Sadia G Official
Goat Milk Benefits
For more infomation >> Cow Milk Benefits│Health Benefits of Cow Milk│Health Tips in Urdu│Sadia G Official - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
時代を逆境するGクラス、あえて現代のクルマでクラシカルスタイルを楽しむ - Duration: 7:19.
Romina Power svela chi è il suo vero amore | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:44.
Große Poren natürlich reduzieren 1 - Duration: 3:35.
Domenica In anticipazioni: Milly Carlucci svela le novità di Ballando | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:00.
For Sale | Panda A Panda Videos | Fun Cartoons For Kids | Kids Shows - Duration: 3:22.
Panda A Panda
C'è Posta Per Te: Domenica non vuole incontrare Antonio, ecco il vero motivo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:05.
Tipps für feste Nägel 1 - Duration: 4:26.
Große Poren natürlich reduzieren 1 - Duration: 3:35.
GAMPER & DADONI - Island In The Sun (feat. Conor Byrne) - Duration: 3:57.
GAMPER & DADONI - Island In The Sun (feat. Conor Byrne)
Berat Oz - Unreal - Duration: 4:20.
Berat Oz - Unreal
The Oh Hello's - Hello My Old Heart (Teddy Beats Remix) - Duration: 2:41.
The Oh Hello's - Hello My Old Heart (Teddy Beats Remix)
[2017 제네바] 프리미엄 중형 SUV 볼보 XC60 공개[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:47.
Tipps für schöne Beine 2 - Duration: 3:47.
Mit Gurke und Heilerde gegen Pickel und fettige Haut 1 - Duration: 3:20.
[2017 제네바] 폭스바겐, CC보다 고급스러운 아테온 세단 공개[24/7 카] - Duration: 4:54.
6 Naturheilmittel gegen Hautflecken 1 - Duration: 3:24.
Tử vi Tuổi Mão năm Mậu Tuất 2018 , Tài Lộc vượng phát, Tiền Tiêu Rủng Rỉnh | Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 8:29.
[2017 제네바] 폭스바겐, CC보다 고급스러운 아테온 세단 공개[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:44.
日光線観光列車「いろは」の展示会…鉄道博物館と日光駅で 3月 - Duration: 3:47.
Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...
Our Sticker in the Webstars2018 - Paninialbum - Duration: 15:19.
Yo, we just arrived in our hotel in Munich
Cause we'll play at the Eurosport Olympia Show here
And the funny thing about this is that Dennis is the loser of the century again
So, this is my room, it's big and nice
Show us your room Jona
I have won, I've got a deluxe-room
A great double bed
...and a f*****g living room
This is so over the top
Welcome to my home
There you can see my bed, that's all
You loser!
Today will be pretty stressful
...but also pretty cool
We're now driving to Icking
to our next school-concert
Then we'll have a meeting in the inner-city
...and then we have to hurry to our hotel for an interview with the "Popcorn Magazine"
...and then we gotta go to...
to the TV-station of Eurosport
Cause we'll be performing live in the "Olympia Show"
We have to be there at 4-5 pm
For rehearsals and stuff
And hopefully some food
Yo yo, (whatever this is)
We're at the "Rainer-Maria-Rilke-Gymnasium" in Icking
"Check it out"
I tried to record something productive for our vlog
But I have no idea
Hi I'm Jona
Now it's becoming productive
Eniz we wanted to do some real talk
and you're not a part of the band
So, Eniz is not a part of the band anymore
He'll be playing with us
and he'll still be in the videos
So nothing changes for you
But all in all, he's not a member of this band anymore
Meaning, the two of us earn more money
and we're getting all the girls, of course
(We don't have any girls)
Yeah, Eniz is just not allowed to do his anymore
It's just not working with Eniz
Hm, you may have noticed it yourself
He's just an odd fellow
Just now
He was making an announcement
Eniz if you'll see this when you're cutting the video, right?
So he was making the announcement
First of all "Hallihallo"
Who the h*** is saying "Hallihallo" today?
What's more, you try to make an announcement
to convince the pupils to come to the concert
and you start with "Hallihallo"
Everyone immediately thinks that he's strange
We invite you cordially
to our schoolbreak-concert
Ok, who is still saying "cordially"?
But then
"When everyone comes...
...we can try to extend the break for...
...2 or 3 minutes!!!
Everyone can extend the break for 2-3 minutes
You'll do this anyway
by walking slowly to your class room
So, dear Eniz, if you hear this...'re a droll fellow!
Well, I never!
I'm soaking wet
That was our gig, we gotta load in our equipment very, very, very, fast
We need about 45 minutes to the inner-city of munich
cause we have a meeting there
Let's go
We have a meeting with our record label in an hour
and we're driving through the snow masses
in Bayern
And after that we're gonna have an interview with the "Popcorn Magazine"
Someday we'll establish a driving school
and a normal school
Then there will be TIL my School concerts in every school break
That will be the "TIL my School - School"
and the "TIL my School - Driving School"
This will be awesome guys!
Who wants to go to our "TIL my School - Driving School"
We've just been to the interview
Thanks for the cool interview Jen!
We had much fun
Now we're driving to Eurosport
mixing up the olympic games
With "Brand New Life"
and "Please Don't Lie"
Now playing U2 on our way there
I'm hungry
Gonna have Soundcheck now, let's go
Do you know what Dennis shares with his shoes?
Both of them are filthy and dirty
Ok it wasn't that bad
That was shit
Why do you only have one shoe?
Cause my toes are tensing up all the time
You know
If one of the toes is like...
Not really
Me neither
Jona came back from the make-up room after a minute
cause she said, there was nothing left to save
We're live in 10 minutes
at Eurosport on television
Why did you need half an hour in the make up room?
Full performance will be on youtube soon
That was lit!
Thanks Eurosport
Comment below if you watched the show!
Cool experience for us, we had a lot of fun!
Stop talking when I'm vlogging!
What's up?
It's 6:20 am
We had 4 hours of sleep
Why did you add another pillow?
This is s***
Like a rock
Yeah totally
We're in "Kirchdorf an der Iller"
I'm Jona from TILofficial
Normal bands have normal gigs
Here and there
But we are TILofficial
And we do schoolbreak-concerts
Hear the b****** scream when we arrive
Screaming everywhere
I can't take it anymore
But it's normal if you're as awesome as me
And you're going like a train
You gotta live with the fame
Look at me
I lived with fame and now I'm fine
Today, we are in "Naburg"
"Naburg"? I don't know
I think it's "Nabburg"
But I forgot the name of the school
But it looks pretty nice around here
We found the new "Hey Magazine"
With the Webstars Album
So let me tear this up
One moment
Allright, here are some stickers
Falco is right here
There we are
The Webstars-Album 2018
Although it's called "Girls Edition"
boys can collect and exchange stickers, too
Eniz, Dennis and Jona from TIL
present it to their excited fans
That was in Hamburg, wasn't it?
What's even more exciting about this is...
...that you can find the TIL-Sticker
Link in the description box
Time for refueling!
Rock 'n' Roll Lifestyle
Good morning, we are in Erlangen
at the "Ohm-Gymnasium"
You feeling good?
This is Axel
We are thinking about taking him with us
on tour cause he is extremely funny
[ENG SUB][Episode] BTS Emotional Letter to ARMY | Jin, Jungkook, J-Hope & Jimin Crying - Duration: 11:02.
BTS Diary Chapter 1 <Autumn> Day of Fanmeeting
<Time to read the letters personally written by the members> S: Don't cry/ RM: I won't i'll read it
JH: What to do! JK: Dim the lights too~
RM: This-the what is this J: Rap Monter's RM: This can't be it....
I am Rap monster. When i look at ARMYs, these thoughts come up. I wonder if i've ever supported and cheered on someone so passionately.
Looking back, i realize i used to live only caring for myself, and i find that really embarrassing.
Back then, expressing my feelings for another person was something i wouldn't even think about doing.
I knew one way or another we would get hate but meeting our ARMYs truly changed and is still changing my outlook on the world and my life.
I learn so many things from you all every day.
The thing that i'm most scared of is disappointing you all. It's because like i always say, without you all, i don't exist.
ARMYs, there's a saying that if someone fulfills their dream, it becomes the dream of another. I want to be that kind of person.
I want to be your dream. I think that's my role.
Tomorrow will be better than today, and the day after that will be better than tomorrow-
I, Rap Monster, will work towards being an artist and leader like that. I love you all.
Hello, ARMYs, It's Suga.
Thanks to our busy schedules, my body is always tired but meeting the ARMYs who cheer for us always gives me energy.
ARMYs are the reason Bangtan exists.
I'm not good at saying embarrassing things and i can't express my feelings easily but i trust that you all know how i feel.
I love you, and thank you. ARMYs, i love you!
Truthfully, in the past i never had much thoughts that this was enjoyable...
When i think about it now, even while i was preparing (to debut), i remember always wondering if this was really the right path for me.
And this prevented me from trying a lot of things.
After meeting our ARMYs, i'm thankful because i'm smiling a lot more and have become a more positive person.
I'll work hard from now on to make you all smile and show a better side of myself. Thank you.
As a trainee, i always wondered when i'd be able to stand on stage-
Anf how it'd feel to hear the loud cheers from the people who genuinely like and support me.
My fantasy became a reality and now i'm here, making music, receiving love from fans, and working hard on promotions.
Truthfully, i can't believe it.
I loved dancing so much i didn't study and often left the house early in the morning to practice.
And suffering for a long time, i finally got the chance to go to Seoul - The people who were the happiest for me were my parents.
At that moment, my dad's smile...
I still can't believe it, my current self.
Suga: Ah, J-Hope-ssi, lowe the intensity a bit and try reading it again!
More than anything our ARMYs who love us, thanks to you all i'm really really thankful...
To be honest, each day is tiring and difficult but i believe that the sole reason i can make it through is because of our ARMYs.
I want to say thank you for always coming to cheer for us just like our lyrics, i want Bangtan to leave an imprint on the world.
To be Bangtan i love the most. I always love you and ... I love you.
Our ARMYs, i love you.
Hello, ARMYs, I'm the member in charge of attractiveness in the team, Jimin.
Maybe it's because we're still rookies but the promotions for our second album seem to be flying by so quickly.
You all probably don't know this but as a trainee, i really didn't know if i'd ever get to debut.
My training period was only a year and was the shortest out of all the members, but-
Suga: Jimin-ssi...
<Whenever the atmosphere comes to a standstill, SUGA knows show to make it better> Suga: yes,i...i don't know what to say to comfort you...
Really.. I cried a lot, was exhausted and thought about giving up frequently.
But after having debuted like this-ah, i'm sorry.
Suga: Please wait. Jin: Don't cry!
It'sso fun, amazing, and dream-like that i cant sing, dance, pose, and act silly in front of you all.
As the days pass by, i want to develop and show you all a better side of me.
ARMYs, I hope for you all to always be by our sides and watch us grow.
To the ARMYs who love Bangtan and I, I love you all! Thank you!
Bangtan, I love you!
Hello, how are you all? I'm V from Bangtan, the group that has already reached their 100th day since debut.
The fact that i'm a singer now. I still can't believe it.
Everything is still fascinating and the fact that i can speak like this in front of our fans is exciting, difficult, and makes me feel so many different emotions.
There are still things that i don't know and are new to me but i'll word hard to improve and hope to become a Bangtan that ARMYs can be proud of.
Our ARMYs, I love you!
JH: Jungkook, are you crying? Okay, the last [memer] is Jungkook!
Hello, I'm jungkook. I try hard to tweet, post on the fancafe, and write letters, but it's harder than i thought.
To bare someone your honest self and true emotions, that's something i find really difficult to do..
Having peomoted up still now, i developed a small but big goal.
I want to become a singer that can touch people with his voice-
and also to become such a singer that people can, without hesitating, proudly and being not embarrassed at all to say "I'm a fan of BTS"
You all are such an important existence to us, so i feel really upset when you say that you are sorry, i hope that we can be thankful for each other.
I believe that as time goes on, we will continue to make memories together and will even be able to talk each other simply by making eye contact.
ARMYs, I really love you all. Thank you.
<Having read the member's letters, wrapping up with hand-written letters and videos from fans> JH: And like this, we will be wrapping up Bangtan Diary Ch. 1 Autumn.
It was really...really...really touching. how was it? How about we get everyone to talk about how they felt?
First of all, I want to say that i'm sorry because i think that i'm the one who made the mood like this.
I also want to say that every single thing our ARMYs say to us pose as a great strength.
We'll be a Bangtan that will never disappoint you so please continue watching over us! Thank you!
I love you and thank you.
I always try to show that i love you all and am thankful, but it's still extremely difficult.
But now I've managed to show a little bit of how i feel here, so...
I love you!
Really while getting to be here like this, I think I've realized what kind of person i am and have to become.
ARMYs, we've really thankful that you exist.
We'll work really, really hard. Thank you! Up till now, this was Bangtan.
2 3, Thank you!
Suga: Thank you ah- JM: I like ARMYs
Suga: Ah i feel really shy.. JM: I like ARMYs!!
BTS Diary Ch.1 Autumn was really fun and i think this first official fan meeting will be a really unforgettable memory.
ARMYs, we really love you all and we're always so happy [because of you all]. Thank you so much!
JH (MC-ing): Dance the correct choreography according to the songs you hear!
"Random play dance" Time during the fanmeeting!
<Bangtan's wingspan the two members cheering each other on with a handshake>
RM: Everyone we'r sorry!
(The event's really going on with no prior notice.. It's been long.. Please understand!)
LES FRÈRES MALÉFIQUES - Jérémie Dethelot (feat John Dadie) - Duration: 12:36.
Vlog à Londres - Studio Wood - Duration: 26:06.
這種孩子必須夸!華晨宇再奪冠,演唱燃爆全場,半小時評論上萬? - Duration: 4:00.
BEST NO BAN Rules of Survival HACK / CHEAT PC!! Wallhack & Teleport HACK !! Easy win !! FEB 25 2018 - Duration: 5:30.
Hello guys on today's video I will give you the best hack that I am using on rules of survival
It is undetectable and I never got ban or caught even once so far
Watch this video until the end for the tutorial and download link
First of all I will teach you how to download the application
Just visit the link that I will provide below. The direct link will be lock at first and
It is very important to follow the steps to unlock the link for the application
Click the first button and it will redirect you to our Facebook page
Then click the like button
Go back to the site again, then click the second button
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you can be updated to our future videos
After doing it you can see that the download link is unlocked and will be color green
Click it, and it will redirect us to the download link
Click download and extract it to any folder or wherever you want
Now open the rules of survival game, make sure your antivirus is off. Go to the folder where you extract the downloaded
Right click then run as administrator the AnalinROS
Close all the pop-ups that will come next.
I will try it again, so you can see how I do it
You can check if it is working when you click the F1
to F5 button
and the character is changing the colors
Now playi a game by clicking the start button
Back to the folder right click the last application
Then run as admin also
You can see that the game will keep spinning to fix this just ALT TAB to any background
application and click the ESC button on your keyboard
Now I will show you the wall and the chams have
Besides the wall and chams hack
My favorite is the teleport hack. It basically teleport you on the side of any enemy you can encounter
It is a little bit tricky to use but you can master it by practicing
To use this, look at the left menu of the hack then scroll at the bottom
By clicking the down arrow at your keyboard until it will red the front of the teleport hub
Then face the direction of your enemy and click the right button
This will turn the FALSE word into TRUE which means the hack is "ON"
Keep doing this to your enemy
you can encounter until you win.
Just a little reminder that is hack always update everyday and
and downloading this on the official site will take also so much time because of the endless pop ads
I will keep this app updated for you guys, so you can download this very easy and convenient
If you got banned using the other hacks, I made a video on how to retrieve it. Just click here on how to do it
Remember to give thumbs up and subscribe button to keep updated
This application is not mine and I will give credit to the owner.
I hope you liked the video and happy hacking
Best Custom Shoe Maker Inte...
EXO THEORIES: Universe, For Life, Sing For You and Miracles in December - Duration: 13:21.
I assume that you missed EXO THEORIES!
And this video is going to be adequate to the weather!
Let's get started!
EXO always release winter MVs and they also did it this time
However in this video, I'm not going to talk about Universe only
But about all EXO winter MVs
Starting from Miracles in December
And you should be sure about one thing - they mean a lot!
Each of those MVs has its own winter atmosphere
And it brings us values such as love and friendship
Miracles in December is sung in Korean version by D.O, Baekhyun and Chen
In Chinese version we have Luhan instead of D.O
We see 3 of them standing in some kind of triangle
And we can also notice memories and scenes from the MV moving around them
In first part of this MV, we can see decorations, gifts and preperations
We see those preperations during whole MV, to be honest
At the very end, EXO is going to the same place
And they're about to meet their girlfriends
A lot happens in front of this building and those are the most important scenes in this MV
In the previous EXO Theories parts, I explained how important the eclipse is for their concept
And it also occurs in this MV
From the story about two world, teasers or What is Love MV we find out that EXO powers became active during the eclipse
EXO members also became aware of their super powers and the existance of the other members
When eclipse appears in Miracles of December, everything changes
The members look at the sky
And Tao is moving back time
And this is why a girl that Sehun wanted to give the flowers to... Just disappears
and we also see EXO's tears at the end of this video
If we connect those scenes to the superpowers concept, we know that because of their powers, EXO cannot be happy, they can't fall in love and have their normal life on Earth
Winter MVs are not complicated nor hard to understand
After the 2nd one Sing for You was released, many questions appeared and comments about the fact that Sehun the Astronaut and the flying whale don't make any sense
As we find out later and it's not a surprise for me,
everything was based on a poem
and also on a living whale
Besides the story about Sehun and a whale, we also have a story about the rest of EXO
They are happy with each other
They have fun - in a car and also in a bar
and they also play basketball together
But there is a moment when Sehun just leaves them
And the plot is also focuses on Kai and he symbolizes loneliness and the feelings of other members
The lyrics and an MV shows us a moment that happens also in our lives: we see isolated, we feel lonely like we don't belong to this place
And this is the moment when we leave to find our own self
This is also the story that we see in Sing for you
Sehun is the first one to leave
However we see more members disappearing
Happiness turns into anger
Friends become enemies and they fight with each other
Kai's character is very important
He shows sadness and anger after the leaving of other members
And he also symbolically shows the fight between Suho and Chanyeol
Another important scene is when Kai catches a ball thrown by Xiumin
This is the moment when everything is back to normal
The members appear again and they're happy
It is possible that Kai helped others to be together again
or maybe we can look at this from another point of view
I will remind you that Kai means 'open' in Chinese
Kai was the member who opened the eyes of the other members
He made them aware of their powers
But he seems very lonely in Sing for you
He's alone and he wants to leave because he feels that he doesn't belong to this place
Earth is not a place he belongs to
But thanks to him, EXO could be together from the beginning
When Kai leaves, more members also disappear
but when he understands that he's the center of EXO and he connects all the members, everything is back to normal
There are many theories about this MV
One of the most popular ones is the one that says that Sehun symbolize the members that left EXO
that is Luhan, Kris and Tao
Their leaving caused a lot of anger, problems and misunderstandings
If we believe in those theories, it probably means that EXO wanted to give up
It is shown in the scene when Suho wants to leave
It didn't happen because Chanyeol stopped him
If we look at this MV from this point of view, we can easily fit those scenes to EXO's situation after 3 members left
Maybe it is true, maybe not, we don't know it
But we know that the reference to those 3 members happened quite often in EXO's MVs
When we watch Sing for you, the symbolic meaning is more important
Everything is based on the poem, 'The Astronaut's Whale'
It tells a story about Vincent the whale
He was different than the rest of the whales
Different than his family and friends, he didn't seem happy about the same things
Different things made him happy
We can connect this story with a scene when Sehun leaves EXO
When we read the poem, we understand that the place we belong to is the place where people we love are
Vincent left his family and friends because he wanted to find happiness
He met an astronaut on his way
The astronaut showed him a different life, life in the universe
It made the whale happy for a moment
And he became friends with the astronaut
But after some time has passed, the whale understood that it's not the place where he should be
An ocean is his place
A place with family and friends
And this is the place where he should be happy
This is also the reason why happiness is back in the MV
The members appear again, they are happy because they understood that all that matters is the fact that they are together
Just like Kai understood the source of his happiness
Sing for you is one of the more sad EXO MVs
It's also more difficult to understand but it has a beautiful meaning
Besides the story of An Astronaut's Whale,
it also refers to the most lonely whale on this planet
It keeps on singing the same melody
It's the only creature that undersands it and it does it alone
This whale makes 52Hz noises
This is why it is called 52Herz-Whale
When it comes to the whales, the normal frequency of their noises are around 10-25 Herz
This whale is the only one on the whole planet that makes different noises
And it travels alone
The whale's loneliness is also connected with EXO's Sing for You MV
Kai is the one who left and he's lonely and nobody understands him
Another winter MV is For Life
It seems a bit more easy but... Not really
At the beginning, we see Kai leaving a bar
And we can also notice a neon writing 'You were here'
Kai gets inside a car and a girl appears; she gives him a bracelet with amber
Amber is made of fossilized resin
and it refers to the Tree of Life
and we know the story from MAMA's narration
I explained it in the previous videos
And the narration also mentioned the heart of the tree
The bracelet has an amber and it means that this stone is the heart of the tree of life
Kai cannot believe what happened
He wants to ask the girl about it but the car is leaving
For the rest of the MV, you see that everyone wanted to give this stone to Kai
They wanted to give the heart of the tree of life to Kai and, again, it means that he's the center that connects EXO
Besides being the center, we also remember that Kai was lonely and isolated and this is why he gets the bracelet
Amber is a stone that can erase sad thoughts and negative feelings from your mind
After the analysis of Sing for you, we know that those were the thought he had back then
He gets the bracelet so he can erase those thoughts
and finally find happiness
The chronology in this MV is a bit different
The end is the beginning
But it's shown from a different point of view
Kai closes his eyes and he seems to fall asleep
Suho wakes up in the middle of the forest and he has this bracelet in his hand
He notices the girl and he starts to chase her
He gets inside a room and we find out that it's the same maze we saw in Overdose
Suho looks at his reflection, he closes his eyes and a scene with Chanyeol occurs
BREAKING! CNN Just Caught Shamelessly Doctoring Evidence! Parent Releases Emails - Duration: 5:52.
CNN Just Caught Shamelessly Doctoring Evidence!
Parent Releases Emails.
And Fake News CNN is once again up to its usual shenanigans.
The embattled "news" network is now accusing the father of a student who survived the Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida of doctoring emails with a CNN producer.
This comes as 17-year-old Colton took to various media outlets to claim that CNN executive
producer Carrie Stevenson scripted a question for him to ask lawmakers in Sunrise, Florida
on Wednesday during the fake anti-gun town hall production.
Haab's father, Glenn Haab, sent a Word document of his email exchange with Stevenson to Fox
News, and HuffPost after his son decided to drop out of the fake event when CNN didn't
let him ask his own question.
If you notice in both versions of the email, Stevenson rejects a speech the teen wrote
and tries to get him to agree to ask one question, she typed out with the excuse that they need
to can get to as many people as possible.
CNN should be ashamed of themselves.
Haab used Kevlar sheets to shield his fellow classmates, while the anti-gun students did
nothing to help their fellow classmates as they were shot and CNN decides to attack the
So the narrative that we aren't supposed to question the so-called "activist students"
has now for all intent and purpose gone out the window.
We can now start asking real questions.
Why is it that these students who lost their fellow classmates are not even in shock?
The day after the shooting they were already all over the media doing appearances, sounding
as prepared as Sean Hannity, Jake Tapper or Laura Ingram.
Via Real Clear Politics:
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN
to ask a question at Wednesday night's town hall but decided not to after the network
gave him a "scripted question," quashing one he wrote himself.
Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC shielded students while the school was under attack
from the shooter, said he was going to ask about using veterans as armed security guards.
(CNN response below.)
UPDATE: Shooting Survivor Appears on Tucker Carlson: CNN Told Me "I Needed To Stick
To The Script"; They Scripted Entire Town Hall
"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being
all scripted," Haab told WPLG-TV.
CNN aired a town hall on the Florida school shooting with Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and
Bill Nelson (D-FL) that included NRA's Dana Loesch and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel
that was moderated by Jake Tapper.
Students and parents asked questions about gun control and school safety.
"I expected to be able to ask my questions and give my opinion on my questions," Haab
"Colton Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC who shielded classmates in the midst of terror
says he did not get to share his experience," WPLG's Janine Stanwood explained.
"Colton wrote questions about school safety, suggested using veterans as armed school security
guards but claims CNN wanted him to ask a scripted question instead so he decided not
to go," Stanwood reported.
"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being
all scripted," Haab said.
"I don't think that it's going get anything accomplished.
It's not gonna ask the true questions that all the parents and teachers and students
UPDATE: CNN released the following statement Thursday morning:
CNN did not, and does not, script any questions for town hall meetings, ever.
UPDATE 8:47AM ET: CNN released a more extensive statement that explained the situation.
In a longer statement, CNN confirmed Haab was invited by the network to participate
but his father decided to withdraw his name from participation.
CNN said Haab wanted to give an extensive speech and not just ask a question, something
the network said the forum was not designed for.
CNN noted the subject Haab wanted to address, arming teachers, was discussed at length in
the 2-hour long town hall event.
CNN has invited Haab to appear on the network.
Full statement from CNN's Richard Hudock:
There is absolutely no truth to this.
CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night's town hall, nor have
we ever.
After seeing an interview with Colton Haab, we invited him to participate in our town
hall along with other students and administrators from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Colton's father withdrew his name from participation before the forum began, which we regretted
but respected.
We welcome Colton to join us on CNN today to discuss his views on school safety.
According to a CNN insider Haab wanted to give an extensive speech and not just ask
a question, something the network said the forum was not designed for.
When the family was told this they decided to pull out of the event.
The CNNer also noted the subject Haab wanted to address, arming teachers, was discussed
at length in the 2-hour long town hall.
I don't know about any of you, but I know that to this day.
If God forbid I would find myself in a situation like this I would be rattled.
And wouldn't be able to hold my composure on worldwide TV the way these "victims"
have done.
I don't fully understand what is going on here, but something just doesn't sound or
look right here.
And no, I am no conspiracy theorist.
But when I start to see far left wing antigun celebrities donating millions of dollars to
the cause, it makes me question the validity of the narrative I am being sold.
Don't you agree?
What do you think about this?
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