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I look at the young guys, you know, and I think, ill push myself, and I am keeping up, or
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Beating Some Bosses Today With FoxSpellCaster | Bloodborne - Duration: 3:39:13.
II Preezytube II Vlogg #4 - Duration: 7:09.
How to choose a real estate agent that's right for you - Duration: 5:10.
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Hi everyone and welcome to another
edition to Homebuyer's School. Today I'm
joined by Eddie D'Ambrosio, a real estate agent
with REMAX Elite and today the question
we're gonna answer is: How do you
choose the right real estate agent?
So what's your advice in terms of
choosing the right real estate agent,
besides choosing you obviously, right? Oh yeah for sure, I think well I know most
of my clients find me through a friend, family member, and so I think referrals are
always such a great way to be introduced
to any professional that you're looking for.
If you've got a friend that has bought or
sold real estate and had a really great
experience with a particular realtor,
then often times that's a really easy way
to get introduced to someone that maybe you can have a little bit more trust
with right off the bat. But you - you do want to avoid the people
that say, "Hey my uncle's a real estate agent, you should use my uncle" but I'm
like - what are some of the things that you would suggest - like steps that you suggest
investigating to make sure it's the right one for you?
Yeah okay so let's - let's say you don't
know anyone who has bought or sold real estate and so you need to go about this
on your own. Then I think one of the first places that I would suggest would be get
online and - and Google real estate
agents in Edmonton, real estate agents in
Calgary, and and really get us - you know,
just take down some names, look through some profiles, read some bios, you know.
Different real estate agents may also specialize in different things like - like
maybe you can - if you're looking for a new home, you might want to find a new
home specialist. Someone who has experience with walking clients through
the process of building or purchasing a new home from a builder. And then - and
then also what you could do is meet some real estate agents, you know.
One of the things that I like to do is I'll
meet with my clients maybe for a coffee.
If they've got kids, meeting for an
ice-cream is a great idea and and just
having a conversation,
building trust right off the bat is so
important. You know, it's such a big purchase, you want to know that that real
estate agent's going to be looking out for your best interest, so just sitting
down and getting to know each other off the bat is a great - great idea.
Does it matter the real estate agent in
the type of home that you're looking to
buy? So whether it's a condo, townhome,
or single-family home? Or really doesn't matter, maybe just long as they
specialize those things? Or can it be generalists?
Yeah so I mean there are, I guess, a lot of generalists out there, real estate agents
that - that work amongst all sectors. So condo or single-family. Then there are
some - some real estate agents that are maybe more community focused as well,
so if you - if you tend to see the name of a real estate agent around your community
a little bit more. That may be a really good trusted person, knowing that they
know the community that you're interested in living in. I always say it
comes down to to trust. Have a conversation and - and you know, open
dialogue and communication right off the bat is really important so just see if
you can connect - if you connect with a person and you maybe interview a couple
or a few real estate agents then I think usually it's pretty obvious that there's
that - that one kind of standout that you just know you're going to work really
well with and - and that that winning
combination will make for a great experience.
Well one of the things too, just before we close it off here. There are some points
where maybe that relationship, you know, started off great but then suddenly it's not
doing so well. And I think part of it too is having the confidence to change real
estate agents right? So I don't think you're locked into one necessarily for the entire
purchasing process right?
Yeah, you know and I think if you - if you
aren't seeing from your real estate agent what you expected then, what if -
one thing I would recommend off the bat is have that conversation and maybe just
bring that up and and you know, work -
work on it with that person because
usually you know, I can speak for myself.
You care about your clients and you want
to make sure that they're happy and
they're satisfied, they're enjoying the
process so if there's anything that you can do to make that better or - or improve
it, then it would be you know I know I would love to know about it so bring it
up, say something and you know,
let's make it - make it an awesome experience.
Great, thank you very much Eddie.
Thank you very much everyone for joining us and we'll catch you next time.
That's another edition of Homebuyer's
School. Tune in next time for more expert
tips and tricks and visit
homebuyersschool.ca to bring you one
step closer to finding your dream home.
As with everything, it would be great if you
like and share our videos. Also, please let
us know if you have any home buying
questions you want us to answer.
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