ATN Bangla News today 1 March 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news
ATN Bangla News today 1 March 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news
ATN Bangla News today 1 March 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news
For more infomation >> ATN Bangla News today 1 March 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news - Duration: 21:08.-------------------------------------------
Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Launch Edition | DAB | Parkeercamera | - Duration: 1:01.
UeD: Gianni Sperti contesta Giorgio Manetti e difende Gemma | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:14.
Maria De Filippi riprende Tina Cipollari a Uomini e Donne | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:53.
기아차, 첨단 안전기술 대거 적용한 K7 출시..그랜저에 도전장[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:18.
《爸爸去哪兒5》10大萌瞬間!Jasper「啊哈~」嗯哼崩潰 | CCTV 365 - Duration: 14:10.
G70 나오자 스팅어 판매 주춤..그 원인 분석해보니...[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:08.
Notre essai de la Porsche 718 Cayman S en 30 photos - Duration: 2:05.
기아차 니로 EV, 사전 계약 2일 만에 5000대 판매..물량 '완판'[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 2:53.
현대차, 유럽서 코나 일렉트릭 최초 공개..주행거리는 390km[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:16.
현대차, AI 적용한 맥스크루즈 출시..가격은 3210만~4290만원[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:24.
후끈 달아오른 소형 SUV 시장..코나·티볼리 1위 싸움 치열[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 6:35.
기아차 니로 EV, 사전 계약 2일 만에 5000대 판매..물량 '완판'[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 3:06.
Fördelarna med att promenera 30 minuter om dagen - Duration: 3:12.
이태곤 낚시 실력 장비 냉부해 이덕화|NKC TV - Duration: 3:21.
Johnny Manziel NFL Comeback 2018? - Duration: 3:23.
thanks for checking in guys now here we go Johnny Manziel making a NFL comeback
in 2018 now there's a chance we could be actually seeing a former Cleveland Brown
quarterback in 2018 now my first thoughts when I saw this headline right
not happening but we're talking about Johnny football now it was reported on
Wednesday that the former first-round pick is in touch with multiple NFL head
coaches and it's a possibility that he'll return now here's the catch
Manziel is willing to take $0 guarantee minimal salary if need be clearly a
finesse move and it doesn't stop there he's open to signing with the practice
squad for full season meaning no gameplay but his show up on time and he'll
stay out of trouble for an entire year Johnny Manziel staying out of trouble
look at that now basically evaluating his behavior now for my hardcore NFL
fans we call it babysitting straight up now he revealed on Wednesday on the
undisputed the tomahawk show which is a podcast with his former teammates Joe
Thomas and Andrew Hawkins that the Las Vegas trip was supposed to be a quickie
a quickie now I'm gonna read you guys some that he said on the podcast right
he goes on to tell these guys he said what he had planned going out to Vegas
he says I felt like I couldn't solidify or fix my life without going out there I
had this reckless reckless plan on Saturday after the walkthrough I'm going
to catch a 12 o'clock commercial flight I get out there 2 or 3 or whatever time
it is and I'm going to stay there for three hours and I'm going to catch a
10:30 flight back so I can make my mandatory treatment session the next day
gangster now that's gangster right now he goes on to say that the crap tables
was calling this name the blackjack tables was calling his name and guess
what he puts the blame on the horseshoe in
Cleveland says it corrupted him really know what NFL coaching the right mind would
sign Johnny Manziel to a contract would you mind having him on our team for a
full year on your practice squad right and let's say he's been a good boy right
how would you feel about that right now if you're the coach or front
office personnel who was in on the decision to sign this guy every night
before you go to bed you're praying that Johnny is not out there messing up
because you know your job would be on the line it's a wrap
over anything that kid does will be monitored believe it but this is what
I wanna know from you guys do you think Johnny Manziel will play in the
NFL and 2018 drop a comment in the comment section and if you new to this
channel make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you do not
miss a video see you in the next one peace
Introducing famous Inns and spots among foreign tourists in Fukuoka.Japan in Motion S14#06 - Duration: 12:06.
Hello everyone, this is Chiharu Higa
Last time we had seen some Hakata culture
while introducing a traditional Japanese Housing Inn
This time we're going to a hotel where the occupancy is always over 90%
I heard it's very famous among foreign tourists so let's go and see
A popular inn among foreigners is around here
A should be close.
This looks totally like a cafe
Very fancy though
Oh wow, fancy.
This is a cafe, right?
This is a cafe.
I heard there was a inn where it is famous among foreigners. I must be mistaking.
No no, this is the hotel.
-It's a cafe but -a hotel as well?
The reception.
The guest rooms are in the second floor.
-So the reception is in the cafe? -Yes
Quite a unique setting
The Life Hotel & Bar Lounge, opened in March last year.
This is a hotel which was made to welcome foreign guests.
What is a hotel which a lot of foreigners use?
This is it.
Wow amazing.
So fancy.
-What kind of space is this? -The common area.
Common area.
Can I go in?
What a nice room
A very natural look but the bed is quite big
Just the right size.
You can relax here
So nice.
Quite fancy.
How much per night for this room?
For two people it is 13,000yen.
For one, it is 11,500yen.
So staying with two is much value for money?
That's 6500yen per person.
That is the price
A different lock for this one.
Yes. This is a 18 people room.
Rather than 18 people coming at once,
each people come alone?
So it's like a dormitory?
It has a curtain for each,
and each person gets a bed?
For this room, how much does it cost?
2800yen per night.
-The cheapest -I see.
For people staying long or many nights, this is quite nice
What kind of people stay here?
It's the same for foreigners or Japanese locals,
people who wants to keep their budget low.
Yes, the back packers
Quite a lot
-It'll be a nice trip -Yes
Inside is quipped with what is needed to stay
Not only shower but
laundry machines.
Good price
It's clean
Good reviews on the internet,
and it was easy from airport, yeah
and it's got a good name.
and great price.
All things. Price, food, good beer
Clean. It's very clean.
With a good price, whatever is minimally needed is here.
This is a type of hotel which didn't exist in the service oriented Japan.
Let's go and take a look around.
I have come to Kawabata arcade.
This is a place where constantly people are passing by
It's a place where not only the tourists, but the locals come here as well.
This is such a long arcade
It's easy to do shopping.
You can find the famous Meigetsudo Confectionery to find Torimon
It's connected with daily life.
Some apparel store.
Kimono store.
Also found here.
You can see Hakata doll store
I found a Gachapon.
Hakata doll Gachapon Machine.
This is nice.
Cute Sumo dolls as well. Let me try it out.
Let's hope
So cute
It has a little mattress underneath it
You can decorate your entrance. It's fun and can be a souvenir.
In the 400 meter length of Kawabata arcade has nearly 100 new and old stores.
Look here.
This is Obustudan no Hasegawa, a store where all of Fukuoka knows.
Look what is in front of it.
Free lucky draw
Let me try this out.
Oh wait, it says "All things may go your way"
Speak out and you'll become famous
This is fun and it's free.
Nice nice
Try it out when you pass by
There are so many things like incense here
This is so cute. What do you think this is?
This is in a shape of shaved ice but
this is actually a candle.
Something for the household altar
To remember that grandpa loved beer, you can use this.
If you light this up with fire, grandpa will be happy.
Some unique shaped candles are here as well.
They are all unique and interesting
Look at this.
Senja Hari Fuda
People in the old days used this like a name card.
which was called Senja Hari Fuda
You can create a sticker with your name on it.
Let's try my name with alphabets.
So many types.
This is the very first one, and the symbol of Japan.
Let's try the red Mt.Fuji
Here it is! The biggest one is this
Very nice
You can add in alphabets so,
people abroad can use it.
You can also add in your favorite Chinese characters.
A traditional Japanese style store here.
Also Kimono
Let's go in.
It's really cute. So many.
There are so many.
So many different designs. With this much seasonal designs
There are fruits, and there are animals.
So many different variations.
You can easily make this one so,
There are many foreigners who buy it for themselves.
Japanese design towels,
and hair ornaments are some of the favorites
The store next door is Kawabata Banzai
That looks tasty.
Looks good. Let's go in.
What store is this?
We serve set menus. The Obanzai
-That's what they call it in Kyoto -Yes I heard that in Kyoto
The set is made like this to serve lunch.
-There are many -You choose what you like and eat?
It's an Obanzai store.
Oh it looks so good. Fish,
and potato with make all of these?
Can I have this?
-This set? -Yes please
Please wait a moment
Kawabata banzai where you can enjoy Japanese homemade meal
In an atmosphere where you can just stop by,
and enjoy the small Japanese dishes which the chef prepared from early morning.
What an amount. Wow, look at that!
-Here you go -Thank you very much
So many
It looks so good and luxurious.
I hope the taste suits you as well.
Obanzai is a set where you can enjoy small portions of everything.
Especially the ladies say that they enjoy it since they can eat small bits of many dishes
The seaweed which I really love
Let's try it out
It's relaxing taste.
It's really good taste.
I cannot stop
It is so good
Potato and meat
It goes through your body. So good.
It tastes like such a sophisticated Potato and meat
Some people like it much thicker taste.
They say every household has its different taste
They sure do
-Do you always wear Kimono? -Yes
Your classy style reflects on the taste
You are so good.
With this set you can enjoy Japan as a whole
Not only the taste of Japan, but the taste of mother cooking
-It's filled with that -Makes me happy
when you say that
This restaurant is actually a chain of the hotel introduced in the beginning
and the second floor is made into a affordable priced hotel
Stay at a economic hotel and enjoy the Japanese home style dishes.
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