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For more infomation >> How to Edit Photo in MS Paint for RRB ALP, Technician & Group-D jobs - Duration: 8:53.-------------------------------------------
Krypton - saison 1 "Le plus grand héros" Bande-annonce Final VOSTFR (2018) - Duration: 1:10.
This is Krypton, and this is the story of the house of El.
My name is Adam Strange.
Someone from the future is coming to destroy Krypton.
because your grandson becomes the greatest hero in the universe,
We are not alone in the universe.
It's known as the collector of worlds, but its true name is Brainiac.
Son of Krypton, your world is at an end.
Help me find a way to stop him.
You have to find the fortress.
It's time you learned the truth.
Brainiac is going to rip Kandor from the ground,
and enslave all of us.
You are a Zod, fight with honor and fight without mercy!
Once this cape is gone, our time's up.
And Superman will have been wiped from existence.
Audi Q5 Design Pro Line Plus 2.0 140 kW / 190 pk TDI S-tronic Design Selection criollobruin! (vsb 13 - Duration: 0:55.
Guinessova kniha rekordů | TOP 5 Bazény a vodní atrakce - Duration: 5:45.
Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD 110KW/150PK Launch Edition 7 versn. S-tronic (vsb 14205) Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:03.
The Fall of Erebor (Scene) | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Movie Clip HD - Duration: 4:54.
Slowly the days turned sour...
...and the watchful nights closed in.
Thror's love of gold...
...had grown too fierce.
A sickness had begun to grow within him.
It was a sickness of the mind.
And where sickness thrives...
...bad things will follow.
The first they heard was a noise... a hurricane coming down...
...from the North.
The pines on the mountain creaked and cracked... the hot, dry wind.
Balin, sound the alarm.
Call out the guard. Do it now!
What is it?
He was...
...a firedrake from the North.
...had come.
Such wanton death...
...was dealt that day.
For this city of Men was nothing... Smaug.
His eye...
...was set on another prize.
For dragons...
...covet gold...
...with a dark and...
...fierce desire.
Come on.
Erebor was lost.
For a dragon...
...will guard his plunder... long as he lives.
Run for your lives!
Ah! Help us!
Thranduil would not risk the lives of his kin against...
...the wrath of the dragon.
No help came from the Elves...
...that day, nor any day since.
Robbed of their homeland...
...the Dwarves of Erebor wandered the wilderness...
...a once mighty people brought low.
The young Dwarf prince took work where he could find it...
...laboring in the villages of Men.
But always he remembered...
...the mountain smoke beneath the moon...
...the trees like torches blazing bright.
For he had seen dragon fire... the sky...
...and a city turned to ash.
And he never forgave...
...and he never forgot.
Cette plante dans votre maison fonctionne comme un aimant pour la richesse et l'énergie positive - Duration: 6:58.
Dany Boon attristé par la polémique sur l'héritage de Johnny Hallyday. - Duration: 5:50.
PSG : Le père de Neymar se prononce sur la blessure de son fils |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:25.
Melissa Theuriau et Jamel Debbouze toujours aussi amoureux, le bisou qui réchauffe - Duration: 5:53.
[PT/ES] Dor de cabeça? Quanto Mais Você Souber, Melhor.. - Duration: 4:14.
Audi A4 Avant € 9.405,- voordeel. Sport Lease Edition 2.0 TDI 90kW/122pk S Tronic (vsb 14738) voor - Duration: 1:01.
深扒!范玮琪和张韶涵小S撕逼始末! 多年恩怨现在有和好迹象? - Duration: 21:01.
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA
Voici la bonne façon d'utiliser le bicarbonate de soude pour éliminer la graisse du ventre et du dos - Duration: 6:58.
Trump Doubles Down on Sheriff's Cowardice: "I'd Run in There Even If I Didn't Have a Weapon" - Duration: 4:34.
Trump Doubles Down on Sheriff's Cowardice: "I'd Run in There Even If I Didn't Have
a Weapon" Scot Peterson, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas
high school resource officer who hid behind a stairwell as gunman Nickolas Cruz committed
a massacre inside the school, has been lambasted for his extreme cowardice and failure to fulfill
his sworn duty to protect the school's students.
And rightly so.
While the left has used this shooting as an opportunity to blast the NRA and call for
more gun control, conservatives have rightly pointed to the inaction by law enforcement
— rather than the inanimate guns — which were used by Cruz as a force for evil, but
should have been employed by Peterson to save lives.
As reported by the Miami Herald, "Peterson — named school resource officer of the year
for Parkland in 2014 — was in another building, dealing with a student issue when the shots
Armed with his sidearm, Peterson ran to the west side of Building 12 and set up in a defensive
position, then did nothing for four minutes until the gunfire stopped."President Donald
Trump called the handling of the situation by the sheriff's office "disgusting,"
as there were reportedly at least three additional officers from the Broward County Sheriff's
department who failed to go inside the school as gunshots rang out, CNN reported.
Trump called out now-resigned sheriff deputy Scot Peterson in particular.
He slammed Peterson for hiding while children died, calling him a "coward" who "certainly
did a poor job."On Monday, the president criticized Peterson further, suggesting that
he personally would've had the courage to go into the school — even without a gun,
CNBC reported.
"I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon.
And I think most of the people in this room would have done that too," Trump said during
a meeting of U.S. governors at the White House.Trump isn't the only one who expressed disgust
at the failure of Peterson and the other officers.
Former Tucson, Arizona police officer Brandon Tatum said he believes the horrible behavior
of the officers stems from a problem in the leadership at the sheriff's department."I
don't understand how any police officer in any department would not risk their lives
in a situation like this — you have an active shooter, you have kids screaming, getting
mowed down," Tatum told Conservative Tribune.
He continued, "Since I joined the police academy, I never imagined a police officer
would cower.
It starts from leadership — the sheriff is the problem.
When you have multiple officers cowering, you obviously have a leadership problem.
One officer is a coward, four officers is a culture."Tatum clearly isn't alone in
that sentiment.
There is now a push for Sheriff Scott Israel, who heads the department, to resign.
So far, he's refused.Multiple Stoneman Douglas student survivors have also come out against
"It's absolutely disgusting.
He knew his job.
He knew what he had to do," student Ariana Klein told Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto.
"Their needs to be accountability and right now there is none.
It's despicable, it should never happen."Another student witnessed Peterson's cowardice first
"He was pointing his gun at nothing," Brandon Huff explained.
"You're despicable," he continued, directing his comments at Peterson.
"You didn't do your job.
You were trained for this.
You were armed.
You had a bulletproof vest.
You did nothing.
You froze.
You got scared.
You did nothing at all, and you could've saved a lot of lives."Almost every day since
the massacre at Stoneman Douglas high school, new revelations have come out regarding the
failure of law enforcement at almost every level – federal, state and local – not
only to prevent this horrific killing, but to stop the killer in his tracks once he entered
the school.
We need to hold the real culprits accountable, and stop the chipping away of the constitutional
rights of law abiding Americans – who were and are in no way responsible for what happened
on that tragic day.
Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know your thoughts on President Trump's
tough criticism of now-resigned deputy Scot Peterson.
Volvo V50 2.0D Edition I - Duration: 0:58.
Volvo S60 2.4D Summum NAVI-LEER-STOELVERW-PDC-HANDGESCH. - Duration: 0:59.
Tanné des banques d'images? Créons un Univers Visuel! - Duration: 1:11.
How To Look After A Cat With Dietary Needs | Caring For Cat With IBD - Duration: 5:17.
So this is Godiva's food and there's Rags' food. Godiva's food is not for you is it Ragsy? No
Hi guys welcome back to the channel it's Claire and Rags and do
you have a cat who has a special dietary needs? Well I know it's a bit niche but
it's something I have experience with. So Rags and I are going to be showing some
tips and advice for you today to how to care for a cat with it's special dietary needs
now I'm not telling you how to diagnose your cat with any food
intolerances or allergies, that's not my job that is the job of your vet so if
you have any concerns around your cat or you have any suspicions they may be
allergic to something go straight to your vet and they can help you out. I'm
gonna show you some tips on how you can care for a cat with dietary needs
Especially if it's something that is you're not really used to. Now if you a few
years ago Godiva - the other cat in our house and became very very sick. She lost
a lot of weight she was throwing up a lot wouldn't eat her food and was
messing in the house and that kind of thing she wasn't really really poorly
and it wasn't actually apparent what was wrong with her. Now after a lot of vets
visits and quite major surgery it was finally diagnosed that Godiva had
inflammatory bowel disease now this means that Godiva can only have one kind
of food and one kind of food only. She is not allowed to eat anything else it
isn't this particular venison and P food otherwise should become a very sick again
Now firstly if you have a cat with dietary needs and another cat who
doesn't, like we do - You need to make sure that food areas are completely separate
and neither cat can get to each of this food. This is especially important
so Godiva can't have any access to Rags food because if she did manage to get to
her food and have a bit she would become quite sick so Godiva has
her own a food space in the kitchen and Ragsy has
in our bathroom now both cats can't get to this and this just ensures that both
cats stay away from each other's food and they stay healthy. This also goes for
your food too. Godiva's very good at jumping up on the kitchen counter and if
someone's left some food out she can have a bit of a nibble. Again this will
make her sick so if you have this same problem just make sure that whenever you
have the food out that it's put away or it's far from any reach of your cat
Now as barbaric as it sounds cats with special dietary needs are not really
allowed extra treats. Now Ragsy has the occasional dreamy if she's been good but
Godiva unfortunately can't partake in this particular treat, but as we know
treats don't always have to be food! You can schedule some extra playtime with
your cats and get them a hoard of wonderful toys or you can just give them
a cuddle and some attention and a nice groom. Now Ragsy doesn't get treats
often as she does put on weight rather easily so she's been particularly good
at the vets I'll take a home and we'll have a good groom she absolutely loves it
Now this is important not just for cats for special dietary needs but also
cats in general. It's very important for you to keep up to date with boosters
shots and vets visits. Now cats usually have a yearly scheduled vet
visit but Godiva has a couple of extra ones just to keep an eye on her progress
and make sure everything's going well with her diet and her day-to-day
well-being. Your cat like Godiva may need extra medication Godiva was on
steroids for quite a while and if you have any questions or queries or
concerns about your cat being on steroids or on medication don't be afraid to go
to your vet with any questions you have the welfare of your cat is a top
priority for you but also a high priority for your vet too - it's their job
to make sure that their patients are well and cared for and finally this is a
bit of a funny one but if your cat is a prolific hunter and is prone to bringing
outside animals inside it might be a good idea if your cat has a special
dietary needs that they become an inside cat now this might seem a bit cruel for
cats who love going out in the garden and going hunting but it just reduces
the likelihood of your cats eating something that they shouldn't
now Godiva it used to be a very good hunter and she would bring things in occassionaly
though she wouldn't eat the whole thing, she would sometimes have a nibble and
inevitably that did make her sick. Now if this isn't possible for your cats become
an outdoor cat for some reason it might be a great idea to get them a collar
with a bell on it this will alert any sort of critters around that your cat is
about and hopefully make it a lot harder for them to catch anything and have a
bit of bite. Thanks for watching guys, I hope you found these tips useful and
interesting now if you have a cat who has special dietary needs do let me know
in the comment section below I might have missed a few tips or you might have
some additional ones to share with us let us know, Rags and I do love
hearing about our lovely viewers and their cats now if you did enjoy the
video please give us a big thumbs up and hit the subscribe button and the
notifications button to make sure you don't miss any of our videos we love
having you here and Rags and I will see you in our next video bye!
Shakira verse 20 millions d'euros au fisc espagnol - Duration: 6:30.
Do Cell Phones Lower Sperm Counts? - Duration: 4:20.
Krypton - saison 1 "Le plus grand héros" Bande-annonce Final VOSTFR (2018) - Duration: 1:10.
This is Krypton, and this is the story of the house of El.
My name is Adam Strange.
Someone from the future is coming to destroy Krypton.
because your grandson becomes the greatest hero in the universe,
We are not alone in the universe.
It's known as the collector of worlds, but its true name is Brainiac.
Son of Krypton, your world is at an end.
Help me find a way to stop him.
You have to find the fortress.
It's time you learned the truth.
Brainiac is going to rip Kandor from the ground,
and enslave all of us.
You are a Zod, fight with honor and fight without mercy!
Once this cape is gone, our time's up.
And Superman will have been wiped from existence.
Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #38 - Duration: 6:49.
Cette plante dans votre maison fonctionne comme un aimant pour la richesse et l'énergie positive - Duration: 6:58.
Cette plante dans votre maison fonctionne comme un aimant pour la richesse et l'énergie positive - Duration: 6:56.
How to Edit Photo in MS Paint for RRB ALP, Technician & Group-D jobs - Duration: 8:53.
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Live Geometry Dash (Requête : non) - Duration: 2:04.
Cyril Lignac : 7 choses à savoir sur le chef préféré des français - Duration: 15:47.
Volkswagen Transporter 2.0 TDI KOMBI 84pk met Airco !!! - Duration: 0:59.
Les 30 minutes du Paranormal : votre maison est hantée, comment démêler le vrai du faux ? - Duration: 29:05.
Trang điểm tông cam đất, má tàn nhan [Warm orange makeup look] - Duration: 6:06.
Hello! I'm back!
Happy Lunar New Year! I wish all of you will hace a year full of health and happiness.
I hope you will get lots of success and will achieve all the goals that you set.
In this video, I am going to show you a very simple and elegent with warm orange tone makeup look
For the base, I am going to mix YSl all hours foundation
and Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation.
I use a brush to apply and blend the foundations first
and then use a wet beauty sponge to re - blend the foundation.
This helps the foundation set down to your skin and make the base look more healthy and glowy.
I drew my eyebrowns already. Let's start to the eyes part!
I use Warm Obsession Palette of Huda Beauty again.
Firstly, I use an orange colour to apply all over the eye lid.
Then I use a dark orange brown for the outer part of the lid.
I apply in the V-shaped at the outer part first then blend it out up the eye crease.
I use eye definer to drawn a line along the lash line.
Then I use gel liner to drawn a thin line.
I drawn softy to 2/3 outer part of lower lash to make the eye look bigger.
After that, I curle my lash and out mascara on.
The mascara that I'm using is Roller Lash of Benefit
This is my favorite mascara as it makes the lashes look longer and thicker but still looks natural.
Then I put false lash on to make the eye look prettier.
I apply thin layer of loose powder all over the face.
This is a loose powder from Kat Von D
I use hightlight & contour palatte of NYX to contour my face.
As I have a very very round face, countouring is very important part for me.
Of course I will countour my nose as well, to make it look thinner.
Bush that I use today is Tart Amazonian clay 12- hours blush in coulour fearless.
I start from middle part of my face the blend along the check bone.
As the hightlight part of this makeup look is the checks,
so rememeber to put more blush and make the check stand out.
I use dark brown eye shadown and apply on top of hair comb
then put the comb on the chekcs, this will create the fake freckles.
I learned this tip in Instagram, there are lots of beauty bloggers use this.
I use brown eyeliner to draw some more dots to make the checks part more stand out.
To match the look, I use a orange tone nude lipstick.
This one is Fenty beauty lipstick in colour Single.
Then I apply in the inner lips colour Freckle Fiesta , also of Fenty beauty.
By the way, what do you think about my new hair?
Long hair or short hair, which you think suit me better?
Please let me know by comment down below.
All the products that I used in this video are named and linked down the discriptipn box.
Thank you so much for watching my video and support me.
See you in the next videos.
Love you guys! Moach!
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