Hi, I'm Warren Nash and today I'm making cured eggs using Heritage Breeds Copper Maran hens
Cured eggs are perfect to grate over salad and pasta to enhance flavour.
To begin with, take a glass dish to the cure the egg yolks in.
Pour in 475g of kosha salt and 300g of sugar.
Mix the two together then take a separate bowl and pour out half the mixture.
Make and indentation in the sugar and salt (in the glass dish) for each yolk you'll be
For each cured egg yolk, take and egg and separate the yolk from the whites.
Really carefully place a yolk into each indentation in the sugar and salt.
Choosing eggs from farms run by farmers who ensure the best quality of life and diet for
it's hens means you'll get a really tasty cured egg yolk.
Next, take the remaining sugar and salt mixture that was separated out earlier and sprinkle
it over all the yolks until covered.
It can be useful to mark where each yolk is by placing something on top of the sugar and
Here I'm using peppercorns.
You need to tightly wrap the dish with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 4 days to cure.
After 4 days, take the dish from the fridge, remove the cling film and carefully scoop
the yolks out with a spoon.
As you can see, the yolks should have gelled up nicely.
You'll need to brush off and excess salt and sugar then rinse under the tap or dip in water
(to remove any remaining cure).
Grated cured egg yolk is brilliant for jazzing things up like salad and pasta, or anything
you would usually by grating over cheese.
You can see more of my recipes using Heritage Breeds eggs by clicking on one of the videos
For more infomation >> LUSH Cured Egg Yolk Recipe - GREAT with Pasta, Salads & More #Ad - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
#Mermaid 1_La chanson des sirènes-Les Skinnys Girls - Duration: 2:44.
รถกระบะ รถมือสอง รถราคาถูก Chevrolet (เชฟโรเล็ต) Colorado LT สีขาว ปี 2013 Duramax ระบบเกียร์ออโต้ - Duration: 2:01.
Install your Dryer without Cur...
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Le Labyrinthe: La course pour la carrière piégée (stop-motion) - Duration: 5:06.
The Classical Magic Rope Through Body Revealed - Duration: 3:48.
hi friends
if you seen any magic show or magician in your life
then you seen this magic
if you seen big magician like dynamo
then you have seen this already
but you don't know the secret of this magic
today i will show this magic
and after i reveal the secret behind this magic
the name of magic trick is the rope through body
magician have a rope
magician pass through the rope from his body
same magic i will show today
and after perform i wil tell you the secret of this magic
so you can do the magic trick easily
watch video till end and hit like button if you like the trick
as you can see i have a rope in my hand
it's normal rope in my hand
and not cut at any point
i put the rope behind me
now i will pass thorugh rope from my body
now i just started magic
the rope is passed from my body
so friends this is today's magic
that ever done by big magician
if you don't know the secret of this magic
don't worry now i am going to reveal the secret
watch this video till end
hit like and leave a comment of your feedback
and share to your friends and family and subscribe for update
first you need is two same quality rope
you need to set the rope in your cloths
i choose this one for setup
first put the rope in your cloths like me
look at the setup of rope
anybody can't see the setup
don't see anyone your backside
now get the second rope
now get rope backside of your body
now leave the second rope
at the last you need to pull the ends of first rope
now pull the ends and magic was done easily
it's look so cool to spectators
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Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
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How To Let A Cat Out For The First Time! Advice For Letting Your Cat Outside For The First Time! - Duration: 4:50.
Hi guys! Welcome back to the channel it's Claire and Rags and are you thinking of
letting your cat out the first time? Well don't worry if you are, Rags and I
are here with some advice and tips on how to let your cat out for the first
time and make sure that they find it a good experience as one of you now one of
most important things to remember is to make sure that your cat is either
microchiped or has a collar with identification on it
if your cat goes out to the first time and get spooked by something they could
run off and get themselves lost if the microchip or have a tag on them someone
may find them and be able to bring them back safely to you. Now this is a good
idea anyway even if you don't let your cat out anyway it's good to get the
microchip just in case they do get out and do get themselves lost - your vet can do it
it's really easy to set up and it really is good for peace of mind. Now timing is
very important when letting your cat out the first time whether you've adopted a
new cat or you've moved home it's best to keep them in for between two and
three weeks so they get used to environment of a new home so they'll see
your home as if sort of food comfort and family. Now if it's kittens
you're letting out you need to make sure they are at least 6 months old
they've been neutered and they've been at microchipped but if you let out an
older cat like I said leave it between two and three weeks maybe even a month
before you let them out. This does make sure that they don't associate home with
their previous home but the one that they're in now this means that they are
far more likely to return if they go walkabout. Now why should you keep cat
in for this time it's very very likely they're going to get bored and a bit
frustrated so make sure you have a lot of toys for them a lot of games and you
schedule a lot of playtime with them. Give them a lot of attention this will
also help them realize that where they are is their home. If you want to try our
cat music or cat TV whilst they are stuck inside - this will keep them entertained and
a nice and chilled out. Now your cat's first visit to the outside world should
be supervised it should be you and your cat in your garden and try it on
a day when the weather is quite nice and you're able to be in all day. Now if you let
your cat out on their own it's possible they might get a bit spooked and you
being there helps them feel a little bit more secure. Now when you do let them out
if they do jump to the bushes go into the shrubbery don't worry that's
completely normal and it's just their way of putting themselves in a safe
environment while their outside somewhere that they're
not used to. Now make sure you're out there with your cat the entire time and
that you have the door open to go back into the house just in case they feel
the need to flee back in - if they try and escape from well Ragsy got scared by
a giant pigeon if they're scared of a giant pigeon they want to know that they
can go back into some where they're safe. Now whilst you're around the garden yourself
you don't really need to keep an eagle eye on your cats too much you can video
yourself with some gardening or sit out there and have a brew. Just let your cat sniff around
and explore and get to grips with their new environment. Now do this for
between 30 and 60 minutes and repeat it the next few days so your cat gets used
to being outside in the garden now obviously if you live on a busy street
you don't want to let your cat out on the side of the house where there's a
main road or anything like that. If you have a back garden or a front garden
that's relatively quiet this is the best place to first introduce your cat to the outside world
now what's one way to guarantee your cat keeps coming back?
keep them hungry, of course! Cats lives revolve around food I'm sure of it
so if you let your cat out for the first time just before a schedule to Meal Time
you can almost guarantee that they're not going to run off or go hide
somewhere they will definitely know where their food comes from so they
won't go wandering too far and their less likely to go wandering off
thanks for watching guys, I hope you found these tips useful! Now if you've got any
additional tips around letting your cat out for the first time please share them in
the comment section below - Rags and I love hearing and reading your advice
Now if you want to learn how you can win a Relax My Cat T-shirt?
Of course you do! Just head on over to the community page
on our YouTube channel we often post our questions there and when you can
win and relax my cat t-shirt! It's really great really fun and we love talking to
you guys over there. Thanks again guys I hope you did enjoy the video if you did
please give me a big thumbs up and hit the subscribe button and the
notifications button to make sure you don't miss any of our videos
Thanks again and Rags and I will see you in our next video!
Gota.io/SUPER!/KING PIKACHU/LOL TEAM !/NEW! - Duration: 2:59.
Le Labyrinthe: La course pour la carrière piégée (stop-motion) - Duration: 5:06.
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Pourquoi Les Musulmans Pourraient Entrer En Enfer?-Zakir Naik - Duration: 4:35.
Anto participe samedi à l'émission : "Mon cousin Amir m'a conseillé de prendre du plaisir" - Duration: 10:36.
Mans not hot (Danish) (Parody) - Duration: 0:46.
Zolvekar The one and only, mans not hot
Never hot!
Ski ka-ka pap
Two plus two is four, minus one thats three fast maths
Everyday man on a block
Smoke trees (Ah)
See your girl in the park, that girl was a uckers
*Singing English now * The ting went (Quck) x4
Due man was ducking! hold Aznee (My bruder)
He's got a pumpy! hold tight my man
He's got a frisbee
Subtitles by Otto Due
Phonics Songs For Kindergarten by Mr. | Abc Phonics Songs For Kindergarten | Abc phonics by Komuna - Duration: 0:31.
6 aliments à ne pas consommer le soir - Duration: 9:26.
Byron Leon -- L' Expérience Aux Frontières Du Réel - Duration: 1:06.
Entertainment News 247 - 川崎F、J連覇へ首位発進 前半3連発ヘッド 全得点絡んだ憲剛「大きな1勝かな」 - Duration: 2:55.
Phonics Songs For Kindergarten by Mr. | Abc Phonics Songs For Kindergarten | Abc phonics by Komuna - Duration: 0:31.
Bewahre Deine Schönheit - Duration: 0:17.
Consciousness - A Visual Poem (Short-Film) - Duration: 2:38.
What you live is not a dream
Sometimes it may seem like it
Other times, you would like it to be
you are a cross-eyed at a crossroads
"Daydreaming"? "Or let the eyelids close"?
Probably the others do not know what you have chosen
but surely you have already crossed one of the two ways
and you'll end up crossing them both
You will pass from the nightmare where you have no way out
To the peace of mind
Inside the nothingness of nature
where you are only a very small part of it
This does not mean that you will not be able to get back, or better still
You will fall into the same traps
leave your life to someone who wants to make it his own
just because it falls apart
But when you wake up
You have an extra weapon in your arsenal
The dream
is the mirror of desire
And if you are consciousness
you don't break it.
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