Saturday, January 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2018

- Hey, I am here with the amazing Coach Jennie.

I can't wait for you to meet her

and this person she calls Hilda

and how she sabotages you and messes with you

and keeps you from reaching your goals.

You're gonna learn all about Jennie and Hilda

and how to stop this chick from messing with you

so you can reach your goals, whether they be health,

fitness, business, whatever it might be,

I think this applies to all areas of life

so I'm super excited, thank you Jennie for being here.

- Thank you for inviting me.

- This is going to be so fun.

Alright so take a moment, if you would,

and introduce us to yourself first.

- Sure, absolutely.

I am Jennie Mustafa-Julock

but everybody just calls me Coach Jennie

and I'm a life and biz coach

out of Los Angeles, California.

And I'm the author of the book on "Hilda"

that we're going to be talking about today.

I help people who are entrepreneurs,

they're doing everything right-ish

but for some reason they're just not reaching

the brass ring because they can't seem to get

out of their own way.

So what I do is I give them all the tools and techniques

and cathartic shoves I can think of to help them

get out of their own way.

- Excellent, so now tell us a little bit about

how you do that and this voice in our head

who you call Hilda.

- Yeah. - Fill us in on her

and how she came about

and how she messes with us.

- Absolutely, so Hilda is the name that I gave

to the inner critic.

I'm not the first one to talk about the inner critic

but I'm certainly the first one to humanize this broad.

Um, usually the inner critic is called gremlin

or lizard brain or some furry monster, I don't know

why it became cutesy, but to me it's a voice in my head

that has been collecting messages and nasty sayings

and guilt for my entire life and because this voice

in my head was saying all of these negative things,

it's coming from a human.

So I gave it a human name to humanize it

and to distance it from me.

So Hilda is who I attribute all of that nasty noise to

instead of me, it's not my inner voice, it's Hilda.

And apologies to anybody named Hilda,

you can call yours Jenny then we're even.

But you get to name your Hilda whatever you want.

And about half of the people I work with

stick with Hilda and the other half give other names.

So who Hilda is, is this silly cartoon character

who lives in your brain who says stuff like,

you suck, you can't, you don't have it in you,

like you're not worthy of this, who do you think you are,

you shouldn't do that, you're gonna embarrass yourself,

or she convinces you that you don't know enough yet,

that you aren't enough yet, you're not smart enough,

you're not qualified enough, you don't have the right

credentials, or she she convinces you that you don't

really want this and she distracts you with shiny objects

and gets you to procrastinate or makes you think

it's not perfect yet.

All of those different things that we all think.

I have found that a lot of us think

we're the only ones that think that.


I'm the only one with all this noise in my head.

- Yeah.

- There's something wrong with me.

And I'm here to tell you there's nothing wrong with you.

That's just Hilda.

- Love it, love it, love it.

Learning about Hilda and using your language

is just, it's life changing.

It's yeah, it's like that's not me, that's not coming

from me, that's her.

And you can separate the negative thoughts from you.

- Yeah.

- It's a whole new way of thinking about it, I love it.

- Yeah, it's 50 percent, I say 50 percent

of the transformation of learning about Hilda

and getting out of your own way

is simply raising your awareness that this is not true.

Because Hilda fills your head with what I call BS beliefs,

lies, alternative facts, right?

And that's what she's doing.

She's telling you things that she says so repeatedly

that eventually a thought that's repeated is a belief.

So you buy into her lies and since it's in your brain

and nobody's told you it's some chick named Hilda

you assume it's true.

Why would you lie to yourself, right?

Why would you do that?

So yeah, 50 percent of the transformation

is just recognizing no, wait.

That's not my thought, that's her thought.

And now that we've attributed it to Hilda

we can have that objectivity to do something about it.

- Awesome.

So huge because sabotage is like, the biggest problem

we all have right?

We all sabotage ourselves in some way, somehow,

in some area of our life.

I see it all the time in fitness.

You have four specific BS beliefs?

I don't know if you want to get into those

but one of them deals with procrastination right?

It's gonna be too hard, I don't wanna,

I don't feel like it,

like that happens in my world everyday.

- A hundred percent, I think I don't wanna

is the patron saint of fitness sabotage.

I always say you know, she convinces you,

she's kind of like this enabler you know.

Oh well, you ate a good breakfast so go ahead

and have a doughnut before lunch.


Or you know, you worked out last week

so let's watch Netflix together.

You know, I don't wanna Hilda will use anything she has

to convince you that you don't actually want to do this.

What I've learned from being a penguin, Jen,

is that it's about like, standing up on the mat

and taking the first breath and then raising your hands

the first time.

Once you start it's not hard.

It's not hard to keep going.

But I don't wanna Hilda is on a mission

to keep you comfortable.

And it's much more comfortable to stay on the couch

then to stand up and get on the mat

and start your exercise.

Even if it's a five minute stretch break.

- Yeah right.

Getting started is the hardest part.

It's, I call it my five minute rule.

On the days I don't feel like it and I don't wanna,

like five minutes, let me just go do five minutes.

- Yeah.

- Because five minute are the hardest.

Once you're in it, it's not that hard.

- Right and beating Hilda is just to decide

I don't feel like it isn't a good enough excuse.

Right, because I don't feel like it,

I know, it stings right? - It hurts, right?

- We have a habit and that's all it is, it's a habit,

it's not a disease that you have.

It's just a bad habit saying,

well I didn't feel it today.

But this comes up in fitness, it comes up in health.

I didn't feel like eating kale today.

It comes up in creativity, I didn't feel inspired today

to write, you know, or it comes up in so many ways

where we're relying on feeling motivated

as a strategy, which is a really bad idea.

It's a bad strategy to rely on feeling like something.

But relying on you know what?

Whether I feel like it or not, I'm going to get

five minutes in, at least five minutes.

Now imagine Jen every time you do that

first five minutes, you feel like doing 10 or 20.

- Yeah, I rarely ever stop at five minutes.

But I know that I have permission to stop

at five minutes, if I'm really honestly truly

not feeling it, exhausted, tired, getting sick, whatever.

- Sure.

- Um but yeah, 99 percent of the time,

once you get five minutes in, you might as well keep going.

Another five minutes and another five and might as well

go to a half an hour.

- Right. - And momentum.

- What we're teaching here is that I don't wanna Hilda

is trying to convince you that you don't want to right now.

And maybe you don't actually want to right now

but you do want to in the big picture, right?

You've set a goal for yourself.

You said, you know what, I want to get more flexible

or I want to just feel stronger or I want my thighs

to fit into this size jeans or whatever your goals are,

those are things you actually want.

They're not shoulds, they're things you actually want.

That doesn't mean you're going to want to make

an effort this afternoon at two o'clock.

And that's where Hilda's gonna be like,

that's where I can sabotage you.

And if I can get you before you do something about it,

you're gonna stay sabotaged and we can hang out

on the couch and eat Bon-Bons together.

That's Hilda's M.O.

I've never had a Bon-Bon but I always say

that Hilda and I are going to have Bon-Bons.

- I know, I don't think I've ever have either.

Not that I can remember.

- No but for some reason that works, right?

- It's like ice cream, isn't it?

I don't even know what it is.

- I think it's like those little balls of ice cream yeah.

- Alright whatever.

It's a good analogy, everybody understands it

when you say it but yeah.


Come up with a new one.

Okay, so that's I don't wanna Hilda.

You have three others, you wanna briefly fill us in?

- Sure, so she's I don't wanna Hilda

is one of the BS beliefs.

The other three are I can't.

That's where she convinces you that there's something

wrong with you even though everybody else can do this,

there's something about you that's just so special

that you can't do it, right?

So she's kind of tearing you up from the inside

and making you feel really, a lot of self doubt.

Then there's I shouldn't Hilda.

And she kind of eats you up from the outside.

She makes you worry about being embarrassed

or what everybody's gonna think

and how you're gonna be perceived

and is consumed with everybody's looking at me.

Even though we all know that everybody's just looking

at themselves but that's what she convinces us of

and gets that spotlight.

And then the last one there is, I don't know.

This is where she convinces you

that you are not ready to cross that starting line.

You need to go back and do more research.

You can't start taking care of, you can't you know,

start eating better at lunch today

because you don't know enough about nutrition, right?

You can't take a piyo class because you don't know

if it's gonna be the thing

that changes your life forever, right?

That's where I don't know convinces you

to not start something whereas I don't wanna

wants to convince to not finish something.

- It's huge. - Yeah.

- It's just I've gotta say,

having this language being able to talk to people

in these terms about Hilda, it just it makes everything

so much more relatable and understandable and like, (sighs).

It's not me.

- Yes. - It's her.

- It is wonderful, it's really quite funny

because it's a pretty basic language.

It's not like I made up words but when you put it together,

we'll have a discussion and just after listening

to this little bit, if this is the first time

you've met me, you probably know what this means.

We had a conversation in my group coaching program

where somebody says, sometimes when I can't

and I don't wanna get together I just don't.

And we all roared because instantly like I know exactly

what you mean, right?

- Yeah.

- And it really is, it's like a cocktail of Hilda-isms.

And Hilda in her job is to keep you safe

and to keep you small and to sabotage you at any length.

She's gonna get as sly and clever as she needs to

whenever you're about to do something that matters,

something that scares you a little bit.

- Yeah, it's true.

I'm in your coaching program by the way.

And it's amazing, highly recommend it.

So for anybody who wants more info about you,

whether they're interested in the coaching program

or maybe kind of just learning more about you,

where do they go to do that?

- I recommend going over to

And Coach Jennie's spelled with an I E.

And when you're there, you can learn all about me,

you can learn about my book, so you can pick up my book

over there, um, and then you can also learn

about my coaching program under work with me.

The first thing I would suggest doing is taking my quiz.

So there is a link there to take the quiz

to find out which one of the four BS beliefs

Hilda's feeding you right now.

Now that changes depending on what you're working on

for some people and other people, they're like,

I shouldn't Hilda is my Hilda, right?

But take the quiz and you can get some more information

and you'll get a complete dossier on your Hilda

and start figuring out what we can do to shut her up.

- Awesome, highly recommend it.

- Thank you, thank you so much Jen.

I love working with you, I love being a penguin,

and I love how penguins and Hilda go together.

- Yeah, they really do

I really love having this language.

- Yeah.

- It's just is so much fun.

Fits right into the penguin world.

- It totally does.

- And in comes Hilda.

We'll have to make a meme or something.

- We do, we have to make like a side by side graphic.

But you've got your penguin there, I've got my Hilda here.

We've got a fantastic graphics.

- Yeah, so much fun.

Well thank you so much for being here.

- Thank you.

- Please take advantage of Jennie's quiz.

Find out which Hilda is messing with you

and then what you can do about it to shut her up

and get on with life, right?

- Exactly.

- Alright thank you.

For more infomation >> Hilda 101 | Coach Jennie Interview with Jenn Vazquez of Purple Penguin Fitness - Duration: 12:51.


RULES OF SURVIVAL ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .XML DATA v1.126941.129336 - Duration: 10:03.

It is important to watch the whole video!

For more infomation >> RULES OF SURVIVAL ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .XML DATA v1.126941.129336 - Duration: 10:03.


মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla - Duration: 2:14.

মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla Health Tips TV

For more infomation >> মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla - Duration: 2:14.


岳雲鵬、撒貝寧、沙溢舉杯聚會,平凡生活,挑戰了不起! - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 岳雲鵬、撒貝寧、沙溢舉杯聚會,平凡生活,挑戰了不起! - Duration: 2:16.



For more infomation >> GG KE GHAR PG


Všechno ŠPATNĚ s End of Speed | pilif77 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Všechno ŠPATNĚ s End of Speed | pilif77 - Duration: 3:40.


MINI Clubman 1.6 Cooper S Nav Panoramadak Xenon Leder - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> MINI Clubman 1.6 Cooper S Nav Panoramadak Xenon Leder - Duration: 0:44.


Crazy $4,000 Dream Gaming Setup And Computer Unboxing 2018 - Giveaway and 1k Q&A - Duration: 10:18.

all right so if you want to enter the giveaway for this gaming keyboard this

game keyboard this gaming headset this mousepad and this mouse all you need to do is

turn notifications on. Leave a like on this video share subscribe and leave a

comment down below and make sure your active on my channel alright I hope you

guys enjoyed this video and all right before we start this video we're gonna

have a quick Q&A and MVP++ winner by the way most of these

questions came from the discord so join the discord right now it's in the

description join it right now there's giveaways and other stuff there and

you'll be notified way better than on YouTube alright let's get into this

video first question comes from KeoTheSavage. How did you come up with the name

Hamzah and when will you do a face reveal a face reveal at 1 million subs so hit

that subscribe button right now so we can hit it with in 2018 and how do I

come up with the name Hamzah well my parents did actually and the next

question comes from 57 he asked what specs are your PC? You can

figure that out in this video doublerod says xdxd face reveal now kid. Nope you

gotta wait until 1 million who says, says what is your second favorite minecraft

server there is no other minecraft server unless if I make one then join

mine. Have you ever used hacks? Of course not. YT Nicholas C G says recording

software? I use OBS Cryptorr_A says race reveal or what PC equipment

you have a race reveal at 10 million PC equipment in this videos spipuppy says

do you like potatoes of course zoop gaming says do eat water if you don't

why and I love this comment because of emojis on there that's great uh and of

course I eat water blurry says are you my dad yes how old are you 42 yes? No are

you a girl no I mean yes do you have any advice for MC youtubers or gaming

youtubers in general upload consistently yeah. Do you like sleeping? I do. Of course

I do it's like eating a sleeping or basically

my like favorite things to do can you adopt me? Of course

do you like 18 2018 so far? yes if you start to go bald when you do a comb-over

or accept baldness? I might pull like a FaZe banks and wear hat all the time

what kind of pizza do you like another question with zoop gaming I like

chicken and pineapple you know I had a 360 no-scope dab scope roll scope scope

be loved being loved just okay do you like pineapple on your pizza yes no no

no yes yes yes what is your favorite food

fettuccine alfredo or what is your favorite color pink what is your

favorite hypixel game blitz survival games on a scale of one to ten what is

your favorite color in the alphabet? true and this is the MVP++ winner and

let's get into the video. Lets get into the unboxing. I geuss we just start right here. Intel inside

ibuypower and then basically all that personal information on that side. okay. Cool. Look at that. Oh my goodness

I bought a couple things like a keyboard mouse pad mouse Stuff that I'll be giving all that

away all right oh my god so this is a case I got P7-C1

Lets just set that down right there. look at that that's the case if you want to read that

go quick and publicize go ahead any cool air cool cool all right so this

outfit I could get this out of the box all right kick this box out of the way

and by the way I'm gonna show you this like extra parts over there like

snowball mouse old keyboard mouse pad that's in there oh yeah like I said

school stuff in here and the keyboard that I'm using right now cool all right

now let's look in this case at this box.


project seven exploring the unknown. what's next?

that's sick now these are all the stats the stats. The specs pause and take

a look at that cool all right Now let's open this thing up. Oh my goodness.

all right so yeah how we can open this up this is this

I don't know open that in a second. That might be the power stuff? oh my goodness

so that's computer I think you're gonna have to give me another second while you

take that out but yeah so after we take that off. Take a look at this oh my god iBuyPower

Intel Core i7 seventh gen Aerocool

it's got one two three four right there. so yeah. you got the power you got all

that stuff right there the back of it look at that

that's the motherboard I think so this is it oh it's too like a 360 brb

so this is it starting here we got iBuyPower and intel Core i7. The back we

got all this get this power right there and then we can see the inside which is

probably what you guys are waiting for from the beginning so yeah. Let me read this

real quick and I'll be right back. Alright let's get that satisfying peel off real quick

And now we can see the beast that's inside here.

So apparently it's easier than I thought

so it's the bottom of the case all right so we start off with a graphics card. EVGA

a Geforce GTX 1080 superclocked I'm pretty sure um yeah that's pretty sick

Thermaltake liquid cooling there's some fans for that we got we got some sick

cabling we got red and black um we did the Elite build package so that's great

that's quite sick we have these two fans uh this is a motherboard and it's pretty

sick and yeah

Of course the powersupply and everything. Full specs would be in the description so if you

want to read that but yeah this is pretty much a beast

yes so let's get it started and also let me show you some monitors

that work we're dealing with you got the two Acer 24 inch monitors 144 Hertz one

millisecond response time 1920 by 1080 oh yeah it's pretty pretty cool man

like yeah okay cool let's get into it alright so this is everything that they

gave me this is like extra stuff if I want to install anything this is the RGB remote some

thermal paste all the EVGA everything this is pretty sick um bunch of stuff

that's cool there's like one for each room but yeah this is sick and now

we have basically everything set up. right so

this is the computer basically everything is set up

I'll fix some cable management stuff later but like it's not even that bad there's

the inside it'll look way cooler in a few seconds especially with that RGB remote you know lets just get into it I geuss

it all right this is the final setup. this is it all right here you

got the keyboard you got the mouse the Corsair you probably can't see we have

the PC itself

1080 liquid cooling everything in there 16 gigs of ram. we have the PC itself

right here the case got our headphones and this is basically how the setup

looks got both monitors both 1920 by 1080 Full HD 1 milisecond

response time 144 Hertz blue snowball this is all it yeah just look at that

that is beautiful alright that was the video hope you guys

enjoyed click at the top right to support me on patreon click the bottom

right to subscribe and click on the left to watch one of my videos hope you guys

enjoy the video see you guys any another one hopefully. Bye <3

For more infomation >> Crazy $4,000 Dream Gaming Setup And Computer Unboxing 2018 - Giveaway and 1k Q&A - Duration: 10:18.


Michel Cymes, « ulcéré » par la drague lourde de certains hommes : « Quand c'est non, on s'arrête » - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Michel Cymes, « ulcéré » par la drague lourde de certains hommes : « Quand c'est non, on s'arrête » - Duration: 3:03.


please Subscribe జనసేన పార్టీ Official Youtube, Facebook | jana sena activities | Pawan Kalyan Fans - Duration: 0:54.

Jana sena party official facebook

For more infomation >> please Subscribe జనసేన పార్టీ Official Youtube, Facebook | jana sena activities | Pawan Kalyan Fans - Duration: 0:54.


Rose Tico – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #5 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Rose Tico – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #5 - Duration: 3:11.


Food Network Shows That Are A Total Sham - Duration: 5:46.

Since the early '90s, Food Network has been educating us, entertaining us, and indulging

our deep desire to watch food get prepared, cooked, and eaten.

Numerous stars got their start making deliciously unhealthy, semi-homemade meals in 30 minutes

or less on the cable network, but things on the screen aren't always what they seem.

Here's a not-so-sweet look into the behind-the-scenes TV magic that makes Food Network possible.

Spit take

Working as a TV chef is one of the few jobs that involves the slow, steady ingestion of

hundreds of extra calories.

Think about it: a food personality has to taste a dish at every step of the cooking

process and then take a big bite at the end for the audience watching at home.

"But I have to have a bit of this.."


"Mmm.. so good.

See you in a minute"

Food Network's Giada de Laurentiis reportedly keeps those calories out of her body by literally

ejecting them out of her body.

According to an employee who spoke to Page Six, de Laurentiis uses a "dump bucket that

is brought out the second they cut."

She just spits out the food —easy as that.

Unappetizing, right?

At least Gordon Ramsay doesn't hide it.

Not-so-secret ingredient

Iron Chef and Iron Chef America are two of the most popular cooking shows on TV.

The drama in Kitchen Stadium kicks into high gear when the Chairman unveils the "secret

ingredient" the battling chefs must use as the central component of their dishes on each


"Today's secret ingredient is…."


But did you know that element is strictly for the sake of fun TV?

According to Today, the chefs reportedly have a pretty good idea about the "secret" ingredient

by the time cameras start to roll.

They're even given a short list of possibilities a few days before filming, and on taping day,

they can guess which one producers probably picked based on the list of complementary

ingredients purchased for the show.

Food reality

Beyond cooking shows, Food Network airs a wide variety of food-based reality programming,

some of which isn't quite as "real" as promised.

The 2012 series Restaurant Stakeout featured restaurateur Willie Degel [rhymes with eagle]

observing an eatery's staff to identity and fix major problems.

The owner of the Mount Ivy Cafe, which was featured on the series, alleged the show was


Because the place didn't have enough natural "drama," he claims the show hired a guy to

pose as a waiter who dropped food and drank on the job, just so he could get fired.

The staff also allegedly had to change clothes throughout taping so it would look like the

show had filmed over the course of several days.

Unoriginal recipes

Food Network personalities are extremely busy.

For many, the reason they have a show in the first place is because they've already had

successful careers as chefs or restaurateurs.

To find the time to make a bunch of episodes of a TV show, these chefs often need a little


That's where ghostwriters come into play.

According to Bon Appétit, TV chefs from the Food Network and other outlets don't write

every recipe for every episode.

Instead, they reportedly rely on outside parties to formulate ideas.

A talented cook can get a lucrative sideline going helping out the onscreen chefs.

Double dishing

The food that the TV chef prepares isn't the only cooking that takes place during the show.

Off-camera, other people are cooking one or more versions of the same recipe, according

to the Tribune-Review.

It's expensive and time-consuming to shoot an episode of a cooking show, so preparing

backup plates is an insurance policy in case the star messes up the main dish.

Off-screen helper cooks prepare the dish at different stages of the process to show viewers

what it's supposed to look like, without having to wait around for the televised food to cook.

Food style

If you cook a meal after watching a Food Network show, it may not turn out looking just like

it did on TV.

That's because you probably don't have a food stylist on hand like Food Network personalities


According to LA Weekly, it's the chef's job to cook, and it's the stylist's job to make

it look perfect for TV.

That means making sure it doesn't melt, wilt, or sag under those hot studio lights.

A couple tricks of the trade: food stylists keep things in place with toothpicks, and

place marbles in soup so the ingredients are forced to float to the top.


Chopped and pre-tasted

Chopped is one of the Food Network's most popular and compelling shows.

Real chefs compete to make dishes based on a basket of seemingly random ingredients,

and they're judged by a panel of food experts.

"Each course has its own basket of mystery ingredients " to "you must use every ingredient

in the basket in some way."

After all that effort of cooking and carting dishes over to the judges, it would seem like

the contestants' creations would get cold.

It does, which is why Chopped judges get to sample the food before it's finished.

According to what host Ted Allen told Yahoo TV:

"The minute we cut after a cooking round, the judges get up from the Chopping Block,

and they go over to the stations and they taste things that are hot.

You can't mess up the plates, but you can taste to see whether something is crispy,

whether something is cooked through, taste the sauce before it has congealed or anything."

Camera catchphrase

Food Network transformed low-key, instructional cooking shows into mainstream television entertainment.

Its chefs even use catchphrases just like sitcom stars.

The most famous has to be Emeril Lagasse's "BAM!," which sounds like something the guy

must have been screaming in his kitchen for years.

"And then folks, you just gotta, BAM Bam it like that."

"Wow. And there you have it"

As it turns out, his signature word actually came out of an early Food Network taping in

the '90s.

According to From Scratch: Inside the Food Network, the channel's camera operators in

those days worked lots of jobs to earn a living, and they'd often fall asleep while Lagasse

cooked on camera.

To wake them up, Lagasse started yelling "BAM!" when adding ingredients to a dish.

"Every now and then you want to knock it up a notch with a blast from your spice weasel.


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Food Network Shows That Are A Total Sham - Duration: 5:46.


RULES OF SURVIVAL ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .XML DATA v1.126941.129336 - Duration: 10:03.

It is important to watch the whole video!

For more infomation >> RULES OF SURVIVAL ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .XML DATA v1.126941.129336 - Duration: 10:03.


10 Things to do in Kotor, Montenegro Travel Guide - Duration: 20:12.

Well good morning good morning friends.

We have made it to Montenegro.

We're in Kotor (Котор) right by the water we're staying in the Old Town.

We've been here a few days and it has been raining non-stop.


Just like it was in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Yeah, just like it was in Mostar.


Like the first half of the week it just poured but now it is nice.

We've got our first really nice day.


And we can't wait to explore this city so join us.


We're going to make a little travel guide.

If there's one thing that had caught our attention upon arriving in Kotor (Котор),

it was the fortifications that not only encircle the old town but also run all the way up into

the mountain, so a hike up to Kotor Fortress was the first stop on our itinerary.

So where are we going?

We're going to go visit the fortress.

Finally found the sign.

You're basically just looking for steps and a blue arrow.

We've got a lot of steps to go up.

This way.

So this is the way up.

I mean you can kind of make out the steps but it is also super rocky and you've got

some loose gravel.

So yeah wear proper footwear.

Alright guys so we have been climbing maybe a grand total of 5 minutes.

My gosh.

Already out of breath.

It is these little stairs.

It is like a really super steep way up.




I think we're just both really out of shape.

Out of shape.

We've been eating way too much pasta in the last month or two.


Now is a good chance to burn it off so.

Yeah, we can't even blame it on the altitude because we're at sea level right now.

We are.

So really no excuses.

Just lethargic and out of shape.



The nice thing is that everytime we stop to take a little break we get these awesome views.

And the views are not only are they awesome but they keep improving as we get up higher

to a better vantage point.

Oh yeah.

It is really cool.

As a tip, we would say the best time to hike up to Kotor Fortress is in the morning because

the path is shaded.

This isn't a huge consideration if you're visiting in winter like we did, but definitely

something to keep in mind if you visit in the summer.


Cat friend.

Amazing views.

This is like a special Sam moment.

I couldn't have ordered this up better.

Cats and views.

There are so many cats in this town.

We've befriended a whole bunch and we've been feeding them.

Oh, this one is super friendly.

Look at you.

You need to come down by our apartment we've been delivering cat kibbles.

Yeah we feed cats daily you should join us kitty.

And we've also been giving away some nice meat slices.

All of our salami to the cats.

If you can find your way down there.


You can join the party.

Oh do you near the tripod?

This is why I can't do a time-lapse cat.

Because you are here.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh cat.

Hi kitty.


Alright so we have reached our first stop.

This is Church of our Lady of Remedy (Crkva Gospe od Zdravlja / Crkva Marije Koleđate).

I keep peeking because there is lots of cats around here.

I thought I saw another one coming.

Oh my goodness.

So yeah, the church is closed.

It looks like it is in ruins so we can't go in but we've got this wonderful balcony if

you just turn around.

Plus lots of cats to play with.

So yeah, great little stop and then we're going to keep heading upwards that way.


So we have reached our second stop of the day.

This is the fortress of Saint John.

And I believe the path goes right through the fortress.

We're going to be walking through these ruins.

How are you feeling?

Really excited.

The higher we go the more exciting it gets.

I know the views just keep getting better and better.

Yeah and the ruins keep getting cooler and cooler.

They sure do.

So that is basically what is going on.

Wow he says.


Oh wow I didn't even see that.

I had no clue what you were talking about.

Third stop of the morning.

Oh my goodness.

We've been busy hiking.

Sure have.

So this one apparently has two names.

According to my map this is Kotor Fortress but also the Castle of San Giovanni.

Yeah, we're pretty high we've climbed up high.


And we've also worked up a big appetite too.

Oh yes.

We did not see this on the way up.

Look at that.

And then this is the part I don't like.

Sam just ran across.

This horrible bridge.

But you have to cross it to reach the castle.

So we are now heading back to town.

We're going to go grab some lunch but yeah the hike up was a bit challenging.

I don't really know how long it took us but I would maybe estimate 45 minutes to an hour.

Making stops along the way to take photos and do some filming.

Um, so yeah we got some great views.

Like it is really worth it to climb all the way up if you can.

And then on the way down that is the really easy part.

It is maybe like 10 or 15 minutes and you're just sprinting down like a mountain goat.

Um, so yeah we're almost back in town.

Next up food.

Okay so we are back in the town now.

We came back exactly the same way we went up.

Um, and we noticed now there is a little desk and there is someone charging admission up

to the fortress.

And it is 3 Euros and they weren't there when we started hiking.


And they also weren't manning the both when we came down.


So but they had their little sign for 3 Euros.

Not sure what is going on but we somehow got a complimentary walk up.

Maybe it is because we went really early.

Okay guys so we found a restaurant in the Old Town and I was feeling pretty famished.

So I noticed they have a set fish menu which is like 12 or 14 Euros.

I can't remember exactly.

So my first dish has arrived.

It is fish soup with lots of different herbs and spices and onions.

It is really good.

And next I also have a salad coming and a fish dish and Sam was just like I want pizza.

Give me pizza.


So we're waiting for that to arrive.

Oh and bread.

Look at this.

I ordered it was called the Montenegro pizza.

The Montenegro pizza.


This is like fresh out of the oven.

Oh my goodness.

It sure is.

Look at this.

Is it good?


The bread is wonderful.

This is homemade.

Okay so the rest of the food has arrived.

Our table is like packed.

It is packed.

So many dishes.

Okay, so I had my soup.

I also get a salad.


And I'm just going to dress it right now with a little bit of oh.

A little bit of olive oil and look balsamic vinegar.

Oh yum.

From Moldena.


All the way from Italy.

So yes I will take some of that.

That is the best place to get it from.



It really is.

We've been there.

We did some vinegar tastings and oh my.

Oh my.

The vinegar from there you can drink right from the bottle.


It is like syrup.

But anyways tada.


The star of the meal this is my fish.

And it is covered in garlic.

I can smell the garlic.

I'm going to love this.

Sam you're going to love my breath.

Oh yeah.

More garlic wars.

And it also comes with potatoes and this looks like it could be spinach.

So why don't you try a bit of that?

Okay let's try the potatoes first.



I also have a cat friend who is like standing by.

Cat friend is right here standing by in case waiting for fish in case some fish or meat

may fall down.


Cat friend are you interested in the meat and the fish?


He's like yes.


Yes, I am.

I don't want pets I don't want attention just food.

So yeah the fish the skin is like nice and golden and crispy.

How is that?


Oh cat friend you're going to like this.

Let's see how he does.

Cat friend.

Alright Sam this is what you came for.

Yeah, this is a fancy looking pizza guys.

Look at this.

Want to tell us what is on it?

Yeah, so we've got like it is kind of considered to be like the local meat.

I think it is similar to prosciutto.

We've got tomatoes.

We've got two different kinds of olives.

We've got huge thing of like cream cheese.

Cream cheese and yeah it is just a nice sized pizza so.

Let's actually try that.

There is definitely a strong Italian influence in the food that is for sure.

That is nice pizza.

Really cheesy.

They did not skimp out on the cheese so we've got a lot of food to eat and what are you


Also I got uh Nikšićko beer and I finished most of it.

It is nice and refreshing after that long hike.

So yeah we've got a lot of food to take care of.

We're going to put the camera down and see what we can do.

Alright cat friend don't worry food is coming your way.

So lunch is over.


It was pretty tasty.

Um my pizza was just over 9 Euros and your fish was the entire combo was 14 Euros.


So we're both very stuffed and we're in need of a rest so we're going to have a little

bit of a nap and then we'll go out and check out the Old Town after that.

Sounds like a plan.


Cat Intermission.

Sausage cat.

Sausage cat.

Hey sausage cat.

Out of all of the cats who came by to visit us and that we fed outside here this was our

absolute favorite.

This one was so sweet and we call him sausage cat because he has the shortest legs.

Long body and tiny legs.

He's a bit of a low rider but he's the sweetest cat.

He's the sweetest cat.

So appreciates getting food.

We fed him cat food and he also loves pets.


He purrs.

These cats are fed by everyone in the neighborhood basically all day long.

That is true.

You're very well fed.

And we have another kitty over here.

Hey kitty.

Oh you are enjoying the little food we left you?


Yum yums.

Yum yum yums.

Look at this.

We have a collection of cats outside our door.

Meow meows.

It is a feast for everybody.

A feast for everyone.

Back to sightseeing.

Alright so here we are starting in the south end of the Old Town.

There are three entrances into the city.

We're staying like one block away from the south gate.

This right here is either called Gordic or Gordic.

I'm not sure how you pronounce the 'c' with a little accent on it but yeah here it is

and we've got this beautiful like emerald lagoon.

So let's walk in.

It is beautiful and this was our first introduction into the Old Town.


Like we walked from the bus terminal.


This right here is what we saw and we're like woah this place is going to be cool.


So before we even walk all the way into the town we've already found a staircase.

So let's take it up and see what kind of views we get.

I'm pretty sure they're going to be awesome.

So look we have all of these little windows.

So let's have a peak.

Okay so actually we maybe can't see much from here but there are other really cool lookout

points that we've seen along the walls.

So it's just a matter of climbing stairs up and down and seeing where you have the best


So now that we're here in front of this grand entrance let's go into the town.

Okay so we've just walked in through the southgate maybe like 50 meters or so and we've come

across this big staircase.

This leads all the way up to our airbnb apartment.


And if you've got really good eyesight you can probably see a few cats up there.

I'll zoom into that.

You see the kitties?

Those are the cats we've been feeding.


The Cathedral of St Tryphon (Katedrala Svetog Tripuna /Катедрала Светог Трипуна)

was built in honor of the patron saint and protector of the city, on the very same spot

where an older church had already stood long ago.

We paid our admission and went in to visit the cathedral's very own museum.

Alright guys.

So next up we're visiting the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon (Katedrala Svetog Tripuna /Катедрала

Светог Трипуна) . That is not a name I've ever said before.

Kind of tricky to pronounce to be honest.

Um, so we paid 2 Euros and fifty cents to go in here.

And that gives you admission to visit the church and also upstairs they have a museum

for sacral art.

Sacral art.

I'm just going to call it religious art.

Um, yeah so we are in here and it is very echoey.


So we're just exiting the museum now and it appears this has brought us out to the balcony.

Oh, that is awesome.

Look we've got the town right behind us.

The square.

And it would appear that the museum continues on the other side of the balcony.

What did you think?

Well these were the tickets.


It was far more impressive than I thought.


There was more displays.

It was surprising.

Yeah and it was cool just to get the balcony views as well.

So yeah, it was definitely worth it.

Alright guys so we have made it to the North Gate and honestly that didn't take us very


What like a fifteen minute walk?

20 minute walk?

Making a few stops along the way.

So it just goes to show how small and compact the small town.

The Old Town is.

Um, so yeah we're actually going to head back in and we're going to see if we can walk around

the walls of the Old Town.

It looks like there is a bit of renovations going on so we'll see if it is actually allowed

or not.

So we made it.

We climbed the steps.

Oh, and we're walking in mud.

I almost fell.


That was very slippery.


And now here we are on top of the Old Wall that runs all around the city basically.

So yeah, it is pretty cool.

How have you enjoyed Kotor (Котор) so far?

I've really enjoyed it.

When I first arrived I'm not sure if I would like it or not.

I don't know if it was just the weather or just I'm not sure what it was.

It was probably the nonstop rain.

Yeah that could have had something to do with it for sure.

A bit of a damper but like you know going for that really cool walk this morning yeah

and then now doing this we're the only people walking on this top part of the wall here.

We are.

It is pretty cool.

And you know what?

The town has actually been fairly quiet during the day because we're here in the offseason.

But last night a ferry not a ferry.

A cruise ship pulled in.

A gigantic cruise ship.

Oh my gosh pulled in.

The town transformed itself.

You wouldn't believe how busy it got but um it was fascinating just to see how it changed

so quickly.


Just with one gigantic ship pulling in.


Like thousands of people.

We're not kidding.

After walking along part of the city walls, we stopped by the Sea Gate, which is the third

entrance into the Old Town.

As soon as you walk through here you're met with a clock tower and a big square that's

encircled by restaurants and lots of little lanes that break away - basically it's a

great place to wander.

And now we want to show you one more restaurant that we enjoyed in Kotor (Котор).

This one was called Cesarica and they specialized in seafood.

So this what I ordered.

This is the stuffed squid with shrimp so I'm just going to bring one over.

Let's cut into it.

Look at the colors.

It is like golden crispy on the exterior really soft when you cut into it.

Oh wow look at that.

It sure is stuffed.

This is the inside.

Yeah this is when we were looking up this place this is what was recommended.

This was a dish that was recommended over and over again.



What say you?

That is so good.

Is it?


For me it is just all about the saltiness and the crispiness.


That is what it is all about.


It is just really nice.

I'll have a little bit more.


And you're right I do think you can eat the whole thing.

I think the bones have been fried too.

Oh yeah.

It is all so soft like you don't even taste the bones.

Just dig right in.

Lastly, if you want to enjoy a little evening stroll, the Port of Kotor (Cattaro) is a beautiful


Not only can you enjoy the city all lit up at night, but if you happen to be there on

a day when the cruise ship pulls into town, it's worth sticking around to watch it manoeuvre

its way.

And that concludes our visit to Kotor (Cattaro).

We hope you guys enjoyed following along and we'll see you in the next video where we

visit the neighbouring coastal town of Budva.

For more infomation >> 10 Things to do in Kotor, Montenegro Travel Guide - Duration: 20:12.


Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Music 2018 - Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 37:52.

Svet Fit Music

For more infomation >> Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Music 2018 - Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 37:52.


Jak vyměnit zadní tlumič na NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:26.

Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №16

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №19

Use a socket №14

Using a special tool to compress the spring

Use a socket №17

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> Jak vyměnit zadní tlumič na NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:26.


Hohe Mieten einfach verbieten! | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Hohe Mieten einfach verbieten! | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:01.


মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla - Duration: 2:14.

মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla Health Tips TV

For more infomation >> মাত্র ৫ দিনে স্থায়ীভাবে ফর্সা হওয়ার জন্য টমেটোর ফেসিয়াল | Tomato Mask for Skin Whitening Bangla - Duration: 2:14.


MOD RX 580/570 Guida ITA 31Mh/s - Duration: 20:40.

For more infomation >> MOD RX 580/570 Guida ITA 31Mh/s - Duration: 20:40.


Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President - Duration: 3:29.

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

if Donald Trump gets a little bored on his flight home from the World Economic Forum

in Davos, Switzerland, he can always page through a book handed to him by a delegate

not long after he arrived: �God and Donald Trump.�

The volume, written by Stephen Strang, a leading Pentecostal figure and the longtime publisher

of Charisma magazine, is an easy read�part spiritual hagiography, part Fox News bulletin

and part prophecy.

It ultimately says far less about Trump than about the charismatic Pentecostals who were

some of his earliest religious supporters and who now view his election as the fulfillment

of God�s will.

The genre of spiritual hagiography last flourished during the presidency of George W. Bush, who

was the subject of four books about religion and one documentary (�George W. Bush: Faith

in the White House�) during his first term alone.

In Bush, authors had something they could work with.

He had a much-documented mid-life experience of being born again, was a regular church

attender in Texas, and spoke about God and Jesus in ways that sounded natural.

Nevertheless, writers like David Aikman often resorted to intuiting Bush�s faith and presenting

as evidence of his deep spiritual commitment his fondness for healthy food and exercise

(does the Bible not direct believers to treat the body as a temple for God?) and the behavior

of White House staff (�though manners are not specifically connected to George W.�s

personal religious faith, it was as though the discipline he brought to his own life

of prayer and Bible study filtered down into the work habits of everyone who worked with


But if Aikman and others had to reach a bit to fill out a book about Bush and faith, their

subject was practically St. Francis of Assisi compared with the current occupant of the

Oval Office.

Strang, who sat down with Trump briefly during the campaign but did not interview him for

the book, wisely spends little time trying to divine the president�s personal religious

views and commitments�though he does devote a chapter to arguing that Trump�s children

are �a reflection of his core values,� while his three marriages and multiple admitted

affairs are a reflection of nothing of note.

Instead, Strang attempts to explain evangelical fervor for Trump and provides a window into

the world of charismatics, a subset of evangelical Christians who believe God still speaks to

people through prophesies and is still actively involved in arranging the world of human affairs.

From early in Trump�s presidential candidacy, his biggest religious supporters�indeed,

his only religious supporters for a while�were charismatic Christians like pastors Paula

White and Darrell Scott.

They were drawn to Trump, and he to them, because of their embrace of the prosperity


Also sometimes referred to as �health and wealth� theology, this belief holds that

God rewards faith with good health and financial success.

By those very simple metrics, a billionaire like Donald Trump, whether his fortune came

from family, scams or a higher power, must be a very faithful man.

Other religious conservatives, Strang argues, supported Trump in 2016 for reasons familiar

to any Fox News viewer: a fear of globalism, the deep state, George Soros the former Nazi

collaborator, wide-scale election fraud.

They liked Trump because he said he liked them, told them they were persecuted, and

vowed to stand up for them.

He said he would bring back �Merry Christmas.� He told them they were important.

source politico

For more infomation >> Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President - Duration: 3:29.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


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Frigga Carlberg - Duration: 9:02.

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Fredrika Bremer - Duration: 6:53.

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Winter - Duration: 1:14.

there is no speech in this entire video [slow piano playing]

For more infomation >> Winter - Duration: 1:14.


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Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

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For more infomation >> La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 3 : Episode 34 - Florent a trompé Stéphanie avec ... - Duration: 2:39.


Virginie Efira et Niels Schneider, des précisions sur leur rencontre - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Virginie Efira et Niels Schneider, des précisions sur leur rencontre - Duration: 1:21.


L'ashwagandha et ses propriétés aphrodisiaques, stimulantes et rajeunissantes - Duration: 6:46.

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La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 3 : Beverly trop proche de Vivian, Vincent son prétendant craque ! - Duration: 3:00.

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ZENGİN VS FAKİR #9 - Fakir Kurtulmaya Çalışıyor (Minecraft) - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> ZENGİN VS FAKİR #9 - Fakir Kurtulmaya Çalışıyor (Minecraft) - Duration: 10:53.


SALTSTREAM 105: Deluxe, DEX, and Disappointment [Devstream Recap N Review] - Duration: 7:37.

Ahoy thar, Legion!

Tis the day o' the devstream so ya know I gotta Recap N' Review for ya!


From a news-focused perspective, any Art or sound or anything other than a normal Devstream

is usually a tip off we're in filler episode territory.

Folks who like the niche topic will love it...

but if you want actual information to see what's on the horizon...

well, let's just take a gander at what they had to say about Damage 2.5, as last devstream

got cut off early.


Damage 2.5!

And I quote:

"If you're lookin' for commentary on that, this isn't the stream for it."

So that's always good to know.

Gonna have to lay the sarcasm on thick to get through this one with a smile!


Turn your eyes on and your brain off, Legion!

We got ourselves an Artstream!

Right outta the gates they said not only are the delayed Unvaulting arriving

hah, unless they delay it AGAIN--

on February 6th.

But with so much needlessly locked away in there, only two events a year would take ages

to get to everything.

Fear not!

Baro is on the case!

To help sweeten the deal, as an example they said he might sell things like....


You know, that one side mode the vast majority...

loves... so much.

Next they hyped up a "big announcement" that would go live later today....

and it's that TennoCon is a-comin'!

And truth be told, even though this has been an annual event the past two or three years,

I was awestruck by this 'big announcement'.

The countdown to buy tickets is live for July 7th, but if anything that's more of a countdown

to when Umbra better be released than the convention itself

or the player base is gonna give The Sacrifice a whole different type of meaning.

Octavia deluxe!

Deluxe skins are supposed to embody what the frame is all about, right?

What does a musical themed frame conjure up in the mind?

I know!


That fits perfectly.

Just make it look like a mixture of Saryn and Khora, paint it with pure rust and oh,

right it's music based,

just jam some speakers in there, no one will notice.

It'll be fine.

Vauban's Deluxe faired a bit better, they seem to be going with a steam powered theme,

which itself is an homage to a steam train, so a certain trainframe content creator will hopefully get

a kick outta this one.


I don't know if I got it on last year's Recaps but I did say this woulda been perfect combination but...

instead we got a scarf.

But, you got a starter frame and mascot for your game with by far the most skins available

for it.

So you'd want a lotta people to have access to this one.

You even have an event thanking your players for 5 years of your success... so as thanks

DE is gonna give us all: the skin.

Just the skin.

Not like the weapons where it comes with a slot and you can *use* it.

You gotta farm up Excal yourself if you actually wanna Use this thing.

So that's nice.

Might change before the event goes live in march, I really hope it does, but movin' right


Volt still needs cloth physics, and I felt bad for Trinity!

Even though they admit it's been years since they were gonna, they quote 'need to find the time' end quote

Someone this one made it to air, but someone asked 'How does teh art team handle internal

disputes between creative differences in terms of design'

Oh I know this one!

They fire you!

Oh wait, PR Speak: I mean, uh, they all get along and don't ask about IgnusDei, nothing


I mean yes, his Deluxe skin of Ember was way better than this punk chicken mess DE released,

but uh--

--Hydroid Prime trailer!


"We'll see.

Trying to squeeze it in.

It'll definitiely happen."

Sounds like a conversation at the end of a long night of drinking.

Just go slow, DE.

Don't force nothing, give it time to adjust.

On that topic, this massive sword and sheath was shown not too long ago, and folks wanted

to know if they could have it themselves.

DE is bein' cryptic as it ties into future storylines, but proverbially winked and nodded.

BUT they did say something that really distracted me.

To avoid spoilers, guy who has the weapon has one really stretched out arm.

DE said the weapon is gonna be two handed for us, but it is only one handed for him.

Their reasoning was:

He has a long arm.

I don't see how the length of yer arm necessitates only one hand, if anything you'd need MORE

support as it's further away from your body.

I'm sure there's gravity and tensile strength and muscle density involved but, fine.

We'll let it slide.

Even Reb said 'if you say so' on that one.

So uh, one limp noodle is stronger than Atlas, gotcha.

Khora's weapons include this sword thing that started out as a spear, and a Dart Gun which

has an alt fire that changes it's damage from toxin to fire, ice, and likely electricity.

Chroma Lovers out there are heavy breathing at that mechanic.

Or heavy fire breathing should I say.

Zephyr's Deluxe skin, oop, sorry,

Nesha's Deluxe skin was shown off and even started creation of it live on screen, to

really salt that poor bird's wounds.

Curiously the concept looks identical to Chroma's... but not touchin' that.

Corpus are gonna be even more appealing to kill now with new helmets and styles on the


Very likely due to Venus' landscape feature which DE loves to avoid talkin' about for

some reason, but here's the three shown off.

Pretty ugly, in my opinion, but this one right here...

for some reason fills me with a gross incandescence.

Speakin' of light, they got a new light rendering tech under the hood as the original one stopped

getting support, so it's all in-house and brand new!

But worry not, this won't consume any more processing power and will in fact,

say it with me,

run FASTER than the previous one!

I wanna believe ya, I reaaaally do, but the Earth tileset rework and Plains might wanna

have a few words with ya.

Just sayin'!

Just sayin'.

Volt's prot skin shown off a few episodes ago might not be a deluxe skin after all!

It seems DE likes the idea of deluxe skins so much, not only is every frame getting one,

but two!

Now, I was pretty sure Umbra fell into this Proto category considering the sorta lore

behind it...

so I'm a bit curious if this is a sneak peak at Volt 'umbra' or how these all are gonna

get released.

But as for the tidbits:

DE wants to cash in on Operator TennoGen next, so those got a mesh and hair update

Tennogen itself will have another batch of ten items next week, and I think the final

ten the first week of February or so?

They didn't quite say.

The flying vehicle in Plains has better animations

the Clan Kingpin is closer to release, but was trimmed down in order to do so... so I dunno if I'm

gonna want the end result of THAT trade off but we'll find out soon enough

And there is a Plains event involving some new enemy that had difficulty walking around.

So something big, not the delayed Eidolons and not Lephantis Rehashis.

Maybe that weird eidolon with massive arms and tiny feet?

Spider corpus bots don't seem right, but we'll see in the coming weeks

So what did YOU think about this Devstream?

Lemme know in the comments below!

I was not impressed with the logic involved, but there was some good in there and maybe

you got more enjoyment outta it than I.

Certainly hope ya enjoyed this recap at least!

In completely unrelated news, Rant Roundup is already well underway and should release

next week...Friday?

Sound good?

Sounds good to me ^_^

Until then, thanks for watchin' Legion!

Take care!

For more infomation >> SALTSTREAM 105: Deluxe, DEX, and Disappointment [Devstream Recap N Review] - Duration: 7:37.


10 Things to do in Kotor, Montenegro Travel Guide - Duration: 20:12.

Well good morning good morning friends.

We have made it to Montenegro.

We're in Kotor (Котор) right by the water we're staying in the Old Town.

We've been here a few days and it has been raining non-stop.


Just like it was in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Yeah, just like it was in Mostar.


Like the first half of the week it just poured but now it is nice.

We've got our first really nice day.


And we can't wait to explore this city so join us.


We're going to make a little travel guide.

If there's one thing that had caught our attention upon arriving in Kotor (Котор),

it was the fortifications that not only encircle the old town but also run all the way up into

the mountain, so a hike up to Kotor Fortress was the first stop on our itinerary.

So where are we going?

We're going to go visit the fortress.

Finally found the sign.

You're basically just looking for steps and a blue arrow.

We've got a lot of steps to go up.

This way.

So this is the way up.

I mean you can kind of make out the steps but it is also super rocky and you've got

some loose gravel.

So yeah wear proper footwear.

Alright guys so we have been climbing maybe a grand total of 5 minutes.

My gosh.

Already out of breath.

It is these little stairs.

It is like a really super steep way up.




I think we're just both really out of shape.

Out of shape.

We've been eating way too much pasta in the last month or two.


Now is a good chance to burn it off so.

Yeah, we can't even blame it on the altitude because we're at sea level right now.

We are.

So really no excuses.

Just lethargic and out of shape.



The nice thing is that everytime we stop to take a little break we get these awesome views.

And the views are not only are they awesome but they keep improving as we get up higher

to a better vantage point.

Oh yeah.

It is really cool.

As a tip, we would say the best time to hike up to Kotor Fortress is in the morning because

the path is shaded.

This isn't a huge consideration if you're visiting in winter like we did, but definitely

something to keep in mind if you visit in the summer.


Cat friend.

Amazing views.

This is like a special Sam moment.

I couldn't have ordered this up better.

Cats and views.

There are so many cats in this town.

We've befriended a whole bunch and we've been feeding them.

Oh, this one is super friendly.

Look at you.

You need to come down by our apartment we've been delivering cat kibbles.

Yeah we feed cats daily you should join us kitty.

And we've also been giving away some nice meat slices.

All of our salami to the cats.

If you can find your way down there.


You can join the party.

Oh do you near the tripod?

This is why I can't do a time-lapse cat.

Because you are here.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh cat.

Hi kitty.


Alright so we have reached our first stop.

This is Church of our Lady of Remedy (Crkva Gospe od Zdravlja / Crkva Marije Koleđate).

I keep peeking because there is lots of cats around here.

I thought I saw another one coming.

Oh my goodness.

So yeah, the church is closed.

It looks like it is in ruins so we can't go in but we've got this wonderful balcony if

you just turn around.

Plus lots of cats to play with.

So yeah, great little stop and then we're going to keep heading upwards that way.


So we have reached our second stop of the day.

This is the fortress of Saint John.

And I believe the path goes right through the fortress.

We're going to be walking through these ruins.

How are you feeling?

Really excited.

The higher we go the more exciting it gets.

I know the views just keep getting better and better.

Yeah and the ruins keep getting cooler and cooler.

They sure do.

So that is basically what is going on.

Wow he says.


Oh wow I didn't even see that.

I had no clue what you were talking about.

Third stop of the morning.

Oh my goodness.

We've been busy hiking.

Sure have.

So this one apparently has two names.

According to my map this is Kotor Fortress but also the Castle of San Giovanni.

Yeah, we're pretty high we've climbed up high.


And we've also worked up a big appetite too.

Oh yes.

We did not see this on the way up.

Look at that.

And then this is the part I don't like.

Sam just ran across.

This horrible bridge.

But you have to cross it to reach the castle.

So we are now heading back to town.

We're going to go grab some lunch but yeah the hike up was a bit challenging.

I don't really know how long it took us but I would maybe estimate 45 minutes to an hour.

Making stops along the way to take photos and do some filming.

Um, so yeah we got some great views.

Like it is really worth it to climb all the way up if you can.

And then on the way down that is the really easy part.

It is maybe like 10 or 15 minutes and you're just sprinting down like a mountain goat.

Um, so yeah we're almost back in town.

Next up food.

Okay so we are back in the town now.

We came back exactly the same way we went up.

Um, and we noticed now there is a little desk and there is someone charging admission up

to the fortress.

And it is 3 Euros and they weren't there when we started hiking.


And they also weren't manning the both when we came down.


So but they had their little sign for 3 Euros.

Not sure what is going on but we somehow got a complimentary walk up.

Maybe it is because we went really early.

Okay guys so we found a restaurant in the Old Town and I was feeling pretty famished.

So I noticed they have a set fish menu which is like 12 or 14 Euros.

I can't remember exactly.

So my first dish has arrived.

It is fish soup with lots of different herbs and spices and onions.

It is really good.

And next I also have a salad coming and a fish dish and Sam was just like I want pizza.

Give me pizza.


So we're waiting for that to arrive.

Oh and bread.

Look at this.

I ordered it was called the Montenegro pizza.

The Montenegro pizza.


This is like fresh out of the oven.

Oh my goodness.

It sure is.

Look at this.

Is it good?


The bread is wonderful.

This is homemade.

Okay so the rest of the food has arrived.

Our table is like packed.

It is packed.

So many dishes.

Okay, so I had my soup.

I also get a salad.


And I'm just going to dress it right now with a little bit of oh.

A little bit of olive oil and look balsamic vinegar.

Oh yum.

From Moldena.


All the way from Italy.

So yes I will take some of that.

That is the best place to get it from.



It really is.

We've been there.

We did some vinegar tastings and oh my.

Oh my.

The vinegar from there you can drink right from the bottle.


It is like syrup.

But anyways tada.


The star of the meal this is my fish.

And it is covered in garlic.

I can smell the garlic.

I'm going to love this.

Sam you're going to love my breath.

Oh yeah.

More garlic wars.

And it also comes with potatoes and this looks like it could be spinach.

So why don't you try a bit of that?

Okay let's try the potatoes first.



I also have a cat friend who is like standing by.

Cat friend is right here standing by in case waiting for fish in case some fish or meat

may fall down.


Cat friend are you interested in the meat and the fish?


He's like yes.


Yes, I am.

I don't want pets I don't want attention just food.

So yeah the fish the skin is like nice and golden and crispy.

How is that?


Oh cat friend you're going to like this.

Let's see how he does.

Cat friend.

Alright Sam this is what you came for.

Yeah, this is a fancy looking pizza guys.

Look at this.

Want to tell us what is on it?

Yeah, so we've got like it is kind of considered to be like the local meat.

I think it is similar to prosciutto.

We've got tomatoes.

We've got two different kinds of olives.

We've got huge thing of like cream cheese.

Cream cheese and yeah it is just a nice sized pizza so.

Let's actually try that.

There is definitely a strong Italian influence in the food that is for sure.

That is nice pizza.

Really cheesy.

They did not skimp out on the cheese so we've got a lot of food to eat and what are you


Also I got uh Nikšićko beer and I finished most of it.

It is nice and refreshing after that long hike.

So yeah we've got a lot of food to take care of.

We're going to put the camera down and see what we can do.

Alright cat friend don't worry food is coming your way.

So lunch is over.


It was pretty tasty.

Um my pizza was just over 9 Euros and your fish was the entire combo was 14 Euros.


So we're both very stuffed and we're in need of a rest so we're going to have a little

bit of a nap and then we'll go out and check out the Old Town after that.

Sounds like a plan.


Cat Intermission.

Sausage cat.

Sausage cat.

Hey sausage cat.

Out of all of the cats who came by to visit us and that we fed outside here this was our

absolute favorite.

This one was so sweet and we call him sausage cat because he has the shortest legs.

Long body and tiny legs.

He's a bit of a low rider but he's the sweetest cat.

He's the sweetest cat.

So appreciates getting food.

We fed him cat food and he also loves pets.


He purrs.

These cats are fed by everyone in the neighborhood basically all day long.

That is true.

You're very well fed.

And we have another kitty over here.

Hey kitty.

Oh you are enjoying the little food we left you?


Yum yums.

Yum yum yums.

Look at this.

We have a collection of cats outside our door.

Meow meows.

It is a feast for everybody.

A feast for everyone.

Back to sightseeing.

Alright so here we are starting in the south end of the Old Town.

There are three entrances into the city.

We're staying like one block away from the south gate.

This right here is either called Gordic or Gordic.

I'm not sure how you pronounce the 'c' with a little accent on it but yeah here it is

and we've got this beautiful like emerald lagoon.

So let's walk in.

It is beautiful and this was our first introduction into the Old Town.


Like we walked from the bus terminal.


This right here is what we saw and we're like woah this place is going to be cool.


So before we even walk all the way into the town we've already found a staircase.

So let's take it up and see what kind of views we get.

I'm pretty sure they're going to be awesome.

So look we have all of these little windows.

So let's have a peak.

Okay so actually we maybe can't see much from here but there are other really cool lookout

points that we've seen along the walls.

So it's just a matter of climbing stairs up and down and seeing where you have the best


So now that we're here in front of this grand entrance let's go into the town.

Okay so we've just walked in through the southgate maybe like 50 meters or so and we've come

across this big staircase.

This leads all the way up to our airbnb apartment.


And if you've got really good eyesight you can probably see a few cats up there.

I'll zoom into that.

You see the kitties?

Those are the cats we've been feeding.


The Cathedral of St Tryphon (Katedrala Svetog Tripuna /Катедрала Светог Трипуна)

was built in honor of the patron saint and protector of the city, on the very same spot

where an older church had already stood long ago.

We paid our admission and went in to visit the cathedral's very own museum.

Alright guys.

So next up we're visiting the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon (Katedrala Svetog Tripuna /Катедрала

Светог Трипуна) . That is not a name I've ever said before.

Kind of tricky to pronounce to be honest.

Um, so we paid 2 Euros and fifty cents to go in here.

And that gives you admission to visit the church and also upstairs they have a museum

for sacral art.

Sacral art.

I'm just going to call it religious art.

Um, yeah so we are in here and it is very echoey.


So we're just exiting the museum now and it appears this has brought us out to the balcony.

Oh, that is awesome.

Look we've got the town right behind us.

The square.

And it would appear that the museum continues on the other side of the balcony.

What did you think?

Well these were the tickets.


It was far more impressive than I thought.


There was more displays.

It was surprising.

Yeah and it was cool just to get the balcony views as well.

So yeah, it was definitely worth it.

Alright guys so we have made it to the North Gate and honestly that didn't take us very


What like a fifteen minute walk?

20 minute walk?

Making a few stops along the way.

So it just goes to show how small and compact the small town.

The Old Town is.

Um, so yeah we're actually going to head back in and we're going to see if we can walk around

the walls of the Old Town.

It looks like there is a bit of renovations going on so we'll see if it is actually allowed

or not.

So we made it.

We climbed the steps.

Oh, and we're walking in mud.

I almost fell.


That was very slippery.


And now here we are on top of the Old Wall that runs all around the city basically.

So yeah, it is pretty cool.

How have you enjoyed Kotor (Котор) so far?

I've really enjoyed it.

When I first arrived I'm not sure if I would like it or not.

I don't know if it was just the weather or just I'm not sure what it was.

It was probably the nonstop rain.

Yeah that could have had something to do with it for sure.

A bit of a damper but like you know going for that really cool walk this morning yeah

and then now doing this we're the only people walking on this top part of the wall here.

We are.

It is pretty cool.

And you know what?

The town has actually been fairly quiet during the day because we're here in the offseason.

But last night a ferry not a ferry.

A cruise ship pulled in.

A gigantic cruise ship.

Oh my gosh pulled in.

The town transformed itself.

You wouldn't believe how busy it got but um it was fascinating just to see how it changed

so quickly.


Just with one gigantic ship pulling in.


Like thousands of people.

We're not kidding.

After walking along part of the city walls, we stopped by the Sea Gate, which is the third

entrance into the Old Town.

As soon as you walk through here you're met with a clock tower and a big square that's

encircled by restaurants and lots of little lanes that break away - basically it's a

great place to wander.

And now we want to show you one more restaurant that we enjoyed in Kotor (Котор).

This one was called Cesarica and they specialized in seafood.

So this what I ordered.

This is the stuffed squid with shrimp so I'm just going to bring one over.

Let's cut into it.

Look at the colors.

It is like golden crispy on the exterior really soft when you cut into it.

Oh wow look at that.

It sure is stuffed.

This is the inside.

Yeah this is when we were looking up this place this is what was recommended.

This was a dish that was recommended over and over again.



What say you?

That is so good.

Is it?


For me it is just all about the saltiness and the crispiness.


That is what it is all about.


It is just really nice.

I'll have a little bit more.


And you're right I do think you can eat the whole thing.

I think the bones have been fried too.

Oh yeah.

It is all so soft like you don't even taste the bones.

Just dig right in.

Lastly, if you want to enjoy a little evening stroll, the Port of Kotor (Cattaro) is a beautiful


Not only can you enjoy the city all lit up at night, but if you happen to be there on

a day when the cruise ship pulls into town, it's worth sticking around to watch it manoeuvre

its way.

And that concludes our visit to Kotor (Cattaro).

We hope you guys enjoyed following along and we'll see you in the next video where we

visit the neighbouring coastal town of Budva.

For more infomation >> 10 Things to do in Kotor, Montenegro Travel Guide - Duration: 20:12.


Michel Cymes, « ulcéré » par la drague lourde de certains hommes : « Quand c'est non, on s'arrête » - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Michel Cymes, « ulcéré » par la drague lourde de certains hommes : « Quand c'est non, on s'arrête » - Duration: 3:03.


How to replace rear shock absorbers NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:26.

Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №16

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №19

Use a socket №14

Using a special tool to compress the spring

Use a socket №17

Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually

For more infomation >> How to replace rear shock absorbers NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:26.


人情債最難還! - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 人情債最難還! - Duration: 3:11.


51歲「於美人」當年哭著報警鬧離婚! - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 51歲「於美人」當年哭著報警鬧離婚! - Duration: 3:14.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

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f(x)Luna怀念前辈钟铉:令人尊敬的最棒的歌手 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> f(x)Luna怀念前辈钟铉:令人尊敬的最棒的歌手 - Duration: 0:55.


DeRay Mckesson of "Pod Save the People" gets pulled over - Duration: 5:29.

Had you had experiences with the police prior to Ferguson?

Yeah, one, I don't know if

I've said this publicly just because even I ask is that when I was used to

run an after-school Center out of school Center in Baltimore 5th through 8th

graders which is great we had them for three we had three nights a week from 3 to

8 p.m. which is a very long time to be with 5th graders and any of you that

have 5th graders you are probably only around your 5th grader at 8 o'clock at

night I was around your 5th grader all of your first graders friends which is

very hard.

When my kids were in fifth grade- they're now older-

if I had to spend more than half an hour with them

I was done.

Imagine 3 to 8 weeks with dinner... oh my god it was a lot.

But one night somebody had left like a kid's, um,

a sensitive document about a kid on the cafeteria table in this school that we

operated the center out of and the principal hated me and I remember I woke up in

like a cold sweat of the middle night and I'm like I have to get to the school as soon

as the custodians get there at 6:00 a.m. so I'm like just throw on some clothes

I'm like I'm not speeding... I'm not speeding.

I feel confident saying I'm not speeding. I think I was going, I think people might mistake me

for speeding so I was like I was going down and I saw this-

Honestly it sounds like you were speeding.

Ooh.. I don't know. Easily mistaken for speeding.

And I was driving in a white neighborhood and I saw this police officer and I was like let me

just pull I was so afraid of the principal and he was really intense so

it's a way more afraid of him than anything so I seen this police officer

behind me he doesn't even have his lights on he's like sort of not far

behind me but I think she might mistake me for speeding so I pull over I just

like pull over like if I need to get a ticket today

just give me away he doesn't put his lights out and you pull over I fell over

because I'm like because I know that if the principal gets to the school before me

I might have not a job so it's like if a ticket is what I get out of this I'm

totally cool. So I pull over and the officer is like super stressed and he

with a gun drawn and he's just like, saying a lot and I am

comes up to my window with his gun drawn and he's just like, saying a lot

And I am again, very afraid of the principal so I put the window down and the officer-

So there's a gun to your, to you, and you're thinking oh, the principal's gonna be mad.

No really though, and I'm saying to him I'm like it's okay I'm like

it's okay calm down it's okay it's okay and it's like if I again if the

principal he's going to like gonna be in another world so he's like super intense and

I'm like de-escalating him and like trying to get this out so I can go to go

to the school and in the end I don't get a ticket I don't get a warning he

apologizes he gets back in his car I'm like trying to get to school but try not

to be mistaken for speeding now that I just had this interaction with the

police officer and the police officer pulls up to me like probably like two

minutes later and I'm like oh my god I just survived this guy like why are you

still here and he's like happy birthday! He's like, I saw that it's your birthday

and I'm like oh my god leave me alone the police are crazy!

But I went to school, I got in before the principal,

I got there and it wasn't till later that I like was telling somebody I'm like this

really crazy thing just happened with the police and they like flip out and I'm like

I probably should... but it was- I was so afraid of the principal that it like out of my-

I don't know- but that did happen and it wasn't until again later that I

was like wow this is happening all across the country. In my head-

Not the happy birthday part.

it wasn't until later that I was like that it registered for

me that this is- I don't know- I thought that that just happened to me

And like, I didn't know where to file a complaint like it was it sort of was this thing

that happened that I would just have to suck up because it wasn't I didn't know

how to talk about it or who to talk about it with and like he did have his

gun drawn he was super escalated I got his badge number but like I remember

talking somebody who worked in the prosecutor's office and she was just

like you need to be more careful that was her it wasn't like I just didn't

know anything. It sounds like you couldn't have been more careful. Yeah he was really

afraid of it I'm around like I went to Bowdoin in Maine I'm like a Bowdoin hoodie

I'm really like hoop shorts and flip-flops it's like so and that

principal and I you know I don't think he ever really apologized for being a

terror but we were better later but he was a real terror that day but uh, and but that was

that happened to me and it wasn't until the protest and I was like again this is

happening all across the country in a way that is really wild

let me just contrast that very quickly if I came with an anecdote that happened

to me today I get a call from my wife she says this is today she says I got

busted for speeding I said oh no she goes yeah I was doing 77

the cop he pulled me over and he said you know how fast you were going and she

said I was going 77 and he goes- What was the speed limit? 55. She might have been

mistaken for speeding huh she was definitely mistaken for speeding. And uh and in and he

goes you didn't even slow down when you passed me and she goes yeah cuz I felt

like it would be hypocritical to like slow down

No she didn't. Yes she did, I thought I said I did you're like and so he's like all

right well just- I would be like in handcuffs right now. That's my point so it's

a very different way too serious did she get a ticket? No she's he said all right

we'll just slow down and let it- That is special.

But he did not wish her a happy birthday.

It's probably not her birthday- It is not her birthday.


For more infomation >> DeRay Mckesson of "Pod Save the People" gets pulled over - Duration: 5:29.


Việt Nam vẫn là nhà vô địch Châu Á chung kết U23 VN Uzbekistan đánh giá chung - Duration: 13:52.

For more infomation >> Việt Nam vẫn là nhà vô địch Châu Á chung kết U23 VN Uzbekistan đánh giá chung - Duration: 13:52.


RULES OF SURVIVAL ✖️ HACK / MOD 🦂 ( NO ROOT / 2018 ) 🔥 MOD .XML DATA v1.126941.129336 - Duration: 10:03.

It is important to watch the whole video!

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