5 Worst Types of Players in Fortnite: Battle Royale
For more infomation >> 5 Worst Types of Players in Fortnite: Battle Royale - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
اللي بيحب بجد بيجتهد يطلع من حزنه ومشاكله عشان ميشيلش حبيبه همه - Duration: 0:29.
마술사 르블랑 스킨 인게임 매지션|K-News - Duration: 3:29.
이방카 트럼프 몸매 노출 엄마 놀랐네|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 3:31.
연극배우 송하늘 나이 프로필 조민기 폭로 누구?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 3:52.
Ngày Thần Tài 2018, bạn nên mua bao nhiêu vàng mới may mắn cả năm ? - Duration: 4:15.
[VOSTFR] Fanci - GIRLKIND ♫ - Duration: 4:05.
Jessie J - Do it Like a Dude (Lyrics/Tradução) - Duration: 4:23.
J-J-J-J-Jessie J
Stomp stomp, I've arrived Bata, bata os pés, eu cheguei
Drop the beat Solte a batida
Drop the beat, nasty face Solte a batida, cara feia
Why ya lookin' at me? Por que você está olhando para mim?
Flyin' flyin' flyin' flyin' through the sky Voando, voando, voando, voando pelo céu
In my spaceship Na minha nave espacial
I'm an alien tonight Sou uma alienígena esta noite
Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty sucka Nojento, nojento, nojento, nojento, nojento, otário
You think I can't get hood like you, you mother... shut up Você acha que não posso machucar como você, seu filho... cala a boca
I can do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
Do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo
We can do it like the man'dem, man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada, rapaziada
Sugar sugar sugar docinho, docinho, docinho
We can do do it. do it. do do it. do it Nós podemos agir, agir assim, agir, agir assim
What? Pull me a beer O quê? Me passe uma cerveja
No pretty drinks, I'm a guy out here Sem drinks bonitos, sou um cara por aqui
Rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' money like a pimp Rolando, rolando, rolando, rolando dinheiro como um cafetão
My B I T C H's on my (d*ck like this) Minha V-A-D-I-A está no meu (p*u assim)
Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty sucka Nojento, nojento, nojento, nojento, nojento, otário
You think I can't get Você acha que não posso
I can do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
Do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
We can do it like the man'dem, man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada, rapaziada
We can do it like the man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada
Sugar sugar sugar docinho, docinho, docinho
We can do do it. do it. do do it. do it Nós podemos agir, agir assim, agir, agir assim
Come, come say what you wanna Venham, venham dizer o que vocês querem
You need to lick my dollar Vocês precisam lamber meu dinheiro
Gettin' hot under the collar Está ficando quente embaixo da gola
Holla holla woah Holla, holla, woah
Come say what you wanna Venham dizer o que vocês querem
You need to lick my dollar Vocês precisam lamber meu dinheiro
You time
I can do it like a brotherEu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dudeAgir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like youCoçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
I can do it like a brotherEu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dudeAgir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like youCoçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
I can do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
I can do it like a brother Eu posso agir como um mano
Do it like a dude Agir como um cara
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you Coçar meu saco, usar meu boné baixo como você
We can do it like the man'dem, man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada, rapaziada
We can do it like the man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada
Sugar sugar sugar docinho, docinho, docinho
We can do it like the man'dem, man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada, rapaziada
We can do it like the man'dem Nós podemos agir como a rapaziada
Sugar sugar sugar docinho, docinho, docinho
Do it like a. Do it like a. Do it like a Agir como, agir como, agir como
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
마술사 르블랑 스킨 인게임 매지션|K-News - Duration: 3:29.
Schedule My Teachers: How It Works - Duration: 2:59.
Schedule My Teachers saves you time by helping you create your school's schedule
Here's how it works in 6 easy steps!
Step 1: Create your rooms
Simply click and type the names of your rooms.
Step 2: Create your timeslots
Label them any way you like.
We like to label them by periods
Clicking on the tabs takes you to the list view for each category for easy navigation.
Step 3: Create your teachers
Like before, it's as easy as click, type, and click.
After creating a teacher, you'll be able to set unavailable periods or preferred periods for him or her.
This guarantees that teachers aren't scheduled at a time when they can't work or gives them their preferred class schedule.
Step 4: Create your sections
Create your student sections or cohorts by clicking and labeling each one.
Step 5: Create your courses
Easily form a course by giving it a specific name...
choosing its spread and frequency...
and picking the course's teacher, room, and section.
Step 6: Schedule Review
After giving your schedule a name...
you'll be taken to a review page where you can look over your schedule and check for mistakes.
When you are satisfied with the review, click 'Select All' for each category.
From here you can also assign a class to a particular period of the week for even further customization.
Finally, click 'Schedule My Teachers!'
When your schedule is ready, click on your schedule's title to see your school's new schedule.
If you ever need extra help, use the step-by-step tutorial videos which are built right into the program.
We make scheduling as easy and as fast as possible, so that you can get back to the important stuff.
So what are you waiting for? Let Schedule My Teachers help you schedule your teachers. Save time today!
Government Agency BUSTED Lying To Undermine Trump! Here's The Truth They're Hiding - Duration: 5:05.
Government Agency BUSTED Lying To Undermine Trump!
Here's The Truth They're Hiding
A leading government agency has been caught lying in an effort to undermine President
Donald Trump.
What they've said is being debunked across the Internet, but that's not stopping them.
Here's the truth they're trying desperately to hide.
Thanks to President Donald Trump, our White House is putting people before policy.
That wasn't the case during the last administration.
Former President Barack Obama used "environmental protection" as an excuse to push all kinds
of regulation and government oversight.
The end result was shocking limits to how businesses could operate.
The United States neglected resources and lost countless dollars.
But, at least some hippie could feel good about the polar bears (which are fine, by
the way).
Today, the White House is opening up new resources for American companies.
We are winning back our energy independence — and dominance — because irresponsible
rules and regulations have been erased.
That only means good things for companies, customers, and, yes, even the environment.
But, that doesn't mean the unhinged liberals have gone away.
Rabid hippies do not go gently into the night.
In fact, an entire government agency is still pushing their global warming hysteria.
Recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that the Arctic is
melting rapidly.
There's just one problem: actual science and facts are proving just the opposite.First,
here's what the NOAA is claiming, as relayed in a scaremongering piece at Vox:
The Arctic Ocean once froze reliably every year.
Those days are over…
In December, NOAA released its latest annual Arctic Report Card, which analyzes the state
of the frozen ocean at the top of our world.
Overall, it's not good.
"The Arctic is going through the most unprecedented transition in human history," Jeremy Mathis,
director of NOAA's Arctic research program, said at a press conference.
"This year's observations confirm that the Arctic shows no signs of returning to
the reliably frozen state it was in just a decade ago."
[Source: Breitbart]
It really shows you how stubborn these environmentalists are.
Despite being disproven time and again, they continue to push their idiotic agenda.
Even when we have a President in the White House who will not tolerate their propaganda,
they still shriek like harpies that the sky is falling.
I guess we have the unhinged liberal media to blame, who will say anything if it will
hurt Donald Trump.
But, the real facts paint a very different story.
Sea ice in the Arctic is recovering after a period of decline…
Arctic sea ice is getting thicker…
Arctic temperatures now are no higher than in the 1930s and 1940…
On longer timescales.
there is nothing unusual about Arctic temperatures…
If you're still worried that the Arctic is about to disappear, here are more papers
confirming that Arctic sea ice is well within its normal range of variability.
One of them, Stein et al. argues that there is more Arctic sea ice now than there has
been for most of the last 10,000 years.
[Source: Breitbart]
There is plenty of data to prove that what global warming alarmists are saying is complete
So, why do outlets like Vox — and every other liberal outlet — keep pushing this
If they truly cared about facts, data, science, and the earth, shouldn't they publish the
Not in this day and age.
Liberals and their allies in the media are so committed to protecting their agenda that
they've long ago given up on being honest and forthright.
They don't really care about silly things like facts and defending their ideas properly.
Only pushing their lies to manipulate as many people as they can.
You see, it's not about protecting the earth (it was never about that).
For them, it's about hurting Trump's credibility as much as they can (and other conservatives)
in the hopes of getting more liberals into office.
Ideally, getting a liberal in the White House asap.
So, if they can contradict President Trump's policies on the environment, that might get
people to vote him out.
Who cares if NOAA is pushing total nonsense!
They have a country to destroy
This is why you can never believe a signal thing a liberal says anymore.
Their entire existence is to push a broken ideology onto the United States.
It's no longer about helping the poor, pursuing equality, or improving the health of Americans.
For them, it's only about getting Socialism imposed over the country, no matter the cost.
If science is one of the victims, so be it.
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Can Wind Currents Topple Man's TALLEST Buildings? - Duration: 2:53.
"1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue" on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa maria,
which had both square sails, carrying the ships in the direction of the wind, and jibs,
carrying the ships against the wind's direction.
As for why it's possible to sail against the wind, it has to do with wind dynamics:
the plague of building and structure designers.
The result generated when wind is sliced by a wing shape and has to maneuver around it
is acceleration on the side with the longer path, which lowers air pressure in this area--a
concept known as the bernoulli principle--and it's actually also what generates lift for
plane wings.
Air-current movement may be good for moving sailboats forward, but it could spell disaster
for buildings.
Eddies--regions of slow-moving,circular air currents--are sandwiched in between fast-moving
wind currents as they sweep around and pass objects.
This movement may cause the structure to sway, and, if structure's tendency to 'spring'
back into place begins to synchronize with the wind currents, it means big trouble.
The Tacoma bridge infamously experienced this issue back in 1940, which made the entire
bridge sway back-and-forth violently until it totally collapsed.
Nikola Tesla also found out just how powerful such an effect could be when he attached a
pocket-sized device to the foundation of a building and almost reduced it to rubble within
an hour.
So is all hope lost for tall buildings?
Not so much.
The task of ensuring building integrity falls upon the buildings' engineers, who meticulously
do all sorts of testing, like in wind tunnels, before big projects are done.
In fact, potential wind stress from once-in-50-year weather events or more are taken account before
the building is designed.
In Dubai, the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is built with alternating
edges to avoid wind-current vortices from becoming organized.
In Taiwan, the world's second largest building--the Tapei 101--has a 1,460,000 pound steel ball,
aka a 'tuned mass damper', suspended inside its middle to act as a sort of 'counterbalance'
whenever swaying tests the building's integrity.
Engineers have even found ways to harness wind-current power through building design,
such as with the wind turbines stationed in between the two segments of the Bahrain World
Trade Center in Dubai.
These wind turbines are designed to receive extra wind flow from the trade center and
generate enough electricity for 15 percent of the building's power usage.
Of course, the invention of the elevator in the mid-1800's was what really allowed tall
buildings to take off, and the need for more space in urban areas means engineers of tall
structures must become more creative in withstanding the elements.
Crooked Sheriff Slips, Makes Sickening Admission In Live Interview – Trump Is Going To Make Him Pay! - Duration: 5:48.
Crooked Sheriff Slips, Makes Sickening Admission In Live Interview – Trump Is Going To Make
Him Pay!
After the horrific Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in
Parkland, Florida the Broward County Sheriff's office has been taking some heat and for a
good reason.
It was learned during the massacre that three Broward County deputies waited outside and
one cowered in fear as Nikolas Cruz mowed down 17 innocent people with his weapon.
Since then, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has been in the hot seat as people ask how
this could have happened and what is going to be done to ensure this sort of tragedy
never occurs again.
Though instead of Sheriff Israel accepting the blame for his office's failures he is
passing the blame and making excuses for the cowardice actions of those deputies that horrible
day in recent interviews.
If that was not bad enough, this crooked Sheriff just made a disgusting admission about his
handling of this crime during a live broadcast that has the American public in shock and
President Trump stunned.
Over the last week and a half, all eyes in our country have been fixed on South Florida
and the tragic shooting that took place there, sparking the gun control debate once again.
The American people are perplexed and rightfully to how this deranged shooter was able to take
the lives of so many people and what was done if anything to stop him.
The frustration only has increased as we all have learned that the FBI and the Broward
County Sheriff's office received numerous tips concerning the erratic behavior of Nikolas
Cruz the days leading up to the murder.
However, the worse of the revelations is that four deputies could have put a stop to the
slaughter that was occurring inside the high school but chose not to.
Here is more from CNN:
When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in
Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers
were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson, the
armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward
County Sheriff's deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs
sources tell CNN.
The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and
not one of them had gone into the school.
In a disastrous interview on CNN, Sheriff Israel faced off with liberal talking head
Jake Tapper on how he could have handled the situation differently.
And, instead of Sherriff Israel admitting his massive faults he took the time to pat
himself on the back and even going as far as to tout his leadership as "amazing"
and comparing himself to the president.
Partial transcript of the exchange below:
"I've exercised my due diligence, I've led this county proudly as I always have,"
he said.
"We have restricted that deputy as we look into it.
You know, deputies make mistakes, police officers make mistakes, we all make mistakes, but it's
not the responsibility of the general or the president if you have a deserter.
You look into this.
We're looking into this aggressively, and we'll take care of it and justice will be
"Are you really not taking any responsibility for the multiple red flags that were brought
to the attention of the Broward Sheriff's Office about this shooter before the incident?"
Tapper asked.
"Jake, I can only take responsibility for what I knew about.
I exercised my due diligence.
I've given amazing leadership to this agency—" Israel started.
"Amazing leadership?
Tapper asked incredulously.
"Yes, Jake.
There's a lot of things we've done throughout this-this is—you don't measure a person's
leadership by a deputy not going into these deputies received the training they needed—"
Israel said.
Now that liberals & Sheriff Israel are trying to blame the NRA for the tragedy, Trump is
fighting back by proposing servicemen & women who are teachers be allowed to carry firearms
in schools.
Currently, there is a DoD program called "Troops to Teachers" (TTT) which helps vets become
education professionals.
Via Military.com:
"The TTT mission is to:
Assist transitioning Service members to become employed as teachers.
Assist our Nation's youth by providing good role models.
To meet the objective of assisting eligible military personnel to transition to a new
career as public school teachers, a network of State TTT Offices has been established
to provide participants with counseling and assistance regarding certification requirements,
routes to state certification, and employment leads."
General Mattis, as Secretary of Defense, could expand the Troops to Teachers program in order
to supply more military veterans as teachers to schools.
That would solve a lot of problems & we wouldn't have to rely on partisan law enforcement officials
who fail to do their jobs like Sheriff Israel did.
For Sheriff Israel to even try and make excuses for himself on why FOUR of his deputies failed
to act in this shooting is disgusting.
It is evident to anyone with an ounce of common sense that the failure to act in this tragedy
falls squarely on the shoulders of Sheriff Israel and no one else.
He is their boss and is who they report to, and there are no excuses for this behavior
to have happened on his watch.
Any strong leader would have told these deputies to engage this shooter and take him down so
that no innocent person was harmed.
However, he allowed it to happen for whatever sick reason and hopefully, we find out what
that was so that he can be held responsible for it.
In the meantime, we wait and keep the pressure on till we get answers and the victims receive
the justice they deserve.
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