been a liar, been a thief... <3
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How Do People Buy Guns Legally? - The Legal Brief! (AD-FREE) - Duration: 5:07.
Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and
misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.
I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're going to tell you the truth about the gun
buying process.
After the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, gun control has been trotted back out as a way
in which we can prevent these incidents from occurring.
While gun control advocates continue to push for more restrictions on law abiding citizens,
it has become rather clear that a number of people are undereducated on how guns are bought
and who can actually buy them.
It's worth noting that when we are talking about gun laws, federal and state law comes
into play.
Let's start with the most common misconception.
Background checks.
No one is able to walk into a gun shop or gun show and buy a gun from a dealer without
undergoing a background check.
Federal law requires that a dealer complete a background check on the person purchasing
a gun prior to transferring the gun to them.
The person must complete a form called the Firearms Transaction Record or 4473 which
contains a number of questions related to federal prohibitions.
Questions on the form include things like whether the person is subject to a restraining
order, been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year imprisonment, whether
they've been dishonorably discharged and if they've ever been involuntarily committed
or adjudicated a mental defective.
We actually covered the ins and outs of the 4473 and prohibited persons in separate videos
which will be linked in the video description.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
A person could just lie and get a gun.
Not quite.
After the form is completed, the dealer must run a NICS check, otherwise known as the National
Instant Criminal Background Check System, on the person.
Some states, like Pennsylvania, are point of contact states, where the dealer contacts
the state police who then in turn contact NICS.
Either way, NICS gets contacted.
NICS is run by the FBI and contains a repository of information which, among other things,
pertain to the criminal records of people.
The system tells the dealer they can either proceed with the transfer, delay the transfer
(meaning NICS looks to obtain more records or information about the individual attempting
to purchase the gun before making a decision) or deny the transfer.
If the background check system denies a person, the dealer is prohibited from completing the
In other words, they don't leave with a gun.
There are a variety of reasons that a person can be denied.
As I mentioned before, those reasons include things like being subject to a restraining
order or being a felon.
On top of that, states have their own prohibitions which go beyond that of the federal government.
I've included a link to Pennsylvania law as an example.
Currently, the federal government prosecutes less than 1% of individuals who attempt straw
purchases, which is a fancy name for buying a gun for someone who can't legally possess
one, or making false statements on the 4473, since a person is certifying their answers
are true under penalty of perjury.
This figure was relayed to me by a representative of FBI at the NICS Retailer Event.
Federal law also prohibits a dealer from transfering a handgun or ammunition to be used in a handgun
to an individual under twenty one years old.
Eighteen year olds may purchase a shotgun or rifle and the ammunition to be used in
There is also no lawful way for a person to mail order a modern firearm and have it delivered
to their doorstep.
Any firearm ordered online must be sent to a licensed dealer, who then must conduct a
background check.
While some politicians would have you believe that you can walk into a dealer and walk out
with an automatic rifle, that is simply not the case.
It is true machine guns are legal for civilians to own.
However, civilians are banned from owning a machine gun made after 1986.
As a result of market economics, on the cheap end, a machine gun is on average around 7
to 10k.
Couple that with additional paperwork requirements and the tax for a machine gun, the number
of people who purchase them are extremely limited.
It requires a lot of their hard earned money, time and compliance with additional requirements
to own one.
As you can see, gun laws at the federal level are not as lax as some might have you believe.
There are already a number of existing laws that prohibit people from legally obtaining
However, all the prohibitions in the world don't actually matter if the government
does not enforce the existing law.
And to those out there that are shocked a person is able to purchase a firearm and take
it home the same day, I leave you with this thought.
It's a good thing that law abiding citizens are able to do so.
If you aren't a criminal, you should be able to exercise your constitutional right to keep
and bear arms without a hassle.
Just like you should be able to walk down the street without the police stopping you
and asking for your papers.
Just like you should be able to hold an unpopular opinion, express it, and not fear reprisal
for doing so.
After all, these are your RIGHTS, as enumerated in the Constitution.
Sick of bad information finding its way around the internet?
Make sure you share this video with your friends.
Don't forget to hit that like button, get subscribed and consider supporting us via
the links down in the video description.
If you haven't yet, be sure to download The Gun Collective Podcast on iTunes.
We would love to get your feedback on that!
And as always thanks for watching!
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Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
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Hierarchical Reconfiguration Management for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Equipments - Duration: 3:53.
In this video, we present our demonstrator for the hierarchical reconfiguration of cognitive radio equipments.
This demonstrator has been done in the SCEE research team
which is part of CentraleSupélec and IETR.
This demonstrator has been done by Xiguang Wu, Jacques Palicot, Pierre Leray and Christophe Moy.
We use a computer connected to a ZedBoard, this board contains a Zynq SoC.
Which is composed of an ARM processor and some FPGA logic.
Both are used for signal processing
We implement an OFDM communication between a transmitter and a receiver.
The transmitter is implemented on the computer,
and the receiver is implemented on the Zync SoC.
On this SoC, the Fast Fourier Transform is done on the logic
whereas the demapping is done on the processor.
For the management of our cognitive radio system, we use the Hierarchical and Distributed Cognitive Radio Architecture Management (HDCRAM),
which is a three level architecture.
At level 3, we have several management units which are linked to the radio operators.
We have a first level of abstraction at level 2.
At this level you have several management units which are used to make decisions which concern several radio operators.
Finally, at level one, we have the global manager of the system.
Thanks to the cognitive management, we can dynamically adapt the constellation of the signal based on the SNR in the channel.
Moreover, we can use dynamic partial reconfiguration to replace the FFT block,
based on the bandwidth of the signal and the battery level of the receiver.
This is the interface of our demonstration.
This interface is composed of several elements,
At the top right corner, you can see our management architecture.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see a button for the selection of the SNR.
On the right, you can see the used constellation,
This constellation can be a 16-QAM or a QPSK.
On the right you can see the used FFT
This FFT is chosen based on the battery level of the receiver and on the bandwidth of the received signal.
We can first increase the SNR,
When this is done, the constellation changes from QPSK to 16-QAM.
If we now reduce the SNR,
we go back to the QPSK.
Now, we are going to change the FFT
If we reduce the battery level of the receiver, we will use a radix-2 FFT, which consumes less energy.
Finally, when the bandwidth of the received signal is changed, it changes the size of the FFT.
In this demonstration, we have used the HDCRAM management architecture
for the management of a cognitive radio system.
We have shown that this architecture can be used for the management of the constellation based on the SNR
and for managing the type and the size of the FFT,
based on the bandwidth of the received signal and on the battery level of the receiver.
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