So what are these for? Butterfly backstroke breaststroke and freestyle.
Are we gonna win more this year? Yes!
Morning good morning everyone it's a
beautiful morning in Melbourne actually you remember do you guys remember I used to
start every video saying hello flying friends
hello again flying friends, flying friends I'm flying friends.
I don't do that anymore let me know if you want me to bring that back happy to do
that again. Sadly we're not actually flying today I've got a bunch of errands
that I need to run around Melbourne but whilst I'm doing that I wanted to chat
you about something which is gonna be a little bit tricky to talk about bearing
in mind how much I love Qantas. But I think it needs to be said. Actually got
quite a lot of travel booked this year already and that's part of the point of
this video is there's quite a few trips coming up. In just under two weeks time
gonna be out in Sri Lanka spending some time over there in Colombo and also
hopefully heading out to the Maldives as well which I've never been to before. But
the main point of telling all this is because this was all booked through a
double status credits promotion that Qantas had. So windy this morning
probably a good thing we're not flying actually. This is then gonna be a story
about status credits now well to be technical this is a story about frequent
flier miles but how status credits are really
important to help you get the most frequent flyer miles that you can for
every flight that you're doing. But before I get into too much detail here's
a really quick he's a really quick 30-second overview with very expensive
graphics explaining what exactly are status credits.
When you fly from here to
here you earn frequent flyer miles for every mile that you fly. You also
earn status credits for the same leg. Now when you earn status credits and over 12
months the more flights you do and the more status credits you earn determines
which status credit tier you end up at. But the trouble is if you don't get to a
certain level by the time your year ends your points reset to 0 again and you're
back to 0. A big thank you as well to my daughter who did provide the graphics
and the artwork for that sequence. And the plane! And the plane.
That's the real reason why we're not flying today because I blew the budget
on that amazing demonstration and all those graphics.
So why collect status credits and frequent flyer miles well it's twofold
status credits are great because you obviously get the benefits that come
with the different levels of status. So for example if you get gold with Qantas
you can get into all of their lounges in the airports around Australia and around
the world and you don't have to pay so you save that seven six hundred dollars
however much it is for the annual fee. You go up another tier you go up to
platinum you get access to all the first class lounges around the world as well.
But let's not forget the goal here at the end of the day is frequent flyer
miles that's what we want here that's what you can exchange to actually go
places you can exchange to get upgrades. And as you know with my obsession with
travel and flying that's kind of my objective here. But the higher your
status credit level the more frequent flyer miles you get for the same flight.
Let me give you an example if you do a normal flight which is going to earn you
a thousand frequent flyer miles at the bronze status you'll get a thousand
miles for that flight if you go up a tier and you get silver status you
get a fifty percent bump on top. Gold gets seventy five percent on top and Platinum
actually gets a hundred percent so you get double the points for the same
flight that you're doing if you're a bronze frequent flyer compared to if
you're a platinum frequent flyer. Also side note, it is really hard to say
frequent flyer so many times in the video apologies if I've said flequent a
lot of times I think I'd I think I did. Also realized I really need a haircut
there's a place over there I might go Anyway the point of this video is that I
want to warn you about something you may not otherwise know with status credits
and that is to do with when you take a flight and when you actually earn those
status credits to your account and the timing of when you take a flight and
when those status credits come into your account is critical.
This is not a sponsored video for Abacus they're just a very good coffee shop in
Melbourne and I got my coffee unnecessary pastry. So status credits now
the thing that you need to be aware of the thing that caught us out is when you
book a flight and you're expecting to get status credits as a result of that
flight especially when you're booking it during some kind of promotion and in our
case it was the double status credits promotion, you need to expect that those
status credits are going to appear in your account a fair time after you've
actually touched down. Now this caught us both by surprise because I fly a lot
between Sydney and Melbourne domestically right you get 10 status
credits between Sydney and Melbourne they appear in your account pretty much
by the time you leave the airport. Double status credits is different. When you're
expecting those status credits to come in so you can go up a tier before a
certain point in time you need to make sure that any bookings you're making are
made well before your year's going to end. So in our example we booked that
flight remember when I went to Singapore recently and I was doing that flight in
Seletar and we landed on January the 23rd and Jack my wife's status credit
year expires at the end of January. So there were seven days between landing
and when she was hopefully going to go up a tier. But because those status
credits didn't come in time she didn't actually get that upgrade to the next
tier. Now we followed up with Qantas obviously and we've spoken to them about
this and I will be honest Qantas have been really good in this whole thing.
They're looking at it for us and they're investigating what's going to
happen and we don't know either way whether she's going to get that upgrade
to the next tier. But I thought it's important so you guys know that if you
are relying on status credits to get yourself upgraded from one tier to the
other just make sure that you make that booking well before your year ends
because there's likely to be a delay between your wheels touching down and
the status credits actually appearing in your account. Okay more on that in a
second but first it's my daughter's swimming carnivals she's in the district
swimming carnival for her school so we need to go cheer her on.
I love Melbourne you know if there's one thing we're not short of
here in Melbourne its wide-open spaces. Look at this it's a vloggers dream it
gets you away from all the public on the street who's staring you when you're
pointing a camera at yourself. So what are what are my tips then knowing all
that what are my tips on if you are trying to look to build your status credits and
you don't want to get pinged with an issue like this? So number one don't do
what we did and book a flight which gets you to your destination a week
before your status credit year is up because that's obviously two close as
we proved in our situation. My second bit of advice is if you are gonna book and
if you have booked and if your status credit year is coming to an end and you
haven't got your points go to customer service before your year ends. I think
honestly the longer you leave it the less chance you're gonna get of actually
getting those status credits approved to your account. And my final tip if you
have earned points and you haven't seen them in your account yet there's a
facility where you can jump online and you can put in a points claim request so
that's where you... I just spat on the lens. So you've put in the claim for your points
you've reached out to customer service you've basically done everything you can
to remind the airline that you want to get those status credits. If anyone out
there is watching this who's actually from the airlines and has come across
this situation before and has got some additional tips for travelers leave a
comment in the comments below and you can kind of give us your official line
on what we should be doing as passengers to make sure this doesn't happen to us.
And next up on the channel well we've got another couple of flights coming up
in the Cirrus the SR22 is going to get another workout. I'm trying to take it
down to an airfield that I was told never to land at that should be an
interesting one if I can get permission to go in there. Also want to take the
SR22 overwater I want to try and get it down to King Island and that's about
half an hour over water but I haven't told my missus that so that's between
you and me okay.
For more infomation >> Status Credits - a WARNING for travellers - Duration: 8:47.-------------------------------------------
Arts : Banner Minecraft | Banner 3D | Intro 3D | And More - Duration: 0:36.
if you want the banner Minecraft Send me the [discord] My Name in The Description And the Price is $ 10
Thx For Watching <3
Loredana Lecciso e Al Bano Carrisi: Lei a Cellino San Marco e lui in Germania con Romina Power - Duration: 3:11.
Simple and Incredibly delicious cake "Queen Esther" - Duration: 4:47.
Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G Dynamic + Navigatie ACTIE Voordeel - Duration: 0:41.
Homemade Shake Which 40-Year-Olds Use To Shrink Their Belly - Duration: 4:55.
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Homemade Shake Which 40-Year-Olds Use To Shrink Their Belly
There is no doubt that belly fat makes some people look quite unattractive, however, medical
experts explain that aside from the fact that excess weight isn't good for the appearance,
it also puts obese people at a higher risk of suffering from advanced and severe health
But the problem isn't anything that can't be fixed.
Since following a strict diet regimen or exercising isn't easy, many people wish that there
was some sort of a magic potion that could help them eliminate their belly fat.
Well what if we told you that we have a similar drink that could help do more than 50% of
the job for you – and no, it's not magic.
We suggest you take a look down below, as we are going to show you how to prepare a
homemade health-bomb shake which is nutritious and highly beneficial for your overall health.
Best of all is that it is low in calories and it will provide you with the energy and
vitamins your body needs throughout the day.
For the preparation of this shake, the following ingredients will be needed: lemon, ginger,
cucumber, and mint.
Lemon – It's extremely rich in vitamin C and B1.
In addition, lemon has high content of minerals that are vital for enabling proper functioning
of the body organs: magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, calcium, fluorine, and phosphorus.
Lemon provides you with the following health benefits:
Strengthens the immunity
Eliminates toxins from the organism
Regulates the glucose levels in the blood
It contains potent anti-bacterial properties
Precepts kidney stones
Accelerates the healing process of wounds
Lemon is commonly used for treatment of numerous health problems, such as colds, constipation,
acidosis, pneumonia, anemia, insomnia, flu, bronchitis, fever, cavities, asthma, kidney
stones, rickets, inflammation, aphonia, pleurisy, tonsillitis, and hypertension.
Cucumber – It's made of 96% water and is calorie-low.
(50 g of cucumbers has only 10 calories).
Cucumbers are extremely beneficial for weight loss regimen since it gives you a feeling
of satiety.
Health benefits of cucumbers:
Promotes the body detoxification
Natural diuretic – prevents fluid retention
Increases urination
Protects the stomach walls
Reforms the digestive system's mucus
Natural laxative – clean the intestines
Regulate the uric acid levels
Ginger – It is famous because of its specific flavor.
It provides various health benefits and because of that, it is commonly used for treatment
of numerous health issues.
Actually, ginger is rich in powerful anti-inflammatory features and contains amino acids, vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants.
It is used for treatment of:
Respiratory problems – (expel phlegm)
Common flu and colds
Digestive problems
Heart disease
Improves blood circulation
Menstrual symptoms
Mint – This aromatic herb has a wide range of uses in the traditional medicine.
It provides the following therapeutic benefits:
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory features, mint improves the respiratory system and treats
bronchitis and dry cough.
Being an antiseptic, mint prevents the expansion of harmful microorganisms which prohibit the
It contains ascorbic acid which eases the mucus expulsion
Mint is amazing for the skin since it treats eczema.
Fights stress
Combat flatulence.
Improves the blood circulation
Fights insomnia
Improves sleep quality
In traditional medicine, it's used for treatment of colds, flu, intestinal colic, diarrhea,
asthma, vomiting
Mint, Cucumber, and Ginger Lemonade
10 fresh peppermint or mint leaves
1 cucumber
4 lemons
1 ginger root
2 liters water
Preparation and use:
Cut one lemon into slices and remove their seeds.
Next, cut the cucumber and peel the ginger.
Then, cut it in slices, too.
Then, squeeze the remaining 3 lemons to get lemon juice.
Pour the water in a container and add the mint leaves, the lemon juice, cucumber slices,
lemon slices, and ginger slices.
Optionally, add stevia and store it in the fridge.
Let it cool down for at 6 hours.
When the mixture will be cooled, strain it and drink throughout the whole day.
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뉴스 피처링(2017.6.26) 최순실, 한미정상회담, '신 부적격 3인방'|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 16:40.
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Best Piston Cup Wipeouts
Hyuna X Hui (Triple H) | there's nothing holdin' me back - Duration: 3:57.
He was very shy towards me at first, but after seeing me like that,
We're cool now.
Well, when Noona asks for something,
she looks at you with those eyes that you can't say no to
Can you show us that look?
Hui, that thing~ you should do that!
Something like this...
When you see her eyes like that...
You can't refuse
TANDEM - La culture sans handicap (l'intégrale) - Duration: 25:55.
Station Thermale BUKOWINA | Chocolaterie WEDEL | Un café avec des CHATS - Duration: 4:40.
Hi guys ! How are you today ?
It's a pleasure to talk to you as usual!
Today guys new vlog
Were're going to...
Today we're going to Bukowina
The place I already told you about in the mountains
I hope I said it well because I'm not sure about the pronunciation
We leave from Krakow and we have 1 hour drive
I'm going to film you all that!
We arrived in Bukowina
Just the time to wear my suimsuit and directly in the pool!
I just have to tell you something
It's forbidden fo film here
I'll try to do this discreetly
I looked for a place with less people
I'll do a little tour of the places
Sorry for the noise there are kids next to me
There are several pools
Some of them are warmer, others more for training
Here for example we are outside
It is -4, -5 ° C
The water is at 35 ° C (maybe even more ^ ^)
That's so dope ! Really crazy
Just have a look
That's it ! We stayed here during 3 hours
We are going to have dinner in the hotel now
And then we'll see the room
We just came back from breakfast
Today is the 14th of February
It's Valentine's Day
And we are going to the restaurant!
We came back from the mountain
We arrived in Krakow
We are going and I'll show you today two places that I like
The first is the Wedel Chocolaterie
And the second is a coffee with cats
Really nice
I'll show you all that!
Imminent destruction
Well, back in Warsaw
There are almost 3 weeks since I haven't been in a good routine
So now I'm going to eat clean again, train hard and rest well
To build muscle
And try to reduce the damages
Because my shape is really worse now
During these two weeks I guess that I am going to start classes at the Uni
And then in two weeks I go to Budapest
So new video
Now i am going home and then to the gym
I hope you enjoyed the video
If this is the case as usual do not hesitate to like comment and share
And don't forget eat clean, train hard and rest well!
Soy Luna 2 Rey řekne Sharon co k ní cítí [EP 76] - Duration: 2:19.
Publishing Fiction on Kindle - Duration: 10:55.
publishing fiction on Kindle we are gonna talk about it come on
hey guys it's K-Ninja here and today we're gonna be talking about publishing
fiction on Kindle so a lot of people who are into publishing nonfiction when they
get into fiction it's kind of a different beast and a lot of people
think you can't make money in fiction and let me tell you nothing could be
further from the truth if you really want to follow the big
money in publishing the big money is actually in fiction and I would go so
far as to say that fiction is actually better than nonfiction and I'll tell you
why so the first reason I like fiction better is because there's just more
money in it in general it's just a much bigger market than nonfiction like 90%
of what's on the Kindle Store is actually fiction so those readers when
they're looking to buy something they're looking for fiction so fiction is the
area where you want to be its truly huge as compared with nonfiction and if you
don't believe that all you have to do is look at the categories that are
available look at the genres that are available and what you'll find is that
most of the categories or genres out there are fiction most of what the world
is reading is fiction and most of the big money in publishing is in fiction
I'm talking the really big money look no further than the top 100 books on the
Kindle Store and out of that top 100 how many books are fiction and how many
books are nonfiction and based on that I think you'll see what I'm talking about
now what scares a lot of people out of fiction is that they don't really
understand it and I'm here to say to be a successful publisher and fiction
you don't have to understand the whole of fiction you just have to understand
one niche in fiction that's all you need you need to find one good niche that you
can publish books in and you can dominate that niche and if you're able
to dominate a niche in fiction you're gonna do really well especially if
you're dominating a profitable niche now the reason people cling to nonfiction is
because it's a lot more clear-cut if I want to publish a book in dog training
for example the keywords are very easy to figure out you know you might have to
do a little bit of research there might be some keywords that a lot of people
miss that you can find that could be profitable but for the most part the
keywords and nonfiction are very easy to figure out after you know what you're
looking for as far as keywords go and you've spent a few hundred hours
searching the Kindle Store you'll have found some pretty good keywords and if
you didn't find good keywords then you need to spend a few more hundred hours
checking keywords and you'll eventually find some good news it's just a matter
of time that's all it is with nonfiction it's how much time you put into it
now with fiction however it's actually an entirely different beast
you have to understand the niche that you're in now that doesn't mean that you
have to write in the niche that you're in but if you can write in that niche
you're gonna be better for it though it's perfectly fine to outsource the
writing aspect and use ghost writers it doesn't really matter how you get the
book written but what's key is that you understand the niche so if you're the
writer you have to understand what you're writing if you're outsourcing you
have to be able to read the material that the ghostwriter is giving you
and understand what's going on there and if it's actually gonna be a good book in
the niche that you're putting it out in but yeah the keywords in fiction they're
not very clear-cut at all it's the furthest thing from an exact science as
you could possibly have so when you're looking for keywords and fiction in
order to be successful you've got to think outside the box
you've got to analyze the trends that they're going on with the books in your
niche and if you really analyze the trends you're gonna eventually see
patterns within those trends and the keywords that will take you to the top
will become very apparent to you and what's great about publishing in fiction
is that most of the people publishing and fiction do not know what they're
doing so if you're a savvy publisher going in the fiction you can totally
outdo your competition especially when it comes to things like optimizing your
book for keywords and tickling Amazon's algorithm when I say tickling Amazon's
algorithm I'm talking about making Amazon's algorithm work in your favor I
like to use the word tickle because it kind of feels like that's what you're
really doing when you do it but I digress
so with nonfiction while it may seem easier at first and it is in a way much
easier because everything is kind of clear-cut you just got to do the
research to find some hidden gem of a niche for yourself and then from there
it doesn't take much to rocket yourself into that niche and seize it but as soon
as you think you got a hold of it you've got competitors right under you right on
your back that wanna take you out now if you found some rare truly hidden gem of
a niche in nonfiction a niche that's not so apparent
people who are researching nonfiction keywords then you might be able to hold
that top spot for quite some time maybe a few months maybe a year maybe a
few years but eventually your competitors are gonna find it and
they're gonna be implementing the same tactics that you implement for the most
part but the point is that the nonfiction your competition is a bunch
of savvy publishers and they're all fighting for that piece of the pie not
so different than throwing a piece of meat into a den of lions and watching
them battle it out over it and may the strongest lion win and that's kind of
how it is in nonfiction you can rule some of the jungle some of the time but
you can't rule all of the jungle all of the time or even to rule some of the
jungle all of the time is impossible in nonfiction it feels like every time I
get to the top of something I've got competitors biting on my heels
trying to take me down and more often than not you're gonna deal with that in
nonfiction sometimes you even have to make a judgment call as to whether
you're gonna add more fuel to the fire behind your book or it could be easier
to shoot one very well sniper shot to sink your competitors book sometimes it
takes two shots sometimes it takes three or four shots it really depends on how
much scheme they got backing them and if you know what I'm talking about then
you're likely a nonfiction publisher because a fiction publisher has no idea
what I'm talking about when I say that but yeah a nonfiction publisher that
really knows what they're doing a highly successful nonfiction publisher that
takes the time to learn a niche in fiction and I mean really learn it and
step into that thing it's like the terminator just walked into a field of
helpless baby chicks an absolute slaughter it's over and that savvy
publisher will dominate that fiction niche now not
every niche in fiction is so easy to dominate I should say you have to know
what you're looking for but you've got so many more niches in fiction than you
do in nonfiction and the vast majority of those are untouched it's ripe fruit
for the taking and if you got that eye of the tiger that bit of sharpness in
you then you smell the blood when you see it and you know when you see it I
can totally step into this thing and take over this niche at least that's how
I feel about it but yeah I don't even consider myself a
nonfiction publisher anymore I've got zero the little competition every niche
that I eye that I know I can get into I don't get into it unless I know I can
take it over and I get that feeling of knowing that I can take over a niche a
lot more in fiction than I ever got nonfiction though I have taken over
quite a few niches in the nonfiction don't get me wrong it's an entirely
different battleground with different players it's just like I said you're
like a terminator walking into a field of helpless baby chicks anyway the
keywords yeah that's gonna be the challenge for you I don't care if you
think you know fiction or if you don't know it the keywords will be the
challenge for you well once you figure that out it opens up a whole new realm
of possibilities I don't know about you but when I think about fiction I smell
blood anyway that's all for this video if you want to know a little bit more
about what I think of fiction in my strategies on it then click the little
card up here and you'll find some of my other videos on that and if you want
some really advanced strategies about making money publishing then check out
the link to my course in the description and once again if you're into self
publishing in any way shape or form then hit that subscribe button and hit the
little Bell so you get notifications because self-publishing is all this
channel talks about see you in the next one
K-Ninja out
Pentagon - Candy (H.O.T) [ENGLISH SUBS] {CC: Fan notes} - Duration: 2:19.
I introduce to you our dancemachine Dawnieee
How can I take him serious with that hat?!
Calling together his dwarf friends
Definition of cuteness: Yuto
Yo Yeo One is it a bit windy out there?
He is so freaking handsomeee damn
No Kino.. I told you many time... You won't get candy if you act so childish
NO THE CUTENESS WON'T WORK oh well actually it does..
Golden duo alert
Yesss please love us Universes...
I love this song so much
I hope so...
That moment when you get home from school
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