I'm thirsty because I'm talking too much
What is up guys I got tagged in a what kind of tag is this or I should know it's a YouTube beauty community tag
Dislikes friendships and advice, and it was by makeup with Mariela if you're new here
My name is Amy
Mancha if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit that subscribe button and then notification bell we're in almost 2000
friends question number one
What are your favorite videos to watch my favorite videos to watch our makeup tutorials mostly because it's just like so
Relaxing to just watch somebody put on their makeup
It's just like I just sent out and watch people create and it also inspires me
and I learn I love to learn and I just learn new techniques new ideas and
Apply them in things that I'm doing. What are my favorite videos to film makeup tutorials. I love just sitting down and creating and
It's just I don't know there's something about being able to
Have an idea and translate it onto your face. That's I don't know it just feels so good
What are your least favorite videos to watch probably vlogs vlogs are
Probably my least favorite because I don't know there's just not my favorite
What is your favorite part part of the beauty community my favorite part is the fact that we're all here for the same purpose we?
All love makeup we all have differing opinions. We all have differing styles, and there's just so much you know just
Different stuff going on all the time, and I just I love
Being a part of it. I love making friends. I love talking about makeup
I love I do mom stuff on my channel, so I love talking to other moms
I just like making new friends
And I like learning those are probably my two favorite things is like learning and then learning about people
What is your least favorite part of the beauty community the least favorite part is not so much the hate from the subscribers
But the cattiness from other youtubers
I have not experienced that but I've seen it between each other what motivated you to start your YouTube channel
I am a professional makeup artist and a professional hair stylist
And I started getting really into YouTube and I was watching people to make these videos
And I enjoy being on camera. I enjoy being the center of attention all the time
And I just I remember watching a Jaclyn hill video and watching her do makeup and I'm like I want to do that
So I did who inspires you the most on YouTube my favorite videos right now
That I watch a lot of are Rob you Christie
I am on a binge with her because I don't know there's just something about her that
I just really like and
The makeup looks that she comes up with are stunning absolutely stunning
And you know I don't know I just I really really like her if you have never seen her channel
I will link it down below
Go to her channel find her Halloween bloopers and skip forward
I believe it's like five minutes in the video where she's dressed as penny wise and she goes on her rant
That was one of the first ones that I watched
Set for life. It is the funniest I must have watched it 40 times
I don't know
Why but?
It's just like one of the funniest things I've ever seen the other person that inspires me right now is naked tutorials. I just
She has hooded eyes
I have hooded eyes
and she can just create that girl can just oh my god some of the looks that she comes up with and I
Have just I've learned a lot from her and I am inspired to step out of my comfort zone and stop doing things that are
pretty and like this
This is beautiful to me somebody may not wear this out
But I will but that doesn't mean that you're not gonna learn something from this particular tutorial
You know what I'm saying the number one thing you would change about the beauty community people being mean to each other
I think it's disgusting that we can hide behind
Keyboards and be like you're the worst, and then I can read it and be like but you don't even know me
I think the cattiness is gross
I think that if you were to say not say something to somebody in person
Or if you are going to tweet something and delete it or comment on a video and then delete it
Then you shouldn't be allowed to say it at all if you're gonna have some if you're gonna say something at least have the balls
To say it to somebody's face
Or have the balls to keep it up and not delete a tweet or whatever so the one thing that I would change is
for some weird
Power - if you don't have the balls to say something to somebody's face
And you can't say it at all
You know it's so funny because people don't realize like if you come on my channel and you on me
Thank you
Because I still get the views and I still get the money
The worst thing that you can do to a youtuber if you don't like their channel is not watch
because then they don't get your view they don't get your subs your subscription and
You know, but if you YouTube is all based on engagements
Which is so funny to me because if I hate you and I want to see you fail
Then why would I engage with you so I mean?
I don't know bring on the haters people love to hate watch it, and I mean that's cool with me
I don't care if you want to hate and you know up my youtube channel
There's a subscribe button down here somewhere so if you hate me right now
Please subscribe and engage on my videos and send me more money because that would be amazing
the number one advice
From other creators and new people starting on a channel don't do this if you want to get paid because you're not gonna
End a story period the people who I see getting paid have been on here for a very long time
They've worked very very hard
You know and and that's the one thing that I did in 2018 was I changed my mindset and I said
I'm gonna do this as a career and my channels been growing. I have grown at October 24th
I was at seventeen hundred and seventy one
Subscribers, and I'm now currently today at nineteen hundred and fifty subscribers
It doesn't seem like a lot, but it is that's a lot of people
you know I
film at 4:00 in the morning when my son is sleeping and I find the time cuz this is what I want to do but
It's because it's a passion, and if this is not a passion of yours
Don't even do it because you're gonna be boring
Nobody's gonna want to watch you you gotta do this because this is something that you want
To do don't do it for the money. What do you love about YouTube as a whole? What do I love I love?
That there are a ton of people who?
Whether they have five subscribers or a million subscribers or whatever the case is there are people who?
Love makeup and there are people who love not even makeup this isn't even about makeup for me
This is about creation, and I just have
brushes that come in the form of makeup brushes
I have a palette that comes in the form of my face, and I have paints that come in the form of sometimes paints, but
eyeshadows and blushes and things like that and I
Love that I can sit here
And I can create some and that somebody else can see it and go I want to create something like that too
And it just starts this chain reaction, and you start a little raindrop, which starts a ripple of just
Creativity and I just think that's so cool
And I think it's so cool to have somewhere where there's a platform and an outlet for it
you know I'm a mom which we all know and I don't get a lot of time to myself and
For me to come in my little room and create something it relaxes me it
Inspires me it energizes me
There's just something magical that happens about being able to create something and put it out there into the world
And I don't know who's gonna see it, and that's okay
But for me to release this out and send my babies on their way is just there is something so
Cool about it. So that's it for me the tag is over. Thank you Mariela for tagging me, and this is what's fun?
I haven't done a tag in a while so I would like to tag some people the first person
I'm going to tag
And I'd really like to send you over to her channel if you get the chance she only has 100 subscribers
But which I think is ridiculous because this girl is so funny her name is Jess chab
I just started subscribing to her on her Channel, and I've been interacting with her back and forth. She's so funny
She's so freaking funny. I even message trying Instagram. I'm like can we be best friends already because you make me laugh
I tagged for the love of makeup which is my girl, Shawna. I love her, too
She I just we've become like friends we talk on snapchat
And you know it's just we've kind of become you built these friendships on YouTube, and it's just I don't know it's really cute
It's really nice, and you just have other people who understand the things that you're going through
There's a girl that I started being friends with when I was on YouTube in the very beginning
And she left for a while because she had a baby and she got married and her name is Jhon and I would like to
Tag you as well because you know you're coming back, and I'm gonna go out on a limb
I'm gonna tag Rob UT Christy and see if she's interested in doing this because I would be interested in hearing her thoughts on
You know what she thinks because she's got a lot of subscribers
She's got a lot, and she's been doing this for a while
So I'd like to hear her likes and dislikes
and advice that she would give to
Us smaller
youtubers and
Another girl that I would really like to tag who has a lot of subscribers and the reason that I would like to tag her
is because
Well first of all it's that girl
Shae XL and
I was introduced to her channel by one of my subscribers
who put me in a list of people that they love to watch so I decided to follow all these people and
I started following that girl, Shae, and I've noticed on Twitter that
It doesn't matter how many people are subscribed to you. She doesn't dismiss
Anybody, and I think there's something so special about that that she gets on Twitter, and she interacts with everybody
I don't know how many times I've gone and I've tweeted at somebody and I'm like hey
I have a general question like I have this issue
What is your favorite primer and I know these people have millions of subscribers
And I know that they don't have the time and I understand that but I don't feel like she never
Doesn't have the time so when I say something and she's like oh my god, and I'm like oh
I have been talking too much. My tongue is dry
I have to go wash my face which I really don't want to because this is
Fantastic if you guys are into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit that subscribe button
And that notification bell if you like this video, please give it a big thumbs up
Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world
So we together can achieve world domination cuz it's slowly happening you guys we are almost 2000
I am in 1950 50 more people subscribe to this channel
And I'm gonna be over 2000 and then I might poop because it's been a long time
I've been on YouTube for like four years now, and I have finally sat down and sat with the mindset
This is gonna be it and it's becoming it. I'm doing it. We're doing it as a whole and it's I don't know
It's very special to me. It's very neat every day. I see like two or three subscribers, and I'm like
New friends anyways you can follow me on all my other social media, which is Facebook Twitter YouTube
Instagram if you need any of that information it is all listed in the
Description box down below all the videos that are all the people that I asked to do this tag will also be listed down below
And I hope you guys just have a really nice day. I got a go. I'll see you next time
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