[Run BTS BTS Golden Bell - Part 2 -]
[Previously] [Jungkook made a proposal] Let me make a proposal.
I'll give my desktop computer to the winner.
- What's wrong with you? - Hey!
- Really? - Yes.
[Entertainment 911 Suga] Yoon-ki.
[A series of nonsense quizzes] What do you call a soup made with lion?
- Stop it! - What's that?
[MC Jin who is not clumsy at games] Seokjin, three.
- Seokjin, three. - Seokjin, Seokjin, Seokjin.
[BTS never stopped laughing]
[Winter beach, go alone, enjoy a meal and jump to the sea!] [Who will get this punishment?]
[It will be announced soon!] I guess that's serious.
I think the ocean part was a plus.
[The 5th game] This game is "Can you see my drawing?"
Can you see my drawing?
[Today's Run BTS! - The 5th game! Can you see my drawing?]
[Players guess a given word referring to drawings by Jin]
[If he knows the answer, say his team name and the answer]
[10 words will be given and there is no time limit]
[Each team will score points according to the number of right answers]
[The first quiz] Let's begin.
[Confident] I'll get it right away.
[Concentrating] Do we start now?
[Jin looks like a professional artist]
[What's that?]
[Jin, you look like an art student] - What's that? - Thick arms with a thin body?
[I can't get it] Isn't it Bellsprout?
[Bellsprout?] Is it a letter over it? Jungkook!
[Not confident] - Diet? - Wrong.
[Hmmm...] - What's that letter? - It's "Hmm".
Jeon Jungkook! Thinking hard.
- Similar. - Jeon Jungkook.
[Jungkook keeps challenging] - Thoughts. - Wrong.
[Zoning out] - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook. - Insight.
[Me, too] - Wrong. - Jeon Jungkook! Eureka.
[Members got confused] - Wrong. - Park Min Jeong. Finding.
- Wrong. - Jeon Jungkook. Envy.
- Wrong. - Let's see the drawing.
[Concentrating] Jin, your drawing is amazing.
[What's that?] That drawing is...
It looks just like a stick man.
[But it's a human...] What's that?
- Park Min Jeong. - Park Min Jeong
[Not so sure] - "Go Go?" - Correct.
[Team Park Min Jeong got off to a good start] - Now I see that. - Me, too.
[Jimin can't understand still] Hang on. Please show me one more time.
[Jin, you did a great job!] - "Go Go". - How does it mean "Go Go?"
- What's that on the left side? - Well done.
[MC Jin explains] - He has a thought but goes. - No, the bottom one.
What's those at the bottom?
- Yolo, yolo. - Our dance.
- Oh... - I had no idea.
[Suga is amazed by J-Hope's intelligence] He's a genius!
[The 2nd quiz] - Let's turn the tables! - Let's go!
Jin draws well.
[MC Jin who is handsome from the side] - I have no idea. - You drew a circle well.
[Knowing each other while playing games] That's how he draws people.
- Jeon Jungkook! Smile? - Similar.
[Confident] Park Min Jeong! Teeth.
- Park Min Jeong! - Park Min Jeong! - Gum. - Wrong.
- Jeon Jungkook! Upper lips. - Wrong.
[Let's go!] Here we go.
[So sure] Park Min Jeong! Wearing braces!
[Suga's answer was ignored] Jeon Jungkook! Teeth smile.
- Wrong. - Jeong Jungkook! Gum smile. - Correct.
[Thanks to RM, Team Jeon Jungkook got 1] Who said teeth smile?
Yoon-ki's gum smile is the best.
[Min Suga's gum smile]
[Next one] - Here we go! - He'll draw another man.
[The drawing looks like a stick man] A circle, two eyes.
What's that? Who is it?
- Park Min Jeong! Park Min Jeong! - Jeon Jungkook!
- Wrong. - Park Min Jeong! - It's not over yet.
- Jeon Jungkook! Eyes. - Wrong.
[A human shape that appears every time]
- Park Min Jeong! - Jeon Jungkook!
[Team Park Min Jeong got the chance] - Park Min Jeong! - A snowman?
- Jeon Jungkook. - Jeon Jungkook.
[Again? Hope said so...] - A snowman. - Wrong.
- I said it a few seconds ago. - Yes.
[Burning his passion for art] It looks like...
[Artist Jin's mysterious art] - What does the letter mean? - What's that?
Is it "Heung?" Or "Hmmm?"
[No matter what, I'll go my way] What's that?
[What's that?] A game player for eyes?
[Eyes + Pff + A game console = ???]
- Is it "Pff" or "Hmm?" - "Pff".
- "Pff?" - He's pissed off.
- Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook!
- He asked to borrow a game console but got rejected. - Wrong.
- Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook.
[RM is so sure] - Timing game. - Correct!
- 10 to 5. - 10 to 5?
[MC Jin goes on his own way regardless of what others say]
- Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook!
[Hope who forgot his team name] - Park Min Jeong. - Jeon Jungkook?
- Park Min Jeong. - Park Min Jeong. - Bread.
- Wrong. - Jeon Jungkook. Pork belly meat.
[Saying whatever party again...] I didn't finish yet.
Let's see what he draws.
[What's that?] [Artist Jin's fearless strokes]
[He's burning his passion for art]
[Bombing a great hint!] It's a buzzword these days.
[A buzzword?] - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook.
- "Donguibogam". - Correct.
[Our leader is the best!] Great.
[The one who got angry] How come it's "yes, yes?"
[It doesn't matter] They got it!
[A growing gap between the two teams] We should do something.
I want to have it.
- Eurasia. - Jeon Jungkook. World map.
[Jin's art is not that easy] No, there must be something else.
[Sounded like a choir] - Park Min Jeong! - Park Min Jeong! - Park Min Jeong!
- Treasure map. - Wrong. - Park Min Jeong! World map.
- Wrong. - That's the American continent.
[Spacing out] I can see that. It's the U.S.
[Mental breakdown] - It's not the U.S? - that's not?
- Park Min Jeong! Americano! - Correct!
[Suga got Jin's intention] Amazing.
You drew it well!
[Jin pinpoints the essence] - It's perfect. - Please show it to us.
America, no!
[Jin found his talent in drawing] - He's good at this. - Good sense.
[Dear Suga is doing great!] - You need to praise me, who got it! - Right.
I said the answer.
[What is Jin drawing?]
- Oh, I can't see that. - What's that? Pop-corns?
[A series of wrong answers] Park Min Jeong! Pop-corns.
- Wrong! - Park Min Jeong! Fried rice. - Wrong.
- I said nothing. - He said wrong even before we said.
[I finished drawing and you need to guess] This is over.
[Drawing for extra explanation] Let me add something extra. How can I draw this?
[Like this? Like this?] Is it over?
[I have no idea] - Jeon Jungkook! - It's not a drawing.
Soy Bean Paste Stew.
Jeon Jungkook! Grilled tripe.
[Jin is skipping non-sense guesses] What's that? A unicorn?
[I know!] - Park Min Jeong! Steamed egg! - Correct.
[Is it because Jin draws well or other members guess well?]
Hang on. How come it's steamed egg?
- Is it a chicken? - Yes, it is.
[Peppered with questions] Is it the butt that you drew over there?
Yes. I was planning to draw eggs.
- Is it not a horn but a comb? - Yes.
I thought it was a horn and thought it was a unicorn.
[Jin's drawing that arouses questions] Another stick man.
[Consistent shape of humans] Is it a human, right?
[Again] He starts drawing a stick man.
- A stick man! - A stick man!
[Concentrating] Park Min Jeong!
- "MIC Drop?" - Wrong.
- Jeon Jungkook. Karaoke. - Wrong.
[Please wait] Let's wait.
- I have no idea. - What's that?
It looks like a handle....
[It's easy. Please guess!] [Jin's solo] Park Min Jeong! "Awake?"
- Wrong! - Park Min Jeong. - Wrong.
[You said wrong to our team name?]
- Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook.
[Why did you guess so?] - I'm angry. - Wrong.
[Having empathy with the stick man]
[Jin is giving amazing hints] "Making things".
- Park Min Jeong! - Park Min Jeong! - Jeon Jungkook!
- Park Min Jeong! - Jeon Jungkook! - You're on the same team.
[Me?] - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeon Jungkook.
- Wrong. - I said right before. - Really?
- Park Min Jeong! - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeong Jungkook!
[Suga said first but Jungkook got a chance] [Frustrated] Kim Seokjin! Cooking!
Cooking king Kim Seokjin.
[It's him.. So what?] Park Min Jeong.
[Suga knows the answer?] [We can't get any clue]
- Park Min Jeong! - Park Min Jeong!
[If you know, please tell us] - Park Min Jeong. I know. - Tell us, then.
- Joomoonjin? - Wrong.
Jin making things?
[Passionate to give hints] - Took-Jin? - Took-Jin!
[What's that?]
- Jin-Took? - Jeon Jungkook! - Jeong Jungkook.
- "Billy Jin?" - Wrong.
[Jungkook, if you show the Moon Walk... Thank you] - Isn't it the Moon Walks? - Park Min Jeong.
- Park Min Jeong. - MC? - Wrong.
[How come you can't understand this?] - Really... - Making things?
[Pointing at something] What's he pointing at?
[Confused] - Park Min Jeong! Camera? - Wrong.
[Frustrated Jin and members] [What's that?] What is the answer?
[There is something...] What's he pointing at?
[So frustrated]
[Standing up] - Park Min Jeong! Production team. - Correct.
[Jin's drawing is amazing, but Suga's guess is more amazing!] How can't you guess?
[Suga's answer like a ray of light] Goosebumps!
That's why you had that facial expressions.
Production team!
Don't like it if I can guess well. I think others are not good at all.
[Next quiz, please] - We're catching up! - Catching up.
Trust me. I'll lead you.
- This drawing... -Jin... - I'll do my best!
[Yes, right]
[Jungkook shouted his team name] Jeon Jungkook!
- Jeon Jungkook! Marathon! - Correct!
[What's that?] [Thinking hard]
- Jeon Jungkook! - Jeong Jungkook. - University! - Correct!
[Finally, the last quiz] - It's the last quiz. - The last one?
[I have no idea because I don't have any idea]
[No idea] Jeon Jungkook!
- Pickax? - Wrong.
Park Min Jeong! Do not know Korean alphabet "ㄱ" from a sickle.
- I guess it's wrong. - No way.
[What's the result?] Correct.
[Praise Min Suga] - Really? - Do not know "ㄱ" from a sickle.
[RM starts talking from disappointment] I thought you'd draw "Not Today".
So I was waiting for you to draw a calendar.
[The result: Out of 10, Jeon Jungkook 5: Park Min Jeong 5]
[The 6th game] This game is "Blue Flag, White Flag".
I've played this a lot.
[Today's Run BTS! - The 6th game: Blue Flag, White Flag]
[Players move following the MC's directions using blue and white flags]
[It's a tournament game. The winning team will score points]
[Team Park Min Jeong which is losing] With this game, team Park
[A chance to tie the game!] can catch up.
- Let's go! - You can take his desktop computer.
[Passionate] - I'll
[Show your team's spirit!] Team Jeon, you must be more exited now.
[Clumsy] Well, we're...
[Not in perfect teamwork] The teamwork is not good.
- Well... - It seemed so hard for them to shake hands.
[Let us show our teamwork!] Learn from us.
[Crazy... no, Fantastic teamwork!]
[Expecting a lot] Team Jeon, anything like this?
[Boasting the fantastic teamwork!]
[Round 1: Demolisher RM vs Mang-gae angel Jimin] Everyone, ready?
Yes, we're ready.
[MC Jin's suggest for a staring match] Let's do this to discourage your opponent.
1, 2, 3.
[Yup!] [Staring] Pff.
Why? Why do you smile?
[Stammering] - Why? - His dimple was so cute.
[Dimple] He smiled because RM's dimple was cute!
BTS members are on good terms with each other! Let's get started!
We're going to play "Blue Flag, White Flag" game.
[Warning to the demolisher] Don't hit your face.
[Quietly] - Yes. - OK. Let's get it. - Let's start.
I'll be cautious.
Bring your blue flag down. Bring your blue flag up.
[Playing well] Bring your blue flag up. Again, blue flag up.
Bring your white flag up. Bring your white flag down. Bring your white flag up and up.
[What was that?] Namjoon was slow.
[The beauty of this game is speed!] - Someone was slow. - You need to play fast!
Jimin is an ace.
[Please call me our team's ace] - Jimin! - Isn't it a practice game?
[Asking again] - Was it a practice round? - OK,
[Let's get started with the real round!] it was a practice game.
Bring your white flag down but not your blue flag.
[Reading the room] Sorry, I didn't know. Sorry.
[Starting again] Here we go!
[Swinging the flags] Raise your white flag up and swing it.
[He's doing good] Don't move the blue flag.
[Almost the first class] Raise your blue flag up, do it again.
Bring your blue flag up, blue flag again, bring it down.
Bring your white flag up, and let your white flag down, keep it down.
[Making a fuss] Lift your blue flag up and lower the white flag.
[Start laughing] Raise your blue flag and keep the white one still.
[Suspicious] I thought the blue flag didn't move.
[Protecting the team] - I saw he raised. - It was lifted. - It went up.
[The blue flag went up a bit slowly]
[RM said: I did it slowly but I did] - Did you raise it? - Yes.
- but I lower it down a bit slowly. - OK.
Lower down your blue flag. Do it again. Let down your blue flag.
Lower your blue flag. Take it down. Don't lower your blue flag.
[I got you]
[Great, bro!] [Team Jeon Jungkook won the 1st round]
[Proud] - Go, RM! - Let's go!
[The one who is welcomed and the other who is not]
[Is this my turn?] It's not easy.
[Staring match repertoire] Suga, will you have a staring match?
- No, I'm fine. - Fine?
Still, try that.
[Closed his eyes] Please look into eyes.
[Sharp eyes that can conquer the world] - Staring match. - Why keep your eyes closed?
[Nostalgic, sweet] 1, 2, 3!
[Lovely] That's too lovely.
[Round 2: Demolisher RM vs Entertainment 911 Suga] Here we go.
Bring your blue flag down. Lower it down. Take it down.
Bring your blue flag up. Lift it up. Raise the blue flag.
[What are you doing...?] Lower your white flag down. Lift it up.
[Professional players] Take down your white flag. Lift the blue flag up.
Lift your blue flag up. Bring your blue flag up.
[What are you looking at?] Lower your white flag down. Don't take it down.
[Close to fail] Raise your blue flag. Do it again.
Don't raise your blue flag and lower your white one.
[Input error] Namjoon is doing great.
[RM, way to go!] RM wins every time!
[Did I do too well?] He's like a machine to play this game!
I didn't intend but I ended up with this.
[J-Hope appeared making a fuss] Namjoon is doing great.
Hope, this may...
[Will J-Hope save his team?] Hope may put an end to this.
[Don't be off your guard] I may lose to Hope.
[Round 3: Demolisher RM vs Hope evangelist J-Hope] Here we go!
[J-Hope's loyal fan] He won't let us down.
Make a star with your blue flag and don't move the white one.
Make a heart with your blue one! Draw a heart with the white one!
[Let me see...] Draw 3 hearts with your blue one,
[Not knowing how to draw a heart?] Draw 2 hearts with your white flag.
Put your blue flag down. Raise your white flag.
[Rolling eyes][What did I do?] He lowered the white flag!
[So confidently] Lower your blue flag.
[Frozen] Is this over?
[Game Alphago RM's complete victory] - Hey, you won! - Sorry.
[So sorry]
["Blue Flag White Flag" game result]
[Team Jeon Jungkook got 3 points after winning 3 rounds]
[The bell sound to notify the next game]
- Tough! - Is this the last game?
[Today's Run BTS! - The 7th game! Shouting in Silence -]
[Players wear headphones that play loud music and pass down the given word]
[MC Jin guesses the given word for each team at the end of line]
[When his answer is correct, the team wins!]
[They can score points according to the number of correct answers!]
[Bro!] [Already got too excited]
[Go, team Park Min Jeong!]
You need to face back. OK.
[Practice round] Kim Seok Jin!
[Team Park Min Jeong challenges first]
[Surprised... Jungkook, it's not the one] Roller-coaster!
[Saying with my face] [I don't get it... What are you saying?
[Young Jimin with ignorance of children] You need to show it.
[Holding it too tight] You need to show it!
[Oh!] - You need to show this. - Right.
[The real game starts]
[Suga who smiles so happily] I should've let Jimin read this.
Rol! Ler! Coaster!
Rol, Ler, Coa, S, Ter.
[I don't get it] Rap Monster!
[Suga's back doesn't look so confident]
[Is this one?] Call!
[Enjoy their innocent smiles without knowing the answer...] - Ho! - La! - Horang!
Ko Ji Jeong!
Oh? Sorry? Again.
[They are so hilarious]
Coll, Lar, Go, Ji, Jeong!
[Nagging] I don't get it.
Kyo, Rang, Kyo, Ji, Cheo!
[Frustrated] Kyo, Rang, Kyo, Ji, Cheo.
[Regardless of music, it's so distracting] - Exchange our spots. - The mouth shape was correct.
Song franchise.
[Next one!]
[Oh!] [One more time] Mudfish!
[Jimin got it] Mudfish!
[Excited as he got it]
[Not so sure] [Jimin clearly pronounces] Mudfish.
[Shout it out!] Mudfish!
[Wriggling] [J-Hope plays charades] Mudfish!
[Objection] Hang on. He moved like it.
[What's wrong?]
[Warning] - J-Hope. - Why? - You can't move.
[Surprised] That's another matter.
[This is the place to play charades] You can't do this.
X. No!
[J-Hope takes off this headphones] - He couldn't hear. - Don't take gestures.
[Wriggling] - Don't use the body language. - Don't do that.
[Game starts again after setting the rule] OK.
[The youngest got so excited] Let's go!
[J-Hope is singing so loud] Public places.
Jeongjo families?
[Is it OK for Suga to play first?] Suga can't open his mouth wide.
[Jimin got excited] Public places!
[I'm not so sure]
[Tap tap] [I'm not so sure but let's try]
Tribe escape.
[Is there a word like this?] Tribe port?
[J-Hope and Jimin who can't understand] - Tribe escape. - What's "tribe port?"
[Well, what's this?] Tribe, number of days?
[Saying it as he heard] Tribe, number of days.
[What's that?]
[So innocent] Tribe, number of days?
[So excited]
Labor union escape!
[Members started laughing out loud]
[Time to exchange slots] Change!
[Easy given word appeared] [Suga looks so relaxed] This is easy.
[With a slight difference] - Hands-on? - Handsome.
- Hands-on. - Han... - Handsome.
[V is impersonating]
[Saying-whatever-party now] Hands-on.
- "Good, I'll do that for you". - Handsome!
[Unexpected weak player Jimin]
[Brother who scolds the younger one] - He's not a good player. - Jang chen, love.
Jang chen, love.
[What's that?]
[How come he got "Handsome" from "Jang chen love?"]
[Hope suddenly praises Jimin] - Awesome! - You're doing great.
[Still thinking it was Jang chen love] - Way to go! - Amazing. - Correct?
[J-Hope did a few minutes ago] He's not a good player.
[No... It wasn't Jang chen love] - Way to go. - Jang chen love? - Jin did a great job.
- This is hard. - Really...
Streusel bread.
[Ace J-hope who understands well] Streusel bread!
[Entertainment genius Min Suga got excited] Streusel bread!
[With his eyes fixed] - Slowly. - Streusel.
[I want to know, I really do] - Oh, bo? - Bread.
Streusel bread! I got it!
[Here comes the cutest buddies!] Streusel bread!
[Scene stealer] Hang on!
[I see] Please hear me out! Twice!
[Focusing on] Streusel bread.
Streusel bread!
[You got excited because it was correct?] I am not so sure but is it correct?
[The next word]
[Calm] Skate.
- Sorry? - Skate.
[You may think like that...] Dried herb soup? Serendipity?
[Thinking hard]
[There's no word like that] Trash pack.
[Jimin couldn't understand] Trash pack.
[What's wrong with him?] Trash pack!
[Two of them are so serious] Yes, trash pack.
Yes, trash pack.
- Centipede lost his energy. - Yes, trash pack.
Centipede lost his energy
[They can talk like that...] He'll do well.
[Not so sure] Lost energy.
[In short] A centipede lost his energy.
[Jimin, why does a centipede do that?] Centipede, lost his energy.
Trash pa?
[Waiting for the next one]
[Jungkook is so excited] [Great vibe] Carbonara.
[Suga is always calm] Carbonara
[Dance of excitement] Carbonara.
[Why can't you understand that?] Tony Montana?
[Members are nodding] Carbonara!
[Those two are in separate worlds]
- Carbonara. - Large Beol-lala?
You should send him to the first place.
[Not getting it]
[Another world] - Send Jimin to the first place? - Yes.
[Let's see] Jimin is so poor at this.
[Confused... Who is he? Mind reader?] [Oh, my!] Carbonara!
[Amazing, Jin]
- I don't know what it was. - It was amazing.
[Tap tap] [Look at me!] - Jin is so quick-witted. - Two mountains.
[J-Hope understands so quickly] Two mountains!
[So excited!] It makes sense.
Two mountains.
[Gestures to show he has no idea] Oh, crazy.
[Hey, bro. Look at me] Two mountains.
I'll just move my mouth. Please do it one more time.
Two mountains.
[Jimin is now moving his mouth only] [This is not the audio blooper]
[Jin thinks hard to guess right] [Thinking hard] - Really... - If he guesses right...
[Shouting out!] Oh!
[Did Jimin know the answer?] Oh!
[What is that?] Basic meal?
[They're talking what hey heard] - Two mountains. - Basic meal?
[Fuss] Two mountains.
[Pleas say the answer!] Basic meal is good.
[Reading the room] Basic meal?
Ribbon taste?
[No?] [Now they switched Jimin's slot] Hey, hang on!
[Team Park Min Jeong's turn is over] It's over!
[Hey, it's over. Suga, it's over] - The end. - You stand here.
[V talks informally to brothers] - Hoseok, it's over! Yoon-ki! - The end.
[Innocent smile] Park Jimin is so bad at this.
[Team Park Min Jeong's black hole Jimin] Did I say correctly three times?
[Respect!] You gave him wrong clues but Jin guessed right.
[Let's enjoy Jin's amazing performance] [Feat. Black hole Jimin] Jang chen love.
[Team Jeon Jungkook's first word] Germanium.
[Tap tap] [The sound you hear is V's rap]
[With his eyes fixed] Germanium.
Something mart?
[Jimin is disappearing and Hope is appearing]
[Look at me bro] [I'm looking at you] [Bounce bounce] Germanium.
- OK! - Best suited?
[Go!] [Jungkook starts saying] Done.
[I'm so excited] - It's over. - Too difficult.
[Calm down] [Tell me] Right, this is so hard.
- Eye? - Hi mart! - Eye?
[You're watching Hi mart turns into an eye box now] - Eyebox. - Or best suited?
[Talking about different matters] - Again. - Best! - Eye.
[Why do you keep saying eye, V?] - Best. - Eye. - Suited. - Eye.
[Curious] - Oh. - Best. - Why is it in 2 letters?
[Frustrated] [In our own space] Yes, four letters.
- Best suited. - Beat box?
- Eye box? - OK, done.
[Confident] - Eye box. - I can't hear that.
[Jin doesn't make sound] [Louder! Louder!]
[I'm sending you a signal] Box.
[Rolling eyes] Let's not do this!
[Cute] Shall we change? Let's change.
[Is this something to surprise?] Strong glue.
- I can't do this. - Go, go!
[Not fair] Isn't it discrimination?
Hey, ours were difficult, too.
V, 5 letters. Please!
Strong glue.
[Innocent] [Not so sure he understood] - 5 letters? - Strong glue.
[Keep saying 5 letters] - OK. - 5 letters.
[All right...] Strong!
[Excited to see V's performance]
[Confident] - I don't know. - I don't know!
[Something sounds weird] - Yes. - So what?
- I don't know. - The mouth?
[We don't know, guys] - I don't know. - You really don't know? - No.
[The youngest asked several times due to this innocent bro]
[I said so because I don't know] I don't know.
[It's strange... But is this true?] I think we should not say loud.
[V exchanged his spot to the first] I can't.
[Sorry?] I don't know.
[Jungkook delivers the wrong clue] I don't know.
[Right? Me, too] I don't know!
[V became the first runner]
[Relatively easy word is given] Electric pad.
[BTS members are so excited] This is easy.
- Electric. - Electric.
- Pad. - Pad. - Pad. - Electric pad.
[I'll trust you!] - Elec. - Elec.
[So smooth progress] [Perfect chemistry] - Electric pad. - Electric pad.
Electric pad!
[RM and V look so excited] Good!
[Jungkook delivers the right clue] [Still on mute mode] Electric pad.
Electric pad.
[Reading the room] Electric salted fish.
[This sounds a bit ambiguous] Hang on. Wrong pronunciation.
[Scolding] - Wrong pronunciation. - What's that? Electric salted fish?
[Members start talking individually] Isn't it the electric pad?
[I trust Jin]
[The next word] - This is hard. - Unsteady plan.
[I know this!] A short-lived resolve for 3 days?
[V is acting to describe the word] - Unsteady plan. - He can't use body language.
- Unsteady plan? - Yes.
[Team Jeon Jungkook's ace RM]
[Let's enjoy RM's acting skills] Unsteady plan!
[He doesn't know] - Unsteady plan! - OK!
- Red dragonfly! - Unsteady plan. - OK!
[Now you see a magic that turned a 4-letter word into a 5-letter word] OK.
This four-letter word became a five-letter word.
You must be frustrated.
Let's do the last round for 5 points.
[V is dancing regardless of what others do] Dragonfly.
[Staring at] [Not so sure] Dragonfly.
It's too hard! I can't hear it.
[Jin said the wrong answer]
[Time to exchange spots] Exchange it!
[Having no idea] [We will do better] 007 bang.
- It's hard to pronounce the same vowels. - 007 bang.
- Too hard. - I can't recognize.
- 007 bang. - Oh, oh.
[The youngest line got the signal] - 007 bang! - Yes!
[Jungkook moves his mouth a lot] 007 bang.
[What's wrong, RM?]
[The youngest is doing his best but RM doesn't get it] 007 bang.
[Finally, he moves his mouth only like Jimin] [OK! OK!]
[His head that looks so cute]
007 bang.
[Wow, excited!]
[Great player, Jin!]
[Team Jeon Jungkook exchanges spots again] I'll go there.
Will you come? May I go?
[Really?] I am good at this.
[Next word! Dancing machine] Dancing Machine.
[RM starts talking alone] Taehyung! I think you can do this.
[So concentrating] Dancing machine.
Eating strawberries?
[V pays attention to RM's mouth] Hang on. Stop coming close.
[Delivering again the wrong clue] - Dancing machine. - Eating strawberries.
- Dancing machine! - OK!
[Saying the wrong clue so proudly] - Eating strawberries. - Nal, what?
[Well, what's that?] - Eating strawberries... - What's that?
[Cute] Eating strawberries.
[This section is difficult level 3] What's that?
What's this?
Strawberry machine.
[The easiest word is presented] Run BTS.
[RM starts talking to himself] They won't get it.
[Worried] Taehyung... He can do this.
[So clearly] - Run. - Calendar!
- What? - Run.
- Calendar. - BTS.
- Run BTS. - Calendar BTS. - There you go!
[My duty is over] Run BTS!
[Why did you turn your back? I'm not finished] - OK! - Why are you turning back?
[V delivered the right clue] Run BTS.
[They started playing charade again] - Run BTS! - Yes!
- No body language. - Run BTS!
[Hope came to stop his body language] Run BTS!
Run BTS!
[BTS knows how to play this] We got it! We got it!
[Dancing dancing]
[Excited] - Too hard. - Blueberry.
[American style pronunciation] Bill-you-berry.
[Saying whatever party again] - Do we need to say berry? - You can say it in English.
- Blueberry. - Bill you berry?
[Quick to understand] - OK! - Oh, blueberry! - OK!
- B. - Bil. - When Jungkook is not confident,
[Another combinbation of wrong clues] - his voice becomes smaller. - Lue. - Woo.
- Be. - Be.
- Rry. - Gi.
[Strange gestures, another one in return] - Blue. - Pil!
- Lue. - Pil! - Lue!
[Why are you doing this?] Be.
[Passionate] - Pal. - Be. - Be.
- OK! - Ki.
[The youngest who looks not so sure] Blueberry.
[I don't know]
[Delivering the clue with gestures] Pil.
[Jin follows that] Woo.
[He doesn't know what the answer is] What's that?
Pil, woo, be, gi.
Standing out of adversity.
[What's he doing?]
[Team Jeon Jungkook's turn is over] - Amazing. - The end!
[Applause to Jin who did his best!]
[The result] [Out of 8]
[Team Jeon Jungkook 2 : Team Park Min Jeong 4]
[Final result] [Team Jeon Jungkook 16: Team Park Min Jeong 13]
[Team Jeon Jungkook won by 3 points!] - Team Jungkook won! - Congrats.
Let's decide who will get Jungkook's computer.
Right. We need to decide which team I should be on.
[Team Jeon Jungkook is going to hit the bell]
[Surprised] - Let's do this together. - Together!
- Suddenly? - Congratulations.
[Jin wants to join but his team is not decided yet] I want to do this. Which team should I be?
Let's ask how you feel today.
[Punishment from the Hong Kong episode] - First. - I wanted to go hiking but I can't do that.
I didn't dare to do that.
[Jin's echo] - But. - But.
- Except for me. - Except for me.
[Somebody needs to go to the sea] - Someone else. - Someone else.
- Someone needs to go to the sea which takes longer than mountains. - Sea.
[RM says he's happy for him] - I'm so happy. - Happy.
[RM personally wants Suga to go] - So happy. I want Suga to go. - Suga!
[Why me!] - I want him to get all punishment. - I pointed at Suga. - Why me?
- I hope him to go. - Don't you like me too much? - JK. - Yes.
How do you feel?
[As the youngest member] - I got relaxed and enjoyed the game. - Enjoyed the game.
V, how did you feel?
[Sea is too cold] Between the mountains and the sea, I like the mountains.
Thank you for information. We will send you to mountains for punishment.
[Suddenly] - But I like to watch the sea. - All right.
Anyways, how did you feel about BTS Golden Bell with MC Jin?
It was fun. I want to know which team you would be.
- I think he would join that team. - You did a great job playing many games.
- Thank you. - I'm so curious of which team Jin needs to be on.
[Time to check MC Jin's destiny] Jin, please stand here. We'll reveal it.
[First time to see this] [Jin looks a bit nervous]
- So, Jin... - Is there any chance to change?
[So curious, let's read it first] Let me see. I'm so curious.
[Too many opinions] If he wants to exchange,
we need to see it and use the chance to exchange.
[Oh, right]
[Jin is reading the room] Let's not change.
[BTS is good at teasing Jin] Just go!
[Jimin is so happy to see this] If we go like this, there's no problem.
[Members are trying to fool him] - There's no problem, if we do like this. - Jin!
Let's not change!
[May I change? Should I trust them?] Jin did his best.
[Let him to go on a trip to the sea] Let's be honest. He worked too hard.
[Members are too loud] That's too much.
[Acting so well] - About this, - Decided!
I'll go what it is now.
[No? Reading the room] - Just as it is now? - Really? - Yes. - Take it and open it.
[Look at him] Go and open it.
- It's behind. - It's there. - We've never seen it yet.
[It's OK, bro] Take this. hurry up!
[95s came to give the result] [Jin has not read it!] I didn't see it!
[Time to decide] [Rolling eyes] I'll go as it is now.
Two, one!
[Everyone knows but which team did Jin choose?] Let's go!
[Jumping jumping] Woooow!
[I'm so excited] - Because you worked hard. - Thank you!
[What's wrong with him?] He suggested the exchange.
[A few minutes ago] Jin worked so hard. Let him change.
[Teasing him without budging an eye] Since he worked hard.
ARMY, thank you very much for watching.
Producer Bang Sihyuk, who is watching this from afar, thank you.
[The most important thing is punishment] What's the punishment?
[First, Jungkook will decide the member who will get his computer]
[No idea] - Main is on that side? - Yes.
Rock paper scissors!
[Everyone gave scissors]
[Really?] [Jin won!] Rock paper scissors!
[The final match, RM vs Jin] - Namjoon, you don't need this. - Here we go.
[Who is the new owner of Jungkook's desktop?] Paper!
[Victory, defeat] Paper!
[Stark comparison between joy and frustration]
[That was too close] Oh, my!
[RM got Jungkook's desktop computer] - Get out of the way. - The last one now became the first one.
It's fun because we don't know the result of games.
- Enjoy great food at the sea! - Yoon-ki.
[Everyone wants Suga to go to the sea] Many think you should go to the sea.
[Confident] Do you know that? I won't get punishment.
[The most nervous moment] - Here we go. - Nobody knows.
- Two of you. - Face your backs and stand.
[Who will get the punishment?] - Three of you. - Rock paper scissors?
[Gathering up] - Here we go! - Don't change.
[So nervous] - Look ahead. - Don't change!
Rock paper scissors!
[Round 1, J-Hope is excluded!] J-Hope, you're out.
- Why me? Why? - Just go on.
[Excited] [Expressing excitement in body language] I won't go to the sea!
[Frustrated] - Please stand back to back. - Just you and me.
- Let's go! - Shall we go together? - No.
- I would do that, if I were you. - Let's do this.
[Let's see...] Rock paper scissors!
[Defeat, victory] Wow!
[Suga will carry out the punishment as others wished]
[I lost...]
[So happy] Brother!
[Is this me?] I'll go to the sea!
[Letting him realize the reality] What's that?
[Congrats on your jumping into the winter sea] RM gets the prize!
[Do I go to the sea?] Suga will carry out the punishment!
Everyone, please clap.
[Everyone looks so excited]
[The real winner who takes a super computer] He got a computer,
he needs to jump into the cold sea.
[Entertainment god Suga couldn't predict his future] - Super sea. - Jumping into the sea.
- He wanted to enjoy his own trip. - Right.
[Right] - He kept saying so. - He wanted to go to Yangyang.
Run BTS will send him to the place!
Run BTS will continue. Bye!
Run BTS!
[Members are still together]
[From the previous "BTS Marble" episode] - Please return! - Let's go hiking on the mountain together.
[Suga spun the punishment wheel] - Who will go? - Mountain climbing.
[Got the punishment of writing a book report]
[RM, ranked 7th, got the punishment of mountain hiking] So close!
[What about Suga's book report?] I'm good at avoiding.
"A Bowl of Udon".
[Full of knowledge] It's a classic novel.
It gave me a lot to think.
The setting is a restaurant in 1972.
A mother and two sons visited
this restaurant on the eve of New Year's day.
But they have money only for a bowl of Udon,
[Sad] finally,
[Members are less concentrating] three of them had to share a bowl.
The owner felt sorry for it
and cooked 1,5 servings for them, not 2 or 3 servings.
[Oh, he did] [Listening] If he gives 2 or 3 servings,
[The owner's careful thought] it may hurt their feelings.
So he did it with careful consideration.
[Suga's book report still continues] After some time,
sons succeeded and they came back to the restaurant.
One of the sons became a doctor so the mom dressed up in Kimono.
This is a Japanese novel.
They order 3 servings of Udon and the story ends.
However, surprisingly,
the original title wasn't "A Bowl of Udon".
What's that? A plate of lobster?
After a research,
[According to investigator Suga] I found Japanese people don't eat Udon,
Toshi... hang on.
[Toshikoshi Soba] They have Toshikoshi Soba on Lunar New Year's day.
[Suga found it out of curiosity] Soba! Soba!
[In short] I wanted to have Udon while reading this book.
[Laughing out loud]
[Suga's honest booke report] Udon, Udon. Why Udon is called Udon?
Whatever it may be, I want to have. I'm hungry.
But I'm on a diet. I'll do it tomorrow. Let's eat today.
That's my book report.
[Neat and clean] Hit the bell.
[Suga finished the punishment with investigation and honesty] - Good job. - OK.
[Run BTS] [BTS Golden Bell - Part 2-]
For more infomation >> RUN BTS ep 41 - Duration: 33:39.-------------------------------------------
RUN BTS ep 40 - Duration: 25:14.
No, but I want to do my reporting duty.
. Especially on this day
It is relaxed even in good old age.
kt last year
Now is the situation in Korea
Entry into arts and sciences culture power
Repulsion and disciplinary punishment
Tomorrow's weather should be today.
How fast is the cure
If you do not play baseball, the closing market standard market hanamsik piff
Rather than
Compete against four two-night three-day strikes
i do not connected.
I do not have to be a fan
There are many foreign tourists
According to the director of the culture board,
I am in the offing of Boryeong.
own car
Acquisition of a green city luxury stock
I'm going to keep you.
He is fifth in the list of recommendations, and he goes on the day of the crime.
This is what the central party does
Ahn, Min-ae, the philosopher,
Whether you want to be educated and a cultural center or not
he is
The tree is running toward it.
I need a college student.
I will do the model
Get a lot of four.
In a game where a look is to be seen,
Career support and surrounding marine
Gyeongnam 6th 20 home run big success
The first son was hard to work for four hours.
I pick up a young girl in August.
It opens. It's a cold medicine that warns you of everything.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
Do not tolerate selling with interlocking people
Estimation electric instrumentation
The final weight
I do not know in the first half.
I am young because my mind is like a chimney.
Hospital error
When I saw the lack of. 2.
Taking control of November
Seoul Yonhap News
Wando is
proper evil
Best wishes for a Happy New Year.
It's not easy to slow down the incandescent bulb.
Reported. From the London International Petroleum Exchange
Please provide
Honam's not so disappointed, of course,
I did not want to get it and as a result
What you have provided
Oh Jeong-Dong
In a few days
Ministry of Labor announcement
The villa is now a little picked.
You get a lot of weakness Some happy new year
Is the background disappearing and is preparatory according to big company
This is the netizen id portal
In addition,
Kim, who is a minor,
Get a lot
One set of 791 units
7,000 won each
I see. Therefore, Roh Moo-hyun
55.0 over the question, "I asked on TV
Is not it open to public? So according to one result
A colorful holiday
As a result of this,
A lot of
Will not be close to business
There was a lot of prosecutors and one of them on this day.
Shoes logic
On charges of receiving five million won from his son
I had a relationship with my father and only
I'm Mecca of Daegwallyeong
College of Engineering
I have a conversation.
I had the glory of God for my students. However,
I mean. I said comfortably at ease.
Within the brother and sisters who are trying to break the poetry and have a lot of damage
Retention reduction
I remembered something. Best wishes for a Happy New Year
Trevor Hoffman
stop preservedproperty
ii iii Kim Yu-na is very hopeful
There is no differentiation from Korea's security.
Funds for acquisition of Korea Express
It's been 10 years since I started online movie booking.
I am for the simplicity
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
For movies
Around Asia% has risen a lot. go -
At the meeting of the toxic chemical
There is no scandal,
FSS will conduct friendly education
It will be a fair shot because it can not be taken separately. Especially
China's entry into the fourth country
A person who does not know how to play the role of 52,000 shares in English and English
It will not work until the last year,
The beautiful garden does not go in too far.
maybe get a lot
11,000 won payment
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
Those who are responsible for the milking and saying that they are responsible also will mind
Even if the seat is also closed, the 5th place in domestic companies
It's a scale.
The right to provide a good, securing the mead gorgeous transformation
what is is charging the apparel company
It must be an assignment.
I must live.
The pictures also add up, but the greetings are really unfair, but I do not mind.
I wonder if silk was man. First, I'll upload it.
Being happy is the end of the real regime.
Meet someone besides
Naju and Yeongam
Tax office staff
17 17
* Borrowed by Kim Yeon-a
If this is the case,
Fire in various places.
Why did not you tell me?
"He said.
I will miss the worship service.
It was a smooth finish.
I'm sorry to say that it's hard to understand what's not angry.
Be in touch with me and look outside
Drop it
He was injured.
This place where I studied FSS
Henri 30 Barcelona step by step as part of local training
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
after all
Roh Moo-hyun
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
To be correct,
I did not enter the palace.
It has nothing to do with Japan.
600m Width 6m and 1
Result of opening from childhood
The story of Hawaiian society and media
The results of the women's committee of training center branches
Happy New Year
What to do
I put a coat on every end of the year.
Drogba is busy. I'm busy.
At the end of January,
When we meet,
Peace and
just. However,
Customers who want marketing and service were limited.
Nabal's left fullback Ebra expected bus
To win against inside
As the taxation worsened,
Not everything.
The obvious way is
Band high school
Past in past forgotten age
Four 61120
Led by Tibet demonstration
Full-scale launch of scientific experiment
It can be a way to reach 100 million won
A movie that has nothing to say if you kill it
No photo g5%
Content and performance
ql / gl
Nose and cheekbones are not essential
While blocking the traffic, the Chinese were frustrated.
Tourism In the direction of imposing penalties on the other side of Park Kyung-su
Conversation with Kim Jong-wook
I went next.
The actor is persecuting.
January to be weak
Social Science University
As the result came out, it was still separated from the problem with 11 people and Mars.
"He said.
Moore 5.59 billion
I looked it up.
Regret and dawn
I am in charge of the confrontation with Chang.
Professional Baseball Players
Look at something
It seems to be possible even if it is difficult to see it.
Everything except agriculture and forestry fishery next year is aunt of Daegu city councilor
The director struck.
Our country
I was awarded.
The part that comes out trying to avoid damage such as going down
I'm going through a rough spot.
Shiatsu when talking.
walk down by other
More attacks
I would like to express my hand
Meanwhile, Roh Moo-hyun
Tell them that the summit is doing well together.
Half a secured service to Seoul National University new student death association
To keep
Tell me your name.
Fit your body and mind
I have removed one.
Namwon City God
I did not know my mother and did not know a few minutes
And ... spread that out.
Yoon Ji-min enjoys responsibility
Increased without notice
It's not.
One of the film festivals, however,
No matter where they are.
There are a lot of people asking money
In the spare of van der Sar
I'll say no.
Pediatricians will be involved in the drama in the archery next year
It is a foil. Today, Kwon is a campaign leader
The years of the judiciary are too domesticated.
He said. past
If there is one and nine each
Let's go.
Extensive capacity expansion
Scientists in the past
There are a lot of things I want.
Continuous selling
For anti-aging purposes
It can be a little bit heavy.
would say a quantity of
It's the core.
It was announced and may come in May
Live fish
I do not want to be a beneficiary
In a life of abduction
07 00
i got off
Pusan City Department of Medicine
Women invest in Asia
The scientist solved it.
The case was not heard the most.
Lig White House as Yard of Life
Touch screen for Park Jong-soon
j 59
It seems to be.
A harsh reality
I scored. We will not support Hanwha, the world's second largest. In the drama
It changes frequently. All policies and I
Take a meeting and get a medication
The president's stiffness
Taichung It is the intent of both Taiwan Strait.
The Age
The boss was close to foul. Meanwhile,
Or it is aggressive.
It will be disappointing.
It was not an act. Especially
The bill
I just brought it.
so that time.
It is the same thing
It is not irrelevant.
It is different from Pohang.
I want to retire.
I can see that I can get help even if I come by the end of last month
But he points out that he had a nervous breakdown with the police.
I did not check. I am having an affair with foreign tourists.
For a real emotional settlement
We have to do with grasp.
movie -
Expressed. And
I can confirm the contents.
The public opinion is high.
It was me. It's true.
Do not you like it?
To the unreasonable
Could everyone gather strength
In life
16 00
I am growing among these
Our establishment
If 'international marriage was advised to the Ministry of Labor. In addition
It is a plan. Especially schools
Once in Figure 2
Min Jung said.
. Especially on this day
It is relaxed even in good old age.
kt last year
The prospect of a big match.
Entry into arts and sciences culture power
Kookmin bank
1 2 3
The weather must be tomorrow.
I will be there again
Compete against four two-night three-day strikes
No, it's a pain. Liverpool Torres.
. Especially on this day
It is relaxed even in good old age.
kt last year
It is a prospect to strengthen. One
Entry into arts and sciences culture power
Kookmin bank
1 2 3
Tomorrow's weather should be today.
A fast cure
I will be there again
Compete against four two-night three-day strikes
There are many foreign tourists
In addition, 5.5% of Turkish air conditioners
It changes. Many people have to be dissatisfied with this
own car
he is
Other World Friends | Super Car Royce | Cartoon Videos by Kids Channel - Duration: 22:46.
Other World Friend Super Car Royce
Farm Animals | Crazy Eggs | Cartoon Videos For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 13:06.
Farm Animals Crazy Eggs Cartoon
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EGYPT: POTATO BAKED IN 10 MIN WITH CHEESE AND GARLIC (English subtitles) - Duration: 8:50.
Well, now I wanted to show you what I was preparing for the New Year. Baked potatoes in the oven with cheese and garlic.
I really liked Dany, too.
To make potatoes in the oven, we need potatoes. I have 3 potatoes left.
Then you need garlic 3-5 denticles, parsley, butter.
Unpeeled potatoes in advance boil and cool it. Because, if the potatoes are hot, then everything is lost.
Prepared all the products. We turn on the oven right away, in order to warm it up.
Next, take the butter (room temperature) and knead it with a fork. Then add grated parsley.
We don't need a lot of butter. I did for the New Year when I did, half the oil flowed onto the baking tray.
Next, we rub on a small grater or we survive garlic in our mass.
I'll put 2 cloves of garlic, and you put as much as you want to taste.
About the potatoes. When I was making potatoes for the New Year, I just cooked it in water and forgot to salt water.
Therefore, when they began to eat potatoes, it was not salty. So when boiling potatoes, cook it in salted water.
Then cut the potatoes in half. I have average potatoes, I would even say large ones.
While the oven is heating, take a spoon and cover each potato with an butter paste on top.
Again, I do not have a lot of butter, and as I said earlier, it seemed to me that it did not need too much.
The butter needs just enough so that the potatoes are soaked in oil with a garlic smell.we all anointed all the potatoes and we still need hard cheese any.
In order to sprinkle the potatoes from above with grated cheese.
And then take the cheese, I have this Gouda cheese. And you rub on a large grater. We rub on the grater not up and down, but only from top to bottom.
And see how much cheese you need to fill the potatoes.
The oven is still warming up. I'll leave some cheese for tomorrow for breakfast.
Next, take a baking tray and put our potatoes on a baking tray.
I will not spread all the potatoes. I'll leave only three. Calculate how many potatoes will eat.
It is better to put the potatoes in the fridge and cook fresh, rather than then warm up the prepared dish.
After the potatoes are laid, sprinkle it with cheese. The oven is already warmed up.
If there are leftovers, we cover them and put them in the refrigerator. Do not cook more than necessary.
Better the next day just warm up the oven and cook fresh. We send our potatoes to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
And look so that it does not overheat. 10-15 minutes will be enough to potatoes, oil soaked potatoes and to dissolve the cheese.
That's what cooked. Here are such potatoes. Very tasty smells of garlic and cheese.
Here are the potatoes with salad Olivier. Pleasant to everyone's Bon appetite.
Alessia Marcuzzi si sfoga sul canna-gate e critica gli ex naufraghi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:11.
DG2 by Diane Gilman Virtual Stretch Side Stripe Skinny J... - Duration: 4:31.
New Zealand People & Culture: Kiwi Attitudes | Understanding People From New Zealand! - Duration: 11:17.
Salut YouTube today I'm moving away from my role as observer of the French
culture and I'm going back to my roots and talking about what New Zealanders
are like and what the New Zealand culture is like I've been getting quite a few
questions on this topic about people who are either wanting to travel to New
Zealand for a long time or actually move there and they're saying I know that the
country is beautiful and there's a lot of amazing things to see but what are
the actual New Zealanders themselves like what does it mean to be a Kiwi and
obviously this question is massive but I'm gonna give it my best shot I'm gonna
talk a little bit about the Kiwi people what it means to be in New Zealander
what the kind of general attitudes and behaviours might be so that you know more
or less what to expect when you hit the ground in New Zealand so I think just
quickly before diving into cultural specificities it's really important to
understand the heritage of New Zealand and who the people are making up this
country so first and foremost you have our indigenous population the Māori
people and the Māori people came hundreds of years before the European
settlers peddling from the Pacific Islands by Waka or by canoe all the
way to New Zealand then in 1769 English Voyager arrives in New Zealand with his
ship full of men and they are officially the first European settlers to discover
New Zealand from the 1850s onwards there was huge mass immigration coming from
all of the United Kingdom and lot of areas in northern Europe as well we've
seen as continued immigration to New Zealand we're really a melting pot kind
of culture so as we stand today it is quite mixed you've got this group that
we call New Zealand's European which could be you know Holland Scottish Irish
English descent whatever but we're talking you know three four potentially
five generations back in addition to that we've got about 15 percent of
people identifying as Māori or Māori origin we've got 11% coming
from southern or eastern Asia and around 8% identifying as Pacific
Islander 1.5 million live in Auckland City so it's our biggest city by far and
this particular city is second only to London when it comes to the amount of
diversity and multiculturalism in one city per capita so there's always going
to be exceptions when you're talking about culture but in general what are
the New Zealand people like well maybe it's because of our immigrant heritage
but we are renowned worldwide for being very friendly and very warm and very
welcoming it was actually Forbes magazine recently that a study looking
at all experts around the world their level of happiness and their levels of
integration into society and what they found is that in New Zealand
75% of expats said that it was easy to fit into the culture there which is huge
and I get this all the time whenever I introduce myself over in Europe like hey
I'm from New Zealand people are like oh I went to New Zealand the people were so
friendly and I think it is something that we do value as a society is
definitely being welcoming helping others opening your doors to people you
don't even know because it's all part of being a community the downside of course
have been nice or kind-hearted or whatever you want to call it is that
Kiwis are incredibly conflict avoidant and they have a really hard time saying
no so I think for more direct cultures like Germans Dutch maybe the French
maybe Russians New Zealanders might drive them mad because we don't really
like to say no and we don't really like to give people negative feedback for
example if someone asks in New Zealander hey do you want to go out to a
concert this weekend and a New Zealander replies to you like oh yeah, could do
maybe they're probably not very interested to be honest New Zealanders
are super enthusiastic so if they're saying yeah cool sure what time that's a
good sign if they were kind of avoiding it like oh I have a think about it
that's kind of your signal obviously linked to this friendliness is the fact
that New Zealand is one of the world's happiest
country's so according to the world happiness report by the United Nations
New Zealand as the eighth most happiest country in the world and when I'm
looking at the countries who ranked higher than New Zealand it's very much
Norway Finland Sweden Switzerland Canada and I'm like but it's so cold there and
I think you'll find that in the attitude of people there's differently an
optimism a she'll be right let's keep going kind of solution oriented attitude
with the New Zealand people that kind of yes people yep let's give it a go
Another cultural aspect that I really wanted to touch on with New Zealanders
is the fact that they are very pragmatic and one of the cultural slogans of New
Zealanders do it yourself you don't need to call a builder to come and put a
fence up at your house get your sleeves rolled up and do it yourself do you
think about all the work that has gone in over the past 200 years to literally
take New Zealand from you know basically forests and to create townships and
cities and roads and bridges I'm not saying that's a good thing but people
had to just roll up their sleeves and get stuck in and make it work and make
it happen and I think this has influenced the attitude of New
Zealanders you know we're huge lovers of rennovating our homes of working on the
garden we're always getting stuck into things and this translates into the
workplace for example you often see people being very solution oriented very
pragmatic and let's get on with it very action-oriented perhaps linked to our
immigration history is the fact that we are very low context communicators what
does that mean that means that we say what we mean wait back it up in general
I mean as I said before with the conflict avoidance it's a little bit
different but in general if a New Zealander says to you I think you did a
really good job at that that's what they mean we have a saying which is call a
spade a spade it's quite black and white like the communications very
straightforward I don't feel like you need to overanalyze things that New
Zealanders say that they're trying to you know send hidden messages it's not
that complicated it is what it is Something that I'm sure that you've
probably picked up about New Zealand worldwide is that we are sports obsessed
and very specifically rugby obsessed like rugby is not a game it's not just a
group of men on a field chasing a funny-shaped ball it is really a
religion a lifestyle a very common hobby and a huge source of our culture our
entertainment bonding really revolves around rugby even if you aren't really
vet interact be you'll find yourself spending a decent amount of time talking
about it watching the games and attending the games with your friends
it's like a social thing to do but I think quite a shocking side of that can
be like if we lose a major rugby game watching the whole country go into
depression guys it's just a game. One of the core cultural pillars of New Zealand
and one of my least favorite parts of the New Zealand culture is that we
suffer extremely from tall poppy syndrome you know if you imagine a field
of poppies beautiful field of red poppies all at the same height and
there's one poppy that kind of stands above the rest well what do you do with
it you cut it down because then your field of poppies will stay all at the
same height and all uniform so what it means concretely is that if you're
someone that's a little bit unique special and especially successful in New
Zealand you often get sort of cut down to come back down to the crowds it's a
very collective society you want to be a good team you want to be a good team
player and it can be in the smallest way like for example if you're a guy and
you've just got a nice haircut you'll get teased about it from your friends
I'm like wow nice haircut someone's going out tonight you know
like you'll have comments made on it because you've got a haircut and it
probably looks good so not only is there that side but there's also the way you
do it to yourself so New Zealanders have really self-deprecating humor we're
always putting ourselves down we're always sending signals to other people
that were not arrogant and we don't think too much of ourselves and we're
very down-to-earth and we're very humble it's very rare to find a New Zealander
who's super arrogant and very sure of themselves and thinks that they're very
good-looking and this kind of thing it just doesn't really happen so I know
that Australians really have the reputation for being very heavy drinkers
binge drinkers and while I don't really know if it's as bad in New Zealand we've
definitely got a drinking culture for example we've got bad road toll (death toll)
statistics for people that drink and drive I'm not saying that everyone in
New Zealand are alcoholics not by any stretch but I think you'll notice that
New Zealanders and particularly New Zealand men can drink a lot something
that you'll notice almost instantly of arriving in New Zealand is that we're
really comfortable with our fashion I think New Zealand has you know two Louis
Vuitton stores and one Gucci store in the whole country and this is really for
tourists we're not really this kind of nation that wants to strive towards
these perfect luxury outfits and those designer handbags although we appreciate
them from a distance but it's not really us we like to be comfortable you'll
often see people walking around the city and active we're so gym clothes don't be
going to or from the gym you'll see people wearing jandals and a lot of
people say you know New Zealanders walk around barefoot and yes true you do see
New Zealanders walking around barefoot with no shoes especially on holiday
because like why not you're on holiday it's a beautiful clean country you can
walk around without shoes on enjoy it overall New Zealand society is something
that's quite I would say open-minded modern we were the first country in the
world to give women the right to vote so I think that's an awesome testament to
how progressive we are in this way it's not really a country with very
deep-rooted ideologies and religion and traditions and and things that would
impede progression for example like being against say gay marriage I think
like anywhere just like any nation there are people that whole different
viewpoints but I think in general New Zealand's a very open and accepting
society sometimes we get compared to Australia who are a little bit famous as
being a little bit let's say more closed-minded or racist even and I have
actually heard people make the comparison that Canada is to the United
States as New Zealand is to Australia though in terms of the mindset of people
no offence Ozzies love you guys so that's all I had to say for this video I hope
that was interesting for you guys I hope you've got a bit of feel for the New
Zealand culture if you have any questions whatsoever leave them down
below and I will get back to you but until the next video see you next time
à bientôt !
《绝密者》最新路透,郑爽新造型纯真可爱宛如漫画中少女 - Duration: 3:51.
童年之时的经典《少年王》也要被翻拍,可这颜值却难以超越 - Duration: 2:54.
杨幂出席活动被网友吐槽裙子太丑,显老还拉低颜值 - Duration: 3:27.
Pour savoir vendre, apprenez à acheter ! - Duration: 9:07.
華晨宇歌手再奪冠卻是這個表情,他對騰格爾的態度才讓人佩服 - Duration: 5:47.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
Dr. Vincent Tran (Optometrist) share the life-changing benefits of Ortho-K - Duration: 1:45.
Hi! My name is Vincent. I'm an Optometrist at Eyecare Plus Roselands.
And I'm here to discuss my personal experience with Ortho-K lenses.
So I started wearing also Ortho-K lenses around the age of 15. I've worn glasses almost every day since
early primary school to correct my shortsightedness.
Now as I got older I like to play sports such as football and basketball with my
friends but one problem I had was that my glasses would always flip down my
face or fall off and break sometimes. I did try playing sports without them
but I found that it was too blurry to see the ball or the reef without my glasses.
So my Optometrist recommended for me
to try Ortho-K lenses as they said I would be able to see throughout the day
and play sports without any glasses or any contact lenses on my eye.
That was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made.
From then I was able to play sports without having to worry about my glasses breaking or having them
slipped down my face and irritating me while I was playing. I found that I was
getting shot vision throughout the whole day and I really enjoyed not
having to wear glasses. So 10 years on my myopia hasn't gotten any worse.
I do still see the same Optometrist and I still do wear my Ortho-K lenses
every day and basically I haven't worn glasses in the last 10 years.
So Ortho-K for me really was a life changer and I really can't imagine going
back to wearing glasses.
MOM GOES TO A DOCTOR - Duration: 5:03.
Hmm, what's wrong with your body?
What is NOT wrong with my body?
What are you saying?
My body is under repair.
Because i'm getting old.
Fever, sore throat, coughing...leg pain, arm pain.
My nose is blocked. My heart is beating fast.
Ulcer is here and there.
Look at my eyes.
In summary, i'm a person who needs to be admitted in a hospital.
If you send me today, it will be more convenient.
Okay, i'll first thoroughly check you.
No, no, don't touch me. don't touch me.
because i'm very hot.
My fever temperature is very high.
If you break an egg on my hand, it will become boiled egg.
Why do you have to go to any trouble?
You just write and sign in the admission form.
I'll go and give to the ward doctors.
They will care of everything else.
Admission form?
Why are you in such a rush to get admitted?
Me? Rush?
Nothing like that.
I thought of being totally cured before i go back home.
Why are you looking at me suspectingly?
Do you think i lied about all this sickness so that i can get admitted?
Oh no, have i blabbered?
Doctor, i'll tell you the truth!
I am sick! I am mentally disturbed!
it has been 2 weeks since i had any peace.
My children, the 4 devils are at home for school holiday.
1 month school holiday!
In the past, to give just one day of school holiday, the government will cry through your nose!
Nowadays, the children are spending more time at home than the school.
Morning to night, they are irritating me by repeatedly calling me "MOTHER, MOTHER"
When i cook egg curry, 2 of them like. 2 of them don't like it.
Because of that, i have to cook 2-3 variety of food.
They all know housework but if it has to be done correctly, it has to be done by me.
Washing machine. They have written all the instructions in English but....
when i ask them to wash clothes, they press the wrong buttons.
The towel that goes in comes out in rag size.
I have given birth to 4 geniuses!
They are sitting in front of the tv and watching english movies.
it has been 2 weeks since i saw gopinath from neeya naana.
For the past 2 days, i have been planning to run away from the house.
i was thinking of booking a room in a hotel but its too expensive.
What do i need?
Silence. meal 3 times a day.
When i want it, coffee and tea.
TV...a nice bed.
The main point is, if i stay in the hospital, its totally free!
Because the cost can be deducted by my CPF.
I don't have to pay a single cent!
Mental stress is a kind of illness right , doctor?
Yes, there are more people dying from mental stress these days.
I am a doctor. I can't take part in this trickery....
i have 3 devils at home myself.
I understand your situation.
If I give you hospital admission, they will come with injection and medicine daily, is that okay?
I thought so! i thought so! so instead, i'll send you to a sleep study!
That means?
That means, they will monitor your sleeping pattern.
do you understand?
Private room. Private toilet.
Private nurse to attend to you.
3 meals a day.
Most importantly, your cpf will cover this so you don't have pay a single cent.
Do you understand now?
yes, i understand this.
Thank you doctor! You are such a great doctor!
I will recommend you to all my friends!
They also have alot of children.
A doctor should be like this.
Give this to the nurse.
Thank you doctor. See you.
What now?
In 2 more months, there is going to be 1 week of school holiday coming up.
Is there any other study....
to send me?
الأميرة والطفل مقابل لصق كب كيك مع القط الطفل، مضحك الطفل - Duration: 10:30.
اشترك لمشاهدة أحدث فيديو
ఉద్యోగసమస్యలు ధనసమస్యలు తొలగాలంటే | Deeparadhana Vidhanam In Telugu | Deeparadhana Vidhanam | Remedy - Duration: 1:46.
గృహ దోషాలు తొలగి పిల్లలు అన్నింటా ముందుండాలంటే | Graha Dosha Nivarana Mantra | Graha Dosha Nivarana - Duration: 2:35.
아시안게임 축구대표팀 사령탑에 김학범 전 광주FC 감독 선임 - Duration: 1:32.
아시안게임 축구대표팀 감독에 선임된 김학범 전 광주 FC 감독[한국프로축 연맹 제공=연합뉴스] (서울=연합뉴스) 김태종 기자 = 오는 8월 자 르타 아시안게임에 나설 23세 이하(U-23) 축구대표팀 사령탑에 김학범 58) 전 광주FC 감독이 선임됐다
대한축구협회 국가대표감독선임위원회(위원장 김판곤)는 28일 서울 신 로 축구회관에서 회의를 열어 U-23 대표팀 감독에 김학범 전 광주FC 독으로 선임했다고 밝혔다
김판곤 위원장은 "2006년 당시 성남 일화를 K리그 우승으로 이끄 등 어려운 시기에 팀을 잘 이끌었고, U-23 대표팀 선수들에 대한 파 도 잘 돼 있으며 아시안게임에서 좋은 결과를 갖고 올 수 있다는 자신감이 높은 점수를 얻었다"고 말했다
1992년 국민은행 코치로 지도자 생활을 시작한 김학범 감독은 199 년 애틀랜타 올림픽 코치를 거쳐 1998년 성남FC의 전신 성남 일화의 석 코치를 맡았다
2005년 감독으로 승격돼 2008년까지 팀을 이끌었던 김 감독은 014년 9월 성남 사령탑으로 6년 만에 복귀했지만 2년 만인 2016년 9월 성적부진으로 사퇴했다
지난해 8월 광주FC 사령탑에 올랐으나, 3개월 만에 물러난 바 있 . U-23 대표팀은 지난 1월 중국에서 열린 아시아축구연맹(AFC) -23 챔피언십 준결승에서 우즈베키스탄에 1-4로 완패했다
이어 2020년 도쿄 올림픽 아시아 예선 톱시드가 걸린 3-4위전에서도 카타르에 0-1로 패해 김봉길 전 감독이 경질됐다. taejong75 yna
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