Samsung Electronics has given the world its first glimpse of the Korean tech giant's latest
smartphone offering -- the Galaxy S9.
The new model puts emphasis on visual applications for social media, hoping to attract tech-savvy
young consumers.
Park Soyun reports.
A new chapter for smartphones is about to begin.
Unveiling the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Sunday,...
Samsung's highly-anticipated new models have taken smartphone cameras to new levels by
adopting top-notch technologies.
The Korean tech giant says the device will bring users optimized experiences, allowing
them to share messages and emotions visually.
It's also a significant improvement from previous models -- the Galaxy S9 is focused on the
camera, boasting improved picture quality in low light, a super-slow motion video mode,
and a new feature called AR Emoji.
The screens are brighter and slightly bigger than Galaxy S8 -- Galaxy S9 is 5.9 inches
and Galaxy S9 Plus is 6.2 inches -- and will be released in black, gray, blue and purple.
Samsung says the camera is its best yet,... with a new feature that takes clear pictures
even in very low light by taking 12 photos at once and stitching them together to form
a crisp image.
"At Samsung, we believe it's time for a new kind of phone.
Not just a great smartphone that takes good pictures.
A breakthrough camera that sees the world clearly in any light, built around an amazing
A new feature includes a super-slow motion camera setting that lets users take videos
32 times slower than a traditional video.
Samsung also launched a new feature called AR Emoji, which allows users to take a selfie
and turn it into a custom emoji.
These are animated cartoons created from facial scans of users that mimic their expressions,
and users can customize features like hair and clothing.
"The most important function of a phone is not making calls.
It's to capture the fleeing moments that express what you want to say in an instant, like taking
photos and selfies, sending emjois and sharing videos."
The new Galaxy also has a useful live language translation feature in 54 languages that scans
objects such as signs and menus.
With the release of the Galaxy S9, Samsung has added fuel to its ongoing battle with
Apple for who makes the best smartphones.
The Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will hit the shelves around the world starting March 16th, with
South Korea accepting pre-orders from February 28th and pre-orders set to be released on
March 9th.
Park Soyun, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Samsung Electronics unveils Galaxy S9 at Mobile World Congress - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Kethaki Sangameshwara Swamy Pooja || Jharasangam, Medak || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 7:09.
DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN Temples Grandeur and Visual Feast
Next on Episode 4 | Homeland | Season 7 - Duration: 0:50.
I authorized the air strike.
It was me.
My presidency's just been hijacked.
CARRIE MATHISON: The airstrike in Syria?
Wellington authorized it.
We've got to tell Dante.
No one can know.
That was the deal.
Call the medics!
You said you'd hand yourself over before anyone got hurt,
but you're still here.
There's a news report about JJ.
That he died. - Tell them it's not true.
JJ's fine.
What happened?
We've been betrayed!
Tell me what just happened!
'My Presidency Has Just Been Hijacked' Ep. 4 Official Clip | Homeland | Season 7 - Duration: 2:02.
-Madam President. -Wait here, please.
[radio chatter] -Close it.
[door creaks]
You heard?
I heard. I was waiting for you to call.
So all the intelligence services listening in could hear
that my presidency's just been hijacked?
I don't think so.
Those fucking generals sat there
with their stars on their shoulders,
nodding their heads like they were actually listening.
Then went ahead and did whatever the hell they wanted.
It wasn't the generals, Elizabeth. It was me.
-What? -[Wellington] It was me.
I authorized the air strike in your name.
I tried telling you last night,
you're on track to be the first president since Harrison
not to make it through a hundred days.
We needed to put one up in the win column.
The win column?
Are you out of your mind?
Have you seen what they're saying about you
-on the morning shows? -I don't care
-what they're saying. -Well, you should. It's all
about how you just announced yourself
on the world stage, how you're learning on the job.
Between this and releasing the 200,
I think we finally turned a corner.
So I should be grateful that a mission I said "no" to
gets a thumbs up from the morning talk show crowd?!
[Wellington] You should be grateful you get to
wipe the slate and start over.
Very few presidents are so lucky.
I should have you arrested.
Philippe Brach pour son nouvel album ''Le silence des troupeaux'' à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 18:04.
Essai Mercedes GLA 2017 : notre avis sur le GLA restylé - Duration: 7:09.
TLMEP 2018 "Jean Martin Aussant revient au Partie Québecois" (Tout le monde en parle) - Duration: 14:48.
Sylvie Vartan a été mal à l'aise lors de la cérémonie pour Johnny à la Madeleine - Duration: 1:51.
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
D Brief - Fake News - Duration: 3:26.
Who even reads newspapers anymore?
Just download the app.
Yo, Aman, are you okay?
What's wrong?
Please stop, it hurts my eyes.
Haven't you heard?
Sylvester Stallone's dead.
Well it ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
It's not a laughing matter, Rocky is dead, Look.
Yeah, that ain't right.
Where did you hear this?
Facebook, where else?
I'm organising a candlelit vigil,
I have five people attending so far
and 2,000 maybes.
You should come too.
Yeah, no he posted, he's alive.
He's alive?
This is the second time you guys
have killed him in two years.
He's alive! He's alive!
He's alive!
He's alive!
Where do you get your news?
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder.
Yeah, but what accounts?
BBC, New Zealand Herald, New York Times, The Wireless.
Totally Not Fake News and the Daily Shiz.
Yeah you need to stop reading fake news
But, it's the Totally Not Fake News.
It's in the name.
Okay, that's how you guys killed
Jackie Chan like 50 times.
Well, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
Nah, but seriously, stop killing Jackie Chan,
I really want to see Rush Hour four.
That's happening by the way, I read it on Facebook.
So social media is real news.
Okay, you need to stop believing everything you read.
It's the internet, there's verified info
and then there's user generated
fake misinformation and hoaxes
circulated by people who don't care about the truth.
They're either pushing an agenda
or trying to make a buck off of the traffic generated.
Like click bait.
So this isn't real?
Anaconda gives birth to a, no
But I don't wanna read boring news it takes too long,
plus my time's too precious, Mata.
I got Netflix to chill, Tender to swipe
and Dms to slide into.
Who even reads news papers?
I mean I can't even swipe right on this article
Okay, you're the reason why 28
community news papers might have to close down.
First of all, it ain't all sunshine and rainbows
and second of all, it's not my fault people are
advertising on Facebook and Google instead of newspapers.
Why don't they put up a paywall,
like what New Zealand Herald is looking into?
Besides, I'm not going to be reading Kaikōura Star
or Flank Straps Daily.
I live in Epsom.
Okay, but maybe somebody in Kaikōura is?
And surely they want quality news content.
Fair point, but what does this have to do with
my man Sly or the Chan-Man?
Look, all I'm saying is if you're going to get your
information off of social media, most publications
now have social media accounts that you can follow
and they'll probably fact check before they tell you
that Jackie Chan or Sylvester Stallone's dead.
I don't think I can handle Sly dying on me again.
It ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
So what you are telling me is that I can still
use social media to get accurate news from credible sources.
Well, duh
but where do you get your acurate and credible news from?
Comment below.
And tell us in the comments,
where you get your fake news from
'cause, I can't find any in New Zealand.
And share this video if
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
Le saumon d'élevage est plein d'antibiotiques et de mercure. - Duration: 5:47.
Scandale Oxfam : Marie-Claude Bibeau et François Audet spécialiste de l'aide humanitaire à TLMEP - Duration: 16:21.
Essai Volkswagen Crafter L3H3 2.0 TDI 140 : le grand frère - Duration: 5:40.
Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:11.
Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID. We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing
we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn on us with full, merciless
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable
devastation, we can make it look as though nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business
is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned
and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your
phone book immediately for resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
Challenge for you!!! - Duration: 2:01.
ASL Animation Study 1; Bay Being Cute - Duration: 0:36.
My name is B-A-R-N-A-B-Y.
I am a Prince.
He is my husband.
His name is J-A-Y.
I love him.
Lower Back and Neck Pain - Animated Informative Video by Reptile FX Animation Studio - Duration: 2:01.
Meet Sam.
Like most of us, he does a lot of sitting.
And like most of us, he begins to slouch after some time.
This could lead to lower back pain,
the most common cause of disability.
In fact, up to 80% of us...
will suffer from lower back pain...
at some point in our lives.
Slouching also leads to neck pain,
the fourth most common cause of disability.
Look at how Sam is poking his head forward to look at his screen.
When it's in this position,
the load on the neck is like having a small child hanging off it.
This can strain his neck,
leading to more serious problems.
Here's Sam's friend, Jane.
Her posture's not great.
In fact, here are all the ways she should not be standing.
And the high heels don't help either.
This could lead to numerous problems.
So how do we minimize the negative impact...
of prolonged sitting or standing?
For starters, do both properly...
and ideally every half hour take an active break.
For example:
walk up to the next floor to get a drink of water...
or do a stretch.
Essai Mercedes GLA 2017 : notre avis sur le GLA restylé - Duration: 7:09.
TLMEP 2018 "Jean Philippe Wauthier" (Tout le monde en parle) - Duration: 15:14.
L'Isola dei famosi, nuove accuse shock sullo scandalo droga da Barbara ... |Hot News 24h - Duration: 4:00.
What to do when your world falls apart - Duration: 3:41.
I've always been comfortable being lost in a physical sense
You know: literally not knowing what's around the next corner. That's how all my best adventures start out.
Though I like to think of myself as an adventurous spirit
I am the kind of person that likes to have my life planned out
and I had
planned that once I finish college, I was going to go into the Peace Corps and everything was good
I got accepted!
I was going through the clearances and then all of a sudden something came up, and now I don't get to go anymore.
I've been planning on this for years
and I gotta say that it feels like the floor has just been swept out from underneath me and
I've kind of been trying to figure out what am I gonna?
You know, I had revolved so much of my identity around this next step
And I'm just trying to figure out who I am again
So the only thing I could really think of to do at this point is
Sit down, make a list of all the things that I ALWAYS wanted to do, but told myself that I didn't have time,
and just start doing them.
I'm graduating in a few months
And I just feel like what better time than
To explore all my interests and passions then when I feel like I have no next step in life
And I'm just kind of hoping that something will stick and I'll be able to take it to the next step
So in life I've been stuck for a long time
You know I've been at the school that I don't particularly like being at. In a major
I'm not sure it's gonna lead me to what I want. In a relationship that seems to be going nowhere
just breaking up and getting back together for years because it's all we know and
I just feel like I need change you know? And within the past few months
I've started to get change! One of the things always wanted to do was cut all my hair off
And now it's short, and I love it!! <3
Another thing that I wanted to do is I had officially cut things off with my ex-boyfriend
a year ago and I
started dating one of my close guy friends
And we made it official so that's another great thing that I'm so thankful that I did.
I'm just wanting to keep going with this. There's so many things that I want to do that
I've been scared to move on because it's just such a big change for me
But if I'm doing something that's expressing who I am and I'm following what I really want
The outcomes, they can't really be bad because I'm doing things that are true to myself so...
This is my story, and I hope you can learn something and hopefully feel inspired from
Seeing my adventures, and if nothing else hopefully you'll be entertained
Sharing these experiences can help you guys as well because maybe there are things in your life thing. You've always wanted to do but
Haven't had the time or money or just haven't been ready to take that leap yet
I'm ready to leap and just roll with it and see where I end up.
So if you want to follow my journey go ahead and hit subscribe below
So you can get updated on all my latest adventures
I'd love if you'd leave something in the comments about what you've always wanted to do
But have been putting off, something that you've always dreamed of and sounds amazing to you, but you've never had a chance to experience.
President Trump Gives Audience Rare, Up Close Look at His Hair - Duration: 1:47.
{Top Santé} Les 7 pires habitudes après les repas - Duration: 3:49.
Top 10 Richest WWE Superstars in 2018 - Highest Paid Professional Wrestlers - WOW WWE Prediction - Duration: 2:31.
Top 10 Richest WWE Superstars in 2018 - Highest Paid Professional Wrestlers - WOW WWE Prediction
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