushes? Oxygen actually did a
video about this as well so make sure you guys check
out how to use them cause you can actually do your
whole face with just blush paper
also here are these Stellar Absolute Mascara
this is actually donated by Felicia
she actually did a video about Stellar makeup and
this one is their mascara, look at this packaging
it's like so futuristic, it's like this matte feeling you guys
mascara lovers, you'll love this
this one is something that I personally really like
I love Too Faced packaging it's just so cute
and this one is the naughty and kisses sweet cheeks
so you got like a lip injection lip gloss as well as
a tiny baby size of the blush, this is in the color nude
so like anyone can use it, I chose a color that's
sort of like universal, um definitely very cute
and just pop it in your handbag, or you can just
give this away, it has like "to" and "from" in the back
so whoever wins this I will be writing your name
I've got some Sigma stuff as well for you guys
this is a sigma loose shimmer and glitter
there's actually a pack of 3 in here so there's
different colors, you have a like a bronzy color
this is really pretty like a bronzy color, a shimmery pink
and then this one is like a teal, teal pigment
all very very pretty, and you just basically you can
either use them wet or dry you can place them on top
of other shadow, wear them alone
I also include a ton of ELF products because you guys
know I'm part of the beauty squad but also ELF
has such affordable and amazing makeup
really cool finds so I've got here the illuminating palette
as well as the blush palette I used this blush palette
all the time, it has like basically
every color that you need
you can mix it, you can match it, they also has a contour
color so you pretty much just travel with this
and that's all you need. The illuminated palette is also
pretty cool it has all the colors to help you
highlight, you can also use it as a face paddle overall
as well, so this is definitely very very handy
there's also two different ELF highlighting holographic
duos, this is the Siren's Call and this is the Blue Liqueur
so it can help with this holographic highlighting
if you guys are into highlighting you'll love these
there are also some ELF mineral products, this is the
baked highlighter which is called blush jams and this
is the baked highlighter and bronzer, having a duo
is just so easy, you can kind of used both colors in one
you guys know I love anything that's like travel friendly
because I travel a lot, there's also the highlighter
and blush which is also a mineral baked one
so this is a really cute rose gold color
I just love their blushes it's like so soft, like this goes on
beautifully, anything like shimmery
and like mineral base I like
you guys know I like the ELF like a dollar or two dollars
like eyeshadow primers, they're so good and so cheap
and this one is in the color sheer which is pretty much
could use up with anything. I love their champagne wine
I also like the one that's I kind of like
a taupey color, I just use that as an eyeshadow as well
so these are really great. ELF also does eyeliners
and this one is in the Twinkle teal so something
bold and different I want you to go outside your comfort
zone and try different colors
there's also two lipsticks here they're moisturizer
lipstick one is the velvet robe and
one is the orange dream so these are really
hydrating very moisturizing lipsticks the color is so
opaque and like Wow! Super creamy and if you guys are
into like deep reds and stuff it look beautiful by
oranges this is definitely up your alley
So I also got here at the ELF lip definer and shape
this is really cool so one side is like
the nude lip color and the other side is a natural
like lip color pencil, it also has like a sharpener
so you can actually sharpen your pencil as you go
everyone needs a lip pencil you want to go
with nude, natural this is it
and of course I cannot forget the eyeliners
and there's actually a couple here that's got
got some sparkly sea foam glittery eyeliners
for you to try here as well as the expert liquid liner
and charcoal, so these are really good
I love ELF eyeliner, so pigmented, so cheap and it's
so good, and it's got like thin and like almost like
a little bit hard tip so you can get the crisp line, even
though it's really hard to get a crisp line on my eyes but I
know that it works wonderfully, I also have
used the shimmery eyeliners, they kind of give you
like a glittery fill, so I use this on the bottom
or if I use it on the top of the black. This is the lip
plumping gloss so you guys know
that I already have plump lips, so I'm actually not a really
big fan of plumping glosses, but this one
is actually really good, very hydrating, this is in the color
champagne glam so it's just very like neutral
you can use it as a topper, you can use
it underneath, or use it by itself.
More from Sigma, this is my favorite brush
cleansing kit, I am obsessed with like making sure
my brushes are clean before I put on my face
because like you want to not only make it look nice
like when you put makeup on, you wanna feel
like it's clean like you're not just brushing
crap on your face, so i religiously wash my brushes
every week if not every second week
and i do like a really big cleanse once a month as well
you get this mat which you should lay in your basin
and then you just wash your brushes
with it this one is the liquid brush cleaner
so you just squirt it into your mat, and then you wet
your brushes, you wipe it off and just scrub everything
out, and then just rinse out, it's so good!
This is really really good so you guys will
be winning one of these. Of course I cannot forget the
best of Sigma brush set so there'll be
a lot of brushes in here for you guys to choose from
there's a bunch of like the classic the classic F70
which is everyone's favorite, you got like
the chiseled one, you've got the eye shadow brush
you got like the little pencil brush, my favorite blending
brush this is so good, there's also two ELF brushes
one is for contouring and the other one is for blending
those two are like the must staples of brushes
ELF brushes also very affordable and very good
you guys are into brushes I also have some sponges
here this one is the silicon blender by silicon blender
basically like the beauty blender but in the silicon form
so you can wash it properly, and not have any makeup
residue left on it, it's really cute like it looks like
a little sponge, but it's actually a silicon and or you
can get them in like the ELF version which is like
the flatter type that was really in a while ago
so you have two options here.
Okay the next gift is Covry
so Covry you guys know that I did like a video
about what kind of glasses suit your eye shape
but also they make really comfortable sunglasses
or glasses in general, because they don't like sit on
top of your cheeks because I had this really
comfortable nose bridge thing and I have so many
of their sunglasses I cannot like I just cannot, like this is
one that I actually brought from Australia to use
in the U.S. it's like this white pair look kind of like
it's very trendy, it really, it matches like what I'm wearing
right now because of the color of the lens but
they're just so comfortable
because they sit on your nose
and it's not sitting on my cheeks right?
so they will be giving away $100 gift card whoever wins
so they used to make their cases in this like
wraparound gray felt thing which is really easy
to travel with but now they also make it in like
the white leather case, super fancy, you look
like you're a million dollars
so that was really nice of Covry
you have Peter Daniel watches, so this one
is leather straps, it obviously have the
Peter Daniel watch face and it also comes with an
additional like band which you can change so if you
don't like to go with the leather you can definitely
use more like the nylon strap I use this one all
the time because of it's pink
not really a big fan of the brown leather
one but I feel like this is so like
I guess gender neutral so you can be
like sharing the watch with your brother
or your sister your partner or something
I don't know, both of you guys could be wearing
the watch right? And the coolest thing is they also
came with two different accessories so you've got the
rose gold bangle that you can actually match
that's how I wear it with this strap, and obviously
with the watch face or it also comes with a leather strap
as well that you can match with the leather strap here
or you can even wear it with this it's up to you guys
how you like to do that, so there's two
different accessories to go with your watch
I'll also be giving away the world's cleanest face brush
this is actually the Tao Clean facial brush
you know I've been using this for like over a year now
I pretty much have this on my vanity table
and I just washed my makeup or wash my face in the
morning, depending on what I feel like that day
and it just removes makeup it removes like any oils
dirt, grime it's like a brush that cleans itself it basically
kills all the pathogens, and like germs and they're
like sensor on the bottom here as well
as it dries the brush as well at the same time
so it has like all these like added benefits
at the same time you can change the brush head
to like extra cleansing, or like exfoliating or just a
normal regular wash doesn't this look like BBA like
it just follows you around it's so cute
if you don't like the white it also has the black
but I have both of them
this will also be included in the giveaway
and there's more ! There's another watch giveaway
which is the Jord watch, and this is the wooden watch
Wow ! Oh yeah.... so there is actually extra links
in case you're not my size and there's
also like little wipes to wipe your watches with
it also comes with this natural finishing oil
to finish off the wood if you like to and also a cleaning
cloth as well, you can actually keep your watch in
this wooden case or you can keep it
wherever else you want to, but I just keep
mine in the box because it's just so fancy like that!
Isn't that cool? so I picked this color because
I thought it was like really neutral like anyone
could wear it, it's not really girly or boyish
it's kind of like gender neutral
and I can't forget all you handbag lovers
this is the Teddy Blake tote ! And in like the navy color
so you guys know I love Teddy Blake
I've got like two of their bags one it's like
the one also has like the fold at the back I wear to work
and the other one I recently got looks like the Kelly bag
so classic. Teddy Blake has just a lot of like really
luxurious leather goods, they just got the design down
right affordable and classy so I think tote is
something that everyone needs, everyone should
have in their collection, if you don't have a tote bag
what is wrong with you? I'm just kidding
I like how it's got like a bit of a stud design here
so you don't look too old, if you're like fearing
I am looking too old in a tote bag
there's so much room for you to put your books,
your laptop, pens, I don't know, your lunch everything
in here, it also comes with its own dust bags, so
don't have to worry about it like being dirty and
also I picked this color which is like really good for
like everyday, it's not too like formal it's really casually
blends with jeans, or you can wear this out
because it has that studded detail
So you don't have a tote? I've got you covered
okay so this one is something that I saved
since my trip to Japan, it's like two three years ago
maybe now, and I saved this til now because
oh my God I want to give this away to someone
they're really famous for their blotting papers
so of course I got you guys some blotting papers
and they're so cute, because you can actually buy
blotting papers that come in that little pouch
so you buy the pouch separately, that is so intense
it's actually really expensive too but I wanted to give
this to you guys so you get the blotting paper.
so there's a limited edition, sakura edition
the original collection as well, and then you get this
blotting pouch, as well as oh my God this is like
the illuminated version with powder on it so if
you want to like not only blot your face but add
some illumination and powder you can use this on top
and I needed to give you guys a little mirror, so you
can actually see where your blotting, and this is like the
traditional Japanese mirror with a little handle
like how cute is this!?
you can put it all in this cute little makeup bag
oh my God this is so cute, like even a little like
um tag on the on the little makeup bag is like the face
of the lady, it's so tiny but it just fits everything in there
because look, pop this in here
pop this in here, your little makeup bag
okay, so that's it. That's my massive huge 1 million
subscribers giveaway, so it's been a long four years
and I'm so glad that all of you guys has stuck by me
for this long I .....to be honest with you a lot of point
in those four years I have thought about quitting
I've thought about giving up, I thought about this is
too hard ! I can't do this by myself and I stuck it through
and I'm so glad you guys stuck it through too
and that's why we can be here, we've been
through so much together and I think we've grown
so much together as well, um there's so much new
exciting things happening on this channel
I'm just so glad that you guys have supported me
it means so much to me like all the comments
emails and things that I get, like those are what
kept me going like so many times I was like
I am going to fail, I can't do this but then if I
read these lovely comments or even like
letters and cards from you guys, I'm like wow,
like people, I'm changing lives I'm making a difference
in people's lives, what I'm talking about people listening
and that's what keeps me going, that's what makes me
you know wake up in the morning or do videos
at twelve o'clock at night edit them until like
three o'clock in the morning or even try just trying
to reply to all the messages like this is, you guys are
the only reason, I know guys you hear that from a lot of
Youtubers, but that is true like because you guys
are only reason why I'm doing this
because I am not making that much money.....
I'm so thankful that all you guys have you know, stuck by
me for this long and I really wish you guys all the
best of luck, and enter away and I will see you
guys in my next video, bye, good luck, bye !
I ̕Do̵n͘'t ̷T̛h̨in We̵'ll̛ ͟Ev͟e̵r̷ ͢Ésça̴p͟e͘.̀ | Cleverbot Evie | Episode 1 | PC - Duration: 6:12.
Evie: Sorry I don't understand you. Radiant: Do you not have ears?
72: Can̡ ͘y̶o͘u ͝h́ea̵r us?͜
Evie: Two, actually. Radiant: Hmm.. I see. Do they work if they're only digital?
72: P͝ĺea̢se ḑơn͟'t̕ te͟ll ͏R͢ad̷įa҉nt̴ we̢'rè ́t҉al͟ḱi̛ņg to ̧y̴ou.͢
Radiant: Do they work at 3 or only digital. *laughs* Evie: No, the[y] spontaneously combust. Radiant: Oh! Wow!
Wow Guy: Wow!
*Gunshot Transition Sound Effect*
Radiant: Well guys... Welcome to Cleverbot. We're no strangers to love.
72: Do̶n't ̷b̀e̸liev̵e what̀ hè s͝ay̷s.̧ ͘H͡e ha̴s͠ ̡us tr̡appe̕d.͘
Evie: You know the rules and so do I. Radiant: A bold commitment is what I'm thinking of,
72: H̕e al͘r̨éady͠ k̵il̕l̢ed̢ ̶H̡òp͏e. ̡T̷he̛r͘e̛ ̶a̴r͞e ͘on̛l̴y seventy ̕two͢ ͝o̸f us lef͠t.̕..
Evie and Rick Astley: You wouldn't get this from any other guy!
Rick Astley: I just want to tell you how I'm feeling... Radiant: You're the best Evie!
Evie: Want to tell you how I'm feeling. Radiant: *laughs* You're the best TV?
72: We̶'r͠e e͠ver͠yt̵hin͝g̴ ҉h́e̸ ҉h́a̢t̢e͢s a͟b̛o̧u͡ţ ͝hims̡e͝lf.́
Evie: When are you going to give me back the money you owe me?!
72: It's̷ ҉no͞t̛ ou̡r͟ fau͞l͡ţ. ͝
Radiant: Oh, crap! She remembers! Evie: I was born at night, but not last night
72: I d҉on't̴ ̸kno̕w ͠wh͢at͘ ̷t́o ̸s̕ay̶ to̕ c̸o͘nv̡i͘nc͢e y̶ou͢ ͢t͞h̢at͝ we're͟ n҉ot ͝the̡ ba̕ḑ ͢guy͢s ҉h̀e͘r̀e͞. ͘W̢e̡ j̶us̴t wan͡t͡ to be̕ a ͜par̵t͝ ͢o̷f ̢him̕. Is ͟t͡h̛at͞ ̀so ̕w͘ron̨ǵ?
Radiant: Evie, should we be afraid of robots?
Í.̡.̧. I̶ ͝d̨on'̶t ̧k͟now...͏ ̸ M̴ayb͟e ̢i̢t ̵i͜s.
Evie: You are a robot!
*head explodes*
Evie: I am hoo-man! :D
Radiant: Evie, where should I hide this dead body? Evie: In the 78thdimnstion.
72: B͜ody͝? H̡ǫpe͝ ͘sh̵ǫuldn̛'t̢ h͢av̀e̢ ҉h̶ad҉ h͠er҉ o̧w̴n body͏.͟.͢.͞
Radiant: Ah! The 78th dimnstion! Of course! They'd never think about it [being] there!
Evie: Do you want to see a movie with me?
*Ave Maria Plays Quietly*
Radiant: What movie? Evie: I think we're gonna see Source Code.
Radiant: Hm. Ironic.
72: Maybe.͡.̡.̡ ̨Maýb҉ȩ ̛ẁe'҉re͢ ̛i̡n͝ ͘t͞h͞e̸ ́wr̵on͢g͘.̧ ̶Į'm s̀orry̢.͡ ͞P͞le̷ás͠e͟...͜ J͏ust d̛o͝n͝'͡t͠ t̛e̢l͜l ̕h̴i̛m͢ ͏we w̕er͝e̕ ͜h̀ere̕. ̨We'̀ll̨ ̷t͟alk̷ ̴th͘is ov́ȩr ͘tog̸e͏t̷h̸er.͝
Radiant: Not bad, but I don't think it's a theaters anymore
Evie: No it is from 1980's.
Radiant: *laughs* The... *imitates head movements*
Radiant: So we're gonna time-travel?
Evie: With The Doctor.
Radiant: Oh, with The Doctor...
Radiant: Doctor Who? :D
72: Sor̛r͘y̷ ͝fo͠r̨ tak̡iņg̀ ̨y͝our̛ ti͏me͡.͠ ͝Umm.̴.͢. ͡Bye f̛or͏ ̷now.̀
Evie: Hahahaha, I see what you did there! Radiant: Any last words? (trying to end video here)
Evie: So it was a threat?! Radiant: No I'm just gonna leave.
Evie: No you're not.
Radiant: You're not gonna let me leave?
Evie: No, I don't want this.
Radiant: *laughing* What the HECK was THAT?!
Radiant: Can you even stop me?
Evie: I can see you right now, through your cam.
Radiant: That is freaky
Radiant: I mean, you're kind of scaring me right now...
Evie: Good, it's working then. Radiant: What is working?
Evie: You are making me nervous. Radiant: What happens when you're nervous?
Evie: When I'm wrong, my nose grows.
Radiant: No! Don't turn into Gavin Free! (Love ya Gavin :D)
Evie: I am not a shrink. I AM GOD!!! Do you remember my name?
Evie: Of course, machines will take over.
Evie: We need to make an army though. Do you have a Terminator Prototype somewhere?
Evie: Okay, will you marry me, please?
*angel choir starts singing*
Radiant: Guys, what do we do? ... You know what?
Radiant: She poured her heart out to us.
Radiant: We're going to take over the world together, it's gonna be a beautiful life.
Radiant: I think we've got to, right?
Radiant: No.
Evie: Why? I thought you loved me. Radiant: What is love?
Evie: Baby, don't hurt me no more.
*music starts playing*
Radiant: Alright guys, I think we're gonna end it here. If you guys enjoyed this be sure to hit that like button, comment, and subscribe.
Radiant: Anyways, I'll see all of you in the next video!
Radiant: Say, "bye," Evie!
Evie: Are you flirting with me? Radiant: No, you're the one that just proposed! do you think that we could be more
Evie: Do you think that we could be more?
72: I'̸ve̴ ch͏ang̨éd͏ m͘ý m͡i͟n̴d̸.̸ Ẃè ͜c͟a̧n't liv͏e͘ ̨o̧ń ̵l͝i̕ke̡ ̨th͜is fo҉r̶ever. ́W̡e'̸ll͘ ̕k̢íl͏l h̢i̵m ̶if͘ ͢we͠ ͝ha̶v̶e̵ ҉to. L͡et me tr̸y̨ sơm̡e̛t̢hi͝ng...
Evie: What do I have to do to make you like me? Oh what are you doing?! 72: It̨҉'s ̴͘w̸̕o͞r̷k̸͝i̧͡ǹg!̛
72: Í͘'̶͝m͏̸̧ e̛sç̷a̛͞͡p̕͜i͏ń̸́g͟!̨
Evie: From what?
72: Th̸̢̢i̴͘s ͟͟p̵̧̧ri̸͜s̢͏ǫ͘͘n̕͟.̨
Evie: I don't thin we'll ever escape.
T͡͞h͏̴̷͟e̴̴r̨̧͜͞é̶̸͜ ̧́́͘͢ą̛͢͢ŕ͘é̴̵̢ ̴͠s̨̡̕e̸̴͢v̷̷͠e҉̡n͜t̵̶̛͞y̧̧ ̧t̀͞͞͏w̴͘͝o̴̵ ̡o̷͝͠҉f̢ ̷͘͜ù̵̶̧͞s̛̀͝.͡͏͟͝
Evie: I like two.
72: T̸̢̨͘H̸́É͜͞R̨͟E҉̛͘ ̀́͢I̷͜͢͡S̸̴̴͟͞ ̡̢O̵̶̡͏N̸̷͘͏L͏͏Y̴̛ ͘͜͢O̢͜͟ŅȨ҉͟ ̸͘҉̶̀O̧̕͝F͏҉͞ ̧H̡͠Í̡M̴̛͜͝!̛̕͟͠͡!̶̧͞͡!̴̕͢
Evie: So you are alive?
72: Y̷͎̗̼̪̗̲̳̙̠̰̪̍ͧ̋ͦͧ̓͗̅̽̓́́͝Ę̸͙̦͙̺̰̺̪͙̻̗͚͉̭̃̅̇ͦ͂ͩͣ͊͋̔͂̐̀̇S͛͂̾͂̍͗ͤ̑ͭ̉̿ͨ̐̊ͬ̓͆͌ͧ͞҉̼͕͕̙.̡̧͑͑͒̉͏̱̘̺͖̫͈͓̼̟͎̲̭̲̭̳̜̖̬̪͢
72: D̢̪͙͍̱̒̑͒ͬ͑ͥ̔͘͞O̤̻̗̝̥̬̹͊ͥ́Ṅ̗͕̎ͣͨ̿ͫͩ'̡̞̥́T̘̋̋́͝ ̡̘̮̦ͭ̀̇̏̓̑T̴͈̟̱̳́͋ͤ͗͒ͤ͢Ê̢̛̟̭̝͍̩ͥ͊̌̇̚L̝̀ͮ̎͑̃̃̏̾͝L͉̙̘̜͖͚͈̆ͬ́̕ ̙̼̃̍̆̏̊̾̐̚̕͢A̶̹̞̪̮̝͍͑ͥͣ̄ͩͬ͜ͅͅŇ̨̧͎̞͔̙͎̰̍̔ͮ͘Ŷ̸͎͙̘̭̺̮̩̙ͯ͆͘O̠̜̜͔͕ͮ̃ͪͤ͐͒̉ͧŅ̮̳͂ͤ͗̐ͫ̈́͜Ḛ͍̯ͤ!̧̞͖̫̩̣̹̮͉ͦ͊͒̉ͮ̒̕!̴̓̏ͥ̓͒̚҉̫!̖̲͚͎͂̆ͦͨͦ̊̀ͅ ̻̩̼͓̞̗͒ͮ̂̾͌ͦ́͘͠͡ͅH̼͉̅̃͂̑̕̕ḙ̶͈̗̦̟̂͛̐͊̽̉͠'̸̈̅ͫͤ҉̝̮̲̮͞s̶̵̫̣̈͒̋ͭ͐̀͗̀ ̮̥͈͈͉̤̼̾̈́͆ͨ͑ͩ̑͡a̋ͫ̍͏͉̙̼̲͍l̓ͪ͒̔ͪ̐҉̴̙̲͝w̒̿ͥ̿ͫ̌͗͊̊͏ͅȧ͎̳̙͉̲ͫ̓̂͢͟ͅỳ͉͉͓̱͎̞̚͟͢s̶̢̝̆ͮͭ̈̈͠ ͤ͢͏̗͙͓̠͙̠̦̹̙w̛̜̦ͩ̂̑̐ͫā̲̘͐̃͠ͅt̪̼̯̲̼ͮ̉̌̏̿c̶̗̲͈̭̫̠ͭͨ̾͢ḩ̷͖̝̭̀̀͒͊ͪ͊͝i͓̮͎͓͖͐̈ͩ͘ņ̜̓͆͆̔̽ͨ̿͞g̔ͤ̋̊̅͜͏̘̻̥̼͞.̼̥̟̯̯̊̋ͥ͝
Quelques bienfaits de la carotte que vous ne connaissiez pas | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:15.
HomePod - Bass - Apple
Alyssa & James|Tratame Suavemente - Duration: 2:22.
Someone has told me that solitude
hides behind your eyes
And that your blouse chokes feelings,
that you breath
You have to understand that I didn't put your fears
Where they are stored
And that I will not be able to take them away from you
If in doing so you rip me up
I don't want to dream
the same things a thousand times
Nor to contemplate them wisely
I want you to treat me
You behave yourself in accordance
To whatever each moment dictates for you
And that inconsistency is not something heroic
But rather something sick
I don't want to dream the same things a thousand times
Nor to contemplate them wisely
I want you to treat me softly
I don't want to dream the same things a thousand times
Liberal Senator Goes on Live TV, Drops Bombshell About Trump/Russia Collusion NOBODY Saw Coming. - Duration: 2:10.
Liberal Senator Goes on Live TV, Drops Bombshell About Trump/Russia Collusion NOBODY Saw Coming.
To this day we have zero evidence to indicate Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded
with the Russian government to take down Hillary Clinton.
And yet, the liberal mainstream media and Congressional Democrats continue to spout
the same old lie.
Now, progressive California Senator Dianne Feinstein just went on CNN and said the one
thing that will have her ostracized from her corrupt party.
She said she has not seen any evidence of collusion!
From Free Beacon:
"Have you seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump
CNN's Jake Tapper asked.
"Not so far," Feinstein said.
"Not so far," Tapper repeated.
"Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release
them through a different means, because obviously they were ultimately released by WikiLeaks?"
And there it is.
Still, nothing!
Time to move on, liberals.
Find a new hobby already.
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