New Earth News � New Earth � YOUR Creative Choice!
by Zoe Davenport,
We have come upon a moment in history, a turning of the tides, a reflection of self as all
mirrors lead to the light that was within us all along. We are learning as a co-creative
species that there is indeed more to this matter than the density once taught to us
in outdated text books at schools. We have begun to understand the dualistic nature of
reality, the fabric of space time and the bending of light forms at will to create what
feels more abundant, joyful and loving.
Yet there is still alignment to fear, struggles, abandonment, jealousy, judgment, hate, anger,
greed, envy, frustrations, resentment, attachments, neediness, expectations and STORY.
The break away is the simplistic answers that spirit continues to download in a multiple
of different tones, messages, languages and activations.
The answers are no more complex than needing to understand a children�s book for five
year old, yet we seek to complicate and over analyze the solutions by focusing on the problems.
We cannot solve old paradigm problems by dealing in old paradigm solutions � for they are
not solutions at all they are waves of encodement designed to go round the karmic loop and get
caught up in the ideals the answers need to be more complex than what they truly are.
The New Earth that you so feel to be true in your hearts, your being the essence of
who you are is HERE. It�s ready NOW and it takes these key simple, easy pathways to
align to the shift of focus long enough to feel the different energies occurring within
your holographic experience.
Take your perception away from the dense carbon based being that your old self is ascending
away from � in this moment take a breath and allow yourself to FEEL light, FEEL love,
FEEL joyful, FEEL abundant. It does not matter if your mind/ego is telling you to �think�
otherwise just for a moment tap into that creative part of yourself. The child that
used to play all day long and imagine all sorts of wonderful things. You could imagine
you were a pop star, a artist, a chef. What other games did you play when you were younger
for no other reason other than to play and experience what it FEELS like to create, play,
dance, skip and sing?
So for this moment � Use your imagination and imagine yourself in your New Earth � what
are the things you would be doing?, what conversations would you be choosing to have? what elements
would you add in to feel joyful in this moment of your created reality?����.
Our biggest block is we continue to imagine using outdated creations that are still running
in simulation � AKA our outer world, we perceive the lack and scarcity that is already
here as a marker of what we could call in and create � old problems = old solutions
= still old problems.
To shift your awareness, your focus to what is NOT here but align to that feeling you
know to be so true in your heart � I feel it is there for you or you would not have
found articles like this one designed to activate that piece.
New Paradigm � Our New Earth is created on solutions � and stepping into the energy
of receiving to allow the aligned pieces to come into motion and fruition.
It�s a beautiful game of letting go, creating space, forgiveness, surrendering, imagination,
trust, creativity, alignment, knowing, planting seeds, allowing growth, allowing the experience,
allowing the journey ton unfold, letting go of control, patience and then holding the
space to truly receive.
It starts with you right HERE right NOW in this moment � what are you choosing to focus
on?, what are you choosing to think about? and what choices are you making based on lack/fear
or instead what solutions are you focusing on by aligning to your creative zone of genius?
� your play, your adventurer, your knowing and most importantly to your heart?.
Every day you can wake up and set your intentions Every day you can wake up and tune into your
heart Every day you can align to love through feeling
Every day you can ground and connect to Gaia Every day you can call Source to yourself
Every day you can let go of thoughts which do not serve
Every day you can make ethical consumer choices Every day you can make ethical banking choices
Every day you can align to the truth you always have a choice
Every day you can take a moment to pause, breathe and align back to your heart
Every day you can allow the mystery of the journey to unfold without control
Every day you can send love to a stranger Every day you can be the person you came here
to be � in THIS moment NOW by opening your heart
Every day you can align to New Earth � to feel your connection to all that you aspired
to create in your holographic reality that manifested into physical form.
That place you seek is HERE � as you continue to shift your perspective you shift your reality,
you give out what you want to receive. There is no more waiting for this shift it�s HERE
NOW. This is your grounding, the start, middle and end for it always comes back to the heart
and piece by piece watch your entire universe shift in resonance to the expanded love that
you share so freely through joy.
Every day align to the thought, sensations of what it would FEEL like to step into the
energy of joy, abundance and love simply by shifting your focus from the old paradigm
problems to the solutions of your New creative Earth.
It�s all HERE ready for you and these steps, breathe by breathe things will shift for you,
you will make quantum jumps into the unlimited potentials of your ascending crystalline light
Play, it�s all here for you.
All my love
For more infomation >> New Earth News – New Earth – YOUR Creative Choice! - Duration: 6:20.-------------------------------------------
Lady Gaga : Une immense star internationale souhaite collaborer avec elle - Duration: 2:35.
How to grow hot peppers from seed - 7 Pot Club - Duration: 10:25.
Welcome to 7 Pot Club. I'm Rob.
(Singing) I grow hot peppers.
I'm super excited because today is hot pepper planting day. Feels like spring to me, although
it's snowing like crazy outside and the groundhog just saw his shadow and I know there's going
to be at least six more weeks of winter. But I don't care because it's warm and toasty
inside and we've got dirt and hot pepper seeds from all over the world, and everything we
I've got these seedling trays. I'm going to plant the seeds in these trays where they
will sprout and remain for several weeks until they get large enough to transplant into these
seedling pots. There, they'll be all happy under lights and grow for a couple of months
until it's warm enough to transplant them outside here in Minnesota.
We've got so many interesting varieties this year, and because this is 7 Pot Club, I've
assembled more 7 Pot Varieties than I've ever grown before.
If you're not familiar with the Trinidadian 7 Pot Pepper, legend has it that one pepper
is hot enough to flavor 7 pots of stew. We may test that out in a future video. Anyway,
we've got everything we need here, so let's get started.
This year, I'm growing 82 different varieties of peppers. I think that's maybe more than
I've ever done before. Each one of these, when you add the 12 trays that's what a total of 72 in each
one, I'm planting two, so that's 144 different segments. I say segments because I do plant 2 to 4 seeds
in each one, and often I get more than one viable plant, and sometimes I'll get two or even
three plants out of each one of these six segments.
I have room down in the basement where I have my grow lights to grow 12 trays of 18 peppers
which I think is maybe 216? I'll check my math later. So, anyway, it's real easy to
make mistakes when you've got so many seeds, most of which look virtually identical. But
I have found some strategies to help me minimize the number of mistakes that I make.
On each one of these trays I use this silver Sharpie that you can get anywhere. I mark
on the trays Tray 1, Tray 2, and I mark them Front and Back, and then each one of the seedling
trays also gets marked with is it Tray 1 or Tray 2, this is the front of it, this is number
1, this is number 2, all the way through number 12.
So here's the chart that I made up. I made this up in a desktop publishing program, but
of course you can just as easily do this with pen and paper. It just matches the layout
of my tray with the individual trays in it. There are 12 trays in each one so that's 72
in each one. I'm going to be planting 144 all together, and I just have this laid out
the same way that the tray's laid out.
So that's how I keep things organized.
In this container we have potting mix. You can use any brand you'd like. This is a moisture
control potting mix which slowly releases moisture as plants need it. Potting mixes
don't contain dirt or soil. They're made from composted bark, peat moss, perlite and other
ingredients. Potting mix won't compact and inhibit root growth like soil will when used
in containers, and it contains nutrients your growing seedlings need. Add your mix and make
sure to tamp it down to completely fill each segment.
We'll begin with seedling tray 1 from base tray 1. I've referenced my chart and located
the indicated seed varieties - 7 Pot Barrackpore, 7 Pot Brainstrain Red, and 7 Pot Brainstrain
Yellow. Now, let's start planting. We have plenty of seeds, so I'm going to plant 3 or
4 in each segment.
I'm adding this voiceover at a later time, and I just have to laugh at myself for being
such a video newbie. Yes, I'm shooting from the wrong angle and you can't actually see
me placing the seeds. But trust me, I'm just dropping them on top of the potting mix, trying
to keep them a little ways apart. No special technique here. Tamp down the seeds (I use
a pencil), and make sure they're covered with at least 1/8" and no more than 1/4" of mix.
You can add a little mix on top, if necessary.
Then, mark your chart so you know those segments have been planted. You don't want to accidentally
plant two varieties in one segment, because you won't know which are which after they
If you wait to tamp the seeds down until you have placed seeds in all segments,
then you'll be sure you haven't double-planted.
I want to say something about soaking seeds prior to planting. A lot of the top growers
recommend this, and I'm sure it helps germination. But I'm growing so many varieties that it
would add a significant amount of time and complexity to the process, and as a guy with
a day job, I just don't have that additional time. By using electric heat mats (more about
those later) and keeping the mix moist, I always get 90% germination or better. I'm
happy with that.
And there you have it. 6 segments planted. Only 138 more to go.
Now we're in my home office. My main grow room is in the basement, but I start the seeds
up here for two reasons. One, it's about 10 degrees warmer up here than in the basement,
and two, I can keep a close eye on the progress because I work at home and spend most of my
time here. I wanted you to see the Seedling Heat Mats before I turn them 90º and place
the trays on top of them. You just plug them in to raise the temperature approximately
These heat mats are part of Hydrofarm's Germination Station or you can buy them separately. The
Germination Station package includes the base tray, seedling insert, humidity dome and heat
mat. The seedling inserts are a one piece for all 72 segments, and they wore out after
a couple of years. Now I'm much happier using the 6-segment trays which fit perfectly.
OK, I've placed the base trays on the heat mats, and now I'll add water. The amount depends
on how moist your potting mix is, but I'm going to start with about 16 oz. in each tray.
Be sure to rock the tray after you add the water for even distribution.
Now I'll secure the domes on top of the base trays. Notice that I've sealed the ventilation
holes on the top and sides with Scotch tape.
Here are the trays the next morning. You can see from the condensation that it's nice and moist
in there, which is what you want for good germination.
While I'm waiting for the seeds to sprout, I'll set up the lights. So I have a couple
of old mic stands to I can use to suspend the lights over the trays. I've got two LED
grow lights over each tray. All LED grow lights emit colors in wavelengths that look very
weird and alien to human eyes, but the plants seem to like them.
I've got everything plugged in to a couple of power strips. The heat mats stay on 24
hours a day, while the lights are plugged into a timer and are on from 6 am to 10 pm
daily. I've placed them at the minimum height where the lights appear to cover their half
of each tray.
One week has passed since planting, and as you can see, quite a few seedlings have sprouted.
It can take as long as 2 or 3 weeks for some seeds to sprout, so this is a good start.
Now that we have sprouting, I've removed the tape from the ventilation holes so that there
can be airflow inside the dome. I spray the seedlings and the surface of the potting mix
daily and add water as necessary.
Sometimes, the seed hull doesn't drop off when the seedling sprouts. This means the
leaves can't emerge and the plant will die. If you're very careful, you can usually hold
the plant's stem in-between your fingers and pull off the hull with tweezers.
Two weeks after planting, most of our seeds have sprouted. We've got 93% germination in
tray 1 and 92% in tray 2. We still expect some more sprouting in the next week. Here's
a shot under normal light so you can really get a good look at them.
Thanks for watching. Gardening is such a fun hobby, and it's such a blast to plant seeds,
watch them grow, and even end up producing some of your own food. I hope that you're going
to be inspired to tray it yourself.
In the next video in this series, we'll transplant these seedlings into 3 inch pots and move
them down to our basement grow room, where they will be nurtured until it's time to move
them outdoors. We'll continue to follow the process throughout the summer all the way
through harvest time, and there's going to be a few surprises along the way, so please
subscribe to our channel. For 7 Pot Club, I'm Rob.
Ténèbres (Tenebrae) - 1982 - 1h40 - V.O St.Fr - Giallo/Thriller - Dario Argento - Film complet - Duration: 1:40:59.
CJay - Thottie Mad (Official A...
Comment les Macron ont convaincu David et Laura d'assister à l'hommage populaire - Duration: 3:05.
Seberapa Greget Dilan 1990 ? #SUKIZONE (ADA KEJUTAN DI BELAKANG :D !!! ) - Duration: 5:58.
Just Dance 2018 Choreos Compilation (Big Community Collab) - Duration: 21:17.
Yes, It was too many years hahaha! But better late than never, right?
Well people, this video is very special for me. I want to keep it as one of the best and beautiful memories on the channel
It's one of the videos I like the most because I loved to see how you all danced in it
Basically I wanted to do this video to show this ... When people ask me, what is Just Dance for me?
My answer is... Fun, family, joy, passion, friends, but especially COMMUNITY,
yes! You're my Community (family) that make possible that Just Dance be the special thing what it is for me
And I am very grateful that you join in these activities
I know the video is long, but I didn't want to put every of you only 10 sec
I wanted to let every of you shine while you were dancing
Thank you for your participation! And if you don't want to watch the full video
I will leave a pinned comment with the minutes where each choreo starts
Thank you very much again, I'm immensely happy
And at the end, you have to click on the video to watch the winners from this collab
the winners will be receiving some little gifts from me as a symbolic appreciation for the support
And let's go to watch this Just Dance 2018 Choreos Compilation video
You all are the best, don't forget it! I love and adore you all!!
and I hope that Just Dance and you, never die in my life......MWAH!
2008 Grievous-Come Back Home (BTS) - Duration: 4:15.
(Heroically laughing)
(Heroically laughing)
(Heroically laughing)
(Heroically laughing XD)
(Heroically laughing)
Véronique Sanson soutient Catherine Deneuve dans le « droit à être importunée » - Duration: 3:03.
Minho & Newt ~Memories~ Friendship [TMR, TST, TDC] - Duration: 3:51.
Loana transformée et amincie en Une de Elle (photo) - Duration: 1:22.
Lady Gaga : Une immense star internationale souhaite collaborer avec elle - Duration: 2:35.
Fingerspelling - Американский жестовый язык - Duration: 5:24.
K. It's this.
K. So where do I put my thumb?
Wait. Here.
Oh, on the middle knuckle of my middle finger. Like that?
Good. It kinda looks like the letter K.
It is letter L. It's this.
L. So, it looks like the letter L.
Can you show me how to do an F?
Whatsapp status video | Life Inspirational Quotes | Motivational Lines About Life - Duration: 0:32.
Whatsapp Status Video
Is Connecting On Social Enough Without Creating a Membership Site? - Duration: 2:42.
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Hi, welcome to another edition of Social News Interviews,
I'll be your host today, Erock Christopher.
And in today's episode we're excited to be discussing
the recent rise of social media and how it spawned
an entire industry, a new trend called
influencer marketing.
With companies looking to capitalize upon the opportunity,
people everywhere are looking to become influencers,
and so we wanted to be able to discuss this new trend
with a membership website expert.
This gentleman is making a bold claim
that influencers are leaving money on the table,
but they're also not giving as much value
as they potentially could to their customers,
audiences and following.
With that being said, we'd like to discuss
his perspective on this issue of influencer marketing.
The co-founder of Memberium, membership website expert,
none other than Michah Mitchell.
Micah, welcome to today's episode.
- [Micah] Thank you for having me, appreciate it.
- [Erock] Well awesome, well again with the recent rise
of influencer marketing, people everywhere
are using social media to create massive followings,
audiences and trying to provide amazing value
on whatever topic or expert they happen to be on,
and you're making the bold claim that they're
potentially leaving, not only leaving money on the table,
but potentially not even offering as much value
as they could be with their followings.
Would you care to explain your perspective?
- [Micah] Sure, of course.
So somebody's who's let's say a leader on
one of the platforms, maybe it's Instagram
or whatever combination of platforms they have,
that's just the first part of their business.
They've been able to generate a following,
they've become an influencer,
really building a membership site is
the next logical step because they can create an area
where their customers and leads and people who
they really want to lead and create a tribe out of,
they can make an area for that person to come into
and go through their content, and they can
charge them for it, they can offer it as something free
to supplement something else that they're selling
to a customer, or they can use it to generate leads.
But it just gives them a lot more control and ownership
over their own intellectual property and they can
leverage it a bunch of ways.
(techno music)
Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning San Clemente CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning San Clemente CA - Duration: 1:06.
Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning San Clemente CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Le miracle dans un verre: ce jus combat presque toutes les allergies! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 2:36.
The Trio Miracle Oil By Soleil - Duration: 2:14.
We'd like to introduce you to the new TRIO miracle oil by Soleil
The Trio miracle oil is made of 3 layers of nourishing oils:
The bottom layer is Marula Oil- Growing in Africa, the Marula oil is made
of the peel of the Marula fruit . The Marula protects the hair from heat and
hair damage created from blow dryers, hair straighteners and curling irons.
It restores the hair follicle as it has 30% more protein than any other oil.
This provides a protective layer for the the outer part of the hair strand.
The hair absorbs the Marula oil very naturally.
The second layer is made of Rose Petal Oil: The rose oil is extracted from the actual
petals of roses.
Its dominant traits include prevention of hair loss.
Rose petal oil is also extremely effective in stimulating hair growth.
When typical oils are applied on the hair, the PH level rises, which creates dryness,
fizziness and split ends.
The rose oil will balance that PH level.
The top layer is coconut oil- Coconut oil is filled with nourishing elements
and is one of the most effective natural oils for the hair.
As opposed to other oils that remain on the outer layer of the hair, the coconut oil gets
absorbed deep into the inner follicle of the hair.
Many ancient cultures used coconut oil as an overall wellness agent for the hair.
Protein from the Marula Oil causes an Increase to the hair's natural PH level,.
Rose petal oil balances the hair's PH level to the optimal level
Once the hair is at this state, the coconut oil then penetrates deep into the hair, functioning
as "miracle repair agent", creating proven, ground-breaking results.
In 5-6 minutes the miracle oil will go back to its normal state.
The TRIO MIRACLE OIL from SOLEIL is a one-of-a-kind repair agent, taking the hair-industry by
Welcome to the future of hair-repair.
Welcome to Soleil!
Ténèbres (Tenebrae) - 1982 - 1h40 - V.O St.Fr - Giallo/Thriller - Dario Argento - Film complet - Duration: 1:40:59.
SegMate Messenger Marketi...
Clash Royale FUN EDITION!!! - Duration: 6:59.
Fingerspelling - Американский жестовый язык - Duration: 5:24.
K. It's this.
K. So where do I put my thumb?
Wait. Here.
Oh, on the middle knuckle of my middle finger. Like that?
Good. It kinda looks like the letter K.
It is letter L. It's this.
L. So, it looks like the letter L.
Can you show me how to do an F?
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