You guys really wanted me to finish this
so I ended up remaking it cuz my old style was... bothering me.
anways, DISCLAIMER: This contains LAMS (Laurens x Hamilton) and SLIGHT (actually, this is very explicit) NSFW themes. Don't like it? Don't watch it. (You have been warned.)
Oh and it's Laurens, not Maria. I changed his hair a bit to add the black eye detail.
That's all! Now, to the video. Happy Sinning!
Parentheses () mean Mush made a little side tangent Bracke[] are my (Hamilton Trash's) thoughts.
BURR: There's nothing like summer in the city
Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself.
I'll let him tell it.
HAMILTON: I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak, I was awake
You never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a
break... *KNOCK, KNOCK*
Longing for Angelica,
Missing my wife...
That's when Miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life, she said:
LAURENS: I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home,
But I don't know where to go,
and I came here all alone…
(I really should've taken those breath mints)
She said,
My husband's doin' me wrong,
Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me...
(So THAT's why his hair is like that... still hot tbh lol) [ALEX, NO!]
Suddenly, he's up and gone
Suddenly, he's up and gone (WHAT)
I don't have the means to go on
So I offered her a loan, (THAT BASTARD)
So I offered her a loan, (ur rich son)
I offered to walk her home, she said: (lets get you home bb boi)
You're too kind, sir
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (WOOSH DOLLARS BITCH)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (THIS IS TOOMUCH JUST GIVE ME UR DIC)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (It's never TOO MUCH)
She lived a block away, she said:
This one's mine, sir
Then I said, "Well, I should head back home,"
She turned red,
she led me to her bed (??? aw shit--)
she led me to her bed (there u dense fuck)
Let her legs spread and said:
LAURENS: Stayyy~? (pls)
LAURENS: Heeey~! (ur bi af so it counts)
That's when I began to pray: (shit he's right)
Lord, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to (I s2g if blood goes down to to my package someone else will be shedding it)
Say no to this
But my God, he looks so helpless
And his body's saying, "Hell, yes!" (does my hair make me look like a girl) [Yes, a very pretty one.]
LAURENS: Whoooaaa... HAMILTON: Nooo, show me how to
Say no to this
HAMILTON: I don't know how to (YOU'RE TOO PRECIOUS)
In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (MMMMMMboi HELP)
Go! Go! Go!
Then his mouth is on mine, and I don't say…
Say no to this! (black eye or no black eye, your eyes are still beautiful) (please--)
No! No! (clothes)
Say no to this! (L: I'm going in) (H: I'm ready)
NO! (L: S-So tight...)
Say no to this! (H: I-I'll be ok--)
No! NO!
Say no to this!
HAMILTON: I wish I could say that was the last time
I said that last time. It became a pastime
A month into this endeavor,
I received a letter (Martha L.)
From a Mr. James Reynolds,
even better, it said: (wait, Martha "Laurens"?)
MARTHA: Dear Sir, I hope this letter (---> Random ass design of Martha)
MARTHA: finds you in good health (because I couldn't find a proper reference) (M: mush u lazy fuc)
And in a prosperous enough
position to put wealth (H: wot)
In the pockets of people like me:
down on their luck
MARTHA: You see, that was my wife who you decided to
You made the wrong sucker a cuckold
So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled
And hey, you can keep seein' my whore husband
If the price is right: if not I'm telling your wife
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place *DOOR BURSTS OPEN*
Screamed "How could you?!" in his face He said:
LAURENS: No, sir!
HAMILTON: Half dressed, apologetic.
A mess, he looked pathetic, he cried:
LAURENS: Please don't go, sir! (Daddy no)
HAMILTON: So was your whole story a setup? *Laurens' protection squad yelling angrily from a distance*
LAURENS: I don't know about any letter!
HAMILTON: Stop crying Goddamnit, get up!
LAURENS: I didn't know any better! *Protection squad yelling gets louder*
HAMILTON: I am ruined...!!
L: Please don't leave me with her, helpless!! H: I am helpless—how could I do this?
L: Just give her what she wants and you can have
L: me!! H: I don't want you! (Liar)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Oh lord)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Liar, liar, letters on fire)
L: If you pay, H: I don't...
L: You can staaayyyy~! H: Lord, show me how to
H: Say no to this ENSEMBLE: Say no to this!
L: Tonighttt~! H: I don't know how to E: Say no to this! (NOT AGAIN)
L: Helpless~! H: Cuz the situation's helpless
H: And his body's screaming, "Hell, yes!"
H: No, show me how to L: Whooaaaaaa! E: Say no to this!
H & L: How can I [you] say no to this?
H: There is nowhere I can go (this pose took me forever to draw)
E: Go! Go! Go!
H: When his body's on MINE I do not say…
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes! (Aaah!)
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~! (Alex~❤)
E: No! L: Yes~!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
H: Say no to this...
H: I don't say no to this L: Don't say no to this (FML)
H: There is nowhere I can go... E: Go, go, go...! (My ass hurts...)
M: So?
H: Nobody needs to know.
Why did you watch this?!? Mush: I deserve AT LEAST a jar of cookies for this! [You're blushing, lmao]
For more infomation >> LAMS: Say No To This *NSFW* || Hamilton Animatic [Reupload from Mush Roomie] - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
JOE KENNEDY III - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 13:20.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI 105PK AMBITION PRO S-LINE LMV/PDC/Sportstoelen/6-Bak/Boordcomputer/Radio-M - Duration: 0:57.
BMW Z4 Roadster 3.0i 258Pk Executive s-Drive (Sportleder Clima Navi/Prof BiXenon 19Inch Lmv Pdc V+A - Duration: 1:01.
CDC Scientist Researcher Has Vanished - Duration: 5:17.
G'day everyone
J7 4:09 here with you, and you know this picture you're looking at this is a CDC
Scientist researcher he left work sick around two weeks ago, and then poof he vanished
Okay, now his family is
offering a ten thousand dollar reward for information on
Disappearance now I'm not going to read this whole story
I'm gonna post a link though
So make sure you click show more and get the link and check it all out yourself his name is Timothy J
Cunningham, and he's been
He's been a rising official at the Centers of Disease
Control and Prevention
He's Harvard educated
I'm just saying this is this dude had it all together
I mean he's done a lot okay, and he's been missing now
What's so weird about it?
Okay, he said he wasn't feeling good
But he hasn't been heard from his family
And now they're offering this $10,000 reward and he's been gone for a while
He's been gone for a while
It's his mother was saying
I felt like I'm in a horrible black marrow episode or his sister rather tarik Cunningham. That's why she said
To the sci-fi TV show now. I'm kind of lost without him to be quite honest. She told the paper
She had us, but she speaks with her brother often, but their
Conversational February 12th, and I get this left her concern. He sounded not like himself
She said he did not reply to a text message. She said later and their mother
Did not reach him either, and it goes on and it goes on his parents have even drove to Atlanta
You're not gonna believe the way what they found wasn't him, but okay. It's like this guy has just poof
vanished from the face of the earth
Tyrell Cunningham, also had concerns about Risa
Interactions with his son whom he described as focused on a host of professional and personal issues
The tone and the numerous exchanges gave us reason to be concerned about Tim
According to his father, and I don't know if it's an
instinct you have
Because it's your child
But it was not a normal
Conversation and I was not comfortable the family did not immediately respond to her
requests for comment on
What they talked about okay right now the Atlanta Police Department?
Said this past Sunday that it was still they were still unable to
allocate Cunningham after learning On February 15th about the disappearance and
That it was depending on public awareness to help draw leads
Foul play is not suspected at this time
according to
police spokesman Donald T Hanna as he said in a statement
I don't know what's going on something's going on this dude had it going on very smart
Way up there in the city she worked on many many many things and now
He's missing
Check this out
Those were happier times this past December when dr
Timothy Cunningham turned 35 the Centers for Disease Control
Staffer is a highly accomplished young man his father showed me his credentials
It's not the type of news you want to hear that your child is missing a Morehouse College Grad earning a master's and PhD
From Harvard University as an epidemic intelligence officer. He's been deployed for public health emergencies including superstorm sandy
Ebola and Zika on Monday Atlanta police say Cunningham left work sick and hasn't been seen since this is not normal
This is definitely out of the ordinary
His parents drove from Maryland to his house the door was locked, but they had a spare key
He searched it high low and to no avail we did not
They did find his car in the garage. His keys wallet and phone inside along with his dog beau
Cunningham's family is adamant. He'd never intentionally leave beau unattended
Saturday about 50 people search for Cunningham in the bulton neighborhood in Northwest, Atlanta
They posted missing person posters around the community his family and co-workers are holding out. Hope he'll be found safe and sound
Anyone who has seen him or may know anything about his whereabouts were
Seeking your help
In bringing Tim back safe, too
Envellopé croisé façon double hamac en tricoslen préinstallé - Duration: 3:54.
LAMS: Say No To This *NSFW* || Hamilton Animatic [Reupload from Mush Roomie] - Duration: 4:11.
You guys really wanted me to finish this
so I ended up remaking it cuz my old style was... bothering me.
anways, DISCLAIMER: This contains LAMS (Laurens x Hamilton) and SLIGHT (actually, this is very explicit) NSFW themes. Don't like it? Don't watch it. (You have been warned.)
Oh and it's Laurens, not Maria. I changed his hair a bit to add the black eye detail.
That's all! Now, to the video. Happy Sinning!
Parentheses () mean Mush made a little side tangent Bracke[] are my (Hamilton Trash's) thoughts.
BURR: There's nothing like summer in the city
Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself.
I'll let him tell it.
HAMILTON: I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak, I was awake
You never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a
break... *KNOCK, KNOCK*
Longing for Angelica,
Missing my wife...
That's when Miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life, she said:
LAURENS: I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home,
But I don't know where to go,
and I came here all alone…
(I really should've taken those breath mints)
She said,
My husband's doin' me wrong,
Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me...
(So THAT's why his hair is like that... still hot tbh lol) [ALEX, NO!]
Suddenly, he's up and gone
Suddenly, he's up and gone (WHAT)
I don't have the means to go on
So I offered her a loan, (THAT BASTARD)
So I offered her a loan, (ur rich son)
I offered to walk her home, she said: (lets get you home bb boi)
You're too kind, sir
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (WOOSH DOLLARS BITCH)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (THIS IS TOOMUCH JUST GIVE ME UR DIC)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (It's never TOO MUCH)
She lived a block away, she said:
This one's mine, sir
Then I said, "Well, I should head back home,"
She turned red,
she led me to her bed (??? aw shit--)
she led me to her bed (there u dense fuck)
Let her legs spread and said:
LAURENS: Stayyy~? (pls)
LAURENS: Heeey~! (ur bi af so it counts)
That's when I began to pray: (shit he's right)
Lord, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to (I s2g if blood goes down to to my package someone else will be shedding it)
Say no to this
But my God, he looks so helpless
And his body's saying, "Hell, yes!" (does my hair make me look like a girl) [Yes, a very pretty one.]
LAURENS: Whoooaaa... HAMILTON: Nooo, show me how to
Say no to this
HAMILTON: I don't know how to (YOU'RE TOO PRECIOUS)
In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (MMMMMMboi HELP)
Go! Go! Go!
Then his mouth is on mine, and I don't say…
Say no to this! (black eye or no black eye, your eyes are still beautiful) (please--)
No! No! (clothes)
Say no to this! (L: I'm going in) (H: I'm ready)
NO! (L: S-So tight...)
Say no to this! (H: I-I'll be ok--)
No! NO!
Say no to this!
HAMILTON: I wish I could say that was the last time
I said that last time. It became a pastime
A month into this endeavor,
I received a letter (Martha L.)
From a Mr. James Reynolds,
even better, it said: (wait, Martha "Laurens"?)
MARTHA: Dear Sir, I hope this letter (---> Random ass design of Martha)
MARTHA: finds you in good health (because I couldn't find a proper reference) (M: mush u lazy fuc)
And in a prosperous enough
position to put wealth (H: wot)
In the pockets of people like me:
down on their luck
MARTHA: You see, that was my wife who you decided to
You made the wrong sucker a cuckold
So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled
And hey, you can keep seein' my whore husband
If the price is right: if not I'm telling your wife
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place *DOOR BURSTS OPEN*
Screamed "How could you?!" in his face He said:
LAURENS: No, sir!
HAMILTON: Half dressed, apologetic.
A mess, he looked pathetic, he cried:
LAURENS: Please don't go, sir! (Daddy no)
HAMILTON: So was your whole story a setup? *Laurens' protection squad yelling angrily from a distance*
LAURENS: I don't know about any letter!
HAMILTON: Stop crying Goddamnit, get up!
LAURENS: I didn't know any better! *Protection squad yelling gets louder*
HAMILTON: I am ruined...!!
L: Please don't leave me with her, helpless!! H: I am helpless—how could I do this?
L: Just give her what she wants and you can have
L: me!! H: I don't want you! (Liar)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Oh lord)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Liar, liar, letters on fire)
L: If you pay, H: I don't...
L: You can staaayyyy~! H: Lord, show me how to
H: Say no to this ENSEMBLE: Say no to this!
L: Tonighttt~! H: I don't know how to E: Say no to this! (NOT AGAIN)
L: Helpless~! H: Cuz the situation's helpless
H: And his body's screaming, "Hell, yes!"
H: No, show me how to L: Whooaaaaaa! E: Say no to this!
H & L: How can I [you] say no to this?
H: There is nowhere I can go (this pose took me forever to draw)
E: Go! Go! Go!
H: When his body's on MINE I do not say…
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes! (Aaah!)
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~! (Alex~❤)
E: No! L: Yes~!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
H: Say no to this...
H: I don't say no to this L: Don't say no to this (FML)
H: There is nowhere I can go... E: Go, go, go...! (My ass hurts...)
M: So?
H: Nobody needs to know.
Why did you watch this?!? Mush: I deserve AT LEAST a jar of cookies for this! [You're blushing, lmao]
Thomas & Friends | Premiering March 12th on Nickelodeon! 🚂 | Nick Jr. - Duration: 0:42.
All aboard!
The world's most famous tank engine is coming to Nickelodeon!
- Thomas! - Yes, sir?
And on March 12th, see where it all began.
Where Thomas first met his friends.
- I'm James. - I'm Thomas.
Set off on his very first adventure!
I'm doing it!
And became number one in all of our hearts.
Don't miss the one hour special, Thomas and Friends, The Adventure Begins.
Coming March 12th to Nickelodeon.
You can watch more Thomas and Friends in the free Nick Junior app.
Star Stable Online[SSO]: Die letzten Briefe suchen [MP] [PC] [HD] - Duration: 1:36:46.
大家都在心疼張雨綺不斷嫁渣男,我在心疼她為何選擇做後媽 - Duration: 2:20.
[Szok] Agnieszka Chylińska zmieniła fryzurę. Ma długie włosy! || LVTszok - Duration: 3:36.
Agnieszka Chylińska zmieniła fryzurę. Ma długie włosy!
Agnieszka Chylińska w długich włosach.
Agnieszka Chylińska to bez żadnych wątpliwości pierwszy, oryginalny kolorowy ptak polskiej sceny muzycznej.
Wokalistka, która zaczynała jako buntowniczka nie do zdarcia, swoim głosem wprawiała okna w drżenie,.
a fanów i fanki w zachwyt, uwielbia zmieniać swój wizerunek, eksperymentować z wyglądem,.
popadać ze skrajności w skrajność i doskonale się przy tym bawić.
Chylińska ma duży dystans do swojego wyglądu,.
nie przeszkadzają jej komentarze innych – skupia się wyłącznie na tym by dobrze się czuć i jest to lekcja, której wszyscy powinniśmy się od niej uczyć.
Tym razem pochwaliła się fanom naprawdę zaskakującą metamorfozą.
Niedawno miała rudego irokeza, a na najnowszym zdjęciu… bujne, długie czarne loki i grzywkę!.
Oczywiście (a przynajmniej tak podejrzewamy) jest to tylko zgrabna peruka, uzupełniona o duże,.
okrągłe okulary w drucianych oprawkach, ale to w zupełności wystarczyło by w komentarzach zapanowało prawdziwe pandemonium.
Fani byli zachwyceni!.
Sweterek to jeszcze ujdzie ale ta fryzura i okulary????wypisz,wymaluj pani nauczycielka z tamtych lat❤️
No nie poprostu w całej okazałości wszechstronna utalentowana piosenkarka i aktorka Agnieszka jesteś niepowtarzalna ????
Ale czad wyglądasz jak babcia klozetowa to znaczy superrr????????????❤️❤️❤️
Nie ma to jak dystans do siebie ???? i poczucie humoru ????????
A jak wam się podoba Agnieszka w looku z lat 80.
Audi A4 Avant Lease Edition 2.0TDI 150pk S-tronic + 19 inch - Duration: 0:56.
Grimco Gives Back
HSC 3-D Art Installation - Duration: 6:54.
>> I think at first, none of us really knew how to handle it because we all had known
someone who had suffered from lung cancer but it's one of those things that just happens.
And there's no good way to talk about it because of the stigma that comes with smoking
and smoking is one of those things well everyone knows how horrible it is, but people still do it.
So through a lot of different processes and testing different things,
we finally landed on this concept, which what it is
clear vinyl with tar and ground-up cigarette butts and tobacco in it,
held together with like a fishing line. We decided on the patch idea like the
quilting type look because for one the nicotine patch is one of the most common
ways to try and stop smoking in hospitals after being diagnosed with lung cancer
and also one of the things I like about it that happened after the
fact as a happy accident was that kind of reminds us of portraits on a wall
and kind of represents the people who have suffered from it because
I think when it comes to breast cancer there's a whole army of survivors who
you can go to for support. With lung cancer, the mortality rate is so high it's not like that.
>> The disease we noticed right away and we had a consensus that
time had to be representative of disease. All of these diseases interact with time
in some way or another but what we found interesting and from a design standpoint
was the idea that as this disease progresses and time takes on the tension that gets
placed within the body and the joints really starts to corrode and become
tougher and tougher to function and it really talks about the removal of the
quality of life someone experiences with this so having these pendulums that
the viewer has to interact with also serves as a
function to really talk about how as rheumatoid arthritis develops more and more
and you start losing mobility, you have to rely on someone else to help assist you function.
And so these pieces are really relying on somebody coming up and
experiencing this firsthand and it's kind of an intimacy between as if
somebody who also suffers from that disease has to trust the person to come up
and help them perform their task day to day.
>> People don't know immediately that they have Hepatitis C because a lot of the symptoms mimic that of the common flu.
So often people don't receive the diagnosis until some of the damage is irreversible.
Damage which we try to reflect on this piece
such as the scarring of the liver and to mimic the cirrhosis,
we used our polystyrene sheets here and we used spray paint and acetone to eat away
at the material until it started to scar. We hit and we further manipulated
to create that scarring by stretching and molding this piece with our hands.
This polystyrene can or no longer function the way it was supposed to,
like the liver can no longer function as well once it is affected by the cirrhosis.
It changed a lot as we've worked on this.
>> Dr Cooper: How did you come up with the idea to use polystyrene and this sort of production and color?
>> I thought of it while we were in her studio and we're looking up things that would just basically dissolve
and kind of have like a look like a look like a scarring effect.
>> We were thinking of like chains and
how people feel chains cast away because it's like a disease that's silenced.
No one really talks about it out in the open and we just thought it would be a good idea to start making
clay chains where we fired them and bisqued them at multiple thousand degree temperatures, and piled them.
The pile is actually cast outside of the space so when a viewer walks by,
they may not notice it and it's something that's easily passed up since no one really mentions it that often.
>> My favorite part of this piece is the variation in chains. By leaving the clay body bare, we were able to get
a ton of different colors that are just naturally coming out of the clay body.
And I think it looks really beautiful outside.
>> We mainly focused upon maps of food deserts around the Toledo area.
Abstracted in vinyl.
And we also attached these memory foam, these edemas here, to represent the piting that occurs
in the case of congestive heart failure.
>>Originally, we were looking at kind of the interior of the body and how congestive heart failure looks
inside someone who has it. We knew we kind of like congest the space
and make it feel like it was difficult to traverse.
Ultimately, we decided on this concept -- mapping food deserts in the area and kind of looking at the
socio-political aspects that contribute to congestive heart failure.
So people who don't have access to healthier eating options tend to be more at risk of congestive heart failure.
We wanted to focus on that and shed some light on the fact that there are still areas that,
while no one demographic is particularly more at risk, based on race or gender or anything like that,
people who make a lower income are a lot more at risk.
>> One thing that was really great about doing this project was we were able to visually represents
something that actually affects a lot of people. You know food deserts are a real thing.
These are real streets in Toledo in the surrounding area that people live on.
These are all neighborhoods. They've been abstracted and cut into pieces
so they look visually pleasing, but we were able to represent a real thing
that does affect hundreds of thousands of people in our area.
>> So we wanted to evoke kind of what happens to the body of someone who suffers from
congestive heart failure and so we played around with a lot of different materials
and we wanted to sort of recreate physically the edema and swelling that occurs
with the extremities of people who have this and so we were as we were
kind of installing as we had people coming up and hesitating and
wanting to touch and we're like, "No, please touch it, that's kind of the point."
We kind of landed on these because they really do kind of mirror the pitting and swelling that occurs
in the extremities of someone who has CHF.
Sylvie Tellier, enceinte et comblée d'amour par sa petite Margaux, près d'un mois après son - Duration: 2:57.
Rep. Kildee on gun control: NRA, Hollywood should not have a veto - Duration: 4:21.
02/25/2018 - Duration: 52:16.
Plaisir féminin et taille du p.é.n.i.s sont-ils liés ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 5:12.
ASMR Twins Tapping [A bit fast and chaotic] - Duration: 10:30.
Today, I feel like doing some tapping.
I feel like doing some tapping today.
Let's get started.
Ep119- The Odd Reason Girls get more Autoimmune Diseases [My Incredible Opinion] - Duration: 7:02.
Have you ever noticed how girls often seem to develop strange, unexplained illnesses
in their teenage years, sometimes a bit later in their twenties?
Do you know any girls like this – they moved through elementary and middle school just
fine – perfect health – but once they got to high school or college, they suddenly
developed gut issues like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, possibly a thyroid
condition like Hashimoto's?
Maybe Rheumatoid arthritis?
Have you experienced this yourself?
You may have heard my explanation – based on recent scientific research – as to why
I believe girls don't get as much autism or other neurological injuries as boys.
It's a fascinating AND horrible story that mainly centers around gender differences in
the response to stress.
I explain it in a new book I wrote called Crooked: The incredible story of metals, microbes
and medicine – hidden within our faces – our crooked faces.
In the book, I also talk about why girls often start developing MYSTERY diseases like Chronic
fatigue syndrome or Fibromyalgia in their mid to late teens, and why boys often DO NOT.
There's much scientific research to be done to confirm these ideas, but there's also
enough evidence there I think it is worth taking a serious look at.
What is causing so many girls to develop all of these strange disorders around the same
I'm fairly certain that the cause for many of these UNEXPLAINABLE illnesses is due to
the way metals, particularly aluminum, interact with certain bacteria in your body.
They create special forms of the bacteria – called INTRACELLULAR BACTERIA – and
your immune system can't get rid of them like it can normal bacteria.
This allows long-running infections that create chronic inflammation – inflammation that
gets labeled Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, or a million other disorders.
The inflammation will move around your body to different areas and your symptoms will
Certain antibiotics can make things worse.
You and your doctors will become very confused because you will appear to have one disease
today, a different disease tomorrow, and then BOTH of them by next week.
That's a ridiculously over-simplified version of what's going on.
But why girls, and why that specific age range – mid-teens to early twenties?
When you're injected with something that contains metal, your body will often form
granulomas around it and trap it at the sight of injection.
Granulomas are like hard, fibrous tissue that can surround a foreign invader.
This is often why your arm hurts so bad after you get a shot.
Sometimes you can feel little nodules or bumps in various parts of your body that weren't
there before.
Your body has created fibrous tissue called granulomas around the metal and it just stays
there like some kind of subdermal implant.
Scientists have found these granulomas as much as 12 years after an injection – with
the aluminum inside perfectly preserved.
This may sound bad, and I guess, yes, it IS bad, but it's better than the aluminum floating
around your body – because if it floats around your body and ends up in lymphoid tissue
– it can start creating these intracellular bacteria and you may end up with the chronic
infections that cause any of the disorders we've been talking about.
No one WANTS metal in their body – of course not – but I suppose it's safer inside
these granulomas around your body than floating around other places.
The granulomas ARE fairly tough and do a good job at keeping the aluminum from harming you.
But sometimes, they break down.
They fail, and when they fail, bad things happen.
What might cause this?
I believe one of the most common causes for this granuloma breakdown is heavy physical
Sports, running (which some would also call a sport – just kidding), a physically demanding
job – any of these things can push, pull, twist and smash the tissue around the granulomas
and cause them to rupture, releasing the aluminum they contained inside into the blood stream
and lymphatic system.
If you know anyone that has a strange autoimmune disorder or other illness, many of them can
trace their onset back to when they started running cross-country or training for a 5k
or started a new landscaping job.
Any of these things may create the physical manipulation required to disrupt the aluminum-containing
But anyone can do sports – boys AND girls.
Why do these diseases affect girls so often?
Boys may develop stronger granulomas due to differences in muscle mass, but I don't
think that's the problem.
The problem is… at this age – the teenage years and just beyond – girls start producing
a hormone once a month called Relaxin.
In addition to the estrogen and progesterone, Relaxin is designed to BREAK DOWN the tissue
that's formed in the lining of the uterus – the endometrium.
This hormone is very powerful, and has been show in studies to reduce the fibrous growths
of fibrosis – and when you read the descriptions of them, they sound remarkably like granulomas.
If you've been injected with aluminum, and most everyone has many times – you most
likely have granulomas that contain metal in various places in your body.
If you're a girl, once you hit your teenage years and start producing these hormones every
month, particularly the RELAXIN hormone, it will begin to nibble away at the protective
tissue anywhere in your body that we call granulomas.
Eventually, after a couple of years, the granulomas will start to break down, releasing the aluminum
into your blood and lymphatic system.
If this happens, particularly in girls that are VERY athletic and physically active, it
will encourage the circulation of this metal into very bad places in your body and possibly
trigger these chronic infections.
This may happen over the course of a couple of years, or could – with the added immune
activation of stress, pregnancy, surgery, or another illness – happen suddenly, without
I talk about this more in detail in my book Crooked:Man-Made Disease Explained, including
some ideas as to how to address this problem before it happens, but regardless, this mechanism
may explain much of the reason young women seem to bear the brunt of autoimmune diseases
and so many other ailments.
Like many of the other topics I talk about in the book, I hope I'm wrong.
But if I'm right, we're one step closer to understanding how to stop this from happening,
and that is my incredible opinion.
Laetitia Milot enceinte, elle prépare avec soin la chambre de son futur bébé - Duration: 4:07.
Bientôt un traitement contre la forme agressive du cancer de la prostate | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 3:32.
Calvitie, cheveux blancs : des signes pour déceler des maladies cardiaques ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 3:07.
LAMS: Say No To This *NSFW* || Hamilton Animatic [Reupload from Mush Roomie] - Duration: 4:11.
You guys really wanted me to finish this
so I ended up remaking it cuz my old style was... bothering me.
anways, DISCLAIMER: This contains LAMS (Laurens x Hamilton) and SLIGHT (actually, this is very explicit) NSFW themes. Don't like it? Don't watch it. (You have been warned.)
Oh and it's Laurens, not Maria. I changed his hair a bit to add the black eye detail.
That's all! Now, to the video. Happy Sinning!
Parentheses () mean Mush made a little side tangent Bracke[] are my (Hamilton Trash's) thoughts.
BURR: There's nothing like summer in the city
Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself.
I'll let him tell it.
HAMILTON: I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak, I was awake
You never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a
break... *KNOCK, KNOCK*
Longing for Angelica,
Missing my wife...
That's when Miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life, she said:
LAURENS: I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home,
But I don't know where to go,
and I came here all alone…
(I really should've taken those breath mints)
She said,
My husband's doin' me wrong,
Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me...
(So THAT's why his hair is like that... still hot tbh lol) [ALEX, NO!]
Suddenly, he's up and gone
Suddenly, he's up and gone (WHAT)
I don't have the means to go on
So I offered her a loan, (THAT BASTARD)
So I offered her a loan, (ur rich son)
I offered to walk her home, she said: (lets get you home bb boi)
You're too kind, sir
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (WOOSH DOLLARS BITCH)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (THIS IS TOOMUCH JUST GIVE ME UR DIC)
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away (It's never TOO MUCH)
She lived a block away, she said:
This one's mine, sir
Then I said, "Well, I should head back home,"
She turned red,
she led me to her bed (??? aw shit--)
she led me to her bed (there u dense fuck)
Let her legs spread and said:
LAURENS: Stayyy~? (pls)
LAURENS: Heeey~! (ur bi af so it counts)
That's when I began to pray: (shit he's right)
Lord, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to (I s2g if blood goes down to to my package someone else will be shedding it)
Say no to this
But my God, he looks so helpless
And his body's saying, "Hell, yes!" (does my hair make me look like a girl) [Yes, a very pretty one.]
LAURENS: Whoooaaa... HAMILTON: Nooo, show me how to
Say no to this
HAMILTON: I don't know how to (YOU'RE TOO PRECIOUS)
In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (MMMMMMboi HELP)
Go! Go! Go!
Then his mouth is on mine, and I don't say…
Say no to this! (black eye or no black eye, your eyes are still beautiful) (please--)
No! No! (clothes)
Say no to this! (L: I'm going in) (H: I'm ready)
NO! (L: S-So tight...)
Say no to this! (H: I-I'll be ok--)
No! NO!
Say no to this!
HAMILTON: I wish I could say that was the last time
I said that last time. It became a pastime
A month into this endeavor,
I received a letter (Martha L.)
From a Mr. James Reynolds,
even better, it said: (wait, Martha "Laurens"?)
MARTHA: Dear Sir, I hope this letter (---> Random ass design of Martha)
MARTHA: finds you in good health (because I couldn't find a proper reference) (M: mush u lazy fuc)
And in a prosperous enough
position to put wealth (H: wot)
In the pockets of people like me:
down on their luck
MARTHA: You see, that was my wife who you decided to
You made the wrong sucker a cuckold
So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled
And hey, you can keep seein' my whore husband
If the price is right: if not I'm telling your wife
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place
HAMILTON: I hid the letter and I raced to his place *DOOR BURSTS OPEN*
Screamed "How could you?!" in his face He said:
LAURENS: No, sir!
HAMILTON: Half dressed, apologetic.
A mess, he looked pathetic, he cried:
LAURENS: Please don't go, sir! (Daddy no)
HAMILTON: So was your whole story a setup? *Laurens' protection squad yelling angrily from a distance*
LAURENS: I don't know about any letter!
HAMILTON: Stop crying Goddamnit, get up!
LAURENS: I didn't know any better! *Protection squad yelling gets louder*
HAMILTON: I am ruined...!!
L: Please don't leave me with her, helpless!! H: I am helpless—how could I do this?
L: Just give her what she wants and you can have
L: me!! H: I don't want you! (Liar)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Oh lord)
L: Whatever you want, H: I don't want you! (Liar, liar, letters on fire)
L: If you pay, H: I don't...
L: You can staaayyyy~! H: Lord, show me how to
H: Say no to this ENSEMBLE: Say no to this!
L: Tonighttt~! H: I don't know how to E: Say no to this! (NOT AGAIN)
L: Helpless~! H: Cuz the situation's helpless
H: And his body's screaming, "Hell, yes!"
H: No, show me how to L: Whooaaaaaa! E: Say no to this!
H & L: How can I [you] say no to this?
H: There is nowhere I can go (this pose took me forever to draw)
E: Go! Go! Go!
H: When his body's on MINE I do not say…
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
E: NO! H: Yes! (Aaah!)
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~! (Alex~❤)
E: No! L: Yes~!
E: Say no to this! L: Yes~!
H: Say no to this...
H: I don't say no to this L: Don't say no to this (FML)
H: There is nowhere I can go... E: Go, go, go...! (My ass hurts...)
M: So?
H: Nobody needs to know.
Why did you watch this?!? Mush: I deserve AT LEAST a jar of cookies for this! [You're blushing, lmao]
COMMENT FAIRE UNE BOURSE EN CUIR? Tuto cuir pour débutant - Duration: 4:54.
Ignazio Moser a Raccontami: "Cecilia Rodriguez mi ha cambiato la vita" - Duration: 3:25.
Gareth Bale discovers Real Madrid plan offer £79m to sign Liverpool Mohamed Salah ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:06.
GARETH BALE has found out Real Madrid plan to use him in a swap deal to sign Mohamed
Salah from Liverpool this summer.
The shock reports in Spain claim Florentino Perez wants the impressive Egyptian at the
Salah has been in stunning form this season for Liverpool, netting 31 goals and providing
11 assists in all competitions.
And Spanish outlet Don Balon claim this campaign will be Bale's last at Real Madrid.
The reports say Perez thinks using the 28-year-old as a way of lowering the fee for Salah is
the best option for Los Blancos.
Real see the Reds ace as the most viable option to replace Bale at the club.
The La Liga champions have also been linked with Chelsea winger Eden Hazard though.
Salah has made such an impression in the Premier League this season that Piers Morgan claimed
he is the best to play in the top flight since Thierry Henry.
"Mo Salah's the best player in the Premier League since Thierry Henry," he wrote on
Salah was on target again for Liverpool at the weekend in the comfortable win over West
Ham in the Premier League.
The 25-year-old will look to impress again for the Reds when they host Newcastle this
Sunday in the top flight.
And Real will be watching closely as they consider a huge raid this summer.
Los Blancos have struggled this season and find themselves in third in La Liga, 14 points
behind arch rivals Barcelona.
Next up for Real is an away clash at Espanyol tomorrow evening.
Voici comment vous débarrasser des souris à la maison rapidement - Duration: 9:59.
Cadbury Chocolate Factory Tour in Dunedin – New Zealand's Biggest Gap Year – BackpackerGuide.NZ - Duration: 6:06.
[Zhao Yun] Ep. 4 - "Routed" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 25:21.
live dragon ball figterZ 6 - Duration: 2:20:08.
[Zhao Yun] Ep. 5 - "Raising the Banner" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 7:38.
[Zhao Yun] Ep. 6 - "Brotherhood" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 6:16.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
BEST F(R)IENDS - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 3:04.
60+ EYESHADOW DECLUTTER - Duration: 12:40.
Hey guys, it's Annika. Welcome to my channika.
Before I get any questions on this look,
I just want to say this is me recreating
a KathleenLights makeup tutorial.
I did a video on it, and I will throw it up here.
I'm pretty sure it's up there.
Anyway. Today I'm going to be doing
-- I think one of the most highly requested
videos on my channel --
and that is an "Eyeshadow Palette Declutter."
I'm so excited, and
I'm also super excited, because
Poshmark is sponsoring this video.
In case you guys don't know what Poshmark is,
it's basically an app where you can buy and sell clothes.
I've been using Poshmark for so long.
In fact, here's one of my old videos.
I literally had my Poshmark thing right there.
I still have it in all my descriptions, but . . .
If you want to follow me on Poshmark,
it's annikaosterlun1. So there's no "d,"
and instead of the "d" it's a 1. I don't know.
One of my favorite apps that I use to buy
-- not usually clothing.
I usually buy my clothing from Depop --
but I usually buy my makeup, and my handbags,
and my shoes, and my jewelry from Poshmark,
just because I feel like there's a bigger selection
you know? So I'm going to be selling
all of these palettes on Poshmark.
So if you guys are interested, I will leave my Poshmark
in the description below.
Also, the link to download the app.
And if you guys have Poshmark
share what your closet / label / handle thing is
down below. I'll make sure to go check it out.
I'll follow you.
So, without further ado, let's get into the video.
So I think I'm first just gonna start off with this drawer.
This is my "everyday palette" drawer.
There are some palettes back here.
I'm gonna have to adjust the camera.
Obviously, I don't use these palettes every day,
but I guess it's more of my "favorite palette" drawer.
I don't really know.
It's just a bunch of my palettes.
I have a bunch here that are from Hush . . . Shop Hush,
that they sent to me.
I think I'm gonna try and get rid of at least one of these,
because I think that somebody could probably
get better use out of them.
I think I'm gonna get rid of the Sugar Palette
by Face Candy. Even though it is super pigmented,
I have so many palettes like it.
I just feel like it's such a basic palette.
So I'm going to declutter this one.
I have a bunch of palettes on my makeup table,
though, too. So . . .
Then, I have all of my Chocolate Bar palettes.
I have the first, the Semi-Sweet,
the Chocolate Bon Bons,
Sweet Peach, and Chocolate Gold.
I'm not gonna get rid of any of these,
and same with my Naked Palettes.
Honestly, at this point, these are just collector's items.
I mean, I love them. I use them.
But I don't think I would even be able to get rid of them
if I didn't use them, you know?
So I have the Naked Heat, the original,
the second, and the third.
My favorite of them is the third,
so I know that I definitely wouldn't give away that one.
Okay. So then I have two LORAC palettes.
I kind of want to get rid of the first one,
but, at the same time, it was my first palette,
and I don't think I would be able to do that.
I absolutely love the second one.
Wow. I'm really bad at this. Okay.
I'm gonna keep both of them. And, of course,
Mama's gotta keep her Modern Renaissance.
Girl. No. Never. Never.
Then I have three nine-pan palettes by Too Faced.
I'm gonna try and get rid of at least one of those.
This was a gift, so I'm not gonna get rid of this.
I do love it, anyway. But I wouldn't get rid of a palette
that was gifted to me, because that is just f-ing rude.
Um, okay. So we have the Natural Eyes
and the Natural Matte.
I think I'm gonna keep the Natural Matte,
because I go for matte colors more than I do
for shimmer shades. So yeah. Okay.
So now, we're gonna move on to further back.
I'm gonna have to pull them out, because
can't really see them. But first, we have
the Aphrodite Palette, also from Shop Hush.
And the Huda Beauty Rose Gold Palette.
Definitely gotta keep the Huda Beauty
Rose Gold Palette. This is my favorite palette.
Don't know whether or not I should keep this
for reference. It is a really good pal . . .
I think I'm gonna keep it. I like both of them,
and if I ever want to do a drugstore or a dupe video,
then I want to have that.
Definitely gonna keep my Morphe
x KathleenLights Palette. It was limited edition, but . . .
this is one of my favorite palettes.
I know. I never talk about it
because it was limited edition.
But it's such a good palette!
Dream Street? Never! Never!!
I feel like I'm not gonna get rid of most of these palettes,
because, like I said, this is my everyday drawer.
These are my favorite palettes.
I have the Matte Spectrum Palette
and this empty . . . oh, no . . . full ColourPop Z Palette,
which . . . I'm gonna keep this, obviously.
I don't think I want to get rid of any of the colors.
And the Zoeva Matte Spectrum Palette was a gift,
and I did ask for it anyway,
so I'm definitely gonna keep that.
Okay. Then we have two little ones over here.
We have the Rose in the Air by Wet n Wild,
which I'm gonna keep,
because it's an amazing drugstore palette.
And then this Morphe Picasso Palette.
She has gotten a lot of use,
but I don't know if I need to . . .
if I should declutter her.
Because I do have enough colorful palettes,
but at the same time . . .
Let me look at my Take Me to Brazil.
Like, could I make the same looks?
Okay, that pink is just as good.
Yeah. I think I'm gonna declutter this.
So, this is the Morphe 12P Palette.
If you are an OG Annikunt and you watched my videos
like, over the summer - even when I was in eighth grade -
I used to use this palette like no f-ing other.
But her time has come.
We're gonna keep the Take Me Back to Brazil Palette
I just got this. I really haven't used it enough, yet.
I haven't really had enough time
to play around with makeup,
to be quite honest. High school is really obnoxious.
And then I have three Morphe palettes.
I have the Morphe 35-O, the 35-B, and the 35-O2.
I think I might want to get rid of the 35-O, though,
because I have the 35-02.
Yeah, I'm definitely gonna get rid of this,
because, I have all these colors, number one.
And I also have 35-02, which is absolutely
ten times beautiful-er. That makes you nut. Yeah.
I'm gonna get rid of the 35-O, even though I love her.
She was one of my first palettes, as well.
So that's everything in this drawer.
Now we're gonna move on.
Now we have this drawer, which is in my Alex 9 section.
I'm probably gonna have to adjust.
So I do keep some of my face palettes in the back here.
I'm not gonna be decluttering those today.
I would probably be decluttering those
in my Face Declutter, which I might do.
I don't know. Who knows?
So, we have this stack of palettes here.
I hate the way this drawer is organized,
but you gotta do what you gotta do.
First, we have the Wet n Wild Nude Awakening Palette.
I think I'm going to declutter this,
because I have the other Wet n Wild Palette
that I would use if I wanted to do a drugstore video.
I have this LORAC Malibu Free Spirit.
I kind of . . . a part of me wants to get rid of this,
but also, I'm just kind of baffled.
Like, why did I even f-ing buy this?
It has four shimmers and two mattes.
When would I use this?
(People are talking and it's really annoying.)
Okay, yeah. So I'm definitely gonna get rid of that.
I was gonna keep it for traveling,
but, honestly, I couldn't make a look out of this.
I'm triggered.
Makeup Revolution Neutrals Versus Neutrals Palette.
I love this palette. And I also think
it's nice to have multiple drugstore palettes.
This is a really good drugstore palette.
So I'm gonna keep that.
Urban Decay Electric Palette.
This one I'm kind of stuck on, to be honest. Because . . .
I feel like it's something that I should . . .
I'm gonna keep it. I'm definitely gonna . . .
Actually? Yeah. I'm gonna keep this because
I don't have colors like this.
I know that I have many colors,
but none of them are as neon is this.
And so, I think that it's important to have this.
I also love the packaging.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know.
And then down here we have the "Pure" . . .
"Pur"? "Pure"? I don't know how to say it.
Soiree Diaries. I got this from Octaley,
and I f-ing hate it.
It's just . . . I use all of these colors,
all of the matte shades, to make one look,
and it's just so pointless.
But for some people, this really floats their boat. So . . .
I'm gonna try selling that, and see if anybody wants it.
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea, the First Edition.
I got this for Christmas,
and I don't think my mom would care if I got rid of it.
And I never use this. So I think I might get rid of it.
I used to love her, because she was
one of my first palettes. But since it's all shimmer,
and then there's one matte-ish shade,
I just never reach for it.
Because I can't make any looks with it.
I have my Makeup Geek eyeshadows in here.
I'm gonna keep those.
Tartelette in Bloom Palette, I'm definitely gonna keep,
even though I don't reach for her.
I bring her when I travel, because
she has everything that you can need.
And then the Urban Decay Ultimate Basics.
I'm definitely gonna keep that one, because
I got it in a dumpster, so . . .
I don't think anybody would want it.
Um. Okay. Yeah.
Oh. Then I have this little Tarte quad that I got while ago.
I kind of like it, though.
But I've literally never touched it,
and I've had this for three years.
I've literally never used this.
So it comes with a blush, and then four eye shadows.
Okay, I guess I have to,
because I've literally never used it.
Okay, we have this Buxom Palette that I never f-ing use.
Um . . . I'm gonna keep that just for reference
if I ever need Buxom shadows.
But I have this Buxom Stone Cold Babe Palette,
which I'm gonna get rid of, because it was trash.
I'm not even gonna try selling this,
because I don't want anybody to buy that.
Like, it's just so bad.
I have three e.l.f. palettes.
I have the Mad for Matte, the Naked Prism?
I don't know. It's the shimmer one.
And then the Mad for Matte 2.
I think I'm gonna keep both of the Mad for Mattes,
and then, give away the shimmer one,
because, as you guys know,
not the biggest fan of shimmer eyeshadows.
I'm doing really well. Damn.
Actually, I'm kind of shook.
I had a lot of palettes before. Like, a lot.
I have three of these Essence palettes,
which I've never used, but I keep them, because
it's satisfying to have all of them.
But I've literally never touched any of them.
One of them was a gift from a subscriber.
It was the All About Bronze.
And I like the All About Vintage.
But I think I'm gonna get rid of these two.
But I like the greens. I like this dark green,
and I would use that sometime.
And then, this was a gift, so I'm not gonna give that way.
But I still might use this. That shade? Really pretty.
Okay. Now these. Sigma sent me their palettes.
I want to keep at least one of them for reference,
but I don't know which one. Oh. Damn.
That purple.
I think I'm gonna keep the cool-toned one,
which is called "Smokescreen," because I have a lot
of warm-toned eyeshadows like this.
So I'm gonna keep that. I just also think that
that blue is really cool. I don't know.
Oh. Then this Glam Metals Palette.
I got it in my BoxyCharm.
I think I'm gonna give this one away, too.
Or sell it, or something.
The colors are pretty, but I, again,
don't ever use shimmer shades.
Then the PUR My Little Pony Palette.
I actually love this palette. I'm definitely gonna keep it.
I don't know if they still sell it.
It might have been Limited Edition,
but I really like it. And the red in it is so good.
I'm swatching it with my thumb.
Oh, yes.
And then I have a few little NYX ones back here.
I have the NYX Ultimate Multi Finish Electric Palette.
And then, I have the Brights. Ultimate Brights.
I think I'm gonna get rid of the Ultimate Brights.
I'll probably give it to Rhianna,
because I hit pan on one of the shades.
But, like I said, I have a lot of colorful palettes.
Yeah. I have the 35b, I have this, I have this.
I have my Take Me Back to Brazil.
Like, I just feel like I don't need this.
I definitely used her a lot, but I think I've moved on.
Okay. Believe it or not, we aren't done yet.
I have another drawer full of palettes.
Again, there are some face palettes in here,
so we're gonna go over those later.
Um, I have this Smas . . . [dogs barking]
Holy . . . did you hear that?
We're dog sitting right now,
and I don't think those dogs like my dog.
It comes with this face thing,
and then, these eye things.
I never use the face things.
I never use the eye things.
But it was a gift. But this person isn't in my life anymore.
Like, we have tea. So . . . can I give it away?
I'm gonna keep it, because I feel like that's just so rude.
I can't. I'm gonna keep it. Okay.
Deck of Scarlet. Trash. Hate it.
I'm sure that they, as a company, are good.
It's just, this palette did not do it for me, so . . .
I'm not even gonna bother selling that, once again.
I'm just gonna . . . I'm not even gonna donate that.
I don't want women that are getting ready
for their first job interview or whatever
and then they put that and they look like sh--.
Like, I can't do that to somebody.
Juvia's Place Zulu Palette. Again,
another colorful palette. I love it.
I haven't gotten enough use out of it.
And I love these shadows,
so I'm definitely gonna keep those.
I have another Juvia's Place eyeshadow palette
that I'm also gonna keep. The Masquerade Palette.
LORAC Mega Pro 4. This was a gift, but I do really like it.
I just got it for Christmas this year, so . . .
Then we have the Kylie Royal Peach Palette.
A part of me feels like I should keep this for reference,
but it's just so bad, and I literally haven't touched it
in like three months. No. Longer than that.
I haven't touched it since eighth grade. Like May.
Yeah, no. I think I'm gonna get rid of this.
I'm gonna keep the brush, though.
I kind of like the brush.
TheBalm Appetit by theBalm.
This is really cute, but again, I never use it.
I love the matte shades at the top,
and I also love this little thing.
And I love how it flips off.
Sorry the lighting is kind of weird.
Again, it's majority shimmer, and I don't use that.
And it's in pretty good condition.
And theBalm is a good brand. So I think I could sell that.
Morphe 25A. I love this palette. Definitely gonna keep it.
Carli Bybel BH Cosmetics, the First Edition.
Don't get me wrong, I love my girl Carli. She's so sweet.
And I love her Second Edition Palette.
I don't have it. I need to get it.
But I just don't like this one.
Again, it's a little bit too neutral for me
and I don't like the highlighters.
The highlighters are a little bit too dark.
So I'm gonna get rid of that.
I am doing way better than I thought I would.
Like, way better.
And then back here, are face palettes.
And this is an empty Z palette.
This is also an empty Z palette.
So yeah. Thank you guys so much for watching.
I'm so excited.
I'm actually really excited with the progress that I made.
I think I decluttered 20 palettes, and I had 60.
Guys, this is such a big relief.
Like, I have so much [phone rings]
I'm back. I'm so excited with the progress that I made.
I'm really incredibly pleased,
and I'm just so excited that I get to represent Poshmark,
because I'm really . . .
My camera is way too far down.
I'm literally bending so low.
I'm really excited that I get to represent Poshmark,
because I am actually really passionate about the app.
So . . .
Thank you guys so much for watching.
Please comment, rate, subscribe, and keep on
Also, comment down below which category of makeup
you want to see me declutter next.
We could do lipsticks - which I have so many of -
highlighters, blushes . . . Let me know.
Olympians Rank Things: Haley Anderson - Duration: 4:00.
How to paint the beach - Step by Step - Beginner Painting tutorial│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 8:32.
Hey guys, I hope you are all having an amazing day today, and in this video I will show you
how to paint the beach.
Before I get into the video I wanted to tell you that even though I will be using oil paints
for this tutorial, in this particular instance the only difference between oil paint and
acrylic paint is the drying time which I fixed by adding some fast drying medium so, feel
free to paint this with whatever medium you feel comfortable with.
I started off by adding some masking tape to create a rectangular frame to contain my
Then I started priming my page using gesso, so that the paint has something to bind to
and it doesn't seep through the page.
The colours I will be using are the following: Titanium White,
Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre,
Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Blue Hue,
Viridian Hue and Burnt Umber.
I first took some of my fast drying medium and I started mixing the cobalt blue with
some titanium white and I am trying to a create a quantity of the colour because this will
be my base which I will cover my page with.
Then, I started painting with the colour I just created from the top of the page going
downwards in a horizontal motion.
Then, I took some titanium white to add to the gradient that we are creating.
So, as we move downwards it will get lighter.
Then I picked up some yellow ochre and I mixed it with the titanium white so that my gradient
will go from blue to white and then to yellow ochre.
And then I started painting in horizontal motions mixing everything together.
Now, I took some more yellow ochre and I mix it with white to increase the opacity of the
sand that we will be painting at the bottom of the page.
Then, I took a large clean brush to blend the colours together evenly.
Now, that my background is completely dry, I will start painting the water.
For the water, I picked up some phthalo blue and I mixed it with some viridian hue.
I took my flat headed brush and I started drawing a horizontal line of the water which
will be my horizon.
Then I added some white into the paint mixture to continue painting the water.
Now, I went back with the dark colour I just mixed to re-define the horizon.
Then, I continue with the lighter colour of the water and I move downwards.
Now I added more white into the paint mixture to move downwards as we are creating another
gradient effect for the water.
Then, I am adding more white into the paint mixture and again, I am adding more white
for our water gradient.
And now I am mixing a tiny bit of yellow ochre for the sand.
And finally I am blending everything out as smoothly as I can.
I took some of my white colour and mixed it into the yellow colour we used for the sand
because now we will define the shape of the beach.
And I am applying more of that colour on the right hand side as well.
And then, I took my fluffy brush to blend it out very smoothly.
I took some of the light blue colour I had in my palette and then I took some white and
mixed both of them really well to come up with a light blue colour to paint the little
waves on the surface of the water.
I am doing that using my flat headed brush and I am drawing really small horizontal lines
on the water.
Now I took some viridian hue to start painting the large wave in the middle, I added some
lemon yellow in the mixture and then a little bit of titanium white.
And then I started painting the large wave in the area that we left blank in the middle.
I added some more white into the mixture to lighten the colour and then I continued tapping
my brush on the paper.
Now using the same colour, I am drawing those curvy vertical lines the blend the colour
with the rest of the water.
And by doing that we start seeing the wave forming.
Now I took some of the darker colour I created earlier for the horizon and I started by painting
the base of the wave using the same brush strokes.
And now I am blending the water and the waves together.
And I went on top to re-paint the base of the wave as well.
And now, using the same colour I am painting the shadow of the wave on top.
Now I took my darker colour and I am re-painting the water on top.
I keep using the darker value for the bottom of the wave as well.
Now, I took a fluffy brush to blend the bottom of our wave with the water.
And then using the same brush I try to expand the wave using vertical motions.
Now, I took some of the lighter colour to paint the small waves on the water again and
I am doing that by tapping the tip of my brush on the paper.
Using the same brush I started adding some highlights to the bigger wave.
Now I took some of my titanium white on my detail brush and I started tapping on top
of my wave to paint the foam.
Now, I took my detail brush and a darker tone and I started painting the shadow of the wave.
For this part dipped a q-tip into the titanium white and I started tapping on the foam of
the wave.
Then I took my detail brush using the same colour I started drawing the water that follows
the wave going upwards.
Then, I drag those lines on the rest of the water doing a zig zag pattern.
Now, I am starting to paint the foam on the edge of the water as well.
And again I took my q-tip and I started tapping the paint on the paper.
Now I am adding some burnt umber into my yellow ochre mixture to paint the shadow of the water
on the beach.
And then I took some titanium white to paint the sparkles on the wet sand.
And then I took my detail brush to blend the shadows of the big wave with the water.
Now I continue painting the waves using a q-tip and the white paint.
And then I switched to my detail brush to add those little dots that represent the water
splash from the foamy wave.
And finally I took some of my darker colour to add in between the light waves as shadows.
And finally, I gently remove the masking tape.
So this is the finished painting, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it helpful,
in the description I have links to all the products I am using if you guys are interested.
I also have prints of my work available on my website if you would like to have a look.
Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video.
Bye x
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