Motu Patlu Police in Hindi Coloring for Kids
For more infomation >> Motu Patlu Police in Hindi Coloring for Kids - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
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Racing Sports Network
what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and you guys already not being
guys they leap fortnite content news gameplays whatever but yeah guys so
today what we're gonna be talking about is a new fortnite weapon being added
into the game so if you're new make sure I subscribe because I upload the latest
for night and just anything snooze anything if I have good gameplays I
uploaded them I think I'm pretty good at the game I think I'm alright but anyways
if you guys are also new make sure to subscribe hit that notification about
one because I do go live everyday after I upload so yeah man she asked like that
and leave a like on the video support me out and uh yeah so we're gonna get a new
weapon if you guys aren't you didn't stay to for the video first you already
know we gotta roll that intro
alright guys so get it straight into it I just want to say that the jet pack is
gonna be delayed yesterday I made a video on four nights new jet pack being
added into the game and today they said that it's not gonna happen they found a
big bug with it supposedly that's what they said they found a big bug with it
and they're gonna delay it until you know they fix it fully and then they'll
add it in to the game as we all know no matter what no matter what it is being
added into porn and when there is a new update it comes with a lot of other bugs
that's just how for night is four nights that type of game so without a doubt
when it comes out there's still gonna be a lot of bugs but LEDs trying their best
to fix the big ones oh yeah so since we're not getting that this week I
believe we are getting a new point of interest or a new place that you go to
with the name on it and also we're getting a new weapon to the game but
first of all let's talk about the new weapon being a tenant because that's the
most exciting thing in my opinion so as a new weapon that beginning is a hunting
rifle or a hunting weapon or something like that so first of all let's read
what the this is a developer I guess at Epic Games he said hey folks this week's
item is being changed for the jet pack to the hunting rifle we found a
last-minute design issue with the jet pack that's gonna delay its launch so
we're working on correcting it the jet pack will lift off at a later time so
maybe that's saying that you can't actually find the air with a jet pack I
don't know meanwhile you'll be able to enjoy lots of noscopes with the new
hunting rifle item and a new lucky point of interest on the map so here you go
guys this is how the new hunting rifle looks so far we don't know if it's a
common green rare you know legendary epic we don't know what type of color it
is or what status it is of you know of rarity so guys this is actually in the
save the world mode the story mode and assuming that he says lots of nice
ghosts that's probably because this gun has no scope on it obviously maybe this
is gonna be like a hipfire type a sniper in which if it is and man I don't know I
feel about that I feel like the desert eagle is kind of like that right now and
I definitely get a lot of Ellie's hits what the desert eagle so this is
basically a sniper but just without a scope I'm gonna like this a lot
so guys sadly we have no information on the new lucky point of interest from
what he said I don't know why he said lucky maybe that I don't know obviously
we all know the lucky in this game is based on the chest that she opened not
the place that you go to unless you go to a place with a lot of chests which is
you know it it gives you more luck to get better
weapons but still maybe look useful system maybe lucky is gonna be like the
first part of the name if you guys don't know for now has weird names obviously
like Lou Lake and stuff like that basically every name on the map starts
with the same letter no matter what brush factory loot lake tilted towers
whatever you want to say it starts with the same letter it starts off with well
maybe it's gonna be called lucky something I don't know maybe
so a that's basically all the news for today they're gonna delay the jet back
because they found a big issue with it so me I'm I'm actually really excited
for a new point of interest they're adding I did feel like that they needed
a new place to go to since the 3.0 update British whatever
and they're adding in a new up and which I'm really excited about say guys
hopefully guys it of you guys it makes it look like a bit of a stealth you know
yeah if you do subscribe down below and over see you guys love me I tell only
partly I only love my bed and my mom I'm sorry
50 dove I've invited tatted on me 81 to bring the crashing sort of party hey you
know me Turner Oh two into the oh three without forty
Ali Debbie know me imagine if I never met the broski's
God's plan
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미국 시사주간지 타임은 28일(한국시간) '2018 동계올림픽에서 금 달을 획득하는 대신 인터넷을 접수한 사람들'이라는 제목의 기사에서 8명의 인물 중 7번째로 양태환을 조명했다
이 매체는 "사람들은 K팝을 매우 좋아한다"며 "하지만 (폐회식에 출 한) 씨엘과 엑소도 이 '로큰롤' 기타 소년에게 스포트라이트의 일부를 양 해야 했다"고 적었다
이어 "이 '스포트라이트 도둑'은 한국의 13세 신동 양태환으로, 비 디 사계 중 겨울을 멋들어지게 연주했다"며 "그는 즉시 인터넷 스타로 등 했다"고 덧붙였다
그러면서 "13세가 아니어도(어른이어도) 엄청난 실력이다. 정말 놀라 다"는 등의 트위터 반응도 소개했다. [올림픽] 오륜 선글라스 퍼포먼스 펼치는 감강찬(강릉=연합뉴스) 이지은 기자 = 25일 강릉아이스아레나에서 열린 2018 평창동계올림픽 피겨스케이팅 갈라쇼에서 한국의 페어의 감강찬 오륜 선글라스 퍼포먼스를 펼치고 있다
2018.2.25 이 밖에도 타 은 '아프리카 청년'인 남자 스켈레톤 선수 아콰시 프림퐁(32·가나), 화 '쿨러닝'을 떠올리게 한 자메이카의 여자 봅슬레이팀, 안경 퍼포먼스를 펼친 한국의 감강찬(23), '천재 스노보드 소녀' 재미교포 클로이 김( 8)의 아버지 등을 '인터넷 스타'로 선정했다
감강찬은 피겨스케이팅 단체전(팀 이벤트) 경기 때 방송카메라에 잡히자 입에 엷은 미소를 띤 채 오륜기 안경을 벗고 밑에 선글라스를 보여줬다. 이 동작과 표정이 어느 전문 배우 못지않게 자연스러 큰 웃음을 줬다
타임은 "감강찬은 인터넷을 가지고 놀 줄 안다"며 "안경으로 '인간 취'의 의미를 새로 정립한 것을 축하한다"고 익살스럽게 표현했다. 클로 김의 아버지 김종진 씨는 혹한에 중무장한 채 큼지막하게 "Go Chlo !♡"라고 손수 적은 종이를 들고 딸을 응원해 눈길을 사로잡았고, 결국 로이 김은 압도적인 기량을 뽐내며 금메달을 따냈다
[올림픽] 가족 품에 안긴 클로이(평창=연합뉴스) 이상학 기자 = 1 일 강원도 평창에서 열린 2018 평창동계올림픽 스노보드 여자 하프파이프 경기에서 금메달을 딴 클로이 김이 아버지와 함께 이동하고 있다
2018.2.13 kr
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