this is the obsession line and there's nine plus
the galaxy s 9 has a dual aperture smartphone camera that's actually
designed to work like the human eye it's bright outside the camera will
automatically use a smaller aperture and when it gets dark the camera switches
over to a wider aperture in fact the widest ever included in a smartphone so
you can take bright clear shots day and night we set out to reimagine the camera
we focus on the experience or users love the most and everyone loves slow-mo
one of the most popular shooting modes you can use dual aperture multiframe
processing and super slow-mo on both the s9 and s 9 plus cameras and now for the
very first time we're bringing the incredible dual camera to the Galaxy S
series with the s9 plus yes time plus comes with both a
wide-angle lens and a telephoto lens and it has optical image stabilization in
both lenses so you can take clear focus shots whether you're snapping a close-up
portrait or a wide shot we didn't stop there
we also made a camera it brings a whole new level of visual intelligence to your
phone so all we do is open up the camera
good AR emoji create my emoji and now use the front-facing camera to
take a photo it's actually as simple as taking a selfie to remove my glasses so
it gets a clearer view of my face
there we go
now it's taking my image and creating my AR emoji and there it is the s9 features
speakers on both ends of the device they're the loudest ever in a galaxy
these are new AKG Tunes dual stereo speakers and they've allowed us to do
some truly incredible things with our partners Adobe think back to the last
time you went to your local cinema the sound was totally immersive right well
we've brought that feeling to the s9 with Dolby Atmos bringing cinematic
sound to a mobile device for our enterprise customers we are for a full
suite of services to help corporate IT IT managers configure deploy and update
all their devices easily including through the cloud users and companies
love decks so we made it even better we've introduced a brand new decks pad
and Knox integration to create a seamless experience for IT managers and
services like Samsung decks among the most exciting frontiers of technology
but as I said earlier they don't stand alone they built on a foundation of
amazing hardware powerful security and intuitive software and now embedded
throughout it all is guess what intelligence you can check it out
starting on march of sectors when it's available in retail stores please
come and check it out thank you
For more infomation >> Samsung S9 and S9+ Event in 5 Minutes | MWC 2018 - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
🌼 Going to Capture { Meme } ✨ - Duration: 0:49.
Nightcore - Someday (Switching Vocals) - (ZOMBIES/Lyrics) - Duration: 2:57.
This video includes lyrics on the screen
Let's Play - Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Part 2 (Spitting Fire) - Duration: 10:54.
what's going on guys this is smashing bro ben and I'm continuing my blind
play of wonder boy in my last video I did a very quick intro and today we're
gonna see what other stages I could explore as I mentioned before guys this
is gonna be one of my shorter run playthrough so you could enjoy this for
15-20 minutes if you're really digging this let me know please I'll try to do
somewhat lengthy or gameplays but so far I want to just sit down and enjoy this
game at short bursts I just upgraded my armor let's test it enough in action and
keep getting that cache looks like all those coins are coming in handy for my
future items so I really I'm really diggin those little RPGs Schelling
that's kind of like reminds me a lot of Castlevania to Simon Simon's quest
alright whoa what the hell what did I press check this out guys isn't it
awesome so I guess the developers included the original graphics of this
game so I could enjoy both of them appreciate the origins oh this is so
freakin cool but you know what I'm digging this way too much this this
presentation here is amazing no no attack I saw
not wonder what's here Oh treasure chest Oh lovely oh I don't
mind I sense oh alright secrets I'm digging
that let's go
so I'm not even sure if it's gonna be continuous stages or it's gonna be one
like world but did you get to explore so I'll try to close chronological points
for you guys so you don't get confused too much I'm loving a stage pirate ships
little Ewok the puss guys here and we keep going out you bastard
son-of-a-gun you don't get to do this to me ouch as you guys guys can see my
platforming skills are kind of shitty I have not done platformer games in a
while I mean but for a guy who beat the original rayman mreow games i should be
fine right I hope so I wanna embarrass myself love little
original Mario craps here you guys remember that single screen mario bros
game where you just uh we have to knock down those flies and then and craps
that's why I'm reminded of looking at these guys here come on give me whores
dude I need a hearts I need to heal
that wasn't much help oh no yeah my jumping timing is way freakin off
ah here here we go this dude again this guy again you know what maybe I'm
getting stuck embarrassment you died
come on give me something good here give me a life give me an extra large yes
what does that get me what I get back to the village I guess they just healed me
for free well before I head out let's go check out the shop maybe I got some new
goodies in there that I've missed I picked up the shield this sword yep
I'm up to date so that let's keep going questing adventurer time I think I'm
gonna be hooked for this game
it's just so fun to look at but that jump button is my kryptonite so far I'm
not doing a an awful good job
maybe she's got to get more confident my confidence maximum efforts yay and the
music makes me want to go on vacation oh no I fell
not again don't try to figure out how to take that
flying cloud out it's like as this flying around swaggering around
just wants to damage me for no reason
come on bra what you got what you got what you got for me okay let's be
careful here Oh
I can zap underwater okay
do I get to earn points and distribute them I hope so
I got a tiny also tiny also tiny go it out
you got a freaking cloud is gonna come after me again
no no my money my money on my side
there we go oh no I hope it can't get me here yes you can let's go in oh okay oh
I got some new stuff I can buy
mastershield well I don't have enough money son let's not even look in that
direction dude it's expensive you're gonna work on
your prices yet man all right well pleasure I got the key all right I
hope that's gonna take me to a checkpoint go back all the way freakin
back really No
there's got to be a way
oh man this cloud is really messing me up it keeps following to is you don't
want to stop it's relentless
now I've been here
okay gotta be careful here
and here we go back to the village
I miss a coin
always welcome always well can we gotta get some cash what's here don't I can't
get here I gotta use the magic door to get back to my hub and I get something
like this door I guess yay yay come on dude let's do this this is the next
stage right yep the deserts alright guys this is it for
my short run hope you enjoy this and please come back next time I'm gonna
have some really good Wonder Boy goodies for you guys alright if you enjoyed this
video please follow and subscribe then see you next time
Samsung S9 and S9+ Event in 5 Minutes | MWC 2018 - Duration: 4:54.
this is the obsession line and there's nine plus
the galaxy s 9 has a dual aperture smartphone camera that's actually
designed to work like the human eye it's bright outside the camera will
automatically use a smaller aperture and when it gets dark the camera switches
over to a wider aperture in fact the widest ever included in a smartphone so
you can take bright clear shots day and night we set out to reimagine the camera
we focus on the experience or users love the most and everyone loves slow-mo
one of the most popular shooting modes you can use dual aperture multiframe
processing and super slow-mo on both the s9 and s 9 plus cameras and now for the
very first time we're bringing the incredible dual camera to the Galaxy S
series with the s9 plus yes time plus comes with both a
wide-angle lens and a telephoto lens and it has optical image stabilization in
both lenses so you can take clear focus shots whether you're snapping a close-up
portrait or a wide shot we didn't stop there
we also made a camera it brings a whole new level of visual intelligence to your
phone so all we do is open up the camera
good AR emoji create my emoji and now use the front-facing camera to
take a photo it's actually as simple as taking a selfie to remove my glasses so
it gets a clearer view of my face
there we go
now it's taking my image and creating my AR emoji and there it is the s9 features
speakers on both ends of the device they're the loudest ever in a galaxy
these are new AKG Tunes dual stereo speakers and they've allowed us to do
some truly incredible things with our partners Adobe think back to the last
time you went to your local cinema the sound was totally immersive right well
we've brought that feeling to the s9 with Dolby Atmos bringing cinematic
sound to a mobile device for our enterprise customers we are for a full
suite of services to help corporate IT IT managers configure deploy and update
all their devices easily including through the cloud users and companies
love decks so we made it even better we've introduced a brand new decks pad
and Knox integration to create a seamless experience for IT managers and
services like Samsung decks among the most exciting frontiers of technology
but as I said earlier they don't stand alone they built on a foundation of
amazing hardware powerful security and intuitive software and now embedded
throughout it all is guess what intelligence you can check it out
starting on march of sectors when it's available in retail stores please
come and check it out thank you
Voici comment savoir si vous êtes enceinte, avant le test de grossesse ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:24.
Yesus Kristus Putra Allah PS 536 - Duration: 1:41.
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
6 interessanti rimedi naturali a base di guscio d'uovo - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:03.
6 interessanti rimedi naturali a base di guscio d'uovo - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:03.
6 interessanti rimedi naturali a base di guscio d'uovo - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:38.
🌼 Going to Capture { Meme } ✨ - Duration: 0:49.
Ce que l'on vous a jamais dit sur l'orgasme féminin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 11:22.
CALOURO vs VETERANO 2 - Duration: 4:34.
Asayake to Nettaigyo (朝焼けと熱帯魚) | English Cover | Kicka - Duration: 2:15.
Happiness filled with pain, oh Comes and washes over me
And that bright green summer Ends like any other
And before I turn and look, you're gone.
See you never.
A despair so temporary, I take it to bed with me,
And these memories of you hide buried somewhere deep inside my dreams,
When I saw your face from the side, I know I saw love in your eyes
But it had gone away come morning light.
Shaken I'm shaken I
Feel so empty but I'm shaken up
An empty bowl is just like me
Got nothing inside that's too exciting
I'm fatigued and hollow
Hesitate to feel, cause I don't know
I don't think too much on who I'll be where this city chooses to take me
Though I must admit I didn't even know your name,
It was always like we'd never need words to say anything
I try my best not to doubt it.
I try my best to be patient.
Will you give me your heart one day or just remain like this?
If all it took was a wish to get anything that you've been dreaming of,
I would have asked for your voice
For it to resound and fill me up
Memories always change, oh
And it's a kind of therapy
And that autumn flies by No matter how I try
And before I turn and look, you're gone.
See you never.
A despair so temporary
I take it to bed with me
And these memories of you hide buried somewhere deep inside my dreams
When I saw your face from the side, I know I saw love in your eyes
But it had gone away come morning light.
Voici comment savoir si vous êtes enceinte, avant le test de grossesse ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:24.
Plumbing Inspection Placentia CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Inspection Placentia CA - Duration: 1:07.
Plumbing Inspection Placentia CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Movies Couples | Unsteady (TRMC) - Duration: 3:56.
Benefits of Banana for Weight Loss: Make This Magic Drink - Duration: 4:11.
The banana is considered a complete fruit, because it is a practice to peel and feed
giving the sensation of satiety.
In addition, it is a versatile fruit because It can be raw, cooked or fried food.
Even its bark can be reused in the kitchen.
However, bananas have something even more precious than its flavor: its vitamins.
You know when you are peeling a banana and you find these little "strings"
Usually, people remove these "strings" because the taste is not good.
These little strings are called beams of phloem and are very rich in fibers.
These bundles are responsible for distributing the nutrients throughout the banana and make it
fruit ripe, tasty and healthy.
In addition to the phloem bundles, the banana also include vitamin C, E, D and
Complex B vitamins.
Rich in collagen, bananas do very well to the skin and bones.
Bananas are also an excellent source for because it contains a large amount of
of potassium, a mineral that is very important for a healthy heart.
Bananas also contain two other minerals phosphorus and magnesium.
The first makes up our bones and teeth and helps digest carbohydrates.
The second produces cellular energy and is essential for muscle relaxation, being very important
for people who are suffering from stress.
But bananas have even more benefits: help fight depression because it is rich
in tryptophan, a natural antidepressant that maintain the serotonin levels of our
brains and improves people's moods.
In addition, they reduce the risk of attacks and improve muscle mass and
levels of energy, especially in children.
Another substance you can find in bananas, phytoalexin, which is an antibiotic
natural and can prevent premature aging, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.
Phytoalexin is described as a powerful preventive substance of aging and
of the ulcer.
Here's a recipe for banana vitamin that you can add to your diet:
Ingredients - 1 banana;
- Half a glass of kefir; - Juice of two lemons;
- 2 tablespoons flaxseed; - 1 tablespoon of coconut oil;
- 1 pinch of cinnamon powder; - Half a teaspoon of ginger powder.
Instructions Mix all ingredients evenly
in a blender.
We recommend that you drink every morning, before breakfast on an empty stomach.
For people with hypertension, it is recommended remove the cinnamon and ginger from the recipe,
or at least consult your doctor before to make the recipe to find out if consumption
regularization of these foods can complicate pre-existing health conditions.
See how easy it is?
Now that you know all the benefits of bananas, try to eat bananas regularly
and incorporate it into your day by day.
Jacques Dutronc en veut à Johnny Hallyday « On ne déshérite pas ses enfants » - Duration: 2:04.
{Top Santé} Les vertus de 6 types de thé - Duration: 3:00.
{Top Santé} Ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous sautez des repas - Duration: 3:15.
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...
Spaghetti Sandwich Recipe ~ Spaghetti Sandwich using Leftover Spaghetti - Duration: 3:20.
Sometimes the leftovers are better and in this case just as fun as the main meal.
I'm Tess and today I'm making some spaghetti sandwiches with last night's
leftover spaghetti.
(intro music)
My husband says you can make a sandwich out of anything.
Put anything between two pieces of bread and call it a meal. Well, today I'm putting
that to the test and making a spaghetti sandwich. I'm starting by making a
parmesan crisp and they are really easy to make. I placed a couple tablespoons of
grated Parmesan cheese on my silicone mat and baking at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
for six to eight minutes or until golden brown. Let it cool and harden and you
have a nice cheesy and slightly salty Parmesan crisp that is great in a
sandwich or a side accent. You can use any rolls or buns that you like.
I'm putting on a spoonful of basil pesto. I think this will give the sandwich a pop
and brightness. On goes a nice slice of tomato... and now the star of the show, the spaghetti!
This is spaghetti I made with a meat sauce and it also has some onions
bell peppers and mushrooms. If you would like to see that video recipe I will
leave a link here and in the show more section below. I warm the spaghetti in
the microwave first. Putting on a good healthy serving and do the best you can.
It can be a little messy and it's supposed to be. I have both mozzarella
and provolone cheese so I'm putting a slice of mozzarella on one sandwich and
provolone on the other. Baking at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for six to eight
minutes or just until the cheese is melted.
And this is my spaghetti sandwich. Topping with some fresh basil leaves and
don't forget the Parmesan crisp. This spaghetti sandwich has lots of flavor.
You can really taste the basil pesto, the tomato adds some freshness and texture,
the spaghetti really shines through, the melted cheese holds it all together and
adds some creaminess and the Parmesan crisp gives it some texture and a hint
of saltiness. This spaghetti sandwich really turned out good and I will be
making them again! What odd or unusual leftover sandwich do
you make and enjoy? Leave a comment below or even better take a photo or make a video.
I would love to see them. I hope you try and make your own spaghetti
sandwich, have fun and enjoy.
If you like this recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button. Remember to
hit the BELL next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my future video recipes.
You can also find me on Steemit, Facebook and at my website. Feel free to
SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.
And until next time, Much Love!
Romantic Date Night Look - Duration: 17:05.
Hi, welcome to my channel, I'm Karina
Today I will be doing a tutorial on the look you see here
which is a date night look
We are going to start off with a primer
this is the Milani Prime Perfection face primer
I use this primer to hydrate and prime te skin
because I have really, really dry skin
very dry
you don't even know
my spanish is a little broken
so please be patient with me
I'm going to take the NYX Mineral stick foundation
and I'm going to apply it
on the outer parts of my face
and then I'm going to blend that in with
with a damp beauty sponge
I maintain this foundation on the outskirts of my face
because it doesn't dry my face out too much
which is good because this is where
my face is so so dry
then I'm going to use the Maybelline Fit ME!
Matte and Poreless foundation, only in the T- Zone
because this is where I get oily when I'm nervous
and more problematic skin
now I'm going to use the Tarte Shape Tape concealer
placing it in the under eye area
and on the eyelids as a base for our eye shadow
blending it in with the same damp beauty sponge
I'm also going to use this concealer
to brighten the T-zone
and this is just so that our base looks even
to blend our foundation and concealer together
Now were going to set that using
the Maybelline Fit Me! Loose Finishing Powder
to set down the concealer and
foundation we just put on our face
to keep it from moving and to make it last longer
first I used the damp sponge to apply it to the under eyes
then I'm going to take this small tapered brush from e.l.f
to distribute and blend that into the rest of the face
now I'm going to contour my face
using the Physicians Formula Highlight and Contour pallet
using the cool toned shade in the middle
applying it with a small stippled brush form e.l.f.
applying it in the hollows of the cheeks
to chisel out the jaw line
and to contour our nose
to define our nose
and make it look, well, defined
to warm up the skin I'm going to use
the Benefit Hoola Bronzer
applying that to the face with the
real techniques multi-task brush
placing it right on top of our contour
and also taking that bronzer up to the hair line
to warm up the rest of our face
for blush I'm using the Wet n Wild Coloriconic
blush in the shade mellow wine
with a big fluffy blush brush from Real Techniques
placing it right on the apples of the cheeks
I'm going to set the concealer I applied on the eyelids
using any shade the matches your concealer
I'm going to be using the e.l.f Mad for Matte pallet
then I'm going to do my brows off of camera
Using the e.l.f. pallet in the shade Summer Breeze
I'm going to take shade #3
and I'm going to use this as my transition shade
and apply this with a BH cosmetics
tapered blending brush #12
maintaining it in the outer corner of the eye
but I'm also going to blend this into the crease
this transition shade is just going to
make it easier to blend the rest of the eyeshadows
now I'm taking shade #4 of the palette
on a Sigma E25 blending brush
and I'm going to apply that right on top
of our transition shade
after packing this color into the outer corner
I'm going to blend that up into the crease
now I'm going to take shade #6
with the same brush im going to apply that
right on top of the shade we just put down
blending it into the the outer corner
first I pack on the color closer to my lash line
and then slightly blend it into the crease
Now I'm going to take the collaboration
of Morphe and Kathleenlights palette
and Im going to take a shade
very similar the shade we just used and place that
in the crease to make sure there are no harsh lines
by maintaining the eye shadow
in the outer corner I'm trying to achieve a
smokey and sultry eye look
now I'm going to take the shade Secretive
which is a very rich wine color
and I'm going to pack this on to the lid super close to the
lash line in the outer corner of the eye
using the #8 small tapered blending brush
from bh cosmetics
which is more precise that the other blending brush
like I said before packing it on the lash line
once there is no product left on the brush I'm going to
blend it up towards my crease
but not passing the outer corner of the eye
this is to deepen the outer corner of the eye
and to define the lash line
now I'm going to take that same shade
on a Sigma E30 pencil brush
and I'm going to re-apply that on the lash line
because sometimes when we blend
the color can fade
and to intensify that deep shade in the outer corner
to darken and define the outer corners
now I'm going to take this bone looking shade
and I'm going to put that on the rest of the lid
with the Sigma E55 shadow brush
and I'm going to blend that in with the other sades
to avoid any harsh lines
and this eye look I'm doing on my eye
I'm keeping it all matte
because idk I just wanted to make it look
more romantic
more flirtatious
flirt with the eyes
well yeah this look is a very soft and
not so bold
nor too heavy
because we're leaving that up to the lips
I'm going to combine the shades #6 and #4
on a Morphe M213 smudge brush
and I'm going to place that on the lower lash line
I'm blending that into all of my lower lash line
then I'm going to take the wine shade Secretive
and I'm going to pack that on to the outer corner
of the lower lash line
and only keeping it in the outer corner
because then it can cause our eye too look smaller
I'm going to apply the Colourpop Gel liner
in the shade honeydude in my water line
and then the Maybelline gel liner with any angled brush
to make a wing
and now I'm going to apply mascara
using the Loreal voluminous lash paradise
in the darkest shade they have
which is black
and apply that to my upper and lower eyelashes
for the lips I'm going to take
the Colourpop Ultra Satin Lip
in the shade Prim
and I'm going to apply that to the lips...
obviously lol >.<
but I used this darker shade because
idk it kind of just inspired me
now I'm going to take the shade Creme Puff
to highlight the inner corners of my eyes
which helps it look like we have a doe eye
opening up the eye giving it more life
and light
once I pack that into the inner corner
I'm going blend that out slightly on to the eyelid
just to make sure there is no harsh lines
and so everything fades out well
get me ;)
next we are going to take this shade with an
eyeshadow brush #11 from bh cosmetics
to highlight the brow bone
but using a light hand because
it can get real bright, real quick
I'm going to highlight using
the Pure Nude Highlighter by Essence
I'm going to apply that to the tops of the cheekbone's
on the bridge of the nose
on the chin
on the cupids bow
and a little bit on the forehead above the brows
Last but not least we are going to set that
using the Milani Make it Last setting spray
and we're done
This is the final look
Thank You Soo much
for watching my video
I hope you all enjoyed it
subscribe if you haven't
and I'll see you next time
BYE Everyone!
Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror - Moonwalker (Subtitles PT/ENG) - Duration: 5:16.
Video And Subtitle Edition Irineu Damo
I'm gonna make a change
For once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right
As I turn up the collar on
My favourite winter coat
This wind is blowin' my mind
I see the kids in the street
With not enough to eat
Who am I, to be blind?
Pretending not to see their needs
A summer's disregard
A broken bottle top
And a one man's soul
They follow each other on the wind ya' know
Cause they got nowhere to go
That's why I want you to know
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make that
Change! I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make that change
You gotta get it right, while you got the time
( You can't close your, your mind )
(That man, that man, that man)
(That man, that man, that man, that man)
Could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself then make that
I'm gonna make a change
It's gonna feel real good
Come on
Just lift yourself
You know it
You got to start with yourself
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
You got to move
You know it, you know it
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
You know it, you know it, you know it
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
You know it, you know it
You do
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
You know it, you know it
You do, you do
( Make that change ) Stand up for your sister
Stand up for your brother
You know it, you know it
You do, you do
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
( Make that change )
( Man in the mirror )
You know it, you know it
You do
( Change )
Make that change.
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