Phonics song with learn
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Phonics song with learn
What Are The True And False Feminine Archetypes? - Duration: 8:33.
hello and welcome to she TV the place to become powerfully feminine from the
inside out I'm Candice Oneida today I'm going to talk to you about the
difference between the false feminine and the true feminine so what is this
thing false feminine true feminine well let me give you a little bit of
background if I could so when I went through what I went through and got
totally burnt out I was totally exhausted I had been successful
outwardly but I was totally but I was totally dying on the inside and I went
through my process of discovery as to what feminine is and means and feels
like what I realized was when I looked out there in the world around me
people didn't really know what masculine feminine meant and those words were
bandied around in such a way that was frankly creating more confusion and less
clarity now I have a background in astrology I've been studying astrology
for 20-something years and in astrology there's this concept where there's
always a lower mode and a higher mode of planets or planetary forces and what I
realized was oh the same thing applies to masculine and feminine
there's a false or a lower mode of masculine and feminine and there's a
true or higher mode of masculine and feminine so I set about creating a model
a framework of what that would look like I basically had this huge aha when I
realized that like oh that's why I didn't want to be feminine I didn't want
to be the false feminine what I was seeking to be was the true feminine and
then the next thing I found was that there were few to zero role models out
there as to how to be in the true feminine so here I am wanting to show
you this model because it's such a powerful way with which to experience
yourself and to see the world around you so let me start with this we've got the
false feminine which is that of the maid and the princess and then we have the
true feminine that of the Queen in the priestess and every time I'm doing this
with my hands it's because this is the lower mode or
force mode and this is the true mode or the higher elevated form of that these
are what I call the four feminine archetypes and we tend to have a
dominant archetype although we do run between them okay so let's start with
some ways to describe the maid so the maid is essentially outward out-focused
what I mean by that is she's focused on the world around her she feels outside
of the world she feels separated from it she really feels very worthless alone
often she feels like she's constantly in servitude really to things in the world
around you she's frustrated she feels like a victim she feels like she doesn't
have any power over her environment she essentially in a core essential ways
feels very powerless the maid doesn't like being there but she finds herself
feeling and believing that she's really stuck there and of course she isn't she
doesn't have the role models to help her to get to where she needs to go so let's
move to the princess the next in the false feminine archetypes so the
princess is essentially outward in focused what I mean by that if she takes
all of her clues from the world around her from things outside of her as to how
she should feel think or be three words that really describe the princess our
blame shame and criticism now whether she's doing it to herself or to those
around her that is a really cool way to describe the princess and I think you
know what I mean the princess essentially also feels
powerless although she her way of doing it is to fight against things she's
often very dramatic and creates dramas as opposed to the maid who kind of
slumps in defeat she fights out against things the princess doesn't have a
strong sense of self she's not centered and she's not grounded she wants a lot
more she really does but she really just doesn't know how to be in her body and
doesn't now to be in her Center and her domain of her body and she doesn't own
and love her body and sexuality in a way that the true feminine
he can use it sometimes to manipulate to get what she wants but she's essentially
believing that she has to fight and manipulate to get what she wants as
opposed to knowing that she can have what she wants which is the order of the
true feminine so let's move to the true feminine and let's start with the queen
the queen is essentially in out-focused as in she is so aware of her inner
environment and what's happening inside of herself she seats herself very
centrally inside herself she knows herself she knows her strengths and
weaknesses and she has done probably done a lot of transformation work to get
there the queen is a person who is big on appreciation she appreciates herself
she appreciates others verbally and consciously a lot of the time she's full
of gratitude and she also speaks those gratitudes a lot the queen knows what
she wants she knows what she desires and she has discovered the full depth of her
desire without any conditioning and she knows how to ask for what she wants and
then to receive them the Queen is seated in her body her throne her pussy and her
energy she is proud and loving of her body and her sexuality and she loves to
engage and share that with others her partner's etc the queen is the queen of
her domain and her domain essentially starts centered in her body and then if
she is an advanced queen she is also the queen of her environment her community
her projects or her businesses and then let's move to the priestess the
priestess is in word in focused she derives all of her direction from inside
and her relationship to consciousness and spirituality spiritual connection
and the divine are alive in her and she commands both her energy her body of
energy as well as spiritual forces she is the one that is in the position to
connect to spiritual worlds the priestess is in service she is
service of others she's in service of the divine and she can be of service
because she knows how to plug in turn on and fill up with energy basically she
knows how to be plugged in to an infinite source of energy and divine
connection she is generous her time in her heart
the priestess has mastery over the sexual space the sexual space where it's
plugged into deep deep rich sources of nourishment joy expression and sexual
delight okay so that's the fall feminine archetypes I'm going to suggest that you
click up here and take my what's your desire archetype quiz and what this is
going to show you is what your dominant archetype is today I want to implore
that we all run between the archetypes and the level of mastery it takes to be
a priestess is something that takes quite a while to do so let's be honest
there and to be in your queen well it's inside you it's inside all of you and
that's what my work is here to do and I do that in its most deep rich fashion
inside of the powerfully feminine sisterhood if you have any queries about
that you can ask me that here too so take though what's your desire archetype
quiz and get to know your for feminine archetypes and start to watch it out
there in the world around you it's absolutely fascinating if you liked my
video today give me a thumbs up I love to get comments on feedback on what's
your feminine archetype and if you have any questions about it I'd love to
engage you there too and remember when you have the courage to go out there and
shine you give others permission to do the same so let's all go out there and
shine this week bye bye for now.
How To Paint An Abstract Painting | Acrylic Painting Demonstration | Intertiatic - Duration: 4:44.
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