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today I will show you the beautiful gentlemen's folder this is the Ruike
P831 SF knife and I will show you its features hey guys Mr. Sharp here and
welcome to another video if you want to learn more about Swiss Army knives
pocket knives and all types of edc gear start now by subscribing and hit
that notification bell so you don't have to miss anything and you're good to go
guys thanks first of all I want to thank Ruike knives of Fenixlight they sent me
this beautiful gentleman's folder to review really really thanks this is the
beautiful Wharncliffe Ruike knife gentleman's folder look at the details
it's very neat isn't it the blue thumb studs and here the screw yeah I like it
I like the stonewashed finish on this knife it comes with a pocket clip and
the pocket clip is not reversible but that's not an issue for me this is how
the Ruike knives comes out of the box yeah check out the
ruike knife ready to make it this
looks like a painting this is really Art for me like the design first let's
talk about the beautiful blade the blade material is 14C28N this is a
really great Sandvik stainless steel the blade length is eight point five centimeters
or three point thirty five inches of course the knife is a wharncliffe cliff
knife the blade is a plain edge full flat grind the blade thickness is three
point one millimeters or 0.2 elv inches the overall length is 195 millimeters or
7.68 in the closed length is 110 millimeters or
4.33 inches the steel of the handle is 3CR 14N stainless steel I had a little
bit trouble to open it with one hand but for me
gentlemen's folder doesn't need the feature to flick it open do you think
it's necessary to flick a gentleman's folder when you're sitting on a
table in a restaurant yes or no let me know in the comments what you think
about this here you have the beta-plus lock when the frame lock is
engaged like here you can lock the frame lock there is absolutely no blade play
it has an open structure here and you see the spacers and as you can see here
the frame is really light weighted and is milled out and make it a lot lighter
even the side with the frame lock is milled out and here you can see the
other side that's why it's really light weighted it's skeletonized the
Ruike knife p831 is fairly cheap it costs only 43 euros and I'll put the link in the
description of this video so go and check it out
here you have a size comparison with the Ruike ld-21 b
this is a really awesome outdoors knife I love the LD serie of Ruike and I will
put a link up here to the Ruike ld51 tech tool then the Ruike LD21 B and in the description of
the video you will find also these links and where you can buy it go and check it
out guys thanks I'm in love with the Ruike knives
do you think guys did you notice the back of the knife one nice line no
jempings and I love the fact they keep the curve you know it's beautiful do
check out the channels of befriended YouTube channels of mine they're also
linked in the description and in the comments of this video these channels
are HobieonYouTube, Messer HQ, Der Eidgenosse also go and check him out guys this was
my video of the ruike knife P831 SF thanks for watching and don't forget to
keep it sharp my friends bye
ruike tool,ruike knife review,ruike * tool,ruike knife,Ruike knives,ruike * *,mrsharp,ruike ld21,ruike ld51 trekker,ruike ld51,ruike p831,ruike knives review,ruike knives shot show,ruike knife p831,ruike knives p831,ruike knives p8,ruike p831 sf review,ruike p831 review,ruike wharncliffe,Ruike knives review- Ruike P831 SF,best ruike knives review,ruike knives 2018,Ruike knife 2018,ruike ld51-b,ruike p831-sf,ruike trekker ld51-b
For more infomation >> Ruike knives Review - Ruike P831 SF 🏆MUSTHAVE🏆 - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Jamuna Tv News today 25 February 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news - Duration: 12:13.
Jamuna Tv News today 25 February 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news
Jamuna Tv News today 25 February 2018 Bangladeshi Latest News Today News Update bd all bangla news
[2017 제네바] 프리미엄 중형 SUV 볼보 XC60 공개[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:57.
Isola dei Famosi, Craig Warwick: l'accusa choc di omofobia a Franco Terlizzi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.
Uomini e donne, Sara e Lorenzo di nuovo insieme: ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.
시트로엥, 소형 SUV 칵투스 200만 원 인하[24/7 카] - Duration: 1:43.
쇠비름 효능 7가지 및 부작용 알아볼게요♥DBH ENT ♥건강 정보 - Duration: 6:38.
쉐보레 신형 크루즈 최대 200만 원 내려, 1,690만 원부터[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:44.
Maria De Filippi: sorprendente notizia per la conduttrice, cosa le è successo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
강철의 솔라리 레오나 스킨 인게임 - 매의 형상|K-News - Duration: 3:43.
L'isola dei famosi, i nomi di chi ha fumato droga: scandalo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.
발키리 레오나 스킨 인게임 - 전쟁의 처녀|K-News - Duration: 3:44.
20 세, 물의 아름다움을 자랑하는 '99 세의'빨간 벨벳 바보 (11 장)|TKRTV - Duration: 2:38.
'여신'김연아|TKRTV - Duration: 2:32.
Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...
Người Lạ Ơi - KARIK x Orange | H-FaMeK ft TĐ (COVER) - Duration: 3:35.
Luis Fonsi vs. Joan Smalls - Puerto Rican Pride🇵🇷! | Lip Sync Battle Preshow - Duration: 6:19.
- Alright, Mrs. Smalls.
You are very beautiful,
and you're a proud Puerto Rican,
and I really wanna meet you.
But today, today you're going down.
You are going down!
Everything else, you got me beat.
But today, (laughs) in this show, you're goin down.
(uptempo electronic music)
- Hello, lippers of sync.
Welcome to the LSB pre-show, I'm Elliott Morgan.
- And I'm Lee Newton.
And this week we have a collision of worldwide mega-stars,
both hailing from Puerto Rico.
We have Luis Fonsi and Joan Smalls.
Oh, did you just change while I was talking?
- I did, I get kind of intimidated
when there's really beautiful people on the show,
so I cope by changing clothes.
- Gonna be one of those days, huh?
- Yeah. - Shit.
Let's check in with our co-host
with the co-most, Niki DeMartino.
You never change when I'm around.
- I've changed before when you're around.
- Hey guys, it's Niki, and we're backstage
with the one and only Luis Fonsi.
- Hey, this is fun.
I love the show, I'm happy to be a part of it.
- Have you heard anything coming into this?
Like any warnings or what to look out for?
- Not really, they don't tell you much.
They just say, just stand up here and sing.
- Can you tease a little bit of your performance
without giving too much away?
- My first song is just kind of an exciting,
uptempo, get the crowd going kind of song.
And then the second song it's a little tribute
to a group of friends, some friends that I grew up with.
- [Niki] Ooh.
- Specifically one who I grew up with back in Orlando.
- Now, are you a former lip syncer?
Like in the shower?
In the car?
- Yes. - Insta story?
- Yeah, I mean, who isn't?
You're not?
- No, I totally am.
- Oh, I was about to say.
- I'm guilty of doing Despacito on my...
- Really, can you do it and I'll sing it?
- With my friends.
Oh my god, I'm only good at the one line.
♪ Despacito
- Now you lip sync it and I'll sing it.
You ready?
- Okay. - One, two...
♪ Despacito Quiero respirar-- ♪
Okay, we got the dance.
You got the dance part, that's all that matters.
- I do, I'm Cuban so I got the dance, but...
- It's kinda like a shimmy thing.
- Yes, so when you win it since we know you're gonna
win that belt...
- Of course, come on.
- What are you gonna do with it?
- I mean, you know, I don't know.
I have to just sort of buy a case like that
and showcase it in front of my house.
- [Niki] Pretty legit.
- So when people come in, they're like ooh, look at that.
You have to exhibit it, you know?
Put some lighting--
- Are you gonna replace that with your Latin Grammy?
- Ooh, that's a tough question. (laughs)
We'll put 'em side by side, how's that?
- Okay so, let the competition bring out the ugly.
You've been super nice, but this is time
to get your claws out
and do some trash talking into this camera.
- Alright, Mrs. Smalls.
You are very beautiful,
and you're a proud Puerto Rican,
and I really wanna meet you.
But today, today you're going down.
You are going down.
Everything else, you got me beat.
(Niki laughs)
But today, in this show, you're going down.
- Love it.
- Still kinda nice though, right?
- It is, you were nice, but kinda scary at the same time.
- Alright. (both laugh)
- Oh, he is so cool just like I try to be.
I wonder who his friend in Orlando is.
I bet if we did a little bit of detective work--
- I'm in!
Flight's booked, Morgan!
- What?
- Oh yeah, Orlando's waiting, buddy.
Another globe-trotting, whirlwind adventure.
This time it's the case of the Fonsi Florida Friend.
- Lee, I was just gonna do some research on my phone.
- Oh, oh yeah that works too.
- 'Cause you know we have to like actually
keep filming all this stuff.
But cool hat, though.
On that note, let's check in
with our co-host Niki DeMartino and Joan Smalls.
- So I guess I'm just gonna eat the miles on that?
- Yeah.
- Hey guys, it's Niki and we're backstage
with the supermodel Joan Smalls.
- (laughs) Hi.
- So how's this experience been for you?
- I mean, it's been amazing and nerve-wracking
at the same time, 'cause I've never done anything
like this ever.
But I feel pretty confident and the fact that I'm
Puerto Rican, you know, we have like that, Latina.
We're like born dancing and we're always like with music
and moving our hips so...
- I'm Cuban, I understand.
- Exactly, you know what I'm talking about!
- I understand.
How do you feel about going against Luis Fonsi?
- Um, it's bittersweet.
I'm torn because he's a fellow Puerto Rican
so I have kind of like a soft spot for him,
but this is game time.
- When you win that belt, because I'm feeling like
you're gonna be winning that belt--
- I hope so, from your lips to God's ears.
- Where are you gonna put it?
What are you gonna do with it?
- Ooh, can I wear it on the airplane?
Or do I have to like take it off
before I go through security?
- Oh, you know what, that might set off the alarms.
- It might set it off, okay.
- It might. (laughs)
- I mean, we'll see.
We'll figure it out.
- So it's time to let the competition bring out
the ugly and talk into this camera
to Luis and tell him why he should fear
your performance and why you're gonna win that belt.
- Ooh.
Luis, I like you.
Um, you're a fellow Puerto Rican,
but it's game time.
And good luck, 'cause you're going to need it.
- Okay, so Joan actually brings up a really great point
about traveling with the LSB belt,
which all champions have to do.
So we thought we would do a little demonstration
for you guys to show you
how best to get your belt through TSA.
By the way, this is the actual Lip Sync Battle belt,
it's not just a piece of cardboard
with some marker on it, okay?
There's just something wrong with your computer screen.
- [Lee Over A Loudspeaker] First,
remove the belt horizontally.
Do not let it touch the ground
as Chrissy and L.L. will sense it.
Next, remove your shoes.
Place them in a separate bin
so as not to get your dirty, dirty stench
all over the belt.
- I don't have a dirty, dirty stench.
- [Lee Over A Loudspeaker] Next, place your suitcase
on the table.
Your suitcase with all your weird stuff in it.
- Okay, wait a minute.
I feel like there's--
- [Lee Over A Loudspeaker] You know,
your butt cream and stuff.
- Okay, Lee, what's going on?
- Hey, you shoulda gone to Orlando with me.
- Okay, I'm sorry, but this isn't about us.
This is about Luis and Joan
and their epic, upcoming battle.
- You're right, I lost sight again.
Let's, let's land this damn bird.
- Let's do it.
- Guys, tune in this week
to see if Fonsi is cool enough to freeze up the competition
- Or will Smalls continue to be killing me
with an epic lip sync victory?
- And, of course, subscribe to our YouTube Channel,
leave a comment down below.
- We love you guys.
- But we're not in love with you.
- Nope.
DRDO Successfully Carries Out Test Flight of Rustom 2 Drone - Duration: 1:50.
India's premier defence research institute DRDO today carried out "successful" test flight
of its Rustom 2 drone, a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), at Chalakere
in Karnataka's Chitradurga district.
Rustom 2 is being developed on the lines of predator drones of the US to carry out surveillance
and reconnaissance (ISR) roles for the armed forces with an endurance of 24 hours, officials
"DRDO successfully flew its Rustom 2 today at its Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) at Chalakere
at Chitradurga.
This flight assumes significance due to the fact that this is the first flight in user
configuration with higher power engine," a statement read.
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said the test flight was "successful"
and all its parameters were "normal".
Rustom 2 is capable of carrying different combinations of payloads like synthetic aperture
radar, electronic intelligence systems and situational awareness payloads, officials
DRDO chairman S Christopher, its Director General of Aeronautical System CP Ramanarayanan,
DG Electronics and Communication Systems J Manjula and other senior scientists witnessed
the test flight.
The around Rs 1,500-crore UAV project was initiated considering requirement of the the
Army, Navy and Air Force.
The UAV has been designed and developed by Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE)
of the DRDO, and aerospace major Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd and Bharat Electronics Ltd
are its production partners.
L'ouest Américain - Région des lacs | ROAD TRIP PÈRE-FILS - Duration: 3:49.
We had to make a one-day detour to get to the other side of the mountain
we spent the night at Lake Tahoe. and I can tell you my dad and I have rarely been so cold
The next day we took the road again
and on the way to other lakes we had this discussion about my generation
My father thought we should not blame ourselves, we ultra connected travelers
that it was finally this way to organize our trip to the best of our ability
so you never miss anything on the road. so it projected us on many other topics of conversation
especially about what I wanted to do when I returned at the end of all his travels
we also talked about my travelers that I was exchanged on us young explorer who finally realized our dreams
like justin
I have been very respectful of since our last meeting
besides my father about it asks a lot of questions about his 4x4
while I'm talking about meetings in Asia
that my father and I care about different things it's fun
I must tell you about Bodie. a ghost town on the other side of the Sierra Nevada
It was both a desolate landscape is impressive
this mining town of the end of the 19th was completely abandoned at the beginning of the last century following a fire
Time has come to a standstill here and they have left everything behind
On the road we had as a backdrop this mountain. grand. that we had to go around to get here
I had heard of a place on a lake that was experiencing a strange phenomenon
it was wonderful
and we got there just before the sun went down
it's concretions, a limestone ama coming out of the water. they are visible because big cities like los angeles
good all fresh water in the area the size of the lake has been divided by 60 since the last ice age
The sun goes down and it was time for us to take the road again this time from the valley of death
湖南卫视《歌手2018》最新一期:教科书级的结石姐,顶尖的腾格尔 - Duration: 3:36.
Red Sparrow : Jennifer Lawrence prête à trahir son pays dans une nouvelle featurette - Duration: 2:14.
Dany Boon refuse de prendre parti dans l'affaire du testament de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 2:51.
David Hallyday sort du silence pour prendre la défense de ses « deux petites sœurs » Jade et Joy - Duration: 3:04.
Patrick Issahakian - Invincible...
발키리 레오나 스킨 인게임 - 전쟁의 처녀|K-News - Duration: 3:44.
강철의 솔라리 레오나 스킨 인게임 - 매의 형상|K-News - Duration: 3:43.
수영장 파티 레오나 스킨 인게임 비키니|K-News - Duration: 3:23.
Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace 2/25/18 | Fox News Today | February 25, 2018 - Duration: 47:54.
✔✔ [올림픽] 붐비는 올림픽스타디움 앞 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 1:08.
올림픽 끝나면 '나혼자산다' 출연할 것 같은 평창 스타 선수 8명 - Duration: 7:12.
BLABLA HS | AIMER LA KPOP C'EST MAL ? - Duration: 12:22.
Hello ! To answer the title's question
the answer is... no! That's it. Thanks for watching, don't forget to subscribe, add a thumb up, etc ~
No, seriously, I'm going to talk a little about my opinion about K-Pop
and how it is viewed in Europe.
Because last October
that is to say October 2017
I started to listen to EXO
which is a Korean group... of pop.
So, a K-Pop group.
So it's not been a long time since I'm listening to this kind of music
because before listening to EXO, I never listened to any K-Pop group in my life.
And I must admit that I didn't expected some things
when I started to listen following EXO.
Number 1 : contempt toward fans
I had to face something I hadn't faced since highschool, at least
because apparently, there is a rule
that says, somewhere, that
if you're a girl, you're not allowed to follow a certain type
of groups, with only men
because if you do, you are inevitably a groupie or a fangirl
And I find that very stupid because
personnally, I only listen to men-only groups
and I only heard the word "fangirl" in certain - very specific - situations
that is to say, when the men are more or less my age
and are
quite good-looking ~
Because yeah, apparently, as long as the men are handsome, we don't care if they make good music
all that matters in their physical appearance, everything else, well... pffrt ~
But well, I don't know for you
but personnally, if I listen to some music
it's for... the music. Yeah.
Indeed, if the artists are attractive, it adds a little someting
but it's not the main point.
And the thing that makes me laugh is that, most of the time it's men who use that word
to describe female fans
but I'm pretty sure
that many men have already listen to some female singers
only because they were really pretty.
Don't try to fool us, men who listen to women such as Rihanna, Beyoncé...
don't try to make me believe that it's only because they make good music.
So the contempt hidden behind the criticism expressed in the word "fangirl"
makes me really upset.
Because, yeah, K-Pop members are... young
and pretty handsome.
But it doesn't prevent them from doing good music, and it doesn't prevent their fans
from listening to them because they do a good job.
And not only because they are handsome.
As for me, I never considered myself a fangirl
I mean, I won't faint if I see a member of the group I follow and like
because they are only normal human beings...
And when I listen to them with my headphones
I don't see their faces, obviously, so
if they do shitty music, I won't listen to them.
Even if they are very good-looking.
Then, there is another thing that I didn't understand, and
one of the reasons I'm so happy to be in Japan now
it's that kind of contempt/hate towards K-Pop
in Europe, at least.
Because, before listening to K-Pop
I already heard things said by people like
"' 'ell, it's so bad dude, so commercial, blablabla ~"
and people criticize without any real justification
because arguments such as "it's very commercial"
POP is very commercial.
American pop, Korean pop, French pop, whatever country pop
IS commercial.
And that's why if you listen to many American pop songs
you will have the sensation that they sound the same
because their goal is to appeal as many people as they can
and to be popular
that's why it is called pop. Indeed.
Moreover, I find this argument quite hypocritical for two reasons
the first one is that, it's not because you make "commercial" music that it's necessarily bad.
And secondly, honestly, I'm sorry but
for me, Korean pop
is way better than the American pop.
Because if you listen to different K-Pop groups
they will probably have similar aspects, but many things won't sounds alike
Only talking about EXO
they have many different styles
Well, indeed they are based on the same things
you take more or less ten cute guys, you make them dance, you make them sing
and here you are !
It also works for girls, I only talk about masculine K-Pop because
I only listen to masculine K-Pop but it works both ways.
And what bothers me is that
I'm pretty sure this contempt comes from two things
the first one is that, Korea, and Asia
are a different world and a different culture that
look very far when you're in France
so many people don't know anything about it
and when people don't know something, most of the time, they like to criticize it
that's how it is...
It's easier to criticize than to try to understand it or have some interest about it
And the second point is that people tend to forget that
mentalities and behaviours
are different from one country to another
and so - I take France as an example because it's the one I know better -
so, if in France
people will get offended because two guys hug each other
or because men put make-up on
in Korean, nobody cares
because apparently, in Korea they are less stupid...
Firstly, nobody ever said that only women could wear make-up
and secondly, I may teach something to some of you
when two girls hug, nobody cares or assumes than they are lesbians
well, when two men hug
it can also be the same ! It's not because they hug that they want to have sex together.
And even if it was the case, it's their business, it does not prevent them from being good artists
and afterall, we don't care, because it's their personnal life !
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