Choi Il Hwa Admits To Sexual Harassment, Removed From Drama And University
Actor Choi Il Hwa has come forward and admitted to being guilty of sexual harassment. Following this news, Choi Il Hwa will be stepping down from various projects and roles.
Reports revealed that he was guilty of sexual harassment while working in a play several years ago. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
In an interview he said, I sincerely apologize. If there is anything, no matter how small, related to me I will come forward and accept the sin. I just have a heart of a sinner..
He continued, When the news came out I wanted to apologize and relay my feelings, but it is true that I had a lot of fear. Its late but I really wanted to apologize.
I want to sincerely apologize to them. I apologize for gathering courage late.
I dont want to cowardly evade this. While this will not heal their pain, I will have a time of self-reflection and be judged by the law according to the truth..
Choil Il Hwa will removed from his position on the board of directors for the Korean Actors Association as well as his role of being an academic advisor at Sejong University.
A source from Sejong University said, Choi Il Hwa was recently appointed as an academic advisor for theatre major classes, but his appointment has been withdrawn today.
He had not been an academic advisor and only got appointed four days ago to start working in March. He was supposed to give special lectures a few times a semester.
However, his appointment has been removed following the reports and the issue..
The actor will also be leaving upcoming drama MBCs Hold Me Tight. A source from the drama said, Following an internal discussion after Choi Il Hwa admitted to the sexual harassment allegations, we decided to replace him.
If there is ever any sexual assault or sexual harassment on set we will deal with it strictly.. Stay tuned for updates.
For more infomation >> Choi Il Hwa Admits To Sexual Harassment, Removed From Drama And University(News) - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
"차민규 어디갔어?" 벌써 국제대회 출국한 빙속 영웅들 | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 6:13.
L'agent de Sylvie Vartan s'en pre.n.d à la famille de Laeticia Hallyday -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:12.
封魔獵人S 下載教學 (請開啟字幕功能) - Duration: 8:24.
Audi A4 Avant € 4.579,- demovoordeel. S line Edition 2.0 TFSI 140 kW / 190 pk Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.
The Man on the Raft: The Story of Poon Lim - Duration: 8:08.
On the morning of April 5, 1943, about ten miles
off the coast of Brazil, a fishing family in their small boat spotted a Chinese man
on a much smaller wooden raft bobbing up and down in the Atlantic Ocean.
Waving a shirt and jumping, the man was clearly in distress, so the Brazilian family turned
their boat around and picked him up.
Climbing aboard, he was overjoyed, hungry, and very grateful.
As they set sail again, the man danced and ate whatever was given to him.
After three days, they landed in Belem, Brazil, a town at the mouth of the Amazon River.
Authorities were waiting for him as the man, unassisted, walked off the boat.
Considering his ordeal, this was an amazing feat.
You see, Poon Lim had been stranded at sea for 133 days, a record for a lone human.
Born in Hainan, China, the main island of a series of islands in the South China Sea,
Poon Lim attended school, unlike many other kids his age, thanks to his brothers sending
money from their factory jobs.
At 16, Lim's father, believing that life would be better elsewhere and out of fear
that Lim would be drafted to fight against the rapidly advancing Japanese, sent him to
join one of his brothers on a British passenger freight, working as a cabin boy.
At first, according to his own account given to Ruthanne McCunn in the book Sole Survivor,
he didn't take to life at sea, getting sick and teased constantly.
He eventually caught on to the ways of the ship, but conditions were terrible for Chinese
crew members in general.
Discriminated against, given the worst jobs, and shoved into overwhelming cramped living
quarters, this was not the better life Poon, or his father, envisioned.
His brother tried to make him feel better by saying, "Hey, at least the British officers
aren't beating us."
As the years went by, the conditions for Chinese crewmen on British ships got better, mostly
because they had too.
The supply of British crewmen had decreased due to World War II.
Merchant ships, in order to keep up with the intense demand the war had created, had to
entice workers by improving conditions and increasing pay for Chinese crewmen.
Lim had actually quit as a cabin boy in about 1937/1938 and moved to Hong Kong to enroll
in mechanics school.
After six months, the sea came calling again.
His cousin told him of the improved conditions and, most importantly, better pay.
Plus, the Japanese were poised to capture Hong Kong any day and Lim did not want to
be around when that happened.
Thus, he signed on working under his cousin as a Second Steward on the SS Benlomond.
The SS Benlomond began its journey in Cape Town on November 10, 1942 and was crossing
the Atlantic Ocean on its way to Suriname (a Dutch-owned plantation colony in South
America) before sailing to New York.
The Benlomond was known as a "tramp steamer" in that it did not have a fixed schedule nor
published ports of call.
Tramp steamers also often traveled solo, unlike other trade ships that went in convoys.
The Benlomond was armed, but its heavy, slow movements made it an easy target.
On November 23rd, more than two thirds into the voyage, at about 11:30 am, it was torpedoed
by a Nazi U-boat.
The ship sunk within two minutes.
56 men perished, 24 British and 22 Chinese, and only one man survived.
That man was Poon Lim.
In the mad rush of a sinking, exploding ship, Lim was still able to grab a life jacket,
which likely saved his life, as he was, by his own account, a poor swimmer.
He then swam away from the sinking ship as fast as he could.
As this was all happening, he was spotted in the water by the aggressors, the Nazi U-boat,
but was ignored, left to suffer in the cold dark waters.
He floated in the ocean for what he estimates was around two hours until he was able to
find one of the ship's life rafts and swim to it.
It was a wooden raft about eight feet square, with a partial canvas roof.
Luckily for Lim, it had provisions on it: a forty liter jug of water (about ten and
a half gallons), several tins of biscuits and hardtack (a long-lasting cracker), pemmican
(sort of like beef jerky), malted milk tablets, lumps of sugar, lime juice, two flairs, a
flashlight and even some chocolate.
This was to be Lim's home for the next 133 days.
He initially thought he was going to get rescued quickly, as soon as clients realized that
the Benlomond hadn't docked.
So, he only partitioned the food out for thirty days.
It eventually dawned on Lim that even if they did know the ship hadn't come in yet, no
one was going to come looking for it under such dangerous, war-time conditions.
He decided that he would take matters into his own hands; if he could survive long enough,
maybe the raft would take the current and float to land by itself.
In order to survive, he fashioned a rain-catching receptacle out of the canvas from the roof
and his life jacket.
He made a fishing hook out of the wire from the flashlight and jagged edges of the tins
of biscuits.
For bait, initially he used bits of his hardtack.
Beyond fishing, he decided that he needed to find a way to catch the other animal he
had seen on a constant basis while he floated – seagulls.
To do this, he came up with a little trickery.
He took the seaweed from the bottom of the raft, matted it down, and shaped it until
it looked like a nest.
Then, he let a fish rot next to the "nest."
Soon enough, a seagull swooped in and Lim went after it, eventually breaking its neck
(after suffering a few cuts from the bird in the process).
He then sucked the blood out of the bird, and dried the remaining flesh out with saltwater,
making perfect seagull jerky.
Because he was a poor swimmer, he knotted one end of hemp rope to his wrist and the
other to the raft, in case he fell in.
By day 60, he was confident enough that he began to swim twice a day in order to keep
his physical strength up.
Things were going as well as can be expected until the second month when a storm nearly
destroyed his raft.
He survived and was able to repair the craft, though he lost his water and food supply.
Beyond storms and the constant difficulty of acquiring food and drinkable water, sharks
were also a problem.
They were attracted to the remaining blood of the fish that he gutted and hung on lines
to dry the meat.
The sharks would often surround his boat, even occasionally ramming the raft.
But while sharks are predators looking for food, so was Lim.
He crafted a sharp hook out of a nail he managed to pry from the raft; the next shark that
came close after he'd done this, he managed to hook and pull up into the boat.
A fight ensued on the small craft, but Lim ultimately won out, supplying him food for
days, including a Hanian delicacy – dried out shark fins.
Poon-LimAnd so he subsisted remarkably well for 133 days.
He came close to rescue three times during the ordeal- once when he was spotted by the
crew of a passing freighter, who ignored him.
Lim felt it was because he was Chinese.
In a second instance, he was spotted by American airmen out on patrol.
They even flew low to investigate, but ultimately no rescue resulted.
This may have been because very shortly after they spotted him, a storm came up and moved
Lim's raft far from where he had been when the planes flew over.
In yet another instance, a German submarine spotted him and surfaced, but ultimately decided
to leave him to his fate.
This all came to an end when he found himself being picked up by Brazilian fishermen on
April 5, 1943, about ten miles from shore.
Three days later, they landed in Belem, Brazil, a town at the mouth of the Amazon River.
Upon arriving in Belem, despite being relatively healthy, all things considered, and having
only lost about 20 pounds during his voyage, he spent four weeks at the local hospital.
When he was released, the British consul arranged for him to go to Britain, where he was given
a British Empire Medal by King George VI.
The Royal Navy was so impressed by his survival skills and story that they incorporated his
techniques into their manuals.
After the war, he wanted to emigrate to the US and, despite initial difficulty due to
the Chinese immigration quota having been met (this would exist in the US until 1965),
he was eventually allowed into the United States thanks to special legislation written
by Democratic Senator Walter Magnuson of Washington.
Poon Lim lived to the age of 72, passing away in 1991.
To this day, he still holds the official record for longest time for a lone person to survive
being adrift at sea in a life raft.
When told this in 1943, Poon Lim responded, "I hope no one will ever have to break that
La Fouine, Rohff, Kaaris... Booba se réconciliera-t-il un jour avec eux ? Il répond - Duration: 2:27.
Regardez ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous buvez de l'eau tiède au citron et au miel le matin - Duration: 7:19.
Beetay Dinon Ki Yaad Main 2 | Muhammad Hussain Bandial | Best Urdu Audio Ghazal - Duration: 6:23.
Une serveuse griffonne quelques mots sur un reçu, 2 heures plus tard elle est surprise ... - Duration: 7:03.
Essai Alfa Romeo Giulia essence 2.0 Turbo : la meilleure des Giulia ? - Duration: 7:26.
[Szok] M jak miłość (1355): Rafał Mroczek znika z serialu. Dlaczego? || LVTszok - Duration: 4:09.
M jak miłość (1355): Rafał Mroczek znika z serialu. Dlaczego?
Czy Rafał Mroczek wróci do „M jak miłość?.
Producenci przygotowali dla fanów M jak miłość niespodziankę.
Już wkrótce prawdopodobnie z serialu zniknie Paweł, czyli Rafał Mroczek.
Nie wiadomo czy będzie to chwilowa przerwa, czy dłuższy urlop od pracy, ale znamy kulisy przerwania jego wątku.
W 1355 odcinku Paweł podejmie decyzję o wyjeździe z Polski.
Jego firma zacznie przynosić straty, co zresztą zauważy Julka (Joanna Kuberska),
która opowie Karskiemu (Krzysztof Kwiatkowski), że firma idzie na dno.
Super seriale przytoczyły fragment rozmowy Julki z Pawłem:.
Postanowiłem zamknąć firmę.
Nie jestem w stanie dłużej jej prowadzić.
Straciłem do tego serce.
I co zamierzasz?.
Wyjadę z kraju, gdzieś daleko. Tyle mi w życiu pomogłeś, a ja ci tak namieszałem. Przepraszam.
Masz rację. Tak będzie najlepiej. Firmę trzeba zamknąć. Tak będzie najlepiej dla wszystkich.
Wiem, że nie powinienem o to prosić, ale nie chcę jeszcze wracać na Deszczową. Mogę u ciebie posiedzieć?
Pewnie, możesz zostać do rana. Moja współlokatorka wyjechała na parę dni.
Po rozmowie z Pawłem Julka przygotuje kolację.
Wiadomo już jednak, że pomiędzy parą do niczego nie dojdzie – Zduński szybko zaśnie na kanapie.
Wyobrażacie sobie M jak miłość bez Pawła?.
1355 odcinek serialu już 27 lutego o godzinie 20. 50 w TVP2.
Héritage de Johnny Hallyday : Brigitte Bardot s'at**que à - Duration: 3:00.
Héritage de Johnny Hallyday : Jacques Dutronc brise le silence et prend position - Duration: 2:45.
How ISIS lost in Syria - Scary Military Power of Russia 2018 - Duration: 14:15.
Russian forces have used some 215 new types of advanced weapons systems in Syria.
Moreover, the Kremlin demonstrated its new long-range precision guided conventional strike
capability under operational conditions in Syria–less a necessity in fighting insurgents
in the Middle East than a shot across NATO's bow.
"The first experience of the combat use of long-range air- and sea-based systems proved
to be positive, These were primarily the Kalibr missile and the X-101 missiles that are less
known to the public.
Strategic aircraft were also used in combat conditions for the first time."
Putin praised the performance of Russian tactical aviation, naval and air defense forces operating
in the vicinity of Syria.
"Tactical aviation and drones also performed well enough for their objectives, to put it
modestly," Putin said.
"Supported by fighter aircraft, the S-400 and Pantsir air defense systems guaranteed
the superiority of our Aerospace Forces in Syrian air space.
Clear control over air traffic was established in the skies of the entire region where strong
air force groups of several countries operated.
Navy forces were also well coordinated.
Warships and submarines dealt precision and concentrated strikes at terrorist infrastructure.
In addition, Su-33 and MiG-29K ship-based aircraft took part in hostilities for the
first time."
Russia plans to continue modernizing its forces with modern precision-guided weapons.
The Kremlin's new State Armament Plan 2027 (GPV-2027) would continue the current tends
in Russian military developments.
"We have to take a qualitative step forward," Putin said.
"The recently adopted State Armament Program through 2027 is aimed at addressing this problem,
including equipping troops with strike weapons and next-generation reconnaissance weapons
systems, and building a powerful technological reserve in the defense industry, something
the Army of the future will rely on."
In the course of its anti-terror operation in Syria, Russia's military delivered 100
precision strikes with Kalibr cruise missiles against terrorist facilities,
The Russians have a huge nuclear arsenal, a rapidly improving air force, and some of
the best special forces in the world.
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
Le pacte d'excellence - Duration: 1:50.
Volvo V70 2.5 D EUROPA voor Liefhebber, history perfect!! Leer | Cruise | LMV | Spoiler - Duration: 0:57.
Volvo XC60 2.4D Momentum Automaat Leder Navigatie - Duration: 1:00.
Volvo C30 1.6D Leder 17 Inch - Duration: 0:54.
Rihanna, son histoire d'amour avec Hassan Jameel |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 1:51.
[FS17 MOD] MPMoney v1.0.0.8 - Recovery of your money in multiplayer - Duration: 1:17.
Hello everyone ! I will you present today the new version
of the MPMoney mod.
I would not go back on most features already presented in
the first video "MPMoney v1.0.0.6" so before continuing I invite you to watch
this video if you do not have it yet fact.
Now the shortcut is visible in the menu, it was changed by CTRL RIGHT + B.
In this new version as you can see it you can manually enter the
money for transfers.
On the right side you can see, there has a new icon that has appeared!
By clicking on it we find ourselves in a new interface that displays all the history
Transactions made on your account banking.
We can see the money received, sent, the recipient and the issuer.
There is no other feature on the interface but many bugs have been
corrected and several languages are now integrated: French, English, German,
Spanish, Polish.
Attention all player bank accounts with special characters will be
reset after this update.
It will also be necessary for each player to connect to reappear in the
list of players as well as in the ranking.
That's already the end of this video, leave me your comments and ideas,
I thank you for watching this video to the end and I invite you to
leave me a thumbs up if you like my mods and my video.
Good game to all and see you for a new video !
SWORD BEACH (Normandy) - Duration: 9:04.
Hello folks, we're at Sword Beach,
the easternmost beach of the five in the Allied plan.
Let's see how the landing happened here,
and why it's main objective, taking over Caen, failed.
The area code-named Sword Beach includes 5 mi (8 km) of coastline
between the towns of Saint-Aubin and Ouistreham.
Like the rest of the Norman coast,
the Allies divided the area in sections name-coded by alphabetical order
in this case: Oboe,
Queen and Roger.
The unit in charge of taking over the beach
was the British 3rd Infantry Division,
its 8th Brigade, to be exact;
which took part in the Dunkerque evacuation in May, 1940,
and four years later would have its rematch.
Though Sword Beach included the coastline in between the towns
of Lion-sur-Mer and Ouistreham,
the landing happened here, at the beaches of Hermanville and Colleville.
The 8th Brigade's Infantry landed at 07:25 hrs,
with the support of tanks
The 8th Infantry Brigade,
made out of three battalions,
was organized as follows:
the 1st Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment landed on the Queen White sector,
while the 2nd Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment landed on the Queen Red.
The last unit, the 1st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment,
was on reserve and would go into action once the beach was secured.
This would be possible, like in the Anglo-Canadian beaches,
partly due to the use of Hobart's Funnies
and also thanks to the engineers that jointly opened up the beach's exits.
Besides the infantry,
commando units landed throughout the morning of D-Day.
The 1st Special Service Brigade was led by Scottish General Simon Fraser,
better known by his nobility title: Lord Lovat.
He made sure that the landing of the Green Berets
wouldn't go unnoticed by the Germans.
One of the most memorable chapters in Sword Beach
is represented in this statue.
It's Bill Millin, who landed while playing the bagpipe, as ordered
by his commander, Lord Lovat.
By Millin's own account, he said that the Germans didn't shoot him
because they thought he had gone mad.
While the infantry tried to advance towards Caen,
Sword Beach's main objective,
commando units were to accomplish a series of secondary objectives
but vital, on both flanks.
On the west, the 4th Brigade headed towards Lion-sur-Mer
to try to meet up with the Canadian troops at Juno Beach.
On the east, Lord Lovat's Green Berets attacked Ouistreham.
There were 177 French commandos among its ranks
led by Captain Philippe Kieffer.
First, they attacked the German position over the casino's ruins
of Rivabella, which had been destroyed by the Germans.
At the time, only the foundation was standing.
Today, it's a place of remembrance.
If you saw the movie The Longest Day,
you'll remember the combat scene amid the casino.
But in reality, the building was destroyed
to get a better view of the coast.
It's foundation did house a German fortification,
but not like the one showed in the movie.
By the way, this classic movie was filmed almost entirely
in the same locations in Normandy.
But this scene was recreated in Port-en-Bessin.
If you look closely at this building,
you can still see remains of the posters making it seem that it's Ouistreham.
Let's go back to 1944.
After taking Ouistreham, the commandos went southeast
to make contact with the British 6th Airborne Division,
which had taken the bridges over the river and the Caen Canal.
When they were about to reach Pegasus Bridge,
to avoid being mistaken for enemies, Lord Lovat came up with the idea
to, once again, make an entrance to the tune of Millin's bagpipe.
This is what happened on both ends of Sword Beach,
but its main objective, taking Caen,
was being delayed.
At the beaches, due to the tides rising,
vehicles and soldiers were often stuck;
in addition to a strong German resistance inland.
Like what happened to the 1st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment,
on reserve until that moment.
Soon after going into action
it was stopped at the German fortifications at Hill 61.
Baptized by the British as Hillman Site.
It was the 736th Grenadier Regiment's command post.
Located over a small elevation
and with most of the bunkers buried,
which allowed for the control of the area.
In the Sword Beach zone, this and other German fortifications
were re-baptized with British automotive companies names,
like Morris or as it happens, Hillman.
It was from here that the sector's batteries were coordinated.
In the interior of their positions, geographical references
of the German zone still remained.
With the buried bunkers
they managed to stop the Allied advance throughout D-Day.
Like with this dome, armed with a machine gun
that had three openings to cover the whole zone
and had a well protected interior.
In fact, the British couldn't take control
until the morning of June 7th.
The delay in capturing Hillman Site,
allowed the Germans to set up a solid defense around Caen.
Another thing that could've been fatal for the Allies,
has to do with German tanks.
Because on D-Day the German High Command considered
that the Allied invasion could be just a decoy
for the real landing at another place in Europe
the tanks remained on reserve for a long time.
The only counterattack with tanks launched by the Germans
on June 6th was made at the Sword Beach sector.
The 21st Panzer Division was in charge
and did so in two directions:
one at Pegasus Bridge, repelled by British paratroopers;
and another to the west
where the tanks did manage to break Allied lines
arriving at the coast of Lion-sur-Mer and thus stopping
the union of Juno Beach and Sword Beach.
The advantage didn't last long for the Germans
being surrounded, they ended up leaving.
By nightfall of D-Day, the British accomplished
most of their objectives.
They had control over almost all the coast.
To the Southeast, they had made contact with the paratroopers,
and it wouldn't take long before they did the same on the west, with the Canadians.
But the main objective of the sector, to take Caen,
hadn't been done yet.
The city would remain under German occupation until mid-July.
British casualties at Sword Beach numbered
between 600 to 700, including the dead and wounded.
The landing here was only the first phase.
The Battle of Normandy had just begun.
Until the next episode!
Regardez ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous buvez de l'eau tiède au citron et au miel le matin - Duration: 7:19.
6 ans plus tard, des sextuplés recréent une photo qui a fait le buzz sur internet - Duration: 6:08.
6 exercices qui aident à contrôler la vessie - France 365 - Duration: 6:09.
L'agent de Sylvie Vartan s'en pre.n.d à la famille de Laeticia Hallyday -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:12.
Porsche 911 GTS : les plus belles photos de ses essais - Duration: 3:25.
Vidéo : essai de l'aide à la descente HADC du Peugeot 3008 - Duration: 6:24.
La Fouine, Rohff, Kaaris... Booba se réconciliera-t-il un jour avec eux ? Il répond - Duration: 2:27.
L'horloge biologique pour lutter contre les maladies inflammatoires | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 3:55.
Last of Us Safehouse Gameplay Walkthrough Part 11 Ps4 Pro - Duration: 20:20.
Whatever supplies you may want or need I suggest you grab them Thank You
Billy take a look around see if there's anything we can use
You know how to play this yeah pretty badly yeah, I always wanted to learn
Hey, Bobby, Fischer. Don't touch anything on that board
Bobby what who's letting go
Found everything you need good
Anything come on
Don't leave the door open you got it
We have to cross to the other building up the stairs. It's moving just
Stay with me can't believe you agreed to this bullshit bill
What you should have done was just left him back there?
You weren't kidding about him yeah, he's one of a kind
I'm gonna take a look around up here nothing in there that I need go ahead take whatever you want Thanks
What kind of trouble are you in what else this is the job simple drop off? What are you delivering?
Little brat, haha fuck you two
Kidding me with this guy. That's where we go and bill I
Had the safe house before of an armory wait. I thought we were gonna fix up a car we
will just
Like I said
One side
Had to take care of that relax
You didn't answer my question about Tess. Yeah, I thought the two of you were inseparable
She's busy. He's sure busy
Might be trouble in paradise. Yes. I'm like that
Why don't you fix one of these cars? Oh my god? You're a genius. I mean the whole time
Why on earth, and I thought about fixing one of these cars?
Okay, don't be a dick their tires are rotted and the batteries are dead
Are you done can't even begin to think what the inside of the engine block looked like only ones making new car batteries are the?
All right
You guys check the barricades again. You neglect the simple shit, and now you're paying for it. You know what that means?
I'm taking all the supplies from the warehouse okay
Hey Bill Joel this way
You picked a hell of a place to hole up in you you know as bad as those things are at least they're predictable
Normal people scare me you of all people should understand that
You sure that gates gonna hold him well I locked it. They don't have a key so
Which way we're here it's in the cellar
Down here
No here we are you don't touch anything and you close the door?
Let's gear up
Uh uh what I need a gun, no, you don't Joel I?
Can handle myself no
Stay here
Fine just wait around for you two to get me killed well this goes on record as the worst fucking job. You've ever taken
Heads up there on the hell is test okay with a suicide mission
Actually her idea really
Well, then the brats not as smart as I thought she was
What fuck her?
Seriously you got to take that kid back to where you found her
I can't just take her back and send her packing let her find her own way
Well, let me tell you a story
Once upon a time I had somebody that I cared about
Partner somebody I had to look after
And in this world that sort of shit's good for one thing get you killed
So you know what I did why isn't the fuck up and I realize it's got to be just me bill today
It ain't like that. It's bullshit. It is just like that
Hey what I said you we walk down the steps what I say just fixing your stupid pile. Don't touch
God damn it
You keep babysitting long enough, and eventually it's gonna blow up in your face
Can we please just get off?
Here let's get on with it
All right before we go any further I got something I got to show you once you got new toy from the toy box
mail bomb
You gotta be really careful this thing blows. It shreds anybody standing there by yeah, I've seen your handiwork
Pretty good, huh?
So we got shotguns and bombed the hell are we doing with them well every three weeks this military Caravan rides through town
I assume they're out looking for supplies. I mean you'd be amazed at the shit that they overlook
Few months back they were rolling through and they get overrun with this horde of infected
They were all over the truck while it's right on the side of the high school
still sitting here with a battery in it so we take that battery and we put it in another car Viggo I
Wanted to get it, but it seemed too dangerous with all the infected in this part of town
Okay, Joel needs a car the wood is damaged
Just sit in there, this is my work
Give us swear to God if you took anything hey, man, I don't need any of your shit trust me
Right like a hawk
Wow nice place you got here if you got anything to confess this would be the place to do it
Alright time to sack up
Alright, I'm not touching anything
Daddy come on
Look there's a school all right
Ready, yes, we'll find out
Yeah, come on you don't need to be looking at that. I've seen worse all right then
Let's get a move on
Past this gate, it's all new territory to me
Hey you guys hear that keep quiet
Hold up, I got a key for that gate
Hindu nationalists in India - The Westerners - Duration: 30:17.
Essai Porsche Panamera 4 E-Hybrid 2017 : elle frappe fort ! - Duration: 5:24.
How To Meet Cool People After College - Duration: 7:17.
For better or worse, when you're in school, your social circle is kind of on autopilot
in that your friends are gonna come from the class that you're in or at least this school that you are in but
once you graduate, it can be very hard to figure out where you're supposed to go to meet cool new people
or how you're supposed to actually make them your friends.
And that's why in this video I want to give you three awesome ways to meet cool people
after graduating and this is gonna be really useful if you've just graduated or
you may have graduated a long time ago but you're moving to a new city and you have to start over
or quite frankly, anywhere in between; because these are the principles for making friends in any situation.
So first one is this — be the hub.
Now, what I mean by this is if you think of a bicycle wheel,
it's got a bunch of spokes coming into a central hub.
And the question is — in your friend group, are you more like the hub — the person who is organizing events saying,
"Let's go to my house," or "guys, do you wanted me to this restaurant at 7:00?"
or "go to this movie on Wednesday night," — or are you the person who is the spoke?
— sitting at home waiting for the text to come in which sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
That is the downside of being a spoke. Yes, you don't have to take charge
of organizing events but you're only invited some of the time and even worse,
when one of the other spokes has a party or a cool event
and they can't invite everybody, who is the person that they invite?
It's inevitably the person that invited them; it's that hub.
And this is why people who tend to organize events or just have dinners
where they invite a bunch of people over tend to make friends
exponentially faster than the people who are just invited.
So if you want to kickstart your friend group, this is a really easy thing to do
Think of something this week that you can invite your immediate circle of friends to
or even your family and also encourage them to bring anyone that they might like —
it could be a dinner, could be movie, or it could be game night.
The second thing — I'll admit is the one that I do because I'm not an organizer;
I hate planning things and I've really almost never do it so I have to rely on this one —
and it's to be the beacon.
And what I mean by this is to stand out in a way that makes you stand out
in people's minds as a little bit different but then they associate you with other people like you concretely.
When I first left my job along with Ben,
we were dealing with a lot of conversations from our friends trying to talk us out
of quitting our jobs becoming entrepreneurs and moving to Brazil with no plan.
When that inevitably failed and we said, "No, we're going,"
they said, "Alright, at least talk to my buddy who quit his job last year
and is an entrepreneur" or "alright, you should talk to this guy
who moved to Brazil last year; he can help you sort of get your bearings."
And that's how we met our best friend in Brazil and I've met countless entrepreneurs
from other people who maybe didn't necessarily approve of what we were doing
but because we were so different in their mind, they kind of set up like friend dates
where they put us together and that had never happened to me in my life until I started to stand out.
Now, you might not be an entrepreneur and you may be wondering how do I do this.
If that's the case, there's actually a very easy way.
And it's to take a hobby of yours — preferably something you really like or
that is very different — and put it early in conversation and I've seen Ben do this a ton.
People say, "What do you do?" when you can of course say your job
but then you can say, "Also, on the weekends, I like surfing.
Now, some people won't respond to that but some people very enthusiastically will go,
"Oh, my god, man. Me too. I've been looking for a surf partner. Do you want to go sometime?"
They go surfing; if they're friendly, they hang out outside of that.
Or they'll say, "I'm not into it but my buddy is. You guys should meet," and the same thing happens.
Quite frankly, this is how I have met 95% of the people in my life;
they have come into it through Charisma on Command since I graduated college
and I am forever thankful of this — those of you who have emailed me,
my friends and my roommates, guys who came to the first ever class that I held,
a guy one of my roommates was a guy who came to the first ever class
of Charisma University which is our online course. Shameless plug —
if you want to check that out, it's in the link below.
But all of these people came in because we were the beacon and I highly recommend doing this.
If you're curious for more, I'm also going to put a link to a video
that is on finding and identifying your passion so you can put it out there —
in social media, Instagram, blogging, and YouTube.
You will be surprised and you can feel awkward and strange putting your music out there
or whatever it is that you love but inevitably, over time, people do tend to go
to the one that's raising their hand and saying, "This is what I like."
So consider being the beacon.
The third thing is going to be the easiest one and also one that can have
the funniest events which is saying yes to things that you'd never say yes to.
And when I got to Costa Rica, this is exactly what I did. I thought salsa dancing
was super lame and I also had no friends when I got to Costa Rica so
I kind of had to do what they did and I took a salsa dancing class.
I wound up meeting almost all of my friends in Costa Rica and the girl that I dated.
Later on in life, there's a ton of things that you can do; you've got improv comedy,
you've got rock climbing, you've got theater groups, and you've got all sorts of things
if you go to and just sign up for something that you wouldn't before.
I actually did this — I went to meet up and it was called Skillshare back in the day
and there was a class on life hacks and it was held by this guy named Scott and
it looked like a cool class; it wasn't something I do but I decided to go.
And I got there and was a cool class and I actually really liked the guy giving it; I wanted to be his friend.
Now, at the event, he was the beacon.
He was the person standing there, everyone liked him, and after class, like eight people
ran up to go talk to him which I was like, "Alright, this is not me," so I had to leave.
And this is what happens when you say yes — friends aren't made automatically
just by showing up to Toastmasters or improv or some Meetup but
a few weeks later, I came across an interesting life hack and I emailed him.
And then I went back and I was the hub; I said, "You and me and my buddy should meet
up on dinner and talk because it sounds like we have a lot of common interests."
And so me and him and Ben went out to the club and went out to dinner together,
became friends... long story short, he eventually quit his job and moved to Brazil with us.
But the point of that story is that you can't just say yes.
When you go to these events, you eventually have to be the hub.
So if you go to improv and there's a handful of people you want to make friends with,
the way to do it after is to say, "Hey, my friend" or "I" or whoever it is "is going to go out
to dinner after class next week; do you guys want to come?"
If they say yes, you go to dinner; now you're the hub — you've started a new social circle.
So we have those three things — be the hub, be the beacon,
and say yes the things that you might not have said yes to before but
what that does, of course, is it puts you in a circumstance where you're surrounded by new cool people
when you're still going to have to make a good first impression on them.
So in order to help you do that, we have set up a video
that teaches you the four emotions you can make in any individual in any culture
that will make them like you respect you and want to get to know you better
and eventually to be your friend so if you're curious with those four emotions
that you're going to want to create in the other person are, you can go below
or click the link around here which I will set up. It's going to take you to a page,
you drop your email, and you'll get immediate access to that video.
If you like this and want more let me know in the comments below what kind
of stuff you'd like me to cover in future weeks; if this is the first time, welcome to the channel.
I hope that you decide to subscribe and of course to hit that notification bell
so that you don't miss any new videos like this one.
I hope that you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next video.
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