- So it's time for new brand photos,
and you have no idea where to start.
You don't know what kinds of questions
to ask the photographer, you don't know
what kinds of photos you should be requesting,
you don't know how much it should cost.
Well, have no fear.
Malika Malhotra has you covered
in The Brand Photography Playbook,
and I'm gonna be reviewing this book for you guys today.
So this is the insider's guide to planning your photo shoot
and building a stand-out brand.
And let me tell you, it is so beautiful on the inside,
so well put together, so many amazing examples
of what good photography looks like.
This has been put together really, really well.
I really enjoyed this book, and I know that
this is something that, not only did I enjoy
reading through the first time,
but it's something great to kind of have on hand
to just dig through, because there's so many amazing
resources inside here, as well as tips and advice
for choosing your photographer.
The types of questions you should ask.
Malika did a really good job getting really in-depth
with the types of questions.
I gotta say, that was probably one of the things
that stood out the most to me inside of this book,
was the area where she put in all of the different questions
you should be asking your photographer,
and all the different things you should be
thinking about when it comes to
creating brand photography for your business.
It's not just show up, take a couple of snaps,
and good luck with that.
You know, she really breaks it down and thinks about
all the things that you're not thinking about,
because you're not a professional brand photographer.
It is absolutely brilliant, and I would say a must-have
for anybody who is running a business
where they need brand photography,
but aren't quite sure, first of all,
what brand photography is, second of all,
how to actually create and get good photos for your brand,
and what that actually encompasses, you know?
It's so much deeper than, hey, just,
let's put some lipstick on you,
we'll throw you in a fancy dress,
and stand you up against this wall.
Malika's approach, and she breaks down her actual process
that she works through with her clients,
is, you know, really in-depth.
The process is very comprehensive.
It's not just on the surface, it's deep,
and it is the next level.
And I guess that's the difference between having
good brand photos, and just regular, I guess,
photography, is she takes the time and effort
to work with her clients and really figure out
what their passions are, what's important to them,
you know, kind of where they're going in their business,
what are the things that make them unique
and stand out and different.
Because that's what's really gonna set you apart
from your competition when you have a business
that you're running and the only thing that people
get to see are your photos, or are your videos, you know?
Really creating that thing that differentiates you.
And it takes a really talented photographer
to be able to capture that.
One of the other things that I really, really
liked about this book was there's so many checklists,
and so many different areas where she literally
breaks things down, step-by-step.
And if you're anything like me,
you love a good step-by-step.
I love a good checklist, a good step-by-step.
I like to see everything kind of laid out.
I don't want to have to connect all the dots myself,
and she did a brilliant job laying everything out
inside of this book.
So I am highly recommending you guys check this out,
and I have a copy of The Brand Photography Playbook
for one lucky winner.
All you need to do is make sure
you're subscribed to this channel,
and then let me know in the comments below.
Are you a rising star, a leading lady or a leading man,
or a celebrity a-lister?
Good luck!
I will also include a link so you can go ahead
and check out Malika's book.
I'll include that below as well.
And I want you to remember you are someone's
reason to smile, so don't give up.
If you like this video, go ahead and like it
and share with all your favorite friends,
and I will see you soon.
For more infomation >> Brand Photography Playbook: Video Book Review - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Kenny G playlist, Best song of Kenny G - Duration: 1:36:32.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
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"Oh look.
Someone's walking with a green and yellow basket!"
A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love and on the way I dropped it
I dropped it, I dropped it, and on the way I dropped it
A little girl she picked it up and put it in her pocket.
"Oh no!
I wonder if he will get his letter and his green and yellow basket back?"
She took it she took it my little yellow basket
And if she doesn't bring it back I don't know what I'll do
A-tisket a-tasket
My green and yellow basket
The little girl she brought it back with my letter in her pocket
"I'm so glad he got his letter and basket back!
Bye bye kids!"
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Racing Sports Network
Illuminated Silhouettes - Duration: 9:51.
Hey everybody! In today's video I'm going to show you how to create illuminated
silhouettes. I fell in love with this technique after I saw one of our
challenge hosts post it on Splitcoast, (and here I'm giving you a sneak peek of
a video to come.) I'm using the We Must Celebrate stamp set from Stampin' Up! with
the little critters - these are so cute and I've seen lots of samples with them
but this one makes it look really different. I'm using the largest of my
Hero Arts Circle Infinity dies to cut myself a semicircle from my favorite
masking paper which will be linked below, and I also wanted to show you a tip
using the release paper from the stamps that comes with cling stamps. Now I take the
negative space of the masking paper where I had cut out the semicircle and
I've adhered that to a card panel and I'm just going to cut up a couple of
pieces of sponge here. I'll be starting with Lemon Lime Twist ink. I'm making
basically a little planet here, and I'm just going to sponge that all over
and then switch to tranquil tide for the bottom section, just to make it a little
bit darker, and you don't have to worry about getting it perfectly smooth but I
do find that if I dab off the ink on my mat before I start sponging I get a
smoother look to the sponging. So now I will remove the top part of the mask and
add masking paper that I've punched with my one and three-eighths inch circle
punch - this is going to be a little moon - and then take the semicircle and
position it over the area that I've already sponged. Now I'll do the same
thing for the sky. I'm starting with tempting turquoise ink so this will be
my lightest ink, and I'm making sure to sponge right up against the edge of that
masking paper because I don't want a white gap between the little planet and
the sky, and it's hard to see here in the video but I do actually position that
semicircle mat just a hair inside the edge of the planet because if that light
blue overlaps a little bit you're not really going to notice it on the planet,
but you would notice a really bright white stripe in between the two of those.
So I've switched to Pacific Point ink for the top, and I do want this top part
to be darker so I'm using Night of Navy. However, I want the area around that
little moon to stay somewhat bright, to make it look like it is glowing,
so I'm avoiding that area with my darkest navy blue ink.
Normally when you look at the moon this is sort of what you see,
so I'll slow this back down just a little bit. Sorry I'm wiggling my table
really badly - I guess I'm pressing a little bit harder than I thought.
I also want some light to be given off on the planet itself because that's
going to help you see my images a little bit better, so I'll leave a space there
as well just like I did with the moon. The more you go over each area that
you sponge, the smoother you can make it. I like the kind of foggy cloudy look and
so I don't work too hard at that. So when I remove the mask you can see
how cool the planet looks and how crisp the moon will be,
and now we're ready to stamp!
So I will take my MISTI - I have customized my MISTIwith the turquoise
tapes that she sells. I love those, and I'm going to position the little
critters on my planet. Now the key is to make sure that none of their feet are
sticking off the planet - that would be extremely unnatural and weird,
they cannot defy gravity as far as I know - at least not in my little scene. So
I'm kind of feeling where the edges at their feet are and then I'm also going to
check by just closing the lid of the MISTI to pick up the stamp but also to
show me where the edge of their feet will come out.
I did get them a little crooked so I'm fixing that and then I'm just taking a
peek just at the actual image itself to see where that falls.
I'll take one more peek with the magnet since that fell out and that
looks good to me - no one is flying off the planet, so now we are ready to stamp.
I'm going to use memento ink because I will be using Copic markers and you
don't really have to worry about how well it's inked up or if you need to
stamp it multiple times in the MISTI and you will see why.
So there they are all safely on their planet. It was a little bit of a squeaker
for the rabbit but he's safe, and I'm just going to start coloring these.
You can use any alcohol marker I'm starting with the brush Sharpie just
because it covers so much area so fast but you can use all Copic marker, you can
use a combination of Sharpie and Copic whatever you like.
I will need some finer point pens to get like those teeny teeny squirrel ears and
the little hands on the bear, so that's what I'm doing here.
I won't make you watch me do this whole thing - that would be extremely
painful, so here's how they look when they're finished, and how it makes it
look like they are facing away from you.
Now if you have more room on your card I just wanted to show you that you can use
the little template that's left - the outline of the stamps to create really
realistic shadows if you hang on to that when you get your stamp set.
Now the last detail is just to add a little bit of light as you would see it
if these little critters were really in the dark with the moon shining on them.
So I will speed this up just a tiny bit but I did want to show you what I'm
doing. In some places I give them a little bit of texture like on the bear -
that almost looks like fur is lighted up on his head - or lit -
It's Monday morning - I cannot think straight, and I certainly can't
speak straight! But you just want to add little
highlights all over you don't really have to worry about light source where
it's coming from or if this is accurate, you're just creating a mood with the
light that is shining on these little animals and they're so cute.
To me it sort of looks like a scene from Guardians of the Galaxy. Now I'm noticing
that I just didn't color his arm in, so I'm going to have to go back and fix that
poor little fox! Or is that a raccoon? I think it's a
raccoon. I will color his arm black and fill him in all the way, but this is such
a cute way to turn a line art image into a silhouette image. I will link you to
the challenge post on Splitcoast where I saw the transformation that she did of
her stamps, and it is phenomenal! Hers was sort of a Halloween image and I think
this is just perfect for Halloween, but when I saw these little critters I knew
it I can make a fun little scene with them as well. There are other techniques
and tutorials on Splitcoast for how to turn line art images into silhouette
images. One of them is a German paper cutting technique where you actually use
cardstock to create your silhouette of the stamped image. That is an older
tutorial from Splitcoast that I just love!
Now I'm using my n4 Copic marker to just draw out a general shape of the shadow
of each animal, and I'm doing that because this is the lighter of my greys
that I'm using today, and I want to make sure that I get this shape right before
I commit to darker grey, so I sort of sketch them out try to get the general
shape of the animal and then I come back and make the shadow darker with an n8
marker. I don't want it as dark as the animals but I do want to make it look
like there's a strong light source in the front that's casting a shadow behind
them on the planet, but doing it first with a lighter marker really helps me
get the shape right, so, practice is art! Make sure you practice a little!
So there's my little scene - very fun, very sort of moody and atmospheric,
and I chose a sentiment that I thought was just perfect since we're looking at
the back of these animals - "we're behind you all the way." So that's my card
for today! Thanks so much for watching!
I Got Everything Done In 1 Day?! - Duration: 14:38.
all right well let's see if we can make today a productive day I'm here in
Yamaha of Olympia I'm gonna drop the bike off with them got a list of stuff I
want to get done but Oh first guys check it out
registered in Washington for a year it turns out that was very easy to just
give him the California title and my registration cost one hundred and forty
six dollars and transfer it to Washington State and get it registered
here to here it's gonna be like 66 bucks but like I paid taxes in California at
their rate of whatever it is and so since I'm a Washington resident who
bought a bike out of state they had to apply the hundred and nine dollar tax
that I paid on the $1500 price and then add the new Washington state sales tax
which added like twenty six dollars of extra sales tax that I had to pay but at
least they counted what I had already paid in California I know that's weird
but anyway we're all good gonna jump the bike off and then we got some other
errands to run today so uh AAMCO here in Olympia does not have the required space
height or equipment to do to service my transmission as it turns out Jiffy Lube
doesn't and they actually cut you a deal if you're doing other services so I'm
gonna go to the Jiffy Lube right up here on the right where I've taken all of my
RVs before before I started doing my own oil changes in everything and I'm gonna
go ahead and have them do my royal change today because it's just more
convenient and everything and also gonna get some other services like I said a
transmission serviced as well as rear differential fluid done so it's just
more convenient that way Jackson I can sit in the lobby while they get
everything done you know I'm not gonna be soaking wet
underneath the RV
you keep an eye on all over their decks yeah making sure they take good care
Yoda yeah I'm pretty used to waiting rooms now aren't you yeah it's pretty
normal you get oh really oh okay oh is it like your spot you sit way over there
you know you could sit by me no you good all right well then I'll let you know
everything goes you just relax all right real quick I'm gonna pull into this
marine place here not buying any boats or anything but I wonder if I can get
some good heavy-duty chain to secure my bike so I'm gonna go see what they have
as far as anchor chain no dice on chain here they do sell anchors but they don't
do any kind of custom work but actually change of plants just talked to my
mechanic buddy Andrew he is going to pick me up at Les Schwab and take me
downtown Olympia to Olympia supplies so here we go pillbug les schwab again drop
the RV off with them and see what we can do
alright cool bean its 11:40 in the morning I am dropping the RV off with
Les Schwab here and legacy anyway we're gonna try to simulate it I gotta do it
this is the only part I'm not looking forward to so Jackson I'll see you in
several hours alright I am parking out here at a park and ride in Lacey gonna
do it overnight I will just mention there's really only one rule here and
that is that you can only Park for 48 hours max so there's vehicles here at
all times of the day there's security cameras and so far next time I come here
though are it'll have a big sign that say no rvs allowed but I am 100%
utilizing that in the way that the RV stays parked here and then I go pick up
the bike so I'm literally parking and writing that's my argument anyway but
anyway when I went down to Olympia supply down there by the way really
helpful people there I got some nice hat and I got an Olympia supply blue t-shirt
love that blue very helpful so what they got me is I can't remember the thickness
I want to say this is 18 millimeters thick but this you can see it in my hand
right it is heavy and bulky it's massive okay so I got 7 feet of this and that's
gonna go through the bumper through the steel under there and then it's going to
come through right here at the bike and basically I'm gonna have a big lock that
you're gonna see on the outside I order the lock it's coming it's a kryptonite
lock same thickness it's 18 millimeters thick and you would have to cut that in
two different spots in order to break free because it still stays locked in
position once you cut one side but the one thing I want to do that I haven't
figured out yet is to make this less see I feel like this is gonna like scratch
paint or something what kind of a bike lock has material
around the outside maybe I'll measure the diameter or what
this is and find out or I'll so thought about possibly getting some of that
plasti drip that you could spray on just lay it out flat Spray one coat let that
dry turn it over spray another coat that way it would have a white piece of like
rubber protectant that way it'll protect the bike wall
it's up here but ya still thinking about that in my head how I want to do that
for now at least I actually got the biggest bulkiest chain you can buy to
protect the bike on the back and the lock is coming so Olympia supply thank
you so much guys just waiting for the call on the bike now and then I'll take
the motor home over there go pick it up and we'll be back here alright so cool I
do apologize if my videos are out of order here because I don't know if I
filmed every single thing but this is the actual last part of the day was
picking up the bike got a full service so check this out they did an oil change
with all new o-rings there's what five o rings on here new spark plug they
serviced the carb they serviced the chain they also inspected the tires and
the brakes for me so everything is good on those ends and not the biggest of
things but I just wanted a DC plug so they hardwired into my Quick Connect for
the trickle charger up here to DC ports so that I can charge things as I'm
driving whether that be a cell phone and big thank you to Jason for installing
this one of camping with the Kelly's and then if I wanted to charge a GoPro as
well at some point or anything else I want to charge on the road I won't be
dead just in case but yeah now malama is good to go 100% as we leave Yamaha of
Olimpia so I'm gonna load her back up and head over to the park and ride the
bike wasn't the last thing I still have not talked to you guys about Les Schwab
I'm not gonna go into details about this I'm just gonna say that Les Schwab is
saying that it's out of their hands and the problem I'm experienced is not
related to any of the work that they did they did back in July in other words
they don't think it has to do with the drums themself they think it could be
related to leaf springs or the axle rear differential itself and they were not
even willing to replace any parts today which sound kind of strange because all
the other times last year they just replaced parts they weren't gonna do it
this time so I don't know
I don't know the RV still stops I've been dealing it
with it for over eight months now so we move on and say this is as good as it's
ever gonna get no problem no worries okay so get parked over here parked over
here they service the chain as well and said it's good but I'm gonna be cleaning
that myself and maintaining the chain and the carb on the road from here on
out guys that's right so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna drive the bike off if
it's not raining as well as much as I can and then I'm gonna put the new cover
on the bike see how that fits alrighty I'm actually fairly happy with the fit
guys this style I wanted had the most stars it has the most protected against
Sun and rain and dust and durable wind and I told you guys I ordered from
Empire covers dot-com online again I like their stuff I like the last cover
I had so you will notice with the cover on I mean it completely blocks the old
lights so absolutely necessary for those external lights and I don't know I said
it's still there's still some play in it it's not like a solid cover but yeah I
had to use some of these guys here to create an eye hole for the bungees down
here so there's one on the front of each tire that pull it down and then same
thing back here for whatever reason they actually shipped me five of these with
my package to be able to put anywhere I want on this cover so that was kind of
cool but I like the cover while we're sharing new things let me show you my
pride and joy I talked I showed you guys in my last video I think my $250 riding
pants with protection in them well here's my coat
it's a Joe Rocket motorcycle coat again it has all of the pads and stuff in all
the important spots there's one on the back as well it's a three layer coat
obviously it's blue like my Yamaha it's gonna match perfectly
for summer riding it's got some additional stuff where you can pull this
down and clip them together and allow ventilation to come through and then you
can strip away two of the other layers inside as well got pockets everywhere
inside and it's comfy it actually fits really well and it's comfortable I don't
know for sure that I'll be wearing it in the summertime like this summer but
we'll see I'll try what it's like without the two inner stuff in there but
yeah no promises how about this I actually got the smoked
mirrored lens aftermarket it came with a clear lens instead but I just love how
easy it goes up and down and it has lots of ventilation it's made by Bell I got
it right there at the Yamaha Motor Sports store they're for $119 and for
the time being like I said if I find anybody who's interested in the red
helmet that I have it's a large size full face helmet let me know if somebody
can have it I'm gonna travel with it for a while at least until I can find a way
to give it away but yeah that's some of my new equipment that I'm really excited
about so once I got the pants and the boots and I got the leather gloves the
blue jacket the black helmet pretty cool I'm pretty excited today was crazy I
basically got everything done - the les schwab I didn't get the answer I want
but I'm done I'm past it everything else I needed like I said is ordered and good
to go so it's just a matter of waiting four or
five days from now and then by
like I said I'm over here in the Hawks prairie lacy area at this park and ride
there are a couple other Park and rides I don't need to stay in town so for the
next 3-4 days there's no reason for me to be in this town that apparently hates
me but I still in a wait till the morning to give you an update I'm
curious if this is gonna work here overnight as much problems as I had
since I've been back like the signage over there it even says limit stay to 48
hours it doesn't say limit parking it says limit your stay here to 48 hours
and that's exactly what I'm doing but you know who knows look I said I
would almost guarantee you that six months from today's date in February
every poll here will say no Class C RVs would not surprise me and if you're
listening to this Thurston County you should do it anyway
you should anyway I'll get back with you guys in the morning
you snuggling up with dad jacks yeah staying warm
yeah man that's how we do it whoo
not really a whole lot to share that the generator right on right now I'm running
the main furnace reason being is because if I run the buddy heater in the morning
it doesn't really heat the bathroom but the furnace has an actual vent that
goes to the bathroom and heats the bathroom in there so got the water
heater on getting ready for a shower it rained and rained and rained last night
here at the park-and-ride but no problems no issues at all in fact it was
really quiet the only real thing that you have to consider about this area is
the main dump right there and you can probably see it's pretty windy out there
and then all the wind stops but anyway yeah every once in a while it does smell
kind of stinky over here hey no issues parking here and I probably will not
utilize this spot again on this particular trip so you know it may or
may not work for you I don't know I doubt it though
guys have a good day gonna get out of Thurston County again while I'm waiting
for packages and then get back on the road here pretty soon
so have a good day Jackson I'll see you later
Why Not to Buy a Porsche - The Worst Sports Car - Duration: 2:43.
rev up your engines!
Porsche's they're beautiful cars, they have great handling and quick
acceleration, and today I'm going to tell you why you should never buy one, a customer of mine
just purchased this one as a toy, he paid about $7000 for it, it's only got
68 thousand miles on it and it looks beautiful, but somebody paid over fifty
thousand dollars for this car when it was brand new, so why oh why did it lose 43
thousand dollars of its 50 thousand dollar value, when it still looks so good
and still runs decently, and here comes the answer, it's got a mid-engine which
is great for handling, but horrible for repair, as you can see in this picture
the engine is way up front here in the middle, it's very hard to work on, you
can't even see it without taking a body off, so in an actual car that's all
hidden way down in here, say something like a water pump goes out and when we
look under the car, needless to say there's not too much working room up
there in the engine, this thing is really something to work on when you have an
engine problem, well in a normal car with the engine in the front, I can do most
water pumps in an hour or so, might cost you two or three hundred bucks, but on this
thing, just changing out a water pump is going to cost you well over a thousand
dollars, and literally that's just the tip of the iceberg, I had a customer with a
911 Porsche, it needed two catalytic converters, and the bill would have been
over seventy four hundred dollars to replace them, he just got rid of the car
instead, now yes they aren't really fun cars to drive and my customer was smart, he
got a standard transmission, because they're pretty reliable but the
automatics, they're very unreliable as they age and cost a fortune to rebuild
and while they do corner and drive quite well, they actually have a very rough
ride, especially with these low profile tires, every time I get one and I'm done
road testing it, I asked my wife if she wants to go for a ride, she says no
thanks I hate those things they ride like go-karts, now if your looking for
style, hey this might be for you, a lot of people say they're beautiful lawn
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ring that Bell!
[ENG SUB] BTS RUN EP 42 (방탄소년단)(Vietsub) - Duration: 25:28.
[Run BTS] [Sports Challenge]
Run BTS!
[BTS looks different today We look a little different today?
It feels like we're going to be using our bodies a lot today.
[Being funny] Hello Korea.
[Jungkook helps him out] - You got to have black color to make the Korean flag. - Yes.
Is it like a penalty?
[It's not a penalty but...] It is.
What is today's theme?
[Today's Run BTS!] [Sports Challenge]
[They must master 3 sports zones]
[They will be played individually and the member that come last will have a penalty]
[Today's penalty!] [The one that's last will wear the water hat]
[The other members will select from 8 handles]
[And the water will burst randomly]
[Who will have to do the penalty?]
I've ridden bikes for 17 years.
Me too.
[All the members are confident] I rode it everyday to school.
Isn't today just for Jungkook?
[Run BTS is warming up so they don't get hurt]
Shall we go to play? Run BTS!
The first game is screen bicycle.
[Screen bicycle game] [Sports Challenge]
[1. They must race for 0.8km on bicycles]
[2. And they must count the money they have before the race is over!]
[But they can not stop pedaling]
[3. In order of time of arrival, they will win points accordingly]
[4. The members who are waiting may bother the playing members by talking]
[Before starting] There is a countdown of 5 seconds.
You must be nervous guys.
[They look nervous] Go!
You can't count the money early.
[5 seconds later, the race begins] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[They start to bother at the beginning] - Go! - Go! Let's go. 10,000 and 50,000 won.
[Will they be able to survive?]
[Talking nonstop] 40,000 and 20,000 won.
[The pedaling has gotten slower] Everyone is slow.
10,000 won, 20,000 won, 30,000 won.
[Saying nonsense] 165,000 won.
It's 165,000 won.
One and two.
- 24, 25, 26... 264,000 won. - 10,000 won 1, 2, 3, 4.
[Walking around] 8.
It's 40,000 won!
[Noisy] - 435,000 won. - I think it's 172,000 won.
158,000 won.
[Bewildered] I forgot everything.
[While they were arguing]
[Jin is pedaling away after counting all his money]
[One two, one two]
[Counting again] Jungkook is counting again.
284,000 won, 285000 won, 286,000 won.
[Rider1, Rider2, Busy on his own]
[Jin is in the lead] Jin went over 500m.
[He's lost] Where do I go? Where?
512,000 won. He can't find the course!
[Jungkook is stilll counting]
[Almost done, off the tracks, stilll busy] Jin is almost there!
[Last energy!]
[Jin is the first one finished] Jin is doe.
[Today's counting genius] Jungkook is stilll counting.
Suga, how much longer do you have to go?
600m, 700m. Jungkook is slowly starting up again. Jungkook~
[Suga came in second]
[Finished 1, Finished 2] Don't you just have to go straight?
[Jungkook is excited~?]
[Why is he...] He looks like he has a lot of time on his hands.
[Relaxed] You'll be the last one in.
I don't know exactly how much there is.
[Jungkook is the third one in] - Finished. - Finished.
192,000 won.
- 192,000 won. - Correct.
[Correct, like a machine]
[Then me too!] 192,000, me too!
[Answer: 203,000 won] - 192,000 won. - Wrong!
211,000 won.
[Did he guess correctly?]
[Answer: 213,000 won] Wrong!
This is hard~
[RM & J-Hope & Jimin & V's turn!]
Why is this making me so nervous? I shouldn't be worried this much about winning.
[We cheer for your safety too] Safety is always first everyone.
[Collecting his thoughts]
This isn't easy as I thought it'd be.
Park Jimin started to count.
[Your radio] 75,000 won, 75,000 won.
[He's counting without breathing]
[Continuously bothering] - 123,000 won. - 102,000 won, 102,000 won.
[Bothering softly (Feat. Discount)] It's a bargain! 5,000 won! A discount.
[Sees his target] [Jumps] J-Hope!
[Starts focusing on J-Hope] J-Hope what are you doing? 5,000 won, 6,000 won, 7,000, 8,000?
[Hahaha, these 2 are having a laugh] What are you doing?
[Starts to nag] You shouldn't start counting now. There you go again.
This... Hey you...
[Nagging 2] He doesn't understand the value of money, you dropped it. 127,000 won, 212,000 won.
[He's just barely holding onto the money]
[Just go!] I don't know! I'm just going to trust my instincts.
[Everyone is at full speed] [But this guy...] Dropped it! Dropped the money!
[No! No!] [Oh no, he dropped his money] Dropped the money!
[At full speed!]
[One two, one two] Player's name is Kim Namjoon.
[Almost there] V, you can see RM!
[RM is the first one finished]
[Counting the money before he crosses the finish line]
[Jimin finished 2nd] It's over.
[Has second thoughts] You can't count once you're done.
[Everything is up to fate] I'm leaving it up to fate.
[V is the third one in]
All finished.
[Oh yeah, J-Hope] The goal is to just cross the finish line]
[J-Hope just barely made it] OK! Done.
211,000 won.
186,000 won.
[Answer: 191,000 won] Huh?
- 226,000 won. - Correct!
[Confident] 183,000 won.
[J-Hope was so close but wrong] - So close. - Again! Again!
[The staff gives him a chance to change his answer] Shall we give him another chance?
[Come on~ Not fair!] That's not fair. Isn't that against the rules?
[What should I do?] It's one of the two. 2,000 won or 4,000 won.
182,000 won.
[Swoosh, swoosh]
[Answer: 173,000 won]
[Screen bicycle results] [Sports Challenge]
[1st place RM - 2min.4.48 sec. - 7points-]
[2nd place Jimin - 2min.6.27 sec. - 6points-] [3rd place Jin - 2min.8.28 sec. -5 points-]
[Failed to guess!] [J-Hope, V, Suga, Jungkook]
[BTS is wearing safety equipment] OK! We're wearing safety equipment.
- Wow. - Yeah.
[What game requires safety equipment?] What's the next course?
[Rope course game!] This course is...
[Rope course challenge] [Sports Challenge]
[They will be awarded points according to the order they come in after the 7 courses]
[Zig-zag bridge - Rocking bridge - Climbing - Net bridge - Board bridge - Basket - Free Fall]
[1st player Jungkook] Jeon Jungkook.
- It's better to suffer first. - Let's go.
[Jungkook moves to the starting line] What's that? Do we press the start button?
[You can tell he's an athlete]
- Jungkook! - Yes?
- How is it? - I don't know. I haven't started yet.
[The 1st course is rockier than he thought] Hey! It's more shaky than I thought it'd be.
- Does it shake a lot? - The bridge is rocking a lot.
[Confident, worried] If you fall, you're out.
Knock knock~
Ready, go!
[Big steps]
[Look at him go] There he goes!
[He's doing so well]
[Looks of respect]
Is he like a hyena or something?
Is he like a spider-man?
[Nope, I'm Jeon Jungkook]
[His balance skills is like a scale] Jungkook's balance skills are amazing.
[So proud of him] Some people might think he's slow but
that's really hard to do.
No, I don't think he's slow at all.
[Enters the 3rd course]
Hey hey hey.
[What is it?]
[This is nothing]
[Gathers around]
[He must amazing athletic abilities]
[All stand to look at him go] What's that?
[Enters the 5th course quickly]
Hey! You look like Odeng.
[Have you ever seen Jungkook walk through the ropes like this?]
Wow~ You're so cool~
- Jungkook! - You're like Indiana Jones.
[Most difficult course, free fall!] Now it's time for the free fall.
[Not scared at all]
[He jumped!]
[Wait, have we seen this scene in the movies before?]
5 points.
What is his record?
[Jungkook - 2 minutes and 3 seconds]
[2nd player Suga] The 2nd player Suga.
[Nervous] It's rather high up.
[He's scared] Is Yoonki scared?
[Laughs] Hey! It's too high!
Just pretend like you're in a M/V shoot.
[He can't hear because he's so nervous] Yes, I'm ready.
[shaky] But 2 minutes and 3 seconds is...
[shaky] Yoonki is too shaky! He's shaky!
[Suga is going to cause a problem] Am I going to cause an issue for this?
I'm going to cause a problem.
Here I go!
[Yes, go ahead]
- One step! One step! - Foot, hand, foot, hand.
[Fact] Jungkook was really fast. You're like 3 times slower.
[I know that without you telling me]
[Very] - No tension at all, is there? - Nope.
[Finally the 2nd course] What's that?
It's already past 2 minutes!
[Bewildered] Are you supposed to go that slow?
- How do I get across? - Come on, start moving. Why aren't you moving?
How is that?
Huh? I'm not sure where to step.
Show us that you're good at something other than basketball!
[Confesses] I'm not good at anything other than basketball.
[So bright]
I'm going to sleep!
[Mis-communication] - You're going to the bathroom? - Can someone else go, Suga?
[Nope] I'm almost there. Wait up.
[Nonsense] Suga, pretend you're Odeng.
[He's talking nonsense too] [A different interpretation of Odeng] Odeng~ Odeng~
[Bewildered] Did Odeng cry like that?
[I don't know, just smile]
[Finally Suga arrived at the 6th course] Do I get on this?
Do I look cool? Do I look like Indiana Jones?
[Changing the subject] I think you'd look cool when you climb down.
[No artistic points] Are there any points for being artistic?
- Yes there is. - You have to hold on to the rope.
It's scary.
[He's worried for him] You have to hold on to the rope.
[He arrives with a strange sound!]
How many seconds?
[Suga - 5 minutes and 4 seconds] 5 minutes? Quicker than we thought!
[RM is sure that Jungkook is first] I think Jungkook will win for sure.
- And the else will compete against each other. - No, Jimin might do well.
- What course was the scariest? - It's hard to go fast.
You didn't look like you wanted to go any faster.
Safety! Safety!
[3rd player Jimin]
[The only hope of winning Jungkook] - Jimin! - Yes.
You're the only one that might win Jungkook.
Suga's record was 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
[Just win Suga!] My goal is to finish at 5 minutes and 3 seconds.
[Go!] 5 minutes and 3 seconds!
[Jimin goes forward] Safety! Safety! Safety!
[shaky] It shakes more than we thought it would.
Everyone, you have to put your foot first. Foot! Hand!
[That's not it] Why do I keep going in the wrong order?
[2nd course which shakes even more] The 2nd course is even harder.
- The 2nd course is harder. - Really? That bad?
[So excited] That's got to be interesting.
[Safety is all they talk about] - Safety! Safety! Safety! - Safety! Safety!
We have that safety song on Inkigayo.
[A serenade for Jimin~] What?
[It was like we were singing the campaign~]
[He has a lot of requests] Jimin, do a super jump!
[Don't talk] Be quiet.
[Run Jimin!]
[I'm scared...] Oh no, I hate being scared.
[Who is next?] Me too. Who is next?
[Can't finish his sentence] It's you.
- Wow~ Wow~ Wow~ - Be careful!
[Clears the 5th course]
[Expresses the happiness for the Olympics] Artistic points!
You looked like Yuna Kim.
[Finally the last course]
[How do I look?] [Like a children's hero]
You looked like a power ranger.
- How many seconds? - How many minutes?
[Jimin - 2 minutes and 28 seconds] [4th player - J-Hope]
I'm scared.
[What do you mean ready?] J-Hope, are you ready?
- Ready! - Go!
[Be aware of safety] Safety! Safety!
[Special effect sounds]
Are you on a swing?
[Risky looking] I think you're stilll going faster than Suga.
Wow guys!
[Clap] [Clap] J-Hope calm down. Calm down!
[Advice] You have to be careful here.
- The log takes a really long time. - I think he'll look real funny in this one.
[Foot - Hand...] - Hand, foot? - Hand, foot! Hand, foot!
Wow! Guys! Wow!
- This is hard. - J-Hope, you should think of setting 10 minutes as your goal.
Your goal is just to come past the finish line.
[Because you're so important to us] - Huh? - Just come in safely.
[Yes, you are] Am I going forward?
Whoa! Whoa!
[His last stand of pride] I think I'll beat Suga, won't I?
[Do you know you guys are about the same?]
I'm not sure if J-Hope is going to be able to jump from there
[Can't hear] What?
[White lie] - Nothing. - You're doing really well J-Hope.
It's 3 minutes and 5 seconds!
[Feeling better!] - 3 minutes and 5 seconds! - 3 minutes and 5 seconds?
You're a little faster than Suga.
- Do you have the time? - No.
- Let's go J-Hope. - Yell like Tarzan.
J-Hope, if you jump off now, you'll beat Suga.
[J-Hope is really scared] I have to jump with this?
- Hold on tight. - I hold on to this? Argh!
[All his energy is spent] [J-Hope - 5 minutes and 37 seconds]
[5th player V] Here I go.
[The advice from the course master] Just be careful of the first 3 courses.
- Honestly that one isn't that hard... - Ready!
[Moving forward quickly] V! V!
- V is faster than Jungkook. - He's so fast!
[V moves forward quickly]
[The audience is amazed] - Great! - So quick!
[Already at the 2nd course]
So quick! So fast!
[V is serious] [Saying nonsense] You're doing great.
[V is so serious he isn't saying a word]
Is he going to be 1st?
[Just move forward]
[Swoosh, and there!] Great!
[Here I go] V, you're fast as Jungkook was.
Hey! He's so fast.
[Why does he look handsome even while he's doing this?]
[Wow! That's my bro!]
[No points for being artistic] V, there are special points for being artistic.
[His pose is hard to understand!] So artistic.
3 points for being artistic!
[Excited] We're looking forward to your record.
This is where there's a delay.
[He requests a special message] Please yell out "I love you Yeontan"!
[I know how he feels!] He can't jump! He can't jump!
[It was a tough game] 10 points!
What's the record?
[V - 3 minutes and 7 seconds] - Good work. - It was scary.
[Good work] - I'm going to go nuts if I'm last again. - Jin!
Father of Suga Glide.
[Father of Suga Glider and the flying squirrel] He has both the Suga Glider and flying squirrel.
[Teach us a lesson!] Shouldn't you teach us a lesson or two?
[6th player Jin] Jump quickly.
Let's go.
It's scary.
[He's excited about Jin going] I'm looking forward to seeing Jin play.
Confidence! Confidence! Power!
[Today's highlight]
My heart is pounding too quickly.
His heart is pounding too quickly.
[Ready, go!]
He's not moving at all.
Wow! Wow!
You should make some choreography moves off of that.
How can he cross that in that pose?
[Everyone is complaining about the father of Suga Glider] You shouldn't be the father then.
Here I go! Odeng!
[He's in tears seeing Jin act so fatherly]
Please yell out "Ah" instead.
[I don't like "Ah"] Oh!
[Wait! A surprise quiz!]
- What is your favorite number? - 5!
- What were your first words? - Oh!
[How many times do you think Jin said "oh"?] A surprise quiz!
How many times do you think Jin said "oh"?
He might finish within 6 minutes.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
How do you cross that part?
You just have to hold on well.
[Just try] Just hold on well.
[Looking back on his actions] Sorry I gave you grief about going slowly.
[Don't worry] There's nothing to be sorry about.
[We'll be sorry when you get the penalty] - We'll be sorry for you later. - Yeah.
- I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. - Cold sweat, tears...
[Relieved] This looks safe.
- That one is safe. - It hasn't gone past 5 minutes, right?
[Saying nonsense] 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Just jump now.
That's why he has Suga Glider.
- Like... - To get vicarious satisfaction? - Yeah.
[We shoot take a picture] He keeps saying something every step he takes.
[Will he be able to show everyone what it takes to be father of Suga Glider?] Please show
us that you raise Suga Glider.
[Urgently] Don't pull!
[Does what he's got to]
[Look at him being responsible] He's scared but he stilll tries his best.
[Finally the free fall] I can't jump from here!
[Bewildered] Hey! Hey!
Step on the edge please.
[He's ready to take a paparazzi photo] Jump?
- Jump! - Jump!
[A pterodactyl?]
[He arrives receiving much attention!] 9 points.
[Awkward, embarrassed] [Jin - 8 minutes and 3 seconds] What's the score? 9 points? Good.
[He got weak in the knees laughing]
[Last player in RM]
Don't you get sweaty playing?
[Showered] I almost showered.
[So funny]
Namjoon, don't go too quickly. Be safe. Be safe.
[Ready, go!]
- Whoa! - Be careful.
I can go faster by saying "whoa"!
[Checks and balances] - Namjoon is fast. - I'll go slowly.
I told you Namjoon is good at this kind of stuff.
[Like he's bragging about his son] He was a good inline skater when he was young.
[Who are you talking to?] Don't over do it and be calm.
Please, I beg of you.
Hey Namjoon that rock climbing stage is scarier.
[Teasing] I don't think there will be anyone slower than you though.
[2nd round of teasing] How can there be a 6 minutes difference?
[I have nothing to say...]
Do I really have to do this?
Doesn't he look like a pro?
He's a really calm player.
[His proportion's are so great] He has great proportions.
[No one says he's doing well but he's being complimented!] You have good posture.
[RM's great proportions! Great!] You look like a cyclist.
Such great proportion.
[Compliments backfired] Why is he doing that?
[Finally!] You're doing really well though.
[Jimin & Jungkook is expecting that he arrives quickly] I think you'll get in at 3 minutes or so.
- Around 3 minutes. - How's around 4 minutes?
Your life depends on that. Don't rip it.
[There aren't any] 3 artistic points.
[He's pretty good]
[RM has arrived at his final course] So high.
RM is good at bungee jumping.
[Never heard of this] I can't.
- Spread your legs. - Be free.
Like a swan.
[Like this?]
[RM] 4 minutes and 16 seconds.
[Rope course game results] [<Sports Challenge>]
[Jungkook - 7 points, Jimin - 6 points, V - 5 points, RM - 4 points]
[Suga - 3 points, J-Hope - 2 points, Jin - 1 point]
The last game remains.
[Sandbag game <Sports Challenge>]
[They must hold on to the sandbag and yell out the mission comment they picked]
[If they hold on to the sandbag and yell out the comment, they win 3 points]
[If they only catch the sandbag, they get 1 point]
[If they can't catch the sandbag or they don't yell the comment they fail!]
[The members choose the comment] - Please choose right away. - Please.
[Checks their cards] OK!
Can I show this?
[Comments for their mission]
[RM - I want to go back! Suga - Do you like me?]
[J-Hope - A Maldives in mojito Jimin - I'll wait for you in the future!]
[V - That's a cowardly excuse!]
[Jin - Did you have to take everything away?]
[Jungkook - Am I shaking?]
[1st player RM]
[Not athletic] The members that are less athletic should go first.
[Agrees wholeheartedly] Yeah.
[Higher than it looks]
[It's so high] So high.
[Scary] - It looks so scary. - It is.
[It's really scary if you think it is...] It's scary.
RM, are you ready?
[Deep breath]
- Yell out loudly! - Argh!
- Are you ready? - Yes.
- 1, 2, 3, jump! - Wow!
[Though in a frog posture, he lands on the sandbag]
[Mission] [Great work] I want to go back~
[Doubts] - Namjoon succeeds. - I'm going to try it till the end.
[RM has got some confidence after trying once] I can do it.
This is a matter of overcoming fear.
[Confident] I think you can go back one step.
- Don't say that just because you already went. - What are you saying?
I think we all will succeed.
[Hmm... Jin doesn't look like he would] No.
[Smart +Skillful] Because it's the different from jumping off the floor over there.
It goes farther there.
[Suggests] 2 points to Jungkook and till the end.
[He suggests adding 2 points if they succeed at a more difficult stance] Try going tilll the end.
- I think you can do it. - OK. till the end.
[2nd player Jungkook]
[It's scary up so high] It's scarier than you think it would be up there.
Are you going up untill the max?
Please go up higher.
[Jungkook is going to try it at the highest point] Is that the highest?
[Jungkook is ready!] - Are you ready? - Yes.
1, 2, 3, jump!
[Soft like tofu...!]
- Why didn't you yell out your comment! - Fail.
[He forgot to yell and just caught the sandbag] - Fails! - Fails!
[Mission: Am I shaking?] [Fails!]
[He himself can't believe this] Failure.
[3rd player Jin]
[Experienced player] That's higher than you think.
[No] - You can do it. - I can't, it's scary.
[Why does he look like that?] - Whoa! - He looks...
- Are you ready? - No.
1, 2, 3, jump!
[Like catching a butterfly!]
[Mission comment] Did you have to take everything away?
[Great work!]
[4th player Jimin]
[Jimin too] Farthest point!
Can you try it?
[Jimin will try catching it at the longest length]
[Full of willpower] I'll try it.
- Are you ready? - Yes.
Jimin, try saying this. "
[Park Jimin (24)] A training drill at the height of 11 meters which is
[breaking news/ ARMY fans might die from his cuteness] the scariest height to man.
I'll try it.
[He gets ready all on his own] Yell out into the distance! Argh!
[All by himself] Ready! Go!
[Yeah!] [Wow~ Jimin]
[He hugs without holding back]
[Mission] I'll be waiting in the future.
[Good work!]
[5th player J-Hope]
[Worried] - Are you all right? - It's not bad so far.
[Bewildered] Should I turn the other way?
[Difficult from the start] No, not that way. Opposite.
J-Hope! Are you ready?
[Not yet] Hold on. It's heavy.
- Yell out into the distance! - Argh!
[Eyes bright]
- OK. - 1, 2, 3. - Hold on.
[Inner peace~]
[Now's the time to jump!] 1, 2, 3.
[Jump!] [J-Hope flew!] Wow!
[Fear... It's nothing]
[Mission] [Fails] A mojito in Maldives.
[6th player V]
V you can do it!
[1 guy who loves to yell] It's easier if you shout.
[I can't hear anything...]
[Really nervous] - Hey! - He's really scared.
Yell out into the distance!
[Can't hear] Is it brought in?
[Embarrassed] I'm more embarrassed.
- This is tough. - Don't forget your mission.
- Argh! - Louder! - Argh!
[Everyone thinks he's cute] 1, 2, 3.
[V wants to jump too!]
[Bursts out laughing]
[He can't help being cute] He's so adorable.
[Oh no] [shaky]
Just come back down! Don't jump!
[Let's be calm]
[Today's 2nd highlight]
[1, 2, 3, jump!]
[So adorable] Argh.
[I got a boo-boo]
[His hands look so desperate in the air]
[He didn't yell nor catch the sandbag]
[Last player Suga]
[It was so scary] It's so scary.
It really is scary.
[They know their ARMY fans] ARMY fans will enjoy this.
[Bewildered] Hey, this is higher than it looks.
[Relaxed now that they're done] Suga! It looks like your legs are shaking.
[shaky] It's really scary.
Yell out into the distance!
[We already know] It's really scary!
[I know] It's so scary.
- Hour of destiny. - 1, 2, 3!
[I'll throw myself]
[Widened eyes, nostrils, and mouth]
[If you're the N pole, I'm the S pole...]
[Mission: Do you like me?] Do you like me?
[Great work]
[Sandbag game results] [Sports Challenge]
[RM - 3 points (fails to yell his mission)] [Jungkook - 1 point] [Jin - 3 points]
[Jimin - 5 points]
[(Failed to yell his mission) J-Hope - 1 point]
[(Failed both) V - 0 points] [Suga - 3 points]
How was today?
I've been overcoming a lot of my fears thanks to Run BTS!
[What's fear?]
I've discovered my athletic side.
[On the dot] - Like what side? - Various sides...
It was a fun experience.
[It's not over untill it's over!] We stilll have one more fun experience.
Today's 1st place winner.
[Final results] [Sports Challenge]
[1st place Jimin - 17 points, 2nd RM - 14 points] [3rd Jin - 9 points]
[4th Jungkook - 8 points, 5th Suga - 6 points]
[6th V - 5 points, 7th J-Hope - 3 points]
[J-Hope has to do the penalty!]
[You can't avoid it!]
[It's random though!] You can avoid this one though.
[J-Hope has the penalty cap on. I'm ready to get wet.
Run BTS! will continue.
Please continue to show your love.
[Urgently] Show your love for J-Hope too. I love you. I love you, I do.
[See you again] Run BTS!
[-Penalty-] [Tugs]
[J-Hope is enjoying perfect weather so far]
[Amazed] This is kind of heavy.
Lucky guy!
[They're going one by one...] J-Hope should get wet...
[Stilll hasn't burst]
[Bewildered] - Is J-Hope safe? - Does that thing work?
[Just one more, and he's done] Really?
[J-Hope you lucky guy] J-Hope!
- Does this not work? - Does it not work?
[The members think it's broken]
[Takes it off] It doesn't work.
[There's no water coming out] - It doesn't work. - It's not working.
[Water, sweat, tears]
Run BTS! will be back.
[Wrapping up] Run BTS!
[Run BTS!] It didn't work earlier.
It didn't work earlier.
- That's weird. Why won't this work? - Why won't this thing work?
[Run BTS] [Sports Challenge]
eBay for Business - Nouveautés Vendeurs Printemps 2018 - Duration: 2:37.
Camping Survival Kit Gordeets 500 (Spitzvar *) - Duration: 6:21.
[♪ music ♪]
>> TATIANA: Another small homemade dressing for single trips.
For brutal tourists.
And for minimalists.
>> EUGENE: Here lies a bowler, a set of dishes, and fuel.
A rag, in case you need to take something hot.
Matches and the newspaper.
Here, the pot itself.
Here it is and a bowler.
The bowler is made from the lid of a standard army kettle.
The lid is made of an aluminum can.
In the kettle we have...
>> TATIANA: A set for a harsh tourist.
>> EUGENE: Yes, a set of harsh tourists.
>> TATIANA: I would even say the most severe tourist.
>> EUGENE: Yes, the most severe tourist. :-)
In fact, it is clear that there are initially 3 banks.
The very first, this is a stand for dry fuel.
Or for some other fuel that you come up with.
>> TATIANA: For butter, for example, yes?
>> EUGENE: Yes. It is made from such an aluminum can.
It is made with the help of a small hammer.
It is burned by fire and has already been tested in practice.
Next to us... this is a plate.
A plate of the same type.
But, it's clean, and used to eat in the hike.
It's a paraffin burner.
With paraffin.
From a tin can.
The wick is made of corrugated cardboard.
Here, dry fuel.
A set of pots.
Cap. The pot. Matches.
>> TATIANA: Two types of fuel.
>> EUGENE: And two kinds of fuel.
This fuel is enough, if there is no firewood, grass, trees, nothing.
This cover has two states.
One, with a bend up.
This is done specially.
When carrying, we do this.
To the handle was recessed and did not protrude above the edge of the lid.
The handle is movable. On the hinges.
From the inside you can see the rivets.
>> TATIANA: There was a hilt on the lid of the army kettle.
Zheka removed it.
There were holes left.
He put rivets.
It turned out 3 neat rivets.
>> EUGENE: If you use an army kettle...
then you know that his lid does not have such a bend.
Earlier this side was bent down.
As on any other cover of an army bowler.
Due to its extension, the height is increased by almost 1 centimeter.
Naturally, the volume of the lid became larger.
And you can cook more food there.
This bend serves to insert the lid.
In such a way that the moisture condensing on the lid...
with the heating of water and boiling, drained into the pot.
Otherwise, water would start to drip into the fuel. In dry fuel. In the paraffin. Or in the fire.
But like this, all the water flows into the pot.
This bow is made of a bicycle knitting needle.
Two layers of heat-shrinkable tubing are on top.
So that you can do without a rag.
The handle is spring-loaded. It does not fall and does not happen in the fire.
Therefore, you can safely take it by hand, without using a rag.
>> TATIANA: Still, the kettle is balanced, as far as I remember.
>> EUGENE: Yes, yes.
The holes are made so...
so that both with water and empty it hung exactly horizontally.
That is, so that there is no such outweighing.
That is, there is a balance here.
This handle is removable. If necessary, it can be removed and removed.
>> TATIANA: How much is this bowler?
>> EUGENE: If up to the top, then the volume is 600 milliliters.
If within reasonable limits, then you can boil 0.5 liters of soup.
Or 600 milliliters of porridge, vermicelli, or something else thick.
Everything, we put back the shackle.
The hook can be lowered like this, to the side.
When packing in a backpack.
Despite the alterations and innovations made with this cover...
it can still be easily put on a standard army kettle.
>> TATIANA: On a standard army kettle.
That is, it is both a lid and a bowler at the same time.
Initially, the stove was made for this pot.
But, in general, it is universal. We will show this later.
I use this bowler with a special stove.
A homemade stove.
But it can also be used autonomously.
Use with a set of equipment that is carried inside him.
It can be hung above a fire, put on coals, put in a fire.
You can put it above this paraffin burner.
>> TATIANA: Over dry fuel.
>> EVGENY: Over dry fuel.
>> TATIANA: To put, or to hang. Everyone can solve it himself.
>> EUGENE: Either by using any other fuel.
Or tourist burners, which...
>> TATIANA: For example, on a gas burner.
>> EUGENE: On all types of fuel used for the campaign.
>> TATIANA: Who loves what.
[crunch of snow]
>> TATIANA: Oh, that's called, I do not want to.
Why Not to Buy a Porsche - The Worst Sports Car - Duration: 2:43.
rev up your engines!
Porsche's they're beautiful cars, they have great handling and quick
acceleration, and today I'm going to tell you why you should never buy one, a customer of mine
just purchased this one as a toy, he paid about $7000 for it, it's only got
68 thousand miles on it and it looks beautiful, but somebody paid over fifty
thousand dollars for this car when it was brand new, so why oh why did it lose 43
thousand dollars of its 50 thousand dollar value, when it still looks so good
and still runs decently, and here comes the answer, it's got a mid-engine which
is great for handling, but horrible for repair, as you can see in this picture
the engine is way up front here in the middle, it's very hard to work on, you
can't even see it without taking a body off, so in an actual car that's all
hidden way down in here, say something like a water pump goes out and when we
look under the car, needless to say there's not too much working room up
there in the engine, this thing is really something to work on when you have an
engine problem, well in a normal car with the engine in the front, I can do most
water pumps in an hour or so, might cost you two or three hundred bucks, but on this
thing, just changing out a water pump is going to cost you well over a thousand
dollars, and literally that's just the tip of the iceberg, I had a customer with a
911 Porsche, it needed two catalytic converters, and the bill would have been
over seventy four hundred dollars to replace them, he just got rid of the car
instead, now yes they aren't really fun cars to drive and my customer was smart, he
got a standard transmission, because they're pretty reliable but the
automatics, they're very unreliable as they age and cost a fortune to rebuild
and while they do corner and drive quite well, they actually have a very rough
ride, especially with these low profile tires, every time I get one and I'm done
road testing it, I asked my wife if she wants to go for a ride, she says no
thanks I hate those things they ride like go-karts, now if your looking for
style, hey this might be for you, a lot of people say they're beautiful lawn
ornaments, now Janis Joplin sang about how all her friends drove Porsches, but
really, following Janis Joplin's lifestyle may not be such
a smart choice, and remember if you've got any car questions just visit the
Scotty Kilmer channel,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
PR Objeto caixas de delimitação desaparecem em 3ds max - Duration: 1:06.
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《歌手》腾格尔补位空降第二 酷我音乐热评区成粉丝打Call新阵地 - Duration: 4:48.
《歌手》2018歌曲大开荒 - Duration: 4:37.
米津玄師、教会で歌を捧げる「Lemon」MV公開 - Duration: 1:54.
ESAD's LEAD-K bill vs AGB's bill - Duration: 3:22.
윤전추 행정관 공개변론에 대하여|K-News - Duration: 3:04.
16 Amazing Lipstick Tutorials and New Lip Art Ideas Feb 2018 for Girls - Duration: 10:09.
I Got Everything Done In 1 Day?! - Duration: 14:38.
all right well let's see if we can make today a productive day I'm here in
Yamaha of Olympia I'm gonna drop the bike off with them got a list of stuff I
want to get done but Oh first guys check it out
registered in Washington for a year it turns out that was very easy to just
give him the California title and my registration cost one hundred and forty
six dollars and transfer it to Washington State and get it registered
here to here it's gonna be like 66 bucks but like I paid taxes in California at
their rate of whatever it is and so since I'm a Washington resident who
bought a bike out of state they had to apply the hundred and nine dollar tax
that I paid on the $1500 price and then add the new Washington state sales tax
which added like twenty six dollars of extra sales tax that I had to pay but at
least they counted what I had already paid in California I know that's weird
but anyway we're all good gonna jump the bike off and then we got some other
errands to run today so uh AAMCO here in Olympia does not have the required space
height or equipment to do to service my transmission as it turns out Jiffy Lube
doesn't and they actually cut you a deal if you're doing other services so I'm
gonna go to the Jiffy Lube right up here on the right where I've taken all of my
RVs before before I started doing my own oil changes in everything and I'm gonna
go ahead and have them do my royal change today because it's just more
convenient and everything and also gonna get some other services like I said a
transmission serviced as well as rear differential fluid done so it's just
more convenient that way Jackson I can sit in the lobby while they get
everything done you know I'm not gonna be soaking wet
underneath the RV
you keep an eye on all over their decks yeah making sure they take good care
Yoda yeah I'm pretty used to waiting rooms now aren't you yeah it's pretty
normal you get oh really oh okay oh is it like your spot you sit way over there
you know you could sit by me no you good all right well then I'll let you know
everything goes you just relax all right real quick I'm gonna pull into this
marine place here not buying any boats or anything but I wonder if I can get
some good heavy-duty chain to secure my bike so I'm gonna go see what they have
as far as anchor chain no dice on chain here they do sell anchors but they don't
do any kind of custom work but actually change of plants just talked to my
mechanic buddy Andrew he is going to pick me up at Les Schwab and take me
downtown Olympia to Olympia supplies so here we go pillbug les schwab again drop
the RV off with them and see what we can do
alright cool bean its 11:40 in the morning I am dropping the RV off with
Les Schwab here and legacy anyway we're gonna try to simulate it I gotta do it
this is the only part I'm not looking forward to so Jackson I'll see you in
several hours alright I am parking out here at a park and ride in Lacey gonna
do it overnight I will just mention there's really only one rule here and
that is that you can only Park for 48 hours max so there's vehicles here at
all times of the day there's security cameras and so far next time I come here
though are it'll have a big sign that say no rvs allowed but I am 100%
utilizing that in the way that the RV stays parked here and then I go pick up
the bike so I'm literally parking and writing that's my argument anyway but
anyway when I went down to Olympia supply down there by the way really
helpful people there I got some nice hat and I got an Olympia supply blue t-shirt
love that blue very helpful so what they got me is I can't remember the thickness
I want to say this is 18 millimeters thick but this you can see it in my hand
right it is heavy and bulky it's massive okay so I got 7 feet of this and that's
gonna go through the bumper through the steel under there and then it's going to
come through right here at the bike and basically I'm gonna have a big lock that
you're gonna see on the outside I order the lock it's coming it's a kryptonite
lock same thickness it's 18 millimeters thick and you would have to cut that in
two different spots in order to break free because it still stays locked in
position once you cut one side but the one thing I want to do that I haven't
figured out yet is to make this less see I feel like this is gonna like scratch
paint or something what kind of a bike lock has material
around the outside maybe I'll measure the diameter or what
this is and find out or I'll so thought about possibly getting some of that
plasti drip that you could spray on just lay it out flat Spray one coat let that
dry turn it over spray another coat that way it would have a white piece of like
rubber protectant that way it'll protect the bike wall
it's up here but ya still thinking about that in my head how I want to do that
for now at least I actually got the biggest bulkiest chain you can buy to
protect the bike on the back and the lock is coming so Olympia supply thank
you so much guys just waiting for the call on the bike now and then I'll take
the motor home over there go pick it up and we'll be back here alright so cool I
do apologize if my videos are out of order here because I don't know if I
filmed every single thing but this is the actual last part of the day was
picking up the bike got a full service so check this out they did an oil change
with all new o-rings there's what five o rings on here new spark plug they
serviced the carb they serviced the chain they also inspected the tires and
the brakes for me so everything is good on those ends and not the biggest of
things but I just wanted a DC plug so they hardwired into my Quick Connect for
the trickle charger up here to DC ports so that I can charge things as I'm
driving whether that be a cell phone and big thank you to Jason for installing
this one of camping with the Kelly's and then if I wanted to charge a GoPro as
well at some point or anything else I want to charge on the road I won't be
dead just in case but yeah now malama is good to go 100% as we leave Yamaha of
Olimpia so I'm gonna load her back up and head over to the park and ride the
bike wasn't the last thing I still have not talked to you guys about Les Schwab
I'm not gonna go into details about this I'm just gonna say that Les Schwab is
saying that it's out of their hands and the problem I'm experienced is not
related to any of the work that they did they did back in July in other words
they don't think it has to do with the drums themself they think it could be
related to leaf springs or the axle rear differential itself and they were not
even willing to replace any parts today which sound kind of strange because all
the other times last year they just replaced parts they weren't gonna do it
this time so I don't know
I don't know the RV still stops I've been dealing it
with it for over eight months now so we move on and say this is as good as it's
ever gonna get no problem no worries okay so get parked over here parked over
here they service the chain as well and said it's good but I'm gonna be cleaning
that myself and maintaining the chain and the carb on the road from here on
out guys that's right so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna drive the bike off if
it's not raining as well as much as I can and then I'm gonna put the new cover
on the bike see how that fits alrighty I'm actually fairly happy with the fit
guys this style I wanted had the most stars it has the most protected against
Sun and rain and dust and durable wind and I told you guys I ordered from
Empire covers dot-com online again I like their stuff I like the last cover
I had so you will notice with the cover on I mean it completely blocks the old
lights so absolutely necessary for those external lights and I don't know I said
it's still there's still some play in it it's not like a solid cover but yeah I
had to use some of these guys here to create an eye hole for the bungees down
here so there's one on the front of each tire that pull it down and then same
thing back here for whatever reason they actually shipped me five of these with
my package to be able to put anywhere I want on this cover so that was kind of
cool but I like the cover while we're sharing new things let me show you my
pride and joy I talked I showed you guys in my last video I think my $250 riding
pants with protection in them well here's my coat
it's a Joe Rocket motorcycle coat again it has all of the pads and stuff in all
the important spots there's one on the back as well it's a three layer coat
obviously it's blue like my Yamaha it's gonna match perfectly
for summer riding it's got some additional stuff where you can pull this
down and clip them together and allow ventilation to come through and then you
can strip away two of the other layers inside as well got pockets everywhere
inside and it's comfy it actually fits really well and it's comfortable I don't
know for sure that I'll be wearing it in the summertime like this summer but
we'll see I'll try what it's like without the two inner stuff in there but
yeah no promises how about this I actually got the smoked
mirrored lens aftermarket it came with a clear lens instead but I just love how
easy it goes up and down and it has lots of ventilation it's made by Bell I got
it right there at the Yamaha Motor Sports store they're for $119 and for
the time being like I said if I find anybody who's interested in the red
helmet that I have it's a large size full face helmet let me know if somebody
can have it I'm gonna travel with it for a while at least until I can find a way
to give it away but yeah that's some of my new equipment that I'm really excited
about so once I got the pants and the boots and I got the leather gloves the
blue jacket the black helmet pretty cool I'm pretty excited today was crazy I
basically got everything done - the les schwab I didn't get the answer I want
but I'm done I'm past it everything else I needed like I said is ordered and good
to go so it's just a matter of waiting four or
five days from now and then by
like I said I'm over here in the Hawks prairie lacy area at this park and ride
there are a couple other Park and rides I don't need to stay in town so for the
next 3-4 days there's no reason for me to be in this town that apparently hates
me but I still in a wait till the morning to give you an update I'm
curious if this is gonna work here overnight as much problems as I had
since I've been back like the signage over there it even says limit stay to 48
hours it doesn't say limit parking it says limit your stay here to 48 hours
and that's exactly what I'm doing but you know who knows look I said I
would almost guarantee you that six months from today's date in February
every poll here will say no Class C RVs would not surprise me and if you're
listening to this Thurston County you should do it anyway
you should anyway I'll get back with you guys in the morning
you snuggling up with dad jacks yeah staying warm
yeah man that's how we do it whoo
not really a whole lot to share that the generator right on right now I'm running
the main furnace reason being is because if I run the buddy heater in the morning
it doesn't really heat the bathroom but the furnace has an actual vent that
goes to the bathroom and heats the bathroom in there so got the water
heater on getting ready for a shower it rained and rained and rained last night
here at the park-and-ride but no problems no issues at all in fact it was
really quiet the only real thing that you have to consider about this area is
the main dump right there and you can probably see it's pretty windy out there
and then all the wind stops but anyway yeah every once in a while it does smell
kind of stinky over here hey no issues parking here and I probably will not
utilize this spot again on this particular trip so you know it may or
may not work for you I don't know I doubt it though
guys have a good day gonna get out of Thurston County again while I'm waiting
for packages and then get back on the road here pretty soon
so have a good day Jackson I'll see you later
Isola dei Famosi: Bianca Atzei vs Elena Morali - Duration: 4:11.
김청 파혼 남편 최수지 사건 나이 윤준일 결혼 - Duration: 4:59.
"우리의 추억 '토이 스토리' 우디 그린 할아버지가 세상을 떠났습니다" - Duration: 3:32.
[프로듀스101/강다니엘] 매력쩌는 강다니엘 입덕영상!! - Duration: 3:05.
최신 새:알고보니 같은 연도·지역에서 태어난 쇼트트랙 김아랑-마마무 휘인|KpKr - Duration: 3:53.
Endlich: Erstes Instagram-Selfie von Kim K und Baby Chicago! - Duration: 1:19.
[Eng Sub] Run BTS! 2018 EP.42 (Sports Challenge) - Duration: 25:28.
[Run BTS] [Sports Challenge]
Run BTS!
[BTS looks different today We look a little different today?
It feels like we're going to be using our bodies a lot today.
[Being funny] Hello Korea.
[Jungkook helps him out] - You got to have black color to make the Korean flag. - Yes.
Is it like a penalty?
[It's not a penalty but...] It is.
What is today's theme?
[Today's Run BTS!] [Sports Challenge]
[They must master 3 sports zones]
[They will be played individually and the member that come last will have a penalty]
[Today's penalty!] [The one that's last will wear the water hat]
[The other members will select from 8 handles]
[And the water will burst randomly]
[Who will have to do the penalty?]
I've ridden bikes for 17 years.
Me too.
[All the members are confident] I rode it everyday to school.
Isn't today just for Jungkook?
[Run BTS is warming up so they don't get hurt]
Shall we go to play? Run BTS!
The first game is screen bicycle.
[Screen bicycle game] [Sports Challenge]
[1. They must race for 0.8km on bicycles]
[2. And they must count the money they have before the race is over!]
[But they can not stop pedaling]
[3. In order of time of arrival, they will win points accordingly]
[4. The members who are waiting may bother the playing members by talking]
[Before starting] There is a countdown of 5 seconds.
You must be nervous guys.
[They look nervous] Go!
You can't count the money early.
[5 seconds later, the race begins] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[They start to bother at the beginning] - Go! - Go! Let's go. 10,000 and 50,000 won.
[Will they be able to survive?]
[Talking nonstop] 40,000 and 20,000 won.
[The pedaling has gotten slower] Everyone is slow.
10,000 won, 20,000 won, 30,000 won.
[Saying nonsense] 165,000 won.
It's 165,000 won.
One and two.
- 24, 25, 26... 264,000 won. - 10,000 won 1, 2, 3, 4.
[Walking around] 8.
It's 40,000 won!
[Noisy] - 435,000 won. - I think it's 172,000 won.
158,000 won.
[Bewildered] I forgot everything.
[While they were arguing]
[Jin is pedaling away after counting all his money]
[One two, one two]
[Counting again] Jungkook is counting again.
284,000 won, 285000 won, 286,000 won.
[Rider1, Rider2, Busy on his own]
[Jin is in the lead] Jin went over 500m.
[He's lost] Where do I go? Where?
512,000 won. He can't find the course!
[Jungkook is stilll counting]
[Almost done, off the tracks, stilll busy] Jin is almost there!
[Last energy!]
[Jin is the first one finished] Jin is doe.
[Today's counting genius] Jungkook is stilll counting.
Suga, how much longer do you have to go?
600m, 700m. Jungkook is slowly starting up again. Jungkook~
[Suga came in second]
[Finished 1, Finished 2] Don't you just have to go straight?
[Jungkook is excited~?]
[Why is he...] He looks like he has a lot of time on his hands.
[Relaxed] You'll be the last one in.
I don't know exactly how much there is.
[Jungkook is the third one in] - Finished. - Finished.
192,000 won.
- 192,000 won. - Correct.
[Correct, like a machine]
[Then me too!] 192,000, me too!
[Answer: 203,000 won] - 192,000 won. - Wrong!
211,000 won.
[Did he guess correctly?]
[Answer: 213,000 won] Wrong!
This is hard~
[RM & J-Hope & Jimin & V's turn!]
Why is this making me so nervous? I shouldn't be worried this much about winning.
[We cheer for your safety too] Safety is always first everyone.
[Collecting his thoughts]
This isn't easy as I thought it'd be.
Park Jimin started to count.
[Your radio] 75,000 won, 75,000 won.
[He's counting without breathing]
[Continuously bothering] - 123,000 won. - 102,000 won, 102,000 won.
[Bothering softly (Feat. Discount)] It's a bargain! 5,000 won! A discount.
[Sees his target] [Jumps] J-Hope!
[Starts focusing on J-Hope] J-Hope what are you doing? 5,000 won, 6,000 won, 7,000, 8,000?
[Hahaha, these 2 are having a laugh] What are you doing?
[Starts to nag] You shouldn't start counting now. There you go again.
This... Hey you...
[Nagging 2] He doesn't understand the value of money, you dropped it. 127,000 won, 212,000 won.
[He's just barely holding onto the money]
[Just go!] I don't know! I'm just going to trust my instincts.
[Everyone is at full speed] [But this guy...] Dropped it! Dropped the money!
[No! No!] [Oh no, he dropped his money] Dropped the money!
[At full speed!]
[One two, one two] Player's name is Kim Namjoon.
[Almost there] V, you can see RM!
[RM is the first one finished]
[Counting the money before he crosses the finish line]
[Jimin finished 2nd] It's over.
[Has second thoughts] You can't count once you're done.
[Everything is up to fate] I'm leaving it up to fate.
[V is the third one in]
All finished.
[Oh yeah, J-Hope] The goal is to just cross the finish line]
[J-Hope just barely made it] OK! Done.
211,000 won.
186,000 won.
[Answer: 191,000 won] Huh?
- 226,000 won. - Correct!
[Confident] 183,000 won.
[J-Hope was so close but wrong] - So close. - Again! Again!
[The staff gives him a chance to change his answer] Shall we give him another chance?
[Come on~ Not fair!] That's not fair. Isn't that against the rules?
[What should I do?] It's one of the two. 2,000 won or 4,000 won.
182,000 won.
[Swoosh, swoosh]
[Answer: 173,000 won]
[Screen bicycle results] [Sports Challenge]
[1st place RM - 2min.4.48 sec. - 7points-]
[2nd place Jimin - 2min.6.27 sec. - 6points-] [3rd place Jin - 2min.8.28 sec. -5 points-]
[Failed to guess!] [J-Hope, V, Suga, Jungkook]
[BTS is wearing safety equipment] OK! We're wearing safety equipment.
- Wow. - Yeah.
[What game requires safety equipment?] What's the next course?
[Rope course game!] This course is...
[Rope course challenge] [Sports Challenge]
[They will be awarded points according to the order they come in after the 7 courses]
[Zig-zag bridge - Rocking bridge - Climbing - Net bridge - Board bridge - Basket - Free Fall]
[1st player Jungkook] Jeon Jungkook.
- It's better to suffer first. - Let's go.
[Jungkook moves to the starting line] What's that? Do we press the start button?
[You can tell he's an athlete]
- Jungkook! - Yes?
- How is it? - I don't know. I haven't started yet.
[The 1st course is rockier than he thought] Hey! It's more shaky than I thought it'd be.
- Does it shake a lot? - The bridge is rocking a lot.
[Confident, worried] If you fall, you're out.
Knock knock~
Ready, go!
[Big steps]
[Look at him go] There he goes!
[He's doing so well]
[Looks of respect]
Is he like a hyena or something?
Is he like a spider-man?
[Nope, I'm Jeon Jungkook]
[His balance skills is like a scale] Jungkook's balance skills are amazing.
[So proud of him] Some people might think he's slow but
that's really hard to do.
No, I don't think he's slow at all.
[Enters the 3rd course]
Hey hey hey.
[What is it?]
[This is nothing]
[Gathers around]
[He must amazing athletic abilities]
[All stand to look at him go] What's that?
[Enters the 5th course quickly]
Hey! You look like Odeng.
[Have you ever seen Jungkook walk through the ropes like this?]
Wow~ You're so cool~
- Jungkook! - You're like Indiana Jones.
[Most difficult course, free fall!] Now it's time for the free fall.
[Not scared at all]
[He jumped!]
[Wait, have we seen this scene in the movies before?]
5 points.
What is his record?
[Jungkook - 2 minutes and 3 seconds]
[2nd player Suga] The 2nd player Suga.
[Nervous] It's rather high up.
[He's scared] Is Yoonki scared?
[Laughs] Hey! It's too high!
Just pretend like you're in a M/V shoot.
[He can't hear because he's so nervous] Yes, I'm ready.
[shaky] But 2 minutes and 3 seconds is...
[shaky] Yoonki is too shaky! He's shaky!
[Suga is going to cause a problem] Am I going to cause an issue for this?
I'm going to cause a problem.
Here I go!
[Yes, go ahead]
- One step! One step! - Foot, hand, foot, hand.
[Fact] Jungkook was really fast. You're like 3 times slower.
[I know that without you telling me]
[Very] - No tension at all, is there? - Nope.
[Finally the 2nd course] What's that?
It's already past 2 minutes!
[Bewildered] Are you supposed to go that slow?
- How do I get across? - Come on, start moving. Why aren't you moving?
How is that?
Huh? I'm not sure where to step.
Show us that you're good at something other than basketball!
[Confesses] I'm not good at anything other than basketball.
[So bright]
I'm going to sleep!
[Mis-communication] - You're going to the bathroom? - Can someone else go, Suga?
[Nope] I'm almost there. Wait up.
[Nonsense] Suga, pretend you're Odeng.
[He's talking nonsense too] [A different interpretation of Odeng] Odeng~ Odeng~
[Bewildered] Did Odeng cry like that?
[I don't know, just smile]
[Finally Suga arrived at the 6th course] Do I get on this?
Do I look cool? Do I look like Indiana Jones?
[Changing the subject] I think you'd look cool when you climb down.
[No artistic points] Are there any points for being artistic?
- Yes there is. - You have to hold on to the rope.
It's scary.
[He's worried for him] You have to hold on to the rope.
[He arrives with a strange sound!]
How many seconds?
[Suga - 5 minutes and 4 seconds] 5 minutes? Quicker than we thought!
[RM is sure that Jungkook is first] I think Jungkook will win for sure.
- And the else will compete against each other. - No, Jimin might do well.
- What course was the scariest? - It's hard to go fast.
You didn't look like you wanted to go any faster.
Safety! Safety!
[3rd player Jimin]
[The only hope of winning Jungkook] - Jimin! - Yes.
You're the only one that might win Jungkook.
Suga's record was 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
[Just win Suga!] My goal is to finish at 5 minutes and 3 seconds.
[Go!] 5 minutes and 3 seconds!
[Jimin goes forward] Safety! Safety! Safety!
[shaky] It shakes more than we thought it would.
Everyone, you have to put your foot first. Foot! Hand!
[That's not it] Why do I keep going in the wrong order?
[2nd course which shakes even more] The 2nd course is even harder.
- The 2nd course is harder. - Really? That bad?
[So excited] That's got to be interesting.
[Safety is all they talk about] - Safety! Safety! Safety! - Safety! Safety!
We have that safety song on Inkigayo.
[A serenade for Jimin~] What?
[It was like we were singing the campaign~]
[He has a lot of requests] Jimin, do a super jump!
[Don't talk] Be quiet.
[Run Jimin!]
[I'm scared...] Oh no, I hate being scared.
[Who is next?] Me too. Who is next?
[Can't finish his sentence] It's you.
- Wow~ Wow~ Wow~ - Be careful!
[Clears the 5th course]
[Expresses the happiness for the Olympics] Artistic points!
You looked like Yuna Kim.
[Finally the last course]
[How do I look?] [Like a children's hero]
You looked like a power ranger.
- How many seconds? - How many minutes?
[Jimin - 2 minutes and 28 seconds] [4th player - J-Hope]
I'm scared.
[What do you mean ready?] J-Hope, are you ready?
- Ready! - Go!
[Be aware of safety] Safety! Safety!
[Special effect sounds]
Are you on a swing?
[Risky looking] I think you're stilll going faster than Suga.
Wow guys!
[Clap] [Clap] J-Hope calm down. Calm down!
[Advice] You have to be careful here.
- The log takes a really long time. - I think he'll look real funny in this one.
[Foot - Hand...] - Hand, foot? - Hand, foot! Hand, foot!
Wow! Guys! Wow!
- This is hard. - J-Hope, you should think of setting 10 minutes as your goal.
Your goal is just to come past the finish line.
[Because you're so important to us] - Huh? - Just come in safely.
[Yes, you are] Am I going forward?
Whoa! Whoa!
[His last stand of pride] I think I'll beat Suga, won't I?
[Do you know you guys are about the same?]
I'm not sure if J-Hope is going to be able to jump from there
[Can't hear] What?
[White lie] - Nothing. - You're doing really well J-Hope.
It's 3 minutes and 5 seconds!
[Feeling better!] - 3 minutes and 5 seconds! - 3 minutes and 5 seconds?
You're a little faster than Suga.
- Do you have the time? - No.
- Let's go J-Hope. - Yell like Tarzan.
J-Hope, if you jump off now, you'll beat Suga.
[J-Hope is really scared] I have to jump with this?
- Hold on tight. - I hold on to this? Argh!
[All his energy is spent] [J-Hope - 5 minutes and 37 seconds]
[5th player V] Here I go.
[The advice from the course master] Just be careful of the first 3 courses.
- Honestly that one isn't that hard... - Ready!
[Moving forward quickly] V! V!
- V is faster than Jungkook. - He's so fast!
[V moves forward quickly]
[The audience is amazed] - Great! - So quick!
[Already at the 2nd course]
So quick! So fast!
[V is serious] [Saying nonsense] You're doing great.
[V is so serious he isn't saying a word]
Is he going to be 1st?
[Just move forward]
[Swoosh, and there!] Great!
[Here I go] V, you're fast as Jungkook was.
Hey! He's so fast.
[Why does he look handsome even while he's doing this?]
[Wow! That's my bro!]
[No points for being artistic] V, there are special points for being artistic.
[His pose is hard to understand!] So artistic.
3 points for being artistic!
[Excited] We're looking forward to your record.
This is where there's a delay.
[He requests a special message] Please yell out "I love you Yeontan"!
[I know how he feels!] He can't jump! He can't jump!
[It was a tough game] 10 points!
What's the record?
[V - 3 minutes and 7 seconds] - Good work. - It was scary.
[Good work] - I'm going to go nuts if I'm last again. - Jin!
Father of Suga Glide.
[Father of Suga Glider and the flying squirrel] He has both the Suga Glider and flying squirrel.
[Teach us a lesson!] Shouldn't you teach us a lesson or two?
[6th player Jin] Jump quickly.
Let's go.
It's scary.
[He's excited about Jin going] I'm looking forward to seeing Jin play.
Confidence! Confidence! Power!
[Today's highlight]
My heart is pounding too quickly.
His heart is pounding too quickly.
[Ready, go!]
He's not moving at all.
Wow! Wow!
You should make some choreography moves off of that.
How can he cross that in that pose?
[Everyone is complaining about the father of Suga Glider] You shouldn't be the father then.
Here I go! Odeng!
[He's in tears seeing Jin act so fatherly]
Please yell out "Ah" instead.
[I don't like "Ah"] Oh!
[Wait! A surprise quiz!]
- What is your favorite number? - 5!
- What were your first words? - Oh!
[How many times do you think Jin said "oh"?] A surprise quiz!
How many times do you think Jin said "oh"?
He might finish within 6 minutes.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
How do you cross that part?
You just have to hold on well.
[Just try] Just hold on well.
[Looking back on his actions] Sorry I gave you grief about going slowly.
[Don't worry] There's nothing to be sorry about.
[We'll be sorry when you get the penalty] - We'll be sorry for you later. - Yeah.
- I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. - Cold sweat, tears...
[Relieved] This looks safe.
- That one is safe. - It hasn't gone past 5 minutes, right?
[Saying nonsense] 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Just jump now.
That's why he has Suga Glider.
- Like... - To get vicarious satisfaction? - Yeah.
[We shoot take a picture] He keeps saying something every step he takes.
[Will he be able to show everyone what it takes to be father of Suga Glider?] Please show
us that you raise Suga Glider.
[Urgently] Don't pull!
[Does what he's got to]
[Look at him being responsible] He's scared but he stilll tries his best.
[Finally the free fall] I can't jump from here!
[Bewildered] Hey! Hey!
Step on the edge please.
[He's ready to take a paparazzi photo] Jump?
- Jump! - Jump!
[A pterodactyl?]
[He arrives receiving much attention!] 9 points.
[Awkward, embarrassed] [Jin - 8 minutes and 3 seconds] What's the score? 9 points? Good.
[He got weak in the knees laughing]
[Last player in RM]
Don't you get sweaty playing?
[Showered] I almost showered.
[So funny]
Namjoon, don't go too quickly. Be safe. Be safe.
[Ready, go!]
- Whoa! - Be careful.
I can go faster by saying "whoa"!
[Checks and balances] - Namjoon is fast. - I'll go slowly.
I told you Namjoon is good at this kind of stuff.
[Like he's bragging about his son] He was a good inline skater when he was young.
[Who are you talking to?] Don't over do it and be calm.
Please, I beg of you.
Hey Namjoon that rock climbing stage is scarier.
[Teasing] I don't think there will be anyone slower than you though.
[2nd round of teasing] How can there be a 6 minutes difference?
[I have nothing to say...]
Do I really have to do this?
Doesn't he look like a pro?
He's a really calm player.
[His proportion's are so great] He has great proportions.
[No one says he's doing well but he's being complimented!] You have good posture.
[RM's great proportions! Great!] You look like a cyclist.
Such great proportion.
[Compliments backfired] Why is he doing that?
[Finally!] You're doing really well though.
[Jimin & Jungkook is expecting that he arrives quickly] I think you'll get in at 3 minutes or so.
- Around 3 minutes. - How's around 4 minutes?
Your life depends on that. Don't rip it.
[There aren't any] 3 artistic points.
[He's pretty good]
[RM has arrived at his final course] So high.
RM is good at bungee jumping.
[Never heard of this] I can't.
- Spread your legs. - Be free.
Like a swan.
[Like this?]
[RM] 4 minutes and 16 seconds.
[Rope course game results] [<Sports Challenge>]
[Jungkook - 7 points, Jimin - 6 points, V - 5 points, RM - 4 points]
[Suga - 3 points, J-Hope - 2 points, Jin - 1 point]
The last game remains.
[Sandbag game <Sports Challenge>]
[They must hold on to the sandbag and yell out the mission comment they picked]
[If they hold on to the sandbag and yell out the comment, they win 3 points]
[If they only catch the sandbag, they get 1 point]
[If they can't catch the sandbag or they don't yell the comment they fail!]
[The members choose the comment] - Please choose right away. - Please.
[Checks their cards] OK!
Can I show this?
[Comments for their mission]
[RM - I want to go back! Suga - Do you like me?]
[J-Hope - A Maldives in mojito Jimin - I'll wait for you in the future!]
[V - That's a cowardly excuse!]
[Jin - Did you have to take everything away?]
[Jungkook - Am I shaking?]
[1st player RM]
[Not athletic] The members that are less athletic should go first.
[Agrees wholeheartedly] Yeah.
[Higher than it looks]
[It's so high] So high.
[Scary] - It looks so scary. - It is.
[It's really scary if you think it is...] It's scary.
RM, are you ready?
[Deep breath]
- Yell out loudly! - Argh!
- Are you ready? - Yes.
- 1, 2, 3, jump! - Wow!
[Though in a frog posture, he lands on the sandbag]
[Mission] [Great work] I want to go back~
[Doubts] - Namjoon succeeds. - I'm going to try it till the end.
[RM has got some confidence after trying once] I can do it.
This is a matter of overcoming fear.
[Confident] I think you can go back one step.
- Don't say that just because you already went. - What are you saying?
I think we all will succeed.
[Hmm... Jin doesn't look like he would] No.
[Smart +Skillful] Because it's the different from jumping off the floor over there.
It goes farther there.
[Suggests] 2 points to Jungkook and till the end.
[He suggests adding 2 points if they succeed at a more difficult stance] Try going tilll the end.
- I think you can do it. - OK. till the end.
[2nd player Jungkook]
[It's scary up so high] It's scarier than you think it would be up there.
Are you going up untill the max?
Please go up higher.
[Jungkook is going to try it at the highest point] Is that the highest?
[Jungkook is ready!] - Are you ready? - Yes.
1, 2, 3, jump!
[Soft like tofu...!]
- Why didn't you yell out your comment! - Fail.
[He forgot to yell and just caught the sandbag] - Fails! - Fails!
[Mission: Am I shaking?] [Fails!]
[He himself can't believe this] Failure.
[3rd player Jin]
[Experienced player] That's higher than you think.
[No] - You can do it. - I can't, it's scary.
[Why does he look like that?] - Whoa! - He looks...
- Are you ready? - No.
1, 2, 3, jump!
[Like catching a butterfly!]
[Mission comment] Did you have to take everything away?
[Great work!]
[4th player Jimin]
[Jimin too] Farthest point!
Can you try it?
[Jimin will try catching it at the longest length]
[Full of willpower] I'll try it.
- Are you ready? - Yes.
Jimin, try saying this. "
[Park Jimin (24)] A training drill at the height of 11 meters which is
[breaking news/ ARMY fans might die from his cuteness] the scariest height to man.
I'll try it.
[He gets ready all on his own] Yell out into the distance! Argh!
[All by himself] Ready! Go!
[Yeah!] [Wow~ Jimin]
[He hugs without holding back]
[Mission] I'll be waiting in the future.
[Good work!]
[5th player J-Hope]
[Worried] - Are you all right? - It's not bad so far.
[Bewildered] Should I turn the other way?
[Difficult from the start] No, not that way. Opposite.
J-Hope! Are you ready?
[Not yet] Hold on. It's heavy.
- Yell out into the distance! - Argh!
[Eyes bright]
- OK. - 1, 2, 3. - Hold on.
[Inner peace~]
[Now's the time to jump!] 1, 2, 3.
[Jump!] [J-Hope flew!] Wow!
[Fear... It's nothing]
[Mission] [Fails] A mojito in Maldives.
[6th player V]
V you can do it!
[1 guy who loves to yell] It's easier if you shout.
[I can't hear anything...]
[Really nervous] - Hey! - He's really scared.
Yell out into the distance!
[Can't hear] Is it brought in?
[Embarrassed] I'm more embarrassed.
- This is tough. - Don't forget your mission.
- Argh! - Louder! - Argh!
[Everyone thinks he's cute] 1, 2, 3.
[V wants to jump too!]
[Bursts out laughing]
[He can't help being cute] He's so adorable.
[Oh no] [shaky]
Just come back down! Don't jump!
[Let's be calm]
[Today's 2nd highlight]
[1, 2, 3, jump!]
[So adorable] Argh.
[I got a boo-boo]
[His hands look so desperate in the air]
[He didn't yell nor catch the sandbag]
[Last player Suga]
[It was so scary] It's so scary.
It really is scary.
[They know their ARMY fans] ARMY fans will enjoy this.
[Bewildered] Hey, this is higher than it looks.
[Relaxed now that they're done] Suga! It looks like your legs are shaking.
[shaky] It's really scary.
Yell out into the distance!
[We already know] It's really scary!
[I know] It's so scary.
- Hour of destiny. - 1, 2, 3!
[I'll throw myself]
[Widened eyes, nostrils, and mouth]
[If you're the N pole, I'm the S pole...]
[Mission: Do you like me?] Do you like me?
[Great work]
[Sandbag game results] [Sports Challenge]
[RM - 3 points (fails to yell his mission)] [Jungkook - 1 point] [Jin - 3 points]
[Jimin - 5 points]
[(Failed to yell his mission) J-Hope - 1 point]
[(Failed both) V - 0 points] [Suga - 3 points]
How was today?
I've been overcoming a lot of my fears thanks to Run BTS!
[What's fear?]
I've discovered my athletic side.
[On the dot] - Like what side? - Various sides...
It was a fun experience.
[It's not over untill it's over!] We stilll have one more fun experience.
Today's 1st place winner.
[Final results] [Sports Challenge]
[1st place Jimin - 17 points, 2nd RM - 14 points] [3rd Jin - 9 points]
[4th Jungkook - 8 points, 5th Suga - 6 points]
[6th V - 5 points, 7th J-Hope - 3 points]
[J-Hope has to do the penalty!]
[You can't avoid it!]
[It's random though!] You can avoid this one though.
[J-Hope has the penalty cap on. I'm ready to get wet.
Run BTS! will continue.
Please continue to show your love.
[Urgently] Show your love for J-Hope too. I love you. I love you, I do.
[See you again] Run BTS!
[-Penalty-] [Tugs]
[J-Hope is enjoying perfect weather so far]
[Amazed] This is kind of heavy.
Lucky guy!
[They're going one by one...] J-Hope should get wet...
[Stilll hasn't burst]
[Bewildered] - Is J-Hope safe? - Does that thing work?
[Just one more, and he's done] Really?
[J-Hope you lucky guy] J-Hope!
- Does this not work? - Does it not work?
[The members think it's broken]
[Takes it off] It doesn't work.
[There's no water coming out] - It doesn't work. - It's not working.
[Water, sweat, tears]
Run BTS! will be back.
[Wrapping up] Run BTS!
[Run BTS!] It didn't work earlier.
It didn't work earlier.
- That's weird. Why won't this work? - Why won't this thing work?
[Run BTS] [Sports Challenge]
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