Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 1 2018


all right let's get you plugged in with

E or is it wifey why don't we just go in

and we are online


we are going to the super excited

is one minor thing what is the internet

holy cow look at all this stuff really

in these 10 child stars went to prison

number six will amaze you

redirecting to ebay ladies and gentlemen

the next item up a black velvet painting

of a sorrowful kitten it's like it's

looking into my soul yeah that one's

really gonna haunt me for a while


Thank You Lucy

good see I don't understand why people

like this game raised in milkshake let's

speed it up pick it pick it the kitty

for a little while

no the kitty gets the milk shake the

bunny okay


For more infomation >> Exclusive - Ralph Breaks The Internet | Wreck-it Ralph 2 (2018) official Trailer - Duration: 3:27.


Piramide Decenas Loteria Nacional Para Gordito del Zodiaco Febrero 2018 Decenas Gordito Millonario - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Piramide Decenas Loteria Nacional Para Gordito del Zodiaco Febrero 2018 Decenas Gordito Millonario - Duration: 1:15.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Engineers & Public Prepare For Colorado-Built GOES-S Satellite Launch - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Engineers & Public Prepare For Colorado-Built GOES-S Satellite Launch - Duration: 1:50.


CS:GO Update - Tracers & Viewmodel Changes • Canals • Series 3 Pin Bags - Duration: 3:18.

An update just came out, and as always I'm bringing you guys a video on it.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here.

So there's some interesting but small changes to the game that I'm going to look more closely at.

Starting with some tracer modifications or you could call it, improvements.

Weapon tracers now appear to come from the weapon muzzle more reliably but they also

added a tracer to the first bullet for guns that fire a tracer every few bullets.

This should fix the tracers when you have sv_infinite_ammo set to 1.

So to keep in short, tracers have basically been fine-tuned.

You can decide to turn tracers on or off using the command: r_drawtracers_firstperson.

This controls only what you see, and it won't control the tracers from other players.

I like to have this OFF, just because it feels cleaner on the screen, and it helps me focus.

You might me like more ON cause it might be easier to track your spray.

But speaking of tracking your spray, next is a big one on viewmodels.

Viewmodels now react to weapon recoil & aimpunch, just like back in the old days.

The gun now points in the direction of the recoil.

Oh and I find it kind of amusing that I just made a video about weapon movement and then

this comes out.

Anyway, the command is called viewmodel_recoil.

Default value is 1, and you can set it to 0 to disable it.

It's not cheat-protected which means you can disable it in a competitive game.

In short, turning it off makes the viewmodel move less.

The downside of disabling it could be that you want to follow the viewmodel movement

to track your spray.

The upside of disabling it is that you see more of your screen and it becomes less cluttered.

I'm going to disable it and I'll give you guys an update on Twitter to tell you what I feel

about it.

Also, there's another command to let your crosshair get affected by the recoil as well

but it's cheat-protected.

After that they've made several fixes, stability issues and they've added stuff for Game state

integration and sound stream which I'm not going to cover in this video.

They've also made some changes to Canals to further improve the map.

For example this cover here, uhm yeah, they've lowered tunnels near water to spot Ivy easier,

Ivy has been fine-tuned a bit near the self-boost area, these stairs are larger, there are some

stairs here and that's pretty much it.

Apart from the update, you can now buy the Series 3 Blind Bags from Valve's store.

When you get one, you get a physical pin and a key to unlock the same pin so you can use

it in-game.

If you get the Howl Pin or the Brigadier General Pin for example you could probably sell it

for an expensive amount online and keep the physical version for yourself.

So guys, let me know down below if you're going to play with first-person tracers now

that they've been improved, and the new but old viewmodel recoil feature.

That's the video, I hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO Update - Tracers & Viewmodel Changes • Canals • Series 3 Pin Bags - Duration: 3:18.


Notre essai de la Porsche 718 Cayman S en 30 photos - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Notre essai de la Porsche 718 Cayman S en 30 photos - Duration: 2:05.


评袁二修宪(魏京生) - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 评袁二修宪(魏京生) - Duration: 4:51.


大S晒家庭合照引人羡,小S屡次拍醉酒痛哭视频,家暴还债太辛酸 - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> 大S晒家庭合照引人羡,小S屡次拍醉酒痛哭视频,家暴还债太辛酸 - Duration: 9:35.


Heather Lock­lear : la star de Melrose Place arrê­tée après avoir frappé des poli­ciers - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Heather Lock­lear : la star de Melrose Place arrê­tée après avoir frappé des poli­ciers - Duration: 2:57.


Porsche arrête la production de ses modèles Diesel… provisoirement - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Porsche arrête la production de ses modèles Diesel… provisoirement - Duration: 2:57.


Plus belle la vie en replay : le résumé de l'épisode 3463 du mercredi 31 janvier - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie en replay : le résumé de l'épisode 3463 du mercredi 31 janvier - Duration: 3:56.


Johnny : comment les Macron ont convaincu David et Laura d'as­sis­ter à l'hom­mage popu­laire - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Johnny : comment les Macron ont convaincu David et Laura d'as­sis­ter à l'hom­mage popu­laire - Duration: 2:44.


CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...

For more infomation >> CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...


Le meilleur pâtissier célébrités 3 : Gâteaux d'enfance revisités et gros ratages - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Le meilleur pâtissier célébrités 3 : Gâteaux d'enfance revisités et gros ratages - Duration: 3:52.


Iyanla Opens Up About the Secret Death of Her Birth Mother | Iyanla: Fix My Life | OWN - Duration: 1:38.

IYANLA VANZANT: I'm concerned for you because anybody that

grows up in the midst of secrets and lies loses touch with who they are.

Ask me how I know that.

Ask me how I know what it means to grow up with secrets and lies.


IYANLA: 'Cause I did it.

I grew up all my life thinking one woman was my mother who wasn't.

And everybody around me lied to me.

So, at 30, with three children, I found out that the woman

I thought was my mother was not my mother.

My mother, my birth mother had died when I was two.

And nobody saw fit to tell me.

So, at 30 I had to figure out who the hell are you.

You're 19. I'm so excited that you get to do it much earlier than I did.

Secrets and lies.

Ain't your secret, ain't your lie, but it's your life.

KAMIYAH: I keep hearing you say secrets and lies

but I just don't want to hear you call my mom a liar.

IYLANLA: But what if she did lie?

KAMIYAH: Okay, she may have.

But we're not gonna call her a liar.


For more infomation >> Iyanla Opens Up About the Secret Death of Her Birth Mother | Iyanla: Fix My Life | OWN - Duration: 1:38.


Good Buoys -「🔴Mario Odyssey Balloon Race」 - Duration: 1:43:41.

For more infomation >> Good Buoys -「🔴Mario Odyssey Balloon Race」 - Duration: 1:43:41.


Trying on Fashion Nova clothes with my son - Haul - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Trying on Fashion Nova clothes with my son - Haul - Duration: 8:01.


Je parle ce que je pense mnt en japonais #1 (sous-titre en français 仏字幕付き) - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> Je parle ce que je pense mnt en japonais #1 (sous-titre en français 仏字幕付き) - Duration: 9:33.


Claire de L'amour est dans le pré 10 annonce son mariage - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Claire de L'amour est dans le pré 10 annonce son mariage - Duration: 1:32.


Essai Porsche 911 R : la GT3 du puriste ! - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Essai Porsche 911 R : la GT3 du puriste ! - Duration: 6:29.


Porsche arrête la production de ses modèles Diesel… provisoirement - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Porsche arrête la production de ses modèles Diesel… provisoirement - Duration: 2:57.


BMW 740e iPerformance : notre avis sur la Série 7 hybride rechargeable - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 740e iPerformance : notre avis sur la Série 7 hybride rechargeable - Duration: 7:01.


Health Coaching naturally to optimize your health for more energy and vitality - Duration: 10:20.

Welcome to eBodyFUSION

If you're not at the site go to

I'm a health coach specializing in basically mitochondrial health and I am an expert in the use

of microcurrent therapy and especially the SCENAR type devices out of Russia

and so I have training and coaching programs for you to achieve and

maximize your health and solve a lot of pain issues and really get on track and

make sure that you've got the mindset to really optimize your health for the rest

of your days so my name is Benedick Howard as I said I'm a health coach and

this is my site and we just brief over view of main things that you you should

I would like you to take a look at. To begin with on this page you have the latest

blog that we put up and a lot of different articles there for you and I

encourage you to read these because they have a lot of background information as

to why I've chosen the healing path that

I've chosen to and and so let's go on to this latest thing that I created which

was on this Wellness Ninja Manifesto and that is a 68 page booklet that you can

read and it has my five uncommon energy secrets and this is where really where

eBofyFUSION got its name , from "e" energy electrical energy and most

of our cases but in the body and infusing it with that energy

so Wellness Ninja Manifesto is actually about my thirty years in this field of

health coaching really pioneering pioneering different devices or

different protocols for helping people get well really quickly and I'm 67 I run

that wasn't me actually running on the beach in the earlier slide there and I

run every day about two to four miles now

get back into my Ashtanga yoga. So the Wellness Ninja Manifesto is this

booklet that is really about setting you in the right mindset so that if you were

to come into coaching with me then you could use that too, but if you chose just

to work with the exercises in the booklet and follow the examples that I've given

there you will be able to do it on your own if that's work that you'd rather

do alone, check it out before you come in with me it's free for you and so

please understand the my results ares not typical

and everybody's different and of course motivation and mindset are huge.

So take a look at that Wellness Ninja Manifesto page it's available the link to it is from health coach link the

top article about health coach Benedick's Wellness Ninja Manifesto.

Alos I have lots of different resources for you too and let me begin with YouTube

one up here and because we have I don't know how many hundreds of

videos do please SUBSCRIBE and from time to time I'll be releasing stuff

during the week and you won't be notified by email as I release

little snips here and there and especially as I release the Wellness

Saturday show that I have been doing up on Facebook. As you can see there's a lot

of different lemon juice for low energy even after a good night's sleep

you know pick you up just these little - laughter, health tips!

Learn how we can use SCENAR the electrical microcurrent devices out of Russia

for colds and coughs and I've got different videos oh this isn't loading

I'm sorry guys but um I should have loaded it before a whole bunch any and

it goes on and the DENAS PCM 6 is one of the best units and most certainly

the most cost-effective and a very unit. I'm no going to be no longer going to

be selling the DENAS PCM6 or the Vertebra, frankly we've had shipping problems over

the last three months and until that clears out I'm no longer selling those

units but I do once you've subscribed to the email I will if you ask for it I

will send you the link to my sources in Russia and they can get you prices that

on par with eBay for instance. So let's um move on that's one of the so a lot of

videos in here and so go check them out you can check me out and you can also

find you know videos that I made on this is six-minute one on earth in therapy

and and also comparing it to microcurrent it's very very similar and

when you have the different frequencies that choose from hey that's how how you

can really maximize the results. Over here on Facebook I've got this wellness

Saturday's show I call it and and when you join to this group please answer

questions that I have at the beginning and and you'll have access to about

presently over 15 shows or Wellness Saturdays live streams that I've put

together and that they're all up in here and me talking on the camera over there

to. Putting together you know conversations around the different

beliefs I have that which you'll find in the manifesto and one of them is

basically you know you it's in that mindset if I said already but it's

really in tuning into your body and knowing what to do getting off old

habits and bringing in the new ones. So over here on this page which is accessed

I'll show you in a moment you can get that's a free self-assessment you know I'd rather you yet the manifesto and sign up and get the manifesto and

read through the manifesto this is a brief of it

read through the manifesto and get an idea where I'm coming from

and then move over to the self-assessment page and there you can

get fill it up form and how healthy is diet, is it totally organic to

lots of fast foods and GMOs and processed meats whatever ..

The qualities that I'm asking for here because they really initiate

and help me to us assess how energized your body is

and where it is in that energy spectrum and you know that's what we're about at eBodyFUSION.

let's move me out of the way

they're over here

This device I would highly recommend if you know about the SCENAR

world and you've trained with the SCENAR to these protocols you know the

very the spine protocol known as the three pathways doing it yeah here we go

the three pathways measuring down the spine and keeping this data here and

then using that data. Well what we have in this device which is the Vertebra

which is extraordinary is these electrodes that measure these different

positions that we've been measuring down the back manually so it does it all automatically.

All of the benefits that you get from the SCENAR spectrum **BAM** you've got

right there in one unit does amazing work and it feels like little massage

fingers going up and down your spine it's really really nice.

So I wanted to share this with you as an overview of what we've got to offer you.

If you are looking for a microcurrent devices are other ones that still will be selling they're

listed at the top of the page there and let's see if we can find it

we've got articles blog

yeah these different devices for instance the ENARTS

and Avazzia I'm confident I can get you those so the Avazzia pro sports

etc those will be available.More on that during month and changing the website

over according to this message. So Aloha from Hawaii, be sure to download the

Wellness Ninja Manifesto here and let's see if I can get down to it the download

link, just sign up sign your name in there sent to a messenger page and just

click on that and download it from messenger so we can keep in contact with you so

I'd love to hear feedback from you about the Wellness Ninja Manifesto and you know check

out check out this first page over here or this first post and which is

releasing March the first clicks yeah here we go and

it's messing up but anyway you get the gist of it now looking forward to

contacting with you I'll be doing the Wellness Saturday's shows on on Facebook

which is two members of that group only they'll be live on alternate Saturdays. Aloha

For more infomation >> Health Coaching naturally to optimize your health for more energy and vitality - Duration: 10:20.


Notre essai de la Porsche 718 Cayman S en 30 photos - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Notre essai de la Porsche 718 Cayman S en 30 photos - Duration: 2:05.


Positive Thoughts | Inspirational Quotes | Motivation Lines | WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:32.

Whatsapp Status Video

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