With the screams "Yeong-mi" echoeing through the stadium becoming an increasingly familiar
sight, the Korean women's curling team was arguably the biggest fan favorite in this
Other than being nearly unbeatable, their unique style, characteristics, team chemistry
and contagious enthusiasm... clearly set the ladies apart from their competitors.
Lee Jeong-yeon gets us better acquainted with the curlers that rose from relative obscurity...
who came close to winning gold... while elevating the popularity of the once unfamiliar sport.
Korean women's curling team garnered a lot of international attention at the PyeongChang
Winter Olympics, with the foreign press coming up with nicknames such as 'Team Kim,' as all
the members' last names are 'Kim,'.... and the better-known 'Garlic Girls,'... referring
to their garlic-producing home county of Uiseong.
According to local media however, the members did not take such a liking to these nicknames
and decided to come up with their own.
They each took a name from their breakfast menu: Kim Yeong-mi came up with 'Pancake,'
Kim Seon-yeong was 'Sunny' after sunny-side-up eggs, Kim Eun-jung was known as 'Annie,' a
brand of yogurt, Kim Kyeong-ae was 'Steak,' and Kim Cho-hi, a.k.a. 'Cho cho,' after chocolate.
Another name that's going down in history is 'Yeong-mi,' one of the member's names.
'Yeong-mi,' 'Yeong-mi,' 'Yeong-mi ' The public has come with their own interpretations for
the different ways in which Kim Eun-jung yelled out this name.
'Yeong-mi' refers to 'start sweeping according to the direction of the stone's movement,'
'Yeong-mi ya~' refers to 'stop sweeping and wait,' a frantic 'Yeong-mi ya ' means 'sweep
as fast as you can,' and a repeated 'Yeong-mi, Yeong-mi, Yeong-mi' is 'you can stop sweeping
Korea saw many firsts at this year's PyeongChang Winter Olympics,... including Korea's recently
discovered prowess in curling after the women's team took the world by storm and bringing
home the silver, an unprecedented feat for an Asian team.
The team helped curling turn from what was one of the most unfamiliar games for Koreans
at the beginning of the Olympics,... into a head-turner for the nation.
Now with peaked interest in the discipline thanks to the astonishing performance of Annie,
Pancake, Sunny, Steak and Cho Cho, the world is already expecting to see more milestones
set by this incredible team four years down the road.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News
For more infomation >> "Yeong-mi!" S. Korea's curling 'girl group' creates sensation during the Olympics - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
EKANGIYAANA | kannada short movie | S.ROSHAN FILM - Duration: 17:20.
테슬라, 고성능 전기차 '모델S P100D' 출시..가격은 1억8120만원[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:58.
테슬라, 고성능 전기차 '모델S P100D' 출시..가격은 1억8120만원[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 2:47.
'오토파일럿' 643만원..테슬라 모델 S P100D 옵션 살펴보니...[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 6:29.
테슬라, 고성능 전기차 '모델S P100D' 출시..가격은 1억8120만원[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 2:48.
[SMW] 브루탈&키티쿠 마리오 DEMO 7.5 ; S-3 후미의 스타 | 20090501 - Duration: 3:05.
Zero Waste Food พาสตามันฝรั่งกรอบมีทบอลจากเปลือกแคร์รอต : เทกันเบาเบา [by Mahidol] - Duration: 3:58.
SUMMER BREEZE Open Air 2017 - Around the Camel Stage with Skeleton Pit - Duration: 1:51.
Awesome! It was awesome. SUMMER BREEZE!
It was a lot of fun,
it was my last show with the band. It was amazing.
fast, loud. We expected it and we got it.
Now off to the showers and the beer.
It was amazing. Thank you, SUMMER BREEZE!
Washing Powder Making Plant (वॉशिंग पाउडर ) SETUP Please Call or watsapp +919584776611 - Duration: 0:36.
वॉशिंग पाउडर प्लांट सेट उप के लिए संपर्क करे +919584776611 FOR MORE DETAIL CALL +919584776611
First Class Capsule Hotel | Luxury Experience in Tokyo Japan - Duration: 3:17.
Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ Official Introduction - SAK!!! - Duration: 4:13.
Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ (Plus) Official Introduction - SAK!!!
Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ (Plus) Official Video and Introduction - SAK!!!
Introducing the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+. The Camera. Reimagined.
Samsung hasn't just updated the camera Samsung has completely rethought and redesigned the entire camera experience
TEST RYCHLOSTI | Jak rychlý je váš mozek? - Duration: 10:05.
Shaun Da Nissy - Paapinaina Nannu ft. Efra Harder - Duration: 6:25.
I am a sinner - but YOU have comforted me
and YOU have lifted me up taking me into YOUR hands
I am a sinner - but YOU have comforted me
and YOU have lifted me up taking me into YOUR hands
YOUR LOVE is the greatest thing I've ever knew
YOUR LOVE is the sweetest thing I've ever tasted
YOUR LOVE is the greatest thing I've ever knew
YOUR LOVE is the sweetest thing I've ever knew
LORD, I worship YOU alone
LORD, I rejoice in YOU alone
LORD, I'll exalt YOU alone
LORD, I will live for YOU
I am worthless - but YOU've hugged me
and YOU've cleansed me through YOUR blood
I am worthless - but YOU've hugged me
and YOU've cleansed me through YOUR blood
YOUR LOVE is the greatest thing I've ever knew
YOUR LOVE is the sweetest thing I've ever knew
YOUR LOVE is the greatest thing I've ever knew
YOUR LOVE is the sweetest thing I've ever knew
LORD, I worship YOU alone
LORD, I rejoice in YOU alone
LORD, I'll exalt YOU alone
LORD, I will live for you
LORD, I worship YOU alone
LORD, I rejoice in YOU alone
LORD, I'll exalt YOU alone
LORD, I will live for YOU
Immanuel Records ©. 2018
Top 10 Best Hotels In New Delhi, India 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In New Delhi - Duration: 5:42.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition Leer, Navi, PDC, Spiegelpakket - Duration: 0:58.
Felipe VI hace estallar el Mobile Congress con una grave amenaza a Ada Colau - Duration: 3:09.
Geometry dash in ROBLOX You shall not PASS THIS GAME - Duration: 19:02.
Aglatan Harika Yürek yakan Türkü Geceler Sessiz - Duration: 4:31.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 0:51.
How to draw Beach for kids
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 350 d AMG LINE Comand, Trekhaak, Rijassistentiepakket Plus, Nightpakket, Burm - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo XC60 2.4D SUMMUM D5 AWD / LEDER / NAVI / CAMERA / PDC / XENON / TREKHAAK AFN. - Duration: 0:54.
How to Fix Car Parts Instead of Buying New Ones (JB Weld) - Duration: 3:06.
rev up your engines!
welcome to mechanic Monday, today I'm going to show you how you can fix parts
in your car instead of just replacing them, now as you can see here, this part
of this valve is broken off the plastics cracked, this particular part cost an awful
lot of money, because it's computer-controlled vacuum solenoid, and
do to the overuse of plastic parts in cars these days, a lot of times when you're
working on a car, especially an older one, when you're moving stuff around you're
going to break a lot of that plastic stuff, but you can repair it rather than just
replace it, I use jb weld quick tube epoxy, now I'm sure there's a lot of
them out there that work, but when I find something that works I stick with it,
heck I've been married to the same woman for the last 40 years, now I use the jb weld
quick, because it sets up in five to ten minutes, now you still want to wait 12
hours for it to cure, but since it sets fast it won't come apart while it's
fully curing, now here's a trick I learned years ago, get a little piece of
tubing that fits inside where it's broken and you can slide that inside
like that, then you can epoxy it in place, so it won't leak and then the hose can
go back over the top of it when you're done and it will seal it perfectly
now the jb weld is easy to use, just get a piece of cardboard out of your
recycling bin, then make a line of the jb weld quick sealer and an equivalent line
of the hardener, then stir it all up so it's mixed,
then put some around a little tube you have and stick it inside, you can see
it's all filled in now and in 5-10 minutes it will be dry enough that you can put
it back together on the car, but like I said earlier, if it's any kind of a
high-pressure situation, you really want to let it sit for about 12 hours so it
fully cures, so the pressure won't bother anything, then you might asked how strong
is this JB well quick, well believe it or not, years ago I had a customer with a
Volvo and they had a little crack on their head of their engine, so I thought
oh what the heck, I drilled the hole out, make it bigger and round, then I put jb
weld and a screw in there and three years later they were still driving the
car, it actually fixed the engine, and remember since this is mechanic Monday
I'm giving away some of this jb weld quick, to get a chance to win, just post a
clean non offensive comment on the YouTube comments below and a computer
will randomly pick the winner, and now you know how you can fix parts on your
car when they break, instead of buying expensive new ones and remember if your
car has any problems, just visit the Scotty Kilmer channel,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new Car repair videos, remember
to ring that Bell!
A LIFE WITHOUT ME - Wattpad Trailer - Duration: 4:15.
Antoine Griezmann - Skills – Goals | HD | - Duration: 1:15.
Women Deserve to Know the Truth About Mammograms - Duration: 6:05.
Que manger pour rétablir le collagène de la peau - Duration: 5:40.
Antonella Mosetti non ha litigato con Barbara d'Urso: le sue parole | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:29.
Geometry dash in ROBLOX You shall not PASS THIS GAME - Duration: 19:02.
Motivation Lines | WhatsApp Status Video | Life Inspirational Anmol Vachan in Hindi - Duration: 0:32.
Whatsapp Status Video
비타민 D를 따로 챙겨 먹어야 할까? - Duration: 6:38.
愛宕神社へ行こうとしたら途中アイスバーンで撤退してしまいました。 - Duration: 5:56.
9 raisons médicales pour lesquelles vous avez toujours envie d'uriner - Duration: 13:58.
Pourquoi faut-il bannir le plastique et le téflon de la cuisine ? - Duration: 7:58.
Ma définition de développement personnel - Duration: 4:35.
So what is personal development?
Well, for me, first it is work,
working on yourself.
It is the idea of being in movement
moving in a direction
because if we don't move or go forward in life
We are static
a bit like these guys here.
Some times in life we are at a crossroads
these interesections aren't places you want to hang around too long
sometimes you need to have a direction in your head
and be able to go forward in that direction
and that is where personal development can help.
During our voyage or journey of life
we need to stay open to the different signs life can give us
because it may help us with the direction we are going to take
To give an example of this idea of work
of movement, of direction
and progression,
I started thinking about personal development about 5 years ago
which lead me to change a lot of things in my life
I left Paris, quit my job of 17 years
to pursue a Master's Degree in Human Ressources
So the question remains,
how to do it,
how to start a personal development plan?
It really helps, from time to time
to have a seat and think about our strengths and weaknesses.
Don't forget to be nice to yourself!
During this "self analysis"
it is important to remember to be kind to yourself
because always looking at your weaknesses
can be pretty negative and tiring.
There is a book I like alot
called "Now Discover Your Strengths"
because I believe we have the right to be "good"
and we have the right to be proud,
proud of ourselves and our strengths,
so have a good think about the strengths you have
and don't forget to
recharge your batteries too!
There is another term I like for personal development:
it is "personal growth".
I like this expression
because it make me think of when we are children
we are growing physically,
getting bigger and bigger
and intellectually as well.
the term "personal growth" interests me
because there is the idea that we don't stop growing,
this growth continues
inside of us
and we change.
The objective isn't that
we get bigger and BIGGER
and we CRUSH others!
So it isn't about growing vertically
it is about growing horizontally
So what does "horizontal" mean?
For me it means
to better understand my emotions
if I am able to understand
my own emotions more in depth
then I am more able to understand other peoples' emotions
so I can get along great with lots of different people
him and her
and her and him
but really it means
that I have more confidence in myself
more self esteem and self respect
and that is really important
The objective, of course,
is to be able to look in themirror
and love yourself
Ohh, looking good!
Oh yeah, I love ya!
To conclude
when I'm feeling down
stuck in a rut
or lacking direction
the two things that help the most
are action and creation
so thanks for listening to my definition of personal development
and have a great day!
Des fruits pour apaiser les peaux sèches et gercées - Duration: 9:40.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
투 몬스터, 포드 F-150 플래티늄 & 램 1500 롱혼 시승기[24/7 카] - Duration: 7:41.
Lexus CT 200h F Sport Line Navigatie, Parkeersensor - Duration: 0:49.
Lexus CT 200h F Sport Line Sunroof, LED koplampen, Premium navigatie - Duration: 0:57.
Lexus GS 300h F Sport Line Mark Levinson, Pre-Crash Safety, Head Up display - Duration: 0:58.
First Class Capsule Hotel | Luxury Experience in Tokyo Japan - Duration: 3:17.
F*#k You Cancer (An Original Composition) - Duration: 2:53.
You're going to hear the world debut of my first original creation, in a moment.
And it's also a part of my therapy in dealing with my illness.
This song pretty much expresses how I feel about cancer, the C word, we can say it.
So, I cannot sing.
Actually I couldn't play guitar but I was able to fake my way through at my concert.
(and what a great job you did) Thank you!
But I really can't sing.
I won't try, so I'll leave it to these people to sing, it's the world debut of my first
original composition.
Take it away.
Uhhh title? What's the title?
Oh you'l know in a second
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
You will not take my body or spirit
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
I will make Cancer my bitch
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
F*#k Cancer (forever and ever)
Oh F*#k Cancer (F*#k you Cancer , F*#k you Cancer)
And we shall say forever and ever, and ever
F*#k Cancer, oh F*#k Cancer F*#k Cancer, oh F*#k Cancer
And we shall say forever and ever Forever and ever, forever and ever
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer F*#k You Cancer
F*#k You Cancer
(well done)
(well done)
Allen, how many weeks of school was that?
F*#k You
Can somebody here make sure we all get a copy of that?
It's the world debut, it will be available on Amazon...
Shipping Container Metal Roof - Living Tiny Project Ep. 017 - Duration: 9:49.
We have great news today!
The roof of our tiny shipping container house is finally done.
Yep! And that's what we are gonna talk about this week.
We're gonna talk about how we built this roof.
So, let's get it started.
Nop. We didn't finish the wooden deck yet.
But we had a good progress.
Yeah, I mean, just being able to finish the whole main roof in one week
that was a pretty good progress.
But let's get it started talking about the roof itself.
Why we did the roof?
Yeah. A lot of people are asking why we did that.
And the reason for that is because even though we are gonna have a wooden deck on the top,
the water is gonna go through the water deck and it's gonna get stuck on the top of the shipping container.
And of course it's gonna get rust at some point.
So, we basically want to make sure the water goes to the drainage, away from the top of the shipping container.
And that's the good news! We don't water on the top of the shipping container anymore.
And we can save some of this water.
And have another reason.
Oh, yeah. That's true.
It's to keep the sun away from the top of the shipping container, so it doesn't heat too much.
And that's the reason why we chose this kind of roof.
Because it's like a thermal... yeah... thermal roof.
It's basically zinc aluminum. So it won't get rust.
And underneath there is a layer of EPS.
So that means it's like really good for insulation of the top of the shipping container.
And at the same time, even though it's a metal roof, the noise of the water you know dripping on the roof
won't be too loud, because of the EPS.
Actually the process of building this kind of roof is really simple.
Yeah. I guess just show you guys a video clip of how we did it it's gonna explain everything.
So, after this video clip showing the whole process
we are gonna talk about what we would do different if we could go back on time.
Not that the roof is bad. We are really happy with it.
But you know you always learn something when you build and then you could fix on a second time.
But we won't have a second time now, so...
Let's get it started with the video clip.
Video clip now.
Is that on level now?
That's good.
You can close it now.
Good news.
That's really really good news.
So, we have 4 and an half centimeters.
Raining again.
We couldn't do it on time. But hopefully it's not gonna get the shipping container wet.
We are so excited that we have a roof now!
But, if we want to do it again we would change some things.
Yeah. The main thing is when you build something for the first time you always learn so much about it.
That if you have the chance to build it again you, for sure you always fix some small...
not mistakes but small details.
In our case we have mainly one thing we would change.
And 2 things we would do different on the process of assembling the deck.
It's not like a change on the deck, the roof.
Yeah. The roof, I'm sorry.
I have the deck, next step, on mind already. So...
So, what's the main thing we would change on the roof?
What's the name of the... inclination?
I mean, the slope on our roof works. It's fine. The water won't stay.
But if we could we would have a little bit higher slope. Just to make sure.
How much do you think?
Maybe we would lift one of the sides maybe 5 centimeters.
That would be perfect.
But the thing is... we didn't want to have like a huge piece of wood
and we didn't want to leave a huge gap in between the wood and the shipping container.
And that supports too big...
So, I mean... it works. But it would be even better if we had a little bit higher slope.
Second thing:
the EPS.
That was... you know...
I don't know if you guys have this saying on your country.
But in Brazil we have the saying that sometimes the cheap become expensiver.
Yeah. In order to save like a hundred dollars we ordered the EPS separate of the roof.
Yeah. Because this kind of roof you can buy it done already.
Like the glued... you know the metal and the EPS glued together already.
But the glue is really expensive so we decide to buy separate both parts and then glued.
To save 100 dollars.
Yeah. And we bought the glued separated, in a different company. So we saved 100 dollars and we glued it by ourselves.
That was a mess.
We don't even have that much footage about it.
Because it was like the end of the day and it started getting dark and the glue was just getting dry and
we couldn't... it was just like a huge mess.
For sure it's worth to spend a hundred extra dollars and getting you know the whole thing done.
It would be a lot easier. Our life would be a lot easier.
And the third thing. What is it?
I don't remember.
When you have like you know like a piece of roof that's like six meters and a half long
and you have such a small space on the top of the shipping container,
you need to think really well on the order you bring the sheets of metal up.
So you need to bring... you need to know exactly where you're going to fit each part.
So you need to take the number one, put the second one on top, third fourth fifth...
And then you can you know work them around.
We took up first the wrong one. So it was the last one we should take up.
So it was a big mess to walk around and to turnaround pieces on the top of the shipping container.
The tip is: thing before.
The tip is think really hard before on how you're gonna assemble it.
So think about which one you're gonna take up first and then you can assemble it and then take the second one.
You can give some names.
Basically you need to take the sheets of metal on the right order to the top of the shipping container. That's it.
It's because you don't have space, so it's really hard to work.
Other than that I guess we are really happy with the roof and it's working really fine.
When we just finished sealing the roof it started raining and we're fine, no water.
We're great.
So. I guess that's it.
Hopefully by next week we're gonna have more exciting news about the wooden deck.
See you guys next week.
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel
and to live us a thumbs up.
See you guys next week.
ドッツ - Dots - Dots Tokyo - Live & interview - Duration: 42:39.
-OK, now, introduce Dots, please.
In Japanese?
Dots, we debuted on Sep 4th last year, the 1st anniversary comes soon. We know it looks that way, but we're idol.
About our music, it's often said to be shoegaze, but actually, noise music and covering vocaloid … various.
Also, royal road of idol song.
Our base is Aoyama Harajyuku… and where…
So initials come HOA. (Translator's Note: Dots hold quiz rally in the last summer and HOA was a hint for it).
How about this?
Ah, never mind.
Even when you're in your house, you can feel the heart beats of members. (TN: By using Smartphone app, HeartSync by Daichi namikawa)
Anytime, anywhere, you can put us on.
As merchandise, we have five senses cheki,
you can fully use your eyesight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. This is the way only Dots can do.
You can enjoy the time.
No other idols do such thing, maybe.
Like that.
-There's no defined name of Dots. One dot represents one member and now there're 6 members.
However, the name has nine dots. Then, is there any possibility that the member increase to nine?
We don't know.
It is defined nine members, just we are the member mainly on stages.
The name is dots, there're nine members.
-Talk about the concept of Dots.
Broad question!
How to say, we're kind of ghosts, wandering in Tokyo…
Wait, ants on your foot.
"Ant" in English?
Ghost in the city.
Anytime, anywhere, we are floating. We want to be "Tokyo".
Sounds crazy?
Not just you can "meet", you can "wear, put on".
Our key word.
Like that, for in detail, ask senior staffs!
That's the best way.
-How you see through the sunglass?
Not sunglass!
This is our bare-naked face.
The same sight of you.
As always, the world is beautiful.
I don't know why, but the sight is fogged up during the show.
It happens.
Gets stuffy.
Gets hard to see, sometimes, "Hato-poppo!" (TN: She just found doves.)
-Your nicknames are often changed. Is there any relationship between "TEN (member)" and the nickname?
Not really.
Just for distinguish.
There are nine dots, but not assigned which one is who. How can I explain.
Just for your ease.
Easy to remember.
What do you mean?
「愛着」 Ah! "Attachment"!
For cultivate the attachment, we are named, although difficult to treat.
Hey, ants on your foot!
So many. - You're sweet.
No! coming in!
Pushed by ants.
Mediocre answer, OK?
How we are caught by the camera?
I don't know.
Voice recorder?
-No name, can't see the face. So, the music may be so important. How do you feel with it?
I can only say, "Yes, I do..."
We're blessed with music.
Many catchy songs we have.
We have not only idol songs. Refreshing and interesting also for us as performers, choreography also…
Various connections you will find between the music and dance.
-New CD, containing Tokyo is coming. Tell us about that.
Ants on you again.
"Tokyo" is made by all of us.
One song, 72 minutes.
Crammed in one CD.
The noise in it is also played by us…
Why you're so down?
In the noise, sometimes there are lyrics, that's the good point, I think.
It may difficult to skip…
Listen to whole of them, please!
Listen to through whole of it in one go.
Just a little over one hour! Find the time in a day, as BGM, please spend your daily life.
Please get "Tokyo"!
-Who made the music, mainly?
-What's the relationship with "Hakobune"?
We performed noise music together in a regular concert.
"Noise battle", with effector or something.
Like rap battle.
We played the music, we could do only that time. Hakobune-san's performance was also great.
-So many people are interested in Dots, do you have any plans of new collaboration?
We have many things we'd like to do.
But, if we told you…
At now, it's secret!
-The last question, talk as you like.
All we are "TEN", though we are TEN, we have too great individuality.
We are in the same clothes and eyes are covered.
However, we want you to love our overflowing personality.
Please feel each of us. That's our idea.
We aren't looks friendly and talkative. Are these girls really say something? you may think.
But once you talk with us, you'll find we are just ordinal girls in good way.
Yes, we are ordinal!
So, feel free to talk to us and come to meet us.
We aren't scary at all!
Don't hate.
-Finally, I have a request, could you take off that and show us the bare-naked face.
No way! ,cause this is our faces.
Nothing is hidden.
Nothing we can do.
No way !
No way !
You see now.
Translation by H.
Samsung Galaxy S9 release date, price, news | Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+: Official Introduction - Duration: 7:20.
Samsung Galaxy S9 release date, price, news | Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+: Official Introduction
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