Hi Its Candice with Motor Club of America money and Kings Prosper Network
Thanks for joining me today to learn about making money with MCA
When you joined Motor Club of America you wanted to make money. That is the main reason why people become MCA Associates!
But when you're just starting up your MCA Business you may not know where to get those leads and maybe your budget is tight.
Rather than spend money on paid advertising when you first start your business you can do some free MCA advertising on social media!
Make posts about MCA as to the services they offer and also about the business opportunity on social media platforms. This gives you FREE MCA advertising!
Put your Motor Club of America posts on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. There are so many more social media platforms on which you can advertise.
Get MCA Business Cards and Flyers made (you can print these at home on your printer to save money) and take them with you wherever you go!
Take your MCA membership card with you. Talk to people when you're out. Post your flyers at any public place (that allows you to hang up your flyer, of course).
The possibilities are endless as to where you can advertise for FREE! Think outside the box! And don't give up!
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out! So keep on going!
For more infomation >> Motor Club of America Money|How to Make MCA Sales|MCA FREE Advertising - Duration: 9:26.
How to Improve Your Self-Esteem Starting Right Now - Duration: 6:27.
Do you ever feel super self-conscious? Do you ever just wish you were like those
individuals, and we all know them that just shine with confidence wherever they
are? Well today, in this video, I am talking all about how to improve and
increase your self-esteem. Hi I'm Abbi J, I'm the founder of AJ life hacks and
this channel is all about self-development. So if you haven't
already think about hitting that subscribe button in the corner and
following some of these videos on how you can improve your self-esteem. So
let's get going with these 4 tips that I have you for increasing and improving
your self-esteem starting to day.
The first tip that I have for you when it
comes to improving your self-esteem, is to write a list of why you are awesome.
Yes I literally mean take out a pen and paper and write a list of why you are
awesome. It sounds a little ridiculous. I get that but this list is so critical
because when we're having a great day we have awesome self-esteem right but it's
in those low moments that we just feel like I'm not go at anything. I can't do
this. I I don't even like the way my hair looks or my outfit. That is when you need
to pull out this list and be reminded of all the amazing things that you've done
or amazing qualities that you already have. Because whether or not you're
having a good self-esteem or bad self-esteem day those underlying facts
of why you like yourself, of what makes you who you are,
that doesn't change and so you just need a reminder. And so this list literally is,
"I am awesome because" and at first it's gonna say "I'm awesome because I'm alive.
I'm awesome because I have red hair." Very generic but then as you start to think
about this more and get more involved you are gonna start to realize that hey
you are pretty amazing and this list is so much fun. My second tip for you when
it comes to improving your self-esteem is to use positive
affirmations. Yes I want you to stand in the mirror and say to yourself, "I love
myself. I love my life." And use some of those affirmations that you've all heard
from all these wonderful positive thinkers and life coaches out there. Why
this is so important is because we don't need help remembering all those
negative thoughts about ourselves, but we do need to give our mind those
positive thoughts and we need to front-load it first thing in our day
because it's easy to sit there and say to yourself, "oh my gosh I'm so stupid." but
we don't naturally have the inclination to say to ourselves, "hey I love who I am!
Hey it's okay. I'll try again tomorrow" And so we need to prime the pump as they
say and get some of those positive thoughts and vibes out there first thing
in the morning. So come up with some positive affirmations that you like I
love, "I love myself. I can do all things through Christ." Those are two
affirmations I say to myself every day and they just fuel me through the day. So
find out what it is that is going to make you feel your absolute best. My
third tip for you when improving your self-esteem is to understand that it's
okay to be working on yourself and still like yourself. Sometimes in life we feel
like well there's so many things that I want to improve. I want to lose weight. I
want to be more fashionable. I want to be more kind. I want to be more social. And
all those are amazing goals but we tend to think that because we have these
things that we want to change, our to-do list for our personal development, that
means we can't like who we are right now. That I can't like the Abbi I am today
because it's not the Abbi I want to be in the future. That's absolutely not true
and the way to get to your future self even faster is to love who you are right
now and to recognize the things that you do love about yourself. So understand
that yes, you know what? I do want to improve. I do want to be a better person
but I love Who I am right now and I'm figuring it out.
My fourth and last tip for you when it comes to having an amazing self-esteem
that's really healthy and will help you your whole life because you'll feel more
confident in that that reads across in your job, in
friends, across all areas of your life and that tip is to understand that we
all have good self-esteem days we all have bad self-esteem days. I used to
think that there was something wrong with me because one moment I just felt
on top of the world and I feel so beautiful and I just feel so confident
and then the next moment maybe that day I literally hate everything about myself
and feel so self-conscious and so that I can't do anything. Insane, right? Well we
all feel like that, especially as young women, when we're trying to be our best
selves, when we're in those really high-stress peer environments we have
good days and we have bad days. We literally wake up with great hair one
day and we literally wake up with bad hair the next day. It's just it's gonna
happen and so if you understand that you are so normal and that having ebbs and
flows and your self-esteem is normal and healthy. Don't let it faze you. Don't feel
like you have to stay in the dumps or that you aren't improving because you
are and just take it in stride and knowing that helps those bad self-esteem
days just disappear because you realize hey I'm just like everybody else and I'm
gonna shake this off. So there you have it! Those are my top tips for building
your self-esteem and I can't stress enough how important it is to have a
healthy self-esteem and to also understand that having a great
self-esteem is a life long journey. Because it is such a long journey we
need to be kind to ourself and we can always be adding to that list of why
we're awesome and our affirmations that we're saying to ourselves. So there you
are. I hope you enjoyed this video.
Please comment below on maybe some of the tips
that you are going to use or better yet what you love most about yourself. So
thank you for watching this video. I will see you
in the next one. Abbi J out.
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'황금빛내인생' 박주희, 김혜옥에 "애 키워주세요" 돌변 | K-Couple - Duration: 4:05.
'황금빛' 천호진, 딸 신혜선·서은수 향한 '애틋한 부성애' | K-Couple - Duration: 6:09.
'황금빛 내 인생' 전노민·나영희 결국 해임..박시후 대표이사 입후보 | K-Couple - Duration: 4:43.
여자 컬링팀, 내일 아침 9시 스웨덴과 '금메달' 놓고 맞붙는다 - Duration: 3:47.
'황금빛' 천호진, 위암진단금으로 신혜선 도왔다 '뭉클' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:44.
'황금빛내인생' 박주희, 김혜옥에 "애 키워주세요" 돌변 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 4:22.
'황금빛내인생' 신혜선, 박시후 위기에 깜짝 "내가 돕겠다" | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:56.
'영미~' 평창 최고 스타 여자 컬링팀, 연맹 포상금은 '…' - 뉴스 - Duration: 6:19.
스케이트화 벗고 3단 변신 꿈꾸는 박승희 "디자이너 될래요" - 뉴스 - Duration: 7:56.
'황금빛 내 인생' 전노민·나영희 결국 해임..박시후 대표이사 입후보 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:09.
Two other Japanese porn actresses to join Yua Mikami for the K-pop group Honey Popcorn - Duration: 1:46.
Two other Japanese porn actresses to join Yua Mikami for the K-pop group Honey Popcorn
Japanese AV (adult video) actress Yua Mikami will be making her official debut in Korea.
Now, it has been revealed that two other Japanese AV actresses will be joining Yua to form the K-pop group Honey Popcorn.
On February 26, Yua Mikami shared the poster image for Honey Popcorns debut showcase which will be held at Yes24 Live Hall on March 14 at 7 p.m. KST.
The two other members who join Yua for Honey Popcorn are Miko (NMB48s Okada Risako) and Sakura (Bakusute Sotokanda Icchomes Ito Yuu).
Both Miko and Sakura are also Japanese AV actresses.
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