5th place for idol who should model
for hanbok (Korean traditional wear)
Lovelyz's Yein
4th place goes to Dia's Chaeyeon
3rd place is Astro's Eunwoo
2nd place is Vixx's Hongbin
1st place goes to WannaOne's Hwang Minhyun
who garnered 2230 votes! Congratulation!
I think this award will make him feel very happy
I agree
He is on the line right now
Hello Minhyun!
Hello, this is WannaOne's Hwang Minhyun
How are you spending your Korean New Year, Minhyun?
This New Year, I was not able to go home for New Years before
but this time, I think I can go
Ohhhh~~ I am sure you are stoked
Yes, I haven't had a vacation for long time so,
Is there something that you really want to do?
I want to go and eat my mom's food
Yeah mom's food is the best
You won the 1st place for idol who should model for hanbok!
-Congratulation -Wow, thank you
Can we hear your acceptance speech?
Um, I don't think I've worn hanbok many times before
but my fans Photoshop me in hanbok and upload the pictures all the time
I think they wish to see in me hanbok a lot
When there's chance,
I want to wear hanbok and show them
When you see those pictures
Do you also think that you look good in it?
-What do you think? -My fans do such a wonderful job
Photoshop-ping me, so I saw many great pictures
Many fans say your body fits hanbok very well
that they even wrote down the reasons
Thank you, I really appreciate it
If you rate your own body, what is your score?
Oh, the score?
70 points?
-70 out of 100? -Yes -What's 30 points for?
I need to work out more
-and fulfill the remaining 30 -You are so modest
Anyway, idol who should model for hanbok 1st place
I congratulate you
Thank you so much
En-na-na's listeners are tuning in as well
Please give New Year's greeting to them
For 2018, En-na-na's viewers, no listeners
and many
NCT's fans and WannaOne's fans
I wish you that your year is full of many happy moments
and I hope that your New Year's holiday is joyous
Thank you, I hope you have good time for rest of holiday,
and Happy New Year
Thank you, Happy New Year
Sub CR@ 만병통치 P/EyesOnFire07
For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 엔나나 황민현 전화연결 Phonecall with Hwang Minhyun - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Extra virgin olive oil for hair massage | How to use olive oil for hair massage - Duration: 2:04.
extra virgin olive oil for hair massage
Olive Oyl when heated provides deep conditioning for the hair and that
finally leads to healthier and beautiful problem-free scalp which in turn helps
for perfect hair growth
take half for of olive oil and warm it either in the
microwave or stove for a few seconds until the oil gets warm
remove it from the heat it to cool for a few seconds to ensure
that the oil is not too hot to apply it on your hair then apply this oil to your
hair by making it as parts but concentrate more on the hair
allow it sometime saturate properly and massage your hair
with your fingertips calm your hair and cover it with the towel or shower cap
let it sit for about 20 to 40 minutes or overnight and then rinse it off with
shampoo and conditioner
this process acts as barrier on your hair to prevent it from losing moisture
and helps to remove the dead skin cells to prevent many hair problems
continue doing this process once a week or whenever you cleanse your hair to get
rid of the dry hair problem
日本の漫画がモチーフ。DMCが988馬力までチューンしたランボルギーニ「アヴェンタドール・ラスアメリカス」を公開 - Duration: 3:30.
【競売】英国車史上最高値間違い無し。50年同じ一家に保管されてきたアストンマーティンDB4GTザガートが登場 - Duration: 3:53.
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit
Héritage de Johnny Hallyday : Brigitte Bardot s'at**que à Laeticia (et ça fait mal) - Duration: 3:06.
purger un robinet exterieur avec un compresseur parkside pko 500 lidl (vanne d'arrêt avec purge) - Duration: 3:48.
IMPORTANT - this is a "complete" purge. The outside tap should be open when you turn the water on see my video "put water after purging"
to do this method, your outdoor faucet shutoff valve must have a bleed valve
bleed an outside faucet with an air compressor
hello, I'm going to blow off my outside faucet
with an air compressor, on the secondary chain I use a PNTS 1300 parkside vacuum cleaner (video on the i)
the power of the compressor does not matter, I will adjust it to a low pressure
I will use a blow gun and I set the compressor at 2 bar (there is little pressure)
1- Shut off the water supply from the outside tap (close the water valve of the external tap)
we will cut off the water supply outside faucet, the handle is in the
meaning of the pipe, so the water circulates, we turn to cut the water
2- Open the external tap
we open the outside faucet
no water ... no purge ...
3- Open the drain cock of the stop valve of the external tap
put a container and open the purge valve of the shutoff valve
when opening, a little water is out
water with the purge valve
we can remove it
we will complete the purge with an air compressor
4- blow the air and collect the water
we will put the blower in the tap (well block the air with the fingers)
camera 1 - external tap
a larger container
put yourself at the place of purging
when you hear the air, it's over (there is no water)
water with the classic purge (nothing!)
water with the small drain cock that (ie 100 ml)
water with the air compressor (ie 300 ml)
purge valve = 100 ml compressor = 300 ml (total 400 ml)
on the right the result with the water vacuum (identical result - 400 ml)
5- replace the tap and close the external tap
now we put the little purge valve
we close the external faucet and I put extra protection
the disadvantage of this method is that you have to be two people
one to blow the air outside and one to retrieve it indoors
here the video with a water vacuum PARKSIDE PNTS 1300
thanks for watching this video and see you soon
L'ouest Américain - Région des lacs | ROAD TRIP PÈRE-FILS - Duration: 3:49.
We had to make a one-day detour to get to the other side of the mountain
we spent the night at Lake Tahoe. and I can tell you my dad and I have rarely been so cold
The next day we took the road again
and on the way to other lakes we had this discussion about my generation
My father thought we should not blame ourselves, we ultra connected travelers
that it was finally this way to organize our trip to the best of our ability
so you never miss anything on the road. so it projected us on many other topics of conversation
especially about what I wanted to do when I returned at the end of all his travels
we also talked about my travelers that I was exchanged on us young explorer who finally realized our dreams
like justin
I have been very respectful of since our last meeting
besides my father about it asks a lot of questions about his 4x4
while I'm talking about meetings in Asia
that my father and I care about different things it's fun
I must tell you about Bodie. a ghost town on the other side of the Sierra Nevada
It was both a desolate landscape is impressive
this mining town of the end of the 19th was completely abandoned at the beginning of the last century following a fire
Time has come to a standstill here and they have left everything behind
On the road we had as a backdrop this mountain. grand. that we had to go around to get here
I had heard of a place on a lake that was experiencing a strange phenomenon
it was wonderful
and we got there just before the sun went down
it's concretions, a limestone ama coming out of the water. they are visible because big cities like los angeles
good all fresh water in the area the size of the lake has been divided by 60 since the last ice age
The sun goes down and it was time for us to take the road again this time from the valley of death
Weird Things Everyone Just Ignores About Hugh Jackman's Marriage - Duration: 3:53.
There are few actors these days who have a career quite like Australian A-lister Hugh
Not only is he an action hero who can out-muscle almost anyone, but he can also sing and dance
and has dramatic chops on top of it all.
In addition to his one-of-a-kind resume, Jackman also has a rather unique marriage to fellow
Australian actor Deborra-Lee Furness.
While there's very little that's out of the ordinary about the long-lasting lovers themselves,
the way Hollywood treats them is a little strange, and here's why.
Furness was first
Jackman and Furness met in 1995 on the set of the Australian TV show Correlli.
Getting hired for the show was Jackman's first big break out of drama school, but Furness
had already done almost 20 films at that point.
Furness played the title role of a prison psychologist, while Jackman portrayed a tattooed
convict who suffered brain damage while in police custody.
The show only lasted one season, but it would change their lives forever.
"It gets better and better.
I can honestly say that.
I'm kind of really grateful that I met before anything kind of happened.
Anything that happened in my career, and on-screen, off-screen, we've always done it together."
Despite Jackman's truly tragic haircut back in the early days, he had chemistry with Furness
right from the beginning.
In fact, Jackman has revealed that she was such a big star to him in those days that
he was nervous about approaching her.
"I said oh look I've got a crush on you I'll get over it.
And she went, ugh really?
And I was like, ugh this is bad.
Yeah I've got one on you too.
And I went (gulp), right!"
The two were married the following year, and the rest is Hollywood history.
The rumor mill
It's not unusual for men to date younger women in Hollywood, but when the reverse is true,
eyebrows seem to raise.
Such is the case for Hugh and Deborah, who got together when he was 26 and she was 39.
But the two also have to deal with what they call "chopped liver syndrome," with his career
emerging as the more successful of the two over time.
"It can be, 'There's Hugh Jackman and that person.'
I've literally seen her knocked away."
Worse still, Jackman has never been able to shake the rumors that he prefers the company
of other men to his own wife.
"I mean, you can't be a star without having a gay rumor out there can you?"
Furness herself has said that she finds the rumors offensive.
"It's a lie.
It's the bottom line.
It's offensive.
If he was gay, fine, he would say he's gay.
It has gotten so out of whack."
However, there are those who think the couple might protest a little too much, especially
when it comes to them sharing TMI details about their bedroom life to prove their undying
"Yeah, it's silly."
Stalker status
A lot of celebrities have had to deal with deranged fans, but few stars have run into
experiences quite as scary as Jackman and Furness.
From 2012 to 2013, Jackman was repeatedly stalked by an obsessed fan named Katherine
In one particularly disturbing encounter, Thurston allegedly approached Jackman with
a razor and told Furness she was going to marry her husband.
The stalker was later sentenced to six months time served and five years probation and ordered
to stay away from the Jackmans.
Setting boundaries
In 2015, Furness revealed that she's got one major rule about who her husband can and cannot
lock lips with on his screen projects.
"I've told his agent he's not allowed to work with Angelina."
"I'm sure she's very nice and I love what she's doing — shining a light on awareness
for adoption."
Though Furness quickly admitted she was "just kidding" about her Jolie ban, Jackman came
forward with his own addendum to that rule.
"Look Deborra and I've been married for 20 years and we have a lot rules - we're very
She said that.
And as long as she doesn't work with Brad Pitt, we're cool."
So, either they're very guarded about each other keeping company with the former A-list
couple, or they've got a shared sense of humor about the whole Hollywood scandal cycle.
Hey, maybe that's how they make it work where so many other Tinseltown couples call it quits.
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Critiquée pour sa jupe et son décolleté la députée Aurore Bergé pousse une gueulante - Duration: 1:33.
Weather News Today with J7409 SUN FEB 25 2018 US Has A Mix Bag Of Weather - Duration: 14:16.
Time now for weather news today with j7 4:09 the name, you know the news you can use
Good day everyone
Looking like we still got some rain going on of course what it is
We have a high pressure over in this area
We got a high pressure over in this area the low pressure is trapped in between coming down from Canada
But the high pressure over here
Let me see if I can show you right quick this high pressure will be pushing all of this off. Okay?
And the rain it is
Looking like it's going to continue over the southeast
Tennessee Valley, and it should move eastward to the southern mid-atlantic and
southeast coast by
tomorrow evening
So this rain that everybody else has been getting is going to be for me tomorrow. This is set on the GFS
It's the model that seems to be the most precise this morning at around 9:00 a.m.
This is what it should be looking like now showers and thunderstorms will be confined to the western
central Gulf Coast okay
that's where most of the thunderstorms are going to be that will end over the western Gulf Coast coming up tomorrow morning and
Then moving to parts of the southeast and eastern Gulf Coast by Monday evening
As I was saying so we're going to move this a little bit or up to 6 p.m.
This afternoon you can see how these showers
Associated with thunderstorms of some develop will be as this is moving off the coast more and more
Getting closer to the Medical antek States now snow will develop over parts of northern, New England
Today show as we move up. We can see here we go
We have snow and Maine and Vermont and New Hampshire
that patchy ice you're going to see patchy ice develop up in this area as
This moves through and develops right up in here
Well, so look out for that if you're traveling around ok
It's going all of this snow Pachi ice with a mixture of rain coming then with it also
It's going to
Be there, and it should continue right through tomorrow morning
Plus those areas of rain and freezing rain will develop over parts of the northern New England area today
Into this evening just like I was telling you so remember you're gonna might run into some spotty ice okay
now snow develops over parts of the Upper Great Lakes
Upper mississippi valley and it should lift northward over
Canada by tonight, so this is 6:00 p.m.. This afternoon
We will go up to like 2:00 a.m.. In the morning
We can see how the snow is lifting on off
This is around 9 a.m.. In the morning you can see how the range coming in down here
All people down in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia
Louisiana is going to soon be rid of the rain
But this system is moving on off. We'll go to around 3:00 p.m.. Tomorrow afternoon
10:00 p.m.. Tomorrow night, it's looking like things should clear up now like I said
This is on the GFS model if we change that to the European model
It's going to look different to some degree
There's more severe weather in it now there could be severe weather
European model might out ride the GFS, but it's looking like probably the GFS is
Probably the the best one for today not always most of the time. It's a European model
We'll go back to around 9 a.m.. This morning
We want to look out west everything's looking good
But we do have some systems coming in a little snow line here in Oregon all the way up to Washington State
followed by rain and
of course northern Idaho and parts of Montana still got some snow going
But it's looking like for the most part down south in these states
Everything's cleared up some so we'll move up to around 3 p.m.
This afternoon more snow moves down into Idaho down around Boise shouldn't be a big snow out
I know you guys have had some snow snow snow as Washington State and Oregon and
Montana but
You still got a chance Suchong ok, but it shouldn't be a big big snow event
We move up to around 9 p.m.. This evening and we'll go to around 10 a.m.
Tomorrow morning as a snow moves south southeast word across the US
While we're taking a look at the GFS map itself you can see the systems a little better here
this is courtesy of tropical tidbits and
You know the question has come to my mind. Well March is going to be coming in on Thursday
Just a few days from now is that going to?
go out like a lion and come in like a lamb or
The very opposite this is what it's looking like today. You can see that where the pink is and the purple. That's the
mix freezing rain snow and sleet line I was talking about as
We move across you can see these are the storms
We're talking about and the new systems coming in out west so what we'll do
We'll move it up a little bit right quick if it will let us
here we go you can see things moving across and over out in this area right in here down in the
Southern part of Idaho around himmat you guys probably will be getting
1 to 3 inches of snow today a little heavier as we go up north of course
And of course you guys over here in the Northeast you've got some snow, too. We'll move it up one more block
To tomorrow morning you can see how everything is moving right along like it should these storms are down here in
the Gulf Coast
States as they start to move across one more click then they're over in the mid-atlantic
Where they're pushing it off down here?
Florida down in Miami and the very
Very southern part you may pick up a little bit of shower activity
And it may move northward with some spotty showers in the midsection off and on no big deal
No amount of rain probably to be measured
Taking a quick look at the watches and warnings mess
Up north everywhere it's brown that you see
You are under a high wind advisory the wind should die down in most places up north
By early afternoon or mid morning ok for example as we come to
Northeastern Ohio I go to the town of hasta boola
We find in this town that the system. I'm talking about that's moving well
This wind advisory is in effect for you until noon today
Ok and it's going to blow the winds will be shifting to the west for the most part with gusts of around
50 miles per hour
Possible don't mean you're going to get 50 mile-per-hour
Gusts, but you have that chance
And it's all of this is because this cold fronts moving across the region from around sunrise through mid-morning now
sustained winds
Anyway are going to be 31 to 39 miles per hour?
So that's a pretty good sustained wind if you have a high profile vehicle or you're out traveling early this morning
Please take this into consideration
the winds are going to be blowing pretty good look for you and
That goes right on up into
Western New York and the Buffalo area it's going to be windy also very windy up in the northern Michigan area as we come over
These are all
storm watches and warnings okay in the eastern, New York and Western New England areas where you see the blue and
As we come on down of course
western pennsylvania and east central ohio and extreme east
Western maryland and the extreme western maryland area we have the flood
Warnings and everywhere else you see the green
Flood watch is going on all the way down to missouri
some parts of Middle, Tennessee
also western Tennessee in eastern, Arkansas in northern, Mississippi and Memphis
We go down to central, Mississippi area we have some of those also
Once again as we come over to this area for southwestern, Kansas
Texas and Oklahoma and northern and central, New Mexico
along with southeastern, Colorado
What's going on here? Well as you can see?
Right here this red in the Texas
Oklahoma area that one little red that is in the panhandle of Texas and all the other states that I just named
That's a red flag warning, and you guys have a fire watch all the way
from Kansas all the way down to New Mexico and
parts of Colorado and Texas
It's all the conditions are right and the humidity is right the winds going to pick up some
You have a great chance of a fire starting that any little spark that gets out, so keep that in mind, okay?
This is a freeze warning over in
South Central, California
We need to look out for of course
We still have the blizzard warning and conditions that
Are up in central Montana in the Great Falls area also for our friends, Onalaska around?
Fairbanks you guys all up in this area where you see that orange you have a blizzard warning
Also other than that it's winter storm warnings and watches
For the most part and when we come over to Western
Wyoming what is that that is a very high wind watch for you guys
You guys do have that high wind watch and effect from this afternoon through tomorrow morning
Okay an increasing that will increase today and possibly become
Kind of strong for you tonight before it decreases tomorrow morning now
Southwest winds 30 to 40 miles per hour with gusts of 60 miles per hour now
travelers along Interstate 25 may experience strong crosswinds and travelers along Highway
7 8 9 - 8 7 - 2 0 from south pass to Casper
Should prepare for strong winds along with possibly blowing and drifting snow?
And ramping it on up we're gonna check out the temperatures
For the next day or so of course you know a very very hot down south here where it's orange and yellow
that's anywhere from the 70s to the 80s where it's green you should be in the 50s and
Well you know you might hit some 40s
We can't rule that out, but where it's blue you guys are going to be in the 30s for the most part
I do not see any purple. We're up now to
Monday night around 10 p.m.
Most of the coldest air we have a little bit of purple later on in the week around Tuesday
it's going to get very cold out in Idaho and Montana and
also up around the Great Lake region of
Wisconsin and Michigan other than that it looks like warming up for the most part
And this one's running now through Tuesday through
And we are now up to
Wednesday around
12 noon looking like the warmth is spreading more and more across the US so that's what things are shaping up to look like
today Sunday the 25th of February
2018 for the weather across the US if
anyone had any
Damaging flooding if you have any damaging flooding going on
You had some high winds or any kind of
extreme weather in your area if you have pictures
Please send them to me
I would love to share with everybody and let everyone
See just exactly what Mother Nature can do and I will push my email address
On the at the bottom of this video in this show more section
So please click it you can send send your pictures there to me anytime
Spring summer winter involve anytime send your pictures there. I would love to share them with everybody
Hope everybody has a great Sunday a great Monday first start of the work week for most
Pleased be safe in areas that are dangerous and
Remember always be kind to each other. Okay? We got to keep that in mind. I love you guys so much
Thank you for subscribing thumbs up and the comments much peace love and kindness to each of you
WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to W House after confrontational call with Trump - Duration: 2:09.
WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to W House after confrontational call with Trump - Duration: 2:09.
WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to W House after confrontational call with Trump - Duration: 2:09.
WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to W House after confrontational call with Trump - Duration: 2:09.
2018 Toyota C HR SUV Car Styling Review - Duration: 4:05.
By far the most noticeable and distinctive feature of the 2018 Toyota C-HR is its exterior
intend, one of the most adventurous ever to emerge from the republican Japanese maker.
If you thought the Nissan Juke took a while to digest, the C-HR will have you analyzing
its nonstop collection of curves, fissures, upkicks, and pinnacles for daylights .
The name, Toyota says, expressed support for" Coupe, High Riding ," and while Toyota may
call it a crossover, it's a five-door hatchback with expressive styling that hides the rear
opening treats in the rear pillars( they labor fine ), use a rising window direction to imitate
a two-door coupe.
It's also a much greater auto than it seems, practically a shortened mid-size vehicle that's
significantly wider and taller than the subcompact Yaris in the same showroom .
The C-HR's shape will pull your eyes from one slant or curve to another.
Every occasion they come to rest, you'll be distracted by some other intend flourish.
Animal-like jowl and cat-eye lamps flow into fenders that wrap themselves tightly around
its wheel shafts.
The sills and side stampings impress a deep skeletal shape into the sideview.
The roofline descents and the rear pillar switches up--and they meet at the rear opening
The taillights bracket a tall rear end, where the three-quarter belief of the C-HR switches
thick and emphasizes its high-riding posture, moving high standards 18 -inch rotates seem
small despite all the accents "ve been meaning to" confuse your seeing .
In the end, though, we conclude the C-HR has something that will intrigue us for years.
It's a far more successful speech of the Toyota design language first used in the Mirai fuel-cell
sedan and the most recent Prius hybrid hatchback.
Neither of those vehicles has an exterior that's quite resolved, but the C-HR is all
of a piece--and has no glaring feature like the Juke's bug-eye front lightings.
The intend is still likely to be polarizing, but it may well succeed with the younger customers
Toyota searches .
Functional cockpit, with diamonds
Inside, the C-HR has one of the better cockpits among the variety of small hatchbacks and
Toyota cloyingly calls the center husk of controls the MeZone; let's just agree that
it's a stylish, unconventionally molded laid of substitutions, grip, and touchscreen restrains
that's attractive and far away from derivative.
The C-HR's 7.0 -inch display screen sits on the dash like the screens in other small vehicles,
but it's better integrated, and the surround restrains complement it well .
Diamond motifs are a intend topic not only on the exterior but also inside the hut, with
a grid of diamonds molded into hard-plastic lower opening panels and even into the headliner.
It adds visual attention and doesn't interfere with any restrains.
We wish the were available in complexions other than all-black( with a few silver-tongued
accents ), but we'll defer to Toyota's suggestion that it's what the specific objectives customers
are comfy with .
In the end, we give the C-HR 7 points out of 10 for styling.
The interior working for you, and the adventurous exterior lastly would point out that Toyota's
new design language can create a stunning and distinctive intend without the kinds of
jaw-dropping clashes found on the Mirai and Prius.
Not everybody is like the result, but we didn't dislike it on first sight and it developed
on us significantly during our time with the test vehicles.
WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to W House after confrontational call with Trump - Duration: 2:09.
2018 Toyota C HR SUV Crossover Comfort and Quality Review - Duration: 3:04.
While the 2018 Toyota C-HR looks like a small car, it's not so petite inside.
Constructed on a shortened versions of the underpinnings be useful for mid-size cars,
the room is wide-cut and surprisingly roomy front and back .
Up front, occupants sit lower than you'd expect in this "high-riding" auto, and the front
seats are delicately bolstered and comfy, though the lower cushions may feel short to
longer-legged equestrians.
The high posture gives spate of brain area even for those over 6 hoofs tall .
We rate the C-HR at 5 points out of 10; the object it incomes for having a capacious interior
is offset by one docked for the lack of cargo room in a auto that Toyota insists on presenting
as a stylish crossover utility vehicle.
In contrast to the front, that posture tells rear passengers sit high, scaping the knees-up
post of some smaller hatchbacks with bench cushions close to the flooring.
Toyota has scooped out the backs of the front seats and invoked them off the flooring, rendering
spate of" shoe area ," as they say.
There's rear brain area for 6-footers, very, making this one small hatchback where three
adults might actually fit into the rear bench for more than 5-minute emergency trip-ups
The C-HR has a conventional shifter, but it still has spate of storage bins, cupholders,
and trays.
The rear benches turn and fold along a 60/40 separate to create a flat onu floor--which
isn't always the case in this segment.
The cargo deck is amazingly high to load, at mid-thigh level, though, and its 19 cubic
hoofs of cargo publication with the rear seat up is only average.
It's 32.4 cubic hoofs with the rear bench folded flat, less than other front-wheel-drive
hatchbacks and even some actual crossover utility vehicles.
We'd hazard a guess that's because there's area standing under the C-HR's flooring for
the all-wheel-drive hardware that's not offered in the U.S .
The quality of information materials was about median for a small auto; thin soft-touch surfaces
are used where passengers may touch it, but spate of hard-plastic surfaces continue, numerous
accented with diamond layouts.
The all-black interior doesn't feel specially upmarket, and is alleviated by only a small
amount of silver-tongued decorate.
One dissonant memo was the cheapness of a flimsy cargo extend made of pitch-black nylon
textile rather than vinyl .
Red Sparrow : Jennifer Lawrence prête à trahir son pays dans une nouvelle featurette - Duration: 2:14.
Dany Boon refuse de prendre parti dans l'affaire du testament de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:51.
David Hallyday sort du silence pour prendre la défense de ses « deux petites sœurs » Jade et Joy - Duration: 3:04.
Les Marseillais Australia : Le premier épisode déjà disponible, on vous explique où le regarder - Duration: 2:18.
Man's Journey Across the World to Propose (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 5:17.
Original Smok TFV12 Tank Cloud Beast King Tank For GX350 #32 - Duration: 2:01.
[ 1 Hour ] of best mix for your relax music ( part seven ) - Duration: 59:48.
[ 1 Hour ] of best mix for your relax music
Music originals composed and arranged by F. Carioli Special thanks C. Quadri e L. Carminati
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LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes...
爾来さん、山d…アシッドさんとでっどばいでいらいと! - Duration: 5:08:51.
Home appliances store in South Korea - Duration: 5:25.
I'm in front of a LG home appliances store
In the suburb of Seoul, South Korea
I'm waiting for the train and I have nothing to do
This shop behind me seems interesting
So let's take a look Inside !
Seoul has the same pollution issues as many others Asian cities
So people care about the air quality inside their homes
You can find here different kinds of air purifiers with nice shapes
Maybe this one can move by itself in the living room
This one fits well with round shaped interiors
It looks like a fridge
But it's not
Maybe South Koreans don't have enough time to go to the dry-cleaning service
So you can get a dry-cleaning service at home !
Just put the water down
And your clothes will be steamed
Dry-cleaning at home, suit and shirts ready for tomorrow...
Here's a whole product range of in-home water purifiers
and you can get fresh or hot water as you want
Perfect to have a tea without waiting
Oh, a mini-dishwasher
looks nice for camping !
you can even take your dishwasher for a road-trip
Maybe this one cooks some food
Here are the famous rice cookers
rice is mainly present in Asian cuisines
Look at this one, with a nice brushed-aluminium finish
You cook the rice once then it keeps it warm
So you can have warm rice whenever you want during 2 or 3 days
Air cleaners and air conditioners again
This one looks futuristic with a built in camera
Maybe to have a Skype while cleaning the ambiant air
Let's ask to someone who knows
This camera will look at all the people seating in the living room
After analysis, it'll bring fresh air to each people staying there with precision
Maybe the fresh air comes from these holes
I'm going to ask some help again
Apparently it's designed for your facial skin
I still don't know what happened
But I feel refreshed now
It's cool
very cool
In LG vision, all appliances are connected to each other and work together
Like the robot vaccum and the fridge
And don't forget the mask!
The mysterious mask...
The shop tour is done
It always fascinates me that in some countries far away from Europe
People are designing new products we have no idea
It's cool to discover these innovations in other countries
L'ouest Américain - Région des lacs | ROAD TRIP PÈRE-FILS - Duration: 3:49.
We had to make a one-day detour to get to the other side of the mountain
we spent the night at Lake Tahoe. and I can tell you my dad and I have rarely been so cold
The next day we took the road again
and on the way to other lakes we had this discussion about my generation
My father thought we should not blame ourselves, we ultra connected travelers
that it was finally this way to organize our trip to the best of our ability
so you never miss anything on the road. so it projected us on many other topics of conversation
especially about what I wanted to do when I returned at the end of all his travels
we also talked about my travelers that I was exchanged on us young explorer who finally realized our dreams
like justin
I have been very respectful of since our last meeting
besides my father about it asks a lot of questions about his 4x4
while I'm talking about meetings in Asia
that my father and I care about different things it's fun
I must tell you about Bodie. a ghost town on the other side of the Sierra Nevada
It was both a desolate landscape is impressive
this mining town of the end of the 19th was completely abandoned at the beginning of the last century following a fire
Time has come to a standstill here and they have left everything behind
On the road we had as a backdrop this mountain. grand. that we had to go around to get here
I had heard of a place on a lake that was experiencing a strange phenomenon
it was wonderful
and we got there just before the sun went down
it's concretions, a limestone ama coming out of the water. they are visible because big cities like los angeles
good all fresh water in the area the size of the lake has been divided by 60 since the last ice age
The sun goes down and it was time for us to take the road again this time from the valley of death
Johnny Hallyday transfère 75.000 euros à Laeticia trois jours avant son décès - Duration: 1:25.
How I Package My Orders • Small Business Behind the Scenes UPDATE - Duration: 6:44.
hello everyone and welcome to my updated packaging video today I will show you
how I currently packaged my orders hopefully you will find it helpful at
first I collect my items that people have
ordered here's a view of my desk I've got my buttons on the right there's pens
and other things I need during packaging and of course envelopes these are
standard small padded envelopes middle envelopes and a 5 padded envelopes and
of course a leaflet with the prices for packaging to print out the customers
address I use these Avery stickers you can just
peel them off one by one now I start putting together the orders from the
collected items I use the Avery stickers on the envelope and then I sort the
collected items to the unlock buttons come in two little padded envelopes
stickers are standard envelopes etc
to write my thank-you notes I had these a seven square no putz printed on
recycled paper it's really great way to brand your thank-you notes and it's a
lot cheaper and easier than other options hi my tissue paper in bulk and
then pre-cut it to the sizes that I use for packaging my items he is my most
important packaging drawer with my backing cards which are open secret
essentially just business cards my envelope sealing stickers my 3d stickers
with my rebel mascot on my notepads that I just showed you and of course my
pre-cut bubble wrap that I use for jewelry and pins and it's just all pre
used bubble wrap just cut down into pieces here are my bigger backing cards
they're just post cards that I then cut in half
here are my stamps they're all on Avery style or sticker sheets these can just
be peeled off one by one and I bought them all on the German Postal Service's
website now that you know which packaging materials are used I'll now
show you them in action
that was my updates packaging video I really hope you enjoyed it if you have
any questions whatsoever concerning packaging and branding please
leave them in the comments I'll be happy to help and I hope you have a great day
bye bye
Héritage de Johnny Hallyday : Brigitte Bardot s'at**que à Laeticia (et ça fait mal) - Duration: 3:06.
Elle avait l'habitude de dire bonjour à cet homme sans-abri . Un jour, il lui donne un papier qui... - Duration: 5:54.
Comment se débarrasser de l'eczéma naturellement ? - France 365 - Duration: 9:46.
Stranger Asks Elderly Man If He's Buying Valentine Card For Wife He Wasn't Prepared For Response - Duration: 2:20.
Stranger Asks Elderly Man If He's Buying Valentine Card For Wife – He Wasn't Prepared
For The Response
Valentine's Day is heavily commercialized.
Starting around Christmas, stores fill their aisles with pink and white, an early reminder
that the one day a year dedicated to celebrating your love for another is fast approaching.
Of course, folks can show their love for another any time they like, but for one older man,
he still chooses to honor the love he still has for his wife.
And what makes this story more precious is how he chooses to do this.
Showing your love isn't always about the tangible things.
But for some, it might help make them feel closer to this person they hold so dear.
One follower of the breast cancer awareness Facebook page shared this lovely story of
an unidentified Hallmark customer who was there to purchase a birthday card for their
They not only left with their card but a beautiful story of a man's love for his wife that
still endures.
While this person was looking for their card, they spotted an older man browsing through
Valentine's Day cards.
The gentleman appeared to be taking his time, searching for that perfect card.
This already evokes an endearing image of a man hoping to find the right card for the
woman he loves.
The customer asked the man who he was buying his card for.
The man said it was for his wife.
He would be giving her the note along with some roses.
What a sweet gesture.
The customer learned the man's wife was dead.
She'd died three years earlier of breast cancer.
He'd be placing the flowers and card on her grave.
"I still buy her roses and a card and bring them to her grave to prove to her that she
was the only one that will ever have my heart."
If that doesn't bring tears to your eyes.
On perhaps the most challenging day of the year for this dear man, he still puts his
love for his wife front and center.
What a beautiful way to spend a holiday.
Make sure to tell those you love they have your heart.
You don't have to do it with expensive gifts.
Your love should come from the heart.
Subscribe to our channel for more : http://bit.ly/2lB6QeW Visit our website : http://newzmagazine.com/
Emmanuel Macron commente les sifflets: « C'est 10 zigues planqués qui se dégonflent » - Duration: 1:14.
Red Sparrow : Jennifer Lawrence prête à trahir son pays dans une nouvelle featurette - Duration: 2:14.
David Hallyday sort du silence pour prendre la défense de ses « deux petites sœurs » Jade et Joy - Duration: 3:04.
Dany Boon refuse de prendre parti dans l'affaire du testament de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:51.
热:欧冠女排小组赛4队提前出线 费内巴切莫斯科折戟| 中国 消息 - Duration: 7:00.
Les Marseillais Australia : Le premier épisode déjà disponible, on vous explique où le regarder - Duration: 2:18.
Emma Chambers (Coup de foudre à Notting Hill) morte à l'âge de 53 ans - Duration: 1:11.
Un smoothie purifiant à la betterave et à la carotte, pour le foie et le sang | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:01.
Critiquée pour sa jupe et son décolleté la députée Aurore Bergé pousse une gueulante - Duration: 1:33.
Le mystère secret - Duration: 24:25.
purger un robinet exterieur avec un compresseur parkside pko 500 lidl (vanne d'arrêt avec purge) - Duration: 3:48.
IMPORTANT - this is a "complete" purge. The outside tap should be open when you turn the water on see my video "put water after purging"
to do this method, your outdoor faucet shutoff valve must have a bleed valve
bleed an outside faucet with an air compressor
hello, I'm going to blow off my outside faucet
with an air compressor, on the secondary chain I use a PNTS 1300 parkside vacuum cleaner (video on the i)
the power of the compressor does not matter, I will adjust it to a low pressure
I will use a blow gun and I set the compressor at 2 bar (there is little pressure)
1- Shut off the water supply from the outside tap (close the water valve of the external tap)
we will cut off the water supply outside faucet, the handle is in the
meaning of the pipe, so the water circulates, we turn to cut the water
2- Open the external tap
we open the outside faucet
no water ... no purge ...
3- Open the drain cock of the stop valve of the external tap
put a container and open the purge valve of the shutoff valve
when opening, a little water is out
water with the purge valve
we can remove it
we will complete the purge with an air compressor
4- blow the air and collect the water
we will put the blower in the tap (well block the air with the fingers)
camera 1 - external tap
a larger container
put yourself at the place of purging
when you hear the air, it's over (there is no water)
water with the classic purge (nothing!)
water with the small drain cock that (ie 100 ml)
water with the air compressor (ie 300 ml)
purge valve = 100 ml compressor = 300 ml (total 400 ml)
on the right the result with the water vacuum (identical result - 400 ml)
5- replace the tap and close the external tap
now we put the little purge valve
we close the external faucet and I put extra protection
the disadvantage of this method is that you have to be two people
one to blow the air outside and one to retrieve it indoors
here the video with a water vacuum PARKSIDE PNTS 1300
thanks for watching this video and see you soon
Making a Hip Hop beat from s...
【MMD/FNAF】Suicide Parade スーサイドパレヱド【Male Toy Chica】 - Duration: 3:13.
when we had the the accident at Wallops the mishap where we lost entire is and
then recently SpaceX lost dragon there were kids at those launches who had
experiments on those spacecraft who had the disappointment of losing them and
welcome to the real world of rocket science I guess but also had the
excitement of knowing that they were a part of something that's really really
hard and I heard a kid heard a story of a kid who was interviewed by a reporter
who said yeah it's really a bummer to lose that experiment but I'm kind of
5050 I got to see a rocket exploding that was really exciting and then we're
gonna fly it again we're gonna build it again and we're gonna fly it again and
they did and and there'll be more and more of that and it teaches I think kids
a lesson that it's worth doing it's worth doing twice or three times
whatever it takes to achieve your goal and I think that it makes them realize
that that the really hard things are the ones that really matter and that I think
it also gives them a sense that they can in fact participate in spaceflight and
like for myself when I was 13 and decided I wanted to be an astronaut it
helped to have some teachers who said you can do this this way and that way
and this is where you need to go and my parents who were supportive these kids
are getting the same thing from an even broader community that you know maybe I
could be an astronaut if not I can be a scientist or an engineer and I've run
into people even people in Congress who said I'm doing what I do now
because of the Apollo program
In Asscociation With Lunar Docu
(Neil Armstrong) It's One Small Step for Men
(Neil Armstrong) One Giant Leap For Mankind
(John F Kennedy ) We Choose To Go To The Moon!
(John F Kennedy ) We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!
(Buzz Aldrin) four decades ago
(Buzz Aldrin) Have past since Neil, Mike and I traveled across the blackness of space to win
(Buzz Aldrin) A peaceful race!
Music By SiriousBeatTV
Editing by Isai Symens
Space History Sundays: Every Week another Episode
You Are Now Watching The First Episode Of Space History Sundays
Thanks For Watching :-)
welcome aboard NASA tours my name is George Herman
we'd like to bet you a warm welcome to the John F Kennedy Space Center during
our tour today we'll have recorded commentary and at times I'll stop the
tape to answer any questions you might have for those of you with the camera
anything you see you may photographs now smoking is not permitted on our bus so
let's just settle back and relax and we'll begin our trip with the Western
world's first spaceport Cape Kennedy formerly called Cape Canaveral was
selected as the site for testing ballistic missiles and later is our
nation's first spaceport as our space program grew the site was extended to
include Merritt Island one of the reasons this was an ideal site is that
the first stage of a rocket doesn't go high enough to go into orbit and when it
falls back to earth we'd rather it fall back in the ocean than over inhabited
areas another reason is from this point we can take advantage of the Earth's
rotation and achieving orbit and also the islands stretching southeastward
from the Cape were already made chain of stations for our tracking network here
at Merritt Island there are more than 88,000 acres of land and what's wreaths
Isles and acres or orange groves and 39,000 acres have been left as wildlife
they're wild boar armadillos alligators thirteen ball Eagles nests and more than
200 separate species of birds and even one reporting of a panther
the long white building on the right is a manned spacecraft operations building
here is where we receive and check out the Apollo spacecraft and lunar modules
and if you ladies think you keep your house clean well you should see the
inside of this building the walls the ceiling then even the floor is painted
white and they never stopped vacuum sweeping
if you're just entering the room you can wear regular clothes but before you can
go near one of the spacecraft you have to put on white gloves and a special
lint-free gown like a surgeon would wear in an operating room
they even wash the air that goes inside the spacecraft okay good
in other buildings as symbol a scientific communication and weather
satellites and the surveyor spacecraft for you folks who don't know what a
surveyor is? that's an unmanned vehicle and we've
already soft landed five on the moon you've seen the pictures they send back
the last do even had claws which dug at the surface scooped up the soil and then
sent a message back to earth to tell what kind of soil it was
one reason for all of this is to make sure when our astronauts get to the moon
they've got a pretty good idea of what to expect while all of this is going on
the astronauts are practicing every detail of the flight to help them do
this they have a trainer that it's just like a real spacecraft where they can
simulate everything from the actual blast-off complete with sound effects to
a docking in space
alright liftof
well commence
role complete
let it go
right change
roger, right changing and we are venting
presure decreasing
one minute
again Roger switching
how far do you think that billing is anyone like to take a guess one mile
anybody else closer to two miles, and mile and a halve, that's the Vehicle Assembly Building and
from here it's five miles away
now we're going inside and have a brief rundown on what takes place inside the
building the size of this structure folks is again deceptive because we
don't have much on our flat terrain to which we can compare it the best way I
know to get the full impression of its height is once you get off of this bus
get your feet firmly planted on the ground just lean your head back and look
straight up every once in a while we'll have someone from New York to remind us
that the Empire State Building is just a little bit taller than this this we have
no quarrel with the Empire State Building about two times as high however
if we cut the Empire State Building up we could get nearly four and a half
Empire State buildings and the walls of this one how much did it cost one
hundred and sixty million dollars ma'am Saturn five rocket you see in this
building are not manufactured here they're made many different parts of the
country California Louisiana Alabama and brought
here by barge and some of the biggest cargo airplanes in the world
now that you've seen the size of some of our rockets you can understand why we
must have a big building to put them together for rockets each 36 storeys
tall can be assembled here at one time when this building was under
construction clouds actually formed under the roof and it rained inside the
giant fans have been installed but keep the air moving so this can't happen
once all the individual stages are checked out they're moved into place
with an overhead crane
if Paulo Saturn rocket consists of five sections each stacked on top of the
other the main booster the intermediate stages
and finally the payload that contains a spacecraft that will orbit the moon and
a lunar module it would take two men down to the surface and then bring them
back again
the rocket is a symbol and all the system checked out again they opened the
doors at the side of the building the doors are made up of sliding panels each
panel weighing 30 tons and it takes 45 minutes to get them open
enlarged crawler-transporter which is like a giant tractor it's driven into
the building and lifts the rocket platform and all to take it out to the
launch pad and they usually start early in the morning because it takes all day
to get there
it's over a half a million miles to the moon and back first three miles of that
trip is made right here on the road out to the launch pad
rode out to the pad isn't a divided highway but two road beds filled with
loose rock to help cushion the weight
when the crawler-transporter is carrying the mobile platform with the Saturn
rocket there is a total of 18 million pounds moving along at a top speed of
one mile an hour when the crawler is empty it can really scratch off it can
double its speed and go two miles
we had two gentleman from Texas out here the other day and one of them looked at
those crawler-transporter and said hey tall we get back to the Big D for you
folks who don't know what the big D is? that's Dallas remind me to buy one of
those things and the other said what in the world would you do one of those and
he said I'd put a blade on it and Molem along
our Saturn 5 rocket when is completely assembled stands 364 feet tall weighs
6.2 million pounds and most of that weight is fueled when this rocket leaves
here will liftoff the thrust of more than seven and a half million pounds
this is about 180 million horsepower that's more horsepower and a string of
cars lined bumper-to-bumper from here to Seattle Washington
now from here you can get a good view of the roadway going up the top of the
launch pad remember that crawler-transporter must
traverse this grade with the Saturn 5 rocket there are automatic leveling
devices to keep the rocket leveled so it doesn't become top-heavy and fall over
we're test launching these rockets right now in preparation for a launch to the
moon but it's more than a moon rocket folks it would do that job and whatever
else this country needs to do in space for a long time to come
ok uh are they any changes to the schedule our new line item 7 which is
shown for all day all of first shift you see the tank pressurization test will
not start until 1300 when do you want to run leak check first ship TST
you're gonna extend that timeout for 5 hours by cutting it off in the front end
of that lh2 storage tank pressurization negative the hazardous poison of that
should last only about 4 hours
all see four
see us to verify FeLV da and he position a request next cute MP 43 plck at
would you start tape recorders, it course started, ok all personal count al monitors and executers
go ahead TVTS
can you verify if you are ready to pick up the count at t-minus 6 hours and 13 minutes, ok standby i get that information for you, all tc, channel 121
we're now beginning to pressurize the tanks within the Saturn 5 vehicle we
will pressurize all of the tanks in all three stages with gaseous helium as the
pressurization builds up its being monitored during the control center now
at 1 minute and 40 seconds and counting our status board still indicating
all is well established board shows instrument units, spacecraft and all the launch support operations well at this time at 90 seconds and counting
Houston flight now confirms that they are that they are go for the flight as
are all other aspects of the mission t-minus 1 minute 16 seconds and counting
the pressurization continuing within the vehicle at this time we also have a
hydraulic commit that will permit the hydraulics to drive the engines in the
first stage liquid hydrogen tank in the second stage now pressurizing t-minus 60
seconds and counting our status board still shows we're go at
this time t-minus 50 seconds and Counting we have transferred to internal
power the transfer is satisfactory a 6.2 million pound saturn v launch vehicle
now on its own power at 38 seconds and counting
the repeat of the ignition sequence will stat at 8.9 seconds, we will be looking for lift off at zero
2 minus 30 seconds and counting
2 minus 25
stages reporting ready for launch
t minus 20
egnition sequence start
we have egnition
all engines are normal
we have lift off
That's it Folks
Thanks So Much For Watching
Next Episode Will be About Apollo 11
Sunday 4 March 2018
Here On Deep Space Tv
Please don't forget to leave a comment (i read all comments)
And if you have any suggestions for future Episodes
feel free to post a suggestion on the discussion tab of this channel
Special Thanks to NASA and its employees
and to the US National Archives
Copyright Deep Space Tv
[ 1 Hour ] of best mix for your relax music ( part seven ) - Duration: 59:48.
[ 1 Hour ] of best mix for your relax music
Music originals composed and arranged by F. Carioli Special thanks C. Quadri e L. Carminati
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