Cheddar Cheese Bread
White bread flour 500 g
Sugar 10 g
Yeast 7 g
Salt 10 g
Cheddar cheese 100 g
Water 300 g
Leave the dough for about 40 min. – 1 hour.
Leave the dough for about 20-25 min.
Bake at 200 c Top and Bottom 25-30 minutes.
6-8 serve
For more infomation >> Cheddar Cheese Bread | Bakery | ขนมปังเชดด้าชีส - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
ヤミ金融を営んでいた疑いで、指定暴力団・6代目山口組総本部を家宅捜索 - Duration: 1:39.
Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...
Warrior Weekly S1 E6 - Duration: 7:25.
I'm Patrick Shoenfelder, I'm a wrestler at the University of Northern Iowa, I graduated
AUGS in 2013, I'd like to give a shoutout to the AUGS wrestling team who's getting ready
for sectionals, good luck guys, you're watching Warrior Weekly.
I'm Gabby, and here's the weather this week.
The temperatures should range from the low 40s today, and down to the 30s later on this
Lunches this week are, on Monday, a corndog, Tuesday, cheese quesadilla, Wednesday, Tony's
french bread.
And the March is yet to come out.
Remember Warriors, yearbooks are on sale.
Make sure you go online and order your copy before they're sold out.
The cost is $16, and all orders can be placed at
Any questions, see Ms. Schoon or Ms. Jeserig.
Hi guys, I'm Jana, and I'm here with clubs and events this week.
Today, drama has a rehearsal until 4:30, and robotics has a meeting until 5:00.
Tomorrow, NJHS has a meeting until 3:30.
On Wednesday, drama rehearsal form 3:30 to 5:00, and student council has a meeting until
On Thursday, drama has a rehearsal until 4:30.
Make sure all cast members are off script.
On Friday, Science Olympiad has practice until 5:00.
Lastly, on Saturday, Science Olympiad has practice on Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00.
Hey guys, I'm Ravyn, and I have the news for games this week.
On Monday, only the 6th grade girls basketball have a game against Johnsburg Red at 4:00.
On Tuesday, the girls volleyball team plays at home against Woodland White at 3:30.
The boys volleyball also have a game away against Woodland White at 3:30.
The 6th grade girls basketball team have a home game against Millburn at 4:00.
On Wednesday, 6th grade girls basketball have an away game against Johnsburg Red at 4:00.
For Thursday, the girls volleyball have a home game against Round Lake at 3:30.
On Friday, the 6th grade girls basketball team has an away game at the Johnsburg Tournament.
On Saturday, wrestling has the sectional meet at AUGS.
Also, the 6th grade girls basketball team has an away game at the Johnsburg Tournament.
That's a lot of games!
Come support your fellow Warriors.
Hey guys, it's Megan here, and today I will be discussing fine arts.
The Variety Show tryouts are today after school, and also, the 8th grade music students will
attend the Lakes Spring Musical dress rehearsal on March 1st.
And now, a word from our sponsor.
What is that?
Mrs. Tindell, can we be excused for a second?
Well before you leave make sure you get the pass, fill it out.
It's fine, we don't, we don't need it.
Yes you do!
It's fine, it's fine.
We're good.
Do you have a pass?!
Oh no!
I have to pee!
Okay, I think we lost her.
Let's get back to it.
I need to walk.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Let's go.
I know, I'm great.
Oh, it wasn't you I was talking about, it was actually that poster on the well, I mean,
but I guess you're pretty good too.
So, are you gonna join the Variety Show?
Ooh, what's that?
The Variety Show?
It's basically a huge talent show, except there's no judges!
Ooooooh, tell me more!
Well, you need a permission slip, you can get one of those outside of the choir room,
or room 419.
Bring it to tryouts tonight from 3:00 to 5:00.
Tryouts are just to see your stuff and see what kinds of things people will be doing.
Ooohhhhh, sounds so much fun, I just might try out!
Now can you serenade us with more of your great singing?
Of course!
And now, backpacks with Dax.
And this has been, backpacks with Dax.
Shoutouts this week go to the Pie Contest winners.
in 6th grade, Mr. Downing, 7th grade, Mrs. Howard, and 8th grade, Mrs. Tindell.
Shoutout to the Rock the Bald participants too!
This week's weekly quote is...
Thanks for watching Warriors!
Be responsible, be respectful, and be safe.
Have a fantastic week!
Ronny J "OMGRONNY" Album Review - IS IT GOOD? - Duration: 9:27.
Now before we even start today guys, I wanna point out something, and that is that this
album has been falsely advertised.
As you can see, the album name is OMGRONNY, which is Ronny J's main producer tag right?
Nothing seems amiss there, everything seems fine, no suspicions right?
However, in one of the tracks he doesn't use that producer tag, he uses his "Ronny J
listen up" beat tag.
What the h*ll is going on, what is that, I thought this was the OMGRONNY mixtape, not
the "Different Ronny J Producer Tags Mixtape".
That skit probably wasn't even worth it, I'm so sweaty now before we start the video.
So Ronny J, OMGRONNY, Is It Good?
Today I'm gonna be answering that.
Is Ronny J's newest album good?
This is CDTVProductions and let's talk about it.
Now one thing that I do respect on here is that Ronny J didn't only produce every track,
he also actually tried his hand at rapping on around 5 of the songs here.
And let me just say, no matter what, I respect that.
When someone handles more than one aspect of their music, I think that is admirable
because they are putting more of the workload on themselves, instead of letting someone
else do it.
However, I do have to say his rapping harboured some less than favourable results.
One of my least favourite tracks on the album OHSHI, is a Ronny J solo track, and lets just
say, the vocals really aren't great on it.
(Ronny J "OHSHI").
The tone he's delivering the vocals in just doesn't sound suited to the beat so it just
results in this really unappealing sound, it's almost like they're in two different
Then on the opening track Thriller, Ronny's vocals are mixed in this way that just makes
them sound really reverb-ey, and that isn't great either.
Although I'd be lying if I said he did bad on every single track he rapped on here, because
that is not true.
On the flip side of it, one of my favourite tracks from the album called 824 was another
complete solo track from Ronny.
Even though Ronny's lyrics are incredibly simplistic, he has a very nice sense of melody
on this song, which I guess makes sense because he is a producer right.
This can also be seen on the song Costa Rica where he provides a very catchy hook.
(Ronny J "Costa Rica" feat.
Ski Mask the Slump God).
He has a lot of work to do to become a bearable rapper, but he does have some moments on here
that are nice.
Now let's talk about the guest features, because they are almost as important as Ronny
is on this album.
Being an album from someone that's mainly a producer, it has a lot of guest appearances.
I think there's around 10 different features on this project.
And overall, I feel kinda mixed about all these features.
Smokepurpp, who is a rapper I actually enjoy in some instances, just comes with an incredibly
average hook and verse here, I mean this sounds like it could be any one of his random SoundCloud
singles produced by Ronny, its nothing special or out of the ordinary.
We also have Fat Nick who gives a nice enough performance, but he has this high pitched
vocal in the background of his hook for the song Fiji Island, and its actually kind of
(Ronny J"Fiji Island" feat.
Fat Nick).
Then we have Danny Towers who, no offence to him, sounds hilarious to me.
This man sounds like a drill sergeant out a cartoon or something, it genuinely made
me laugh when he just burst into the track.
I'd have to say, my favourite guest appearances on here were by Ski Mask the Slump God, and
Denzel Curry who appeared on 2 tracks each.
Now Ski's verse on Thriller was quite nice, but it came off to me as quite weird that
he recycled a few bars from a song he did earlier with Pollari called Creepin'.
I mean Ski you've not been rapping for that long, why are you recycling bars already?
However his verse on Costa Rica was great, it was just a nice, short, punchy verse, and
his flow was brilliant on there.
As for Denzel, he killed it on both tracks.
On the song Glacier he comes with this very aggressive tone of voice, and Denzel is one
of the few rappers that I can actually really tolerate shouting from, because when Denzel
does it, he sounds angry.
He's not pointlessly shouting to give the track some energy that's just not there.
He sounds p***ed off.
There is one thing that ruins that song and I'll talk about that later, so keep that
in mind.
As for his other contribution, Houston, it was another very nice verse.
Denzel did a great job on both his performances on here.
And now let's get to one of the most important aspects of this album, and that is the production,
of course all handled by Ronny J himself.
Now I know what you think, I bet you're thinking that I'm gonna say I didn't like
these beats because of the distortion, but no, a lot of the beats actually aren't distorted.
On most of these tracks the bass is just very loud, but its not overpowering, it doesn't
shake the whole beat up (maybe with the exception of the song Snakes).
On most of them its not distorted.
That's not my issue.
Loud bass, a-ok, distorted bass, that's a no-no.
But I do still dislike most of the production on here, and lemme tell you why.
A lot of the beats on here just sound so uninspired and Ronny seems to follow a very basic formula
that he follows with a lot of the beats on this tape.
If you listen to songs such as One Time, Fiji Island or Trauma, you'll start to notice
that these songs all have the exact same fundamentals.
Not only that, these tracks only have the fundamentals.
It goes like this; a drum pattern, some loud 808's and a single looped melody.
So many of the beats on here just stick to that basic framework, and it makes a lot of
the songs boring despite the fact that most of them are under 2 and a half minutes long.
I feel like he might have played it too safe here, there's nothing innovative about these
This is a full project so it should have some more ambitious beats, but these just sound
like the same thing that Ronny J has been putting out.
Although saying that, one of the times that he does try to make an instrumental more layered,
it gets in the way of the song, and that is on the track I mentioned earlier, the Denzel
Curry song, Glacier.
I do not know why in the world he did this.
During Denzel's verse, this incredibly loud piano comes into the song, and it completely
overshadows everything Denzel is saying, it overshadows every other sound on the track.
Now granted this piano only lasts about 20 seconds, but it's such an obstruction to
the song.
Why you would want to ruin one of the best guest performances on your album, I don't
(Ronny J "Glacier" feat.
Denzel Curry).
It was obviously intentional, like Ronny knew what he was doing with it, but it was intentionally
bad mixing.
Now keep in mind this is not me saying Ronny J is a bad producer, it's just on this album,
he really doesn't provide his best work.
So as you can tell there were a few aspects of this album I enjoyed, but there was a lot
of stuff that fell short for me.
Ronny J isn't amazing as a rapper yet, the guest verses were mostly mediocre with some
very good performances, and the well produced tracks were few and far between.
There are admittedly a few great tracks on here, it's just not enough to save it in
my opinion.
I'm gonna have to give OMGRONNY by Ronny J a 3.8/10.
That's right, just after I gave my highest score in an IS IT GOOD?
video yesterday, I'm giving my lowest one today.
As you guys know this is just my opinion, and hopefully Ronny can come out with something
that impresses me soon, because like I said, he's not a bad producer, and I would like
to see him improve as a rapper too.
So what do you guys think about this album?
Let me know in the comments below.
(Outro stuff)
Verses on the Street / 1 Verse by J Hope Fan Lyric Video (Multiple Languages) - Duration: 3:11.
J-Hope m-my name
I start putting on grease
I stop the wheel that always spins
I p-put on my worth
Gather round
I'll show you many things, the way I cut
I cut out the rotten parts
The dandruff that will fall eventually
The pigeons that run away in a heartbeat
They don't understand the meaning
I just diss them cooly
Flaunting, watch my talent
For two and a half years I observed and looked on this fiery scene
It's time for these capabilities to react, without limit
Ridicule, the paparazzi
I aim for everyone's two ears
I'll include all my resentment, everyone listen and stay aware
I don't wear a mask, this is my motto
I live while doing what I want, shit
It's not all the same, I match with my instincts
Build my career
Only scraping the outside, I'll become everybody's watermelon
And to break that
I keep postponing and postponing
My efforts come into fruition
Everyone's getting impatient, brooding
This rhyme, flow has been waiting to explode
Even if you call this a verse, it's like a hook
I make them unable to forget, crowd around me
Even my fans
I make the haters throw up
Retributive justice, you reap what you sow
Praises make me bow
If I receive criticism
I will digest it all
I will poop it out
My ambition and pride don't stop
I get what I want
You can't even go against me
You're below my destiny
All this bothersome phlegm, like my age TWOTWO spit it out on the ground
I gently walk on the road that my fans have made for me
You'll feel double the effort that I made with my brothers rising in the world and gaining fame
Shut your mouth and listen to this verse
This flow's atmosphere is like a salute
Everyone enjoy this verse
This place's atmosphere is like the tropics
Warrior Weekly S1 E6 - Duration: 7:25.
I'm Patrick Shoenfelder, I'm a wrestler at the University of Northern Iowa, I graduated
AUGS in 2013, I'd like to give a shoutout to the AUGS wrestling team who's getting ready
for sectionals, good luck guys, you're watching Warrior Weekly.
I'm Gabby, and here's the weather this week.
The temperatures should range from the low 40s today, and down to the 30s later on this
Lunches this week are, on Monday, a corndog, Tuesday, cheese quesadilla, Wednesday, Tony's
french bread.
And the March is yet to come out.
Remember Warriors, yearbooks are on sale.
Make sure you go online and order your copy before they're sold out.
The cost is $16, and all orders can be placed at
Any questions, see Ms. Schoon or Ms. Jeserig.
Hi guys, I'm Jana, and I'm here with clubs and events this week.
Today, drama has a rehearsal until 4:30, and robotics has a meeting until 5:00.
Tomorrow, NJHS has a meeting until 3:30.
On Wednesday, drama rehearsal form 3:30 to 5:00, and student council has a meeting until
On Thursday, drama has a rehearsal until 4:30.
Make sure all cast members are off script.
On Friday, Science Olympiad has practice until 5:00.
Lastly, on Saturday, Science Olympiad has practice on Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00.
Hey guys, I'm Ravyn, and I have the news for games this week.
On Monday, only the 6th grade girls basketball have a game against Johnsburg Red at 4:00.
On Tuesday, the girls volleyball team plays at home against Woodland White at 3:30.
The boys volleyball also have a game away against Woodland White at 3:30.
The 6th grade girls basketball team have a home game against Millburn at 4:00.
On Wednesday, 6th grade girls basketball have an away game against Johnsburg Red at 4:00.
For Thursday, the girls volleyball have a home game against Round Lake at 3:30.
On Friday, the 6th grade girls basketball team has an away game at the Johnsburg Tournament.
On Saturday, wrestling has the sectional meet at AUGS.
Also, the 6th grade girls basketball team has an away game at the Johnsburg Tournament.
That's a lot of games!
Come support your fellow Warriors.
Hey guys, it's Megan here, and today I will be discussing fine arts.
The Variety Show tryouts are today after school, and also, the 8th grade music students will
attend the Lakes Spring Musical dress rehearsal on March 1st.
And now, a word from our sponsor.
What is that?
Mrs. Tindell, can we be excused for a second?
Well before you leave make sure you get the pass, fill it out.
It's fine, we don't, we don't need it.
Yes you do!
It's fine, it's fine.
We're good.
Do you have a pass?!
Oh no!
I have to pee!
Okay, I think we lost her.
Let's get back to it.
I need to walk.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Let's go.
I know, I'm great.
Oh, it wasn't you I was talking about, it was actually that poster on the well, I mean,
but I guess you're pretty good too.
So, are you gonna join the Variety Show?
Ooh, what's that?
The Variety Show?
It's basically a huge talent show, except there's no judges!
Ooooooh, tell me more!
Well, you need a permission slip, you can get one of those outside of the choir room,
or room 419.
Bring it to tryouts tonight from 3:00 to 5:00.
Tryouts are just to see your stuff and see what kinds of things people will be doing.
Ooohhhhh, sounds so much fun, I just might try out!
Now can you serenade us with more of your great singing?
Of course!
And now, backpacks with Dax.
And this has been, backpacks with Dax.
Shoutouts this week go to the Pie Contest winners.
in 6th grade, Mr. Downing, 7th grade, Mrs. Howard, and 8th grade, Mrs. Tindell.
Shoutout to the Rock the Bald participants too!
This week's weekly quote is...
Thanks for watching Warriors!
Be responsible, be respectful, and be safe.
Have a fantastic week!
Best Custom Shoe Maker Inte...
'황금빛내인생' 전노민-나영희 해임, 박시후 회장되나 | K-Couple - Duration: 5:52.
✔✔ 문재인 대통령이 이승훈에게 보낸 축전 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 3:29.
평창 밤하늘 수놓으며 '작별 인사' 건넨 수호랑 - Duration: 2:16.
The Silence Is Broken! Devin Nunes Drop Nuke – It Was Obama Who 'Created This Russian Threat - Duration: 2:47.
The Silence Is Broken! Devin Nunes Drop Nuke – It Was Obama Who 'Created This Russian
Rep. Devin Nunes sounded off at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Saturday
on how former President Barack Obama allowed to Russia to gain prominence during his administration.
"We went through a whole European infrastructure consolidation process of military installations
across Europe, abandoned a lot of abilities in the North Atlantic to track Russian subs,"
Nunes said
"We actually had the president of the United States, who said on a hot mic to the prime
minister of Russia at the time, 'Just tell Vladimir to wait after the election.' That
was President Obama who said that."
"So who created this Russian threat? Who? It was the last administration that put us
in this position," Nunes said.
The much-awaited Democratic memo on the Steele dossier was also released Saturday.
The conference, which unfolded over 3 ½ days at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention
Center just outside Washington, overlapped with breaking news about the long-running
Russia investigation. On Friday, Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleaded guilty to two
charges related money laundering, and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III filed fresh
charges against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
But at CPAC, the news was received in two ways — as a distraction or as a hoax. According
to the conference's annual straw poll, 60 percent of attendees said the Mueller investigation
was unfair. In a Saturday-afternoon speech, Tom Fitton, the president of the conservative
watchdog group Judicial Watch said the probe and the media's focus on it was designed
to distract from scandals around defeated 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
"Stolen and destroyed records. Violations of national security laws. You name it — Judicial
Watch has compiled enough evidence to compel the lawful arrest of Hillary Clinton," Fitton
said. "It's no wonder that the D.C. establishment would rather talk about their made-up garbage
about Donald Trump and Russia.
A Saturday panel about the investigation, bringing together skeptical conservative reporters,
was less dismissive. While they criticized some national news media as hyping each turn
in the Russia story, they acknowledged that the investigations raise some questions about
Trump's campaign.
what do you think about this? Please Share this news and Scroll down to
comment below and don't forget to subscribe Top Stories Today.
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